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        미국, 일본 도시공원의 면적 산정에 대한 비교 연구

        김현(Kim, Hyun),최희선(Choi, Hee-Sun),박은별(Park, Eun-Byul) 한국도시설계학회 2014 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.15 No.6

        우리나라의 공원녹지정책에서는 인구당 원단위 기준을 적용한 1인당 공원면적 6㎡/인을 목표로 설정하고 있다. 게다가 2013년 수립된 국토해양부 지침에 따라 12.5㎡/인이라는 지표가 모든 기초자치단체에 일괄 적용되면서 지자체의 부담은 가중되고 있는 현실이다. 1인당 도시공원 면적의 적정성에 대한 의문과 논의는 오래전부터 지속적으로 제기되어 오고 있으나, 이러한 논의와 달리 정책적인 변화는 없다. 실제로 해외 도시의 공원 조성 면적에 대한 정확한 자료와 공원 조성 면적 관련 정책 연구는 미흡한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 문헌조사와 인터뷰조사를 실시하여 1인당 도시공원 면적 산정기준의 배경과 흐름을 파악하고 미국과 일본을 대상으로 공원 확충 정책의 흐름과 현황을 분석하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 공원 조성목표의 경우 일관된 수치보다는 자치체가 자기 지역의 특성을 감안하여 목표를 수립하도록 열린 목표치를 설정한다. 2) 공원계획의 대상은 도시공원뿐만 아니라 녹지, 하천, 운동장, 도립공원, 옥상과 벽면녹화 등을 포함시켜 도시의 질적 제고를 지향하고 있다. 3) 공원정책에 있어 양적 확충보다는 공원서비스 개선, 주민 참여를 통한 질적 개선에 대하여 정책의 비중이 높아지고 있다. 이를 기반으로 본 연 구에서는 도시의 특성을 고려한 자율적인 공원면적 확충 목표 설정, 목표 대상에 녹지, 하천 등의 다양한 녹지자원 포함, 공원의 질적 서비스 향상을 위한 주민 참여와 만족도 조사가 실시되어야 함을 제안하였다. In Korea, the goal of urban park policies is obsessively set to meet 6㎡ park area/person, But since 2013, a new guideline of 12.5㎡ park area/person is established by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries As the new guideline is applied to all primary local authorities, the burden of local authorities is being increased. While the question related to the minimum park area per person has been consistently raised, there has been little research on the minimum. In practice, correct materials on park creation area and park area used for park-related policies in other cities around the world. Focusing on the cases in U.S. and Japan, case studies are conducted based on literature review and interviews to find out the international trends related to the minimum park area. The results are as follows. 1) In case of setting park creation goal, open target values are set such that local authorities establish goals in consideration of local characteristics instead of monolithic values. 2) The target of park project includes green belt, river, playground, provincial park, rooftop and green wall, so that quality enhancement of cities is aimed. 3) Park policies are focused on qualitative enhancement rather than quantitative expansion, through park service improvement and resident participation. Based on these suggestions, it is suggested that flexible park creation goal should be set in consideration of urban characteristics - a variety of green resources, such as greenbelt and river should be added to quantify minimum per capita park area, Resident participation and satisfaction surveys should also be performed in order to enhance qualitative measure of park service.

      • FC 1-4 : A survey of attitudes, knowledge, and behavior regarding sun exposure and sunscreen use

        ( Sih Yeok Jang ),( Hyeong Ho Ryu ),( Eun Jung Hwang ),( Hyun Sun Park ),( So Yun Cho ),( Hyun Sun Yoon ) 대한피부과학회 2013 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.65 No.2

        Background: Although sunscreen is used as a primary strategy to prevent sunburn, photoaging and skin cancer, only a few people regularly use sunscreen. Objectives: To investigate the awareness of effects of sunlight, the extent of sun exposure, and the behaviors about sunscreen uses in Korean. Methods: A questionnaire was administered 255 adult patients visited Dermatology Department at Seoul National University Boramae Hospital. It included questions about the awareness of benefit or harm of sunlight, perceived and actual extent of sun exposure, the use of sun-protective methods including sunscreen. Results: Sun exposure was chosen as the major cause of dyschromia (61.2%), skin cancer (62.8%) and wrinkle (28.6%). Respondents were likely to underestimate the extent of sun exposure. On average, quite a few respondents stated that they were exposed to sunlight more than one hour per day (23.1% on weekdays, 53.4% on weekends). But, only 8.7% thought that their sun exposures were problematic and 62.2% of respondents considered moderate sunlight exposure good for health. People`s sun protective behaviors were inadequate: only 30.8% used sunscreen regularly; 18.4% have never used sunscreen. SPF was the most important factor choosing sunscreen and 86.0% used sunscreen labeled SPF over 30. In contrast, only 40.3% used PA+++ sunscreen. Conclusion: Despite a fairly good knowledge about harmful effects of sunlight, people underestimated the risks of their sun exposure and behaviors were suboptimal.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        한국인에서 일광노출과 자외선차단제에 대한 인식과 사용 행태 연구

