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      • 수치해석을 통한 H형 침목의 궤도거동특성 분석

        서동석 忠南大學校 大學院 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The demand for safety of rail transportation is increasing due to the speed up of current railways. In addition, freight trains with heavier axle load are required to run on the conventional railways. In order to meet these requirements, the increase of rail weight and the application of long rail system have been underway in conventional railways. H type tie, which has higher resistance than the existing mono ties, has been recently developed to increase the track stiffness and reduce the track irregularities. In this paper, the characteristics of the track behavior of H-type tie were analyzed by 3-Dimensional F.E. analysis. And the variation of load distribution ratio, magnitude and distribution of ballast pressure, deflection of rail have been analyzed according to idealized ballast support condition or hanging tie condition. 최근 자동차산업의 급속한 발달과 함께 철도 산업도 함께 성장했다. 고속열차는 300 km/h 이상의 속도를 달성하게 되었으며 열차의 주행안전성이 매우 중요하게 되었다. 주행안전성을 보장하기 위해서는 철도차량과 시설, 신호, 전철, 운전 등 시스템측면에서 종합적으로 대응해야 하지만 열차의 차량을 직접 지지하며 안전하게 유도해야 하는 시설부분의 역할이 매우 중요하다. 기존 PC침목 구간에서는 도상횡저항력 및 도상종저항력을 현재보다 획기적으로 증대시키는 것은 현실적으로 어려우므로 도상의 횡저항력 및 종저항력 증대를 위해 침목의 구조변경을 통한 새로운 침목의 개발이 필요하게 되었다. 따라서 기존 PC침목에 비해 침목의 횡저항력을 획기적으로 증대시키고, 유지보수가 용이하며, 비용절감을 위해 H형 침목이 개발되었다. 기존의 H형 침목 개발연구에서 침목 설계를 위한 구조해석이 수행되었으며, 현장부설을 통한 성능검증연구가 수행되었다. 본 연구에서는 수치해석을 통한 H형 침목 부설 시 궤도에 미치는 영향을 분석하고자 한다. 이를 위하여 범용구조해석프로그램 Abaqus 6.132을 이용한 3차원 수치해석을 하였으며, 도상의 지지조건이 균일한 경우, 불균일한 경우(뜬침목 발생 경우)에 따른 하중분배율 변화, 도상압력 크기 및 분포 변화, 레일의 처짐을 분석하였다.

      • 프로젝트 金融의 收益性과 活性化 方案에 관한 硏究

        서동석 漢陽大學校 金融大學院 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Project financing is a financial form that is progressed by the economic value of cash flows based on the profit of project itself, being characterized by having non-recourse without mortgage or limited recourse. Accordingly, project financing is not yet being activated in domestic financial institutions, because of risk analysis in inspection and assessment department, of risk avoidance in transaction department in financial market, of the lack of experience in handling department, and of the shortage of expert personrtels and the management's understanding. But overseas construction market and plant export sector already passed through the early stage and now comes to maturity. Especially, the emerging market in China, Central and South America, or Eastern Europe where the national system is changed, shows tremendous growth. This is because the form of a synthetic order receiving from fund-raising to its management makes it possible, even though those countries don't meet the urgent demand for SOC investment or resource development because of the lack of financial resources. In our country, demand for SOC, etc, is greatly increasing for the purpose of inviting private capital. The promotion of such a large-scale project puts construction companies under the limits of independent fund-raising, risk analysis, guarantee, contract or management. Financial institutions get to consider or handle project financing actively under the reality that competition among banks is keener and that they face structural problems due to the decline of revenues. Some supplementary source of revenues is urgently demanded by extended stock valuation loss, declined profit from trust fee, dropped gains from credit card, bad debt ratio, or increased improper giving-off-credit despite company's mortgage or guarantee. A close evaluation of bank's giving-off-credit and the profitability or economic value of project itself based on a stable cash flows shows that it's desirable to participate in project financing which is not widely swayed by the movement of object economy and produces a good growth and a good profit. Project financing makes it possible to analyze or avoid analysis by using realistic programs like diverse form of guarantee or long-term purchasing contract. Moreover, its profitability is thought to have a complex effect that is much more superior superior than other type's one. On the other hand, financial institutions will have to minimize the risk of interest rate fluctuation in terms of expense of overseas fund-raising, by improving their credibility and sustaining credit rating. They also will need to foster and develop expert personnels and internal system aggressively. In this way, they will be able to attain an outstanding growth in response to government's deregulation and opening policies. This can serve to extend business scope, find new source of profit and improve international credibility. Furthermore, this will be one of the noteworthy alternatives to overcome the business environment of domestic financial market(management, profit and competition sector) that is stagnant and fall backward. For both construction company and financial institution, it's a good way to take part in the same project and pursue to raise the synergy effect of mutual transaction in the project concerned to both of them. It's urgently needed to prepare for project financing, as the complex procedure and long term are necessary to be a participant in project financing market which is still just in the small beginning stage. And, to play a leading role in activating market, it takes considerable time to be accustomed to it and supplement it. Accordingly, active efforts for developing project financing are urgently required in consideration of domestic economy's gross profit and economics of international transactions.

