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        诸慧琴 ( Huiqin Zhu ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2020 인문사회 21 Vol.11 No.5

        本文以中国和韩国四年制大学生为研究对象, 结合“SERVQUAL理论和SERVPERF理论”评价体系, 在有形性、响应性、移情性和可靠性4个维度, 选取与教育服务质量和教育成果相关的28个指标, 采用调查问卷方式, 对学生的自我成就感及学校忠诚度进行调查与分析, 旨在找出大学生教育服务质量满意度与教育成果之间的关系, 从而有助于改善影响学生及市场满意度的各项教育服务质量因素, 为提升大学国际竞争力及促进教育国际间交流与合作提供有利的参考数据。整体来看, 中国和韩国在教育服务质量水平、教育成果自我成就、大学忠诚度及教育成果方面均存在显著差异, 且响应性、移情性和可靠性均对教育成果有正向显著影响。相对于扩充有形教育设施而言, 提高学生对教师的信任, 加强对学生的关怀及专业培训等方案对于实现大学教育成果, 改善大学教育服务质量更为有效。进一步打造国际化教育品牌、完善终身教育体系等是提升教育成果的有效途径。 This paper takes four-year college students in China and South Korea as research objects,SERVQUAL theory and SERVPERF theory were used for evaluation and application, In the four dimensions of tangibility, responsiveness, empathy and reliability, 28 indicators related to the quality of educational services and educational outcomes were selected. By means of questionnaires to investigate and analyze students’ sense of self-achievement and school loyalty. The purpose is to find out the relationship between college students’ satisfaction with educational service quality and educational outcomes, so as to help improve various factors of educational service quality that affect students’ and market satisfaction, and to provide favorable reference data for enhancing the international competitiveness of universities and promoting international exchange and cooperation in education. On the whole, there are significant differences between China and South Korea in terms of educational service quality, educational achievements, self-achievement, university loyalty and educational achievements. In addition, responsiveness, empathy and reliability all had positive and significant effects on educational outcomes. As opposed to expanding physical educational facilities, programmes such as enhancing students’ trust in teachers, strengthening students’ care and professional training are more effective in achieving university education outcomes and improving the quality of university education services.

      • KCI등재


        潘德润,诸慧琴 한중법학회 2021 中國法硏究 Vol.47 No.-

        Homestead, as a major land resource in rural society, is of great significance to the development of rural society. With China’s economic development, industrialization and urbanization, a large number of farmers go to cities to work and settle down, which leads to insufficient land supply for urban construction land resources. However, rural homesteads are abandoned and idle, resulting in a large number of idle homesteads in rural areas, resulting in waste of important rural land resources. With the accelerating process of new urbanization in rural areas, the rapid development of rural economy and the rapid changes of society in recent years have led to many new phenomena or new problems, such as the transfer of homestead, which is the closest to farmers' own interests, which has become an urgent problem to be solved. At present, the country gradually relaxes the policy of transferring the right to use rural homesteads and idle farmhouses, aiming at liberating rural land resources and providing an important driving force for rural economic development. At the time of rural comprehensive revitalization, To deeply understand the current situation of idle homesteads in rural areas, Definition of idle homestead, It is difficult to implement the policy of one household and one house, Rural population flows into cities to settle down, This paper analyzes the causes of idle homestead in rural areas from the aspects of lack of scientific planning in village construction and unclear relevant laws and regulations, and combines the actual role of the Property Law and Land Management Law promulgated by the state in the circulation of idle homestead and the practical problems existing in the circulation of idle homestead in practice, lacking strong laws and regulations; The scope of circulation is not limited by the village; Idle homestead exit compensation standard is different, so as to put forward some suggestions to solve the dilemma of idle homestead in rural areas: improve the laws and regulations of rural homestead circulation; Standardize the rural homestead circulation market; Improve the compensation mechanism of rural idle homestead, etc., hoping to provide reference for scientific management of rural idle homestead, improve the utilization rate of idle homestead, and promote the circulation of idle homestead.

