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        方芳(Fang Fang),朴英媛(Park, Young-won),李忠姬(Lee, Chung-hee) 중국어문학연구회 2019 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.119

        The emergence of new words has brought a great impact on the Chinese vocabulary system. The Chinese language also absorbs, transforms and assimilates them, and even makes some new words accumulate as basic words, to enrich and develop Chinese continuously. The emergence of new words is a kind of language variation phenomenon, from the language-internal perspective, mainly displays in the differentiation of the meaning of integrating change in form and structure. Analogical word formation is an important way to produce new words and also makes a large number of group words emerge in new words. "Micro-x" words are a representative group of neologistic words. "Micro-x" words are produced quickly, with a large number, complex semantic interweaving and obvious grammaticalization trend, which is a phenomenon worthy of attention in the vocabulary and grammar of Chinese new words. This article mainly discusses and studies the nature of the words of the "Micro-x" group, the inheritance and development of the new words of the "micro-X" group, whether the "Micro-x" in the "Micro-x" group has affix like characteristics, and the reasons for the emergence of the new words of the "Micro-x" group, and gives a superficial interpretation of the phenomenon of the new words of the "micro X" group. Besides, the new Chinese words play an important role in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Chinese learners are inevitably exposed to many new words in their daily life and HSK examination. Learning Chinese new words is one of the important ways to enlarge Chinese vocabulary, learn Chinese language knowledge, understand contemporary Chinese society and improve language communication ability. However, the teaching of new words in Chinese as a foreign language is not satisfactory in terms of teaching content and learning effect. Combining with the Chinese as a foreign language vocabulary teaching laws and characteristics of new words, This article discusses the teaching of new "Micro-x" words and similar new words, and also give some suggestion from the teaching order、 teaching ideas、teaching contents and curriculum set these four aspects.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 백미밥의 섭취에 따른 영양과 식품 섭취 실태 및 대사증후군 위험수준: 1기(1998), 4기(2007~2009), 6기(2013) 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여

        방방 ( Fang Fang Song ),장진아 ( Jin A Jang ),김양숙 ( Yang Suk Kim ),윤혜려 ( Hei Ryeo Yoon ),조미숙 ( Mi Sook Cho ) 한국식생활문화학회 2015 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.30 No.5

        The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between white rice consumption and dietary intake, the risk of metabolic syndrome in Korean based on 1st (1998), 4th (2007~2009), 6th (2013) KNHANES. This study included 25,799 subjects who were age 10 or over. Three groups(low, medium, high) were divided according to white rice consumption (per day). In the low group, the meat and oil intake were significantly higher than the high group. In the 1st survey year, the BMI, waist circumstances, hypertriglyceridemia and fasting blood glucose in the high group were higher than other groups, however the 4th and 6th survey year showed no significant results. In the 1st survey year the risk of waist circumstances was higher in the high white rice consumption group and also had high risk with hypertriglyceridemia. Since the lower white rice consumption in 4th than 1st survey year we found no significant results. But in the 6th survey year with the lowest white rice consumption the risk of high diastolic pressure was reduced in high group. Because continuously reduced white rice consumption meantime showed more intake of meat and oil, it can be concluded that defensive effects with the Korean health.

      • KCI등재

        旅游目的地的形象,感知价値及游客滿意度關系的分析 -訪韓中國游客위僞例

        방방 ( Fang Fang Xiao ),장요희 ( Yao Xi Zhang ),김시중 ( Si Joong Kim ) 관광경영학회 2015 관광경영연구 Vol.64 No.-

        This study examines the relationships between cognitive image, affective image, perceived value and tourist satisfaction. Destination images play a significant influencing role in destination selection. This study was conducted with the specific goal of determining the destination images of South Korea as perceived by Chinese travelers. A conceptual framework was developed to model these relationships, which was validated with an empirical data set. The survey was conducted with Chinese tourists to South Korea by questionnaire from September 1st to September 25th, 2014. Based on the response of a total of 400 Chinese tourists obtained from the empirical research, this study reviewed reliability and fitness of the research model and verified a total of 3 hypotheses using SPSS21.0 program. The hypothesized relationship in the model were tested simultaneously by using regression analysis. The results shows that cognitive and affective image as independent variables had an effect on perceived value. The perceived value had influence on tourist satisfaction. Moreover, perceived value, and tourist satisfaction are strongly influenced by destination image. Finally, the implications and future research suggestions were discussed in the conclusion section. Recommendations are provided to offer valuable direction to Korean tourism offices and marketers to better promote South Korea as a valuable destination for Chinese tourists.

