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        죤 업다이크의 『토끼는 부자이다』 : 실존의 허무

        변종민 새한영어영문학회 2004 새한영어영문학 Vol.46 No.1

        Rabbit is Rich is the most straightforward presentation of existential nothingness among Updike's "Rabbit'! tetralogy. According to the existentialist view, the authentic individual is one who experiences an encounter with the abyss of nothingness. Each individual suddenly faces his naked self; without awareness and reason, he experiences an existential crisis, in which it is impossible to find any meaning in life. Most people try to avoid the encounter and to negate nothingness. But the authentic individual recognizes the inevitability of nothingness and discovers his true self so that he becomes stronger and more authentic. The protagonist of the novel, Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom, experiences this encounter with nothingness. Despite his complacency with material success and apparent happiness, Rabbit's inner mind is full of dark emotions. He loses all illusions about an illegitimate daughter who might have been born to his former girl friend Ruth. He experiences only blankness or the void through sex. Money is meaningless in his search for inner freedom. And he is made extremely aware of his own mortality through the birth of his granddaughter. As a result of these confrontations, Rabbit seems to be languishing in a state of despair. But he is not afraid of confronting the abyss of nothingness. Rabbit, as an existential protagonist, is expected to seek authenticity for the rest of his life.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • Henry James의 道德性 硏究(Ⅱ) : 國際狀況 小說을 中心으로

        卞鍾民 제주대학 1981 논문집 Vol.13 No.1

        Henry James is perhaps best known as the writer of the "Internationai Subject," the transatlaatic intercourse of American and European society and culture. There is, however, an important thing which we have associate with the "International Subject: in Jamesl's works. It is the very moral them. The moral issue in James's novels and tales remains a difficult and perplexing problem. He has been supected of moral indiflerence by some critics like Maxwell, Geismor Van Wyck Brooks, etc. Perhaps it was just because James did not endeavor to present a phylosophic system like the earier novelists, only intend to attain the effect of neutrality by means of presenting the whole action from the point of the charactors. That is to say, he is not only a fierce moralist, but a great psychologist who stresses the "pervasive and unconoious moral" in the novel. James, who showed an absolute moralism in his early pieces, comes to deal with subtleties of motivation and delicate moral impulses in the internationsl fiction. The conflict between "American Innocence" and "European Coruption" is the basic pattern of his international works. He makes an expression of his moral consciousness through the psychological analysis of the conflict. Two of James's best works with the "International Subject" are "Daiey Miller"(1878), which is a little masterpiece that achived celebrity, and The Portrait of a Lady, James's longest novel, which is probably still the most widely popular of his works. Daisy Miller, the type of American girl she represents, has managed to come by some of the famous naturalness and innocence girl. In a word she is an inscrutable combination of audacity and innocence. Daisy becomes the innocent victim of Enropean duplicity. But her death from "Roman fever" represents the spiritual triumph of American innocence over European conventions. Isabel Archer, who is created as an ideal American heroine in The Portrait of a Lady, possesses all the attributes of typical Jamesian American. Sherejects Lord warburton, an English nobleman, who represents Europeanism, and Casper Goodwood, an American businessman, who represents Americanism, because cherishes her independence and freedom. Isabel makes a decision to choose Gilbert Osemond, Europeanized American, her husband, who represents European coruption with Serena Merle. She is, therefore, an innocent young American who is deceived by superior cunning and the deceit of Osmond and Madame Merle After threr years of married life with Osmond, she realizs her friend, Madame Merle, tricked her into an imprudent marriage with Osmond for the purpose of her wealth, and Pansy is actually the illegitimate child of Madame Merle and Osmond. But she decides to return to husband in spite of her recognition of his coruption. Why did Isable return to her husband? It is an insistent question now. Isable's action at the end means the triumph of American god-heartedness over European coruption and good over evil. Now Isable Archer had attained the wisidom and the power to survive in Europe with a maturing moral sence of life and a perception duplicity. Accordingly she asserts her idealism of self not in innocence but in full knowledge of the world.

      • 커트 보니거트의 공상과학소설에 나타난 神性과 人間愛의 문제 : 『고양이의 요람』과 『제5 도살장』을 중심으로

        변종민 서강영문학회 1990 서강영문학 Vol.2 No.-

        1952년 『기계 피아노』를 처녀작으로 미국 소설계에 등장한 커트 보니 거트(1922~)는 그후 『타이탄성의 미녀들』(1959), 『모야』(1961), 『고양이의 요람』(1963), 『신의 가호가 있기를, 로즈 워터씨』(1965), 『제5 도살장』(1969)등 일련의 공상과학 소설을 계속 발표하며 오늘날까지 작품활동을 계속하고 있다. 이들 작품중 보니커트의 대표작으로 평가되는 소설은 제5 도살장』이지만 오늘날 가장 많은 독자를 확보하고 있는 인기소설은 『고양이의 요람』인 것으로 알려져 있다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.의 Cat's Cradle에 나타난 力動的 均衡과 神聖의 人間愛

        변종민 제주대학교 1987 논문집 Vol.24 No.1

        In Cat's Craddle, written in 1963 by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.(1992- ), we are strongly concerned with two meaningful themes. 1) thr principle of dynamic tension in an individual as well as in the whole society 2) the human and divine love between human beings Bokononism, a newly-founded religon in the novel, believes that "good societies could be built only by pitting good against evil, and by keeping the tension between the two high at all times" The struggle and balance between good and evil is so-called "dynamic tension" And then, the dynamic tension on earth can be best maintained by the divine and human love between human beings. In dealing with these two subjects, Vonnegut concentrates on two main theaters of social power in modern society: Science and Religion. Felix Hoemkker is the representative of the scientific world, while Bokonon is that of religious society. For vonnegut, one of main problems in modern civilization is a fundamentalism coming from these two soclal powers That is to say, many proud scientists believe that the development of science is the only truth on earth, and so they ignore any other value systems in the world Some religions teach that only their religious truth is absolutely good and most valuable, so they bring about the same fundamentalism as that of scientists However, both science and religion should be reminded that there are other varieties of truth available to man in Ihe world Accordingly, Cat's Cradle is a novel about "the varieties of truth available to man: scientific, religious, political, social, economic, humanistic" The human and divine love between human beings is necessary for the dynamic tension among the varieties of truth. For vonnegut, the human and divine love is more valuable than religious beliefs or scientific truths for the purpose of the civillzation, of mankind. Bokononism is a kind of man-centered religion, whose main doctrines are the principle of dynamic tension and the necessity of human and divine love. In Bokononism all human beings are brothers and sisters who fit together to make "this sad world a paradise." In a word, Bokononism is a religion centered on human and divine love between human beings. John's conversion to Bokononism results from his recognition of human and divine love which Bokononists practice effectively with each other.

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      • KCI등재

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