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      • KCI등재

        신자료 의 특징과 이본의 계열및 정본화

        엄태식(Eom Tae-sik) 동남어문학회 2014 동남어문논집 Vol.1 No.38

        본고를 통해 처음 소개된 엄태식본 은 ??전등신화구해??의 뒤에 과 함께 필사된 자료이다. 낙장이 없는 완질 한문본으로, 필사 시기는 20세기 초로 추정되며 나주 지역에서 유통된 것이다. 엄태식본에는 필사자(筆寫者)가 임의로 변개한 글자가 많다. 지금까지 알려진 의 이본 가운데 선본(善本)은 정명기본?간호윤본?엄태식본이며, 이본의 전승 과정에 따른 계열을 살펴보면, 정명기본과 엄태식본이 동일 이본에서 파생된 것이다. 의 정본화(定本化) 작업은 현존하는 이본을 두루 참고하면서 이본 간의 공통분모를 찾아가되, 한문의 문리, 인용된 전고, 작품의 문맥 등을 두루 고려하는 가운데 이루어져야 한다. The Eom Taesik version Wisaengjeon, which is first introduced in this thesis, is a piece of work that is transcribed in the margin of Jeondeungsinhwaguhae with Choecheokjeon. The Eom Taesik version is a complete set of books written in Chinese with no missing page; it is expected to have been transcribed in the early 20th century and it is distributed in Naju area. There are many letters in the Eom Taesik version that are modified at the discretion of the transcriber. The most well-preserved version of Wisaengjeon among many versions known so far is the Jeong Myeonggi version, the Gan Hoyun version and the Eom Taesik version. According to the genealogy of transmission process, the Jeong Myeonggi version and the Eom Taesik version are derived from the same version of Wisaengjeon. The operation of making critical edition of Wisaengjeon should look for the common denominator between many other existing versions, considering quoted authentic precedents and context of literary work.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        〈최랑전〉의 양식적 특징과 서술 시각

        엄태식(Eom, Tae-sik) 국어국문학회 2024 국어국문학 Vol.0 No.206

        〈최랑전〉은 효종조를 배경으로 한 애정전기소설로, 실사를 소설화한 작품으로 알려져 왔다. 본고에서는 『승정원일기』 등에 나타난 이여택의 행적이 작품의 내용과 대부분 일치함을 확인하였고, 『경주선생안』의 기록을 통해 작품 속 계림부백이 이천기일 가능성이 높음을 밝혔다. 〈최랑전〉의 창작에 가장 큰 영향을 끼친 작품은 『전등신화』의 〈애경전〉이다. 〈최랑전〉과 〈애경전〉은 여주인공이 미천한 신분으로 재색을 겸비하였다는 점, 남주인공이 여주인공의 구원자라는 점, 여주인공이 남주인공을 위해 목숨을 바친다는 점 등에서 영향 관계가 확인된다. 이여택과 최랑이 만났을 때, 이여택은 51세, 최랑은 13세였다. 둘은 나이가 38세나 차이 남에도 불구하고, 작자는 이 둘을 여타 애정전기소설의 재자가인처럼 묘사하였다. 그러나 실존 인물 이여택은 여색을 탐하는 관료였을 것이고, 최랑은 침선 이외에 별다른 재주는 없는 미소녀였을 가능성이 높다. 최랑은 작품 전반부에는 거의 나타나지 않다가 후반부에서 갑자기 열녀의 면모를 드러낸다. 그녀는 우여곡절 끝에 안주까지 가서 이여택과 상봉했으나, 이때 폭동이 일어나 이여택과 헤어지게 되는데, 작자는 이여택과 최랑의 ‘상봉’과 ‘피난’ 사이에 과거사를 삽입함으로써 이여택과 최랑이 어떻게 헤어지게 되었는지를 모호하게 서술했다. 최랑은 이여택을 걱정해 식음을 전폐하다가 다시 경성으로 돌아와 이여택 앞에서 숨을 거둔다. 중요한 것은 이로 인해 이여택이 최랑의 죽음에 직접적 책임이 없다는 논리가 마련된다는 사실이다. Choirangjeon is a romantic Jeon-gi Novel set during the reign of King Hyojong, and has been known as a novelization of a actual event. In this paper, it was confirmed that Lee Yeotaek’s actions as shown in Seungjeongwon-Diary are mostly consistent with the contents of the work, and through the records in Gyeongju Seonsaengan, it was revealed that Gyerimbubaek in the work is highly likely to be Lee Cheon-gi. The work that had the greatest influence on the creation of Choerangjeon is Aegyeongjeon from Jeondeungsinhwa. Choirangjeon and Aekyeongjeon have an influential relationship in that the female protagonist is of humble status but possesses talent, the male protagonist is the female protagonist’s savior, and the female protagonist sacrifices her life for the male protagonist. When Lee Yeo-taek and Choi Rang met, Lee Yeo-taek was 51 years old and Choi Rang was 13. Even though the two are 38 years apart in age, the author described them as if they were Jaejagain from other romantic Jeon-gi Novels. However, it is highly likely that the real person Lee Yeo-taek was a bureaucrat who lusted after women, and Choi Rang was a beautiful girl who had no special talents other than sewing. Choi Rang barely appears in the first half of the work, but suddenly reveals the aspect of a virtuous woman in the second half. After many twists and turns, she went to Anju and reunited with Lee Yeotaek, but at this time, a riot broke out and she was separated from Lee Yeotaek. The author vaguely described how Lee Yeo-taek and Choi Rang broke up by inserting past history between their ‘reunion’ and ‘refuge’. Choi Rang stopped eating because he was worried about Lee Yeo-taek, and then returned to Gyeongseong and died in front of Lee Yeotaek. What is important is that this provides the logic that Lee Yeotaek is not directly responsible for Choi Rang’s death.

