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      • Preparation of elastomer/clay nanocomposites by latex blending and their application to paper coating

        서윤석 全北大學校 2007 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문은 탄성고분자/클레이 나노복합재료를 라텍스 블렌딩 방법으로 제조하여 점토의 박리 및 분산정도를 XRD와 TEM 등을 통하여 확인 하였다. 대부분 삽입형/박리형 나노복합체가 제조되었음을 보았으며 기타, 내열특성을 비롯한 일반적인 물성이 크게 향상됨을 제시하였다. 이렇게 제조된 고분자/점토 나노복합체를 종이코팅에 적용하는 응용 연구를 시도한 결과 종이의 기계적 특성, 뒤비침, Picking, Printability 등의 물성 향상을 확인할 수 있었으며 이러한 연구 결과를 토대로 향후 유기화 Clay의 층상 분리정도, 분산방법, 첨가제량에 대한 최적화 연구를 진행 할 경우 종이 코팅제로의 응용이 충분할 것으로 기대된다.

      • 地域情報化와 綜合情報通信 體系 構築에 關한 硏究 : 釜山圈을 中心으로

        서윤석 慶星大學校 貿易大學院 1995 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In the 21st Century, characterization and diversification of basic human desire for information society will be more increased, and service industry will set its position as a leading business. Therefore, as people's individual desire for information increases, service industry will be enlarged as a profitable business. Also, since the demand for various kindsof mass media are increased, it is - estimated that the requirement for ISDN (Integrated Servics Digital Network), technology which enables transmission of both screen and image, would be increased. In 1995 Korea set its origin of localization era by taking opportunities of 4 major local elections. For true localization, localization of such fields as economy, society, culture, and not to mention politics and administration, should be realized in accordance with each other, and localization will be expanded only if it is propelled in relation to a new wave towards the 21st Century, which is globalization. And local information system as a main strategy for realization of welfare in local society and balanced development of national territory will bring "localization in globalization" into reality. Local information system will expedite construction of new information system and replenishment of new media, thus promoting booming local economy, improvement of local urban life, cultivation of local culture, actualizing higher local residence rate, solving imbalancement among different areas, ultimately promoting active interchange. To establish ISDN in localization, Koren's national strategy of building up self- sufficient developmental base of local provinces for localization, local governmental possession of personnel, real estate, and technology know-how, maximization of economic activities and constant development of national economy is essential. ISDN is an information communication system which unifics the present analog system into digitalized system, thus improving various communication services. For example, telephone services, tele-conference, data communication, facsimile....,etc. various other services will be delivered to individual users throuch a single line. Currently Korea has established a 3-leveled ISDN basic plan in 1987 for constrycting integrated services digital network. When such system is constructed, standard of life will be improved, satisfy many desires for various informations, establishing basis for information society, thus bringing about additional values in view of national strategy and social engineering. Especially since Pusan and South Kyong Sang province is not only the central position of Korean industry but also the nucleus posistion in Korean economy and productivity of the Pan-Asian nations in the upcoming 21st Century, and it is estimated that demand and construction of international network for ISDN will be higher than any other areas in Korea, therefore establishment of ISDN for Pusan and South Kyong Sang province should be preferentially completed.

      • An Analysis of Regional Total-Factor Energy Efficiency and Potential for Carbon Emission Reduction in Korean Manufacturing Sector

        서윤석 숭실대학교 대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study analyzed regional energy efficiency in Korean manufacturing sector using a stochastic frontier analysis and a non-radial data envelopment analysis, and measured potential energy-saving and carbon emission reduction through an improvement of energy efficiency. Following the empirical results of DEA, the energy inefficiency on average was 21.2% for the period of 2002-2015, and following the empirical results of SFA, the energy inefficiency was 30.2% on average during the same period. Especially, Incheon, Daegu and Gangwon had the high energy inefficiency commonly by SFA and DEA. Furthermore, 11.06% of energy consumption can be reduced by the improvement of energy efficiency, and accordingly 12.34% of carbon emissions can be reduced in the Korean manufacturing sector. 본 연구는 확률적 프론티어 접근방법(SFA)과 자료포락분석(DEA) 방법 가운데 비-방사선 효율측정 방법을 사용하여 우리나라 16개 시도의 제조업 에너지 효율성을 추정하고, 에너지 효율향상을 통한 이산화탄소 감축 가능성 및 에너지 소비 감축 수준을 측정 하였다. 자료포락분석 결과에 따르면, 2002년~2015년 동안 평균적으로 21.2%의 에너지 비효율성이 나타났으며, 확률적 프론티어 접근방법 결과에 따르면 30.2% 비효율성이 나타났다. 특히 공통적으로 인천광역시, 강원도, 대구광역시의 에너지 비효율적 사용이 크게 나타났다. 또한 제조업 에너지 소비량의 11.06%가 저감 가능하며, 그에 따라 12.34%의 이산화 탄소 감축 가능성이 나타났다.

      • Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase Mediates Parkinson’s Disease-like Phenotype of Drosophila Parkin Mutant

        서윤석 건국대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Although Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) has been originally recognized as an essential component in glycolysis, accumulating evidences have suggested that GAPDH is a multi-functional protein. In particular, GAPDH possibly participates in cell death and neurodegenerative disease, such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). Here, the proteomic analysis was performed with heads of parkin mutant flies and identified GAPDH, whose level is elevated in parkin mutant head, as a candidate downstream factor of Parkin, a major causative component of PD. To verify the role of GAPDH in PD pathogenesis, I tested whether the function of GAPDH is related with Parkin in Drosophila melanogaster. Drosophila GAPDH mutants were generated. Genetic interaction with parkin mutant were investigated using these mutants. Mutation of GAPDH rescued several PD-like parkin mutant phenotypes including locomotive dysfunction, susceptivity to oxidative stress, and reduced life-spans. These results suggest that GAPDH is a mediator of PD-like phenotype and may play an important role in Parkin-induced PD pathogenesis. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)는 원래 해당작용에서 필수적인 요소로 알려져있으나, 현재 GAPDH의 다양한 기능에 대해 보고가되었다. 구체적으로, GAPDH는 세포 사멸과정에서 역할을 수행함으로써 파킨슨 병 (PD), 알츠하이머 병 (AD)과 같은 신경퇴행성 뇌질환에도 관여한다. 나는 초파리 파킨 모델을 이용하여 이차원 전기영동을 수행하여 GAPDH를 동정하였다. PD 발병과정에서 GAPDH의 역할을 알아보기 위해, GAPDH 돌연변이를 제작하여 파킨 돌연변이와의 유전학적 상호관계를 살펴 본 결과, 파킨 돌연변이에서 보이는 산화 스트레스에 대한 민감성, 운동성의 감소, 수명의 감소와 같은 파킨슨 병 유사 표현형을 GAPDH 돌연변이가 완화시켰다. 또한, indirect flight muscle에서 보이는 세포 사멸을 억제하는 것을 보아, GAPDH는 파킨 돌연변이에서 보이는 파킨슨 병 유사 표현형을 apoptosis pathway를 통해 조절하는 것으로 생각되며, 이는 PD에서 GAPDH가 중요한 역할을 수행할 것임을 알려준다.

      • 버렉터 다이오드를 이용한 능동형 주파수 선택막이 적용된 하이브리드 평판 복합재료의 제작에 관한 연구

        서윤석 연세대학교 대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        After World War, Many researches about stealth technology have been developed. FSS(Frequency Selective Surface), which is a kind of stealth technology, also has been developed. FSS is a structure composed of dielectric substrate and conductive material on it. FSS can selectively transmit or reflect certain frequency range of electromagnetic wave.FSS can be divided into two categories, passive FSS and active FSS. Passive FSS is nomally developed type of FSS that does not have ability to change its resonance frequency. Contrary to passive FSS, active FSS has ability to change its resonance frequency. Active FSS can effectively reduce RCS(Radar Cross Section) and have been developing briskly.To realize ability of shifting resonance frequency. electromagnetic properties of FSS can be modulated. Methods of realizing it can be divided into two categories, altering electromagnetic properties of dielectric substrate and conductive material. First, to alter the electromagnetic properties of dielectric substrate, ferroelectric material and liquid dielectric can be used as substrate. By applying electric field to substrate, its dielectric constant can be changed so resonance frequency can be shifted. Second, to alter the electromagnetic properties of conductive material, MEMS can be used because it is possible to move conductive part by using magnetic field. In addition to this, PIN diode or varactor diode can be used to change capacitance of FSS.Hybrid radomes, which combine FSS into radome to reduce RCS, have been developed. However, most cases of them are related to passive FSS. In this dissertation, study of manufacturing and analyzing hybrid radome with active FSS is presented.Proper process for making hybrid radome with active FSS using varactor diodes was designed and its validity was determined by comparing experiment results and simulation results of electromagnetic properties. In conclusion, experiment results and simulation results agree well with each other and show the function of shifting resonance frequency well so its validity was proven. It is expected that the result can help manufacture actual hybrid radome used in the structure such as airplane radome and so on.

