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        安仁焕 ( Ahn Inhwan ) 한국중국학회 2020 中國學報 Vol.92 No.-

        从上世纪八十年代开始,中国学界对朝鲜义勇军进行了比较全面的研究。初期研究主要侧重于朝鲜族历史和中国党史的角度,中韩建交以后研究范式逐步转为中韩联合抗战。尤其是进入21世纪以后,研究进一步细化和深入。除了对朝鲜义勇军的建立、活动、归宿及评价等进行整体性的把握以外,专门针对某一特定时期或某一特定地区的研究不断增多,尤其是关于朝鲜义勇军在东北、华北和西南地区的活动研究。其中一个突出的特点是,特定地区的学者和学术期刊更关注朝鲜义勇军在该地区的活动,其中桂林、重庆、河北地区的学者和武汉地区的学术期刊这一特征十分明显。另外对朝鲜义勇军的重要人物金元凤、武亭、尹世胄等也进行了一定的研究。 在研究视角方面,除了传统的历史学研究以外,传播学和文学等跨学科视角的研究成果也颇受瞩目。传播学研究的一种类型是对『朝鲜义勇队』、『东方战友』等朝鲜义勇军发行的刊物进行探讨,另一种类型是以『解放日报』等当时中国的新闻史料为基础,对有关朝鲜义勇军的史实进行挖掘。从文学视角进行的研究主要集中在金学铁和他的长篇小说『激情时代』,这部小说被称为是“朝鲜义勇军的集体自传”。中国学界对朝鲜义勇军的研究虽然取得了一定的成果,但应用性的研究相对不足,与韩国学界等其他国家学界之间的国际学术交流有待加强。有必要进一步加强有关朝鲜义勇军的基础研究和应用性研究,促进中韩两国之间学界和民间的友好往来和人员交流,推动两国友好关系不断发展。 Since the 1980s, the Chinese academics has researched the Korean Volunteer Army from a comprehensive aspect. In the early stage, the researches mainly focused on the history of Korea and the Communist Party of China. After the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, the paradigm of research gradually turned to the united fight between China and Korea. Especially coming into the 21st century, the researches are further detailed and in-depth. In addition to the overall grasp of the establishment, activity, destination and evaluation of the Korean Volunteer Army, there are more and more researches focusing on a specific period or a specific region, especially on the activities of the Korean Volunteer Army in the northeast China, north China and southwest China. One of the outstanding characteristics is that the scholars and academic journals in specific areas pay more attention to the activities of the Korean Volunteer Army in their regions, especially the scholars in Guilin, Chongqing and Hebei and the academic journals in Wuhan. In addition, Kim wonbong, Moo Jung, Yoon seju and other important figures of the Korean Volunteer Army were also studied. In terms of the research perspectives, expect of the researches from the perspective of traditional history, the research results from the perspective of interdisciplinary such as communication and literature are also attracting attention. One type of communication study is discussing < the Korean Volunteer Army >, < the Oriental Comrades > and other publications issued by the Korean Volunteer Army. The other type is excavating the historical facts about the Korean Volunteer Army based on the historical materials at the time such as < Liberation Daily >. The research from the perspective of literature mainly focused on Kim Hak-cheol and his novel named < Passionate Era >, which was called ‘the collective autobiography of the Korean Volunteer Army’. Although Chinese scholars have made some achievements in the research on Korean Volunteer Army, the applied researches are relatively insufficient, and the international academic communication with Korean academics and other countries’ academics need to be strengthened. It is necessary to further strengthen the basic research and applied research on the Korean Volunteer Army, promote the friendly contacts and personnel exchanges between academics of China and South Korea, and accelerate the continuous development of friendly relations between China and Korea.

      • KCI등재


        王丽娟(LIJUAN WANG),安仁焕(InHwan Ahn) 한국중국문화학회 2024 中國學論叢 Vol.0 No.81

        Based on the theory of Prosodic Syntax, this paper discusses prosodic properties and syntactic effects of lexical neutral tone and syntactic unstressed syllables in three types of syntactic structures—[VO], [VR O], and [VO R]. The main conclusions drawn are as follows: 1. Lexical neutral tone and syntactic unstressed syllables give rise to disyllabic incomplete feet, which are left-headed syllabic feet forming from left to right; 2. A disyllabic incomplete foot can combine with another full syllable to form a standard foot; 3. Feng’s (2013) Minimal Word Condition could expanded by considering both syllable weight and syllable number. With the extended Minimal Word Condition, the phenomena concerning lexical neutral tone and syntactic unstressed syllables in three structures are not exceptions, but adhere to Chinese NSR. Then a unified explanation is provided for all legitimate phenomena within these structures. 本文基于韵律句法学理论,针对动宾、动补带宾、动宾带补三种句法结构中与轻声、轻读相关的“例外”现象,讨论轻声、轻读音节在音步组构中的韵律属性及其句法效应。 文章的主要结论是:(1)轻声、轻读音节造成了韵律上的双音节残音步,残音步为从左到右组构而成的左重式音节音步,其韵律重量相当于单音节;(2)残音步可以和另一个“音足调实”的完整音节组合形成标准音步;(3)冯胜利(2013)提出的最小词条件可以在原来以音节数量为韵律标准的基础上,增加了与音步组构相关的标准音步的三种实现方式:一是由两个音足调实的完整音节组构为标准音步;二是由一个残音步和一个音足调实的完整音节组构为标准音步;三是由一个标准音步和一个轻读音节组构为标准音步。 基于扩展后的最小词条件,动宾、动补带宾、动宾带补三种结构中与轻声、轻读相关的现象并非“例外”,仍然遵循核心重音规则。据此,汉语动宾、动补带宾、动宾带补三种结构中的所有合法现象都得到了统一的解释。

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