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        전통 사상 및 교육 방법의 현대 도덕 교육과정에서의 활용 가능성 연구

        함규진 ( Kyu-jin Ham ),신창호 ( Chang Ho Shin ),임홍태 ( Hong Tae Lim ),지준호 ( Chun-ho Chi ) 한국철학사연구회 2016 한국 철학논집 Vol.0 No.50

        도덕은 하나의 철학적, 심리적 상념으로서도 존재하지만, 실천으로 이어져야만 비로소 도덕으로서 역할을 할 수 있게 된다. 기본적으로 도덕이란 타자가 자신과 공존할 때, 그 타자와의 관계에서 좋음(goodness) 또는 옳음(righteousness)을 추구하는 것이기 때문이다. 그런 도덕이란 대부분 본능적으로 체득할 수 없기에 도덕교육이 있게 되는데, 한국인의 경우 서구와 다른 도덕적 전통을 갖고 있으며 따라서 서구적 도덕교육으로 충분하지 않거나, 전통적 도덕교육을 활용함으로써 더 나은 교육이 이루어질 수 있는 가능성을 찾을 수 있다. 그런 견지에서 전통의 실천적 의미를 재해석하고 활용하는 일은 한편의 논문으로는 너무 방대한 과제이다. 그래서 이 글에서는 비교와 범주화, 그리고 활용의 편의를 위해 전통을 ‘근세 유교(조선왕조 이후의 유교) 전통’으로 한정짓고, 다시 도덕교육 가운데 현행 도덕과 교육의 교육과정을 전통 교육과정과 비교함으로써 일정한 성과를 얻고자 하였다. 전통 교육과정은 기(氣)의 발달에 근거하여 연령별로 단계별 학습을 시도했으며, 그 핵심 이념은 인(仁)과 의(義), 실천적 덕목은 효(孝), 제(弟), 자(慈), 직(直), 근(勤), 검(儉)이라고 정리해볼 수 있다. 여기서는 그러한 전통 교육 이념이 ‘자신과의 관계’, ‘타인과의 관계’, ‘사회 공동체와의 관계’, ‘자연·초월과의 관계’로 영역을 나누고 각기 지향할 가치, 실천할 덕목을 배정한 현 도덕과 교육의 체계와 상통할 수 있다고 보고, 그에 따라 교육 현장에서 실천할 몇 가지 전통-현대 융합적 교육 방안들을 제안하였다. Any moral ideas get integrity upon their practices. Because in human society systems, morality have capability among human interactions, for it gives moral standards(good or bad/ right or wrong) to them. And when the society system is Korean, Koreans surely have developed unique styles of moral practice and moral education in their traditional ages. So reinterpretating and categorizing the moral tradition for taking advantage of it in contemporary context, make sense. In this study, Korean moral tradition is focused in its scope, as ``Confucian moral tradition in semi-modern era``. For convenience of study and the potentials of effective revision, Korean tradition have been resized. In Confucian moral tradition, semi-modern Korean moral ideas could be presented as ren(仁) and yi(義). Furthermore, ren and yi could be practiced with several moral virtues, like xiao(孝), di(弟), ci(慈), zhi(直) qin(勤) gian(儉). When compared with contemporary moral education idea systems, the traditional system can have affinity with the systems in moral ideas division(``with-self morality``, ``with-others morality``, ``with-universe and transcendence morality``). And several fusion-style, integration-based education practices can be developed and applied at contemporary school moral education.

      • 敎師의 自我槪念 및 精神健康 診斷

        林奎辰 東國大學校 敎育問題硏究所 1992 교육문제연구 Vol.7 No.-

        This study was started in an attempt to investig the level of teachers' self-concept and mental health. The concrete purposes were to make investigation into (1) the level of teachers' self-concept on the whole and by its sub-factors(Academic, Social, Moral and Character factors), and (2) the level of their mental health on the whole and by its sub-factors(Anomie, Inferiority, Psychopathic Deviate, and Psychosthenia). The questionnaire for measuring the teachers' self-concept and mental health was constructed by selected items developed by Won-sik Jeong(1968), In-sub Song(1982) and Ji-woon Choi(1983). The questionrire was administered to 550 teachers of elementary and secondary schools from Choong-Nam Province and Dae-jeon City. The data of the present study were analyzed by the statistical methods of one-way ANOVA through SPSS package. The magor results were as follows. 1. The analysis of the level of self-concept of teachers. 1) The teachers showed positive self-concept in general. In analyzing by sub-factors, they showed the average level in two factors-Academic and Character-and above the average in the rest two factors-Social and Moral. 2) In analyzing the teachers' self-concept by their background variables, the male teachers showed more positive one than the female ones did, master teachers than teachers, the longer experienced than the shorter ones. 3) The secondary school teachers showed a little more positive one than the elementary ones in Academic factor. 4) In Character factor, male teachers showed a little more positive one than female ones. 2. The level analysis of mental health of teachers. 1) It was found that the teachers generally had good mental health in every sub-factor selected. 2) In analyzing the level of mental health by their backgrownd variables, the elementary school teachers showed lower level than the secondary ones, and in the other variables on difference was found. 3) But, in two factors, Anomie and Psychosthenia the elementary teachers showed lower level than the secondary ones. 4) In Inferiority factor, the elementary teachers showed lower level than the secondary ones, the longer experienced than the shorter ones, and in Psychopathic Deviate factor, the female showed lower level than the male did.

