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      • 실험적 만성 전립선염의 발병기전에 대한 초미형태학적 연구

        안명환,장세국,곽정식,손태중 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1994 慶北醫大誌 Vol.35 No.4

        목적 : 전립선염에 관한 지금까지의 연구는 항생제의 침투와 항생제를 이용한 치료법의 개선에는 많으나 발병기전에 대한 연구는 매우 적다. 이에 만성세균성 전립선염의 발병기전을 형태학적으로 규명하고자 한다. 대상 및 방법 : Spraque-Dawley계 흰쥐(약 200g)의 전립선에 Escherichia Coli희석액(10^8㎖) 0.2㎖를 투여한 후 1주, 2주, 3주, 및 5주에 광학 및 현미경으로 관찰하였으며 전립선조직내 IgG, IgA 및 IgM의 분포를 확인하기 위해 avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex방법으로 면역 염색을 하여 광학 현미경으로 관찰하였다. 결과 : 광학현미경 소견은 E coli투여 후 1주에는 전립선의 선강 및 간질조직에 호중구와 대식세포가 심하게 침윤되었으며 이러한 소견은 2주후에도 지속되었다. E coli 투여 후 3주 이후에는 염증은 약간 완화되었으나 간질의 섬유화가 일어나 만성전립선염의 소견이 나타났다. IgG, IgA 및 IgM 은 E coli 투여 후 1주에 전립선의 분비선 주위와 간질조직 및 염증세포내에 강양성으로 나타났으며 5주까지도 지속되었다. 전자현미경 소견은 E coli 투여 후 1주에는 전립선의 선강 및 선상피세포 사이에 호중구와 대식세포의 침윤이 심하였고 이들 세포내에는 탐식된 E coli와 라이소좀이 풍부하였다. 간질에도 호중구와 대식세포 및 소수의 림프구가 침윤되었으며 염증세포의 세질내에 탐식된 E coli가 많았다. 이러한 소견은 E coil 투여 후 2주에도 지속되었다. 그러나 3주 이후에는 호중구는 감소되었으며 대식세포, 림프구 및 형질세포가 증가되었고 간질에는 섬유아세포의 증식이 일어났다. 그리고 E coli는 거의 소실되었으나 단위막에 둘러싸인 간상소체가 선강 및 선방세포내에 있었다. 결론 : 이와 같이 전립선에서 E coli가 대부분 제거된 후에도 면역단백이 강하게 나타나는 것으로 보아 항원이 잔류해있음을 암시하며 항원의 지속적인 잔류가 만성 세균성 전럽선염을 유발하는 한 인자로 추정된다. This study was carried out to morphologically investigate the patogenesis of chronic bacterial pros-tatitis. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were inoculated 0.2㎖ of Escherichia coli(10^8cells/㎖) into the prostate and sacrificed 1, 2, 3, and 5 weeks after inoculation. Ten animals in each group were observed by light and electron micrscopy. In addition, immunocytochemistry for IgG, IgA, and IgM in the prostate was performed. On light microscopy, acute purulent inflammation occurred in the prostate with necrosis and sloughing of epithelial cells and severe infiltration of neutrophils and macrophages in the interstitium. Acute inflammation was persisted until 2 weeks after inoculation. In 3 weeks after inoculation atrophy and loss of prostatic acini and fibrosis of interstitium, which were signs of chronic prostatitis, appeared. Immunoglobulin IgG, IgA, and IgM were strongly positive in inflammatory cells and interstitium during the period of experiments. On electron microscopy, there were marked exudation of neutrophils and necrotic cells in the acini with focal necrosis of lining epithelium. Infiltration of neutrophils, and macrophages, deposition of fi brins, and marked congestion appeared in the interstitium at 1 week after inoculation of E. coli. These findings persisted for many weeks. There were membrane bound rod bodies in the lysosomes and cytoplasm of the epithelium. According to above results it is suggested that chronic bacterial prostatitis in this model was associated with persistent immunological reaction on the prostate resulting in chronic inflammation of the prostate.

