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        원형 상상과 주술 공감 : 김소월론

        홍용희 한국시학회 2011 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.32

        The poetic world of So wol Kim is closed to the most common original symbol of our nation. The archetype has been repeated many times ranging from ancient to modern for a long time and it is the priori conditions that enable underlying behavior patterns of human beings which will be repeated. The archetype means “the format of psychical action inherited”. It is the ability of individuals in unconsciousness and the psychology acts of a nation’s collective unconsciousness beyond individuals. The historical, cultural experiences which are the subjects of dreaming and the images of ethnic myth may be reflected in the image group of archetype. The archetype is revealed in various literatures as well as in myths, dreams, formalized social behavior patterns through narrative envisions, the types of characters, the images. If this archetype is concretely manifested in literature, the sympathy which is easily united from readers will be aroused. That is why the archetype image shows the property of magic sympathy which previously acquired the reader’s emotional identification before analysis being held with transcending the function of information delivery. The critical content of So wol Kim across his poetic world is the love that penetrates into dead. Therefore, his poetic life dominates love, death, separation and longing. Those poetic materials are the patterns of meaning for original imagination which is most commonly repeated in human history. So wol Kim shows the patterns of meaning for original imagination which desperately sings through the traditional picture elements and sentiments. So his poetry generally procures the property of magic sympathy which previously acquired the emotional union before analysis being held. His poetic start is the death of his lover. But the poetic narrator doesn’t approve the death. So he sets up the death to separation in his life. That is why the rhetorics of irony, paradox frequently appear in his poetic grammar. Because the dead has to be set up as the alive. Also, his poetic world dominates the longing sentiment. Because as the longing would be strong, as passionate as his love for the person who doesn’t exist in his world. If the longing for his lover who doesn’t exist in his world reaches the limit, the poetic narrator will reveal the shamanistic aspect which enters into the next world. The completion of love can be possible through entering into the next world. But the poetic narrator pays his death for it. It seems to be related to his natural death at an early age.

      • KCI등재

        Small for gestational age and obesity related comorbidities

        홍용희,정소정 대한소아내분비학회 2018 Annals of Pediatirc Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol.23 No.1

        Infant born small for gestational age (SGA) are at increased risk of perinatal morbidity, persistent short stature and metabolic alterations in later life. The result of SGA followed by rapid weight gain during early postnatal life has been associated with increased long-term risks for central obesity, insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, increased fat mass, and cardiovascular disease. We should carefully monitor their weight during infancy and childhood to prevent excessive rates of weight gain. ‘Healthy catch up growth’ may decreased the risk of obesity-related comorbidities in SGA. Establishing the optimal growth patterns in SGA to minimize short- and long-term risks is important, and further studies will be needed. This review discusses recent studies concentrating on obesity-related morbidities in SGA infants that may provide insight into growth monitoring.

      • 정보화 사회에서의 사이버윤리 정립과제

        홍용희 한국교통대학교 2018 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.53 No.-

        From the historical view of civilization, there were some epochal advance of science- technological revolution by which certain society was established in certain age. The current information societies share lots of information and knowledge linked through computer and internet technology. But here rise new ethical problems such as intellectual property, privacy, virus, hacking, and self-identity crisis in cyberspace. As the Internet insinuates itself into the culture at large, arguably a new set of issues has emerged that were not extant ten years ago. Cyberethic has been compiled as a resource for those interested in doing research or teaching in this area of computer ethics that concentrates on the moral implications of the increasing ubiquity of the Internet. In comparison to other areas of applied ethics, the field of computer ethics is just beginning to mature. During the past decade, new papers, journals, and conferences has proliferated. There have been discussions and disagreements about computer ethics methodologies. At the same time, university curriculums are now offering a wide variety of courses such as ethical issues and information technology, information ethics, and “The Internet and Society”. One can even find more specialized seminars on topics such as Internet privacy. In conclusion, in order to foster information ethical consciousness, we have to develop the cultural ethics including the cyberethical consciousness. Then information society will develop with the information culture in harmony. And eventually cyberethical consciousness will coevolve along with information society.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Value Construction Maintenance of Contemporary Chinese Women Security : Based on the Perspective of Non-Traditional Securityed

        홍용희 한국윤리학회 2013 倫理硏究 Vol.92 No.1

        Women security is of vital importance in human security. It is the representative of an updated development of non-traditional security value in a gender dimension. The idea of women security lays its emphasis on the protection and conservation of women’s rights, including physical security, mental security and value security, in order to protect women from the threats of violence, autocracy and system. Women security and women’s rights have received an increasing concern from international community, which is the background of this article. This article raised the definition, research significance and value dimension of contemporary women security and discussed a variety of security threats contemporary women suffered in wars and peacetime. It also proposed efforts on the construction and Maintenance of women security made by all parties. Current development status, main points, value cognition and maintenance of Chinese women security were especially elaborated with four questions of “whose security it is”, “which securities are involved”, “how to maintain their security” and “what is the prior value of women security”.

      • KCI등재

        유아의 조망수용과 교사의 비계설정 : 도덕적 문제 상황에 대한 토의를 중심으로

        홍용희 한국유아교육학회 1999 유아교육연구 Vol.19 No.2

        본 연구는 문화기술적 방법을 통해 도덕적 문제 상황에 대한 토의에 나타나는 만 5세 유아들의 조망수용 양상과 유아들의 조망수용을 도와주는 교사의 비계설정 방법을 고찰하였다. 분석 결과, 유아들은 생활 경험에서 구축한 지식기반에 기초하여 자발적으로 또는 교사의 도움을 받아 타인의 인지·감정·의도 조망수용을 잘 하는 것으로 나타났다. 유아들의 조망수용을 도와주고 촉진하기 위하여 교사들이 사용하는 비계설정 방법으로는 유아들의 생활 속에서 토의 주제 선정하기, 토의 시 문제 상황에 대한 시각적 단서가 담긴 그림 게시하기, 브레인스토밍하기, 언어적·준언어적 신호체계를 사용하기가 있었다. 본 연구는 유아들의 조망수용에 영향을 주는 지식기반과 비계설정자로서 교사의 역할과 책임에 대한 관심과 연구의 필요성을 시사해 준다. This ethnographic study examines the way in which 5 year old children look at situations from another's point of view and also at ways in which they can be assisted in this task through teacher scaffolding. The study revealed that young children, from their own life experiences and knowledge base, are able to imagine what other people may be thinking or feeling in certain situations. Some children were able to do this with or without teacher help. However, research in the field indicates that teachers can greatly facilitate the process of imagining another's perspective by: selecting topics for discussion from the children's daily life; displaying pictures which depict aspects of problematic situations during discussion brainstorming; and using verbal and paralinguistic code systems. The findings of this study suggest that further research should be conducted to ascertain both various optimal ways of scaffolding discussions with young children and the kind of school experiences which will contribute to a knowledge base conducive to developing the ability to view the world from another's perspective.

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