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        개화계몽기 『로빈슨 크루소』의 번안과 아동 텍스트로의 이행

        오현숙(Oh, Hyun?sook) 한국비평문학회 2012 批評文學 Vol.- No.46

        근대아동문학은 기존의 성인문학(또는 미분화된 문학)을 아동을 독자적인 수신자로 삼는 문학으로 다시 쓰기(re?writing) 하는 과정을 통해 성립되었다. 본고는 다니엘 디포의 ?『로빈슨 크루소』?의 수용을 중심으로 아동 텍스트로의 이행 과정을 살펴보았다. 원작은 전 세계적으로 성인문학에서 아동문학으로 이행한 대표적 작품 가운데 하나이며, 식민 개척 이데올로기를 전파하는 작품으로 비판되기도 한다. 이 소설은 한일합방 이전까지 한국에 활발하게 수용되었다. 구체적으로 김찬의 『(絶世奇談)羅賓孫漂流記』?(義進社, 1908 년), 최남선의?『로빈손無人絶島漂流記』?(?少年? 2권 2호, 1909 .2; 2권 8호, 1909 .9)를 중심으로 두 작품의 번안 전략을 분석하였다. 김찬의 경우 자국화의 번역 전략을 통해서 유교적 관점의 소년 교양물로서 텍스트를 변용하였음을 확인하였다. 최남선의 경우 아동문학의 문법에 따른 번안 전략을 통해서 한편으로는 제국주의를 반영한 식민 개척의 플롯을 그대로 반영하고 다른 한편으로는 프로테스탄티즘의 사적이윤 추구를 비판하면서 인류의 공익 추구를 내세움으로써 모순된 번안 텍스트를 구성하고 있음을 확인하였다. 이를 통해서 본고는 서구의 근대문학, 성인문학을 받아들이면서 조선의 아동을 수신자로 삼는 문학으로 재구성하는 수용자의 주체적 의도와 아동문학으로 이행하고자 하는 능동적 기획을 보여주고자 하였다. 본고는 초기 아동문학사에서 영문학 작품의 번역이 조선의 아동을 독자적인 수신자로 삼는 문학으로 이행해가면서, 아동문학의 경계와 미학 등을 형성해나가는 중요한 기능을 했음을 규명하는 데 단초를 마련하고자 하였다. 또 당대 번역이 단순히 서구문학을 도입하거나 서구중심의 이데올로기를 수입하는 것이 아니라 조선의 독자적인 문화와 대상 청중에 따른 적극적인 재문맥화 과정이었음을 규명하고자 했다. Modern children’s literature has been established through the course to rewrite existing adult literature (or undivided literature) to be the literature addressing children as its own receiver. This study investigated the process of transition to children’s text mainly dealing with the acceptance of Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe. The original is one of the representative works in the world which was transformed from an adult literature to a children’s literature, also which is sometimes criticized since it propagated colonization ideology. The novel was accepted in Korea before Korea?Japan annexation. To put it concretely, the transition strategies of mainly the two works, (Jeolse?uidam)Nabinsonpyoryugui((絶世奇談)羅賓孫漂流記) of Chan Kim (Uishinsa(義進社), 1908) and Robinson Mooinjeoldopyoryugui (로빈손無人絶島漂流記)(No.2 of Volume 2 Sonyun(少年), 1909.2 ?No.8 of Volume 2, 1909.9) of Choi Namseon were analyzed. In case of Kim Chan, it was confirmed that he modified the text as a juvenile cultural reading in the view of confucianism through the interpretation strategy of domestication. In case of Choi Namseon, the plot of colonization reflecting Imperialism through the transition strategy according to the grammar of children"s literature was directly reflected in one aspect and in another aspect, a contradictory transition text was composed by asserting the public interest of human race while criticizing the pursuit of private interest of Protestantism. Through this, this study tried to show in depth the accepter"s independent intention who accepted the modern literature and the adult literature of the West and reconstituted them as the literature which takes the children in the Period of Enlightenment as the receivers and the active planning itself to try to transit to children"s literature. Such discussion of this study tried to prepare for a clue that the translation of English literature works in early children"s literature history functioned as an important role to form the boundary and esthetics, etc. of children"s literature while it was transferring to be the literature to take the children in the Period of Enlightenment as its own receivers. Also, this study tried to ponder that the translation of that time was not merely the import of the western literature or the western oriented ideology, but it was a process of an active re?creation of context according to the own way of the culture in the Period of Enlightenment and target audiences.