      • 에머슨의 중립성 추구 : 삶의 양극적 모순에 관한 생태적 통찰

        서동석 고려대학교 대학원 2002 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Emerson is a practical as well as an idealistic man. His main concern is to duly keep the trembling balance between the poles of life: the real and the ideal, man and nature, matter and mind, East and West. He tries to harmonize these contradictory bipolarities and incarnate the dualistic unity in his life and literature. His neutrality is a result of his unyielding effort to obtain objective truthfulness. He learned the ecological wisdom of harmony and balance from the bipolar unity of nature. His ecology begins with his self-awakening of "an original relation" to nature. He was also inspired from the Jardin des Plantes of Paris, in 1833 when he was traveling Europe as his first overseas trip. In this botanical garden he realized that there is "an occult relation between the very scorpions and man." After resigning ministry, he found, in nature, innumerable compensatory intermediaries to fill his spiritual void between man and God. Nature seemed to him to be a store house of truth. And he was willing to be a naturalist and wanted to dig out the truth from the world. Indeed, the world itself is a key unlocking the human mind, and inevitably it is "other me." He urges us to make matter consonant with mind. By restoring the primal consciousness of the fundamental unity of man, nature, and God, he aims at self-reliant way of living. In a religious aspect, his purpose is to embody the Christian faith into our every day human life. That is to say, it is to interpret God as a living God within us, not as a dead God without us. And in a political sense, it is also, as Henry Nash Smith notes, to establish in America "a new order founded upon nature." We can obtain the equilibratory insight into nature only as long as we have a holistic point of view on it. All things in nature always, as in "Merlin II," show the harmonious balance as a whole, although they have a continual interplay of the bipolar powers, positive and negative. The circularity and the complementarity of the interactive metamorphosis are the principal forces keeping the ecological balance of nature. The infinite change of nature shows us "unity in variety" and it also implies an unchangeable substance in its everlasting change. When we can see the metamorphic meaning of nature, nature comes to us not as "a certain alienated majesty" but as "a great shadow pointing always to the sun behind us," as its fugitive forms pass silently away everyday as "veiled figures of the eternities." By its intimations of immortality, nature gives us our lost dignity and divinity, and as a result we can regain our golden humanity. His belief in the basic unity linking all the aspects of life and universe was developed by Emerson into a belief in an "Over-soul," also called Universal Being of which everything was a part. This principle of Unity combining man, nature, and God into One resulted mainly from the influences of Plotinus' concept of Emanation and of the Vedas of India. The intimations of Eastern religious influences are often seen in his writings. His systematic acquaintance with Oriental texts began with his reading program undertaken in 1837 which included texts from Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, and Confucianism. Whereas he got to know the Oriental writings only at second hand, the ideas of unity and variety found in them became the basics of his pragmatic idealism. Emerson was inspired by the Vedantic concept of Brahma, which is a Supreme God of Hinduism like a kind of his Over-Soul or Universal Being. Unborn, changeless, eternal, and thus indescribable, it implies the enigmatic bipolarity of existence. The eternity of Brahma is embodied in the endless change of Maya. As he says, "God is a substance, and his method is illusion." The disciplinary function of illusion is, as Carpenter notes, to give us "the understanding of the true meaning of life." Emerson doesn't deny the absoluteness of polarity. Therefore, as in "The Sphinx," nature remains as much a mystery in the present as in the past. Many