      • KCI등재


        刘德强,诸慧琴 한중법학회 2021 中國法硏究 Vol.45 No.-

        중국에서 한때 푸대접 당하던 “996근무제도”가 최근에 다시 빠른 속도로 대 중들의 시선을 사로잡으며 사회적으로 치열한 논쟁을 일으키고 있다. 관련 사 태는 끊임없이 불거지면서 다시 한번 배후의 그 원인과 향후 초래할 결과에 대한 논의의 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 996근무제도란 일종의 중화인민공화국 노동법을 위반한 법적으로 규정된 근무시간을 추가적으로 연장하는 근무제도 이며 일부 기업들에서 임의로 실행하는 자체적인 근무제도인바 오전 9시 출근, 저녁 9시 퇴근(일 근무시간이 10시간 이상), 주 6일 근무를 줄여서 칭하는 신 종의 업계 내 용어이다. 이런 현상은 현재 여러 업계에서 기승을 부리고 있는 데, 그 원인은 대체적으로 다음과 같다. 첫째로는 AI기술・클라우드 컴퓨팅기 술・빅데이터기술의 발전, 5G기술의 각 영역에서의 광범위한 응용, 인터넷 업 계의 신속한 발전 등 원인으로 인하여 업계내 경쟁이 전대미문의 상태로 치열 하기 때문이다. 기업과 직원 사이의 관계에서도 기업은 점차적으로 우세를 차 지하고 있다. 경쟁의 압박 및 자본이 노동시간의 증가로 산출효과를 높이려고 할 때, 직원의 저항력은 제한돼 있으며 강제적으로 추가 근무를 받아들이게 된 다. 다음으로는 기업관리체제가 뒤떨어져 있고 국가의 관련법이 불완전한 것 도 매우 중요한 원인인데, 특히 융통성 없는 근무시간 기준과 사법기관의 추가 근무수당 보상기능 약화현상이 그 예이다. 그 중 가장 대중들의 신경을 자극하 는 휴식시간 내 추가 근무비용은 “996근무제도”아래 직원 자신의 휴식을 가질 수 있는 권리와 보상을 취득할 수 있는 권리가 불가피하게 침범당하고 권익보 호가 어려울 수밖에 없다. 본문에서는 위 내용을 염두에 두면서 중국의 “996근 무제도”에 대해 전면적으로 연구토론을 진행할 것이며 이런 근무제도로 인하 여 발생하는 문제점들에 대해 상대적 안정적인 대책을 제안하고자 한다. “996”, a term once ignored by us, has rapidly occupied the public’s vision in recent period, causing fierce debate in the whole society. The continuous fermentation of the event can not help but cause us to further explore the reasons behind it and the possible results in the future. This kind of phenomenon is popular in various industries, and its reasons are no more than the following aspects in general. First, with the development of AI technology, cloud computing technology and big data technology, 5g technology is widely used in all aspects, and the rapid development of Internet industry, leading to unprecedented fierce competition in the industry. In the game between enterprises and employees, enterprises gradually take the upper hand. When faced with competitive pressures and capital needs to increase labor time to improve output, workers have limited resistance and are forced to work overtime. Secondly, the backward enterprise management system and the imperfect national laws are also very important reasons, and the lack of flexibility of working time benchmark, especially the weakening of overtime compensation function of judicial organs. As for the overtime cost of rest time, which is the most provocative to the public nerves, under 996, the employees’ right to rest and the right to receive remuneration are inevitably violated and difficult to safeguard their rights. This paper will discuss 996 from many aspects mentioned above, and try to put forward relatively stable countermeasures for the problems caused by 996.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        包晶晶,诸慧琴 한중법학회 2020 中國法硏究 Vol.41 No.-

