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        Survey of Cultivation and Status of Gerbera Smart Farms

        Oh Keun Kwon,Jae Ah Jung,Myung Suk Ahn,Hyun Young Song,Manjulatha Mekapogu,Dan Hye Kim,Doo Jong Ha 한국화훼학회 2021 화훼연구 Vol.29 No.4

        본 연구는 거베라 주산지인 경북과 경남 지역의 농가 재배 및 스마트팜 현황을 조사하고 분석하고자 수행하였다. 조사방법은 2020년 81 농가를 대상으로 대면 설문조사를 실시하였다. 거베라 경영주 연령은 50∼60대가 71.6%로 가장 많았고, 30∼ 40대가 16%, 70세 이상이 9.9%, 30세 이하는 2.5% 순이었다. 거베라 재배 경력은 5년 이하가 37%였으며, 6∼10년 25.9%, 11∼20년 29.6%, 21년 이상 농가가 7.4%였다. 재배 면적은 0.3 ∼0.6ha가 61.7%로 가장 많았고, 0.3ha 미만이 30.9%, 0.6ha 이상이 7.4%였으며, 전체 평균재배 면적은 0.37ha였다. 거베라 재배 농가당 평균 인력은 자가 노동력 2.1명, 고용 노동력 0.8명 이었다. 재배 방식에서 토경 88.9%, 양액재배 농가는 11.1%였다. 국산품종을 전체 또는 일부라도 재배하고 있는 농가는 61.7%였고 외국산 거베라 품종만 재배하고 있는 농가는 38.3% 였다. 거베라 병해충 발생조사에서 병 발생이 많았다고 응답한 농가는 91.4%였으며, 충 발생이 많았다고 응답한 농가는 98.8% 였다. 스마트팜 시스템을 설치한 농가는 12.3%였으며, 설치하지 않은 농가에서 향후 설치할 의향이 있다고 응답한 농가는 76.9% 였다. 향후 경영계획을 묻는 질문에서 현상유지 80.2%, 축소 8.6%, 경영확대 11.1%였으며, 경영 확대를 대답한 농가는 경북 지역이 8농가로 경남지역 1농가 보다 많았다. This study was conducted to investigate and analyze gerbera cultivation and the status of smart farms in Korea. The survey was conducted in person for 81 farms, in 2020. About 71.6% managers of the gerbera farms were in their 50s and 60s, 16% in their 30s and 40s, 9.9% were over 70, and 2.5% under 30. About 37% of the farmers have cultivation experience of less than five years; 25.9%, 6–10 years; 29.6%, 11–20 years; and 7.4%, over 21 years. Around 61.7% of the area under gerbera cultivation was 0.3–0.6 ha, 30.9% was less than 0.3 ha, and 7.4% was over 0.6 ha; and the average area under cultivation was 0.37 ha. The average family labor of the gerbera farms was 2.1 people and the employed labor was 0.8 people. The cultivation methods included about 88.9% soil and 11.1% nutrient cultivation farms. However, 61.7% of the farmers cultivated all or part of the domestic gerbera varieties, whereas 38.3% only cultivated foreign varieties. In the pest survey, around 91.4% of the farm managers responded to have observed different diseases, and around 98.8% farms exhibited various pests. The smart farm system has been installed by 12.3% of the farming households. However, 76.9% of farming households with no prior smart farms are planning to install them in the future. Future plans include the status quo of 80.2%, reduction in total area by 8.6% and expansion in total area by 11.1%, and around eight farms in Gyeongbuk and one farm in Gyeongnam area are planning to expand their management.

