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        수온이 대서양 연어 (Salmo salar) 치어의 체내 스트레스 관련 유전자 발현에 미치는 영향

        강희웅,김광일,김현정,강한승 한국환경생물학회 2018 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.36 No.2

        기후 변화로 인한 수온의 상승은 어류 서식지에 영향을 미친다. 수온의 변화는 어류 생리 거의 모든 부분에 영향을 미치는 것으로 알려져 있다. 기후 변화에 따른 수온의 상승은 산소 용해도의 감소 및 산소 운반 헤모글로빈의 결합 능 력의 감소로 인해 저산소증을 초래할 수 있다. 본 연구는 대서양 연어 (Salmo salar) 치어 성장의 최적수온 (15°C)보다 고 수온 (20°C)에 사육 시, 대서양 연어 치어의 건강상태를 평가 하기 위해 수행되었다. 평가 방법은 NGS RNAseq 분석방법을 이용하여 생체지표유전자를 개발하고, RT-qPCR 분석을 이용하여 생체지표유전자의 발현양상을 조사하는 것이다. 개발한 생체지표유전자로는 interferon alpha-inducible protein 27-like protein 2A transcript variant X3, protein L-Myc- 1b-like, placenta growth factor-like transcript variant X1, fibroblast growth factor receptor-like 1 transcript variant X1, transferrin, intelectin, thioredoxin-like, c-type lectin lectoxin-Thr1- like, ladderlectin-like 및 calponin-1 등이다. 선택된 생체지표 유전자는 NGS RNAseq 분석을 통해 수온변화에 민감하게 발현한 유전자들이며, RT-qPCR 분석을 통한 이들 유전자의 발현 양상은 NGS RNAseq 분석을 통한 발현 양상과 매우 유사하게 나타났다. The warming of water as a result of climate change affects fish habitat. Variations in water temperature affect fish physiology almost totally. The rise in water temperature due to climate change leads to hypoxia following decreased oxygen solubility and decreased binding capacity of oxygen-carrying hemoglobin. This study was conducted to evaluate the health status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fry at elevated water temperatures (20°C) compared with optimum water temperature (15°C). The method facilitated the detection of biomarker genes using NGS RNAseq analysis and evaluation of their expression pattern using RT-qPCR analysis. The biomarker genes included interferon alpha-inducible protein 27-like protein 2A transcript variant X3, protein L-Myc-1b-like, placenta growth factor-like transcript variant X1, fibroblast growth factor receptor- like 1 transcript variant X1, transferrin, intelectin, thioredoxin-like, c-type lectin lectoxin- Thr1-like, ladderlectin-like and calponin-1. The selected biomarker genes were sensitive to changes in water temperature based on NGS RNAseq analysis. The expression patterns of these genes based on RT-qPCR were similar to those of NGS RNAseq analysis.

