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      • KCI등재

        약물사용 고위험군 선별척도의 표준화 연구(Ⅰ)

        김만희(Man-Hee Kim),김경빈(Kyung-Bin Kim),전현민(Hyun-Min Jun) 한국중독정신의학회 1998 중독정신의학 Vol.2 No.1

        One of the screening tests used for identifying the high risk group of adolescent drug users is High Risk Group of Adolescent Drug Users Screening Test (HIRIGADUST) developed by Kyung-Bin Kim (1977) that consist of six subscales and 70 items. The Purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and construct validity of HIRIGADUST. HIRIGADUST was administered to 370 third grade middle school students. In the reliability test, the Cronbach’s α coefficients were 0.70-0.89 in five subscales, but the Cronbach’s α coefficient was 0.53 in ‘Personal experience and general environment’ subscale. The resulting of testing the construct validity of five subscales of HIRIGADUST by factor analysis provided evidence for the validity of the each subscales. We used T score 65 as a cut-off point. The cutting scores were 12 for ‘Peer relationships and school performance’ subscale, 14 for ‘Personality and value system’ subscale, 14 for ‘Psychological problems and health concerns’ subscale, 8 for ‘Family history and characteristics of parents’ subscale, and 14 for ‘Conserns about parents’ drinking subscale.

      • KCI등재

        알코올중독자 청소년 자녀 특징에 관한 연구

        김경빈(Kyung Bin Kim),윤명숙(Myeong Sook Yoon) 한국중독정신의학회 1997 중독정신의학 Vol.1 No.1

        The children of alcoholics suffer a variety of problems related to the alcoholism of parent. The adult children of alcoholics report serious emotional difficulties in their adult libes which they relate to their childhood family environment and particularly to the alcoholism of one or both parents. The author studied characteristics of 102 high school students who are not the drug users and whose father is problem drinkers or alcoholics by questionnaire. The results are as follows: 1) Friend relationships(male/female) Join with many same sex friends after school(49.7/51.0%), many opposite sex friends(25.2/13.2%). 2) The factor related with school and personal life(male/ female) (1) School life;vague plan of enter a school of higher grade(32-34/15-37%), dislikes keep going school(11.9/9.4%). (2) Out of school life;run away;27.4/9.4%, average staying day during run away episode;4.5/6 days, legal problem;67/28.3% (3) Deviant behavior;experience of cafe;14/15.1%, ear ring(male);4.6%, hair staining;7.4/5.7%. (4) Attitude to opposite sex;wants feeling good or charming opposite sex(43.7/24.5%), wants opposite sex who compensate past difficult life(41.5/37.7%), willing tolerate to hard treat from opposite sex(36.3/3.8%), willing terminate relation with opposite sex if treated hardly(7.4/26.4%). (5) Attitude to social phenomenon;positives to adolescents who rides auto bicycle(24.4/15.1%), cuoricity to mind altering drugs(20/20.8%), feeling of unfortunate future(10.4/27.8%). 3) Characteristics Get in frustration and depression when the things is not good(59.3/69.8%), tendency to shy, sensitive and insecure (51.9/28.3%), frequently suffering(48.1/62.3%), less self confidence since childhood(44.4/43.4%), intolerable about immediate satisfaction(41.5/26.4%), less verbal expression due to shyness(40.7/22.6%), frequently thinks about express angry feeling or yelling(39.3/47.2%), emotionally very sensitive(39.3/41.5%), thinks anythings must be tolerate(35.6/26.4%), hopeless about future(34.1/50.9%), complete character change from good to bad(28.9/18.9%), unasserting due to low confidency(25.2/ 26.4%). 4) Values (1) Familial obligation and role: Must please others mood(65.9/60.4%), must adapt situation(64.4/69.8%), must effort not disturb family image(53.3/62.3%), must not showing his/her own feeling(35.6/18.9%), must work hard(20.7/17.0%), don’t trust others(12.6/7.0%), must take responsibilities(11.9/11.3%). (2) Consequences of dysfunctional family: ① Characteristics of relationship; Difficult express his/her own feeling(51.1/45.3%), can’t enjoy playing that make relaxation(35.6/45.3%), fear of uncontrol(28.9/18.9%), overcritical for self(28.9/28.3%), difficulty in human relationship(28.9/20.8%), fear of abandonment(25.2/28.3%), take too much responsibilities(16.3/1.9%), various psychosomatic symptoms(14.8/35.8%), continiue unhealthy relationship(11.1/5.7%), abnormally too loyal to others(10.4/ 3.8%). ② Characteristics of behabior; Heavy smoking(38.5/15.1%), compulsive spending money(34.8/26.4%), overeat(33.3/37.7%), over sleep(24.4/18.9%), compulsive exercise(20.7/5.7%), heavy drinking(17.8/7.5%), overworks(16.3/13.2%), drinks too much caffeine(11.9/7.5%), compulsive gambling(8.9/0.0%), take a hard drugs than alcoholic beaverage(4.4/0.0%). 5) Health (1) Psychological symptom;loss of interest about school (43.7/37.7%), not clear association(34.1/50.9%), depression (28.9/41.5%), anxiety(23.7/45.3%), frequent suicidal idea(20.0/43.4%), change sleep cycle(12.6/18.9%), (2) Somatic symptom;frequent fatigue and pain(65.2/62.3%), lethargy(51.1/66.0%), heavy cough and sputum(49.6/ 26.4%), urticaria(45.9/41.5%), frequent dyspnea(43.7/37.7%), anorexia(36.3/28.3%), frequent memory block(32.6/24.5%), frequent flue and delaying heal(28.1/20.8%), dyspepsia(25.2/41.5%), 6) My roles in family First born child as a hero/heroin who competely do his/her responsibilities(57.0/41.5%), problem makers(34.