      • 캡슐내시경과 단일풍선 소장내시경으로 진단된 공장의 간질종양 1예

        송도경,심기남,태정현,김경진,송명은,송하응,윤혜원,정가영,정정화 이화여자대학교 의과학연구소 2012 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.35 No.2

        Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are common mesenchymal tumors that arise in the wall of the gastrointestinal tract. We report a case of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding due to a GIST of the jejunum successfully documented by videocapsule endoscopy (VCE) and single-balloon enteroscopy (SBE). A 36-year-old man with hematochezia was referred for further evaluation of no evidence of bleeding focus on esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy. A VCE showed a suspicious ulcerative hyperemic mass that located in about 1 hour apart from duodenal second portion. SBE revealed a nonbleeding 4×2 cm mass with an ulcer at the proximal jejunum. The patient underwent laparoscopic resection without complication. Histological examination revealed a well circumscribed, dumbbell-shaped firm mass comprised of spindle cells. Immunohistochemical staining for CD 117 was diffusely positive, whereas staining for S-100, CD 34 and MIB-1 was all negative. It was confirmed to be a low-grade GIST at the proximal jejunum.

      • 大學 新入生의 道德的 事態判斷 水準 및 槪念化 樣相의 分析

        宋明子,趙鏞夏,薛耆汶,李京淑 東亞大學校 學生生活硏究所 1988 學生硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        This study was conducted in order to analyze freshmen's level of cognitive judgment of moral situations and their conceptions of moral situation in different conceptual domains. The research questions to be answered in this study were as follows : 1) What are freshmen's levels of the judgment in moral situations, and are the levels differentiated according to their sex and majors? 2) What are the justifications in each domain? In other words, how do justifications of nonpermissibility, generality, and rule-independency differ in such domains as moral, conventional, and personal? 3) How are freshmen's conceptions of moral situation characterized? Subjects in this study were 200 freshmen(131 boys and 79 girls) randomly sampled from Dong-a University. The instruments were Kim's(1985) Test of Moral Development Judgment which was translated from Rest's(1979) DIT, and 9 interview situations for moral judgment and justfication developed by the current researchers on the basis of Turiel's theory. Subjeects were presented with six moral dilemas and 9 moral situations by 10 research aides who are seniors of education department of dong-A University, specially trained for this study. Data were analyzed statistically to answer the research questions. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1) More freshmen attained level P in terms of judgment of moral situations, while some other students did levels three and four. Therfore, it is considered that a large amount of freshmen start the principled-stage thinking. 2) Many freshmen showed high degree of transitional phase(4½) as level P according to frequencies in each moral stage. This reflects the apparent regression from the hightest stages to stage 2 during freshmen's campus life. Additionally, this kind of regression is found in arts and physical education students rather than other students. 3) There is no sex difference in the levels of freshmen's moral judgment. 4) Freshmen justified the transgressions in moral situations on permissibility and generality. Therefore, they appear to view moral issues as more legitimately subject to moral domain. In part, they tend to view moral issues as subject to conventional domain in that they justify the affairs related to peers of elders on rule-dependence. 5) Freshmen's domain distinction was apparent in that they justified conventional issues on generality. However, they are also seem to moralize since they partly view conventional issues containing relationships with parents as subject to moral domain. 6) Freshmen justified personal issues on rule-dependence and generality. Therfore, it is concluded that they justify the personal issues as subject to conventional domain. 7) Freshmen are more likely to reason about moral issues as personal obligation and sort them as under moral domain. However, within-domain differences in justifications are apparent in that freshmen treated the moral issues as subject to customs or traditions, or personal choice. 8) A strong moralizing is evident in that freshmen conceived conventional issues in terms of other's welfare rather than conventional reason. 9) The within-domain consistence is obvious in that freshment reasoned about personal issues as personal and sort them as under personal domain. However, it is found freshmen's moral conceptions are dependent on situations because some students justified personal issues on other's welfare or obligation while other sutdents did on moral reasons and conventional sanctions or customs.