        쇼트클립은 디지털 네트워크 환경의 산물로서 저작권법의 보호를 받는 합리 성의 기반을 갖도록 재산 속성을 가진다. 따라서 쇼트클립이 저작권법의 보호 를 받는 합법성을 탐구하는 것은 사실상 쇼트클립이 작품으로서 저작권법의 보호를 받을 수 있는지에 대한 논의이다. 이 문제는 통상 쇼트클립 저작권 침 해 안건의 쟁점이며, 침해판정의 전제가 된다. 단지, 쇼트클립이 작품으로 인 정되는 경우에만 침해의 가능이 있는 것이다. 쇼트클립이 작품인지 아닌지는 창작성 여부에 달려 있다. 중국 학계에서는 창작성에 대해 어떤 기준을 적용할 지 논란이 있어 왔다. 현재 중국 사법에서 창작성에 대해 인정되는 일반원칙은 ‘독립 창작+지적 창작’이며, 쇼트클립은 내용, 표현 형식 등이 다르기 때문에 그 창작성에 대해 독립 창작의 조건을 따르도록 하는 것이 바람직하다. 따라 서, 일반원칙과 특수원칙이 결합된 독창적인 인정 기준의 구축은 쇼트클립 저 작권에 대한 과학적 보호를 제공할 수 있다. 중국은 동영상 작품의 적정성 여 부에 대해 ‘3단계 검출법’과 ‘4요소 기준’을 결합한 ‘4요소 기준’을 중심으로 ‘3단 계 검출법’을 보조적으로 인정하고 있다. 중국 저작권법 시행조례 제21조는 ‘3 단계 검출법’을 특별한 경우에 한정하고 작품의 정상적인 사용에 지장을 주지 않으며, 사용 중 저작권자의 이익을 합리적으로 훼손하지 않을 수 없도록 규정 하고 있다. 미국 저작권법은 목적과 성격, 사용 작품의 성격, 전체 사용 작품에 비해 사용된 부분의 양과 질, 사용 행위가 저작권 작품의 잠재적 시장이나 가 치에 미치는 영향을 네 가지 요소 기준으로 규정하고 있다. 양자 각각의 강점 과 한계가 있기 때문에, 쇼트클립 작품에 대한 보다 포괄적인 보호를 제공하기 위해, 본문에서는 쇼트클립의 합리적인 사용 기준을 양자 결합 방식으로 인정 하도록 건의하고 있다. 또한, 보호 경로에 있어서는 쇼트클립 플랫폼 면책 규칙의 합리적 이용; 성실 의무; 기술적 사고방법의 운용; 저작권 필터링 메커니즘의 도입; 그리고 중국 인터넷 시청각 프로그램 서비스 협회에서 공표한 “인 터넷 쇼트클립 플랫폼 관리규범”을 준수해야 한다. 쇼트클립 창작자는 저작권 의식을 높이고 작품의 질을 높여 줌으로 중국 정부는 기술보호조치를 입법적 으로 보완해야 할 필요성이 있다. As a product of digital network environment, short video has property attribute, which makes it have reasonable basis protected by copyright law. To explore the legal basis of short video protected by copyright law is actually to explore whether it can be protected as a work. This issue is the focus of copyright infringement cases of short video, and the premise of infringement determination. Infringement only happens when short video is regarded as a work. The key to determine whether short video is a work is to determine its originality. There has been a dispute over the criterion of originality identification in Chinese academic circles. At present, the general principle of originality identification in China’s judicial practice is “independent creation plus intellectual creation”. Since short video varies in contents and forms of expression, special standards of originality identification should be adopted, which means that the creativity should be determined to different degrees under the premise of independent creation. Therefore, constructing a criterion of creativity identification combining both general and specific principles offers scientific protection for short video copyright. As for whether short video works can be reasonably used, China preferred to adopt a combination method of “three-step test” and “four-element standard”, among which “four-element standard” is majorly used and supplemented by “three-step test”. “Three-step test” is stipulated in Article 21 of the “Implementation Regulations of the Copyright Law” of China, which has the following statements, being restricted to special cases; not affecting normal use of the work; not harming the interests of the copyright owners in the process of use. “Four-element standard” is stipulated in the US Copyright Act, which stands for the purpose and nature of use, the nature of the work to be used, the quantity and quality of the part used compared to the whole work used, the effect of use on the potential market or value of copyrighted works. Since both of them have their own advantages and limitations, in order to provide more comprehensive protection for short video works, this paper proposed to identify the standard of short video’s fair use by combining these two methods. In addition, in terms of protection methods, short video platform should take the following measures, making fair use of the exemption rules, the “safe haven” system; executing duty of reasonable care by using technical thinking and introducing copyright filtering mechanism; following the “Network Short Video Platform Management Specification” issued by China Network Audiovisual Program Service Association; improving copyright awareness of short video creators as well as the quality of works; improving the technical protection measures in terms of legislation.

