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      • Pure Love studies : Origins, Preliminary Outcomes, and Future directions

        문상희 University of Bridgeport 2004 해외박사

        RANK : 247724

        This dissertation examines the Pure Love Studies program that was recently established at Sun Moon University in South Korea. The major influence on the program is the vision of its founder, Reverend Sun Myung Moon. This study begins with an overview of his theology and philosophy, paying particular attention to his teachings on Pure Love, which form the theoretical basis of the PLS program. Following this is a description of the development and current status of the program, including its mission and goals, curriculum, admission requirements, student enrollment, and faculty. In order to evaluate the program, outcomes assessment data were collected through a student survey, faculty and administrator interviews, course evaluations, and One Minute questionnaires. Based on these data, a number of strengths were identified in the current program: it is consistent with Reverend Moon's vision in founding the program; the facilities are of high quality; student enrollment is sufficient and appropriate for the number of faculty; and the program successfully teaches the value of a life of Pure Love. The data also revealed a number of weaknesses in the program: there is a need for academic development of the courses, particularly those relating to the theoretical aspects of Pure Love; materials on Pure Love are currently lacking; career preparation for graduates is inadequate; and non-Unificationist students have difficulty with the program, which raises the question of its suitability for students who are not Unificationist or willing to convert. It is noted that the newness of the program is a contributing factor in several of these weaknesses, and that the faculty and administrators are aware of them and working on making improvements. The dissertation concludes by noting several areas that require improvement in the future : career preparation for graduates, policies for non-Unificationist students, alumni relations, developing relationships with the Sun Moon University administration particularly with regard to scholarships, increasing diversity in the faculty, and developing the theoretical aspects of PLS. Finally, it is noted that the program would benefit from an ongoing program of outcomes assessment and research, particularly if it is to achieve its goal of expansion into other countries.

      • Effects of odor stimuli on self-face perception depending on sex, BMI, and self-esteem: an event-related potential study

