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      • 湖岩 文一平의 書畵觀

        丁仙基 全南大學校 大學院 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Ho Am Moon Il Pyung(文一平 : 1888. 5. 15 ~ 1939. 4. 3)was a nationalist, national historian, journalist, and educator, who lived during the period when Japan occupied Korea compulsorily. The science of nationalism-history has the idea that though a country was vanished, if a people has national spirit, the race is still being alive. This is the spiritual viewpoint of Korean about history. 'Cho Sun Sim(朝鮮心 : and it means the mind of Cho Sun People)’ which was asserted by Moon Il Pyung is just the example. He studies in Tokyo, Japan, goes over to China, and he plays an active part there. And there he comes in contact with Park Eun Sik(朴殷植), Sin Chae Ho(申采浩), etc, who lead independence movement, and he is influenced ideologically from them. When Independence Movement occurred on March 1, 1919, he reads 'The Written petition of Independence' and is imprisoned eight months for that. In the course of these, 'Cho Sun Sim' is naturally formed. As an ideological preparation to escape from the Japanese colony, Moon Il Pyung has an emphasis on the national spirit of Cho Sun people. For this, he makes it a main topic of his history-study to inspire 'Cho Sun Sim'. And he thinks that 'Cho Sun Sim' can be revealed as not spiritual and mysterious but concrete and practical thing. As he thinks that 'Cho Sun Sim' can is well revealed in culture, he studies the history of culture deeply. Among his writings about cultural history, there are art related writings, and they are 「Art and Romance」(1929).「Holy orders of Art revealed in Thought」(1929-1930), 「Biography of Teacher, Wandang」(1935), 「Brief biographical Document the Artist of Chosun」(1937). These writings include his brief viewpoint about the writer and writings of 21 artists and 14 calligraphers. Through analyzing these, we can abstract Moon Il Pyung's calligraphy and painting viewpoint. First, we can find out his calligraphy and painting viewpoint in which the disposition of Cho Sun is thought much of. He finds out and emphasizes the disposition of Cho Sun in that artists in every period choose the material in nature, landscape, and describe the real scene of the landscape of Korea. He puts the value on <Yea Sung Gang Do(禮成江圖)> drawn by Lee Nyung(李寧,) because he drew the real scene of Yea Sung river and Ho Am also lays the value on the real scene picture drawn by Jung Sun(鄭敾), for it was drawn with broad minded touch. Second we can discover his calligraphy and painting viewpoint in which Ki Woon Seng Dong(氣韻生動 : which means energizing activity) is much thought of. In criticizing pictures, he uses twenty eight kinds of critical terms. Among these, critical terms related to Ki woon Seng Dong are used eighteen times in all, but he uses only ten kinds of terms which give the feeling of calmness. And he also uses above mentioned eighteen kinds of critical terms thirty seven times. Among them twenty six times are used in relation to Ki Woon Seng Dong, but the critical terms that give the feeling of calmness are used only eleven times. Like this he makes much of the critical words which are connected with the meaning implied in Ki Woon Seng Dong. In other words, we can say that he favored the dynamic image of art. In the field of calligraphy, we also can find that he favored and valved on the powerful and strong character of brush stroke. Finally he reveals picture-writing centered art viewpoint. when we consider his writing career, even though he can leave behind architecture, ceramic, industrial art, which are another fields of art, he does not deal with such fields at all except art and calligraphy. As a result, he reveals artistic recognition centered on landscape among many kinds of art. Among the fifty four works of art he mentions, thirty six pieces of works are landscape. In other words, we can say that in his artistic recognition he reveals art centered attitude. Moon Il Pyung's calligraphy and painting viewpoint mentioned above has an important significance in that his art viewpoint is accordance with 'Cho Sun Sim' which he pursues in historical study under the Japanese colony. In art, we also can say that his calligraphy and painting viewpoint has an important meaning in the respect that what he thinks muck of Ki Woon Seng Dong makes it possible to excavate and emphasize the dynamic quality of Korean art. 湖岩 文一平(1888. 5. 15 ~1939. 4. 3)은 일제 식민 강점기에 활동한 독립운동가·민족주의 사학자·언론인·교육자이다. 민족주의사학은 국가라는 외형은 없어졌을지라도 정신만 살아있으면 민족은 살아 있는 것이다는 입장의 역사학이다. 이는 한국 민족의 민족정신을 강조한 정신사관이다. 문일평이 주장한 ‘朝鮮心’이 바로 그 예이다. 그는 일본 동경에서 공부하고 중국으로 건너가서 상해에서 활동하였다. 여기에서 박은식, 신채호 등 독립운동가들과 교유하며 사상적 영향을 받았다. 1919년 3·1 독립운동 시에는 독립청원서를 작성, 낭독하여 8개월 간 복역하였다. 이 과정에서 그의 조선심은 자연스럽게 형성되었다. 문일평은 일제의 식민지배를 벗어날 수 있는 사상적 준비로 조선인의 민족정신을 강조한다. 이를 위해 조선심을 고취하는 것을 그의 역사 연구의 중요한 주제로 삼는다. 그런데 이 조선심은 정신적이고 신비적인 것이 아니라 구체적이고 실제적인 것으로 나타난다고 본다. 그는 조선심이 잘 구현된 분야가 문화분야라고 여기고 문화사를 비중 있게 연구하였다. 그의 문화사 저술 가운데, 서화 관련 저술은 「藝術과 로맨스」(1929년), 「史上에 나타난 藝術의 聖職」(1929~1930년), 「阮堂先生傳」(1935년), 「朝鮮 畵家誌」(1937년)이다. 이 글 속에는 한국의 화가 18명과 서예가 14명에 대한 짧은 형식의 작가·작품론이 들어 있다. 이를 분석하여 문일평의 서화관을 규명해 보았다. 먼저 ‘朝鮮性’을 중시하는 서화관을 발견할 수 있다. 각 시대의 화가들이 한국의 자연과 산수에서 화제를 선택하였다는 점, 한국의 산수의 실경을 묘사한 점, 한국인의 생생한 삶과 풍속에서 화제를 취하였다는 점을 들면서 조선성을 찾아내고 강조한다. 고려시대 李寧의 <禮成江圖>가 개성 예성강의 실경을 그린 것이며 鄭敾의 眞景山水畵가 조선의 산하를 호방한 필치로 그려낸 것이라고 그 가치를 부여한다. 다음으로 ‘氣韻生動’을 중시하는 서화관을 찾아낼 수 있다. 그림에 대한 비평에 있어 총 28종의 評語를 사용했다. 이 가운데 기운생동과 관련된 평어는 18종(65%)이나 구사하였으나, 정적인 느낌을 주는 평어는 10종 밖에 구사하지 않았다. 또한 위 18종의 평어를 총 37회 구사하였다. 그 중에 기운생동과 관련해서는 26회(70%)나 사용하였으나 정적인 느낌을 주는 평어는 11회 사용하는 데 그쳤다. 이처럼 기운생동이 함축하고 있는 의미와 상통하는 평어들을 중시하고 있다. 달리 말하면 회화의 동적 이미지를 선호하였다고 할 수 있다. 서예분야에서도 필획의 ‘筋動性’을 중시하고 선호하였다. 이 筋動性도 서예의 필획의 강하고 힘찬 역동성을 강조하는 개념으로 회화에 있어서 氣韻生動과 상통하는 것이라고 할 수 있다. 마지막으로 그는 書畵 중심의 미술관을 드러낸다. 그의 저술 이력을 살펴보면 미술의 다른 분야인 건축, 도자, 공예 등의 분야에 관심을 갖고 저술을 남길만한데도 회화와 서예 이외의 분야에 대해서는 전혀 다루지 않는다. 그리고 회화 중에서도 산수화 중심의 회화 인식을 드러내게 된다. 그가 거론한 54점의 회화 작품 중에서 산수화가 36점을 차지한다. 즉 미술 인식에 있어 書畵 중심, 그것도 산수화 중심의 태도를 지녔다고 할 수 있다. 위와 같은 문일평의 서화관은 일제 강점기 하에서 역사연구사상 그가 추구했던 ‘朝鮮心’과 상통한다는 점에 의의를 둘 수 있다. 또한 서화의 기운생동을 중시한 것은 한국 미술의 역동성을 발굴하고 강조했다는 데 그 의의가 있다.