      • KCI등재

        금기시된 욕망과 속임수: 애정소설과 한문풍자소설의 소설사적 관련 양상

        엄태식 ( Eom Tae-sik ) 한국문학치료학회 2015 문학치료연구 Vol.35 No.-

        애정전기소설은 사대부가 여성을 여주인공으로 등장시킴으로써 대개 비극적으로 마무리될 수밖에 없었지만, 17세기에 이르러 애정소설은 행복한 결말이라는 변화를 보이게 되었다. <왕경룡전>은 혼전에 남성과 만나는 일이 문제시되지 않는 기녀를 여주인공으로 등장시켰고, 여주인공에게서 부정적인 면을 제거하였으며, 여주인공이 남주인공의 교정자로서의 역할을 하게 했다. 또 <구운몽>은 액자 구조 및 속임수라는 장치를 마련하여 주인공들이 불행이나 고난을 겪지 않고도 욕망을 한껏 추구할 수 있도록 했다. 이는 17세기 애정소설의 행복한 결말을 가능케 한 동인이며, 당대 향유층의 바람이 투영된 결과이다. 18~19세기에 창작된 한문풍자소설은 <왕경룡전>과 <구운몽>의 영향을 받았다. 한문풍자소설에서는 교정자의 역할을 하는 기녀가 등장하여 공모자들과 함께 남주인공을 속인다. 이로 말미암아 한문풍자소설의 남주인공은 자신의 경직된 사고를 교정할 뿐만 아니라, 현실 세계에서 직접 겪었다면 가혹한 대가를 치렀어야 할 애정을, 속임수라는 가상현실 속에서 체험하고 그 대가로 약간의 망신만 당한다. 한문풍자소설의 남주인공이 단순히 풍자의 대상일 수만은 없는 이유가 바로 여기에 있는 것이다. Love romance, in most cases, had no choice but to end in tragedy since it made women of the gentry appear as the heroines of the stories; however, it showed a shift toward happy endings by the 17th century. Wanggyeongryogjeon made a gisaeng(Korean geisha) appear as the heroine of the story who could date men before marriage without problems, removed negative attributes from the heroine, and made the heroine play the role of corrector of the hero. Also, Guunmong allowed the main characters to satisfy their desires without any hardship or misfortune by putting devices such as frame story structure and deception. This is the driver that made possible the happy endings in love romance of the 17th century, and the result reflecting the wishes of the contemporary readers. Satirical novels written in classical chinese that were created in the 18~19th century were influenced by Wanggyeongryogjeon and Guunmong. In satirical novels, a gisaeng who plays the role of corrector appears and deceives the hero with conspirators. As a result of that, the hero not only corrects his rigid thinking, but also suffers little disgrace in return for the love he experiences in the virtual, plotted reality; which might have brought him a harsher consequence if it had happened in the real world. This is where the reason why the heros of satirical novels cannot just be the targets for the satire lies.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        <최치원>의 창작 배경과 서사적 특징