        장시혁 ( Si Hyeok Jang ),박현선 ( Hyun Sun Park ),조소연 ( So Yun Cho ),윤현선 ( Hyun Sun Yoon ) 대한피부과학회 2015 대한피부과학회지 Vol.53 No.1

        Background: Although sunscreen is used as a primary strategy for the prevention of sunburn, photoaging, and skincancer, few people regularly use sunscreen. Objective: To investigate awareness regarding the effects of sunlight, the extent of sun exposure, and sunscreen usebehaviors in Korean subjects. Methods: A questionnaire was administered to 467 adult patients who visited the Dermatology Department at SeoulNational University Boramae Hospital. The questionnaire covered demographic characteristics, causes of wrinkles,sunspots, and skin cancer, awareness of the harmful effects of sun exposure, perceived and actual extent of sunexposure, and the use of sun-protective methods including sunscreen. Results: Sun exposure was selected as the major cause of age spots (60.6%), skin cancer (60.9%), and wrinkles(25.9%). Respondents were likely to underestimate the extent of sun exposure. On average, quite a few respondentsstated that they were exposed to sunlight for more than one hour per day (22.7% on weekdays, 52.4% onweekends). However, only 9.4% of respondents thought that their sun exposure was problematic and 62.7% ofrespondents considered moderate sunlight exposure healthy. Respondents`` sun-protective behaviors were inadequate:only 29.8% used sunscreen regularly, and 16.5% have never used sunscreen. SPF was the most important factor inchoosing sunscreen, and 83.3% used a sunscreen with a labeled SPF over 30. By contrast, only 34.6% ofrespondents used PA+++ sunscreen. Conclusion: Despite fairly good knowledge regarding the harmful effects of sunlight, subjects underestimated therisks of their sun exposure and sun-protective behaviors were suboptimal. Education on the risk of UV exposure andeffects of sunscreen is still needed. (Korean J Dermatol 2015;53(1):16∼22)

      • KCI등재

        서울숲 공원관리조직의 사회 연결망 분석

        최선주,황원실,김선희,박창석,Choi, Sun-Ju,Hwang, Won-Sil,Kim, Sun-Hee,Park, Chang-Sug 한국조경학회 2011 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.39 No.3

