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        교과교육학의 학문 위상과 현 단계 도전 과업

        박인기 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교과교육연구소 2006 교과교육학연구 Vol.10 No.1

        이 글은 교과교육학이 하나의 '학문'으로서 온전한 위상을 확보하고, 지식 사회의 선도적 가치를 생산하는 학문 영역으로 명실상부하게 발전해 가려면 어떤 문제 의식과 도전 전망을 가져야 할 것인지를 교과교육학 분야 학문 공동체에 제기해 보기 위한 글이다. 현재의 교과교육학은 여러 가지 도전을 받고 있다. 1) 학문이라기보다는 기능과 처방의 수준에 머무는 것이라는 인식 2) 학문으로서의 이론 체계를 구비하지 못하고 있는 점 3) 연구방법론의 정합성에서 취약한 점 4) 연구 범주의 생산적 분화가 이루어지지 못한 첨, 5) 다른 학문 분야와의 상호작용이 약한 점 6) 학문으로서의 고유성과 수요 창출이 미약한 점 등이다. 교과교육학은 학문으로서의 본격적인 위상을 높이기 위해서, 자신을 상위 인지하고 독자적인 학문으로서의 자기 결정성을 구축하는 체제와 토양을 길러야 한다. 따라서 교육현상을 단순 추수하는 데 그치지 말고, 교과교육의 지형 자체를 스스로 결정하고, 교과교육학의 토대를 재설정함으로써, 현재의 교과교육학에 대한 인식론을 넘어서도록 해야 한다. 그러기 위해서는 다음과 같은 학적 노력이 필요하다. 먼저 장기적인 관점에서 교과교육학의 이론 연구 분야가 정립되어야 한다. 이는 물론 새로운 연구 범주 확장과 기존 연구 범주를 재개념화 해 나감으로써 가능하다. 이 과정에서 교과교육학이 타 분야 학문과의 학제성을 넓히고 상호작용을 강화해야 할 것이다. 이는 교과교육학의 고유성과 보편성이 상호 긴장력 있게 확충되는 방향의 노력을 요청할 것이다. 교과교육학은 교과의 실제적인 힘(원심력과 구성력)을 학문사회와 교육사회에서 동시에 길러야 한다. This paper aimed to propose a desirable status of subject matter education as science to the community of scholars studying subject matter education. And this paper aimed to became an issue and propose the perspective to establish the scientific perfectness of subject matter education at current stage. At present the subject matter education as science is challenged in many-side as followings. 1) Lack of understanding : tendency to recognize the subject matter education as skill of treatment not science 2) Defect of theoretical system as a science 3) Unreliability of methodology 4) Unspecialized categories of research 5) Insufficiency of interaction with other sciences 6) Be weak in originating new learning demands It is necessary to intensity the scientific identity, self-determination and self-conquest of the subject matter education as science, to raise its academic status. In order to overcome the fixed idea about the subject matter education, a diverse of approaches oriented new understanding are needed as followings Theoretical study of the subject matter education should be established as an approved formal research area. And we should develop new domain of study and re-conceptualize existing domain of study in the subject matter education as science. It is necessary to enlarge inter-disciplinary activity and enforce interaction with other science under the initiative of the subject matter education as science. And in order to establish the academic status of the subject matter education, it is necessary to keep both universality and distinctiveness as a science of the subject matter education. In short it is important to build up the power of the subject matter education through creating demand in both learning society and academic society.

      • 수중운동이 여성노인의 체력 및 신체구성에 미치는 효과

        박인기,한규용 忠南大學校體育科學硏究所 2001 體育科學硏究誌 Vol.19 No.1

        The Effects of Water Exercise on the Physical Fitness and Body compositions of Elderly women. This study was aimed to identify the effects of water exercise on the physical fitness and body compositions of elderly women. 15 subjects participated in this program for 10 weeks. The major findings of this study were as follows; This study showed lots of improvement on balance, power, abdominal strength, and reaction before and after exercise from the beginning to the end of the study. There were not significant developments but a little increasement on flexibility, and cardiovascular strength of elderly women. It was showed no significant improvement on weight, body fat, obesity, fat free body mass, and muscle mass from the beginning to the end of the study. This study showed a large increasement on water weight of the body from the beginning to the end of the study. The results of this study implied that the water exercise for 10 weeks has the potential to maintain the physical fitness of elderly women. It means that the water exercise is considered as a means of keeping the active life for elderly women.