      • 胃手術患者의 手術後處置와 看護에 關한 臨床的 硏究

        吳賢淑 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1980 충남의대잡지 Vol.7 No.2

        A clinical study was made of 101 cases which had been treated operation in dept. of G-S of Chungnam National University due to diseases of stomach and duodenum, from January 1978 to June 1980. The study was focused to postoperative management and nursing after operation of .stomach and duodenum. 1. Of the 101 cases, 57 were peptic ulcer and 44 were stomach carcinoma. 2. The sex distribution of 101 patients was 79 males and 22 females, the ratio being 3.6 : 1. 3. The peak incidence of diseases were fourth decade (34.7%) the next was fifth decade (24.8%) 4. In operative methodes, subtotal gastrectomy and gastrojejunostomy was performed in 77 cases of 101 cases (76.2%) 5. The average duration of postoperative admission was 12 days. 6. The onset of removal of restoration of peristalsis and gas passing after operation was 3.5 days in average. 7. The onset of removal of levin tube after operation was 4.3 days in average. 8. The onset of defecation after operation was 4.4 days in average. 9. In performing oral intake after operation, any specific diet table was not seemed to be needed in our research. The beginning of oral intake and amount of oral intake after operation was as follows. Clear liquid. fluid being 4.4 days, liquid diet 5.5 days, soft diet 6.9 days in average and clear liquid fluid being 327.4 ml, liquid dief 770.6ml, soft diet 1178.8ml in averag.

      • 경로당 이용 만족도에 따른 노인의 생활만족도에 관한 연구

        오현숙 대구대학교 사회복지연구소 2003 社會福祉硏究 Vol.24 No.-

        본 연구는 노인의 다양한 여가활동을 위한 시설 중 경로당을 이용하는 노인 경로당 이용만족도가 생활만족도에 미치는 영향을 파악하여 경로당 운영의 활성화와 노인복지 증진을 위한 기초자료를 제시하고자 함에 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 대구광역시내에 거주하고 있으면서 경로당을 이용하고 있는 노인232명을 최종대상으로 선정하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 첫째, 노인의 인구 ·사회학적 특성에 따른 생활만족도는 남성, 배우자와 동거하는 노인. 종교를 가지고 있으며, 본인이 지각하는 건강상태가 좋고, 본인이 지각하는 경제수준이 보통인 노인이 생활만족도가 높았다. 둘째, 경로당 이용 만족도는 지역사회의 지원만족도가 가장 높으며. 시설환경만족도가 가장 낮았다. 셋째, 경로당 이용 만족도가 생활만족도에 미치는 영향은 지역사치지원 만족도,시설환경만족도 순이며 여가프로그램만족도는 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 노인의 생활만족도에 영향을 미치는 시설만족도 요인은 냉난방시설이 가장 크며, 지역사회지원 요인은 의료기관과의 연계, 노인에 대한 관심, 지역유지의 지원순이었다. 이러한 결과를 기초로 하여 경로당 이용 노인의 생활만족도를 향상시키기 위한방안을 제시하면 첫째, 시설환경의 현대화가 필요하다, 둘째, 노인 여가프로그램을 노인의 욕구와 수준을 고려하여 현대화해야 한다. 셋째, 경로당을 개방하여 지역사회와 교류를 활발하게 해야 한다. 마지막으로 사회복지사의 전문적 개입을 통해 경로당을 지역사회 노인여가시설의 중심센터로 업 그래이드 시킴으로서 노인의 경로당 이용만족도의 상승과 더불어 생활만족도가 향상될 수 있을 것이다. This study alms to understand life satisfaction level of the elderly who use the respect -for- ageds house, the difference of life satisfaction level in terms of diverse specific property of use satisfaction level of the respect -for- ageds house. to analyze affecting factors on life satisfaction. and finally to propose social work practice plans to improve life satisfaction level of the elderly For this purpose, satisfaction level of the facilities environment, satisfaction level of leisure program and satisfaction level of resource of community social support factors are selected as major factors affecting life satisfaction level of the elderly then their influences are manifested, and at the same time, suggestions are made to improve eldely's life satisfaction. Conclusions from the research are as follows : First, life satisfaction level in terms of demographic specific property is high when sex is man. when spousal exist. when having religion. when self recognizing health status was good and finally when perceptual economic status was good. Second. in the use satisfaction level of the respect -for- ageds house, community social support factor is the highest and facilities environment satisfaction factor is the lowest. Third, life satisfaction level in terms of the use satisfaction level of the respect-for- ageds house has satisfaction of community social support, facilities environment satisfaction factor and influence in the sequence. Fourth, in life satisfaction level in terms of facilities environment satisfaction factor, air-conditioned facilities is the highest, and community social support factor has the linkage system with madical agency, concern for the elderly and social support of the community residents and influence in the sequence. And proposed social work practice plans to improve elderly's life satisfaction level based on these researches are as follows : First, facilities environment promotion and modernization considering facilities environment satisfaction factor in the respect -for- ageds house, there requires the process of renovating its facilities to accomodate the needs of the elderly. Second, leisure program promotion and normalize there requires the divers program which are applicable to, and approrite for the elderly of demographic specific status must be developed in terms of needs of the elderly so that they joined in programs and enjoyed their leisure more actively and positively. Third, open of the respect -for- ageds house in order to activity exchange with community support resource The end, there requires securing professional social workers expert's guiding mangement will have to follow up with application of various and professional program in order to improve undiversified and non- professional program, vulnerable facilities sector, a low participation in the respect -for- ageds house by community residents, Also activty exchange to medical agency, community welfare center, community resdents. religion agency et. and efforts change of perception will have to fallow up for increasing a facility of leisure welfare service for improving elderly's life satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        패션 상품 기획 정보화 전략 방안에 관한 연구

