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      • 基于文献计量的冷链物流研究进展与发展态势研究

        ,芳芳(Fangfang Chen),陆,庆,锦(Qingjin Lu),曹庆,楼(Qinglou Cao) 동아시아무역학회 2020 Journal of East Asian Trade(JEAT) Vol.2 No.2

        冷链物流是随人们生活水平的提高,为适应人们对生鲜食品高质量要求而产生发展的,是在低温环境下保证产品新鲜和质量的高要求的物流服务体系。通过知网采集南大核心期刊论文(CSSCI)产出数据,对冷链物流的文献数量、主要机构、高发作者、学科分布情况等几个方面进行了系统的分析。使用VOSviewer分析工具软件,绘制出冷链物流研究图谱,通过对关键词的分析进行聚类分析得出当前冷链物流着重关注: “冷链”、“食品冷链”、“水产品”、“冷链物流”、“农产品冷链”、“生鲜农产品”等。进而对以上的关键词进行分类研究、统计、分析,并在此基础上对未来冷链物流进程进行规划展望,提出建议: 宏观层面国家应大力宣传冷链物流知识,冷链物流企业应该完善基础设施设备提高冷链物流管理技术和方法,大众应提高对冷链的认识,在生活中学会合理、有效的利用冷链,保证生活品质。 Purpose - The purpose of this paper is Study the research progress and development trend of cold chain logistics in China and plan the cold chain logistics process in the future on this basis. Design/Methodology/Approach -Based on data are CSSCI papers chosen from CNKI. Then a systematic analysis on the quantity, major institutions, high-yield authors and subject distribution of literature concerning cold chain logistics is carried out. In the meantime, VOSviewer analysis tool is adopted to draw a research map of cold chain logistics. Findings - This paper studies the occurrence frequency of the keyword “cold chain logistics” is the highest, followed by “cold chain” and “fresh agricultural products”. Networks centered on “cold chain logistics” cover a wide range and are closely related. There are many links between cold chain logistics keywords. Research Implications - In the management of this paper, From macroscopic aspects, the government should vigorously popularize the knowledge of cold chain logistics. Cold chain logistics companies should improve infrastructure, management technologies and methods of cold chain logistics. The public should improve their understanding of the cold chain, and learn to use it reasonably and effectively in life, thus ensuring the quality of life. provide reference for other scholars’ follow-up research.

      • KCI등재

        뷰티미용전공 중국대학생들의 창업의도 영향요인에 관한 연구

        ,晓,宇(Xiao-Wu Chen),이재하(Jae-Ha Lee) 한국인체미용예술학회 2021 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구는 뷰티 및 미용을 전공하고 있는 중국대학생들을 대상으로 개인특성과 환경요인이 그들의 창업의도에미치는 영향을 분석하는 데 초점을 맞추고 있다. 중국 산동성내 6개 대학의 재학중인 202명의 설문응답자료를활용하여 설정된 개념모형을 바탕으로 3개의 연구가설을 검정하였다. 가설검정에는 요인분석, 신뢰도분석 등의사전분석결과를 토대로 AVOVA와 상관분석을 활용하였다. 3개의 가설은 부분 또는 전체적으로 채택되었으며, 연구의 주요 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 창업의도에 가장 영향을 미치는 개인특성은 기업가적 역량으로나타났다. 둘째, 환경요인 중 부모나 친척, 지인 중 역할모델의 존재여부가 창업을 고려하는 데 중요한 영향을미치고 있음이 확인되었다. 셋째, 창업의도의 영향변수로써 개인특성과 환경요인 간에는 정(+)의 상관관계가존재함을 알 수 있었다. 넷째, 중국대학생들은 정부의 창업지원제도보다는 대학의 창업지원제도에 대한 이해가더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 창업동기로는 능력개발, 사회적 지위, 사회적 배려 등의 순위로 응답하였다. 창업시예상애로사항으로는 경험 및 전문지식부족, 자금문제 등을 꼽고 있었다. 향후에는 특정지역의 한계점을 해결하여표본크기확대, 실제 창업한 대학졸업생들을 대상으로 한 연구, 창업의도에 영향을 미친 중국대학 및 정부지원제도에관한 연구, 타 전공학생들과의 비교 연구 등이 이루어지길 기대한다.

