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        단독상사근염으로 발현한 비특이성안와염 1예

        한승수,김혜영.Seung Soo Han. MD. Hye Young Kim. MD 대한안과학회 2014 대한안과학회지 Vol.55 No.1

        Purpose: To report a case of idiopathic orbital inflammation presenting with isolated myositis of the superior oblique muscle. Case summary: A 57­year­old male presented with pain in his left eye and diplopia for three months. His past history was unremarkable except surgery for a thyroid nodule six months prior. At initial presentation, his corrected vision and intraocular pressure were normal. Biomicroscopy and fundus examination were unremarkable. Nasal side swelling of the left upper eyelid was observed, and 1.5­mm proptosis of the left eye was revealed on exophthalmometry. Two and four prism diopter right hypertropia were noted at up and right­up gaze, respectively. Axial and coronal orbital computed tomography (CT) showed enhancement of isolated superior oblique muscle hypertrophy in the left eye. Systemic work­up was negative for any inflammatory disease. A presumptive diagnosis of isolated myositis of superior oblique muscle was made, and the patient was started on 30 mg of oral prednisolone daily. Pain and diplopia disappeared and proptosis of the left eye decreased to 0.5 mm after one week of treatment. Orbital CT images obtained one month after treatment showed a significant decrease in size of the left superior oblique muscle. The steroid was tapered for two months, and the patient has shown no signs of recurrence for four months after cessation of treatment. Conclusions: Idiopathic orbital inflammation presenting with isolated myositis of the superior oblique muscle is very rare and has not been previously reported in Korea. A patient presenting with pain and diplopia was diagnosed as having isolated myositis of the superior oblique muscle based on CT scan, and good results were achieved with oral steroid therapy.

      • KCI등재후보

        Enalapril 에 의한 기침 발생율

        노승익(Seung Ik Roh),김명선(Myeong Seon Kim),김은실(Eun Sil Kim),서두선(Du Seon Seo),정내인(Nae In Jeong),이명숙(Myeong Suk Lee),한승수(Seung Soo Han),김광희(Kwang Hoi Kim),김윤권(Yoon Kweon Kim) 대한내과학회 1994 대한내과학회지 Vol.47 No.1

        Background: Enalapril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor that has been widely used in treating hypertension, congestive heart failure, DM and various renal diseases. Cough has been recognized as a side effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. Therefore we studied the incidence and the chracteritics of Enalapril induced cough in Korea. Method: The sixty eight patients with Enalapril who visited out-patients department of internal medicine, Han-Il General Hospital during the period from april 1992 to october 1992 were included in this study. In all patients careful history taking and review of chart was done. Patients with respiratory disease were excluded. The criteria of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor induced cough was that cough developed after administration of Enalapril and improved after discontinuing drug and readministration of drug induce resume of symptom. Resnlts: Subjects include 34 males, 34 females and their average age was 53.3 years, Diseases of theirs were hypertension (57 cases}, congestive heart failure (5 eases), various renal disease (28 cases) and 9 patients of them were smokers. Average drug dosage was 11.7 mg a day and average administration duration was 182 days. Of the 68 patients, 23 patients (33.8%) had chronic cough due to enalapril, which had 12 male and 11 female patients. The cough disappearing time after withdrawal of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors was average 7.8 days. In 16 patients (two thirds of them), cough disappeared within 4 days after drug withdrawal. 9 patients had to stop taking drug because of severe cough. Generally the characters of cough induced by angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors were dry, persistent, tickling and tended to develope especially at night, Conclusion: Cough is not uncommon side effect in angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor users. There fore clinician should consider angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor induced cough initially when cough developed after angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor administration.

