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        新時期小說敍述方式的新意: 形式論

        방진 중국어문학회 (구 이화중국어문학회) 2009 中國語文學誌 Vol.31 No.-

        The structure-rhetoric analyzing in the article takes `narrative measuring` in Chinese novels from the end of 1970 to 1990`s, in which the analyzing concept Narrative Style is pointed out and regarded as the essential of novel structures. As the object of structure analyzing in the view of integration of literature and linguistics, Narrative Style is the result of the using and the developing of language which were composed by several narrative methods, including punctuations narration, sentences narration, images narration, styles narrtion, and viewpoints narration, etc.

      • KCI등재


        방진 ( Zhen Ping Fang ) 한국중국언어학회 2011 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.36

        The life today saw lots phenomenon of quantity expression created by people here and there, and we live in the world of semantics "the quota" in time. The language cognition measurement view, namely to speech act`s conformity measure,its core is compared to the difference from the different. This article is the semantic analysis of the view of quantitativeness of language. It mainly focuses category and features of concepts which in all is Conceptual Quantitativeness (Semantic Structure). In other words, it means that meanings of expression mainly come from the concept and changes of it. Here, "concept structure"is not the style, distribution of concept(different from "language structure"), but mean-the semantic structure is conceptual, motivational of thinking. "Conceptstructure" can be the category or unit of semantic analysis of language, it is to measure language righteousness of substantial: The language meaning is various notionstructure. Construct or purchase the mode including Numbervalued Quantitativeness, Quality-changed Quantitativeness, perspective-selected Quantitativeness, Structure-fixed Quantitativeness, etc.

      • KCI등재


        方珍平(Fang Zhenping),李曉英(Lee Hyo-young) 중국어문학연구회 2011 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.70

        수사학의 발전은 신이론 건설 목표를 달성할 필요가 있다. 복합 언어연구, 커뮤니케이션 요인과 행위과학은 언어수사학 연구에 가능성 있는 발전 방향이다. 본문은 언어 수사의 이론 발전 요구에서 출발하여 언어수사의 복합 근원, 복합 요소, 복합 목표 등의 범주를 논술했다. 본문의 내용은 언어 수사에 관한 서방의 복합적인 근원, 중국의 복합적인 근원, 언어수사의 광고 복합 요소, 공공 관계 복합 요소, 언어 수사의 가치 복합목표, 시공복합목표 등을 포함하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        论上海城市形象的发掘及运用 — 情调都会:一个旅游产业经济事项的跨领域研讨

        方珍平 동북아시아문화학회 2010 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.23

        City image, as a concentrated expression of urban cultural environment which attracting tourists has become one of the most crucial factor. Particularly, city image should have the characteristics and hierarchy. It is the personalized summary nature, through which association functions gave. Shanghai can still be explored by its cultural image.Its “charm index” can be further improved, and its image is necessary for further extraction. From the perspective of tourism industry development, this article give demonstration of this interaction of cultural and economic. From the Aesthetic point of view, it attempts to build Shanghai cultural environment image of “Sentimental Affection” in connotation.

      • KCI등재후보


        方珍平 대한중국학회 2010 중국학 Vol.36 No.-

        本文是小说叙述方式的内涵分析。叙述方式是叙事分析视角构拟的范畴,是小说乃至表达形式分析的出发点。对此的研究,除了归纳形式系统,阐述内涵价值也是重要一环。这种内涵价值主要体现在变化之中。考察叙述变化,本文即从叙述新方式的整体系列分析中开始。主要工作有三:1、叙述新方式的归纳及其成因;2、反映在叙述结构中的叙述方式的总体特征;3、叙述新方式的实质及其意义。 This article is the valuation analysis of the New Narration Styles of Chinese Novels of the new-era(1970’s~1990’s). Narrative Style is the starting point of analysis perspective of novels as well as of expression. In addition to summarized formal system of Narrative Styles, to explain the value of them is also an important part of the analysis. The valuation of these narration styles is mainly reflected in changes. By studying and describing the changes, this article concludes the new approach from the overall series analysis.There are three main points:1, describing the new style contents of induction and their causes;2,reflecting the general characteristics in the structure of the narrative styles;3,describing the substance and significance of the new narration styles.

      • KCI등재후보


        방진 한국중국언어문화연구회 2011 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.27

        This article explores the dynamics of speech acts demonstrated the scope of the operation characteristics, namely, pragmatic (Rhetoric) dynamic analysis of the factors and its statistics and senses‐ it is these dynamic statistics and senses, by which formed a lot of specific structures and expressions that are kinds of naïve and individual stylistic. Pragmatic analysis category of the areas of motivation is “Modal Function”. Pragmatic behavior or expression (rhetoric) is “generically meant to” kind of modal statistics: language using is all states in various sorts of modal features, including pragmatic capacity construction,pragmatic capacity comparison and pragmatic capacity change and so on. Operation and innovation in language activities, are along with modalities construction by its statistics and senses ,its productivity and progresses.

      • KCI등재후보

        可否旁置“符号学” - 探析索绪尔语言理论的体系性贡献与方法论误因

        방진 한국중국언어문화연구회 2011 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.25

        Saussure’s big works, “Course in General Linguistics”(Cours de Linguistique Generale)has created a theoretical system of linguistics which known as Structuralism. Itself ontology promotes people’s understanding of the language. However, in the processing of exploration and expression of language ontology, the author also hold inherent ambiguities and contradictions. The reason is that the author intended to create a kind of (linguistic) ontology, but instead of adhering to the principle of self‐sufficiency method of the ad hoc, he hoped to create another kind of (semiotics) ontology to prove the to‐be‐built (ontology).It is thus methodological wrong.

      • KCI등재후보


        方珍平 한국중국언어문화연구회 2010 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.23

        This article is a special analysis starting from methods and steps of communication perspective. It focuses on the main factors of language rhetoric activities that including the subject of rhetoric, the object of rhetoric, the content of rhetoric, the channel of rhetoric and the effect of rhetoric. Through the brief analysis of these communicational-factors, we clarify the differences of language rhetoric from language behavior, so that the connotation of rhetoric emerged.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        방진 한국중국어문학회 2011 中國文學 Vol.68 No.-

        地方文化熱的勃興和經濟生活的豊富發展, 導致了當代的京味對話體小說的産生, 這與現代文學時期的京派小說(如老舍的作品) 不同。 本文通過一百二十多個句例的歸納解釋京味語詞的語匯意義, 分析了京味語省略, 添加, 倒裝, 幷擧, 對擧, 動詞名物化, 引申倣擬和音變等表達方式, 闡述了京味語在突破性, 口語性, 非穩性等幾個方面的總體特征, 幷提示京味語定量硏究和對比硏究的前景。 As a result of the prosperity of the region`s culture and the rapid development of economic life, the contemporary Beijing style dialog- novels During the Decade of 1990`s have been produced, these are very different to the Beijing style novels of modern literature era (for example Lao She`s works). Through more than 120 sentence example`s induction explanation Beijing style word`s lexical meaning, this article analyzed abbreviation, increase, inversion, to develop simultaneously, to lift, to transform verb to noun, to expand imitates plans with turns of expression and so on phonetic change of dialog-novels, elaborated Beijing style language in unprecedentedness, spoken language feature, non-stable and so on several aspect overall characteristics. It also prompted the value of Beijing style language quantitative investigation and the contrast research prospect of them.

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