      • 大田의 대표음식 발전 방향 모색을 위한 연구

        서윤석 忠南大學校 大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The first study was conducted to devise a scheme for the development of foods designated as "Yookmee"("6 dishes"), which are representative food of Daejeon area. The Yookmee consist of Seolleongtang (ox bone soup and boiled rice), Samgyetang (chicken stew stuffed with glutinous rice and ginseng), Dolsotbap (boiled rice mixed with vegetables), Goojeukmook (acorn Jelly), Sootgol-naengmyeon (cold buckwheat noodles with broth) and Daecheongho minmulgogi-maeuntang(spicy hot freshwater fish soup). A questionnaire was developed and administered by means of an interview to study the subjects' recognition of and preference for the six dishes, their usual eating places and eating frequencies, the need for some standardization of recipes and for nutrition labeling including serving sizes and nutrient contents. The total number of subjects who participated in this study were 328 (male 112, female 216) living in Daejeon. The subjects who were aware of the presence of Yookmee were more in their thirties or older (15%) compared to those in their twenties(9.6%). The percentages of the subjects who recognized the Yookmee as the representative foods were twice among those in their thirties (over 60%), as compared to 31.5% in their twenties (p < 0.001). Samgyetang was one of the favorite foods of all the Yookmee among those in their twenties and Goojeukmook was the favorite for all the other age groups. The incidence of those eating one of Yookmee more than once a month was 51.5% in all the age groups, but the intake frequency was lower among those in their twenties (43.8%). The percentage of those who recommended Yookmee as a food for guests was the highest among those in their fifties (54.7%). The first reason why the subjects do not recommend these foods was because they were unfamiliar with Yookmee; among those in their thirties and forties the 2nd reason was because it is not much enough in quality or quantity to be served as a food for guests. Over 60% of the subjects felt the need for standardization of Yookmee recipes, especially those in their fifties did feel the needs (92.S%). Furthermore, regarding labeling of serving sizes and nutrients contents, over 80% of the subjects wanted these, and this desire tended to increase with age. From these results, it seems reasonable to accept Yookmee as the representative foods of Daejeon, despite the fact that many people do not yet currently do so. Since most of the subjects (85.4%) partake Yookmee outside of their homes, it is recommended that efforts need to be expanded on enhancing the nutritional quality, the taste and the quality control of Yookmee by standardizing the recipes, labeling the serving sizes and nutrient contents, and providing educational and publicity programs. To get a preliminary data for the standardization of the recipe of Seolleongtang, the food ingredients and preparation methods were investigated in this study through reviewing 12 literatures and interviewing with chefs of 20 famous restaurants in Daejeon. The result shows that well-known licensed restaurants in Daejeon district used less kinds of the main ingredients for making Seolleongtang compared with those in the literature. However, preparative steps for the preparation procedure was not mentioned in 60% of literatures, while the restaurants were using more preparative steps for the preparation procedure such as soaking the meat and bones in cool or flowing water for some time and blanching meat and bones in the hot water. For making broth of Seolleongtang, it has not been found in the literature whether the second broth was used or not. But licensed restaurants have used mixed broth with the second or the third times. The restaurants spent 24 to 48 hours for simmering meat and bones into broth and the time was longer than those in the literatures. Up to 80% of the restaurants never put spices such as green onion, garlic and ginger into the water when they boil the main ingredients for broth. Moreover, more than 70% of the restaurants have been cooking for more than 50 servings at once and 50% of them did not use any standard measuring device when allocating the food into a bowl. Over 80% of the chefs working at the restaurants said that the taste of Seolleongtang is determined by the time of boiling broth. In summary, there are some differences between the literature and the restaurants in recipes such as the kinds and amount of main ingredients, whether soaking in cool water or blanching the meat as a preparative step, the hours spent for making an ali벼ote of stock, the numbers of stock-preparation with a set of ingredients and usage of spices when making the meat stock of Seolleongtang. Therefore, further experimental study to elucidate the differences of cooking procedures is required for recipe standardization in future.

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