      • KCI등재

        日本의 金融行政의 年革的 推移

        安太植 韓日經商學會 1994 韓日經商論集 Vol.10 No.-

        經濟·社會の中で金融行政-金融の一側面にすぎないが-重要視されているのはその影響力, すなわち金融行政が金融と政治·經濟·社會との接點を成す重要な位置を占めているところに求められる. こうした觀點をもって日本の金融行政の沿革的推移を要約すると, 第1に, 戰前期は統合行政の時期であって政府の銀行合倂政策によって推進されてきている. その過程は1902∼20年の間は銀行産業の開花期で銀行法の不備による弱小銀行の亂立·淘汰, 續いて1921∼32年は金融恐慌と銀行法の制定による中小銀行の强制的な合倂, 最後に1933∼45年の間は戰時經濟の進展にづれ金融統制を目的とした一縣一行主義が打出された. その結果, 普通銀行數は1901年の1, 890行をピ-クにして45年末には61行にまで減少した. 第2は, 戰後の過保護行政の時期である. 戰後は經濟再建のための金融面の最優先課題は資金供給の增大と供給資金の低金利化を目的とした人爲的底金利政策を採擇したことである. さらに同政策は高度成長期にはいり, 日本銀行-都市銀行-系列企業という形態の融資集中體制が形成され, 預金金利の低水準固定化と資金配分の差別化をもたらした. それは結果的に都市銀行に超過利潤を安定的に保證する手厚く周到な配慮の下に行なわれたため, 經濟成長に果した金融機關の役割は高く評價される一方, 非效率的な金融機關を溫存し金融システム全體の效率性を沮害する過保護行政であったと批判されている. 第3は, 效率化行政の時期である. 效率化行政は過保護行政の弊害を是正するとともに日本經濟の開放體制への進展に對應するため, 金融における競爭原理の導入と金利機能の活用によって資源の最適配分を達成することを目的としている, その中でも金融效率化政策の一環として1968年制定の「金融機關の合倂及び轉換に關する法律」の特徵は同種金融機關の合倂のみならず異種金融機關相互においても合倂·轉換の道を開いた点にある. 同法律に基づいて中小金融機關を中心にその後も多くの合倂が促進された. なお, この時期の都市銀行中心の合倂の特徵は系列金融機關の吸收合倂であると同時に首都經濟圈と關西經濟圈における地方銀行との合倂という性格をもっている. これは都市銀行が規模擴大を圖りながら二大經濟圈における基盤强化をねらったことでもある. しかし60年代の銀行行政はいくつかの可視的な成果はあるものの全體的には旣存の規制體制の範圍內での制限された效率化とみるのが妥當である. 第4は, 新效率化行政の時期である. 新效率化行政の基本理念としては效率性と社會的公正との調和を提示している. このように社會との調和という側面から公共性を提示した背景には銀行の社會的·經濟的な環境變化の下, 銀行の責任に對する社會的な批判(過當競爭, 拘束性預金, 融資方法および姿勢)があったことは留意すべきである. 結局この時期の行政方針は銀行の私企業性と公共性の自主的結付であるといえるが, その他に金利及び業務分野に彈力性を與え, 規制緩和を指向した点も指摘できる. ただ以前の效率化が經營效率化に重點を置いたのに對し, この時期の效率化は公共性の觀點から金融效率化の必要性を强調した点である. なお, この時期に行なわれた銀行合倂の特徵からいえばまさに大型合倂でそれは企業の大規模化·國際化に對應する形で經營基盤の擴充·强化, 顧客に對する金融サ-ビスの提供, 國際化に向ってのworld-bankとしての役割を果すところにあるといえる. 最後に, 1980年代以後は自由化行政の時期である. 80年代は低成長經濟への移行に伴う金融機關の構造變化と收益構造變化をあげられる. その動因は大企業の資本調達の多樣化によって相對的に都市銀行の大企業貸出ウェイトの低下, 大量の國債發行による引受銀行の國債累積が指摘できる. このことは結果的に高度成長期を特徵づけた融資集中體制の崩壞を意味するもので, 逆にいえば都市銀行による金融自由化の要求に答える形で推進されたといえる. それに加えて對外的には日本に對する金融開放の要求が激しいがったことも一原因である. このように日本の金融行政は過保護行政から效率化,自由化へと變貌してきた. これから當局の金融行政の方向性を考える場合, 金融機關の基本條件(安全性, 信賴性, 效率性)を明確に提示するのは政府側であろうが, その範圍においては金融機關の自由的裁量に從ってその特性を生かせる方向へと推進されるべけである.