        吳賢男,金文淑 복식문화학회 1997 服飾文化硏究 Vol.5 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to analyze, centering on the preconditions presented, the actual conditions of fashion merchandising informatization, to find a considerable gap between its preconditions and present situations and to explore the strategic device of fashion merchandising informatization. The study is analyzed through questionary paper to the domestic fashion apparel firms. The collected questionary paper is analyzed with SPSS /PC+ program and the method of statistical analysis used for this study is t-test, one way ANOVA and frequency analysis. There was a considerable gap between its preconditions and present situations analyzing ice actual condition of fashion merchandising informatization centering on its preconditions. The strategic devices of fashion merchandising informatization are as follows ; 1.Each apparel company should consider how they classify the informations in order to treat. accumulate, transfer and manage them effectively. 2.In order to make an environment of fashion merchandising Informatization, each company should arrange, expand and utilize informatization instruments. Also they should consider the case to utilize an inside or outside information center effectively.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        혈액투석환자의 가족지지에 대한 지각과 불안과의 관계연구

        오현숙 성인간호학회 1991 성인간호학회지 Vol.3 No.-

        Recently, the number of patients requiring dialysis therapy is requiring dialysis therapy is rapidly increasing due to expanded medical insurance support for dialysis and improved economic status of our country. Through the hemodialysis proved to be the most successful method for managing C.R.F. those who are undergoing hemodialysis treatment became to feel severe anxiety. In this situation the perceived family support is very important, which is the primary and direct support system mediating or buffering anxiety and helping hemodialysis patients coping their anxiety effectively. Therefore this study was designed to identify the correlation between perceived family support and anxiety in patients on hemodialysis for the purpose of proving effective nursing intervention, health maintenance and rehabilitation. The instruments for this study were the F.E.S. designed by Rudolf Moos and Ensel, the anxiety scale in patients on hemodialysis a designed by Cho Jong Sook. The subjects for this study were 107 patients on hemodialysis four general hospital in two cities. The study method used was questionnaire and the data were collected from, 12 to Mar. 3, 1990. The study method used was questionnaire and the data were collected from Feb. 12, to mar, 3, 1990. The data were analyzed by the percentage, T-test, ANOVA, Pearson Correlations Coefficients. The results of analysis were as follows. There was significant difference of No of Family members in family support. There was a significant difference of opinion of renal transplantation in anxiety. There was a significant relation between perceived family support and anxiety by rehabilitation grading. There was a significant correlation between perceived family support & anxiety. In conclusion, it is necessary to patients on hemodialysis adapt to social problems effectively. In addition to establish a realistic nursing plan for releiving anxiety, positive family support and rehabilitation in patients on hemodialysis.