      • KCI등재

        토마스 아퀴나스와 매매에 있어 하자의 고지 의무

        한승수(Han, Seung Soo) 한국법사학회 2017 法史學硏究 Vol.55 No.-

        토마스 아퀴나스의 신학대전에서 私法을 다루는 몇 개의 개소가 있는데, 그 중 제2부 제2편 77문의 소문 3.에서는 “매도인이 매도된 물건의 하자를 말하여야 하는 의무가 있는지” 즉, 하자의 고지의무가 다루어진다. 여기서는 숨겨진 하자와 명백한 하자를 구별하여, 숨겨진 하자의 경우 매도인이 그 존재를 알고 있는 경우 고지의무를 인정하고, 명백한 하자의 경우 이를 부정한다. 토마스 아퀴나스는 매매의 등가성에서 “정당한 가격”(iustum pretium)을 도출하지만, 하자의 고지의무는 주로 윤리적 의무를 기초로 도출하고 있다. 또한 물건의 하자와 외부적 상황을 구별하여 고지하여야 할 대상을 특정하고 있다. 이와 같은 토마스 아퀴나스의 결론의 저변에는 로마법이 존재한다. 12세기 초반 로마법 대전이 발견되면서 그 연구가 가속되어 토마스 아퀴나스의 시대인 13세기에는 그 전성기를 맞이하였기 때문이다. 이와 같은 로마법 연구의 급속한 발전은 비록 나라에 따라 다르지만 당대의 법문화 혹은 법인식에 엄청난 영향을 미쳤음이 분명하다. 이미 로마법에서는 명백한 하자와 숨은 하자를 구별하여 매수인 스스로 명백한 하자를 검수하고 그를 바탕으로 계약을 체결하도록 하고, 일정한 숨은 하자의 경우에는 매도인에게 고지의무를 지도록 했다. 이는 시장안찰관 고시에 의하여 마련된 제도로서, 현행 민법의 하자담보책임의 뿌리이다. 우리 현행 민법 체계도 하자의 고지의무에 있어 토마스 아퀴나스의 결론과 일치한다. 매수인 스스로가 매매 목적물을 확인할 의무는 당연히 전제되어 여러 법조문 및 판례에서 드러나거니와, 명백한 하자와 숨은 하자를 구별하여 처리하는 방식도 찾을 수 있다. 매매에 있어서는 ‘경험칙상’ 고지의무를 인정한 경우도 있고, 매매의 부수적 의무로서 고지의무를 인정한 경우도 있다. 이와 관련하여, 경우에 따라서는 불법행위책임이 문제되고, 또 경우에 따라서는 채무불이행책임이 문제된다. 이 논문에서는, 신학대전의 사료와 로마법 사료를 검토하고 현재의 판례의 태도를 확인하는 데에 그친다. 그 세 점을 이어나가는 연구 및 로마법의 각 개소와 우리 판례 각각을 보다 심도 있게 분석하는 연구는, 향후의 과제로 남겨 두기로 한다. There are a few questions reviewing private law in Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas, among which II-II q.77 a.3 is dealing with the question of ‘the seller has the obligation to inform the defect in the object sold.’ St. Thomas discriminates between ‘latent defect’ and ‘patent defect’, and in the case of ‘latent defect’ it is said that the seller has to inform the defect when he knows the existence, but in the case of ‘patent defect’ to the contrary. According to St. Thomas, though the ‘iustum pretium’ is drawn from the equivalence of the sale, the obligation to inform the defect is deducted from ethical duty. And he differs the defect of the thing from the outer circumstances. The base of the this conclusion must be Roman Law. In the early 12<SUP>th</SUP> century, discovering the ‘Corpus Iuris Civils’ accelerated the study of Roman Law, so that it has heyday in the 13<SUP>th</SUP> century. It is said that Roman Law has influenced a lot on the legal culture and legal recognition of european countries even though the extent would vary from country to country. In Roman Law, the distinction between patent defect and latent defect was accepted that the purchaser has to examine the object of the sale and buy it based on his scrutinization, and in the case of latent defect the seller knowing the existence of the defect has the obligation to inform. This responsibility system came from the edictum of aediles, which stays in our Civil Code as it was. The conclusion of our civil law is very similar to that of St. Thomas. Many provisons and cases are based on the notion that the buyer has the obligation to examine the object by himself, and the distinction between latent and patent defect can be found easily. In the cases of sales, some conceded the obligation according to empirical rules, and the others as an ancillary obligation of sale. Therefore, in some the tort was at issue, but in the others non-performance of the contract. This article ends up with grasp the meaning of the II-II q.77 a.3, the basic rule of Roman Law, and the conclusion of our civil law. The study to connect these three points and the exegese of the individual cases of the Roman Law and our precedents is left to the object of the following study.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        증식성당뇨망막병증에서 유리체절제술과 백내장병합수술 후 굴절력 예측