      • KCI등재후보


        한국중국언어문화연구회 2009 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.19


      • KCI등재

        中国商事仲裁的发展现状、困境与突破 - 基于重庆仲裁的实践考察

        ,叶世清 동아대학교 법학연구소 2018 國際去來와 法 Vol.- No.21

        Arbitration is the parallel of courts of justice in the dispute settlement of commercial disputes. The basic principles of commercial arbitration are voluntary, independent and fair & reasonable. Arbitration has made great achievements in boosting economic development, but there are also some institutional problems that are difficult to overcome. By analyzing the current development situation of Chongqing commercial arbitration, some problems can be found in China’s arbitration system, which mainly include administrative and judicial intervention, the low awareness of seeking for arbitration and the poor support of the courts of justice to the execution of arbitration legal documents and so on. In order to solve these problems, firstly, arbitration has to get rid of the administrative constraints and enhance its autonomy and independence; secondly, try to make the dispute parties voluntarily participate in the arbitration proceedings; thirdly, increase coordination to solve the enforcement of arbitration legal documents. Also, it is wise to conform to the trend of Internet development, for instance, solving commercial disputes by online arbitration system. 作为中国市场经济领域内与法院诉讼并行的、独立的纠纷解决机制,商 事仲裁秉承自愿、独立、公平合理的基本原则,在解决商事争议、助力经 济发展等方面取得了巨大的成就,但也存在着一些制度性难题和较难克服 的实践顽疾。考察重庆商事仲裁的发展现状,可以发现重庆商事仲裁实践 面临的困境,主要有:仲裁发展的行政化、司法化趋势明显,致使仲裁的 公信力有所减损;市场主体对仲裁的认知度低,致使仲裁功能作用发挥还 不够;法院对仲裁机构作出的裁决在执行方面对接不顺畅、支持不力;等 等。为解决以上问题,应使仲裁脱离行政的约束以增强仲裁的自治性和独 立性,通过友好的仲裁程序使参与仲裁的当事人获得区别于诉讼的独特感 受,加大协调解决仲裁法律文书的执行力度以增强仲裁的公信力。并且, 为顺应互联网发展的大趋势,应针对在线仲裁制度进行重点探索,解决在 线仲裁在需求层次、程序设定等方面的问题,并以此推动≪仲裁法≫作出 适当的调整。

      • Study on Application of Crude Ingredients in Cosmetics

        ,妍,(Chen Yan),黄,蓉(Huang Rong),夏梦,婷,(Xia Mengting),刘,耀鸿,(Liu Yaohong),胡林峰(Hu Linfeng) 아시아사회과학학회 2021 International Science Research Vol.1 No.1

        The composition analysis about 1030 products of well-known cosmetic brands such as Estee Lauder, L Oreal, Shiseido, LVHM, Chanel, Amore Pacific, Procter & Gamble, LG Group was carried out to study the application of crude pharmaceutical ingredients in cosmetics.

      • 한중 열차페리의 필요성에 관한 연구

        晓 倩 한중경제문화학회 2018 한중경제문화연구 Vol.10 No.-

        It is time for Korea to review the validity of rail ferry between Korea and China for effective system in rapidly changing trade and logistics environment of Northeast Asia. The railroad link with North Korea is important in terms of how the rail ferry between Korea and China connects the railroad system of China through rail ferry from Inchon Harbor and Pyeongtaek Harbor, but the rail ferry between Korea and China has a great significance considering political conditions on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia. Rail ferry is the transport method of installing total 2 thousand meter long railroads on the deck of 10,000 ton vessels. Rail ferry can transport train, vehicle, and passengers at the same time, is inexpensive because it can connect railroad traffic in cut off area due to geographical conditions as river, lake, stream, and ocean, bulk transport is possible with convenient overland transportation, and is being evaluated as an effective combined freight type that combines eco-friendly railroad transport. Considering increased trade volume in Korea by conclusion of the FTA since the establishment of diplomatic relations with China, the necessity of expansion of logistics infrastructure, economic activation policy of northeast and western inland areas by One belt, One road policy of China, massive resource development of Central Asia, and formation probability of new transportation market according to the economic development, further review on logistics system between Korea and China using rail ferry would be needed in strategic terms. Also, in addition to the technical review on transportation and civil engineering, review on political⋅diplomatic⋅economic contents would be essential between the two nations for Korea China Rail Ferry, prediction of passenger and freight flows, review on calculation of operating expense, economic effects, and financing measure needs to be done, and operation of research consultative group between Korea and China would be needed.