      • KCI등재
      • 한국대학생의 도덕사태 개념화 및 그 변화과정에 관한 연구(II)

        송명자,조용하,설기문,김상윤 東亞大學校 學生生活硏究所 1992 學生硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        This study aims to analyze the moral judgmental levels and the conceptions of transgressions of Korean college students in a series of multifacted events and the aspects of change in terms of moral judgmental level and conceptualizastion after with two years' college experience. The study was based on the Kohlberg's cognitive moral development theory and on the domain-distinction model in which children's intuitive abilities are stressed. This study was consisted of two sub-studies done in 1989 and 1991 respectively. The subjects of the 1st year study were 416 college students in four major cities(Seoul, Taegu, Kwangjoo, and Pusan). The subjects of the longitudinal analysis of second year study were 199 college students who could be followed up among the subjects of the 1st year study after two years. The instruments used in this study were Test of Moral Judgmental Development and Test of Conceptualization on Mulifaceted Events developed by the authors on the basis of Kohlberg's and Turiel's theories respectively. The following conclusions were obtained through the basis of the results and discussions of this study. First, Korean college students' false responses to moral issues decrease but the radical and anti-social responses increase after two years, and ther these responses are replaced by the level Ⅲmoral judgmental responses. Second, college students who are on the higher moral judgmental level conceptualize the transgression in social conventional and personal domains less permissible than those on the lower levels do. The students who are on the lower judgmental level reveal the decrese of nonpermissibility in social conventional domain with two years' college experience than those on the higher level do.

      • KCI등재

        열형광선량계에 의한 선량평가 알고리즘 개발

        송명재,김희근,하정우,이태영,윤석철 대한방사선 방어학회 1992 방사선방어학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 ANSI N13. 11-1983의 시험기준에서 제시한 개인선량계의 선량평가 시험범주를 모두 만족시킬 수 있는 선량평가 알고리즘을 개발하는데 있다. 알고리즘 개발 대상 개인선량계로는 Teledyne Isotopes사의 PB-3 열형광선량계로 하였다. 개발된 알고리즘에 대한 미국 Atlan-Tech사와의 2차례의 검증결과, 본 알고리즘은 ANSI N-13. 11-1983의 선량평가 범주를 모두 만족시키는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to develop an algorithm of TLD dose evaluation to meet all requirements stated in ANSI N13. 11-1983. It made the PB-3 TLD of Teledyne Isotopes an object of the development. Personal dosimetry performance testings of the development algorithm have been performed twice through the Atlan-Tech, INC. in accordance with the criteria of testing described in ANSI N13. 11-1983. As a result, it is assured that the developed algorithm has complied with all requirements stated in ANSI N13-1983.