      • KCI등재

        약물사용 정도가 중독 수준에 도달한 고교생들의 특징에 관한 연구

        김경빈(Kyung-Bin Kim) 한국중독정신의학회 1998 중독정신의학 Vol.2 No.1

        The author studied characteristics of 54 boy drug addicts and 20 girl drug users of high school students. The results were as follows:1) Rates of drug use such as inhalants;14.6% of boy and 8.7% of girl high school students. 2) Rats of drug addicts among high school students;6.8% of boy and 1.2% of girl high school students. 3) Rates of problem drinking father;37.6% of drug addict boy students and 10.7% of drug use girl students. 4) Friendship (boy/girl); meet many friends after school finish (68.5/50%), meet many opposite sex friends (48.2/40%). 5) School and private lifes(boy/girl);5-1) Characteristics of school life;dislike schooling (37/35%), arrest experience to police (81.4/40%). 5-2) Characteirsitcs of out of school life;runaway experience (64.8/50%) 5-3) Attitude to opposite sex friends;prefer feeling good or charming opposite sex friends (59.3/35%), expect opposite sex friends who can compensates past suffering(55.6/40%), willing to tolerate bad behavior of opposite sex friends (33.3/10%), willing to terminate bad behavior of opposite sex friends (16.7/60%). 6) Personal characteristics; hopelessness about future (59.3/55%), complete personality change from good character to bad (55.6/30%), intolerable if can’t immediate gratification (55.6/45%), depressed and frustrating tendency if can’t do I want (53.7/75%), tendency to angry outburst and explosion (48.1/55%). 7) Values (boy/girl);7-1) Personal obligating values about family as a child; must complies to others (61.1/60%), must adjust to situations (59.3/75%), must try to efforts not disturb family image (57.4/50%), must work hard (35.2/20%), must not notify own mood (35.2/20%). 7-2) Consequencies of dysfuntional family. Psychologically, can’t express inner feeling (46.3/35%) can’t relax by playing (42.6/50%), continue to unhealthy relationship (33.3/20%). Behaviorally, smoking (74.1/60%), over expences (51.9/40%), over eat (40.7/40%), over sleep(37.0/55%), over exercise (35.2/10%), over drinking (33.3/ 10%). 8) General health;Physically, frequent tireness and suffering (64.8/80%) frequent flue and not prompt heling (48.1/ 50%), frequent coughing and heavy sputum (68.5/45%), frequent dyspnea (59.3/60%), fatigue (64.8/80%), skin itching (57.4/50%), loss of appetite (46.3/40%), indigestion (38.9/63%). Psychologically, change day to night life (31.5/25%) depression(29.6/55%), anxiety (31.5/55%), suicidal idea (31.5/60%), not clear thinking (35.2/70%), blackout (38.9/50%). 9) Parent relating;9-1) Parenting attitude. From father, less concern(29.6/40%), love (38.9/35%) and respect (27.8/20%). From mother, scolding (55.6/85%), control (20.4/25%). From both parents, more allowance from both parents (father;31.5/20%, mother;37/35%). 9-2) Negative life attitude of parents. From father, family disruption by drinking (37.1/35%), domestic violence (27.8/35%), extra marital affairs (18.5/15%), pathological gambling (18.5/10%). From mother, domestic violence (25.9/30%), family disruption by drinking (24.1/10%), extra marital affairs (14.8/10%), pathological gambling (14.8/5%). 9-3) History of addiction related familial dysfunction. Not good growing environments of parents (35.2/25%), early parental loss during early childhood (16.7/15%), familial drinking problem history (27.8/20%), familial history of extramarital affairs (14.8/15%), familial gambling problem (7.4/0%).