      • 쥐노래미 Hexagrammos otakii 난의 부화에 미치는 수온의 영향 및 자치어의 성장과 생존에 미치는 수온과 먹이의 영향

        강희웅,정의영,이창훈,이정열 한국어류학회 2002 韓國魚類學會誌 Vol.14 No.2

        쥐노래미 Hexagrammos otakii의 부호조건 및 자치어의 성장 및 생존에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위하여 수온에 따른 부화 소요시간 및 부화율, 자치어의 성장과 생존에 미치는 수온과 먹이조건을 조사하였다. 쥐노래미 수정란의 수온별 부화 소요시간은 수온이 높을수록 짧았다. 부화율은 12℃에서 가장 높았으나, 반면 수온이 14℃ 이상으로 상승하면 급격히 감소되었으며 18.0℃이상에서는 비정상 기형 개체들이 출현하였다. 부화 후 70일 경과 후 수온별 자치어의 초기 성장과 생존율(%)은 수온이 높은 조건(16℃)일수록 낮은 수온조건보다 성장이 빨랐던(P<0.01) 반면, 생존율은 낮은 수온(10℃)조건에서 높게 나타났다. 70일간 먹이공급계열이 따른 자치어 사육실험에서 최적 성장과 높은 생존 조건은 윤충류(Brachionus plicatilis, 부화 후 1~10일) + Artemia nauplii(부화 후 10~20일) + 배합사료(부화 후 15~70일)를 공급한 실험군으로 나타났다. 자치어의 빠른 성장과 생존율을 높이기 위해서는 되도록 일찍 배합사료에 먹이붙임을 하는 것이 바람직하다고 판단된다. To obtain optimal rearing conditions for seedling production of the greenling Hexagrammos otakii, the effects of seawater temperature on hatching of egg, and seawater temperature and feeding regime on growth and survival of hatched larvae were studied. The hatching time of fertilized eggs of H. otakii decreased with increasing seawater temperature. Total length of hatched larvae was in the range of 7.21~8.16㎜. The highest hatching rate was found at 12℃. As seawater temperature increased higher than 14℃, the hatching rate sharply decreased. Abnormal larvae were found at 18.0℃. Seawater temperature affected significantly the growth and survival of H. otakii larvae(P<0.001). After rearing larvae for 70 days after hatching, we found the growth rate highest when seawater temperature was highest(16℃), whereas survival was highest when seawater temperature was lowest(10℃). Feeding regime also affected significantly the growth and survival of H. otakii larvae(P<0.001). The most efficient feeding regime was under the conditions of feeding rotifer(Brachionus plicatilis) during days 1~10 after hatching+ Artemia nauplii during days 10~20 after hatching+commercial feeds during days 15~70 after hatching. To ensure rapid growth and higher survival of H. otakii larvae, commercial feeds should be provided as early as possible.

      • KCI등재

        서해산 박대, Cynoglossus semilaevis 암컷의 성숙과 산란

        강희웅,강덕영,임한규,한현섭,도용현,박종순 한국발생생물학회 2012 발생과 생식 Vol.16 No.2

        박대 생식소중량지수(gonadosomatic index, GSI)의 월간 변화는 2월에서 7월까지는 아주 낮은 값을 보였으나,8월부터 생식소가 급격히 발달하기 시작하여 9월에 최고값을 나타내었다. 이후 10월부터 점차 낮아져 11월에 다시 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 비만도(condition factor, CF)의 월간 변화도 9월에 최대값을 보였다. 간중량지수(hepatosomatic index,HSI)의 월간 변화는 6월에 최대값을 보인 후 7월에 급격히 낮아져 최저값을 보인 후 9월부터 증가하기 시작하여 11월에최대값에 도달하였다. 난소발달은 미성숙기(2~7월), 초기 성숙기(7월 말), 성숙기(8월), 후기 성숙기(8월 말), 완숙․산란기(9~10월), 회복․휴지기(11월)의 6단계로 구분되었다. 박대의 포란수를 조사한 결과, 총 포란수(fecundity, F)와 전장(total length, TL)과의 관계는 F=251.43TL^(0.1264)(r^2=0.4027)이었으며, 총 포란수와 체중(body weight, BW)과의 관계는F=1130.4BW-880848(r^2=0.677)로 나타났다. 박대 암컷의 50%가 성숙하는 전장은 46.87 cm로 조사되었다