      • 금속 담지 합성제올라이트 촉매에 의한 폐폴리프로필렌의 열분해

        정선기 충북대학교 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study was performed to find characteristics of low temperature pyrolysis of Polypropylene(PP) using catalysts synthesized from coal fly ash. To investigate effects of metal catalysts, synthetic zeolite which was manufactured by hydrothermal reaction under 80℃ and 30psi in an autoclave, doped with Manganese(II) and Copper(II) ion, respectively. The synthetic zeolite was found to be 4A type by SEM and XRD analysis. Result of BET analysis showed that the synthetic zeolites were well doped with Mn and Cu, and their specific surface area decreased. Pyrolysis of PP was carried out in the reactor with or without any type of catalysts in the range of 400-500℃ for 400min at a heating rate of 10℃/min. Yields of pyrolysis oil were determined by weighing liquid product condensed by a condenser. Pyrolysis products were analyzed by GC/MSD, Bomb Calorimeter, etc. The result of pyrolysis without catalysts presented that the higher temperature of pyrolysis, the more oil was gained. Yield of pyrolysis oil at 500℃ was 72% while yield of that at 400℃ was 41%. However, except at 400℃ pyrolysis oil mainly consisted of wax. In case of dosing catalysts, yields of pyrolysis oil increased, and wax compositions decreased depending on amount of doses. From the result of oil analysis using GC/MSD and Bomb Calorimeter when the catalysts were used for pyrolysis, the proportion of C5-C11 in hydrocarbons increased but the portion of C12-C24 decreased, Heating value of pyrolysis oil from PP was in the range of 10,110-10,130 cal/g which was similar to that of diesel, therefore, this pyrolysis oil may suitable for the use as fuel. Non-condensed gas was also analyzed by Gas Chromatography. Yields of gas were decreased since oil yields were increased. The gas were mainly composed of propylene monomer, ethylene, methane, ethane, and butane.

