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        어떤 도시화 과정 ? : 한국과 미국에서 주변도시의 발달

        주경식(Kyung Sik Joo) 한국도시지리학회 1998 한국도시지리학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        Edge cities(ECs) which function as business centers for office, services, finance, sales, infomation, R&D, are located in the outskirts of suburbs while competing with central city today. ECs and emerging edge cities(EECs) are constructed on spacious lard lots in fashionable post modem buildings with large parking lots and gardens, flowers, trees, grasses. and water. In Bergen county, which is located near Manhattan of New York, Mahwah, Parmus, Ramsey, Oakland, Tenafly are developed as ECs. Around Seoul metropolis, Seongnam, Suwon, Buchon, Ansan are identified as EECs. Those cities commonly have excellent accessibility from expressways, highways, turnpikes, and railroads. ECs have developed as the later suburbanization process for last 30 years, which mainly related to development of technologies in information, transportation, and communication. They are the products of the suburbanized metropolitan restructuring processes in the globalization post industrial and post modem age. Development of ECs can loosen the serious urban problems in central city due to overcumulation.

      • KCI등재

        엘프리데 옐리넥의 『피아노 치는 여자』에서 폭력의 문제

        주경식 ( Kyung Sik Joo ) 한국독일어문학회 2011 독일어문학 Vol.52 No.-

        In dieser Studie wurde analysiert, in welchem Herrschafts- und Gewaltverhaltnis die Hauptpersonen stehen und wie die Sprache die Gewalt behandelt. Der Roman Die Klavierspielerin ist zwar keineswegs einer weiblichen Bekenntnis- und Gestandnisliteratur zuzurechnen, aber enthalt doch autobiographische Momente. Dies und eine Schreibweise, die starker als in allen anderen Texten Jelineks konventionellen Lesegewohnheiten entgegenzukommen scheint, hat wohl den Erfolg von Die Klavierspielerin begrundet. Erika Kohut lebt allein mit ihrer Mutter. Sie ist der mutterliche Phallus und zugleich der Ehemann. Die Mutter hat die Tochter zu Lebensfeindlichkeit und zu einer Einzelgangerin erzogen. Erikas Sadomasochismen, ihre Selbstverletzungen und ihr Voyeurismus-alle diese Perversionen stehen im Kontext mit der mutterlichen Dominanz und Erikas scheiternden Versuchen, gegenuber dieser Macht ein Selbst auszubilden. Erikas Selbstverletzungen und ihr Voyeurismus sind Aneignungsversuche einer phallischen Position und Reaktionen auf die Erfahrung der Geschlechtshierarchie. die sie in diesen Akten zu uberschreiten versucht. Erika wird nicht zur Frau, sondern zur Herrin. Es gelingt ihr nicht, sich weiblich zu identifizieren. Wie sie sich zum Subjekt ihrer Defloration macht, bringt sie sich Verletzungen, zumal ihres Geschlechts, bei, mit denen sie selbst das Subjekt und die Akteurin der Offnung ihres Korpers und der Penetration zu sein scheint. Das Ziel der Selbstverletzungen ist die Herstellung einer Position, in der Erika selbstbestimmt und autonom - nicht Objekt, sondern Subjekt des sexuellen Akts - zu sein scheint. Zugleich sind die Selbstverletzungen auch symbolische Selbstkastrationen, mit denen sie sich selbst zur Frau, zur Kastrierten, macht und so ihre Weiblichkeit herstellt. Im Schauen in der Peep-Show realisiert sie die phallische Position und vergewissert sie sich der Weiblichkeit als Kastriertheit: Der Mann schaut auf das Nichts, er schaut auf den reinen Mangel. Die eigene Weiblichkeit kann Erika nur als negativ und ekelhaft wahrnehmen. Sie hat die mannliche Projektion von der Frau als Loch und Nichts internalisiert. Sie kastriert Klemmer erneut, indem sie ihm einen Brief mit masochistischen Anweisungen schreibt und ihn zwingt, diesen Brief in ihrer Anwesenheit zu lesen. Die Unterwerfung und Vergewaltigung wird von Erika selbst gefordert und inszeniert. Auch indem sie ihm ihre perversen Wunsche nicht sagt, sondern aufschreibt, behauptet sie ihre phallische Position.

