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      • KCI등재

        Detection of Spinach Juice Residues on Stainless Steel Surfaces Using VNIR Hyperspectral Images

        서영욱,모창연,임종국,이아영,김밝금,장재경,김기영 한국농업기계학회 2021 바이오시스템공학 Vol.46 No.2

        Purpose Spinach is one of the most commonly consumed fresh-cut vegetables. Hygiene and sanitation in automated processing facilities have been an important issue. This research aimed to develop a line-scan hyperspectral imaging technique for detecting spinach droplets on a stainless steel surface. Methods The hyperspectral imaging system uses UV-A (365 nm) light sources to obtain 3D hypercube data with spatial and spectral data in the visible and near-infrared (VNIR) region ranging from 400 to 1000 nm. Freshly made 100% spinach juice and distilled water were used to prepare juice dilutions at 20%, 10%, 5%, 2%, and 1% juice. For each of the six juice concentrations, fifteen droplets were placed on a stainless steel sheet, and VNIR hyperspectral image data was collected for the 6 × 15 array of droplets on the metal sheet. To detect and classify the diluted droplets on the spectral domain, three classification models (support vector machine, partial least square discriminant analysis, and random forest) and six pre-processing methods were implemented. Results Among them, support vector machine (SVM) showed the best classification accuracy with A = 0.95. Besides, the classification model used to reduce the number of wavelengths and calculation time, the genetic algorithm (GA) applied to the SVM showed the most accurate result as A = 0.90 among three methods. Conclusions The developed classifier demonstrated potential for detecting and classifying spinach juice droplets on the surface of stainless steel sheet metal.

      • KCI등재

        무월경의 원인분석과 치료성적

        서영욱,이형종 대한산부인과학회 1993 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.36 No.4

        1988년 9월부터 1990년 6월까지 계명대학교 의과대학부속 동산병원 산부인과 외래를 방문 한 무월경 환자중 원인규명을 위한 제반검사를 받은 79명을 대상으로 원인과 치료성적을 검 토하여 다음과 같은 성적을 얻었다. 1. 전체 79명중 원발성 무월경이 10명(12.7%) 속발성 무월경이 69명(87.3%)이였다. 2. 연령별 분포는 25~29세군이 36명(45.6%)으로 가장 많았고, 30~40세군이 16명(20.3%), 20~24세군이 14명(14.7%)있었다. 3. 무월경의 기간은 7~12개월이 25명(36.2%)로 가장 많았고 13~18개월, 25개월이상이 각각 18명(26.1%)있었다. 4. 염색체검사는 시행한 총 34명중 속발성 무월경 24명 모두 정상이었고 원발성 무월경 10 명중 3명이 43,X였다. 5. 원발성 무월경 환자 10명중 Turner증후군이 30%, 특발성 무월경이 30%, 선천성기형 20% 그리고 고프로락틴혈증, Kallmann증후군이 각각 10%있었다. 6. 속발성 무월경의 원인은 총 69명중 조기폐경, 특발성 무월경이 각각 17명(24.6%), 고프로 락틴혈증 11명(16.0%), 비만증 5명(7.3%), Ashermann증후군 5면(7.3%), adrenal androgenization 4 명(5.8%), stress-induced 4명(5.8%), 다낭성 난소 2명(2.9%), post pill 2명(2.9%), 체중감소 그리고 의원성이 각각1명(1.4%)의 순이였다. 7. 조기폐경균의 연령분포는 25~29세군이 8명(47.1%)으로 가장 많았고 무월경 기간은 7~12 개월, 13~18개월, 25개월이상이 각각 5명씩(29.4%)있었다. 그리고 혈중 FSH, LH농도는 평균 83.1mIU/mL, 60.7mUI/mL였다. 치료성적은 치료한 14명중 2명(14.3%)에서만 월경이 있었다. 8. 특발성 무월경의 연령별 분포는 25~29세군이 8명(47.0%)으로 가장 많았고, 35세이상군이 4명(23.5%), 17~19세, 30~34세군이 각각 2명(11.8%)있었다. 무월경의 기간은 7~12개월이 7 명(41.2%)으로 가장 많았고, 13~18개월이 5명(29.4%), 25개월이상이 3명(17.6%) 순이였다. 치 료한 13명중 8명(61.5%)에서 월경이 있었다. 9. 고프로락틴혈증 환자 11명의 연령별분포는 25~29세군이 5명(45.5%), 30~34세군이 6명 (54.5%)이였고, 무월경기간은 25개월이상이 4명(36.4%), 7~12개월이 3명(27.3%)이였다. 프로 락틴의 혈중농도는 치료전 평균 293.5ng/ml였고, 치료에 성공한 9명의 치료후 혈중농도는 23.2ng/ml였다. 치료한 10명중 8명에서 임신되었고 1명에서 월경이 있었다. 10. Stress-induced무월경과 adrenal androgenization 경우 치료한 3명에서 모두 월경이 있었고, 비 만군은 2명중 1명, Ashermann 증후군은 3명중 1명, 다낭성 난소는 2명중 1명, post-pill은 1 명 치료에서 치료에 성공했다. This clinical study is based on 79 cases of amenorrhea patients visited to Keimyung University Hospital from Sep. 1988 to June 1990. There will be discussion on etiology and treatment. The result are as follows. 1. Out of 79 case, primary amenorrhea were noted in 10 cases (12.7%) and second amenorrhea in 69 cases (87.3%). 2. The most prevalent age group was 25~29 years(45.6%). 3. All 34 patients with secondary amenorrhea have normal 46XX constitution. Of the 10 cases with primary amenorrhea 3 cases (30.0%) show 45X. 4. The most common cause of primary amenorrhea was Turner syndrome (30.0%), idiopathic (30.0%) and then congenital anomaly (20.0%), hyperprolactinemia (20.0%) and Kallmann syndrome (10.0%) in order. 5. The most common cause of secondary amenorrhea was premature menopause (24.6%), idiopathic (24.6%) and then hyperprolactinemia (16.0%), obesity (7.3%), Asherman syndrome (7.3%), adrenal androgenization (5.8%) and stress-induced (5.8%) in order. 6. Success rate in premature menopause was 14.3% by treatment for 3~6 months, 61.5% in idiopathic, 90.0% in hyperprolactinemia, 50.0% in obesity, 33.% in Ashermann syndrome, 100.0% in adrenal androgenization and stress-induced.