        한승수(Seung Soo Han),정은지(Eun Jee Chung) 대한안과학회 2015 대한안과학회지 Vol.56 No.5

        목적: 증식성당뇨망막병증 환자에서 유리체절제술과 백내장병합수술 전 목표 굴절력과 수술 후 실제 굴절력 사이에 어떤 차이가 있는지 분석하고, 굴절력에 영향을 미치는 요소에 대해 알아보고자 한다. 대상과 방법: 유리체절제술과 수정체초음파유화술 및 인공수정체삽입술을 동시에 시행한 환자 39명 44안을 대상으로 후향적 조사를 하였다. 술 전 A-scan 및 IOL Master를 이용하여 안구 길이 및 안구생체계측을 시행하고, 술 후 굴절력을 측정하여 목표 굴절력과 실제 굴절력을 비교하였으며 평균예측이상값과 평균절대예측이상값을 계산하였다. 또한 굴절력에 영향을 미치는 환자의 전신상태, 수술 과정 전, 후 인자들에 대하여 통계학적으로 분석하였다. 결과: 전체 44안의 A-scan 기준 술 후 3개월 평균예측이상값은 -0.23 ± 0.52 디옵터, 6개월의 평균예측이상값은 -0.23 ± 0.47 디옵터로 3개월 사이에는 유의한 변화가 없었다(p=0.959). 술 후 3개월의 평균절대예측이상값은 0.45 ± 0.35 디옵터, 6개월에서 0.40 ± 0.33 디옵터로 3개월 사이에 유의한 변화는 보이지 않았다(p=0.196). 두 가지 검사가 모두 가능하였던 20안에서 술 후 3, 6개월 평균예측이상값은 모두 A-scan을 기준으로 한 결과가 유의하게 작은 굴절이상값을 갖는 것을 확인할 수 있었다(p=0.002, 0.002). 술 전 당뇨병성신증 병발, 술 후 발생한 신생혈관녹내장이 부정확한 평균예측이상값 및 평균절대예측이상값과 유의한 연관성을 보였다. 결론: 증식성 당뇨망막병증에서 유리체절제술과 백내장병합수술은 허용할 만한 수준의 작은 굴절력 오차 범위 내의 결과를 보였다. 당뇨병성신증, 신생혈관 녹내장을 동반한 경우에서 술 후 부정확한 굴절력을 보이며, 기대하는 굴절력을 더 정확히 얻기 위해 광학적 생체계측과 초음파 모두를 사용하는 것이 바람직하겠다. <대한안과학회지 2015;56(5):737-744> Purpose: To evaluate the accuracy of intraocular lens (IOL) power estimation and the factors associated with outcome in eyes undergoing combined phacovitrectomy for proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Methods: We performed a retrospective case review of 39 consecutive patients (44 eyes) that underwent phacovitrectomy for proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Axial lengths were measured using ultrasound (A-scan) and/or optical biometry (IOL Master). Achieved and predicted refractions were compared to calculate the mean postoperative refractive prediction error (ME) and the mean absolute prediction error (MAE). Systemic conditions of patients and several preoperative and postoperative factors re-lated to the postoperative refraction were analyzed. Results: The ME of 44 eyes were −0.23 ± 0.52 diopters (D) and -0.23 ± 0.47 D after 3 and 6 months, respectively (range, -1.40~+0.79 D). There was no statistically significant difference in the refractive outcomes between the refractive errors (p = 0.959). The MAEs were 0.45 ± 0.35 D and 0.40 ± 0.33 D after 3 and 6 months, respectively with no statistical significant differ-ence between the results (p = 0.196). When comparing ME in the 20 eyes that achieved both results, ultrasound was more accu-rate than optical biometry (p = 0.002, 0.002). The factors associated with more inaccurate ME and MAE after phacovitrectomy were diabetic nephropathy and neovascular glaucoma. Conclusions: Combined phacovitrectomy in proliferative diabetic retinopathy showed small biometric errors within the tolerable range in most cases. Patients with neovascular glaucoma and diabetic nephropathy had more inaccurate postoperative re-fractive power. Both optical biometry and ultrasound should be used to estimate axial lengths for improving the accuracy of IOL power calculation. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2015;56(5):737-744