      • KCI등재


        雅 欣,손영미 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.1

        疫情環境中綠色環保的服飾設計研究陈 雅 欣*ㆍ孙 永 美** 摘要: 2020年新冠肺炎全球爆发蔓延,人们的生命健康不断受到威胁,经济发展严重受阻,生活方式发生重大变化。服飾設計領域也因此面臨新的挑戰,給近些年受到關注的綠色環保理念和服飾設計融合帶來了新的契機。本研究以當前疫情環境中綠色環保的服飾設計為研究物件,運用文獻研究、觀察歸納、舉例對比和應用實踐的研究方法。在服裝行業的突變、服飾設計和綠色環保理念融合的基礎上,從服飾色彩、材料、款式三個角度歸納分類綠色環保的服飾設計多種方式,並舉例對比,分析出使用回收廢棄材料再設計是創新綠色環保服飾設計方式的有效途徑。在綠色環保服飾設計的應用中,選用廢棄物作為原材料進行綠色環保的服飾設計實踐,賦予了材料可持續性。為當前疫情與人類共存的環境下,綠色環保服飾設計的創新和應用尋找適合的設計方式,也為後期展開的相關研究提供理論支撐。 核心语: 疫情環境 服飾設計 綠色環保理念 回收再設計 材料可持續性 □ 接受日: 2022年 1月 16日, 修正日: 2022年 2月 6日, 揭載確定日: 2022年 2月 20日* 主著者, 朝鮮⼤學 美術體育⼤學校 設計學科 博⼠(First Author, PhD, Chosun Univ., Email: 85085503@qq.com)** 交信著者, 朝鮮⼤學 K-文化演出企劃學科 教授(Corresponding Author, Professor, Chosun Univ., Email: ymshon@chosun.ac.kr) The Study on the Green and Environmentally FriendlyClothing Design in the Environment of COVID-19Yaxin Chen & Youngmi Shon Abstract: In 2020, with the outbreak of COVID-19 worldwide, people’s lives are constantly threatened, economic development is seriously hindered, and lifestyles have undergone changes. The clothing design field also faces new challenges, which brings new opportunities to the integration of environmental protection concepts and clothing design. This study takes the green clothing design in COVID-19 environment as the research object, and uses research methods of literature research, observation and induction, example comparison and application practice. The integration of clothing design and the concept of environmental protection, various methods of green and environmental protection clothing design are summarized and classified based on color, material and style, and examples are compared. It is analyzed that the use of recycled waste materials to is an innovative way in green design field. In green design, waste is used as raw material, which endows the material with sustainability. The coexist of COVID-19 and human race, the research finds suitable design methods for the innovation and application of green clothing design, and also provide theoretical support for the related research carried out later. Key Words: Clothing Design, Green Environmental Protection Concept, Recycle and Redesign, In the Environment of COVID-19, Material Sustainability

      • KCI등재


        ,浩(Chen Hao) 한국동양철학회 2020 동양철학 Vol.0 No.53

        阳明心学以心立论, 其形上学作为第一哲学由于隐秘等原因而常常被客观地 忽视甚至或隐或显的反对。形上学面对的是超主客领域, 心还远不是它的研 究对象。所以其形上学不可能从心开始, 而同样是从气开始的, 并始终将气 作为自己的根基, 所以也归属于“气的形上学”。它从“气是主体”这一中国传统 哲学的基本理念出发, 通过“主宰”这个观念逐步揭示其主体性, 经过理这个中 间阶段, 最后在性中达到最高的凝一, 从而最终揭示了“那运动着的(主体)是谁”。从始至终都在直接性中把握和呈现自明的主体性是其核心特质。这一特 质就是这样在其形上学中就被早早地确定, 成为其后续思想建构的根源。由 此, 我们不仅找到了心学与儒家其它学派的异质性之所在, 也找到了中国传 统哲学与古希腊哲学的根本异质性之所在, 从而为中西哲学和文化的汇通奠 定了坚实的基础。 The metaphysics of Yang-ming’s philosophy of the mind as the base of it is used to be ignored because of seizing by the Mind which is the dominant topic of it. The metaphysics is ultra-subject-object, so the Mind is not its subject. The metaphysics of Yang-ming’ s philosophy of the mind starts from Qi which is its base. The thought of “Qi is subject” is proclaimed and maintained by the concept of Domination of Li and further Xing which are the words to What is Qi. Subjectivity is its marrow which can be used in other theory area of it. This investigation is also a perfect example for the comparison between the Chinese Philosophy and the Western Philosophy.

      • 山东省外贸商品结构对产业结构的发展影响研究

        ,尘,(Chen Chen),韩,凯,(Kai Han) 동아시아무역학회 2021 Journal of East Asian Trade(JEAT) Vol.3 No.1

        Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to analyze the correlation between industrial structure and trade structure, to put forward constructive suggestions on the trade structure and industrial structure in Shandong Province, and to optimize the theoretical research and policy implementation of the trade structure and industrial structure in Shandong Province. Design/Methodology/Approach - Based on Shandong Province import and export total data and the three industries added data. Findings - This paper studies The correlation between industrial structure and commodity structure and economic growth in Shandong Province. Research Implications - In the management of this paper, this study has significance in Analyzing the correlation between the industrial structure and the trade structure in Shandong Province, and find the way to promote the economic growth of Shandong Province and even the whole China. 伴随着经济全球化的发展和国家开放程度的提升, 国际间的生产要素流动和信息交流也变得更加频繁。山东作为中国东部沿海发达省份, 地理位置较为良好, 产业结构也有较好的发展状况。近年来随着山东省经济发展的不断提升, 开放水平逐步提高, 进出口贸易规模逐渐扩大, 产业结构也逐渐有所优化。因此本文对产业结构和商品结构的相关性关系与经济增长二者之间关系的相关的文章和理论进行总结和归纳, 分析了产业结构与贸易结构的相关性关系。在对山东省多年的相关数据进行查找分析之后, 本文通过EVIEWS.11.0, 将山东省进出口总额数据和三大产业增加额数据组合到一起, 对这些数据进行了ADF检验分析、格兰杰因果检验等多种分析, 证明了产业结构和贸易结构之间的作用效果是正相关的。并通过研究结果提出了关于山东省贸易结构和产业结构的建设性建议, 这对于优化山东省贸易结构和产业结构的理论研究及政策实施都具有一定的借鉴意义

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