        Sun Ae Moon DGIST 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 247646

        Our face is the most powerful tool for socializing. It conveys a great deal of information about ourselves. For this reason, we regularly check our own reflections in the mirror in everyday life. Previous studies have revealed that context and sensory stimuli alter face perception and evaluation. However, it is unclear how external sensory stimuli change neural processing of self-face perception and evaluation. This study investigated how odor alters self-face perception and evaluation using the mean amplitude of event-related potentials (ERP) and post-survey ratings. Thirty participants showed differences in the mean ERP amplitudes in the frontal region of the left hemisphere after the onset of self-face perception when exposed to a pleasant odor (lavender) or an unpleasant odor (isovaleric acid). The responses also differed depending on sex, body mass index (BMI), and self-esteem. The self-face perception and evaluation response were more sensitive to odors in females than in males. Participants with high BMI or high self-esteem showed little difference between the presented odors. Interestingly, the neural modulation patterns in response to both odors were isovaleric acid–like in the high-BMI group but lavender-like in the high-self-esteem group. These results indicate that accumulated feelings toward the self or sensitivity to the odor stimuli may produce different self-face perceptions and evaluations. The results will help us understand the modulation of neural activity patterns by odors during self-perception and evaluation. Furthermore, they demonstrate distinct responses to odor stimuli according to individual features such as sex, BMI, and self-esteem. This study could be used to develop neuro-cosmetics or enhance social well-being. 본 논문은 긍정적 냄새 자극인 라벤더 (lavender) 또는 부정적 냄새 자극인 아이소발레릭에시드 (isovaleric acid) 제시 이후, 자기 얼굴을 보았을 때의 뇌신호 및 자기 얼굴 평가 변화에 대한 연구이다. 또한, 자기 얼굴에 대한 연구이기 때문에 성별, 체질량 지수(Body Mass Index; BMI), 자존감에 따른 뇌신호적 특징을 비교 분석하였다. 본 연구의 연구 방법으로는 뇌파 (Electtroencephalogram; EEG) 측정 후 사건 유발 전위 (Event-Related Potential; ERP) 분석을 진행하였으며, 자기 얼굴에 대해 (1) 얼마나 기분좋게 느껴지는지, (2) 얼마나 매력적으로 느껴지는지, (3) 얼마나 신뢰성 있게 느껴지는지, (4) 얼마나 지배적인 얼굴로 느껴지는지, (5) 얼마나 성숙하게 느껴지는지, (6) 얼마나 남성적인 얼굴로 느껴지는지 정도를 평가한 설문지를 분석하였다. 본 연구 결과, 챕터 3에서는 성별, 체질량 지수, 자존감에 따른 자기 얼굴 지각 및 평가에 대한 차이점을 발견할 수 있었으며, 추후 분석에서의 기준선 (baseline) 으로 사용하였다. 챕터 4에서는 라벤더와 아이소발레릭에시드 제시에 따라 기준점 대비 자기 얼굴 지각 및 평가가 어떻게 달라지는지 확인하였다. 자기 얼굴 시각 자극 제시 후 220-330 ms 시간대에 좌측 전두엽이 냄새 자극에 따라 유의하게 변화하였으며, 설문지를 통해서도 라벤더와 아이소발레릭 에시드의 제시에 따라 유의하게 자기 얼굴 평가가 달라지는 것을 밝혔다. 챕터 5 에서는 성별, 체질량지수, 자존감에 따라 냄새 자극에 반응하여 변화하는 뇌신호 및 설문 평가가 달라짐을 알 수 있었다. 여자들은 남성에 비해 냄새 자극에 더 빠르게 반응하여 뇌신호 변화를 보였으며, 냄새에 따라 자신의 얼굴에 대해 (1) 기분 좋게 느껴지는 정도와 (2) 얼마나 매력적으로 느껴지는지 항목 점수가 유의한 차이를 보였다. 반면, 남자들은 냄새에 따른 뇌파 신호 및 행동 변화가 크지 않았다. 체질량 지수에 따른 그룹 및 로젠버그 자존감점수에 따른 그룹에서는 체질량 지수가 낮은 그룹, 자존감이 낮은 그룹에서 냄새에 따른 뇌파 신호변화가 확인되었으며, 체질량체질량 지수가 높은 그룹과 자존감이 높은 그룹에서는 냄새 간의 차이가 보이지 않았다. 흥미롭게도 라벤더 및 아이소발레릭에시드 냄새 모두에 대해, 체질량 지수가 높은 그룹은 자신의 얼굴을 볼 때 아이소발레릭에시드&자기얼굴 조건과 비슷한 뇌신호를 보였으며, 반대로 자존감이 높은 그룹은 라벤더&자기얼굴 조건과 비슷한 뇌신호를 보였다. 이러한 경향은 체질량지수가 높지만 자존감이 높은 사람들에게서는 약하게 나타났다. 본 연구는 냄새 자극이 제시되었을 때 성별, 체질량 지수, 자존감에 따른 자기 얼굴 지각 및 평가 과정을 뇌신호를 통하여 살펴봄으로써, 개인의 특성에 따라 외부 자극에 어떻게 반응하며, 이것이 자기 평가에 어떠한 영향을 줄 수 있는가에 대한 과학적 근거를 제시하였다. 이 연구는 사회 속에서의 자기 자신에 대한 이해도를 높이는 데에 도움을 줄 뿐만 아니라, 향의 효과에 대한 과학적 근거 제시 및 뇌신호를 통한 산업적 응용에 도움이 될 것이다. 본 연구가 사람들이 기분 좋은 냄새로 더 행복한 사회적 관계를 만들어 나가며, 우리 자신을 더 잘 이해하고 사랑할 수 있는 과학적 토대가 되기를 기대한다.

      • Synthesis of Heterostructure Materials Using Coordination Polymers and Metal-Organic Frameworks : 배위 고분자와 금속-유기 골격체를 이용한 이종 구조 물질의 합성

