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        에도시대 서민의 다비(旅)에 관한 연구

        정영인(鄭英仁)(Jeong, Young-In) 일본어문학회 2011 일본어문학 Vol.54 No.-

        江戸時代は色々な階層の人々が全国の街道を往来しながら旅をする時期であったが、初期には社会的なインフラが整備されない状況のために、庶民たちの私的な旅がは自由に行なわれなかった。中期に入って平和が定着され、農民や町人たちの経済力と生活水準の向上に伴って多様な庶民の文化が発達したので、これを基にして旅は次第に大衆化していった。そうではあるが封建制度下での江戸時代は原則的に庶民たちの旅が禁止されていて、特に農民と女性は厳しい統制が行なわれていた。しかし宗敎的な目的の参拜や温泉での湯治は例外に当たったので、庶民たちはこれを口実に旅をする場合が多かった。そして江戸後期になると、参拝を立前にして本音は物見遊覧と日常からの解放感を楽しむ庶民たちの旅が爆発的に増加していった。 本論文は、江戸時代の色々な旅の様子の中でも特に信仰に関する庶民たちの集団的な旅を中心にして、その歴史的な意味と社会に及ぼした影響について考えてみることを目的とする。今日我々が一般的に知っている「観光」または「旅行」としての旅が許されない時代的な状況の中で、お伊勢参りのような大規模の集団的な旅が、権力と制度から抑圧された庶民たちの自我を取り戻すための意識の発露であったということを考察しようとする。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        ICR 마우스를 이용한 麻黃潤肺湯의 진해, 거담, 및 항염 효과 평가

        정영,김종대 대한한방내과학회 2022 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.43 No.4

        Objectives: The antitussive, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory effects of Mahwangyounpae-tang (MHYPT) aqueous extracts were observed in appropriate animal models of various respiratory disorders. Methods: MHYPT aqueous extracts were orally administered once a day for 11 days at dose levels of 400, 200, and 100 mg/kg. The effect of MHYPT was determined by comparing its antitussive effect with theobromine (TB), its expectorant effect with ambroxol (AM), and its anti-inflammatory effect with dexamethasone (DEXA). Results: MHYPT aqueous extracts (400 mg/kg) showed favorable antitussive effects comparable to those of TB (50 mg/kg) in the NH4OH-exposure coughing mouse model and expectorant effects comparable to those of AM (250 mg/kg) in the phenol red-secretion mouse model, but MHYPT (400 mg/kg) showed less anti-inflammatory activity compared to DEXA (1 mg/kg) in the xylene-induced acute inflammatory mouse ear model under the experimental conditions used. Conclusion: MHYPT aqueous extracts administered at dosage levels of 400, 200, and 100 mg/kg induced dose-dependent and favorable antitussive, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory activities that occurred by simultaneous modulation of the activity of mast cells and respiratory mucous production under the experimental conditions used in this study.

      • KCI등재

        어간말 자음군의 변이 유형과 그 지리적 분포

        정영인(Chung Young-In) 한국언어문학회 2003 한국언어문학 Vol.51 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to find out a pattern of variation and geographical distribution of 'stem-final consonant duster'. Korean Dialect Data, published by the Academy of Korean Studies, is used as a tool in order to analyze the topic. The characters of 138 areas of the whole land could be compared according to the book. The pattern of stem-final consonant duster is divided into two groups. A criterion is based on transparence in inflection. The one is the transparency pattern where we can expect the variation. The other is an opaque pattern in which the form of inflected words is not shown. According to the result of research, the transparency pattern is mainly found when stem is combined with the ending which begins with consonant. This pattern, however, rarely appears at Jeonbuk and Jeonnam province. The fact that about 10% of the transparency pattern is composed of vowel insertion should be considered in phonological analysis. The opaque pattern is shown three times more often in front of the vowel with ending than before consonant. The case of vowel insertion is more frequently and variously seen in the opaque pattern than the transparency. Jeonbuk and Jeonnam province are regarded as the area where vowel insertion is most frequently happened.