      • 초등학생 아동들의 인터넷 중독과 학교생활 적응과의 관계

        김경빈(Kim, Kyung-Bin),이무식(Lee, Moo-Sik),나백주(Na, Bak-Ju),홍지영(Hong, Jee-Young),황지혜(Hwang, Ji-Hye) 한국산학기술학회 2010 한국산학기술학회 학술대회 Vol.- No.-

        본 연구는 초등학교 5, 6학년 학생의 인터넷 중독과 학교생활 적응과의 관계를 파악하여 인터넷 사용에 대한 교육적 지도방안과 인터넷 중독 예방프로그램 개발의 기초 자료를 제공하고자 시도되었다. 자료는 2009년 7월 1일에서 7월 24일까지 제주특별자치도에 위치한 초등학교 6개교(동지역 4개교, 읍지역 2개교)를 무작위 추출하여 5, 6학년 학생 총 1195명을 대상으로 조사하였다. 자료 분석은 SPSSWIN(12.0 한글판) 프로그램을 이용하여 카이제곱검정, t-검정, 일원배치 분산분석, 상관분석, 다중회귀분석의 통계적 방법을 이용하였다. 본 연구의 주요 결과는 첫째, 대상자의 인터넷 중독 정도는 고위험군 55명(5.5%), 잠재적위험군 49명(4.9%), 정상군 900명(89.6%)으로 나타났으며, 둘째, 대상자의 일반적 특성에 따른 인터넷 중독 정도를 분석한 결과 성별, 형제자매 유무, 학교성적에 따라 유의한 차이가 있었다. 셋째, 대상자의 컴퓨터 사용 특성에 따른 인터넷 중독 정도는 최초 인터넷 이용 시기, 인터넷 이용용도, 하루 인터넷 사용 시간, 부모 컴퓨터 사용 여부에 따라 유의한 차이가 있었으며, 넷째, 인터넷 중독과 학교생활 적응과의 관계를 분석한 결과 학교생활 부적응인 경우는 ‘고위험군’ 32명(58.2%), ‘잠재적위험군’ 24명(50.0%), ‘정상군’ 257명(28.7%)으로 고위험군과 잠재적위험군이 정상군보다 학교생활 적응 정도가 낮은 것으로 조사되었다(p<0.01). 다섯째, 인터넷 중독에 유의한 영향을 주는 변수는 학교생활 적응 정도, 성별, 하루 인터넷 사용시간, 인터넷 이용용도, 인터넷 이용 상황, 어머니 직장 유무, 거주 지역, 부모 컴퓨터 사용여부, 최초 인터넷 이용 시기이었다. 학교생활 적응 정도가 낮을 때, 남학생, 하루 인터넷 사용시간이 3시간 이상, 인터넷 이용 용도가 ‘게임’, ‘스트레스가 쌓였을 때’ 인터넷을 이용하는 경우, 어머니 직장이 있는 경우, 거주 지역이 동지역, 부모님이 컴퓨터를 사용할 줄 모르는 경우, 최초 인터넷 이용 시기가 취학 전인 경우가 인터넷 중독 점수가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 여섯째, 학교생활 적응에 유의한 영향을 주는 변수는 인터넷 중독 점수, 학교성적, 가정경제수준, 거주 지역, 인터넷 이용용도, 학년이었다. 인터넷 중독 점수가 낮을수록, 학교성적이 높을수록, 가정경제수준이 잘 살수록, 거주지역이 동지역, 인터넷 이용용도가 ‘정보검색, 홈페이지관리/메신저’, 5학년인 경우에 학교생활 적응을 더 잘하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 종합해 보면, 학교생활 적응 정도가 낮을수록 인터넷 중독 점수가 높게 나타나고 있고, 인터넷 중독 경향이 높을수록 학교생활 적응 수준이 낮게 나타나고 있음을 알 수 있다. 아동들은 하루 중 대부분의 시간을 학교에서 생활하고 있기 때문에 학교생활 적응은 아동들이 건전한 성인으로 성장하는데 중요한 요인이 된다. 또한, 인터넷사용률 증가와 최초 인터넷 이용 연령층이 점점 낮아지고 있음에 따라 인터넷 중독률이 자연스럽게 점점 높아질 것으로 예측되어진다. 따라서, 가정과 학교가 연계하여 아동들의 인터넷 사용에 대한 지속적인 관심과 지도가 필요하며, 인터넷 중독경향이 높은 아동들이 학교생활 적응을 잘할 수 있도록 인터넷 중독 치료 및 예방교육 프로그램 운영이 필요하다 하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        기획논문 약물사용 및 약물중독 청소년의 조기발견에 대한 연구