        엄태식 ( Tae Sik Eom ) 한국고소설학회 2010 古小說 硏究 Vol.30 No.-

        ChoiChiwon is considered to have been expanded to the current form by being handed down in the form of Jigoe like Ssangnyeobungi, and by being passed through the hands of future writers. The author of ChoiChiwon created the story in an attempt to complement history, borrowing the story of Yuseongul, using references, and borrowing the theme of Imssi. ChoiChiwon tells the story of the lonely Choi Chi-won meeting and falling in love with the female ghosts Palang and Gurang. The meeting between the human male character and female ghost characters is destined for farewell. Palang and Gurang each consider their relationship with Choi Chi-won as marriage, while Choi Chi-won denies his marriage to Palang and Gurang because admitting to marriage with a female ghost is acknowledging the fact that his spouse does not exist among human women. Hence, Choi Chi-won assumes a chauvinistic role by viewing Palang and Gurang as sexual objects, which in turn creates conflict between the characters and is expressed throughout the dialogue and poetry of the folktale. However, Choi Chi-won eventually accepts his destiny of marrying female ghosts, signifying his realization that his wives tragic suicides resemble his predicament. This change and introspection can be observed in the full-length Chinese poem Choi Chi-won recited when returning to Palang`s and Gurnang`s graves, and reflects his change in his perception of them from sexual subject to appreciative friend. Choi Chi-won realizes his loneliness is fundamentally same to deep sorrow of the two women, and accepts the fact that it cannot be relieved within this world. Choi Chi-won`s retirement to the Gaya Mountain signifies his feelings of resistance toward the irrational world. The loneliness and alienation of Choi Chi-won is reflected in the tragedy of women who lose their lives from the enforcement of medieval practices, which is represented by their father. ChoiChiwon is an allegory in which the misfortune of a real person Choi Chi-won, as well as the author, is compared to the image of the misfortunate main character who is unable to find a spouse in this world

      • KCI등재

        고전소설의 주인공 ; <창선감의록>의 창작 저변과 서사적 특징

        엄태식 ( Tae Sik Eom ) 한국고소설학회 2011 古小說 硏究 Vol.32 No.-

        Changseon-gam-ui-rok has relation to contemporary novels such as Sukhyangjeon, Guunmong, Sassinamjeonggi, and Hongbaekhwajeon which were all written in 17th. Changseon- gam-ui-rok shared some features with those novels in a technical way, but that common feature is not essential for a plot and an esthetic value of Changseon-gam-ui-rok. Won-gamnok which is mentioned in the beginning of Changseon-gam-ui-rok can not be an actual novel. It is reasonable to understand Won-gamnok as a term which means a record of ``Won(寃)`` and ``Gam(感)``. Even though Won-gamnok is a fictitious novel, Won-gamnok reminds of contemporary novel Sassinamjeonggi. In Changseon- gam-ui-rok, the feelings of ``resentment`` and ``sorrow`` related to Sassinamjeonggi were eliminated, and sought after happiness. Therefore, it can be said that the inclination for interest became stronger in Changseon-gam-ui-rok.

