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      • 卵巢 惡性 淋巴腫의 1例

        全相植 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1984 慶北醫大誌 Vol.25 No.2

        23歲 未婚女性의 右側卵巢 惡性 淋巴腫의 1例를 若干의 關係文獻과 더불어 報告하였다. A unmarried 23 years old female with right ovarian malignant lymphoma was presented with brief review of pertinent literature.

      • 생쥐난자의 초급속동결

        박영식,서태광,이택후,전상식 경북대학교 병원 1998 경북대학교병원의학연구소논문집 Vol.2 No.1

        본 연구는 난자의 동결보존에 초급속동결법을 효율적으롤 이용하기 위하여, 이의 효율성에 영향을 주는 여러 요인 중에서 난자의 탈수방법, 난자의 생존활력, 및 저온조절방법이 동결융해후 난자의 생존성에 미치는 효과를 조사하기 위하여 실시하였다. 생쥐난자를 3.5M DMSO와 0.25M sucrose가 함유된 mPBS에서 탈수한 다음 액체질소에 직접 침적하여 초급속동결하였다. 이어 동결된 난자를 37℃에서 융해하여 0.25M sucrose가 함유되어 있는 mPBS에서 복수시킨 다음, HAM's F10에 반복 세척하여 형태의 정상성을 조사하였다. 초급속동결난자의 생존성은 동결전 탈수방법, 난자의 질, 및 탈수와 복수시 0℃ 조절방법에 따라서 차이가 있었다. 1) 다단계로 탈수한 난자의 융해후 생존율은 48.4±13.8%로서 2단계 탈수한 난자 의 생존율 40.9±14.0% 보다 높았다. 2) 수정란의 융해후 생존율은 87.0±14.0%로서 미수정란의 융해후 생존율 5.4±5.4%보다 유의하게 높았다(p<0.01) 3) 냉각장치를 이용하여 탈수와 복수처리한 난자의 융해후 생존율은 95.8±4.2% 로서 얼음위에서 처리한 난자의 84.1±9.9% 보다 유의하게 높았다(p<0.05) 결론적으로 초급속동결방법을 이용하여 난자를 체외에서 효율적으로 보존하기 위해서는 생존활력이 높은 난자를 선별하고 탈수하는 동안 삼투충격을 적게 받도록 하며, 고삼투환경에 있을 때 온도를 일정하게 유지하여야 한다. This study was carried out to efficiently use the ultrarapid freezing method in the cryopreservation of mouse ova. For this, the effects of dehydration method, oval vigour and 0℃ controlling method on post-thawing viability were investigated. Fresh mouse ova were dehydrated in mPBS with 3.5M DMSO and / or 0.25M sucrose, and directly immersed in LN₂for ultrarapidly freezing. The frozen ova were thawed at 37℃, rehydrated in mPBS with 0.25M sucrose, and then repeatedly washed in HAM's F10 before evaluating the morphological normality of frozen-thawed ova. The results obtained showed that there was difference between treatments in a experiment. 1) The post-thawing viability of ova dehydrated in multi-step ((48.4±13.8%) was higher than that of ova in two-step (40.9±14.0%). 2) The post-thawing viability of fertilized ova (87±14.0%) was significantly(p<0.01) higher than that of unfertilized ova (5.4±5.4%). 3) The post-thawing viability of ova dehydrated and rehydrated using a cooling machine (95.8±4.2%) was significantly(p<0.05) higher than that on ice(84.1±9.9). In conclusion, in order to efficiently cryopreserve ova in vitro with ultrarapidly freezing method, highly viable embryos should be selected, heavy osmotic shock to the dehydrating ova should be avoided, and embryos in high osmotic condition were dehydrated and rehydrated in a constantly low temperature.