        김경빈(Kyung Bin Kim) 한국청소년학회 1997 청소년학연구 Vol.4 No.-

        The author developed a Drug Use Screening Teat to identify high risk adolescents group in 1996. The subject for the test construction were high school students, male and female, who are currently using drugs in Seoul. The scale is composed of 6 subscales which recognize the circumstances of vulneravle substance users. Each subscale consists of 10-12 items, totalling 70 questions. It aims to identify high risk group of substance users and people who used them. The author constructed the Korean Adolescents Drug Addiction Screening Test(KOADAST II) to find out adolescent drug addict among drug users at juvenile correctional institution and drug rehabilitation center for adonescents. 1. The Screening Test for High Risk Group of Adolescent Drug users (HIRIGADUST) consists of 6 areas: 1) Physical and neighborhood; 2) Peer relationship and school; 3) Personality and values; 4) Worries about parents` drinking; 5) Psychological problems and health concerns; and 6) Family history and characteristics of parents. The entire test has 70 items. 2. The Korean Drug Addiction Screening Test 2(KOADAST II) consists of 12 items. If a respondent agrees 3 out of 12 can be classified as drug addict. 3. Activation on the use of HIRIGADUST and KOADAST II. 1) HIRIGADUST can be used for as following purposes; (1) Identifying the vulerable substance user and current active users; (2) Identifying the High Risk Substance users at physical examination and before enlistment of military service; (3) Application of the Test for adolescents who are encountered by police personnels; (5) Use as a questionnaire for epidemiological study. 2) Korean Drug Addiction Screening Test 2 can be used as following purposes; (1) Evaluation of the level of drug abuse among students, servicemen, and people who are retained in police stations; (2) Use at correctional policy at probation office, and juvenile correctional institution; (3) Evaluation of the level of drug abuse for the adolescent drug users at counseling center; (4) Use at pediatrics and family medicine clinics; (5) Use as a questionnaire for epidemiological study.