      • 劣勢한 쪽 손의 正確投 能力向上에 關한 硏究

        朴麟基 忠南大學校體育科學硏究所 1984 體育科學硏究誌 Vol.2 No.1

        For many sports we employ both hands. For Hand ball games, especially, the players who can use both hands have the advantage of single-handers, to lead the game. Having in mind the vantage point of both banders, we made twenty six primary and junior school Hand ball players (both ) in Taejon was gives for Inferior hands as much as superior hands. The results are as follows: 1. In either hand - ball throwings or target hittings, boys and girls both showed greater improvement of interior side ability than that of the superior side. 2. Left-handers and right-handers dud not show any difference in the improvement of inferior side ability. 3. The players who had little difference in two hands' ability showed greater improvement of inferior side ability than those who had much difference. 4. After they had reinforcement exercise and skill training for the inferior side. their superior side ability was not diminished.

      • KCI등재

        미디어텍스트와 국어과 교육의 상호성

        박인기 仁川敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 2000 교육논총 Vol.17 No.-

        <ABSTRACT> The propose of this study is to explain the close mutuality of media experience and Korean language education and to suggest a strategy of utilizing media text in Korean language education. Specifically, it's intended to make clear that television text plays a critical role in student's verbal experience and verbal practice, being expected to serve as one of Korean language teaching aids. Now media experience is being popularized, and language involved in media functions as a sort of curriculum. In Particular, television-media experience has been emerging as one of important environment for human knowledge and culture. However, there are both positive and negative aspects in media experience. Its negative effect is to stir up consumption and desire. The 7th Korean language curriculum puts stress on getting a critical understanding of a variety of Korean language materials, and its summative objective is to make inquiry into verbal phenomena with interest in Korean language world. Television text is very useful, as teaching aids which agree to that objective. Moreover, that has multifunctional effective, For instance, that can be utilized as not only a place of acquiring verbal function but a place of critical experience. Its function can further increase as a place of sociocultural practice and verbal education, And developing student's critical eye for media phenomenon itself is also pursued by television text.media text's utility as one of Korean language teaching aids will get higher when the future-type Korean language text integrates content, activity and evaluation.Television text is strongly dominated by customary code, and acquiring this code itself is learning and cultural process. In addition, television accepts various texts oisanically or in a mixed way, reflecting social appearances. Television works socioculturally in three dimensions. The primary one is to provide information, and the secondary one is to function as a code of consumption, desire and enlightenment. The third one is In expand popularization and culture. Owing If those functions, television text plays a specific role in teaching aids area. In other words, that enables one to learn language norm, experience verbal sign action intensively, experience tie substance of verbal society, and have a critical insight into verbal phenomena. Television text works as teaching aids for Korean language in two different ways: passive and active. The former ca9 be related to learn language skill and vitalize language use actilties, and the latter ran be related to analyze and criticize language phenomena and produce text.

      • KCI등재

        歸脾湯 및 歸脾湯加味方의 止血效果에 관한 實驗的 硏究

        박인기,김경준,Park, In-ki,Kim, Kyung-jun 대한한방안이비인후피부과학회 2003 한방안이비인후피부과학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        This Experiment was conducted to investigate the hemostatic effects of Guipitang and Guipitangjiaweifang. For this purpose, the effects of the crude extracts on the platelet count. prothrombin time, fibrinogen level and partial prothromboplastin time were estimated. The rats were divided into normal group, control group and experimental group. Control group was administrated normal saline and experimental group was divided into Sample 1 (Guipitang) and Sample 2 (Guipitangjiaweifang). The results obtained were as follows : 1. The platelet count was significantly increased in both of two samples as compared with the control group. 2. The prothrombin time was significantly shortened in case of Sample 2. however there were no significant changes in case of Sample 1 as compared with the control group. 3. The fibrinogen level was significantly increased in case of Sample 1. however there were no meaningful changes in case of Sample 2 as compared with the control group. 4. The partial prothromboplastin time was significantly shortened in both of two samples as compared with the control group. According to above results. it is supposed that Guipitang and Guipitangjiaweifang have the hemostatic effects in experimental animals.