      • KCI등재

        서울시 웨딩 업체의 입지 패턴에 관한 연구

        주경식(Kyung Sik Joo),박영숙(Young Sook Park) 한국지역지리학회 2011 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.17 No.6

        1990년 중구, 종로구, 서대문구, 마포구 등지에 위치해 있었던 웨딩 업체들이 1995년 이후부터 입지상 급속한 변화가 나타나서, 2010년에는 대부분의 업체가 강남구에 집중되어 있다. 강남구 웨딩드레스 업체는 1990년대 초기 광림교회~압구정역 사이에 주로 분포하였다가 점차 도산공원 쪽으로, 그리고 학동사거리를 거쳐 청담동쪽으로 이동하였다. 청담동의 고급 이미지가 웨딩 업체들이 집적하게 된 주된 이유였다. 업체들의 집적은 청담사거리에서 최고를 보였다. 청담동에서 사업을 시작하게 된 동기로는 지역의 높은 인지도, 이미지, 업체 간의 협력 및 연계의 용이 등이었고, 높은 임대료와 교통 불편이 불만족한 점이었다. 업체 간 협력 및 연계는 컨설팅 업체를 통해서 대부분 이루어지고 있었고, 관련 업체의 수준 및 평판이 중요한 요소였다. 연계 및 협력 업체도 청담동에 가장 많이 위치해 있고, 이어서 논현동, 신사·압구정동 순이었다. 웨딩스튜디오, 웨딩드레스, 웨딩컨설팅, 한복 업체 등이 클러스터 관계가 가장 뚜렷했고, 수평 클러스터보다 수직 클러스터의 빈도가 더 높게 나타났다. 서울 웨딩 업체의 이용자 행태는 주로 인터넷과 웨딩컨설팅 업체를 통하여 결혼 정보를 수집하고 있었다. Wedding shops, which had been located in Jung-gu, Jongno-gu, Seodaemun-gu, and Mapo-gu in 1990, have been shown a rapid change in light of location since the year of 1995. Thus, most of shops are concentrated on Gangnam-gu in 2010. Wedding dress shops in Gangnam-gu were distributed between Kanglim Church and Apgujeong station in the early 1990s, and then moved gradually to Dosan park and then to Cheongdam-dong after passing through Hakdong intersection. Luxury image in Cheongdam-dong was the main reason for integration of wedding businesses. This intergration of shops showed the peak at the Cheongdam intersection. A motive of having come to start business in Cheongdam-dong was selected the high awareness and image in district, and was taken the ease for business-based cooperation and connection. High rent and inconvenient transportation were reasons for dissatisfaction. The business-based cooperation and connection were mostly formed through a consulting company. Level and reputation of relevant shops were important elements. Even the connective and associative shops are located the most in Cheongdam-dong followed by Nonhyeon-dong, Shinsa·Apgujeong-dong in order. The cluster relationship was most noticeable in wedding studio, wedding dress, wedding consulting, and hanbok(Korean traditional clothes) business. Frequency of vertical cluster was indicated to be more than horizontal cluster. User behavior of wedding businesses in Seoul has been collecting wedding information through internet and wedding consulting business.