        Byoungnam Moon Graduate School of UNIST 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        A coordination polymer, {[NiL4pyCo(SO4)2∙4H2O]∙2H2O} ([NiL4py](ClO4)2 = [Ni(C22N8H36)](ClO4)2) was synthesized by self-assembly of nickel-based macrocyclic compound, NiL4py(ClO4)2 in MeCN/H2O (MeCN = acetonitrile) mixture solution and cobalt sulfate hexahydrate in DEF (N,N-diethylformamide) solution. Resultant crystal was identified by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The data revealed that the crystal composed of nickel macrocycle compounds, NiL4py, cobalt ions, sulfate anions and water molecules. This coordination polymer is a convenient precursor to synthesize complicated functional material, (Ni,Co)9S8/(Ni,Co)0@NSC (NSC is N,S-doped carbon) through thermal conversion of coordination polymer in solid state. This material was identified by diverse analysis such as X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) pattern, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and energy-dispersive spectrometer using transmission electron microscope (TEM-EDS) analysis. The results of analysis confirmed that (Ni,Co)9S8/(Ni,Co)0@NSC has both bimetallic sulfide nanoparticles and bimetallic phase nanoparticles embedded in N,S-doped carbon matrix. Interestingly, there were often ‘eyeball’ nanoparticles which have two phases in one particle. Black part of ‘eyeball’ was bimetallic phase and white part of ‘eyeball’ was bimetallic sulfide phase. In addition, overall synthetic mechanism of (Ni,Co)9S8/(Ni,Co)0@NSC was investigated. Firstly, nickel ions were reduced and produced nickel nanoparticles with small portion of cobalt because of reduction potential difference between two metallic species. Then, sulfidation occurred and produced sulfide phase which have same XRPD pattern with Co9S8. Furthermore, etching process to (Ni,Co)9S8/(Ni,Co)0@NSC offered pores in carbon matrix. Moreover, bimetallic property was expanded from nickel-cobalt system to nickel-copper system. Two kinds of products by conversion of nickel-cobalt coordination polymer and nickel-copper coordination polymer were estimated as electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction. In addition, three isostructural metal-organic frameworks NicyclamBPDC, NiLethylBPDC and NiLpropylBPDC, ([Nicyclam](ClO4)2 = Ni(C10H24N4)](ClO4)2, [NiLethyl](ClO4)2 = [Ni(C12H30N6)](ClO4)2 , [NiLpropyl](ClO4)2 = [Ni(C12H30N6)](ClO4)2 , H2BPDC = 4,4`-Biphenyldicarboxylic acid) were synthesized by self-assembly of each macrocyclic compound and Na2BPDC in MeCN/H2O solvent system. Crystal structures of three MOFs were characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. Even though they have same structure, pore aperture sizes of their one-dimensional pore channel were different. NicyclamBPDC has the largest and NiLpropylBPDC has the smallest pore aperture size. These pore sizes are suitable to be used as hydrogen isotope separation. Fortunately, NiLpropylBPDC had a chance to be measured by thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS) in Max-Planck institute by using H2/D2 mixture gas. TDS spectra of NiLpropylBPDC showed that desorption maxima peak at around 130 K. This temperature range above liquid nitrogen is meaningful as a case which overcome cryogenic temperature limitation for hydrogen isotope separation. On the other hand, poor selectivity compared to cryogenic condition and low uptake of isotope are remained as challenge. Hence, one of the solutions for low uptake of isotope could be core-shell type heterostructure. NicyclamBPDC are selected as core due to the largest pore among the three MOFs. The others are selected as shell due to the proper pore aperture sizes. NicyclamBPDC was put into diluted solution of shell MOF to prevent homogeneous nucleation. As a result, ‘cotton swab’-like heterostructure crystal similar to core-shell was found during evaporation of shell MOF solution unexpectedly. Even though it was not homogeneous reaction with unreacted core MOF crystal, this result suggests a possibility to synthesize core-shell material for hydrogen isotope separation.

      • Synthesis of Rhodamine Hydroxamates as Acid Chemosensors and Molecular Catalysts for Photocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Reductions : 로다민 하이드록사메이트(rhodamine hydroxamates)유도체를 기반으로 하는 형광센서 연구와 이산화탄소의 광환원반응에 응용할 수 있는