      • KCI등재

        응급환자에 대한 맥박산소측정기의 임상적 평가

        안철민,이한식,조광현,황태식,김성규 대한응급의학회 1995 대한응급의학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        Pulse oximetry is a noninvasive method of measuring blood oxygen saturation even before changes to the cardiopulmonary functions become apparent clinically. Therefore it has been widely excepted in many disciplines as a standard patient monitoring equipment. But its accuracy has been argued at low oxygen saturation levels. To determine the accuracy of the pulse oximetry in the emergency department where the patients presenting with respiratory difficulty are expected to have low oxygen saturation levels. Prospective, cross-sectional, paired measurements of oxygen saturation by two different pulse oxineters(SpO2) against oxygen saturation of arterial blood gas analysis(SaO2) was performed from May 1994 to September 1995 at two different university hospitals. Two pulse oxineters each with its digital probe were applied to the patient for the measurement of SpO2 simultaneously and arterial blood gas was drawn for analysis(ABGA) at the same time to measure SaO2. 98 patients who met the criteria mostly consisted of cardiopulmonary patients. There were no significant differences between mean SpO2(88.1±11.4, 88.2±10.0) of the two pulse oximeters and mean SaO2(88.7±11.4) from the arterial blood gas analysis(p=NS). Strong correlations were found(r=.80). But the regression declined as SaO2 decreased especially SaO2 < 90%. The pulse oximetry is potentially useful in patients with clinical signs of acute hypoxemia and patients receiving interventions that may produce acute hypoxemia, because of their ability to continuously monitor the oxygen saturation. But pulse oximetry along cannot identify the degree of hypoxemia or severity of distress. Therefore patients complaining of respiratory difficulty in an emergengy department, history and physical examination must be performed with pulse oximeter as a guide while backing it up with ABGA.

      • 초음파 및 적외선 센서를 이용한 자율이동로봇의 확률지도 형성에 관한 연구

        안양준,진광식,윤태성 國立 昌原大學校 産業技術硏究所 2002 産技硏論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        For the navigation of an autonomous mobile robot in complex environment, the map building of the environment is needed using sensors. The ultrasonic sensor is low cost, easy to install and has high-speed information processing persormance. Environment recognition using ultrasonic sensors, however, has two major problems: the uncertainty information of sensor and false readings caused by specular reflection and multipath effect. In order to resolve these problems, an map building method using Bayesian update model was proposed previously[5]. In this paper, we present an improved method of probability map building that uses infrared sonsors and shift division Gaussian probability distribution with the existed Bayesian update model using ultrasonic sensors. The validity and the persormance of the improved map building method are examined by simulation and experiment with real mobile robot.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        장기증분원가의 산출과 활용에 관한 비판적 검토 : 통신산업의 사례 A Case of Telecommunication Industry

        홍철규,안태식 대한경영학회 2003 大韓經營學會誌 Vol.16 No.5

        Traditionally, regulators have relied on accounting-based historical costs for price regulation in regulated industries including telecommunications, electricity and gas. With the introduction of competition, however, the economic cost called 'long run incremental cost (LRIC)' is increasingly being adopted in these fields. This study critically analyses and discusses from the accounting and economics perspectives the 'standard cost model' which was recently developed to compute LRIC in the Korean telecommunications industry. A special attention is paid to the issues: assumptions about the degree of efficiency, departure from economic capital costs, errors on the limited utilisation of cost drivers and cost estimation, capacity costing and sensitivity, unbalanced burden of risk(real option). This cost model produces costs conceptually different from accounting costs. However, accounting scholars need to pay attention to the economic cost model as it is an important case where the abstract concept of an economic cost was applied to a real world situation. In addition, LRIC has relevance to strategic management accounting since LRIC is conceptually similar to the costs which new efficient entrants would incur and thus allows firms to understand their competitive positions. This study has also important implications for management accounting practitioners who are expected to provide cost information of the firm itself as well as outside information including regulatory environment, competitors' strategies, and new production processes and technologies etc.