      • KCI등재

        <최척전>의 창작 배경과 열녀 담론

        엄태식 ( Tae Sik Eom ) 한국고전여성문학회 2012 한국고전여성문학연구 Vol.0 No.24

        『菊堂排語』에 나오는 崔陟은 <최척전>의 최척과 동일인으로 보기 어려우며, <최척전>의 後識는 허구일 가능성이 높다. 또 <紅桃>와 <최척전> 사이에는 문헌 전승에 의한 영향 관계가 있다고 보는 게 타당한데, <홍도>와 <최척전> 간의 인명 표기, 서사의 합리성 등을 고려한다면, 조위한이 <홍도>를 변용하여 <최척전>을 창작했다고 보아야 한다.李民宬은 <題崔陟傳>에서 ``당시 商山의 어떤 士人이 스스로 <최척전>을 지었다고 말했다``고 썼다. 趙緯韓은 1622년에 맏형 趙繼韓의 訃音을 듣고 上京했다가 商山牧使였던 아우 趙纘韓과 함께 商山으로 갔다. 그렇다면 <제최척전>에서 말한 ``상산의 사인``은 결국 ``상산에 가 있었던 조위한``을 가리키는 것인데, 조위한이 상산에 있었던 시기는 1622~1623년이다. 이로써 볼 때, <제최척전>의 언급은 결국 조위한이 1622~1623년에 <최척전>을 지었다는 뜻을 담고 있다고 이해할 수 있는바, 그간<최척전> 後識에 의거, 조위한이 1621년에 南原의 周浦에서 <최척전>을 창작했다고 본 견해는 수정될 필요가 있다. 조위한이 <李生窺墻傳>·<萬福寺?포記>·<홍도>를 활용하여 <최척전>을 창작한 주된 이유는, 여주인공 玉英을 ``賊의 수중에 떨어졌다가 살아 돌아온 烈女``로 형상화하기 위함이었다. 그런데 옥영의 이야기는, 丁酉再亂때 남편 조찬한을 적의 포위망에서 벗어나게 하고 스스로 목숨을 끊은 柳氏의 이야기와 밀접한 관계가 있다. 조위한은 조찬한·유씨부부에 대한 연민 때문에 <최척전>을 지었지만, 그 역시 전란이라는 특수하고 불가피한 상황 속에서도 정절은 반드시 지켜져야 한다는 사고방식에서 벗어나지 못했다. It is difficult to say that Choecheok in Gukdangbaeeo is the same person as Choe Cheok in Choecheokjeon. The postscript of Choecheokjeon is likely fictitious. Moreover, the relationship between Hongdo and Choecheokjeon can be defined as literature succession. Considering each character`s name in Hongdo and Choecheokjeon, the reasonability of narration, etc., it is reasonable to say that Jo Wihan wrote Choecheokjeon by rewriting Hongdo. In Jechoecheokjeon, Yi Minseong wrote, "a scholar in Sangsan at that time said he wrote Choecheokjeon by himself." Jo Wihan came to Hanyang to attend the funeral of his eldest brother, Jo Gyehan. He then went to Sangsan with his younger brother Jo Chanhan, the governor of Sangsan. ``A scholar in Sangsan`` described in Jechoecheokjeon confirms that Jo Wihan was in Sangsan at that time. Jo Wihan stayed in Sangsan between 1622 and 1623, thus meaning that Jo Wihan wrote Choecheokjeon between 1622~1623. However, the postscript of Choecheokjeon states that Jo Wihan wrote Choecheokjeon in Jupo, Namwon, in 1621. This record needs to be revised. The main reason why Jo Wihan wrote Choecheokjeon essentially by using Isaenggyujangjeon, Manboksajeopogi, and Hongdo is to describe the heroine Okyoung as a virtuous woman who came back alive from enemies. Meanwhile, the story of Okyoung is similar to the story of Jo Chanhan`s wife, Yussi, who helped her husband escape from the camp besieged by enemies during the Jeongyu War and killed herself. Although Jo Wihan wrote Choecheokjeon to express his sympathy to this couple, he failed to be free from the conservative idea that chastity must be maintained, even in inevitable and special situations like war.

      • KCI등재

        <운영전>의 양식적 특징과 소설사적 의미

        엄태식(Eom, Tae-sik) 한국고전연구학회 2013 한국고전연구 Vol.0 No.28

        <운영전>은 1인칭 여성 서술자의 존재, 궁녀인 여주인공의 등장, 액자소설식 구성 등에서 독특한 면모를 보이고 있는 소설이다. 그러나 이는 <운영전>만의 독창이 아니라, 애정전기소설과 몽유록의 전통을 계승한 결과이다. <운영전>은 김진사의 성적 욕망을 다룬 애정전기소설이자, 유영의 사회적 욕망을 다룬 몽유록이다. 17세기에 이르러 애정전기소설은 우의적 성향이 사라지면서 통속적 성향이 강화되는데, 이는 16세기 말~17세기 초에 몽유록이 우의의 양식으로서의 지위를 확고히 했기 때문이다. <운영전>은 이와 같은 소설사의 흐름 속에서 탄생한 소설이다. Unyeongjeon is a characteristic novel in respect to story-telling from the first-person view of a female narrator, and representing leading character of a court lady, and employing a Rahmennovelle structure. However, the above-mentioned features not only belong to Unyeongjeon, but were inherited from the traditional literary heritages of Romantic Jeon-gi novel and Mongyurok. Specifically, Unyeongjeon corresponds to both a Romantic Jeon-gi novel through Gimjinsa's sexual desire and to Mongyurok through Yuyeong's ambitions for success. By the 17th century, Romantic Jeon-gi novel tends to be a popular novel while disappearing allegorical tendency, because Mongyurok has already tightened its grip on the stylistic features of allegory from late in the 16th century to early in the 17th century. Unyeongjeon came into the world reflecting these currents of Korean novel history.

      • KCI등재

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