        Moon Heejeong 연세대학교 일반대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        로다민 하이드록사메이트(rhodamine hydroxamates)유도체를 기반으로 하는 형광센서 연구와 이산화탄소의 광환원반응에 응용할 수 있는 분자 촉매의 합성 연세대학교 대학원 화학과 문희정 Chapter I 테트라에틸렌 글리콜과 아세틸기가 도입된 테트라에틸렌 글리콜기가 도입된 로다민 하이드록사메이트 기반의 화학센서를 합성하였다. 합성한 센서는 넓은 pH범위 내에서 수용액의 수소이온과 반응하여 형광을 띄고, 색이 변화하는 것을 관측할 수 있었다. 6각의 스파이로락탐 고리에 수소이온이 결합하며 고리가 열리게 된다. 로다민 하이드록사메이트는 수용액의 수소이온을 효과적으로 감지할 수 있다. 합성된 형광센서는 리소좀을 추적하는데 응용할 수 있으며, 제브라피시의 내장에서도 형광을 띄는 것을 확인했다. Chapter II 루테늄기반의 광감제와 레늄기반의 이산화탄소 환원촉매를 폴리알릴아민과 벤즈아마이드 지지체와 연결시켜 고분자 융합의 분자구조를 만들어 인공광합성에 응용하고자 하였다. 합성한 분자들은 가시광선영역대의 빛을 조사하였을 때 CO2를 CO로 환원시킬 수 있는 지를 확인하였다. 폴리알릴아민 기반의 분자의 경우 기존의 알려진 이산화탄소 환원 광촉매와 비교하여 수용액 상에서 높은 안정성과 촉매적 특성을 보이는 것을 확인하였다. 벤즈아마이드 기반의 분자의 경우 레진을 이용하여 광감제와 이산화탄소 환원 촉매를 연결하고자 하였다. Synthesis of Rhodamine Hydroxamates as Acid Chemosensors and Molecular Catalysts for Photocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Reductions Heejeong Moon Dep. Of Chemistry The Graduate School Yonsei University Chapter I Chemosensor based on rhodamine hydroxamates with a tetraethylene glycol or an acetylated tetraethylene glycol chain were synthesized. These rhodamine hydroxamates can bind with proton to cause a strong fluorescence intensity and color change in aqueous solution over a wide pH range. The 6-membered rhodamine amide rings containing hydroxylamine unit changes from the spirocyclic form to the open form upon protonation on the hydroxamate site, The rhodamine hydroxamates proved to be highly sensitive to acidie protons in aqueous media. The fluorescent probes were applied to monitor the acidic biological regions in lyososomes. Imaging the organs in live zebrafish was also demonstrated. Chapter II As new artificial photosynthetic systems, we have prepared the polymeric hybrid molecular complex containing several photosensitizers(ruthenium polypyridine) and reduction catalysts(rhenium polypyridine) using polyallylamine and benzamide backbone chains. The multiple catalysts hybrid systems were tested to reduce CO2 to CO by visible light irradiation. The polyelectrolytic polyallylamine hybrid systems shows good stability and catalytic activity in aqueous media comparable compared to the known phocatalytic CO2 reduction catalysts. The polymer resin bead assembled with the photosensitizer and the reduction catalyst with a benzamide linker also applied to the photocatalytic CO2 reduction reaction.