      • 지방세 네트워크포럼 지방세제분과 제도개선 연구 Ⅲ

        박인기,이선화,강진철,김시목,김용하,김중열,박미영,박봉수,박영애,박용건,박정숙,변종권,오순일,정국환,천현미,최청해 한국지방세연구원 2016 네트워크포럼 Vol.2016 No.-

        □ 연구목적 ○ 본 연구는 2014년부터 전국 지방세발전포럼, 시·도 지방세 연찬회에서 발표한 자료와 한국지방세연구원 연구원 동아리에서 발표된 자료중 개선이 꼭 필요한 자료를 선정하여 자치단체 세무공무원과의 네트워크포럼 세미나를 개최하여 발표자료의 문제점 및 개선방안을 보완하여 향후 제도개선에 반영하고 함 □ 주요내용 ○ “재촌자경(在村自耕)”의 원칙에 부합되는 농업분야 부동산세제 현실화 방안 - 지방세제상 농업분야의 과세물건에 대한 세율체계 및 주체에 대한 감면 체계의 운영기준 및 그 문제점을 각각 살펴보고 이를 극복할 수 있는 방안 연구함 - 지방세법상 농지의 기준, 취득세율을 일원화 및 다른 토지와 동일하게 개정 필요함 ○ 무선통신 기지국시설의 과세 확대방안 - 단순히 무선통신기지국용 철탑에만 과세하던 것을 기지국과 이동중계국 일체의 통신설비시스템 모두에 과세할지 연구함 - 취득세 과세대상 추가보다 실질적으로 무선국 개설 및 허가신고 등록면허세 면허 종별 변경 및 세분화에 따라 세율을 올리는 방안 연구할 필요가 있음 ○ 공동담보 저당권 등기 시 등록면허세 납세지 개선방안 - 부동산펀드를 운용하는 법인인 자산운용사가 공동담보로 인한 저당권 설정 시 지방세법상의 등록면허세 납세지 조항으로 인해 지방세입에 상당한 영향 미침 - 지방세법 제25조(납세지) 제1항 17호를 삭제하여 여러 부동산 소재지에 대한 공동담보 저당권 등기 시 부동산 소재지별로 등록면허세 과세하도록 명시 필요함 ○ 자동차세 납세의무 합리적 개선을 통한 징수율 제고방안 - 특히 많은 징세비용을 지불하고 있음에도 징수율이 지난 10년간 지방세 평균징수율 91.9%보다 저조한 10년간 평균징수율이 89.9%인 소유분 자동차세 집중분석됨 - 실질과세 원칙에 따라 자동차등록원부상의 자동차 소유자가 아니라 하더라도 그 운행이익을 향유하는 사실상 사용자에 대하여 자동차세 납세의무를 도입 필요함 ○ 지방재정 확충 및 건전화를 위한 산업단지 감면제도의 개선방안 - 지방세 비과세ㆍ감면 중 산업단지 감면은 감면액이 클 뿐만 아니라 감면 존치의 명분이 희박하고 또한 그 혜택이 일부 소수 대기업들에 집중되고 있어 그 형평성에 문제가 있다고 판단, 그 현황과 문제점을 살펴보고 이에 대한 개선방안을 연구함 - 산업단지는 국가전략산업 조성과 지역균형발전 등을 위해 조성되어야 함. 따라서 산업단지를 조성하기까지 주어지는 지특법 제78조 제1항부터 제3항까지의 감면에 대해서는 공감하는 바이나, 산업단지 조성 후 장래에 지속적으로 발생되는 입주업체의 신·증축 산업용 건축물까지 감면해 주는 제4항의 내용은 축소되어야 함

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