      • 불확실성 개념에 관한 연구

        오현숙,안황란 충남대학교 간호과학연구소 2005 충남대 간호학술지 Vol.8 No.1

        Purpose: The study has been conducted to identify conceptual system uncertainty of Americans and to compare conceptual system of Americans with that of koreans in 1999. Method: The major questions to get qualitative data was “Please list three items(words or sentences) in the order as they occur to you when you think about uncertainty.” And 7 additive open -ended question were used to enhance the reliability and validity. Data analysis involved three levels of increasing complexity and abstractness with a grouping process of concept with meaning and value to form a more abstract and a greater in scope. Result: Initial level l grouping with listed words or setences yields 14 distinct categories : relationship / family / time / health / trenscental power / life / luck / emotion / society / confusion / doubt / unawareness / unpredictability / others. Categories of confusion was new categories identified from this study in comparing with those categories in Koreans in 1999. Categories of subjectivity was not identified from this study. Level two abstraction with the above 14 categories from level one grouping yields the categories of 'subjectivity of uncertainty', 'outcome', and 'social environment'. The final abstraction yields the greatest concepts in scope of 'human', 'environment', 'concurrent concept'. Conclusion: The results could provide theoretical support on the universarity of the concept of uncertainty.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        불확실성의 간호이론 구성

        오현숙 성인간호학회 2001 성인간호학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to understand the nature and structure of "uncertainty of chronically ill patients" by explaining it more scientifically. This study is based on the unique experiences, which individual uncertainty experiences differ from others. In this sense, Q-methodology which includes self-psychology and abductive logics is applied to the study. The results indicate that there are six type of uncertainty of chronically ill patients : my own fault, self-esteem loss, self-care determination, cure-doubt, reality-restructure, and past-tenacity reality-absence. Thus, "uncertainty of chronically ill patients" is defined from the study as the process in which continuous transition and evaluation of possibility cause changes in human recognition, attitude, action, etc.. The significance of the study is threefold : (1) discovery of six types of uncertainty of chronically ill patients in Korean people, (2) the better understanding of "uncertainty of chronically ill Patients", (3) possible develop-ments of nursing concept and assessment and intervention technique based on the new dimension of the understanding in uncertainty for nursing of chronically ill patients from this research.

      • 기관지 천식 환자의 자가관리수행

        오현숙,김부남 충남대학교 간호과학연구소 2006 충남대 간호학술지 Vol.9 No.1

        Purpose: This study was to identify the self-care by adult patients with asthma Method: The data were collected from 1 February 1999 to 7 April 1999. The total of 95 questionnaires were gathered. The measurement tool used for this study was a thirty-six item questionnaire developed by the researcher who had interviewed 3 asthma patients in detail about self-care at routine care and reviewed literatures about asthma patient's self-care. The tool used this study was composed of five categories(family support, communication with health care professionals, trigger avoidance, asthma symptom control, medication area) and 35 items. The internal reliability of the tool was measured at Cronbach's α =.875. Data were analyzed by using a statistics package(SPSS) and statistical significance of the date was measured by using a descriptive statistics, ANOVA and t-test. Results: 1) Self-care of adult patients with asthma were 3.78±48 on the 5 point Likert scale. To the fifth categories of self-care, family support was 3.51±69, communication with health care professionals was 3.98±63, trigger avoidance was 3.6±.79, asthma symptom control was 4.04±.52, and medication was 3.59±61. 2) Self-care by the subject's general characteristics, showed that there were significant differences with age, sex and family type(p<.05). 3) Self-care according to illness-related characteristics, showed that there were signigicant differences with health care provider, prior intensive care unit hospitalization, inhaler use and education experiences(p<.05, p<.01). Conclusion: The results could provide nursing interventions on the family support and medication area of self-care. In applying nursing interventions, we should consider patient's age, prior ICU hospitalization, inhaler use and education experiences.

      • 일부 체육고등학교 학생의 자아개념 및 스트레스 요인과 대처방법에 관한 연구

        오현이,김혜숙 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 1992 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.17 No.1