      • Appropriateness of Korean EFL Learners' Refusals via Open Role-Plays

        Yoon, Hyeon-Kyeong University of seoul 2010 국내박사

        RANK : 247629

        Appropriateness of Korean EFL Learners' Refusals via Open Role-Plays by Hyeon-Kyeong Yoon Department of English Language and Literature Graduate School, University of Seoul Supervised by Professor Young-in Moon ABSTRACT In the field of interlanguage pragmatics (ILP), speech act performance has attracted researchers' attentions over three decades. Of the ILP research, to investigate the speech act behaviors of nonnative speakers of English (NNSs), refusals have interested many researchers. Refusals are face-threatening acts because mutual interlocutors' positive and negative faces can be threatened by refusing interlocutors' requests, invitations, offers, or suggestions. Therefore, even advanced ESL/EFL learners had difficulty in performing refusal speech acts appropriately. Since learners do not know what, how, and who to say in which situation, they are less likely to perform speech acts successfully. This stems from lack of pragmatic competence and the knowledge of sociocultural norms to target language. The purposes of the present study are to investigate the followings: first, what are the semantic formulas employed by the Korean adult EFL learners (KEFLs) when they perform refusals via open role-plays? Second, what are appropriate or inappropriate speech act behaviors of the Korean adult EFL learners identified by English native speakers (ENSs)? Third, what criteria do the English native speakers use when they rate and comment on the refusal performances by the Korean adult EFL learners? To examine the research questions, the present study adopted open role-plays to investigate KEFLs' verbal and nonverbal performances simultaneously. Since most studies adopted the written discourse completion tests (DCTs), real-like performances have rarely been examined. To collect the data, the 54 KEFL-ENS pairs were asked to verbally act out in the four given refusal situations. Over 78 percent of the KEFLs were advanced and high-intermediate level of TOEIC and the rest were intermediate. Their performances were video-taped and transcribed. The ENSs, who were 3 Americans and one British-English speaker, were then asked to rate the learners' refusal performances on a-5 Likert scale, which was from very inappropriate to very appropriate. They were further asked to comment on the appropriateness or inappropriateness of the learners' verbal and nonverbal behaviors from the ENSs' intuition. Analyzing the data, the semantic formulas the KEFLs used in the present study were direct, indirect, and adjunct strategies. In direct strategy, non-performative 'no' and negative ability were used. Of the indirect strategies, reason strategy was used most, but slightly more than regret strategy. Compared to previous studies which employed the written DCTs, avoidance or alternative strategy was the third most used. However, attempt to dissuade interlocutor strategy was preferred the third in the present study. When the interlocutor was in higher status, the KEFLs used regret strategy more than reason strategy. However, when the interlocutor was in equal status, they employed reason strategy more, which showed that Koreans were sensitive to higher social status. Most interesting finding was that the KEFLs used pause fillers a lot as adjunct strategy, which was contrast with other studies using the written DCTs. Since the participants acted out open role-plays, which made real-like situations for the KEFLs and had them speak naturally, the KEFLs used pause fillers almost half of the overall verbal performances. It was noticeable that When people speak, up to 50 percent of their speaking time may be up to pauses. Examining the appropriateness of the KEFLs' refusal performances, 10 things were considered when the ENSs judged and rated them: When the interlocutor in higher status requested a help from or invited the KEFLs, absence of gratitude, informal language use, not suggesting help, direct refusal without hesitating, nonverbal laughter, and verbosity were considered impolite. When the interlocutor in equal status requested a help from and invited the KEFLs, the reasons/excuses sounding dishonest, not suggesting help, verbosity and not showing familiarity were pointed out as inappropriateness. The appropriate and polite things the ENSs pointed out included future acceptance and suggesting alternative for invitations. Especially, one of the features of oral role-plays was nonverbal side. In the present study, most KEFLs laughed or giggled, which all the ENSs considered rude, insincere, and unprofessional, no matter how nervous the KEFLs were. Therefore, the KEFLs seemed to feel difficult when they refused the requests and invitations, especially in higher status, or sometimes they were confused with higher status and equal status. Since some of them employed the same language to the different status, this can lead to miscommunications or misunderstanding of mutual interlocutors in real situations. The overall appropriateness of the KEFLs' refusal performances was 2.9 of the 5 points. This means their responses were not rude or polite but acceptable. The mean score of the each situation was a little different. 2.9 points in situation 1, 3.3 points in situation 2, 2.6 points in situation 3, and 3.5 points in situation 4. The four ENSs rated and made comments on the KEFLs' performances by the ENSs' sociocultural norms and conversational conventions. Each ENS had their own criteria. The ENS rater 1 and 4 focused on whether the overall performances were plausible or not. Especially, they considered lame excuses very inappropriate and impolite. They considered helping others attitudes very appropriate. The ENS rater 2 and 3 weighed correct forms of address, greetings to the level of status and distance. Especially, ENS rater 3 pointed out incorrect language use. The ENSs rated 1 or 2 points at improper language use most in higher status, and bad excuses. They rated 3 points at rather complex values, such as using proper language but not plausible reasons, or using plausible reasons but improper language. They rated 4 or 5 points when the overall interactions were natural enough, and when the 10 things pointed out above kept well. However, total mean score of the KEFLs' performances was 2.9 points. This means that the English education in Korea should concentrate on four things suggested in the present study to improve cross-cultural differences as well as KEFLs' linguistic proficiency. To this, teacher training should turn its way to cultural importance, teachers should make more efforts to improve themselves, social variables such as status, and distance should be dealt, and more opportunities should be made by practicing orally. Highlighting the culture differences, teaching should focus on how and who to speak in which situations more than on how correctly to speak.

      • Central cyclooxygenase inhibitor reduced IL-1β-induced hyperalgesia in temporomandibular joint of freely moving rats : 중추성 cyclooxygenase 억제제가 IL-1β에 의해 유도되는 악관절 통증 과민현상에 미치는 영향