      • PDF 문헌에서의 핵심문장 자동 추출 연구

        정선기 경기대학교 대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study aims to enhance user convenience in providing documents by focusing on extracting primarily declarative/modifying sentences from the entire body text of PDF documents. Through the refinement of this data into sentences with formal consistency and the study of its semantic normalization, this study aims to construct a database ultimately. To extract textual information from PDF documents, a structural approach to the PDF format itself is still essential. However, in the current context where research outputs such as academic papers and research reports are being actively produced more than ever before, the format of documents varies depending on the publishing institution or organization and the author, each having its unique document writing style. This presents a limitation to the method of structural access to PDF through which extraction rules cannot be applied to new forms of documents due to the inherent characteristics of the internal structure of PDF files. To overcome this limitation, performs rule-based extraction according to structural interpretation. Instead, it extracts all sentence-type information from the document and refines it using a deep learning-based pre-trained Korean language model, thereby conducting basic sentence data extraction. In addition, conducted research on building a database using the morphological and semantic similarity of sentences based on the extracted sentences. The summary of the study is as follows. First, this study performed fine-tuning of a deep learning-based pre-trained Korean language model to automatically extract textual information from PDF documents, with a specific focus on classifying and refining sentences that constitute the main body. Extracted textual information from 200 randomly selected research reports publicly available on the National Knowledge Information System(NKIS). The extracted information was then categorized into four classes, and this served as the training data for fine-tuning. To classify sentence data constituting the main body, a comparative experiment was conducted using fine-tuned language models of five types. The fine-tuned model using KLUEBERT achieved an accuracy of 87.9% and an F1 Score of 84.0%. Second, This study conducted a study on the morphological and semantic normalization of data to build a database using sentences in main text area. For morphological normalization, constructed predicate-argument structure data where subjects and objects depend on predicates, focusing on the predicate of the sentence. We manually created a dataset of 1,000 entries to fine-tune a large language model (LLM) for future construction of a large-scale dataset. Fine-tuning three types of LLMs and conducting performance comparison experiments, the KoAlpaca–Polyglot 5.8B model achieved 44.6% BLEU and an average of 47.8% ROUGE-N(1-4). For the study of semantic normalization of data, multiplied the basic form of sentence data, weighted by TF-IDF, with the data transformed into predicate-argument structure. Using cosine similarity, formed clusters of similar sentences present in different documents on homogeneous topics. Qualitatively comparing the results, it was observed that the data transformed into predicate-argument structures formed more similar data clusters than the basic form of sentence data. 이 연구는 PDF 형식 문헌의 본문영역 전체를 대상으로 주로 서술식/개조식 문장을 추출하여 형태적 일관성을 가지는 문장 데이터로의 정제와 이것의 의미적 정규화 연구를 통하여 데이터베이스를 구축, 궁극적으로 문헌의 제공에 있어서 이용자 편의를 향상하는 것을 목적으로 한다. PDF 문헌에서 문자형 정보를 추출하기 위해서는 여전히 PDF 파일의 전산구조적 분석과 문헌 서술구조의 이용이 필수적이다. 그러나 학술논문, 연구보고서 등의 연구성과물이 과거의 여느 시점보다 활발하게 도출되는 현재에는 문헌을 출판하는 기관·단체에 따라서, 저자에 따라서 고유한 문헌 작성 양식을 가진다. 이는 PDF 파일 내부 전산구조의 특징이 되거나, 새로운 양식으로 작성된 문헌의 도출로 이어져 PDF의 전산구조적 접근, 혹은 문헌의 서술구조를 이용하는 방법으로는 새로운 양식의 문헌에 이전의 추출규칙을 적용할 수 없는 한계점이 발생한다. 이 연구에서는 이를 극복하기 위하여, 구조적 해석에 따른 규칙기반 추출을 최소화하여 문서 내 모든 문자형 정보를 추출하고, 이를 심층학습 기반 한국어 사전학습 언어모델을 이용한 분류체계를 구성하여 불필요한 영역에 속하는 정보를 분류하여 정제하는 방법으로 문헌 본문영역 전체를 구성하는 문장 데이터의 자동추출을 실시하였다. 그리고, 추출된 문장을 기반으로 하여 문장의 형태적·의미적 유사성을 이용한 데이터베이스를 구축하는 연구를 수행하였다. 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, PDF 형식 문헌에서 자동으로 문자형 정보를 추출하고, 특히 본문을 구성하는 문장을 분류하여 정제할 수 있는 심층학습 기반 한국어 사전학습 언어모델의 미세조정을 수행하였다. 국가정책포털 에 공개된 무작위 연구보고서 200권에서 문자형 정보를 추출하고, 이를 네 가지 분류로 표지부착을 수행하여 미세조정을 위한 학습데이터를 구축하였다. 본문을 구성하는 문장 데이터를 분류하기 위하여 미세조정된 5종류의 언어모델을 통한 비교실험 결과, KLUEBERT를 이용한 미세조정 모델이 정확도 87.9%, F1 Score 84.0%를 기록하였다. 둘째, 문헌 내 본문영역을 구성하는 문장을 활용하여 데이터베이스의 구축을 위하여 데이터의 형태적·의미적 정규화 연구를 수행하였다. 문장의 형태적 정규화를 위하여 문장의 서술어를 중심으로 주어와 목적어가 서술어에 종속되는 술어-논항 구조 데이터를 구성하였으며, 향후 대규모 데이터를 구축할 수 있도록 데이터 1,000건을 수작업 구성하여 대규모 언어모델(LLM)의 미세조정을 수행하였다. 3종의 LLM을 미세조정하여 성능 비교실험을 실시하여 KoAlpaca–Polyglot 5.8B 모델이 BLEU에서 44.6%, ROUGE-N(1-4)에서 평균 47.8%를 도출하였다. 데이터의 의미적 정규화 연구를 위하여 TF-IDF로 가중치를 곱한 기본적 형태의 문장 데이터와, 이를 술어-논항 구조로 변환한 데이터를 각각 코사인 유사도를 이용하여 동질 주제의 다른 문헌에 존재하는 유사문장과 군집을 이루도록 하였으며, 정성적 비교 결과 기본적 형태의 문장 데이터보다 술어-논항 구조로 변환한 데이터가 더 유사한 데이터군집을 이루는 것을 확인하였다.