      • 檢査所見上 Immune Deficient State 分析

        全相植,金在植,金重明 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1983 慶北醫大誌 Vol.24 No.2

        日常 檢査上 r-globulin과, T 및 B cell의 測定에서 減少를 보인 1個月에서 70세까지 男子 91명과 女子 35명 총 126명을 대상으로 하여 몇가지 분석을 하여 다음과 같이 要約할 수 있었다. Hypogammaglobulinemia의 년령 및 성별분포에서 男子는 20대가 14명(22.2%)로서 가장 많았고 1∼9세가 그 다음이며 女子는 1∼9세가 5명(41.6%)로 가장 많았고 전체적으로 1∼9세군과 20대에 많았다. 男子가 63명(84.0%), 女子 12명으로 男女의 比는 약 5:1이었다. T 또는 B cell 減少의 년령별 및 성별분포는 男子는 1∼9세군이 8例(32.0%)로서 가장 많았고 그 다음이 1세미만이었으며 女子도 비슷한 비율이었고 위의 세가지 검사値가 다 減少를 보인 경우는 대체로 같은 경향을 보였으며 T 와 B cell의 개별 및 조합적인 減少는 T cell 계통은 男子에서 不規則이 1∼9세군에서 많았고 B cell만 減少된 경우는 없었으나 T 와 B cell을 組合한 減少의 경우에 1명씩 총 2명이었다. Hypogammaglobulinemia의 경우 一般檢査成績에서 albumin減少가 62명(84.9%), Ig G 10명(90.9%) Ig A 8명(72.7%) 및 IgM 6명(54.5%)이었고 WBC數는 5명(6.8%)에서, 血色素는 57명(77.0%)에서 C3는 5명(17.2%), CRP양성은 3명(27.3%) 그리고 HBsAg 양성은 5명(22.5%)에서 관찰되었다. T 및 B cell 減少의 경우 一般檢査 成績에서 주로 T cell 전체에서 albumin 減少는 약 40%가 r-globulin의 減少가 2배 이상까지 많았고, immunoglobulin 정량에서 약 50%까지였고 B cell과의 組合에서 r-globulin은 오히려 增加의 경향을 보였으며 血色素은 T 및 B cell의 減少때 전반적으로 현저한 減少의 경향을 보였다. Immunedeficient state의 末梢血液과 骨髓所見은 12명(52.2%)에서 未熟細胞와 myeloma call을 나타냈다. T cell, B cell 및 r-globurin 減少의 원인별 疾病은 hypogammaglobulinemia에서는 nephrotic syndrome이 50%로 가장 많았고 다음이 paraproteinemia, 感染症 그리고 蛋白漏出性 胃腸炎의 순이었고 T cell계통은 惡性腫瘍과 그리고 感染症이 대부분이고 B cell계통은 白血病 1명이 있었을 뿐이며 r-globulin과 T 및 B cell 3가지 組合의 減少에서 nephrotic syndrom 3명, 先天性甲狀腺機能低下症 1명 myasthenia gravis 1명이 있었다. Analyses of immune deficient state which showed decreases in r-globulin, and T and B cell by laboratory test was performed on 126 cases of 91 male and 35 female from 1 month to 70 years. In hypogammaglobnemia by serum protein electrophoresis (PEP) the incidence was highest in 20-29 age group as 22.0% and next 1∼9 age group in male, and in female the incidence was highest in 1∼9 age group as 41.6%. Generally the incidence was highest in 1∼9 and 20-29 age groups, and the male to female ratio was about 5:1. In decreased T and B cell counts the incidence was highest in 1∼9 age group as 32.0% and 0-1 age group of male and similar tendency was found in female as well as decreases in triple test combinations. T cell series depression was irregular but higher in 1∼9 age group and no B cell only decrease was noted, but decreases in T and B cell combination were observed in 2 cases. From general laboratory findings in hypogamma-globulinemia albumin decrease was 84.9%, IgG 90.9%, IgA 72.7%, IgM 54.5%, WBC 6.8%, hemoglobin 77.0%, C3 1.72%, CRP was positive in 27.3% and HBsAg was positive in 22.5%. In decreased T and B cell counts albumin decrease was observed about 40% and up to 2 times in hypogammaglobulinemia, as well as up to 50% in IgG, A and M repsectively among T cell series. Generally marked decrease of hemoglobin were noted. The peripheral blood and bone marrow findings of immune deficient state showed anemia, rouleaux formation, blast form leukemia, and myeloma cells in 52.2%. In causative or associated diseases to decreased r-globulin, and T and B cell, the incidence was highest as 50% in nephrotic syndrome, next paraproteinemia, infection and protein losing gastroenteropathy in order in decreased r-globulin. In malignant tumor and infection decrease of T cell series were predominant in B cell decrease only 1 case of leukemia and in decrease of triple combination, nephrotic syndrome, congenital hypothyroidism and myasthenia gravis in small numbers.

