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        金昌庆 동북아시아문화학회 2004 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.- No.-

        《시경(詩經)》은 중국고대문학의 정수이자 출발점이다. 서주 초기부터 춘추 중엽에 이르기까지 거의 500년 간의 사회 생활 전모를 그려낸 〈시경〉은 내용면이나 가치 등에 있어 수많은 학자들과 문인들의 관심이 되어왔다. 《시경》 15국풍(國風) 가운데 《정풍(鄭風)》과 《진풍(陳風)》은 애정시가 많은 비중을 차지한다. 그래서 역대로 이들 작품에 대한 평가는 작품 본래의 가치보다 유가적 견지에서의 비평이 주를 이루었기에 폄하되어온 것은 사실이다. 본고는 《시경》 작품에 대한 종합적, 체계적인 연구보다 극히 세부적인 내용, 즉 《정풍》과 《진풍》의 ‘동문(東門)’시에 중점을 두어 이들 동문시가 지닌 의미를 파악하였다. ‘동문’이 지니는 함의는 모두 만물의 시원인 봄과 관련이 있으며, 이에서 더 나아가 지역 풍속인 물가나 평지에서 청춘 남녀의 만남으로 이어지게 된다. 이처럼 ‘동문’이란 일정지역의 장소라는 의미라기보다 당시 정국과 진국 국민들을 한데 역을 수 있는 모티브를 제공하는 의미를 지니게 된다. 본고는 여기서 더 나아가 ‘동문’의 정확한 위치를 파악하고자 했다. 기존의 해석에서 나타난 ‘동문’이란 바로 ‘성의 동쪽 문’이란 표피적인 해석에서 벗어나 구체적인 위치를 밝혔다. 즉, 《정풍》의 ‘동문’이란 바로 내성(內城)의 “전문(?門)”이거나 외곽(外郭)의 “거문(渠門)”이고, 《진풍》의 ‘동문’은 바로 “율문(栗門)”임을 알 수 있었다. 본고에서는 ‘동문’의 상징 의미와 구체적인 위치 고찰에 중점을 두었지만 아직 완정하다고 할 수는 없다. 하지만 이러한 시도는 《시경》 특히 《정풍》과 《진풍》이 지니고 있는 원형적인 의미파악에 일조할 수 있으리라 판단된다.

      • KCI등재


        金昌庆 동북아시아문화학회 2015 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.44

        This study is pocesed on the characteristics of the Joseon Dynasty’s Yuefu Poems, through the Li Suiguang’s YueFu Poems. Fiest, Che Tianlu collected Cui Qingchang, Bai Guangxun, Lin Ti, Li Da, Li Suiguang’s Yuefu works in a YueFuXinSheng(乐府新声), their works form basically base on 5 or 7 words. Among them, Li Suiguang’s Yuefu works almost made by 7 Character Poem works. In fact, 7 Character Poem in the form of quatrains is limited the characteristics of Yuefu poetry’s narrative, but they tride to pursue Tang Poetry besides to abandon Song Poetry in a YueFuXinSheng, Simultaneously, they want to 7 words as a major form of quatrains Yuefu Poem, which is founded the creation of the late Chaoxian YueFu Poetry. The contents of Li Suiguang’s YueFu poems inbolves melancholy poems are erotic of female emotion with a plaintive mentality and romantic love, the spirit for people, frontier fortress landscape. Although it was limited to intend Chinese YueFu poetry, he expressed a wide variety of awareness, in a certain extent, always concerned about the reality of Chaoxian society.

      • KCI등재


        金昌庆 대한중국학회 2015 중국학 Vol.52 No.-

        王维诗中的世界和精神世界不仅在当时而且对后代文人也有重大的影响。这样的影响不仅局限于对中国古代文人中,对邻国韩国高丽文人也是巨大的。 王维对高丽时代文人带来的影响基本上集中在对自然的感悟、‘言外之意’的风格、禅的境界和‘诗中有画’的境界等层面。