      • Tetravalent bispecific 항체 분자인 Di-diabody의 제조 및 표적 단백질에 대한 항염증 영향 평가

        정선기 忠南大學校 大學院 2010 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Monoclonal antibodies are large molecules intended to bind to specific targets often expressed on the immune system, and to treat various immunopathological conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. Advances in the current knowledge of the pathogenic mechanisms of rheumatoid arthritis have contributed to the development of biological therapy, and translated research findings into clinical practice. Cytokines inhibitors including TNF-alpha, IL-1 and IL-6, a B cell depleting agent and a drug blocking T-cell co-stimulation have been approved for rheumatoid arthritis. It has been found that TNF-alphaplays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis, and the development of drugs targeting this molecule (etanercept, infliximab, adalimumab) has extended the therapeutical approaches to rheumatoid arthritis patients. The effectiveness of therapies that are directed against TNF-alpha has identified macrophages as a crucial target for therapeutic intervention. However, not all patients respond to these therapies, and the benefits of this form of treatment are short lived. Recent work indicates that the insufficient apoptosis of inflammatory cells in the rheumatoid arthritis joint might contribute to pathogenesis. The results of early phases of studies show a good effect of immune cell blocking agents in patient refractory to TNF-alpha inhibitors. These results implied that the pathogenesis in rheumatoid arthritis resulted from a complexity of many molecules. TNF-alpha increases the expression of adhesion molecules on endothelial cells, which recruit more immune cells to the joint. In vascular systems, adherent leukocytes activate endothelial cells through binding to adhesion molecules such as VCAM-1. In previous data, improved efficacy on rheumatoid arthritis in collagen-induced mice used a combined treatment of Enbrel and anti-human VCAM-1 Fab segment rather than a single injection of Enbrel. So, both of them were selected as target proteins of anti-inflammation treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Bispecific antibodies combine the antigen-binding sites of two antibodies within a single molecule. Thus, they are able to bind to two different epitopes simutaneously, either on the same or on different antigens. In recent years, developments in the field of antibody engineering have resulted in new approaches to improve the efficacy and safety of therapeutic antibodies. This had a substantial impact on the generation of novel bispecific antibody formats and led to a revival in bispecific antibodies, both as antibody fragments and as full-length IgG-like molecules. A specific bispecific antibody format termed "Di-diabody” was made for the efficient approach to anti-inflammation. It represents a tetravalent diabody dimer resulting from dimerization between the hinge region and the CH2-CH3 domains. A Di-diabody was constructed using two antibodies directed against the two different molecules concerned in inflammation. In this study, the DNA vector construct of Di-diabody was built up against two antigens, VCAM-1 and TNF-α. These targeted molecules were well known as mediators on the action of inflammation. For the purpose of evaluating this Di-diabody as a bispecific antibody on the efficacy of anti-inflammation, first, it was needed to prepare the materials in sufficient quantity and quality through cultured mammalian cells. So, transient cultivation was performed using CHO-S cell line. Then, protein was purified by rPA affinity column from cell cultivation. The yielded "Di-diabody" proteins were analyzed according to each antigen binding affinity and cell based assay related separate molecules. The 7H/Humira Di-diabody interacted with its ligands, VCAM-1 and TNF-alpha, respectively. Also, this antibody molecule exhibited the similar functional activity as compared to 7H-IgG in U937 cell adhesion inhibition against hVCAM-1 and Humira-IgG in TNF-alpha induced L929 cell cytotoxicity. In both cases, the Di-diabody was evaluated as having almost equal effectiveness to its parental antibodies. However, 7H/Humira Di-diabody had a low productivity in mammalian cell lines and short half-life in vivo. These parameters were as low as approximately 1/10 compared with its parental IgGs. Consequently, these results were confirmed that bispecific antibody, Di-diabody against both VCAM-1 and TNF-α as an antigen, had both antigen binding affinity and in vitro functional activity at a similar level compared to parental IgGs, respectively. Besides the low productivity and short half-life of these Di-diabodies, a number of issues associated with the Di-diabody construct remain to be further addressed. For the increasing of productivity and structural stability of this antibody, Di-diabody, it will be required to use genetic manipulation of the expression vector, for example the installation of a new disulfide bond, or knob-into-holes, and Fc engineering. It is applicable to make stable cell lines and/or to improve the process of cultivation and purification.

