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      • KCI등재후보
      • 보리의 穗軸節數 및 護穎 遺傳과 聯關

        윤승길,한옥규,안현진 안성산업대학교 1997 論文集 Vol.29 No.2

        보리에서 광호영 및 수축절수의 유전양식과 이들 두 형질의 연관관계를 구명하여 양질 다수성 품종개량의 효율 제고를 위한 기초자료를 얻기 위하여 호영이 넓고 수축절수가 적은 Triple Bearded Club Mariout(T.B.C.M) 품종과 호영이 좁고 수축절수가 많은 특성을 가진 강보리를 교잡하여 이들의 양친과 F_1, F_2세대 5개 조합을 공시하여 실험한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 보리의 광호영은 단순 열성으로서 1쌍의 대립유전자에 의해 지배되었다. 2. 수축절수는 많은 것이 우성, 적은 것이 열성으로서 1쌍의 대립유전자에 의해 지배되었다. 3. 수축절수와 호영을 지배하는 유전자는 동일염색체내 연관되어 있으며, 조환가는 조합마다 다소 차이가 있으나 15.8∼18.0% 범위로 비교적 가깝게 좌위하고 있는 것으로 추정되었다. This experiment was conducted to obtain basic genetic informations which could be used for breeding of barley for better quality an high yield. The data for this study were obtained from cross among Triple Bearded Club Mariout(T.B.C.M) and five released varieties. T.B.C.M. has wide outer glume and a low number of rachis internode, while five released varieties has narrow outer glume and a high number of rachis internode. The parents, F_1 and F_2 lines resulted from cross among T.B.C.M. and five released varieties were studied in field experiment. And the inheritance modes of outer glume, number of rachis internode, and their linkage relationships were determined. The wide outer glume in barley was a simple recessive gene. High number of rachis internode is shown to dominate over low number of rachis internode. The genes for number of rachis internode and outer glume appeared to be linked closely. Based on recombination analysis, recombination values between two characters linked were 15.8~18.0% with some variation depending on varieties used.

      • 小麥의 品種別 Amylase 活力에 關한 硏究 : Triticum Aestirum L.

        尹承吉 안성산업대학교 1991 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        本 試驗 α-amylase 活力의 檢定時期와 品種間差異를 究明하기 위하여 實施하였는데 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. α-amylase의 變異는 成熟後 40日경까지 增加되어 最大가 되고 그 後에는 작아져 品種間 差異는 成熟後 40日경이 가장 크게 나타났다. 2. 全體 品種平均의 α-amylase含量은 成熟後 日數가 經過함에 따라 增加하는 傾向이며 糊熟期에 이미 α-amylase活力이 높은 品種도 있었다. 3. α-amylase含量에 있어서 測定時期別 相關은 成熟後 20日과 成熟後 40日間에는 正의 높은 相關이 있었고 穗發芽 對 α-amylase含量間에는 成熟後 40日에서 가장 높은 正의 相關이 있었다. 4. 穗發芽比率이 낮은 品種중에서 α-amylase含量이 매우 높은 品種도 檢定되었다. This experiment was carried out to determine the optimum tests of activity α-amylase to study the varietal differents this in wheat. 1. Variation for α-amylase was increased until 40days of after ripening showing the great deviation between varieties. 2. Activity of α-amylase tends to incrase accoding to process of ripening and some varieties showed the activity of α-amylase from dough stage. 3. There showed the positive correlation between 20days and 40days after ripening for activity of α-amylase. However highly correlation of spike sprout with activity of α-amylase appeared at the 40days after ripening. 4. Some varieties which showed considerably high activity of α-amylase even if these were very high in spike sprout were tested and selected.

      • Triticale silage의 醱酵品質에 미치는 生育時期의 影響

        윤승길 안성산업대학교 2002 論文集 Vol.33 No.-

        To assess the silage quality of triticale, three triticale accessions(Moniko, Presto, Tewo), two wheat accessions(Kitami 66, Chiokukomugi) and three rye accessions(Amilo, Warko, Mardar) were harvested in the heading-, milk-, dough- and ripe-stage, respectively. Dry matter and quality related factors were evaluated. 1. Triticale ensiled at the milk stage showed the lowest fermentative quality than the other stages. However, the triticale ensiled after dough stage had low lactic acid, showing relatively high silage quality. 2. It also was concluded that differences in the silage quality among the tested species were more significant than among the varieties within species.