      • 축냉재 포접화합물의 열물성에 관한 실험적 연구(Ⅲ) : 충전량 변화 Variations of Charging Conditions

        임재경,고광옥,김진흥,정낙규,하옥남 朝鮮大學校 機械技術硏究所 2000 機械技術硏究 Vol.3 No.1

        The objective of this paper is to investigate the thermal properties of TMA-clathrate compound in order to applicate cold storage system to residential air-conditioning. Especially, the test tube experiments are performed by comparing and analyzing the concentration of TMA-clathrate compound, the temperature of heat source, and the phase change temperature, specific heat and subcooling characteristics on the point of the variation of charge capacity. The results are summarized as follows; 1) When the temperature of heat source is -15℃, the stability of the thermal properties is appeared high in the whole experiments 2) The effect of subcooling suppression is improved around 0.6℃ when the temperature of heat source is -15℃, while the teemperature of subcooling is about 2.2℃ when the temperature of heat source is -10℃. Especially, it did not almost present any subcooling in the 26wt% of the 5g and the 25wt%, 30wt% of the 10g. Thus, we concluded that TMA-clathrate compound has thermal properties as the cold storage medium for residential air-conditioning.

      • 모 연취급장 근로자들의 연폭로지표들과 혈압과의 관련성

        임상복,김용배,이용진,리갑수,김화성,황규윤,장봉기,이성수,안규동,이병국 순천향대학교 산업의학연구소 1998 순천향산업의학 Vol.4 No.1

        In order to investigate the relationship between blood lead with other lead exposure indices and blood pressure in occupationally lead exposed male workers, 629 workers(515 lead exposed workers and 114 non lead exposed workers) in a storage battery factory were studied. Blood lead(PbB), zinc protoporphyrin(ZPP) and urinary δ-aminolevulinic acid(ALAU) were selected as an index of lead exposure. Height and weight were also meaured with calibrated automatic height-weight machine to produce fatness index directly. Personal information on smoking and drinking history were also collected. Blood pressure was mearured by trained nurses with automatic sphingomanometer. All workers took at least 30 minute rest before their measurement of blood pressure. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The prevalence rate of hypertension of lead exposed and non-exposed workers were 3.5% in both group without any difference. 2. There were no differences of systolic and diastolic pressure between groups divided by lead exposure, smoking habit, drinking habit. but the increase of age group made the difference of diastolic pressure, and only differenct of systolic pressure observed in age group of less than 20 and that of more than 40. 3. In pearson's correlation analysis, PbB was correlated with systolic pressure significantly, but not with diastolic pressure. PbB was also correlated with pressure difference(systolic pressure-diastolic pressure). 4. There were no significant increase of systolic, diastolic pressure and pressure difference by the increase of PbB and ZPP grouping. 5. Stepwise multiple regression analysis using systolic pressure as dependent variable and PbB, ZPP, ALAU, age, work duration, smoking habit, drinking habit and fatness (weight*0.9/height-100) as independent variables, revealed that PbB, age, drinking habit and fatness in order were significantly contributed to the dependent variable. 6. Stepwise multiple regression analysis using diastolic pressure as dependent variable and PbB, ZPP, ALAU, age, work duration, smoking habit, drinking habit and fatness (weight*0.9/height-100) as independent variables, revealed that ALAU, age and fatness in order were significantly contributed to the dependent variable. 7. Stepwise multiple regression analysis using pressure difference as dependent variable and PbB, ZPP, ALAU, age, work duration, smoking habit, drinking habit and fatness(weight*0.9/height-100) as independent variables, revealed that PbB, age and fatness in order were significantly contributed to the dependent variable. 8. Logistic analysis of hypertensive conditions with categorized blood lead and other selected categorized independent variables indicated that only age(40> and 40≤) and fatness(1.0> and 1.0≤) were significantly contributed to dependent variable with 95% significant odd ratio confidence interval. With above results, lead exposure in terms of blood lead seemed to be minimally contributed to the raise of blood pressure, and the effect of blood lead was found to be more prominent on the pressure difference than the systolic and diastolic pressure themselves.

      • 브랜드 인지도와 광고가 콘택트렌즈의 착용감과 가격만족도에 미치는 영향

        임동규 ; 신상준 ; 한지선 ; 이익한 ; 김진숙 김천대학교 2016 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.36 No.-

        The purpose of this research was to analyze the effects of brand awareness and brand advertising on price satisfaction and comfort in contact lens. We did a survey with 200 university students (85 male, 115 female) who have experience of wearing contact lens from April to May in 2015. The brand awareness of contact lens influences to purchasing intention of contact lens, it effects women more than men. Many respondents(53%) replied that the reliability is the most important elements of the advertising. This survey indicates that there is no statistically significant correlation between the brand awareness and advertisement with price satisfaction in contact lens. Therefore we could confirm they have dissatisfaction for prices of contact lens regardless to brand awareness or advertisement. The brand and advertising dependence group have more comfort of contact lens than non-dependence group when they are long time wear of contact lens. Therefore, there is statistically significant correlation between the brand awareness and advertisement with comfort of contact lens. As a result, brand awareness and reliability of advertising influences to purchasing intention of contact lens. But there is no statistically significant correlation with price satisfaction in contact lens. Whereas, brand awareness and advertisement have a statistically significant correlation with comfort of contact lens.