      • 발포 알루미늄 소재의 방화 특성 연구

        정선기 목포대학교 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In each classification of the world, heat-resistant and fire protection characteristics have been required for the deckhouse insulation system to reduce the casualties from fire accident. In this study, to estimate temperature dependent material properties of aluminum foam plate that can be used as alternative material of fire protection system, thermal transient analysis was carried out and compared with experimental results. Thermal conduction test was performed for two specimens having different thickness of aluminum foam plate, and it was concluded that there was good agreement between numerical and experimental results. The estimated temperature dependent material properties can be used for the adequate design of fire protection system made of aluminum foam plate. 여객선은 물론 일반상선이나 특수선에는 거주구가 설치되어 있으며, 선박의 화재에 따른 인명손실을 최소화하기 위하여 세계 각 선급에서는 거주구 내장재에 대한 내열, 방화 특성을 요구하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 선체 단열재 대체 소재로 활용할 수 있을 것이라 예상되는 발포알루미늄의 온도 의존성 열전달 재료 물성을 추정하기 위한 열전달해석을 수행하였고 이를 시험평가 결과와 비교 분석하였다. 이를 위하여 먼저 발포알루미늄 소재에 2가지의 두께를 갖는 시편의 중앙부 와 모서리부를 가열하여 열전도 시험을 수행하였고, 열전도해석을 통해 온도의존성 재료 열전달 물성을 추정하였으며, 서로 상이한 시편 및 가열지점에 대한 시험 및 해석 결과를 비교하여 추정된 물성의 유용성을 검증하였다. 본 논문에서 제시한 일련의 발포알루미늄 방화 특성 평가 방법과 추정된 물성치는 열전도 시뮬레이션을 통한 발포알루미늄 소재 선박 내장재 설계에 응용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

      • 흰넓적다리붉은쥐 두 아종(한국의 Apodemus Peninsulae Peninsulae Thomas 와 중국과 몽골의 A.P. Praetor Miller)의 미토콘드리아 DNA 12SrRNA의 염기서열 다양성