      • KCI등재

        Sulprostone (Nalador) 이 비정상 자궁내임신의 중절에 미치는 임상효과

        서영욱,이두룡,윤성도,김택훈 대한산부인과학회 1990 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.33 No.3

        1987년 10월부터 1988년 6월까지 계명대학교 의과대학 산부인과학교실에서 임신중기 치료적유산의 적응증을 가진 환자 43명을 대상으로 sulprostone(Nalador)500 g을 4시간마다 4회 근육주사하여 유산이 24시간이내에 된 것을 성공으로, 4회 주사후 유산이 되지않은 것은 실패로 하였으며, 유산이 된후 완전한 유산의 유무를 확인하기 위하여 소파수술을 시행하였다. 평균 유산소요시간은 조기파막6시간26분, 자궁내태아사망 9시간3분, 계류유산 9시간 7분, 태아기형 9시간 5분, 사회환경요인 13시간 35분, 포상기태 3시간 50분이었으며, 소요약물의 양은 5001500mg이었고, 완전유산율은 92.1%이었다. 부작용은 대체로 경미하여 별도의 처치가 필요치 않았다. Sulprostone은 임신중기 비정상 임신중절이 아주 효과적이고 투여방법도 간편하며, 부작용도 작은 것으로 판명되었다. Sulprostone was given intramuscularly in a schedule of 0.5 mg at 4 hourly intervals for 4 doses to 43 women in the midtrimester of gestation for termination of abnormal uterine pregnancy. Thirty-eight of them aborted within the 24-hours observation period. The induction-abortion interval were 6h26m in premature rupture of membrane, 9h05m in intrauterine fetal death, 9h07m in missed abortion, 9h05m in fetal anormaly, 13h35m in social economy, and 3h50m in hydatidiform mole. Average doses were 1,000 g in premature rupture of membrane, 1,300 g in intrauterine fetal death, 1,200 g in missed abortion, 1,200 mg in fetal anormaly, 1,500 g in social economy, and 500 g in hydatidyform mole. The complete abortion rate was 92.1 %. Side effects caused by drug were minimal.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        Augmentin의 임상효과

        서영욱 啓明大學校 醫科大學 1986 계명의대학술지 Vol.5 No.2

        The author conducted clinical studies on 33 cases of documented inflammation in pelvie organ who were treated with augmentis, a new orally absorded antibacterial agent comprising the antibiotic, amoxycillin and the β-lactamase inhibitor clavulanic acid, at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dong San Medical Center, Keimyung University during the period of May 1985 to October, 1986. The results were as follows: 1. Among 33 cases, (100%), 7 cases of 7 with vaginitis (100%) and one case of 1 with cystitis proved to be very effective. 2. There were 14 cases of culture positive and in general 93% of the cases (3 cases of 3 enterococci (100%), 4 cases of 5β-hemolytic staph. epidermidis, 5 cases of 5 E. coli (100%) and 1 case of 1 hemophillus) obtained successul results. 3. There was no drug side effect in all cases.

      • KCI등재후보

        NST(산전검사)시 Acoustic Vibrator (artificial larynx) 의 이용과 그 중요성

        윤성도,서영욱 啓明大學校 醫科大學 1989 계명의대학술지 Vol.8 No.1

        The close association between human fetal heart rate accelerations and fetal health has been largely documented. However, because healthy fetuses maybe at rest as long as 80 minutes, there has been a high false positive rate for NST performed over 20 or 40 minutes. Artificial larynx has been used to increase the reactivity of human fetuses. Authors analysed the effects of artificial larynx on NST on 84 high risk pregnancies in various gestational ages (28-43 wks) for 9 months (1988, 6-1989. 2) at obstetric service. The indications for NST were mostly suspected postterm, PROM, and pregnancy induced hypertension in orders. The reactive NST rate was 73.8%. The induction rate of fetal heart acceleration was 56.0%, but it was increased to 95.3% when the artificial larynx was applied together. 2 cases of spontaneous FHR decelerations were found during NST. The rate of cesarean section in reactive NST group was 6.4%, and that in non-reactive NST was 8.7%.


        자궁경부암에서 종양억제 유전자 p53 생성물의 발현

        서영욱,이상숙,이태성,차순도,권경익,이정호 대한부인종양 콜포스코피학회 1994 Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Vol.5 No.4

        The nuclear accumulation of p53 protein is known to correspond with mutation of p53 tumor supressor gene. To investigate the relationship between clinico-pathologic features and expression of p53 mutations, 65 cases of primary cervical carcinoma were analysed by an immunohistochemieal method using monoclonal antibody of p53. Immunostaining demonstrated various nuclear stinings of cancer cells in 48.4% of squamous cell carcinoma(51.9% in large cell carcinoma and 25,0% in small cell carcinomas) and 23.5% of adenocarcinoma(p$lt;0.05) No differences in clinical stage and p53 positivity were found. There was no significant correlation between p53 positive cases and status of recurrence. This data suggests that p53 mutation plays an important role in carcinogenesis of the cervical cancer. The nuclear accumulation of P53 protein is not correlated with the disease progression and prognosis.

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