      • KCI등재

        용인시 주택시장의 성장과 공간적 분화에 관한 연구

        주경식(Kyung-Sik Joo),박용우(Yong-Woo Park) 대한지리학회 2010 대한지리학회지 Vol.45 No.2

        본 연구는 대규모의 주택건설로 신도시가 지속적으로 형성되고 있는 수도권 지역에서 도시성장에 따른 주택시장의 분화에 영향을 주는 요인과 공간적 분화 패턴, 주택하위시장의 분화와 교외화의 관련성 등을 실증적으로 규명하고자 하였다. 용인시는 지리적 장점뿐만 아니라 주택시장의 제도적 · 사회적 환경 변화가 강력히 뒷받침해준 결과 2000년대 수도권 지역에서 가장 역동적으로 성장한 지역으로 주택시장의 변화에 관하여 미시적 스케일에서 주택하위시장의 공간적 분화 패턴을 밝히기에 적합한 장소이다. 용인시 주택시장은 4개의 하위시장으로 대별되었는데, 이에는 강남·분당과의 접근성, 경부 및 영동고속국도 등의 지리적 요인, 주택규모와 가격, 점유형태 등 주택재고의 특성, 그리고 세대구성, 학력 및 소득수준 등의 사회경제적 요인이 중요하게 작용하였다. This empirical study researched the three major phenomena of differentiation of housing market under the large scale of new town construction in the metropolitan area, the spatial differentiation pattern of housing market due to the urban growth, and the relationship with the distribution of housing submarket and suburbanization. Yongin City, one of the most active growth cities among the metropolitan areas, is optimal place to investigate the spatial differentiation pattern of the housing submarket on the microscopic scale. Furthermore, Yongin City has not only the geographical benefit but also the strong influences from institutional, social, and environmental changes. This city is divided into four housing submarkets, where to Gangnam and Boondang, Gyeongbu and Youngdong expressway has significant effects. In addition, the housing tenure and size, household structure, educational background and income levels and so on also resulted in the differentiation of the housing submarket.

      • KCI등재

        호주 다문화주의의 한계

        주경식(Kyung Sik Joo) 한국인문사회과학회 2017 현상과 인식 Vol.41 No.3

        이 글은 호주 다문화주의의 한계를 살펴보는데 그 주안점이 있다. 호주 다문화주의의 한계를 살펴보기 위해서, 호주의 이민역사, 특히 ‘백호주의’와 호주정부의 이해관계를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 그 이유는 호주의 역사는 이민의 역사와 궤를 같이 하고 있고 유색인 이민을 제한함으로 호주 안에 백인사회를 건설하고자 하는 ‘백호주의’의 기치를 들고 출발했기 때문이다. 1788년 영국의 유형지이자 식민지로 시작한 호주는 1901년 연방정부의 탄생시 아예 유색인 이민을 제한함으로 ‘백인’만의 사회를 건설하고자 ‘백호주의’를 공식적으로 선포하였고, 이것은 호주의 근본정신과 가치로 자리 잡았다. 그러므로 ‘다문화주의’정책이 이미 반세기나 진행되어 왔음에도 불구하고, 백인 우월주의 사상은 호주 사회와 문화 안에 깊이 뿌리 내려 있다. 더구나 기독교 국가라 할 수 있는 호주에서 인종간 계급의식이 자리잡고 있다는 것은 호주 교회의 부끄러운 역사라 할 수 있다. 그러므로 본 연구를 통해 호주 다문화주의의 태생적 한계를 살피고, 특별히 호주 안에 살고 있는 한인들의 경험에 비추어 호주 ‘다문화주의의’ 허상을 밝혔다. 호주가 성공한 다문화주의 국가로 자리매김 하기 위해서는, 인종간의 위계적인 인종 구조의 패러다임을 해체하는 일이 먼저 선행 되어야 할 것이다. 이것은 법과 규범으로 될 수 있는 일이 아니고, 다른 타자와 “함께 살아가기”에 대한 기독교의 반성과 코즈모폴리터니즘적 성찰을 통한 인간의 인식과 가치를 바꾸어 나가야 할 것이다. This article explores the limitations to Australia’s multiculturalism through a focus on the relationship between the history of migration, in particular, the ‘White Australia Policy’, and the beneficial relationship to the Australian government. This is as the history of Australia is paralleled to the history of migration and through the limitations placed on migration for non-Europeans, started off to create a white society in Australia. Australia, colonised in 1788 as the imperial capital and colony of England, was founded in 1901 with the birth of a federal government, restricted immigration of non-Europeans to establish a society of white Europeans, formally promoted ‘White Australia Policy’, resulting in this becoming established in Australia’s spirit and value. Thus, despite Australia’s "multiculturalism" policy already being in place for half a century, the ideology of white supremacy remains in Australian society and culture. Moreover, that in a predominately Christian nation such racial hierarchy exists is an embarassing history for the Australian church. Therefore, this study examines the inherent limitations of Australian multiculturalism and reveals the illusion of "multiculturalism" particularly through the experiences of the Korean expat community. In order for Australia to become a successful multicultural nation, it must first dismantle the paradigm of racial hierarchy. This requires not just changes to laws and norms but requires the church’s reflection towards a cosmopolitan outlook of ‘living together’ with others and changes in people’s cognition and values.