      • KCI등재

        오귀스트 르누아르의 레인보우 팔레트와 자연광에 의한 색채표현 분석: 미셸 외젠 슈브뢸의 이론을 중심으로

        정영한(Younghan CHUNG) 한국조형교육학회 2019 造形敎育 Vol.0 No.71

        회화에서 색채는 양식에 대한 시대적 요구에 따라 새로운 방향성을 제시하면서 오늘날의 감각에 도달했다. 이 가운데 외광파 인상주의자들은 당대의 과학적 성과인 색채에 대한 이론적 발전의 영향을 받아 그들이 추구하는 빛에 대한 새로운 표현을 모색하게 되었다. 이 연구에서 다루고 있는 르누아르는 자연주의 철학적 관점에서 빛과 색채, 그리고 인물을 중심으로 하는 대표적인 근대 화가로, 초기 로코코 회화의 주제적 측면과 외광파 인상주의자의 작업 태도를 생애 전반에 걸쳐 탐구하였다. 르누아르 작품의 특수성은 당대의 대부분의 외광파 화가들이 풍경을 중점적으로 작업한 것과 비교 할 때, 고전적 소재라고 할 수 있는 인체를 통해 자연광의 색채를 그리고자 한 것에 있다. 이에 따라 본문에서는 슈브뢸의 색채조화론을 적용하여 르누아르의 레인보우 팔레트의 색채분석을 시도한다. 이것은 르누아르가 자연광에서 찾아낸 색채의 종류 및 명도와 채도 등 대비효과를 통해 방법론적 특수성을 밝히는데 유용한 도구로서 중요성을 가진다. The colour in paintings reached today’s zeitgeist to representing new directions with newer demands with style. Among the art history, pleinairisme Impressionists was constantly in search of the techniques for drawing natural light under the influence of modern science. They mainly deal with Renoir is one of the representative pleinairisme and he had explored light, colour and portrait on the naturalism philosophy all over his life. The distinctiveness of Renoir’s paintings is expression of portrait with natural light and it seems like close to traditional way compare to other pleinairisme. For this reason, this paper attempts to the analysis of Renoir’s rainbow palette applying to Chevreul’s the principles of harmony and contrast of colours, it is important theory to deriving the characteristic of luminosity and hue contrast in Renoir’s paintings.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of the Epidemiological Aspects of Imported Dengue Cases between Korea and Japan, 2006-2010

        정영,이원창,조정은,한명국,이원자 질병관리본부 2016 Osong Public Health and Research Persptectives Vol.7 No.1

        To compare the epidemiological characteristics of dengue cases imported by travelers or immigration in both Korea and Japan, we determined dengue incidence and related risk factors. During 2006-2010, 367 and 589 imported dengue cases were reported in Korea and Japan, respectively. In Korea, the presumptive origins for the dengue infections were Southeast Asia (82.6%), Southern Asia (13.9%), Eastern Asia (1.1%), South America (0.3%), Central America (0.3%), Africa (0.3%), and other countries (1.6%). In Japan, the origins of the infections were Southeast Asia (69.8%), Southern Asia (20.0%), Eastern Asia (1.7%), South America (2.5%), Central America (1.2%), Africa (1.2%), Oceania (2.4%), and other countries (1.2%). In both countries, more dengue cases were reported for men than for women (p < 0.01), and those aged 20-30 years accounted for > 60% of the total cases. The frequency of imported cases in summer and autumn (~70% of total cases) was similar in both countries. This study demonstrates that there is a similar pattern of imported dengue cases in Korea and Japan. Therefore, there is a risk of an autochthonous dengue outbreak in Korea, as indicated by the recent outbreak in Japan in 2014.

      • KCI등재

        근세(近世) 서민의 ‘다비(旅)’에 관한 연구

        정영인(Jeong, Young-In),신종대(Shin, Jong-Dae) 대한일어일문학회 2014 일어일문학 Vol.61 No.-

        Modern period is when common people could begin going on ‘Tabi’ fairly without restriction. The main reason of ‘Tabi’ boom around the nation is that Isemairi became prevalent instead of Kumano worship, which had been going on since the medieval period. The ‘Tabi’ before the modern time was a holy ritual based on strong devotion. The course was often harsh and painful that travelers on ‘Tabi’ sometimes had to risk their lives while at it. However, as the transportations and infrastructures get established and ‘Tabi’ becomes popular in modern times, common people began to combine worship with tourism and amusement. For them, ‘Tabi’ was a divine experience of communion with gods and Buddha, yet a best chance to get out of everyday life and to encounter broader world. The main purpose of this dissertation is to observe the common people’s ‘Tabi’ related to religious belief : what they pursued through the ‘Tabi’, and furthermore what kind of effect the ‘Tabi’ brought to the society of modern time. Specifically, the historical background of worship will be studied, and 「Sinanonomichinoki」, written by Kyoto’s poet Simura Kyouka after her worship on Zenkouzi, will be analyzed.

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