        본 연구는 공원관리 참여조직간의 사회적 연결망을 분석하고, 참여조직의 활동을 활성화하는 방향을 모색하기 위한 것이다. 이를 위해서 공원관리 참여조직 간의 신뢰, 참여, 정보교류의 실태를 사회 연결망 분석을 통해 살펴보았다. 구체적으로 서울숲을 대상으로 하였으며, 행정기관, 시민단체, 주민단체, 기업으로 구성된 15개 참여조직과 핵심인물 30명을 조사대상으로 선정하였다. 설문조사는 조직간 신뢰, 참여, 정보교류 및 연구 통계적 속성에 관한 내용으로 구성되었으며, 분석은 사회 연결망 분석 프로그램인 UCINET을 활용하였다. 분석결과, 1) 신뢰, 참여, 정보교류의 연결구조에서 다른 조직에 비해 많은 관계를 유지하고 있는 중추조직(HUB)는 서울숲 사랑모임과 서울숲 관리사무소로 나타났다. 2) 함께 일하고 싶은 조직과 향후 활발한 참여를 바라는 조직에 대한 연결망 분석에서는 환경 예술분야의 시민단체에 대한 요구가 높게 나타났다. 3) 부녀회, 통장단 등 지역 주민단체 연결망을 살펴보면 중심성이 매우 낮으며 서로간의 연결관계도 거의 없는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구결과와 함께 다양한 도시공원과 지역을 대상으로 공원관리 참여조직간의 사회 연결망 실태를 파악함으로써 주민참여와 협력 이 활발한 공원관리 방안을 마련하는데 활용할 수 있다. This study was intended to devise means to encourage participation for organizations taking part in "resident participation parks.", "Resident participation" has become increasingly recognized as an effective means of park management in Korea. To this end, this study analyzed the current status of social networks for civic organizations participating in park management with respect to their degree of participation, credibility and trust, and exchange of information. Among resident participation parks, "Seoul Forest Park" has been widely recognized as a model example; accordingly this study designated Seoul Forest Park as its primary research focus. Thirty core members of resident participation organizations were selected as test subjects. Members of the resident participation organizations under review came from various backgrounds, including government administrative organizations, citizens' groups, residents' groups, and private businesses. Surveys were used to provide data on credibility and trust between organizations, levels of participation, and exchange of information, as well as statistics on demographic affiliation. Results were examined through UCINET, a program designed to analyze social networks. Survey results indicated that 1) The "Seoul Forest Park Conservancy" and the "Seoul Forest Park Management Office" constituted a hub within their social networks that maintained significantly more relationships than other organizations with regard to levels of credibility and trust, participation, and exchange of information; 2) Social networks for organizations wishing to work together, or desiring active participation in the future tended to center on citizens' organizations in the environmental and arts fields; and 3) Women's associations and meetings of neighborhood("tong") leaders had very little significance as a center in the social networks of local residents groups, and indeed very few connections amongst themselves. The results of this research can be applied in the devising of proposals for encouraging participation in resident participation parks in consideration of the social networks between organizations engaging in park management activities for a diverse array of urban parks and other areas.

      • KCI등재후보

        군사시설 이전부지 공원화 사례분석을 통한 시사점 도출

        박준영,이은엽,송선영,엽정식,Park, Joon-Young,Lee, Eun-Yeob,Song, Sun-Young,Yeob, Jung-Sik 한국토지주택공사 토지주택연구원 2014 LHI journal of land, housing, and urban affairs Vol.5 No.4

        군사시설 이전부지는 근본적으로 공공 시설적 성격을 띄고 있어 공공 복리를 위한 활용 요구도가 높아지고 있으며, 이로 인해 공원으로 조성하는 사례가 증가하고 있다. 군사시설 이전부지에 대한 공원조성 사례를 분석한 결과 몇가지의 시사점을 도출하게 되었다. 공원조성의 목표는 도시재생의 개념 및 지역활성화 차원에서 접근할 필요가 있다. 이전부지를 전면 개조하는 방식보다는 기존 시설들을 최대한 재활용하여 경제적 이득을 취하고 동시에 지역정체성과 역사성을 재현할 필요가 있다. 공원의 규모가 대형화 되고 있어 단일시설 및 프로그램 보다는 복합공간으로 조성해 줄 필요가 있으며, 공원조성에 막대한 비용이 소요되므로 단계적으로 공원을 조성하는 방안을 고려할 필요가 있다. 군사시설이 지니고 있는 특수한 상황으로 공원조성 과정에서 현장조사가 미흡하여 설계변경 또는 오염처리에 막대한 비용이 소요되므로 사전에 이를 고려할 필요가 있다. 또한, 민간사업자에게 일부 부지에 대해 개발권을 위임하고 개발이익으로 공원조성과 운영관리비를 충당하는 방안도 검토가 필요하다. 군사시설 이전기지는 다양한 이해관계에 놓여 있으므로 사업추진과정에서 민관협치의 의사결정기구를 운영하는 방안을 고려할 필요가 있다. 다양한 재원조달과 수익사업 확대, 봉사 및 후원 활성화, 트러스트 및 비영리 단체의 공원운영 관리 참여 확대 등을 위해서는 도시공원 관련제도의 보완이 요구된다. Because of their nature as public facilities, demands that former military facilities be utilized for the public welfare are increasing, thereby leading to an increase in cases in which these military facilities are reestablished as parks. Cases in which former military bases were reestablished as public parks were analyzed; as a result, several implications were derived. First, the objectives of public park projects should be examined from the perspective of the concept of urban regeneration and regional revitalization. Moreover, it is necessary that profits are yielded and that regional identity and history are reproduced through reusing existing facilities as much as possible rather than entirely remodeling former military sites. As parks become larger in size, bases should be reorganized into complexes rather than single facilities or programs. It is also necessary that parks be established in stages considering the enormous expenses required for building public parks. Consequently, because the special characteristics of military facilities can lead to insufficient on-site investigation in the process of establishing parks, thereby incurring a vast amount of costs for design adjustment and contamination disposal, this should be considered in advance. A method of delegating the development rights to partial sites to private businesses and supplementing the costs of park establishment and maintenance with development benefits should be examined. In addition, given that there are various interests and stakes in former military bases, a method of operating a public-private cooperative decision-making organization during project execution should be considered. Finally, policies related to urban parks need to be improved in order to raise funds, expand profitable businesses, facilitate social services and sponsorship, and encourage the participation of trusts and non-profit organizations in park operation and management.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        한국인 폐확산능 정상예측식의 임상적 유용성과 정확성