      • 熱傳導度 差를 利用한 실리콘 絶對 濕度 센서

        李承煥,安台煥,安大植 충주대 2004 産業科學論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        We research on a silicon micromachined absolute humidity sensor in this paper. The sensing mechanism of this sensor uses the thermal conductivity difference of air itself and the air with the amount of water vapor. The micro-heater made by using Pt/Ta_(x)O_(y) bilayer, which is annealed in air ambient for 1 hour at 650 ℃ temperature, shows an excellent short-term stability. After temperature compensation, the humidity sensor follows one characteristic output voltage curve according to absolute humidity value. The sensitivity of absolute humidity sensor is decreased from 0.534 mV/[g/㎥] to 0.375 mV/[g/㎥] in the temperature range from 25 ℃ to 55 ℃ respectively.

      • KCI등재후보

        수술-교정 치료 환자의 통제 소재

        이신재,안석준,백승학,김태우,장영일,양원식,서정훈,남동석 대한치과교정학회 2002 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        교정치료와 악교정 수술을 필요로 하는 환자가 점증하는 현 시점에 비추어, 이에 대한 기술적인 측면의 발전과는 달리 수술-교정 치료 환자에 대한 정신사회학적 혹은 정신심리적 양상에 대한 객관적인 정보는 그리 많은 주목을 받는 편이 아니었다. 수술-교정치료는 과학적인 치료과정이긴 하지만, 어느 정도 심미적 혹은 예술적인 측면을 지니는 선택 치료의 면모를 지닌다. 그러므로 치료에 대한 환자의 주관적인 느낌은 치료 기술이나 치료의 의학적 성공 여부보다 더 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 그러므로, 수술-교정 (혹은 교정) 치료에 대한 환자의 반응을 예측하기 위한 정신심리적인 정보는 치료에 유용한 지표가 될 수 있다고 가정할 수 있다. 통제 소재에 대한 연구는 인간의 다양한 행동을 예측하기 위한 유용한 지표로 알려져 왔는데, 본 연구에서는 42명의 수술-교정치료 환자와 성별/연령별로 표본 추출된 42명의 통상적 교정치료 환자를 대상으로 삼아 정신=심리적 비교 및 분석의 방법으로 두 가지 종류의 내외 통제 소재(internal/external locus of control) 검사를 시행하였다. 그 결과 수술-교정치료군에서만 남자가 여자에 비하여 낮은 외적 통제(높은 내적 통제)의 경향을 보였다. 결론적으로 수술-교정치료 환자의 정신심리적 기반은 성형 수술 환자와는 달리 교정치료 환자와 유사한 경향을 지닌 것으로 생각되었다. Surgical-orthodontic treatment is an increasingly more common dental procedure whose unique psycho-social or psychological feature has not been fairly quantified objectively. Since the treatment of a surgical-orthodontic (or orthodontic) patient is part science and part art, a subjective recognition of a patient about his or her own treatment may be more important than technical success during and after treatment. Therefore, the knowledge of the patient''s underlying psychological status could be useful in the prediction of patient's response to surgical-orthodontic (or orthodontic) treatment. The purpose of this study was to investigate and evaluate the psychological difference between conventional orthodontic patient and surgical-orthodontic patient by using locus of control (LOC) examination. Locus of control scale has been proven to be extremely useful in the prediction of a variety of human behaviors. Two types of locus of control data (I-score, Internal locus of control score ; E-score, External locus of control score) were obtained for 42 surgical-orthodontic patients and randomly selected 42 conventional orthodontic patients (as a control group) matched for age and gender. No statistically significant difference was observed in the scale of internal and external locus of control between the groups of surgical-orthodontic patients, males showed lower E-score (external locus of control score, higher internal locus of control tendency) than females. The results of this study suggested that the psychological background of surgical-orthodontic patients, in contrast with that of cosmetic surgery patients, has a similar disposition with that of orthodontic patients.

      • 유압 인버터 엘리베이터에서의 극저속 속도제어를 위한 퍼지논리 제어기의 설계

        한권상,김병화,이우철,장태호,이건학,사공석진,안현식,김도현 대한전자공학회 1999 夏季綜合學術大會 論文集 Vol.22 No.1

        In this paper, a fuzzy logic controller is designed for speed control of a hydraulic inverter elevator. Mathematical modeling of an elevator actuated with hydraulic system is presented and the friction characteristics of a cylinder is examined, which may cause the abrupt increase of the acceleration in the zero-crossing speed region. Simulation results show that the proposed fuzzy logic speed controller yields a better control performance than conventional PID controller.

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