      • KCI등재

        대도시 신도심지구의 형성과 발달

        주경식 ( Kyung Sik Joo ) 한국도시지리학회 2003 한국도시지리학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the development and functional characteristics of Dunsan New Urban District(DNUD) planned as an administrative town in Daejon city. The district was constructed to get the relatively good business settings, better residential environment, pastoral landscapes which are very similar to suburban business parks or edge cities developed around the large metropolitan areas in foreign countries. Especially KNUD attains the excellent accessibility to infrastructure such as bullet train, expressways, highways, airport, and harbors, etc. within one-hour-distance for business. The functional establishments located in the central administrative service district(CASD) were classified as the higher quality of central ones get the good business benefits through the functional and spatial competition those compared with the functions located at the older central business district(CBD) in Daejon city. This DNUD constructed with the central sphere with CASD core, and neighbor districts are public service, business, local administrative, park districts respectively those compose of the new central business district, R&D park area make up the NCBD and residential areas are located around the NCBD of DNUD in Daejon city. The linkages among people, offices, and companies or shops are counted as the most important factors for the business in DNUD of Daejon city. That’s the special characteristics of the informational network society. Most shops and companies in DNUD usually make good business profits that attracts many functional establishments to relocate to this district. That shows the spatial restructuring processes with two CBDs in Daejon city.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        레싱과 괴테: 베르터의 『 에밀리아 갈로티 』 읽기를 중심으로

        주경식 ( Kyung Sik Joo ) 한국독일어문학회 2014 독일어문학 Vol.66 No.-

        Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Frage, warum ausgerechnet Emilia Galotti von G. E, Lessing auf dem Pulte in Werthe aufgeschlagen lag. Emilia und Werther, zwei Protagonisten, haben gemein, dass sie einen Opfertod sterben und ihr freiwilliger Entschluss zum Tod im Namen des Gefuhls durchgefuhrt wird. Lessing und Goethe reprasentieren zwei verschiedene Perioden in der Geschichte der deutschen Literatur, sie reprasentieren damit und vor allem zwei unterschiedliche, sich im Wesen ausschließende Auffassungen uber deren Wesen und Aufgaben. In ihnen artikulieren sich zwei gegensatzliche Haltungen zum Verhaltnis zwischen Autor und Werk. Werther liebt die Rolle, die Lotte in der Gesellschaft spielt, eine Rolle, aus der Emilia ausbrechen mochte. Werther stirbt, weil er sich den Genussen des Lebens nicht hingeben kann, Emilia stirbt, weil sie sich den Genussen des Lebens nicht hingeben darf. In Lessings Tragodien kommen seine Zweifel am Ideal der aufklarerischen Weltordnung zum Ausdruck. Es gibt in Lessings dichterischen Werken eine Reihe von Zeichen, die auf die Grunduberzeugungen schließen lassen, die von denen Werthers nicht gar so weit entfernt sind.

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      • KCI등재

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