        Chae, Jong Moon The Graduate School Kyungpook National University 2004 국내박사

        RANK : 247629

        본 연구는 중추성 및 말초성 IL-1β가 악관절 통증 전도에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 악관절 통증 모델로는 포르말린을 악관절내로 주입하여 유도되는 행위반사를 이용하여 평가 하였으며, 자유롭게 움직이는 쥐에 IL-1β를 악관절강 내 혹은 소뇌연수조로 처치하였을 때 나타나는 반응을 평가하였다. 그리고 IL-1β에 유도되는 악관절 통증과민에 중추성 cyclooxygenase (COX)가 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 실험동물은 체중 220∼280 gm의 숫컷 흰쥐 (SD)를 사용하였다. 흡입마취 하에 30 gauge 주사바늘을 오른쪽 악관절강 내에 삽입한 후, 5% 포르말린 용액 50 ㎕를 주입하였다. IL-1β는 포르말린 투여 1시간 전에 악관절내, 포르말린 투여 20분 전에 소뇌연수조로 주입하였다. 포르말린 투여 후 5분 간격으로 45분 동안 측정한 유해성 행위 반응, 즉 만지고 문지르거나 긁는 빈도가, IL-1β 주입 후에 어떤 변화가 있는지 조사하였다. IL-1β 수용기가 IL-1β 유도성 통증과민 현상에 관련이 있는지를 알아보기 위하여, interleukin-1 수용기 길항제(IL-1ra, 50 ng/ 7 ㎕)를 IL-1β와 동시에 악관절 내로 투여하였으며, 소뇌연수조로는 IL-1β를 투여하기 10분전에 길항제를 주입하였다. IL-1β 유도성 통증과민에 중추성 COX가 미치는 영향을 평가하기 위하여 IL-1β를 관절 내 혹은 소뇌연수조로 투여하기 10분전에,선택적 COX-1 억제제인 SC-560; 선택적 COX-2 억제제인 NS-398; 또한 COX-3 억제제로 알려진 acetaminophen을 소뇌연수조로 주입하였다. 악관절 주입을 확인하기 위하여 실험 후 혈장 단백질과 결합한 Evan's blue dye의 양을 측정하였다. 포르말린 용액 (5 %) 50 ㎕를 악관절 내에 주사한 결과, 통증에 의해 나타나는 행위반사의 하나인 긁는 행위가 유의하게 증가하였으며, 40분간 지속되었다. 포르말린 주입에 의한 반응은 초기에는 반응의 지속기간이 짧은 시간에 반응하고, 이어서 지속적으로 보였다. 악관절의 염증반응을 확인하기 위하여 침출된 Evan's Blue dye의 농도를 비교하면, 포르말린 처치 군에서 Evan's Blue dye의 농도가 유의하게 높았다. IL-1β를 100 pg과 1 ng의 농도로 악관절 내에 주사하면, 긁는 수가 각각 130% (263 ± 60)와 174% (313 ± 80) 증가되었다. IL-1β 100 pg을 소뇌연수조로 주입하면, 긁는 수가 166% (304 ± 44)로 증가하였다. 또한 1 ng의 IL-1β를 주입하면, 82% (208 ± 23, p < 0.05)로 증가되었다. IL-1β를 관절 내나 소뇌연수조로 주입하여 유도된 통각 과민은 IL-1 수용기 길항제를 같이 적용하거나, IL-1 수용기 길항제를 미리 처치함으로써 차단되었다. 선택적 COX-1 억제제인 SC-560과 선택적 COX-2 억제제인 NS-398은 모두 악관절 내로 주입한 IL-1β에 의해 나타나는 악관절 통증과민 현상을 차단하였다. 또한 COX-3 억제제로 알려진 acetaminophen도 말초성 IL-1β에 의해 유도되는 통증과민 현상을 차단하였다. 그러나 선택적 COX-2 억제제인 NS-398은 IL-1β를 소뇌연수조로 주입하여 나타나는 통증 반응을 차단한 반면, 선택적 COX-1 억제제인 SC-560은 영향을 미치지 못하였다. COX-3 억제제인 acetaminophen은 IL-1β를 수조 내로 투여 시 나타나는 악관절 통증 과민현상을 차단하였다. 이러한 결과로 보아 중추성 COX-1/2 경로는 악관절에서 말초성 IL-1β 유도성 통증 전달에 중요하게 작용하지만, 중추성 IL-1β에 유도되는 통증에는 중추성 COX-2가 보다 더 중요한 역할을 한다는 것을 알 수 있다. 그리고 중추성 COX-3 억제제는 말초에서 뿐만 아니라 중추에서도 조직 손상과 염증과 관련된 유해성 변화에 중요한 역할을 한다는 것을 알 수 있으며, 중추성 COX-3 억제제는 악관절의 염증성 통증치료 시 유용할 것으로 본다.

      • Atomic simulation of membrane and its bio-nano organelles

        Choi, Moonki Sungkyunkwan university 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247615