      • KCI등재

        방사선 치료후 시간경과에 따른 염색체이상 빈도의 변화

        송명재,하성환,이춘자,김희근,김미숙 대한방사선 방어학회 1994 방사선방어학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        임파구의 염색체이상 빈도로부터 피폭자의 흡수선량을 구하는 방법은 사고로 인해 급성피폭을 받는 경우 유용하게 사용될 수 있다. 그러나 방사선 피폭 후 시간이 경과함에 따라 불안정 염색체이상을 가진 임파구는 감소하게 된다. 이에 방사선 치료후 시간 경과에 따른 불안정 염색체이상 빈도의 변화를 규명하고자 한다. 전골반에 50.4 Gy의 방사선 치료를 받은 총 20명의 자궁경부암 또는 자궁내막암 환자를 대상으로 41개의 검체를 얻었다. 채혈의 시기는 방사선 치료후 1일 3주, 6주, 12주, 24주, 52주, 104주, 156주, 208주, 520주로 하였다. 이들 말초혈액의 임파구에 대해 전혈미세배양을 실시한 후 임파구의 불안정 염색체이상을 관찰하여 Ydr, Qdr, Qdra를 얻었다. Ydr 값은 방사선 치료가 끝난 직후부터 3주까지 plateau를 보였고 이후 감소하는 경향이었다. Ydr의 평균값은 치료후 3주에 0.29에서 급격히 감소하여 2년후 0.05로 감소하였으며 이후 5년까지 서서히 감소하였다. 회귀분석을 실시한바 Ydr = 0.259×exp(-0.0429T)+0.0560×exp(-0.00106T)(time in weeks)로 나타났다. Qdr값은 치료 직후부터 24주까지 1.51 전후로 거의 변화가 없었으며 이후 감소하여 52주 이후에는 1.17 전후로 거의 일정하였다. Qdra 값은 치료 직후부터 12주까지 1.10 전후이며 이후 감소하여 52주 이후에는 0.81 전후였다. 피폭 후 시간경과에 따른 Ydr 값의 감소는 두 component exponential 모델을 잘 맞고 이 식을 이용하여 생물학적 선량측정이 가능하다. Qdr 값 및 Qdra 값은 피폭후 시간경과가 짧은 경우 피폭선량을 추정하는 지료로 사용할 수 있다. It is good method to use frequency of chromosome aberration in lymphocytes for a biological dosimetry in cases of accidental exposure to radiation. But in cases of past edposure, biological dosimetry is limited because the friquency of aberration decreases by time after exposure. To provide a basic data for estimationof past radiation exposure, the changing pattern of frequency of unstable chromosome aberration by time interbal after exposure was studied. Observation was made on peripheral lymphocytes of 41 blood samples from 20 patients treated for uterine cervical carcinoma and endometrial caricinoma. The patients received 50.4 Gy radiation to whole pelvis. Elapsed times after the completion of radiation therapy were 1 day, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 52, 104, 156, 208, 260 and 520 weeks. All the blood sample were microcultured. The Ydr, Qdr and Qdra were calculated form frequency of unstable aberration. Ydr did not decrease for 3 weeks after radiation therapy, and thereafter, decreased very rapidly and reached 0.05 at two years after radiation therapy and decreased very slowly until 5 years after radiation therapy. Relationship between unstable chromosome aberration and time interval after radiation therapy was described as Ydr = 0.2590.259×exp(-0.0429T)+0.0560×exp(-0.00106T)(time in weeks) Qdr remained constant at 1.51 until 24 weeks after radiation therapy and then decreased to 1.17 at 52 weeks. Therafter, it did not change. Qdra remained constant at 1.10 for 12 weeks after radiation therapy and decreased to 0.81 at 52 weeks. Thereafter, it remanined constant. Two superimposed exponential Ydr disappearance rate wuggests that it is possible to calculate the past exposure dose. When the elapsed time after exposure is short, Qdr and Qdra are useful papameters for biological dosimetry for past radiation exposure.

      • 알코올의 섭취가 흰쥐의 혈액과 간의 지질대사에 미치는 영향

        이명숙,김영연,김효숙,김매하,전진순,서진숙,송선미,양영재,윤원손,이미라,이효영,정승현 誠信女子大學校 生活文化硏究所 2004 生活文化硏究 Vol.18 No.-

        To investigate the effects of ethanol on the lipid metabolism in blood and liver, twenty one male Sprague Dawley rats had orally taken the 25% alcohol and 50% alcohol by 5g per Kg of weight during 3 weeks after the adjusting period. For the energy balance, 85% sucrose and 45% sucrose was added in control group and 25% alcohol group each. The weight was reduced by alcohol treatment according to the levels, otherwise the weight of liver and heart was little increased in alcohol groups rather than in control without significance. Moreover, RBC, WBC, hemoglobin and hematocrit were increased by alcohol treatment according to the levels without significance. Otherwise, adjusted bilirubin levels by 100g of weight was significantly increased by alcohol treatment dose dependently. Alcohol induced RBC degradation and increased circulated bilirubin because of liver damage. For blood lipid profiles, blood cholesterol was increased in 50% of alcohol group compared to that of 25% and control groups, otherwise, blood triglycerides (TG) was increased by 30% in 25% alcohol groups rather than in control but not significantly different. The hepatic lipid composition, cholesterol levels in alcohol treatment groups was lower than those in control. The hepatic TG was not influenced by alcohol treatment. The two reasons of decreasing hepatic lipids were suggested by 85% sucrose of control for energy balance more synthesized cholesterol and TG than those in 25 or 50% alcohol groups, and by cholesterol and TG could not be synthesized because of liver damage from alcohol.

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