        정선기 충북대학교 2011 국내석사

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        본 연구는 한국 Apodemus peninsulae peninsulae 두 아종의 분류학적 위치를 재정립하기 위해 Apodemus peninsulae의 두 아종 [한국 5개 지역에서 채집된 10마리의 A. p. peninsulae와 북동중국의 장백산 (7마리)과 몽골의 울란바토르 (2마리)에서 채집된 A. p. praetor]의 12S rRNA 유전자 염기서열을 분석하였다. 본 연구로부터 얻어진 6개의 haplotype (peninsulae 2; praetor 4)은 GenBank에서 얻은 A. peninsulae의 haplotype과 함께 비교분석하였다. 첫째로, A. peninsulae의 두 아종간 동일한 12S rRNA염기서열이 확인되었다. 즉, 한국 5개지역에서 채집된 6개표본 (ApepeK02SRWACGSAOD, A. p. peninsulae)은 중국의 장백산에서 채집된 3개표본 (ApeprC01CB, A. p. praetor)과 같은 haplotype인 것으로 밝혀졌다. 둘째로, 다른 동일 12S rRNA염기서열은 A. p. praetor의 한 아종내 두 지역으로부터 밝혀졌다 (ApeprC03CBMO1; ApeprC04CBMO2). 즉, 중국 장백산의 2개 표본은 몽골 울란바토르의 1개 표본과 같은 haplotype으로, 중국 장백산의 다른 1개 표본은 몽골 울란바토르의 다른 1개 표본과 같은 haplotype으로 확인되었다. 셋째로, A. peninsulae의 7개의 haplotype은 subgroup으로 나누어 지지 않았다. 즉, A. peninsulae의 두 아종은 12S rRNA 염기서열에서 차이가 나타나지 않았다. A. peninsulae의 형태적 차이에 근거한 현재의 분류체계와 본 실험에서 규명된 두 아종간의 12S rRNA의 결과와의 불일치는 아종 개체간의 잡종현상과 mtDNA의 모계유전현상에 기인한 것으로 판단하였다. 또한, A. peninsulae 아종의 분류를 위하여 12S rRNA 유전자만의 사용은 적절하지 않음이 밝혀졌으며, A. peninsulae의 아종 분류를 위하여, 북동아시아의 더 많은 표본을 사용하는 형태학적인 그리고, 핵 DNA 등의 추가적인 연구가 수행되어야 할 것이다. 끝으로, John과 Johnson (1965)이 주장한 바와 같이, A. p. peninsulae는 형태적 차이를 가지는 한국의 고유아종임이 확인되었으며, 흰넓적다리붉은쥐 (Korean field mouse)는 A. speciosus가 아니라 A. peninsulae라는 점도 확인되었다. We sequenced the 12S rRNA of two subspecies of Apodemus peninsulae (A. p. peninsulae from five locations in Korea and A. p. praetor from Mt. Changbai in northeast China and Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia) in order to reexamine the taxonomic status of A. p. peninsulae from Korea. Six haplotypes from this study were compared to the corresponding haplotype of A. peninsulae from GenBank. First of all, identical sequence was found between two subspecies of A. peninsulae: six specimens from five locations from Korea (A. p. peninsulae) showed same haplotype with three specimens from Mt. Changbai, China (A. p. praetor). Another two identical sequences were found from two locations within one subspecies of A. p. praetor (two specimens from Mt. Chnagbai, China, revealed same haplotype with one specimen from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: another one specimen from Mt. Changbei revealed same haplotype with another specimen from Ulaanbaatar). In addition, there was no subdivision among seven haplotypes of A. peninsulae, indicating that these two subspecies of A. peninsulae was not diverged in their 12S rRNA sequences. We suggest that the maternal inheritance of mtDNA and intra?]specific hybridization between specimens of two adjacent subspecies in the contact zone of their subspecies border caused the incongruence between the grouping with the two subspecies of A. peninsulae based on these 12S rRNA sequences and the present subspecies classification of the two subspecies of A. p. praetor on the basis of morphological characters. Therefore, we propose not to use the 12S rRNA data alone for the designation of subspecies in A. peninsulae. Further analyses should be performed with morphometric and nuclear DNA characters using additional specimens from northeast Asia for the subspecies designation of A. peninsulae. We concluded that the Korean field mouse from Korea with morphological distinctiveness, noted by Jones and Johnson (1965), is an endemic subspecies of A. p. peninsulae.