        In nature, a cell membrane is essential for life because it protects the cell by its selective barrier. Therefore, the cell membrane can allow specific particles and molecules pass through and stop the others. The cell membrane is composed of phospholipid and have a variety of proteins which regulate metabolism of the cell. Bio organelles (membrane protein) such as ion channels, proton pumps, and G protein-coupled receptor have different function to regulate interaction between outer and inner particles. Recently, artificial nano organelle such as carbon nanotube channel which has similar function of the aquaporin protein has been used for investigation of membrane. On the other hand, synthetic membrane made by human has been developed to generate water purification. There have been researches which use artificial molecules mimicking bio structure for fabrication of advanced synthetic membrane because of prominent properties of membrane proteins. Therefore, it is important to understand not only the membrane itself but also its bio-nano organelles to understand the metabolism of the cell and fabricate more advanced synthetic membrane. In this thesis, membrane and its bio-nano organelles are investigated using atomic simulation such as an elastic network model (ENM), a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, and a coarse-grained (CG) MD simulation. Bio organelle (membrane protein), flagellar motor which is embedded in the cell membrane propel the cell to find a suitable environment. Switching mechanism is a key issue in the function of the flagellar motor. Electrostatic stator (MotA and MotB proteins) and rotor interaction (cytoplasmic ring, MS-ring and hook) at basal body of flagellar motor manipulate a rotational direction and a speed of motors. These motors rotational direction propel the cell forward or tumble to find the suitable direction. In this switching mechanism, a dynamic characteristics of cytoplasmic ring is important because its structural conformation change the stator-rotor interaction. These dynamic properties are revealed by a normal mode analysis and an elastic network interpolation based on the ENM. Nano organelle, the carbon nanotube (CNT) channel in the cell membrane has a similar function of aquaporin (bio organelle) because it has a selective ion-conductance and selectivity based on a hydrophobic surface and an inner pore. It is important issue how a vertical channel of CNT is formed in the cell membrane whereas other researches of CNT-lipid interaction have indicated that the hydrophobic CNT burrow in to a hydrophobic region of the cell membrane. In order to investigate CNT channel formation process, CG MD simulation which can reduce computational burden compared to all-atom MD simulation is conducted. In the simulation, a length of the CNT and a lipid coating density are important factors to construct a vertical and stable nano channel. Lastly, graphene oxide (GO) membrane (synthetic membrane) functionalized with the peptides mimicking aquaporin is investigated using atomic simulation. In order to understand a water flow and a dynamic characteristics of peptides, all-atom MD simulation is conducted and pressure difference is applied to observe water flow. RF8 octapeptide mimicking selective filter of aquaporin and other GO with carboxyl group are investigated. Results figure out RF8 octapeptide which forms an Ar/R water-selective filter in the aquaporin allows the water pass through the GO membrane. From this study, reproducing aquaporin (membrane protein) out of cells based on a simple design provides extended toolkit for the water purification applications.

      • Three-dimensional morphometric analysis of the trabecular bone in the human mandible using microcomputed tomography