        The purpose of this study was tried to find out the students stressful life events, their methods to cope with them, and their self-concept effecting on the coping method, to analize the relationship among these three variables, and to provide basic data which maintain and promote student's adaptability and mental health. The data were collected from total 216 students of a physical education high school in Gwansg-ju. The Questionnair survey was done from June 25 to July 5, 1991. The instruments were composed of; 1. A part of Choi's perceptual orientation scale for measuring Self-Perception of students. 2. Rosenberg's Questionnair for measuring student's evaluation of self-esteem. 3. Modified McCubbin's Adolescent-Family Inventory of Life Events and Changes and Adolescent Life Change Event Questionnaire by Oh and Han's Stressful Life Events. 4. Modified Patterson's Adolescent Coping Orientation for Problem Experience by Oh and Han's coping method. The survey questionnaire consisted of 30 questions related to self-concepts, 47 questions related to stressful life events, and 44 questions related to coping method. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, frequency, ANOVA, t-test, and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results were summarized as follows; 1. The mean score of self concept was 10.58. 2. The mean score of stressful life events was 6.31. 3. The mean score of coping methods was 120.28. 4. The relationship between general characteristics and self-concept represented significant differences in sex(t=3.27, P=0.00), academic score(F=4.81, P=0.00), leisure time(F=4.32, P=0.00), reading(F=3.52, P=0.01), going to college after graduation(F=7.04, P=0.00), and health condition(F=6.39, P=0.00). 5. The relationship between stressful life events and general characteristics represented significant differences in presence or absence of parents (F=3.49, P=0.00), academic score(F=4.29, P=0.00), and family atmosphere(F=-2.74, P=0.01). 6. The relationship between general characteristics and coping methods represented significant differences in religion(F=3.11, P=0.02), educational level of father(F=2.57, P=0.03), and leisure time(F=3.98, P=0.00). 7. The relationship between self-concept and coping methods(r=0.30, P=0.00), and stressful life events and coping methods(r=0.30, P=0.00) represented correlation statistically significant.

      • 폐렴구균의 용혈능 변화와 pneumolysin 유전자의 변이 양상

        오원섭,장현하,정숙인,김연숙,이혁,김신우,김성민,백경란,이남용,송재훈 대한화학요법학회 2002 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.20 No.3

        목적 : 폐렴구균은 인체에서 폐렴, 수막염 및 패혈증 등을 일으키는 중요한 병원균으로 현재 전 세계적으로 항균제 내성이 큰 문제가 되고 있다. 하지만 폐렴구균의 항균제 내성에 따라 병독성이 어떻게 변화하는지에 대해서는 구체적으로 알려져 있지 않다. 이에 기능적 및 구조적 분석을 통하여 폐렴구균의 주요 병독성 인자인 pneumolysin의 병인론적 역할을 규명하고자 하였다. 방법 : 임상 검체에서 분리된 페니실링 감수성 균주 20주와 내성 균주 20주를 대상으로 하였다. Pneumolysin의 세포 독성의 변화를 관찰하기 위하여 각각의 균주들의 용혈능을 측정하였고, pneumolysin 유전자를 중합효소 연쇄반응으로 증폭한 후 증폭 산물의 유전자 구조를 분석하였다. 결과 : 페니실린 감수성 균주와 내성 균주간의 용혈능은 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았으나, 일부 용혈능이 매우 낮은 균주에서 Lys152→Thr, Thr-172→Ile, Lys-224→Arg와 같은 변이가 관찰되었다. 결론: pneumolysin의 세포 독성의 변화는 항균제 내성 정도와는 무관하였으나, 일부 용혈능이 저하된 균주에서 발견된 pneumolysin 유전자의 변이가 pneumolysin의 세포 독성에 영향을 주는 것으로 보인다. Background : Pnumolysin (Ply) is one of the most important virulence factors of Streptococcus pneumoniae. To investigate the functional and structural variation of Ply, hemolytic activity (HA) and gene sequences of pneumolvsin were determined. Methods : A total of 40 invasive pneumococcal isolated (20 penicillin-susceptible & 20-resistant strains) were analyzed. HA of each isolate was measured in crude extracts (1×10^8 CFU/mL) hourly from the time of inoculation to 9h. Crude extracts (50㎕) and DTT buffer (100㎕) were serially diluted in 96-well plate and mixed with 1% sheep blood (50㎕). HA was represented as the reciprocal of the greatest dilution, which resulted in the complete lysis. Two sets of oligonucleotide primers were used to amplify a 1,474-bp fragment containing the coding region and a 578-bp fragment of upstream region of ply gene, respectively. Amplified products were directly sequenced. Results : HA showed a wide variation from 0 to 87,480 regardiess of penicillin MICs, serotypes or specimen sources. Two bacteremic strains showed completely no hemolytic activity. No significant differences in HA between penicillin-susceptible (Mean± SE : 15,468± 4,693) and penicillin-resistant strains (21,384± 4,087) were found (p > 0.05).Sequencing of the coding region showed unique alterations in amino acids in strains with markedly reduced hemolytic activity (≤ 40): Thr-172-Ile and Lys-224-Arg. However, upstream region of ply gene was highly conserved. Conclusions : Ply activity was not related with antibiotic resistance. Absence of HA in some strains was associated with unique alterations in amino acid sequences in ply gene. Relationnship between genomic alteration and functional changes in pneumolysin should be further investigated.

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