      • KCI등재

        서해권역 패류 생산의 장기 (1970-2022년) 변화 및 생산성 향상에 관한 고찰

        강희웅,박광재,이경미,김정현 한국패류학회 2024 The Korean Journal of Malacology Vol.40 No.1

        This study aims to explore measures to continuously improve shellfish productivity in the West Sea coastal region (Incheon metropolitan city, Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheongnam-do, and Jeollabuk-do), which has a high proportion of aquaculture among domestic shellfish production areas. To analyze changes in shellfish production in the West Sea coastal region over 52 years, we compared changes in tidal flat area and production by fishery and species from 1970 to 2022 using data from the KOrean Statistical Information Service (KOSIS, 2023). As a result of the analysis, West Sea region over the past 10 years (2013-2022) was a total of 50,092 tons (28,997 tons of offshore fisheries, 21,095 tons of shallow-sea aquacultures), aquaculture ratio accounted for 40.4%. Shellfish production by fishery in the West Sea area for 52 years (1970-2022) includes 23 species of offshore fisheries, and the main species targeted for fishing include sunray surf clams, surf clam, oysters, and manila clam. There are 16 species of shallow-sea aquacultures, and the main species targeted for aquaculture include manila clam, oysters, surf clam, and venus clams. Changes in tidal flat area due to reclamation projects had a significant impact on the production of burrowing shellfish. Over the past 31 years (1987-2018), the change in the area of the West Coast tidal flat decreased 590 km2 from 1,935.4 km2 to 1,345.4 km2, showing a decrease rate of 30.5%, a high decrease compares to other regions across the country. In conclusion, it is believed that the way to continuously improve the productivity of shellfish is to protect natural seed and shell growth areas, selecting habitat suitability and suitable sites for each species, managing seed release, and expanding shellfish seed production and intermediate cultivation infrastructure.

      • KCI등재

        Gonadal Development, Spawning and Plasma Sex Steroid Levels of the Indoor Cultured Grunt, Hapalogenys nitens

        강희웅,조재관,손맹현,박종연,홍창기,Jae Seung Chung,정애영 한국발생생물학회 2015 발생과 생식 Vol.19 No.1

        The gonadosomatic index (GSI), gonadal development and changes in hormones in plasma level of the indoor cultured grunt (Hapalogenys nitens) were investigated by histological study from August 2011 to October 2012. The GSI showed similar trends with gonad developmental stages during the culture periods. Changes in plasma level of estradiol-17β of female H. nitens reached the highest value before the spawning period, and seasonal changes in plasma level of estradiol-17β were similar in trends of oocyte developments and GSI changes. Testosterone levels of male H. nitens reached the highest value before and after the spent stage. Ovarian developmental stages of H. nitens could be classified into early growing stage, late growing stage, mature stage, ripe and spawning stage, recovery and resting stage. The testicular developmental stages could be divided into growing stage, mature stage, ripe and spent stage, and recovery and resting stage.

      • KCI등재

        자연산과 양식산 참조기의 식품학적 품질평가

        강희웅,조영제,조기채,김종화,강덕영,박광재,심길보 한국수산과학회 2010 한국수산과학회지 Vol.43 No.1

        The biochemical composition of wild and cultured yellow croaker, Larimichthys polyactis, was analyzed in this study. The moisture contents in wild and cultured yellow croaker was high: 75.2±1.60% and 79.5±1.95%, respectively. The crude lipid contents of wild and cultured yellow croaker were low; moreover, the crude protein and ash contents did not differ significantly(P>0.05). The total amino acid content of wild and cultured yellow croaker did not differ significantly; however, the cystine content of wild yellow croaker was higher than that of cultured yellow croaker. The essential /nonessential amino acid (E/NE) ratio in wild and cultured yellow croaker was 0.76±0.01 and 0.77±0.02, respectively. The free amino acid and extractive nitrogen contents of cultured yellow croaker were high and differed significantly. The water soluble vitamin(B1, B2, B6, B12, C and folate) and fat-soluble vitamin(A and E) contents did not differ significantly, expect for niacin. The niacin content of cultured yellow croaker was higher than that of wild yellow croaker. The fatty acid composition of wild and cultured yellow croaker did not differ significantly. The sodium, magnesium, and copper contents in wild yellow croaker were relatively low. In comparison, the calcium, phosphorus and iron contents in cultured yellow croaker were relatively high. Overall, the biochemical composition of wild and cultured yellow croaker did not differ significantly.

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