      • 난소관련병변에서 복강체액내의 cytokine농도

        전상식,조영래,구태본,서장수 경북대학교 병원 2001 경북대학교병원의학연구소논문집 Vol.5 No.1

        목적:최근에 난소암을 비롯한 종양성 질환과 자궁내막증등의 부인과 내분비 질환에서 면역반응의 활성에 관여하는 cytokine에 대한 연구가 많이 되고 있어서 저자들은 난소관련병변들의 병인분석과 감별진단의 가능성 및 치료적 응용에 있어서 복강체내액에 cytokine의 이용가능성을 조사하여 보았다. 연구방법:조직학적으로 진단이된 양성난소낭선종 11예, 성숙낭성기형종 10예, 자궁내막증 23예, 그리고 난소암 11예를 대상으로 하여 복강내 체액을 채취하여 INF-γ, IL-1β, IL-5,IL-6, IL-10 및 TNF-α의 농도를 측정하였으며 통계처리는 일원분산분석법과 Scheffe 법 그리고 Mann-Whitney 법으로 하였다. 결과:난소암 환자에서 IL-6와 IL-10 의 농도는 다른 양성병변들에 비해서 의미있게 증가하였으며(p<0.05) 자궁내막증 환자에서 대조군에 비하여 IL-6와 IL-10 의 농도가 높았으며 특히 자궁내막증 병기Ⅲ과 Ⅳ인 경우에서 병기Ⅰ과 Ⅱ에 비교하여 IL-6와 IL-10 의 농도가 의미있게 증가되었다. 결론:복수내의 cytokine환경은 난소관련병변의 병인과 질병의 진행과정과 관계가 있을 것으로 사료되며 복강내체액의 cytokine 농도 측정은 난소암과 양성병변과의 감별진단 및 자궁내막증 환자으 중증도의 진단과 병인규명에 도움을 줄 수 있을것으로 생각된다. Objective: Recent studies have shown that mlitifunctional cytokines have been implicatrd in the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of various ovarian cancer and endometriosis.This study was performed to determine the possibility of the clinical usefulness of peritoneal cytokines in patients with various ovarian lesions. Methods: Peritoneal fluid was obtained from patients with begin cystiv adenoma(n=11), being cystic teratoma(n=10), endometriosis(n=23), malignant ovarian tumor(n=11), and women without evidence of any pathology(n=7)at the time of laparotomy or operative laparoscopic surgery and were examined for the levels of INF-γ, IL-1β, IL-5,IL-6, IL-10 and TNF-α using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA). Statistical analysis was performed with the one way ANOVA, Scheffe test or Mann-Whitney test. Results: the mean concentration of IL-6 and IL-10 was significantly higher in pertioneal fluid specimens with ovarian cancer than other bengin pathology (p<0.05).Both IL-6 and IL-10 levels in pertioneal fluid specimens with endometriosis tended to be higher than normal, and of IL-6 and IL-10 were significantly higher in pertioneal fluid of women with severe endometriosis compaired to women with mild endometriosis (p<0.05). Conclusion: this study supports the concept that regional immunologic dysfunction might be involved in the disease process of various ovarian pathology such as ovarian cancer and endometriosis.A larger study would help in evaluating the potential use of local peritoneal cytolines ln differentiating ovarian cancer from other benign pathology, and demonstrating any association between concentrations of cytokines and severity of endometriosis.