      • 農業形質特性에 의한 秋播性 Triticale의 品種分類

        尹承吉 안성산업대학교 1996 論文集 Vol.28 No.-

        본 시험은 農業形質에 의한 秋播性 Triticale의 品種을 分類하기 위하여 대부분 도입 品種인 PRESTO외 21品種을 공시하여 安城産業大學校 田作圃場에서 실시하였는데 그 결과를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 草長은 팔당호밀이 Triticale보다 모든 조사 시기에서 길었으나 出穗期 이후 木質化가 빠르므로 木質化가 느리면서 草長이 긴 Triticale은 PRAG46/3, PIKA, LAIDAGUS등 이었다. 2. 生體重과 乾物重은 팔당호밀이 1차 조사에서 가장 우수했지만 2차, 3차, 4차에서는 Triticale인 신기호밀, PRAG46/3, PRESTO, PABLO, PREGO 등이 우수한 성적을 보였다. 3. 본 시험에 공시한 모든 Triticale은 대조구인 팔당호밀보다 出穗期가 10일 이상 늦었지만 기존 品種인 신기호밀보다 빠른 品種은 PRESTO, MAGISTRAL이었다. 4. 收量構成要素는 대부분의 Triticale品種들이 팔당호밀보다는 높았는데 신기호밀보다 양호한 品種은 LASKO, CLERCAL이었다. The purpose of the experiments was to select the agronomically favorable autumn triticale varieties based on the plant growth characteristics. The experiments were conducted in upland fields of Ansong National University using 20autumn triticale varieties, all of them were induced varieties except one, Shinkihomil, as a control, also, one domestic rye variety, Paldanghomil, was used for the comparison with triticale varieties. The obtained were as follows: 1. Paldanghomil showed the highest plant height through all growth periods, but was repidly lignified after heading stage. While PRAG46/3, PIKA and LAIDAGUS showed hight plant height with slow lignification. 2. In the early growth stage, April 24, Paldanghomil showed the heaviest fresh and dry weight, but in later growth stages Shinkihomil. PRAG46/3, PRESTO, PABLO and PREGO showed heavier fresh and dry weight compared with Paldanghomil. 3. The heading dates of all triticale varieties were delayed more than 10 days compared with Paldanghomil. Among triticale varieties PRESTO and NAGISTRAL showed earlier heading dates than Shinkihomil. 4. All the triticale varieties showed superior yield components to Paldanghomil. Among triticale varieties LASKO and CLERCAL shpwed better yield compornents than Shinkihomil.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 春播性 Triticale의 飼料成分에 따른 品種分類

        尹承吉 안성산업대학교 1997 論文集 Vol.29 No.2

        Tricale 9개 품종을 일본, 캐나다, 폴란드에서 도입하여 우리나라 춘추호밀을 표준 품종으로 하여 춘파 재배하였고 사료 성분을 조사하여 이들 특성에 따른 품종을 분류함으로써 육조의 기초자료를 이용하고자 시험된 결과를 요약하면 아래와 같다. 1. SUL-IN, BANJO, WAPITI등은 전분, 단백질, 당,인산, 칼슘, 칼리 및 마그네슘 함량이 높았다. 2. 주성분 분석 결과 제2주성분은 조단백질, 칼리, 칼슘 및 마그네슘과 높은 상관을 나타내었다. 3. 이상의 결과로 공시된 10개의 Tricale품종을 사료성분 특성에 의해 분류할 때 전체 3군으로 분류 할 수 있었고 1군은 다시 3개의 아군으로 분류할 수 있었는데, 제1아군인 SUL-IN과 BANJO는 사료성분 함량이 높아서 양질의 사료 작물육성을 위한 소재로 이용이 가능할 것이다. To select promising materials of spring triticale plants for the liverstock feed, nine cultivars introduced from Japan, Canada, and Poland and domestic cultivar, CHUNCHUHOMIL, as a control were grown at field in Korea. The feed composition of spring tritical cultivars were determined and used for the varietal classification of spring triticale plants on the feed value by the statistical method calld main component analysis. The obtained results were as follows. 1. Compared with other spring tritical cultivars, SUL-IN, BANJO, and WAPITI were high in starch, crude protein, total sugar, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and magnesium contents. 2. On the main component analysis the second component was highly correlated with crude protein, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. 3. By the main component analysis ten spring triticale were classified into three groups. The cultivars belinging to the first group could be divided more by the three sub-groups. SUL-IN and BANJO cultivar, which belong to the first group-first subgroup, were most promising breeding materials of spring triticale plants for the livestock feed.

      • 尿素 葉面施肥가 大豆의 收量에 미치는 影響

        尹承吉 안성산업대학교 1983 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        生育 時期에 따른 尿素 葉面施肥 處理濃度가 收量에 미치는 影響을 究明하고자 圃場試驗을 實施하였는데 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 主莖長, 分枝數, 莢數, 種實數 100粒重 10a當 收量 等 收量構成要素들이 處理時期 및 濃度와 關係없이 無處理區에 比해 顯著한 差異를 보였다. 2. 開花前 15日(7月10日) 處理에서 대체로 모든 收量構成要素들이 0.9%>0.6%>0.3% 順位이였다. 3. 開花期(7月25日) 處理에서는 收量構成要素들이 대체로 0.6%>0.9%>0.3% 順位이였다. 4. 開花後 15日(8月9日) 處理에서는 0.3%>0.6%>0.9% 順位이였다. 5. 가장 좋은 處理 時期別 濃度는 開花期의 0.6%이었다. It was made field experiment for the purpose of reserching the influences that the treatment concentration of ingedient by urea-foliar application at each growth seasons effects on yield. The results are summarized as follows : 1. The treated reach is significantly different than not treated one in the yield components such as the main stem length, number of branch, number of pods, number of seeds, 100seeds weight, yield per 10 a etc. 2. In treatment 15day before flowering (7. 10), all yield components are mainly ranked as 0.9%>0.6%>0.3% 3. In treatment at flowering stage (7. 25), all yield components are mainly ranked as 0.6%>0.9%>0.3% 4. In treatment 15 day after flowering (8. 9), all yield components are mainly ranked 0.3%>0.6%>0.9% 5. The best on in all treatment concentration at each season is 0.6% at flowering stage.

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