      • KCI등재


        方芳 ( Fang Fang ) 한국외국어대학교 법학연구소 2008 외법논집 Vol.30 No.-

        在人類社會的發展過程中, 與自然界一樣, 强者與弱者幷存。中國改革開放后, 中國的經濟結構、行政體制都發生重大變化。經濟體制從計劃經濟向社會主義市場經濟轉變;經濟制度從單一的公有制向以公有制爲主體、多種所有制共同發展轉變;分配制度從單一的按勞分配向以按勞分配爲主體、多種分配方式幷存轉變。由于社會收入分配制度和社會保障制度的不健全, 社會貧富差距擴大, 在社會變革之中, 形成了一個規模庞大、結構復雜、分布廣泛的群體――弱勢群體。在一定程度上, 弱勢群體是現代文明演進過程中制度性因素的犧牲者。中國弱勢群體的規模已經達到1.4億―1.8億人左右, 占全國總人口的11%―14%。2002年3月5日, 朱镕基總理在九屆人大五次會議上所做的政府工作報告中要求“對弱勢群體給予特殊的就業援助”, 這是中國政府文本中第一次正式使用“弱勢群體”的槪念。弱勢群體的存在引起了社會學、法學、經濟學等領域的共同關注。因爲“人之所以貴爲人, 就在于人有被尊重, 被關懷的需要,社會弱者也不例外, 甚至因其社會地位的卑微更渴望得到人格尊嚴上的尊重”, 所以不能以犧牲弱勢群體的利益來謀求社會的發展。 In the period of the social transformation in modern China, the existence of the social vulnerable group is unavoidable. It is the duty of the Chinese government to offer the legal protection to the social vulnerable groups. The definition of the social vulnerable groups is different according to the different subject. While every scholar agrees that the scope of social vulnerable groups is comprehensive including any person who is in the disadvantaged conditions in the social life. The social vulnerable groups are divided into two kinds. One is natural vulnerable group, such as minors, seniors and the disabled; the other is social vulnerable group by the social reason. The social vulnerable groups need to be protected in the analysis of the legal theory, including the humanism, the equality of human rights, the nature of law justice and the choice of legal economy. The social vulnerable groups shall be protected by law not only in the formal equality, but also the substantive equality. Moreover the substantive equality emphasizes on the protection of the social vulnerable groups. Now there are many laws in China to protect the social Vulnerable groups. First, the Constitution. Arts. 45, 46, 48 & 49 stipulate the protection for the disabled, seniors, women and children. Second, the general law. Arts. 1, 18 & 19 of the Criminal Law provide the special stipulations for the crimes of the minors, the mental patients, and the deaf-mute or blind persons. They may be given a lighter or mitigated punishment or be exempt for punishment. And there are some provisios to protect the social vulnerable groups in the General Principles of Civil Law and the Labor Law, etc. Third, the family law. Arts. 11, 19, 27 & 29 of the Marriage Law and Arts. 6, 7 & 28 of the Inheritance Law give the protections for the women and children. Fourth, the procedural law. Arts. 94, 98 of the Criminal Procedural Law and the Civil Procedural Law stipulate the protections for the groups. Fifth, the special lawsuch as the Disabled Protection Law, the Minors Protection Law, the Women Rights and Interests Protection Law and the Seniors Rights and Interests Protection Law. Sixth, the Regulations of Legal Aid. Even though there are many laws to protect the social vulnerable groups, the defects of the protections for the groups still exist. China need to take some measures to perfect the laws as the following: to establish a legal protection system in which the Constitution stipulates the fundamental principle to protect the social vulnerable groups, the General Principles of Social law will be the general law for the groups, each special law will be carried out for the different social vulnerable group and the local regulations will be changed to the local laws: the substantive law and procedural law will protect the social vulnerable groups together: the judicial aid will be strengthened; the social safeguard law will be perfected. There are many international conventions to protect the social vulnerable groups. In the process of protecting the social vulnerable groups, China will follow the international developing tendency towards the comparative inclining protection. That is an outcome of the substantive justice and equality.

      • KCI등재

        스포츠웨어 브랜드 원산지 이미지가 중국 대학생들의 브랜드 개성 지각과 구매의도에 미치는 영향

        방방 ( Fang Fang Zhang ),기묭숙 ( Yong Sook Kim ) 복식문화학회 2012 服飾文化硏究 Vol.20 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to identil3 the effects of sportswear brand& county-of-origin on purchase intention (P1) in terms of brand personality as perceived by Chinese university students. Chinese students preferred to shop for sportswear at specialty stores, liked Nike and Adidas most, design was the most important factor when selecting, selected their sportswear themselves, and gathered information from TV ads. With regard to perceptions of brands country-of-origin, America was perceived as a developed country, influential to the world, but as having a bad relationship with China. Germany was perceived as a developed county and as having a well-developed civic culture, good people image, high technology, high influence on the world, and a good relationship with China. Italy was perceived as a developed country with the highest civic culture. China was perceived as a developing county, as having a good people image, and low technology and low influence on the world. Japan was perceived as a developed county with high technology. Factors of brand personality were sincerity, competence & sophistication, and excitement. Nike was perceived as having high competence & sophistication and excitement, Adidas as having high competence & sophistication and excitement, Lining as having high sincerity, and Mizuno`s brand personality was very low. People image, competence & sophistication and excitement became higher, P1 of Adidas increased. If people image, competence & sophistication and excitement became higher, P1 of Kappa increased. If a country was developed and competence & sophistication and excitement became higher, P1 of Lining increased. If civic culture, people image, technology, competence & sophistication and excitement became higher, P1 of Mizuno increased.