      • KCI등재

        정상 청소년들의 특징에 관한 연구

        김경빈(Kyung Bin Kim) 한국중독정신의학회 1997 중독정신의학 Vol.1 No.1

        Adolescent’s substance abuse and parental alcoholism play a definitive distorting roles for adolescent’s normal development. For the purpose of knowing above distorting factors, the author reclassify the study subjects according to their parental drinking pattern and adolescent’s substance abuse. The author decided as a normal student who does not use any mind altering drugs except alcohol and cigarette and whose parents is not a problem drinker’s. The author studided 1,384 high school students by questionnaire for knowing the characteristics of normal adolescents. 1) The rates of paternal problem drinkers or alcoholism 6.1% of liberal high school girl students, 11.2% of vocational high school girl students, 10.7% of total high school girl students, 10.5% of liberal high school boy students, 18.2% of vocational high school boy students, 17.3% of total high school boy students, 2) The factor related with school and personal life(male/female) (1) Run away;11/3.5%, average staying day during run away episode;7.1/7.2일, legal problem;26/6% (2) experience of cafe;13/8%, ear ring/hair staining; 5/4%, riding autobicycle;4/1% (3) Attitude to opposite sex;wants feeling good or charming opposite sex(32/22%), wants opposite sex who compensate past difficult life(24/18%), willing tolerate to hard treat from opposite sex(20/3%), willing terminate relation with opposite sex if treated hardly(9/25%). 3) Characteristics Intolerable about immediate satisfaction(34/25%), less self confidence since childhood(34/31%), get in frustration and depression when the things is not good(33/51%), thinks anythings must be tolerate(33/25%), frequently thinks about express angry feeling or yelling(32/24%), tendency to shy, sensitive and insecure(32/22%), emotionally very sensitive(24/27%), frequently suffering(29/22%), unasserting due to low confidency(28/18%), less verbal expression due to shyness(24/16%). 4) Familial obligation and role Must adapt situation(75/65%), must effort not disturb family image(62/60%), must please others mood(60/57%), must not showing his/her own feeling(25/12%), must work hard(22/ 8%), must take responsibilities(18/8%). 5) Consequences of dysfunctional family (1) Characteristics of relationship; Difficult express his/her own feeling(38/25%), can’t enjoy playing that make relaxation(32/42%), overcritical for self (17/21%), fear of uncontrol(17/12%), difficulty in human relationship(16/13%), fear of abandonment(11/11%), various psychosomatic symptoms(8/12%), abnormally too loyal to others(7/4%), continiue unhealthy relationship(6/4%), take too much responsibilities(5/7%). (2) Characteristics of behabior; Overeat(20/15%), compulsive exercise(17/6%), over sleep (15/12%), compulsive spending money(15/9%), overworks (4/2%), heavy drinking(3/3%), compulsive gambling(2/3%), drinks too much caffeine(2/2%), take a hard drugs than alcoholic beaverage(1/2%). 6) My roles in family First born child as a hero/heroin who competely do his/her responsibilities(52/33%), last child who doesn’t take any responsibilities(22/29%), problem makers(15/13%), lost child who can’t receive any concern from family(5/6%). 7) History of our familial dysfunction. Parental family ; poor developmental enviroments(26/11%), early parental loss(10/50%), alcohol problems(1/1%), gambling problems(1/2%), opposite sex problem(0/0%). Maternal family ; poor developmental enviroments(18/8%), early parental loss(6/7%), alcohol problems(1/2%), gambling problems(1/0%), opposite sex problem(0/0%).

      • KCI등재

        한국형 사우스 오크 병적 도박 검사 표준화에 대한 예비연구

        최완철(Wan-Cheol Choi):김경빈(Kyung-Bin Kim):오동열(Dong-Yul Oh):이태경(Tae-Kyung Lee) 한국중독정신의학회 2001 중독정신의학 Vol.5 No.1

        Objective:The purpose of this study was to construct Korean South Oaks Gambling Screen (KSOGS) and test the reliability and validity of KSOGS. Method:Korean South Oaks Gambling Screen (KSOGS) was administered to 36 Gamblers, 35 alcoholics and 109 control groups. The authors tested the reliability of this scale with Cronbach’s alpha and construct validity with Spearman’s correlation coefficient. Result:In the reliability test, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was .95 and Spearman’s correlation coefficient provided evidence for the construct validity. The difference of means was signified at p<.001 level (gamblers group mean=13.44±4.92, control group mean=0.8±1.55, t=26.246). The score of 5 was suggested as the optimal cut-off score. Conclusion:With the above results, the authors concluded that Korean South Oaks Gambling Screen (KSOGS) was a reliable and valid tool for screening pathologic gambling.

      • KCI등재

        필로폰중독 선별검사표 개발에 관한 예비연구(Ⅰ)

        김원(Won Kim),김경빈(Kyung-Bin Kim),오동열(Dong-Yul Oh) 한국중독정신의학회 1998 중독정신의학 Vol.2 No.2

        This is a preliminary study to develop a self-reporting scale that can tell methamphetamine addictor from the simple user of methamphetamine. If once a patient gets dependent upon methamphetamine, recovery from the addiction becomes a very difficult process, and medical support will be needed. Therefore the fundamental solution for methamphetamine problem is to give opportunities of participation in recovery programs to the already dependant addictors among the drug users who are considered to be criminals in general. In order to do this, the discrimination of methamphetamine addictors from simple methamphetamine users must be preceded. This is the reason why we need to develop Methamphetamine Addiction Screening Test (MAAST). As a preparation for the development of MAAST, we have made a survey on prisoners in three penitentiaries in Korea in order to have subjects who have experienced using mehtamphetamine. 373 items were offered to be answered to 265 prisoners related to methamphetamine, and their answers were analyzed. They were classified into Methamphetamine Dependence Group (N=199) and Methamphetamine Non-dependence Group (N=66) according to DSM-IV criteria, and we have chosen 72 items of questions that tells the differences between the two groups quite well through chi-square test. Among these items, correlated ones were divided into 13 categories, and the coefficiency of the items and the internal consistency of these categories were ensured by Cronbach s α coefficients. The items we got from this study will be used as candidate questionnaire for the final settlement of MAAST through the next study.

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