        나승원 ( Seung Won Ra ),박태선 ( Tai Sun Park ),홍윤기 ( Yoon Ki Hong ),홍상범 ( Sang Bum Hong ),심태선 ( Tae Sun Shim ),임채만 ( Chae Man Lim ),이상도 ( Sang Do Lee ),고윤석 ( Youn Suck Koh ),김우성 ( Woo Sung Kim ),김동순 ( Dong 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2008 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.64 No.2

        연구배경: 폐확산능을 해석하는 데 필요한 정상예측식으로는 한국인을 대상으로 하여 박 등이 개발한 식(박 식)이 있으나 아직 외국 정상예측식을 많이 사용하고 있다. 이에 국내에서 많이 사용하는 외국 정상예측식인 Burrows 식과 박 식의 임상적 유용성과 정확성을 비교하고자 하였다. 방법: 1. 임상적 유용성 연구; 2006년 7월부터 12월까지 6개월간 폐확산능검사를 시행한 환자 중 두 식을 각각 정상예측식으로 적용하였을 때 폐확산능 해석이 다른 276명(대상군 A)을 대상으로 하였다. 대상군 A에게 두 식을 각각 적용하였을 때 폐확산능 해석과 임상적 판단과의 일치도를 비교하여 임상적 유용성을 평가하였다. 2. 간질성폐질환 진단의 정확성 비교; 2001년부터 2006년까지 폐조직검사를 시행하여 확진된 간질성폐질환군과 서울아산병원에서 모집한 정상군을 대상으로 하여 정상예측식으로 두 식을 각각 적용하였을 때 폐확산능 해석의 정확도를 비교하였고, 두 식이 차이가 나는지 맥니머의 카이스퀘어 검정을 하였다. 결과: 1. 임상적 판단과의 일치도 비교; 276명을 임상정보를 토대로 폐확산능을 예측하여 분류한 결과 정상 54명, 감소 220명, 불분명이 2명이었다. 예측식으로 박 식과 Burrows 식을 적용하였을 때 임상적 판단과 일치하는 환자는 각각 78%와 22%이었다(p<0.001). 2. 간질성폐질환 진단의 정확성 비교; 박 식은 민감도 90.1%, 특이도 100%이었고 Burrows 식은 민감도 64.2%, 특이도 100%로 민감도가 통계학적으로 유의하게 박 식이 높았다(p<0.001). 결론: 우리나라 정상예측식인 박 식이 외국 정상예측식인 Burrows 식을 정상예측식으로 적용하는 것보다 임상적 유용성이나 간질성폐질환 진단의 민감도에서 더 우월하였다. 향후 폐확산능검사의 정상예측식으로 박 식을 사용해야 할 것으로 사료된다. Background: Park et al. developed the Korean reference equation for the measurement of diffusing capacity in 1985. However, the equation has not been widely used in Korea and foreign reference equations have been popularly used. We intended to compare the clinical usefulness and the accuracy of the the Korean reference equation (Park`s equation) with that of the foreign equation (Burrows` equation) that is commonly used in Korea. Methods: 1. Evaluation of clinical usefulness; Among 1,584 patients who underwent diffusing capacity (DLCO) at the Asan Medical Center from July to December 2006, group A subjects included 276 patients who had different interpretations of DLCO in trials employing Burrows` equation and Park`s equation. Clinical assessment was decided by consensus of two respiratory physicians. In order to evaluate the clinical usefulness of Burrows` equation and Park`s equation, agreement of clinical assessment and DLCO interpretation were measured. 2. Evaluation of accuracy; Group B subjects were 81 patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD) and 39 normal subjects. The 81 ILD patients were diagnosed following a surgical lung biopsy. The accuracy of diagnosing ILD as well as sensitivity and specificity were evaluated according to the use of the reference equations (Burrows` equation and Park`s equation) for DLCO. Results: Agreement between clinical assessment and interpretation of DLCO was 22% for the use of Burrows` equation and 78% for the use of Park`s equation. The sensitivity and specificity of the Burrows` equation for diagnosing ILD were 64.2% and 100%. The sensitivity and specificity of the Park`s equation for diagnosing ILD were 90.1% and 100%. The sensitivity of the Park`s equation for diagnosing ILD was significantly higher than that of Burrows` equation (p<0.001). Conclusion: The Korean reference equation (Park`s equation) was more clinically useful and had higher sensitivity for diagnosing ILD than the foreign reference equation (Burrows` equation). (Tuberc Respir Dis 2008;64:80-86)