      • 유루증 환자의 분석

        전상식 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1987 慶北醫大誌 Vol.28 No.3

        불임증 및 유루증을 보이는 환자 24명을 분석한 결과 PRL치는 정상군이 13명(54.2%)인 반면 증가군이 11명(45.8%)으로 유루증의 원인이 반드시 증가된 혈중 PRL치에 의한 것만은 아니었으며 유루증의 정도도 혈중 PRL치와 특별한 상관관계를 찾을 수 없어 PRL치와 유루증의 정도는 비례하지 않았다. 월경력은 정상군이 14명(58.3%)이었고 과소월경 및 무월경군이 10명(41.7%)이 었으며 무월경군으로 이행할수록 평균 PRL치가 증가했다. 유루증의 원인별로는 17명(70.8%)에서 원인을 찾을 수 없었고 pituifary microadenama, PCO 등 원인이 분명한 경우가 7명(29.2%)이었다. 연구기간중 bromocriptine 투여로 41.7%의 임신율을 얻을 수 있었다. Twenty four infertile women presenting galactorrhea were analysed clinically with bromocriptine therapy. In these patients, a comprehensive infertility evaluation revealed no obvious cause for their failure to conceive except galactorrhea and/or hyperprolactinemia. Basal serum PRL levels were eleveated only in 11 subjects (45.8%) and the degree of galactorrhea had no direct relationship with serum PRL level. Menstrual pattern changed from regular to amenorrhea according to the serum PRL level. The mean serum PRL level in oligomenorrheic patients was 88.6ng/㎖ and 225.8ng/㎖ in amenorrheic patients. The underlying factors of galactorrhea was not identified in 17 subjects(70.8%) but 3 pituitary adenomas, 2 PCO, 1 hypothyroidism and 1 empty sella sydrome. During the period of this study, 10 patients (41.7%) conceived with bromocriptine therapy. Though bromocriptine was very effective in correcting galactorrhea but limited success in achiving pregnancy. These findings suggest that hyperprolactinemia itself is a major factor but other variable mechanisms may be operative in the genesis of galactorrhea.

      • 자궁경암의 임상적이용

        전상식,조영래,박일수,이태호 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1990 慶北醫大誌 Vol.31 No.1

        To evaluate the efficacy of the hysteroscopy in the diagnosis and treatment in the field of infertility, retrospective analysis for the 25 patients who were examined and treated via hysterscopy was done. In this study infertility (72%) was the most prevalent indication and the other indications were uterine bleeding (20%) and habitual abortion (8%). During the operative hysteroscopy, a simultaneous laparoscopy was performed as a safeguard to minimize possibe complications. With the introduction of the operative hysteroscopy various intrauterine surgical procedures, which required laparotomy and opening into the uterine cavitry, can now be performed transcervically. We experienced a serious complication, bladder perforation, during the procedure of synechiotomy in a patient of severe uterine synechiae but no compliaction was found in the remainings. Reporting a small number of experiences with a review of the literatures.

      • 복강내 대식세포와 불임증

        全相植,李台鎬 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1987 慶北醫大誌 Vol.28 No.1

        원인을 밝힐 수 없는 불임환자 6명과 난관결찰술을 시행하는 정상여성 15명에 대한 PF내 대식세포를 비교분석하였다. 설명불가능의 불임환자 6명의 PF를 분석한 결과 PF량은 10.25㎖, 전체 백혈구수 10.11×10 exp(6), 대식세포율 30.7%인데 비하여 난관결찰을 시행하는 정상여성 15명의 PF분석결과는 각각 5.78㎖, 4.53×10 exp(6) 및 1.93%로 전자에서 모두 높은 치를 보여줬다. 이 결과에 의해 염증성 반응 특히 대식세포의 증가가 설명불가능의 불임에서 원인인자로 작용할수도 있다는 결론을 얻었으나 보다 조직적인 많은 수를 대상으로 한 더 많은 연구가 필요한것으로 생각된다. Pelvic fluid was collected from six women of unexplained infertility and 15 women undergoing laparoscopic sterilization. In addition to measurement of peritoneal fluid volume, cellular components in peritoneal fluid were evaluated with Wright's stains. The results demonstrated greater total WBC counts (10.11×10 exp(6)_vs 4.53×10 exp(6)), higher proportion of the macrophages (30.7% _vs 1.93%) and increased peritoneal fluid volume (10.25 _cc _vs 5.78_cc) in women of unexplaind infertility compared with women undergoing laparoscopic sterilization. The results suggest that the intraperitoneal inflammatory process, especially macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity, may acts as a possible etiologic factor in unexplained infertile women.

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