      • KCI등재


        조립신(Zhao Li Xin)(赵立新) , 김창경(Kim Chang Gyeong)(金昌庆) 대한중국학회 2016 중국학 Vol.57 No.-

        After DPRK s fourth nuclear test and the launch of the satellite, China and the United States stand on the opposite for the concrete measures of imposing sanctions on DPRK. Through repeated consultations, these two countries reached a limited “agreement” and the UN Security Council finally passed the resolution 2270 which expended sanctions against DPRK. The relations between China and DPRK raised concerns once again. As is known to all, China and DPRK established alliance relations in the form of treaty in the early 60s of last century. After the end of the cold war, the relationship between them began to fluctuate with ups and downs. And due to the continuous upgrading of the DPRK’s nuclear issue and the improvement of China-ROK relations, the China-DPRK alliance relations become “ambiguous”. In the future, under the circumstances of the game between superpowers is becoming increasingly fierce , the prospect of the unification of the Korean Peninsula is still not clear and DPRK’s nuclear program has not been stopped, China and DPRK should maintain the alliance relationship or turn to the normal state relations? The decisive factor depends on the nature of state interests and the essential requirement of geopolitical competition. China-DPRK ambiguous alliance is still likely to continue. 朝鲜第四次核试验并发射卫星后, 围绕进一步制裁朝鲜的具体措施问题, 中美立场凸显对立。经过反复磋商, 中美达成有限的“一致”, 安理会最终通过扩大制裁朝鲜的2270号决议, 中朝关系再度引发关注。众所周知, 中朝两国在上个世纪60年代初以条约形式确定了同盟关系。冷战结束后, 中朝关系出现波动和起伏。随着朝核问题的升级和中韩关系的提升, 中朝关系的现实基础受到冲击并呈现出“背离”倾向。面向未来, 在大国博弈日趋激烈、朝鲜半岛统一前景仍不明朗以及朝鲜核计划未见止步的情况下, 中朝之间是维持“同盟”关系?还是转向正常国家关系?决定性的因素取决于国家利益和地缘政治竞争的本质要求, 中朝“暧昧同盟”仍有可能延续下去。

      • KCI등재


        류지강,金昌庆 동북아시아문화학회 2016 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.49

        This article defined the “YUE” is “YUE” in the analects of Confucius “LI and YUE Culture”. Concept of “benevolence” is the core of Confucius philosophy is ontology of Confucian philosophy system, “The LI” and “The YUE” is the path to “benevolence”. The “LI” and “YUE” argue each other dependent, is the core of Confucius thought of “benevolence” externalizing reflected, is an important means of political ethics; In the aspect of social education and personal accomplishment, “YUE” is the unity of the moral and art, is a person how to become a “gentleman”, achieve the highest state of harmonious personality; Confucius' interpretation of the thought of “YUE”, formed the good harmonious humanistic spirit, laid the gene of Chinese LI and YUE Culture, has profound influence on the development of China's cultural history.

      • KCI등재


        贺莹,金昌庆 대한중국학회 2011 중국학 Vol.40 No.-

        Since the establishment of Broadcasting Property Rights Institutions (BPRI), it constantly changing at different periods. The term "property" is used in economics and law but less so in the media industry. Therefore, there is a certain amount of academic space left to be discussed. South Korea constantly strengthens their broadcasting technology development, sets up the Broadcasting Act and the corresponding system of property rights, so Korean BPRI are original and native providing the realistic case for study. It is necessary to investigate the path of Korean BPRI development. Based on current research, we analyze and classify the value concept behind the regulation rules of Korean BPRI. Also we use the Managerial Grid Model (1964) developed by Robert R. Blake and Jane Mouton to construct "efficiency" and "fairness" as the ultimate goal of the Korean value system of BPRI. Through this value system of BPRI, we track the value changing path of Korean BPRI. The analysis' results showed that value changing of the Korean BPRI began from the establishment of private KORCAD (Korea Office RCA Distributor) HLKZ-TV in the 1950s. At that time, Korea paid more attention to the pursuit of efficiency, while the pursuit of fairness was very low. Second, since Korean BPRI’ reform in the 1980s, KBS, MBC totally changed to public owned institutions. So Korea was very concerned about the pursuit of fairness, while reducing the attention to efficiency. Again, after SBS was established in 1990, Korea began to strengthen the pursuit of efficiency again, and still paid attention to fairness. Last, entering 2000 with the rapid development of science and technology, digital technology and the Internet has been widely applied to the entire media field. Integration of radio and television’s phenomenon has become more evident and "fairness" and "efficiency" was become the highest pursuit of the values goal. Through studying the process of change of Korean BPRI's value goal, the Korean value lines throughout the entire frame from left and right sides on my research. It includes fully pursuit of the efficiency period, fully pursuit of fairness period, as well as both two sides at same period. From the whole development perspective, Korean government has always been pursuit of fairness in the effort, the fairness was taken cared in each stage of economic development. In the whole frame of Korean BPRI, the fairness and efficiency is the eternal absolute value goal. However, at different periods the understanding of the fairness and efficiency focuses on different points. At a deeper perspective of analysis, actually this changing process is constantly adjusted by fairness and efficiency, and is the result of the interaction effect. To balance them is not only very important to South Korea but also for the work towards the future for many other countries. When these two objectives are achieved at a high degree of unity, they will produce positive and infinite effects on the economy, the national welfare and social welfare benefits will also be enormous.