      • KCI등재

        도시공원 열환경 실측과 근린주민 의식조사에 따른 체감열 특성 평가

        박선영(Park, Sun-Young),주진희(Ju, Jin-Hee),윤용한(Yoon, Young-Han) 한국도시설계학회 2009 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        본 연구는 청주시에 위치한 도시공원을 대상으로 기온·습도ㆍ풍향ㆍ풍속 및 산소 등 여름철 도시공원이 내포하고 있는 열섬저감효과를 실측하고, 근린주민을 대상으로 설문을 실시하여 체감열에 대한 의식조사를 수행하였다. 이에 열환경 실측과 근린주민 의식조사의 결과를 비교·검토하여 근린주민의 체감의식까지 수용된 실측결과를 바탕으로 실제 공원의 배치 및 식재설계 등 계획에 입안할 수있는 기초자료를 제공함을 목적으로 한다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 공원 주변의 기온저감효과와 영향범위, 공원의 쾌적감, 냉량감 및 청정감 등의 항목에서 기온의 실측데이터와 주민의식조사를 비교한 결과, 풍향을 중심으로 풍상측과 풍하측을 구분한 실측 및 의식조사의 결과를 제외하고 공원의 규모가 클수록, 공원으로의 거리가 가까워질수록 거주하는 근린주민은 쾌적감을 느낀다고 응답하였다. 따라서, 도시공원에 대한 열섬현상 완화를 고려해 같은 규모의 공원일 경우, 분산 배치하는 것이 좋으나 공원규모가 클수록 풍하측 기온저감의 영향범위가 넓어지는 경향을 나타내 공원 규모의 확대가 중요함을 보여주고 있다. This study has investigated the air temperature, humidity, wind direction, wind velocity and oxygen in urban parks in Cheong-ju. Heat-island temperature decrease effect in urban parks during summer was measured, and the sensible consciousness of neighborhood residents was investigated through a questionnaire survey. Based on the actual results after comparatively analyzing the measurement of thermal environment and sensible consciousness of neighborhood residents, basic data are presented to elaborate on the urban development plans such as for park placement and planting design. The study result showed that neighborhood residents felt greater comfort sensation when they are closely located to a larger park. When actual temperature data and sensible consciousness of neighborhood residents were compared in terms of temperature decrease effect and extent, comfort sensation, coldness sensation, and cleanliness sensation, similar results were observed in almost all categories except for wind direction which was divided into windward and leeward. Therefore, the significance of this paper is that its results can be used to elaborate realistic and practical park development and management plans in green network and resident’s use of parks.


        Comparison of Melanoma Subtypes among Korean Patients by Morphologic Features and Ultraviolet Exposure

        ( Hong Sun Jang ),( Jee Hung Kim ),( Kyu Hyun Park ),( Jae Seok Lee ),( Jung Min Bae ),( Byung Ho Oh ),( Sun Young Rha ),( Mi Ryung Roh ),( Kee Yang Chung ) 대한피부과학회 2014 Annals of Dermatology Vol.26 No.4