        문홍석 Graduate School, Yonsei University 2002 국내박사

        RANK : 247615

        하악골은 신체의 다른 부위와 비교하여 여러 가지 형태적 기능적특징을 가지고 있다. 하지만 가장 큰 특징은 치아가 존재하는 것이다. 이러한 치아의 존재로 인하여 교합력과 같은 외력이 소주골에 직접 전달이 되어 골량이나, 골 구조등에 영향을 미친다. 신체의 골 구조에 대해서는 많은 학자들이 연구하였고 그 중요성에 대하여 언급을 하였으나 하악골에서는 치조골흡수, 치아상실이나 Implant 성공률등에 대하여 골량이나 골 밀도에 관계하여 연구를 했지만 골 구조와 관계하여서는 거의 관심을 기울이지 않은 것이 사실이다. 따라서 본 실험은 하악소주골의 3 차원적인 구조를 분석하여 저작기능과의 관련성을 살펴보고 보다 정확한 생체역학연구를 위한 기초자료를 제시하여 Micro-CT 의 치의학분야에 대한 응용가능성을 위하여 소구치 및 대구치시편을 Skyscan 1072( SKYSCAN, Antwerpen, Belgium)를 이용하여 치조골부위와 하치조신경을 기준으로 한 상,하두 부분의 기저골부위를 촬영 및 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 치조골부위에 존재하는 소주골이 기저골부위보다 골량 및 골소주가 많았으며 골 소주의 간격이 좁아서 치조골부위가 보다 치밀한 구조로 이루어져 있었다. 2. 하치조신경을 기준으로 한 상방 과 하방의 기저골의 비교에 있어서는 상방의 기저골에서 높은 골량 및 골 소주의 개수를 나타내고 있으며 낮은 소주간 거리 및 이방성을 나타내어 하방의 기저골보다 치밀한 구조를 보이고 있었다. 3. 치조골에 대한 소구치와 대구치의 비교에 있어서는 대구치의 치조골부위에서 소구치의 치조골부위보다 골량 및 골 소주의 개수가 많았고 낮은 골 소주간의 거리, 이방성의 정도와 낮은 구조형태지수를 나타내어 보다 판상의 형태로서 치밀하게 연결이 되어 교합력을 비롯한 외력에 보다 잘 저항할 수 있는 구조로 되어 있음을 알 수 있었다. 4. 기저골에 대한 소구치와 대구치의 비교에 있어서는 모든 계측항목들이 차이가 없었다. 5. 골량과 다른 계측항목 들과의 상관관계에서는 골 소주간의 거리, 골 소주 개수와 구조형태지수가 비교적 높은 상관관계를 나타내었다. 이와 같은 결과로 볼 때, 하악의 소주골은 치아를 통한 외력에 잘 견딜 수 있는 기능적인 구조로 적절하게 배열이 되어 있는 것으로 여겨지며 대구치 부위에서 보다 명확하였다. 또한 이와 같은 사실은 생역학적 분석을 비롯한 하악골의 연구 시에 고려되어야 할 사항으로 생각된다. The mandible has unique functional and structural characteristics when compared with other skeletal bones of the body. Especially the presence of dentition is considered as the most characteristic features of the mandible. Through the dentition, any external forces such as occlusal force can be transmitted to the bone and effect on the bone mass and structure. There have been numerous studies of the bone structure in the other parts of the body and emphasized on its importance. On the mandible, there have been studies on bone mass and density regarding alveolar bone resorption, tooth loss and implant success rate, however little has been studies on the bone structure. The purpose of this study is to analyze any correlation between trabecular bone structure of the mandible and masticatory function, and the efficacy of micro-CT in biomechanical analysis in dentistry. Skyscan 1072 (SKYSCAN, Antwerpen, Belgium) was used in scanning alveolar and basal bone of premolar and molar regions of the mandible and following results were obtained. 1. In intrasite comparison, the alveolar bone had higher values of bone volume fraction and trabecular number but lower in trabecular separation than the basal trabecular bone. A compacted with a large portion of trabecular bone in alveolar bone could be concluded. 2. When the basal bones superior and inferior to mandibular canal were compared, bone volume fraction and trabecular number at superior region had higher values that were statistically significant. Trabecular separation and degree of anisotropy on the other hand were low, which implies that the basal bone in superior region were more compact in structure. 3. When the same site of molar and premolar regions were compared, a higher bone volume fraction and trabecular number were found in molar alveolar region which implies a compact structure. Trabecular separation, degree of anisotropy and structural model index in molar regions had lower values and it could be concluded that this area had trabecular bone which has more plate- like structure and less polarity of trabecular bone than premolar region, indicating adequately remodeling zone against the external forces. 4. In basal bone, all parameters between premolar and molar regions were statistically not significant. 5. In the relationships between bone volume fraction and other parameters, a linear correlation was found with other parameters and some relationships appear strong such as trabecular separation, trabecular number and structure model index. In reference to the results above, it can be concluded that the structure of mandible is appropriately designed to perform and withstand occlusal forces and masticatory function. It is more clearly noted in the molar regions and these facts should be considered in biomechanical analysis of the mandible.

      • Does alcohol play the role of confounder or neuroprotective agent in acute CO poisoning?

        문종구 Chonnam National University 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247614

        Objectives: This study investigated whether alcohol influences the predictive value of initial lactate and Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score at presentation for the severity of acute carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning and neurologic outcome in patients with acute CO poisoning. Additionally, whether alcohol has a neuroprotective effect after acute CO poisoning was evaluated. Methods: This retrospective study included 158 patients who showed with acute CO poisoning between January 2017 and July 2018 and had an available blood alcohol content (BAC) at presentation. The baseline characteristics, clinical course during hospitalization and neurologic status at 30 days after acute CO poisoning were collected and compared according to BAC. To account for possible confounding or neuroprotective effects of alcohol, BAC was introduced as a continuous variable and a stratified categorical variable in the analysis. Results: The mean and maximum BAC at presentation were 56.8 mg/dL and 408 mg/dL, respectively, in 158 patients presented at a mean of an hour after acute CO poisoning. Lactate, adjusted for previously suggested predictors, was not associated with acute CO poisoning severity; however, after additional adjustment with BAC variables, lactate was associated with CO poisoning severity. Initial GCS score was associated with CO poisoning severity during hospitalization and neurologic outcome at 30 days after acute CO poisoning, regardless of BAC adjustment. BAC variables were negatively associated with CO poisoning severity but not neurologic outcome at 30 days. Discussion and Conclusion: The severity of CO poisoning should be predicted based on serum lactate alone without adjusting for BAC. However, the initial GCS score can be used as a predictor of CO poisoning severity and the neurologic outcome at 30 days after acute CO poisoning regardless of alcohol consumption history. Alcohol does not have a neuroprotective effect on acute CO poisoning. Further study is needed to validate these results.

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