      • Marx와 Weber의 科學論 比較硏究

        정선기 忠南大學校 1987 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Marx and Weber have contributed great deal to build up the basic concepts of so called " Wissenschaft " in the fields of social science in general, and especially they have tried to apply the concepts in reality by suggesting and by looking into the problems in the manner from the frame of reference of the cognition in real concrete human life for the first time in human hi story. Firstly, they share many common interests such as the characteristic qualities in human societies in particular, and then the qualities which were transformed from volitional human action or behavior by human existence and interchangeability, in general . Secondly, they are not interested in the scientific nature of " Wissehschaftl ichen " by defining the concepts from super-historical events . Instead, they have noticed historical nature of its cognition ( cognitional objects and historical importance of cognitional subjects ). The " Praxis " of Marx in terms of his "Wissenschaftslehre " , for instance, rejects the ideas of the existences of any "Form" that are hot totally related to the cognitional subject. To Weber, the concepts of "Kul turbedeutung" in terms of his " Wisseuschaftslehre " also rejects the ideas of "form" which has he direct relations with cognitional objects . Moreover , the category of scientific studies of Marx are clearly defined by the historical limitation to the periods of that time. Therefore, to Marx, the historical limitions have to be seen through the naked eyes of totality. To him, scientific cogni tion means the same as the cognition of totality. In that order, totality ( Totalita??t ) is not given by the nature just as the sum of " an sich ", but is the historical necessities and social limitations which has been formed by human beings of each periods in the process of " Praxis" Naturally, to Marx, scientific category (although that is a study of natural science ) means social category . Like Marx, scientific truth of Weber does not mean the universality which transcends time and place. Scientific truth should always guided historically by the "Kul turbedeutung " which was then created from the value system of that period. In other words, all scientific conceptualizations are regarded as the products of living process of the "Kulturmenschen" whose own limitation comes from the cultural community of that particular time. That Is the reason why the scientific cognitions of weber always have relativities which are affected by regional and periodical causes. Althouug it appears that Marx and Weber share deep understanding of their common interests on the surface, however, their cognitive perspectives are rooted entirely different epistemological basis especially in reality. Marx includes " Gesamtgeschichte " and category of totality to " Wissenschaftslehre ", so that is not seperated by the dualism of its kinds such as "Form"and " Inhalt", " Sein" and " Sollen" ect..The " Form" in terms of cognition recognized as to a moment of natural history. The categories and the point of view in the scientific studies have to be approached to the objects in rightful inquiry in reality. To Marx, the categories of scientific studies just for the sake of essential structure or laws in reality can not be chosen by its own will. Weber, on the contrary of Marx's anti-pluralistic "Wissenschaftslehre ", keeps his dualistic point of view which has based on the infinite in reality and the finite in cognition. He argues that the point of cognition cant not be derived from such in inquiry. According to Weber if "heterogenes Kontinnum" given by the in infinitive irrational reality has to be involved tn rational cognitive format , inevitably cognition only becomes a part of totality. It is because any forms of cognition can be transformed from i Is true forms. Therefore, it is up to the responsibility of "Kulturmehscheh " to define the categories and directions of cognitions. Primarily "Kulturmenscheu " can also selects right perspectives among all possible ones. However, the kinds of scientific studies and objectives are conceived from the right perspective of its primary selection. The selections of perspectives are not belong to real objects what so ever.

      • 입양에 대한 기독교 윤리학적 고찰

        정선기 장로회신학대학교 2007 국내석사

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        국내외 입양 현실에 관련하여 본 연구는 요보호 아동들에게 기독교인들과 교회를 통해서 가정이, 행복한 가정이 제공되어야 함을 강조하였다. 국내 입양이 활성화되어서 좀 더 적극적으로 입양할 수 있도록 장애물들과 편견들을 제거하고 방안을 제시하면서 공헌하도록 하고자 하였다. 국내에서 입양에 관한 주제의 논문과 글들은 사회복지 분야에서 많이 나와 있다. 그러나 기독교적 입장에서 논한 글, 특히 기독교 윤리적 입장과 고찰은 거의 찾아보기 힘들다. 필자가 참고하면서 논점을 발견하도록 도움을 준 글 들은 입양문제에 대한 한국교회의 사회적 책임을 강조하고 있으나 기독교 윤리학적으로는 접근하고 있지는 않거나‘입양신학’을 토대로 하여 기독교 윤리학적으로 입양에 관하여 논하고 있으나 두 글 모두다 기독교 윤리학적 논점이 너무 폭이 넓고 현실적인 제안이 작음을 발견하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 이러한 맥락에서 입양에 관련하여 입양역사가 많이 지났음에도 불구하고 아직도 많이 남아있는 입양의 편견과 부정적인 인식을 바로잡고자 하였다. 그 내용은 비밀입양에서 공개입양으로의 전환이 느린 국내입양의 현실로서, 이러한 문제를 성서적 관점으로, 기독교 윤리 실천학적으로 연구하였다. 또한 입양의 주체가 아동중심이 되고 있지 않는 현실에 대해 문제를 제기하며 혈연주의에 대해 성서적 관점으로, 기독교 윤리 실천학적으로 살펴보고 논하였다. 그리고 우리 사회의 입양의 문제점들과 관련하여 한국교회가 입양제도 개선과 입양의 활성화를 위해 기독교 윤리 실천학적으로 어떻게 해야 할 지 그 목회적 대안을 제시하였으며 정부에서 정책에 입안할 수 있는 제안들을 실어보았다.