      • KCI등재


        方芳 ( Fang Fang ) 한국외국어대학교 법학연구소 2008 외법논집 Vol.29 No.-

        自20世紀90年代中期以來, 新一輪的區域合作浪潮逐步席卷全球, 成爲當今世界經濟發展的主要潮流。多哈談判遇阻后, FTA(Free Trade Agreement)發展明顯加速, 全世界簽署的FTA數目不斷攀升, 至2005年底向WTO備案的FTA有307個。同歐洲、美洲經濟一體化進程相比, 目前東亞地區則是世界上僅存的區域經濟一體化的空白區, 雖然也有小范圍的區域合作, 但影響不大。在韓美貿易協定簽署、中國和東盟之間的雙邊FTA已取得實質性進展的背景下, 中日韓在亞洲最有影響力的國家之間的合作至今沒有取得實質性進展。從政治經濟關系現狀來看, 中日韓自由貿易區短期內實現的可能性仍然不大。所以目前比較現實的做法就是實現雙邊合作, 推動中韓合作。以中韓爲突破点, 盡快建立中韓自由貿易區, 進而推動中日韓三國乃至整個東亞地區的區域經濟合作的發展是目前最佳的選擇。 Under the regional cooperation being a main trend of the World’s economic development, East Asia should make China and Korea as a breakthrough, build Sino-Korean free trade district, and then push the development of the whole East Asia’s regional economic cooperation. Both China and Korea want to contribute to FTA and keep the close geographic, humanistic and trade relation. Both countries’ political relation has been improving. In the IT industry, the focus of sino-Korean FTA, sino-Korean IT industries develop quickly and possess the cooperative basis. While in the FTA’s construction, IT industries’ cooperation faces the obstacles: Sino-Korean economic nationalism; the existence of huge china trade deficit for sino-Korean trade; the copyright dispute in the software development. Sino-Korea must take the corresponding measures in order to push the sino-Korean substantial development.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        위안화 환율 변화의 중국 수출입에 대한 영향 분석

        필위녕(Bi, Wei Ning),방방(Ren, Fang Fang),남수중(Nam, Soo Joong) 영남대학교 중국연구센터 2014 중국과 중국학 Vol.22 No.-

        본 논문은 요한슨 공적분 검정법과 중력모형을 이용하여 위안화 환율변화가 중국 용도별 수출입에 미친 영향을 실증적으로 분석하였다. 1998년부터 2012년까지 중국과 20개 교역대상국의 연도별 패널데이터를 고정효과, 확률효과와 최소자승법(OLS)으로 나누어 분석하였다. 본 논문의 주요 결과는 다음과 같은 의미를 갖는다. 첫째, 환율의 변화와 수출입 사이에는 장기적 균형관계가 존재하는 것으로 나타났다. 환율의 수출 및 수입 수요 탄력성의 절대값 합이 3.09에 달해 1보다 크다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 즉 마샬-러너 조건이 충족되었다. 본 연구는 위안화의 명목환율 변화가 장기적으로 중국 수출입에 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 규명하였다. 위안화 환율변화가 중국의 수출입에 미치는 영향을 추정한 결과에 따르면 수출보다는 수입이 환율변동에 대해 더 민감하게 반응하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 중국과 외국의 GDP 변화가 수출입에 미친 영향을 보면, 중국의 수출에 대한 외국의 GDP 영향, 즉 외국의 수입 수요는 모두 통계적으로 1%에서 유의미하였으나, 중간재와 소비재보다 자본재의 수출에 대한 영향이 가장 컸던 것으로 파악되었다. 또한 수입의 경우, 중국 국내수입 수요, 즉 GDP 증가는 자본재, 중간재, 소비재 모두 회귀계수 값이 높지 않은 반면, 중간재와 소비재의 경우 통계적으로 1%에서 유의하였다. 셋째, 실증분석 결과는 실질실효 환율이 절상된다면 자본재, 중간재, 소비재 수출이 모두 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 모두 통계적으로도 유의하였다. 반면 수입의 경우, 환율 변화의 영향이 제한적인 것으로 추정되었다. 특히 자본재의 수입이 통계적으로 유의미한 값을 제시하지 못하였다. This paper focuses on the long-term and short-term impact of RMB exchange rate on China’s export and import trade to 20 countries from 1980 to 2012. Through the Johansen cointegration test and gravity model, this paper concludes that the export is a positive to the change of exchange rate in the long-term, but the import is negative. The exchange rate elasticity of the import is larger than the export. As a result, Marshall-Lerner condition is valid. It is 3.09, more high than 1. Therefore, the GDP of China and foreign countries are the important factors and possesses a significantly positive impact on China’s exports and imports. The empirical model reveals that the effects of RMB real effective exchange rate are a significantly positive on capital goods, intermediate goods and consumption goods exports. But China’s imports have not any significant results statistically, particularly on capital goods imports. From the empirical result, it is proved that exchange rate flexibility has the obvious influence on China’s export and import trade in the short and long term.

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