      • 外國의 敎員人事制度 比較硏究

        임규진 국립7개대학공동논문집간행위원회 2003 人文學論叢 Vol.3 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to present theoretically and practically the basic data to set up a new direction of personnel management system for teachers by analysing the cases of foreign countries. As subject nations, the USA, the Great Britain, Germany, Japan and France were selected among nations which can be references in our system development. The results of the analysis were as follows: (1) teacher training system; (2) teachers' qualification system; (3) teachers' salary system; (4) welfare policies for teachers; and (5) in-service training system. What is important among the comparison results of teacher training system is the trend to extend training years from the level of undergraduate courses to that of graduate courses. In the case of Japan differential qualification certificates for teachers are awarded according to levels of schools and kinds of qualifications. Also in the cases of Germany and France qualification certificates for teachers are awarded to the applicants who passed the national examination for employing teachers. Germany and France adopt the apprenticeship for a certain period before employing teachers formally. As for the salary system, most of the developed countries adopt the incentive policy for employing new teachers who got degrees of Masters and Doctors. In addition to this, special advantages are given to excellent teachers with good ability and record. Finally, in the case of welfare system various kinds of benefits are given to teachers in the following areas: (1) the area related with the life of teachers as instructors; (2) the area related with teachers' life in both home and community; and (3) the area related with teachers' life after retirement.

      • 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-Acetate에 의한 HL-60 세포 분화유도중 Vimentin 유전자 전사조절에 대한 AP-1의 역할

        임규,김진희,권도원,김승민,이명선,윤경아,손미영,박종일,윤완희,황병두 忠南大學校 癌共同硏究所 1998 癌共同硏究所 硏究誌 Vol.2 No.1

        Purpose: To gain insight on the role of AP-1 in transcriptional regulation of vimentin gene during differentiation of HL-60 cells by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), the levels of vimentin mRNA and AP-1 have been investigated with Northern blot hybridization and DNA mobility shift assay. Materials and Methods: HL-60 cells were grown in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated fetal calf serum and antibiotics in a humidified 5% CO_(2) at 37°C. Total RNA was prepared by a modification of the method of Karlinsey et al. Northern blot hybridization was performed by the method of Virca et al. EcoRI fragment of pVIM-GEM was used as probe for vimentin mRNA. DNA mobility shift assay was performed by the method of Lim et al. End labeled DNA probe(Upper strand, 5'-CGCTTGATGAGTCAGCCG- 3') for AP-1 binding activity was mixed with nuclear extracts in a 20 μl reaction volume containing 300 mM KC1, 60 mM HEPES, pH 7.9, 25 mM MgCl_(2), 1 mM EDTA, 1 mM DTT, 60% glycerol, and 2μg of poly[dI-dC]. Results: TPA increased vimentin mRNA levels, with maximal stimulation reached at 24 hr. The level of vimentin mRNA was induced in proportion to the concentration of TPA. TPA-induced vimentin mRNA was almost reduced by actinomycin-D pretreatment. TPA-induced stimulation of vimentin gene was completely reduced by staurosporin pretreatment. In DNA mobility shift assay, AP-1 newly appeared at 24 hr during TPA-induced differentiation and was almost not detected after the pretreatment of staurosporin. Conclusions: These results suggest that the induction of vimentin mRNA during TPA-dependent differentiation in HL-60 cells may be mediated by protein kinases C signal transduction and AP-1 is important to transcriptional regulation.

      • KCI등재

        고정층 활성탄 흡착반응기에서 기상 톨루엔의 흡착특성

        임진관,이송우,감상규,이동환,이민규 한국환경과학회 2005 한국환경과학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Adsorption characteristics of toluene vapor, which is one of important source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), by activated carbon were investigated using a fixed bed adsorption column. The operating parameters such as breakthrough curve, adsorption capacity. mass transfer zone (MTZ), and length of unused bed (LUB) were studied. The experimental results showed that the breakthrough time decreased with increasing inlet toluene concentration and gas flow rate. MTZ and LUB increased with the increase of inlet concentration, gas flow rate, and particle size of activated carbon. The adsorption capacity increased with the increase of inlet toluene concentration, while it decreased with increasing particle size. However, it was kept at constant value regardless of the increase of gas flow rate. Adsorption isotherm of toluene vapor could be represented by the Freundlich adsorption equation fairly well. From the adsorption experiments using some VOC gases such as toluene, xylene, butyl acetate. butanol and acetone, it was also found that the adsorption capacity was higher in the case of gas with higher boiling point and lower vapor pressure.


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