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        임대인 지위의 공동상속과 보증금반환의무 - 대법원 2021. 1. 28. 선고 2015다59801 판결 -

        한승수(Han, Seung-Soo) 한국민사법학회 2021 民事法學 Vol.97 No.-

        우리 대법원은 임대차계약이 존속중에 임대인이 사망하여 상속이 일어난 경우인 대상판결의 사안에 관하여 공동상속인의 보증금 반환채무는 불가분채무라는 점을 밝힘으로써, 다소간 불명확했던 점을 명확히 하였다. 기존에 하급심 판결에서는 견해가 나뉘어 있었고 대상판결의 하급심에서도 가분채무로서 상속인들에게 분할되어 귀속된다고 보았다. 원심은 공동 ‘상속’에 방점을 두고 공동임대인과 구별하여 기존 상속 법리에 따라 접근했고, 대법원은 공동 ‘임대’에 방점을 두고 가분채무의 상속인과 구별하여 기존 임대차 법리에 따라 접근하였다고 볼 수 있다. 기존에 우리 판례는 분할이 가능한 금전지급채무 등 가분채무라고 하더라도 수인이 부담하는 채무가 불가분적으로 누리는 이익의 대가이거나 불가분급부의 대가로서의 의의를 가지는 경우 채무의 성질상 불가분채무로 인정하여 그 담보력 강화를 꾀하여왔고, 그러한 대표적인 예로 공동임대인의 보증금 반환채무를 불가분채무로 판단한 것을 들 수 있다. 대상판결의 결론은 그러한 경향과 궤를 같이 하는 것으로 이해된다. 대상판결의 결론에 찬성한다. 그런데 대상판결에서는 상가건물임대차보호법 규정에 따라서 임대인의 지위가 상속인들에게 이전되는 것을 그와 같은 판단의 근거로 삼았다. 그러나 임대차계약이 존속중인 이상 위 법률이 아니더라도 계약 당사자로서의 지위는 승계될 수 있다. 또한 대상판결의 사안과 달리 임대차계약이 종료한 이후에 임대인이 사망한 경우에 있어서는 아직 명확한 결론이 나온 바가 없지만, 성질상 불가분채무를 넓게 인정하여 온 기존 판례의 취지에 따르면 임대차보증금 반환의무는 일종의 불가분채무라고 할 것이므로 임대차계약이 존속중인지 여부에 영향이 없다고 판단된다. 향후 그와 같이 임대차보증금 반환채무의 성질을 검토한 판례가 나올 것을 기대한다. Our Supreme Court decided that the joint heir s obligation to return the deposit is an indivisible obligation in the event of inheritance due to the death of the lessor while the lease contract continues. Before this judgment, it was unclear because there was no previous Supreme Court ruling. Previously, opinions were divided in the judgment of the lower courts, and in the lower court of the target judgment it was considered that it was divided and attributed to the heirs as a divisional obligation. We can say that the lower court approached according to the existing inheritance law, focusing on joint “inheritance”, and the Supreme Court approached according to the existing lease law, focusing on joint “lease”. Previously, Korean precedents have attempted to strengthen security by recognizing it as an indivisible obligation due to the nature of the obligation if the obligation borne by several people is in return for the inextricable profits or the price of inextricable fulfillment. A representative example of this is the judgment of the joint lessor s obligation to return the deposit as an indivisible obligation. It is understood that the conclusion of the target judgment is in line with that trend. I agree with the conclusion of the target judgment. Meanwhile, the transfer of the lessor s status to the heirs in accordance with the provisions of the Commercial Building Lease Protection Act was used as the basis for such judgment. However, as long as the lease contract persists, the status as a party to the contract may be inherited even if it is not under the above law. Contrary to the target judgment, there is no clear conclusion yet in the case where the lessor dies after the lease is terminated, but according to the purpose of the existing precedents, the obligation to return the lease deposit is a kind of indivisible obligation. It is expected that there will be precedents dealing with the nature of obligation to return the deposit in the future.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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