      • KCI등재


        李泰玉,金昌庆 대한중국학회 2019 중국학 Vol.68 No.-

        智慧图书馆作为“智慧社会”的重要组成部分,应当合理利用新时代的环境背景与有利契 机,重视当前中国智慧图书馆建设与发展进程中存在的问题与障碍,从深化理论研究、加强技术人 才培养以及政策资金保障等三个方面着手,加强智慧图书馆的建设与发展,不仅有利于深化图书馆 的职能、不断提升图书馆对社会建设与发展的作用,更为“智慧社会”的建设与发展提供理论经验 总结与经过实践检验的范本,从而促进“智慧社会”的建设与发展。

      • KCI등재

        中国对 “萨德” 问题的认知与中韩关系的转圜

        赵立新,金昌庆 대한중국학회 2017 중국학 Vol.61 No.-

        围绕“萨德”入韩问题,中韩之间一直存在激烈争论。从中国的立场出发,中国认为“萨 德”入韩是有关全球战略平衡的重大问题。“萨德”入韩无助于朝核问题的解决,超出了韩国的防 卫需求,危及了中国安全利益,破坏了中韩关系和大国间信任,其实质是美国全球反导系统的推 进。中国和俄罗斯联手反对“萨德”已成必然趋势。中韩关系的转圜着眼于现实国家利益和半岛无 核化前景,双方没有改变各自的立场,“萨德”问题属于记录在案,但还没有真正的翻篇。

      • KCI등재

        上海外国人侨居空间特征分析 - 兼论上海“韩国社区”的移民文化

        王涛,金昌庆 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2016 인문사회과학연구 Vol.17 No.2

        동양의 국제적 대도시인 상하이는 그다지 길지 않은 역사를 지녔음에도 아주 선명한 도시발전의 역사를 지니고 있다. 상해는 특수한 지리적 위치, 역사문화, 경제발전, 국제화수준 등의 원인으로 더욱 많은 해외 이주자들을 끌어당겼다. 논자는 이에 상해에 거주하는 외국인들의 거주공간을 연구대상으로 삼아, 거주공간의 현 주소와 전체적 특징을 개술하였고, 이어 이론적 근거를 토대로 상해 도시 이민현상의 특징을 분석하였다. 여기에는 외국인 생활공간의 분포 모델, 특징, 원인 등의 연구를 포괄하고 있다. 중국과 한국은 지리적 근접성, 문화적 공통성, 우호적인 관계로 인해, 상해의 한국 이주자의 수가 상당하여 이미 성숙된 ‘한국 커뮤니티’를 형성하고 있다. 본 논문은 상해의 ‘한국 커뮤니티’를 예로 삼아 상해의 한국 이주민의 공간적 분포, 일상생활, 자녀교육, 사회 교류, 문화적 심리 등을 연구하였다. 이러한 연구를 통해서 볼 때, 국제적 도시이자 동서 문화 교류의 접경인 상하이는 글로벌화와 세계경제의 조류 속에서 보다 선진화된 국제적 도시로 탈바꿈시킬 수 있는 기회와 도전에 직면하게 될 것이다. Shanghai, as an international oriental metropolis, has a distinctive feature about his history of urban development. Because of the special geographical location, history and culture, economic development and the degree of internationalization, Shanghai attracts more and more Chinese and foreign immigrants. And Author,in this paper, selects Shanghai foreigners residing in space as the research object, illustrates the present situation and the overall characteristics, and according to some relevant theories, makes a detailed analysis of the key symbols and characteristics in Shanghai urban migration. Among them, the study of the distribution pattern, characteristics and causes of the living space of Shanghai foreigners is included. China and South Korea have the geographical proximity, cultural similarities, friendly relations. Shanghai has a lot of Korean immigrants, and has formed a mature“Korean community". So this paper also takes Shanghai "Korean community" as an example, to study Korean immigrants’ living space, daily life, children's education, social interaction, cultural psychology and so on. Through the author's observation, visit and review, to see Shanghai Korean immigrant culture psychology, and then think about: Shanghai, the eastern international metropolitan, junctions in ancient and modern history and the combination of eastern and Western cultures, in the face of globalization, should be how to better control and manager their "international" city and people.

      • KCI등재


        陈楠,金昌庆 동북아시아문화학회 2012 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.30

        Study on Correlation between Changes in Employment Environment and Labor Force Suicide Rates in China: 1991-2009 Chen, Nan· Kim, Chang-Gyeong The suicide rate among urban middle-aged labor force increased significantly in China between 1998 and 2003, in contrast rates declined in rural labor forces of all ages. Explanations for these divergent trends are largely speculative, but changes of employment environment are likely to have played an important role. We undertook join-point analysis and correlation analysis using available age-adjusted suicide rates, to identify differences between rural labor forces and urban labor forces and to evaluate the association between macro-socioeconomic variables and suicide rates. This study examined the following in China between 1991 and 2009: (1) trends in rural and urban labor forces suicide rates; (2) trend in urban labor force unemployment rates; (3) trend in rural labor force proportion of non-agricultural labor; and (4)correlation between employment status and suicide rates. The main findings of this study were: (1) there are trends towards decline in suicide rates for rural labor forces over the 19 year study period, whereas the suicide rate among urban middle-aged labor force increased significantly between 1998 and 2003; (2) suicide rate of urban middle-aged labor force increased with an increases in unemployment rate during 1998-2003; and (3) suicide rates of rural labor forces decreased with an increase in proportion of rural non-agricultural labor.

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