      • KCI등재후보


        刘美谨,诸慧琴 중한연구학회 2023 중한연구학간 Vol.0 No.32

        This study aims to compare the efficiency of commercial banks in China and South Korea during the financial recovery phase in Asian countries following the 2008 financial crisis. It investigates the factors influencing the efficiency of banks in China and South Korea between 2010 and 2021. Additionally, it explores potential challenges and development directions for commercial banks in both countries. The research involved pre-processing data using Excel and conducting efficiency analysis using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model. Subsequently, empirical research and analysis of the factors affecting bank efficiency were performed using STATA software. The study’s findings indicate that initially, in the first phase of the DEA model, South Korean banks exhibited higher operational efficiency than Chinese banks, but in the second phase, Chinese banks surpassed South Korean banks. Moreover, factors such as business innovation, cost expenses, profitability, and asset size demonstrated statistically significant impacts on the efficiency of Chinese banks, while profitability, stability, and asset size also showed statistically significant effects on the efficiency of South Korean banks. In the context of economic globalization, China is rapidly narrowing the gap with South Korean banks through financial reforms and experiencing rapid growth. Finally, this study’s results offer new directions for the future development of banks in China and South Korea.

      • KCI등재


        赵慧昕 ( Huixin Zhao ),诸慧琴 ( Huiqin Zhu ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2021 인문사회 21 Vol.12 No.2

        绿⾊信贷政策对于商业银⾏来说到底是⼀种响应政策与促进收益的双赢, 还是⼀种权衡, 在学术界⼀直是个争议。本研究的⽬的是探讨绿⾊信贷政策对中国商业银⾏收益性是否起到积极的影响作⽤。本研究基于16家中国较⼤型股份制商业银⾏2009-2019年共11年的⾯板数据, 使⽤静态⾯板回归模型, 以检验绿⾊信贷⽐率是否增长了商业银⾏的资产收益率。研究结果表明, 绿⾊信贷⽐率越⾼确实对商业银⾏收益性的增长有显著正向的影响, 且与滞后⼀年, 滞后两年的情况相⽐, 影响系数较⼩。我们认为, 中国的绿⾊信贷政策对于商业银⾏的可持续性发展及银⾏收益性都有积极的促进作⽤, 且具有显著的长期效应。相⽐于国有商业银⾏, 绿⾊信贷对⾮国有商业银⾏提升收益及降低风险具有更为显著的积极作⽤。 The credit policy is a win-win for commercial banks in response to policy and promoting income, or a trade-off, has always been a controversy in academia. The objective of this study is to explore whether green credit policies have a positive effect on the profitability of Chinese commercial banks. This study is based on the panel data of 16 large-scale joint-stock commercial banks in China for 11 years from 2009 to 2019, and uses a Static Panel Regression model to test whether the green credit ratio has increased the return on assets of commercial banks. The results show that the higher the green credit ratio does have a significant positive impact on the commercial bank's profitability growth, and the influence coefficient is smaller than the situation of one year lag and two years lag. We conclude that China's green credit policy has a positive effect on promoting the sustainability and the profitability of commercial banks, and has significant long-term effects. Compared with state-owned commercial banks, green credit has a more significant positive effect on non-state-owned commercial banks in increasing returns and reducing risks.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국 형사법상 증거이론의 변화 및 절차 구축에 관한 논의(论中国刑事证据理论转型与程序的构建)