      • 인이 담지된 HZSM-5 제올라이트 촉매에서 프로필렌의 전환반응

        정선기 전남대학교 대학원 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        프로필렌의 전환반응을 HZSM-5 제올라이트(SiO₂/ Al₂O₃ = 94)와 인이 담지된 HZSM-5 제올라이트 촉매에서 상압 유통식 반응기로 조사하였다. HZSM-5 제올라이트 촉매에서는 방향족 화합물과 파라핀, 그리고 에틸렌으로부터 헵텐까지 여러 올레핀이 생성되지만, 인이 0.5 wt% 담지된 촉매(HZ-0.5P)에서는 방향족 화합물과 파라핀은 생성되지 않고 올레핀중에서도 부텐, 펜텐, 헥센 등만 생성되었다. 생성물 분포가 단순한 HZ-0.5P 촉매에서 반응온도와 프로필렌의 분압과 접촉 시간을 바꾸어가며 얻은 생성물 분포는, 프로필렌이 노넨이나 도데켄으로 중합된 후 이들이 분해되는 반응경로로 설명될 수 있었다. 프로필렌 전환반응 속도를 온도, 분압, 그리고 촉매양을 바꾸어가며 조사하였다. HZ-0.5P 촉매에서 프로필렌 전환반응은 자기촉매반응이다. 기상의 프로필렌과 흡착된 프로필렌의 반응을 속도결정단계로 하는 반응기구로 반응 초기 상태를 모사할 수 있었다. 반응속도는 300℃에서 최대가 되며, 반응온도가 높아지면 반응속도가 느려져서 프로필렌의 흡착이 반응속도 결정에 중요하다고 생각되었다. 반응온도에 따라 반응차수가 변하기 때문에 지수속도법을 적용할 수 없었으나, 자기촉매반응 단계를 적용하면 실험결과를 잘 모사할 수 있었다. Propylene conversion reaction over HZSM-5 zeolite(SiO₂/Al₂0₃ = 94) and phosphorus-impregnated HZSM-5 zeolite catalysts are studied by using atmospheric flow reactor. Propylenes are converted to various hydrocarbons, such as aromatics, paraffins, olefins(ethylene∼heptene) over HZSM-5 zeolite catalyst. But only olefins such as butenes, pentenes, and hexenes are formed over phosphorus(0.5 wt%)-impregnated HZSM-5 zeolite HZ-0.5P catalyst. The product distribution of propylene conversion over HZ-0.5P catalyst can be explained by the reaction path composed of oligomerization of propylene to nonene and dodecene and cracking of these olefins to lower olefins. Kinetics of propylene conversion over HZ-0.5P catalyst was also studied. The effects of temperature, partial pressure of propylene, and loading amounts of the catalyst were investigated. The rate of propylene conversion showed a maximum at 300 ℃. The conversion of propylene was sharply increased above a certain contact time, These facts indicated that this reaction was autocatalytic and the adsorption step was important to determine the rate. The simple power rate law could not be applied, because the reaction order of propylene was changed with temperature. On the contrary, the simulation according to the autocatalytic reaction showed good coincidences with the experimental results. The simulation was based on the assumption that the adsorption of propylene on active site and the adsorption of propylene on adsorbed propylene were relatively slow compare to the oligomerization of adsorbed propylene and cracking of oligomerized propylene.

      • 土地價格形成에 관한 硏究

        정선기 水原大學校 行政大學院 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Land has brought about many problems because it has the essential characteristic of non-increasing which makes the expanded reproduction impossible. Land price, accordingly, directly influenced over the economic development of nation and welfare level of society as well as the houskeeping of the individual. Land price must be one of the economic phenomena that follows the function of resource distribution, but it is impossible to produce or substitute artificially. So the general economic principle and a theory are not greatly pelpful. Although it is possible to control the demand and supply of general economic goods because that principle can be applied to such a general economic goods, it is absolutely necessary to give continuous efforts for solving many problems on it as land price becomes worse and worse in accordance with modernization and urbanization. The purposes of this research are to analyze the factor of price formation and the relation with many principle of land price and to solve land problem that is in the heart of problems of real estate, and to achieve the better life of mankind and the gradual increase of ecconomic welfare from the point of the importance of economic and social function of land price. To summarize relationship between the factor of land price formation and the principles of land price: the social factor is chiefly related to the principles of demand with the principle of highest and best use, and the principle of conformity. And also the economic factor is mainly related to the principle of demand and supply with principle of conformity as well. In addition the administrative factor is not only chiefly related to the principle of highest and best use and principle of demand and supply but principle of balance. and principle of returns distribution. The relation with the regional is highly related to the principle of highest and best use and the principle of contribution. The individual factor is not only related to the principle of highest and best use with principle of conformity and principle of balance, but also principle of contribution. and principle of demand and supply. And the general and individual factor is comonly related to the principle of change, and in case of the land which can be substituted with the objective land, the principles of substitution and competition are related. Though the relation between the formative factors and principle of land price shows same tendency as price principle caused by general economic goods, the pragmative research is more necessary as well as theoretical consideration because their relationships appear changed.

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