        Background: Genetic alterations have been identified in melanomas according to different levels of sun exposure. Whereas the conventional morphology-based classification provides a clue for tumor growth and prognosis, the new classification by genetic alterations offers a basis for targeted therapy. Objective: The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the biological behavior of melanoma subtypes and compare the two classifications in the Korean population. Methods: A retrospective chart review was performed on patients found to have malignant melanoma in Severance Hospital from 2005 to 2012. Age, sex, location of the tumor, histologic subtype, tumor depth, ulceration, lymph node invasion, visceral organ metastasis, and overall survival were evaluated. Results: Of the 206 cases, the most common type was acral melanoma (n=94, 45.6%), followed by nonchronic sun damage-induced melanoma (n=43, 20.9%), and mucosal melanoma (n=40, 19.4%). Twenty-one patients (10.2%) had the chronic sun-damaged type, whereas eight patients (3.9%) had tumors of unknown primary origin. Lentigo maligna melanoma was newly classified as the chronic sun-damaged type, and acral lentiginous melanoma as the acral type. More than half of the superficial spreading melanomas were newly grouped as nonchronic sun-damaged melanomas, whereas nodular melanoma was rather evenly distributed. Conclusion: The distribution of melanomas was largely similar in both the morphology-based and sun exposure-based classifications, and in both classifications, mucosal melanoma had the worst 5-year survival owing to its tumor thickness and advanced stage at the time of diagnosis. (Ann Dermatol 26(4) 485~490, 2014)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        한국인에서 일광 노출의 유해성에 대한 인지도와 일광 차단제의 이용 행태에 대한 연구

        김상태,김기호,오선진,이승철,강세훈,윤재일,김진준,박석범,김홍용 대한피부과학회 1999 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.37 No.6

        Background: Although deleterious effects of sunlight have been increased recently, the surveillance of the attitudes toward sun-exposure and the behavioral aspect of using sunscreens in Koreans has hot been carried out. Objective: Our purpose was to evaluate the attitude toward the harmfulness of sun-exposure and behaviors of using sunscreens in Korea. Method: Five hundred and fifty-two subjects were surveyed to assess the attitude toward sun-exposure, as well as the subjects knowledge about, and the use of sunscreens. Underlying data including demographic data, skin colors, skin types, occupation, and sun-exposure, were obtained. Results: Fifty-four percent of subjects believed that sun-exposure is bad for their skins, but, on the contrary, 12.5% believed it to be beneficial. Fifty-two percent of subjects used sunscreens. Almost all subjects(93.8%) knew why to use sunscreens but 62.7% of subjects did not know the meaning of sun protective factors(SPF). Women, indoor workers, subjects less than 40 years old, with less sun-exposed, fair colored skin, or with skin type I, II, III tended to know the deleterious effects of sunlight and the meaning of SPF and used more sunscreen. Conclusion: High risk population-men, outdoor workers, subjects oider than 40 years old, with more sun-exposed, dark colored skin, or skin type VI, V could be targeted with campaigns that promote attitudinal and behavioral changes.

      • Applications of Quasi-likelihood Method in Generalized Linear Models

        Park, Chong Sun 成均館大學校 韓國産業硏究所 1996 韓國經濟 Vol.23 No.-

        일반선형모형은 연속형 반응변수들에만 적용되던 고전적인 선형모형들을 이산형이거나 음이 아닌 반응변수들에가지 확장한 것이다. 여기에는 지수족에서 정규, 포아송, 이항, 감마, 그리고 역가우시안 잔차 분포 등을 포함한다. 더불어 통계적인 추론들에서 우도함수의 역할은 매우 중요하다. 1974년 Wedderbum에 의해서 소개된 의사 우도함수는 더 넓은 분야에서 사용될 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 의사 우도함수를 일반선형모형에 적용한 예로 Liang 과 Zeger(1986)의 GEE모형과 연결함수가 알려져 있지 않을 때의 피셔 일치성 (Park과 Wesiberg, 1995a), 확률적 설명변수 하에서의 변수 선택문제(Park과 Wesiberg, 1995b)등을 소개하며, 마지막으로 일모수 지수족에서의 과대 산포에 대한 하나의 설명방법을 제안하였다. Generalized linear models extends the classical linear models for continuous responses to discrete and non-neagtive responses. This family includes the Normal, Poisson, binomial, gamma and inverse Gaussian error distributions in the exponential family. In statistical inferences, the importance of the role played by the likelihood function is huge. The quasi-likelihood proposed by Wedderburn (1974) can be used in a much larger class of problems. some applications of quasi-likelihood to generalized linear models including GEE models by Liand and Zeger (1986) and its Fisher consistency under link misspecification (Park and Weisberg, 1995a), subset selection with random predictors (Park and Weisberg, 1995b) will be introduced, and finally one explanation of over-dispersion in one parameter exponential families will be suggested.

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