        사진원(史进元),제혜금(诸慧琴) 명지대학교 법학연구소 2021 명지법학 Vol.19 No.2

        With the strategic layout of China's comprehensive rule of law, in order to adapt to the construction of a modern country ruled by law and coordinate the goal of the national criminal procedure reform, the evidence system in the criminal procedure law gradually establishes the exclusionary rule of illegal evidence with Chinese characteristics, constructs a trial centered litigation mode, and strengthens the procedures of cross examination and authentication in the trial stage The absolute dominant position in evidence collection and application has a significant impact on the renewal of the concept of evidence system, the adjustment of litigation structure and the change of evidence rules. From 1979 "Criminal Procedure Law" mainly emphasizes the function of maintaining national political tasks, endows state organs with extensive powers, and lacks detailed procedural norms for the exercise of powers, and then the criminal procedure law revised in 1996 clearly prohibited illegal evidence collection by state organs, and the evidence system of the recently revised Criminal Procedure Law in 2012 has formally established illegality The rule of evidence, such as evidence exclusion, promotes the legalization of criminal procedure. However, in the face of the theoretical and practical problems of evidence construction, it is necessary to combine the theory and practice of evidence with the theoretical basis and practical application of evidence System, conceive the examination mode of criminal evidence in China. 중국에서 전면적인 법치국가 전략을 전개함에 따라, 형사소송법상의 증거제도는 현대적 법치국가의 건설과 중국 형사소송 개혁의 목표에 부응하기 위해 중국특색의 위법수집증거의 배제원칙을 점진적으로 수립하고, 재판중심의 소송방식을 구축하였다. 이러한 소송방식은 재판단계에서의 대질, 인증 등의 절차가 강화된 관계로, 고소인 측에서 기존의 방식대로 진행해 온 증거수집 및 증거 활용에 대한 절대적 우위에 큰 영향을 미칠 것이 분명하다. 또한 이러한 변화는 증거제도의 이념적 변화, 소송구조에 대한 조정, 증거원칙의 변화 등에도 영향을 주게 된다. 1979년부터의 「형사소송법」은 주로 국가정치의 수호를 담당하는 기능에 대해 강조하였다. 그러므로 국가기관에 막대한 권한과 권력의 행사권리를 부여하는 데 있어 세부적으로 절차적 규범이 결여되었던 바 있다. 그 이후 1996년에 개정한 「형사소송법」에서는 국가기관에서 위법증거수집 행위를 금지한다는 점을 명확히 하였고, 마지막으로 최근의 2012년에 개정한 「형사소송법」의 증거제도에서는 위법수집증거의 배제원칙을 비롯한 증거에 대한 규정을 수립하면서 형사소송 법치화의 발전을 추진시켰다. 하지만 입법 형식상으로 세운 증거제도는 여전히 많은 문제점들이 존재한다. 예컨대 구체적인 사법실무에서의 증거적용은 전통적인 사법이론, 사고방식 및 법집행의 관행의 영향을 많이 받게 되고 이러한 문제점들은 여전히 과제로 남아있다. 그로 인해 이론개혁과 제도건설은 서로 격렬한 충돌과 대항에 직면하기 마련이다. 따라서 증거적용에 관한 이론적 기반, 개념적 범위 등의 문제들을 실무적 상황과 더불어 보다 심층적인 연구가 시급하다. 이것을 기반으로 중국적 특색이 있는 형사 증거제도에 대해 연구를 진행하고 중국 형사증거재판방식을 구상하는 것 또한 현 시점에서 시급히 필요하다고 여겨진다.

      • KCI등재후보


        于晓悦 ( Yu-xiaoyue ),诸慧琴 ( Zhu-huiqin ) 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2020 국제법무 Vol.12 No.1

        The company is the subject of economic activity, occupies an important position in the modern market activity, and the capital of the company is the foundation of the normal operation of the company, it is very important. As a code of conduct for its activities, the Company Law is one of the most important problems in the research, which is the problem of the shareholder’s capital contribution. The respective responsibility of the shareholders, the company and the creditor is the focus that we need to pay attention to and research. The defect of shareholder capital contribution is related to the capital enrichment of the company, which is the basis of the normal and stable operation and credit of the company. This paper studies the defects of shareholders’ capital contribution, and focuses on the responsibilities of shareholders with investment defects. Mainly divided into four parts, the first part through the definition of investment defects, the introduction of a variety of investment defects of the three key cases to distinguish and discuss. The second part, in view of the situation of capital contribution defects, compares all kinds of theoretical views on liability bearing, and discusses the related identification of civil liability bearing and the existing problems at the present stage. The third part mainly discusses the advanced legislative experience of the defect system of shareholders’ capital contribution in foreign countries and the basis of the country. Outside on the shareholder investment defects system to get the relevant enlightenment. The fourth part is on the related issues put forward some suggestions for improvement.

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