critics say that after his son Waldo's death early in 1842, his cosmic optimism was severly changed. Strictly speaking, however, as the characteristics of his bipolar thought, the scepticism inherent in his optimism emerged and thus the trembling balance of both was kept. Through his spiritual metamorphoses, he pursues the harmony and balance of the extremes. Although he is often blamed for showing inconsistency, his "double consciousness" is a key "to the old knots of fate." It can be properly said that his "double consciousness" results from what Henry David Gray calls "a compromise between these two extremes" and from what F.O. Matthiessen says "a poise in attitude between the two extremes." Truth exists, not in the isolated vacuum, but in the associated and harmonized whole of individual and bipolar facts. Consequently, it is in the "middle region," both receiving and transcending the contradiction of bipolarity. Since his second mental crisis, Confucianism has become a guide for his philosophy of living. His double consciousness is similar to Confucian wisdom of the Golden Mean. He says, "Life is not a dialectics." Accordingly, "the noblest theory of life" cannot explain its total meaning. "The true art of life" is, then, "to skate well" amid two ways of life: reception and transcendence, progression and regression. In this sense, his "stupendous antagonism" against fate as a "tyrannous circumstance" leads to a need for his creative metamorphosis, for a new order of life. His antagonism, as Lopez points out, needs "the continual interplay of both positive and negative powers" and naturally it brings about his "inconsistency." As Feidelson notes, however, this inconsistency is "the source of his power." Emerson argues that our "anchorage is quicksand." Just as nature has a fluid tendency, so our life has a "onward trick," and we need "change of objects." In this respect, "the transcendentalism of common life" is a living attitude and philosophy, in search of a "new center." The self-reliance is acquired through the incessant pursuit of neutrality. In his practical idealism the practical life and the moment of life are important. He seeks paradise here and now, not in the otherworld. In this respect, his transcendentalism differs from the traditional Christianity. The best policy of living is for him "a respect to the present hour." Emerson's ideal of "a balanced soul" is reflected in his idea of the role of the poet. The poet comprehends the true meaning of natural metamorphosis. He tastes "the immortal ichor" of nature and his "transparent eyeball" sees the perfectly tuneful beat of nature and turns it into poetry as "a new and transcendent whole." In order to represent a fundamental unity of the infinite transformation of natural forms, he uses appropriate tropes or symbols for expression of imaginative analogy. For harmony between thought and symbol, he "unfixes" the natural materials and "makes them revolve around the axis of his primary thought, and disposes them anew." The poet as true genius tries to go on repeating endless combination and recombination of metaphors, for perfect thought and its expression. There are some temporary pauses, yet unceasing new departure must be undertaken. Because "every thought is a prison also," genius should continue to brake this prison wall. To Emerson, the poet is a representative of practical idealism, who can see both the real and the ideal, and keep the balance in the middle of them. His "poetic perception of metamorphosis" is a mental faculty to find an ideal dream in real metamorphosis. Therefore, it is "the power to take the passing day." What Emerson ask most of the poet is his "veracity." In this respect, as a true scientist who knows the laws of nature. The poet tells us ecological truth. Consciously or unconsciously, the East and the West have been endlessly meeting and fusing. We now live truly in the time when the harmonious equilibrium between East and West is important for the peaceful existence of our human beings. From Emerson, we can learn the wisdom of equilibrium requisite for the modern times. His double consciousness gives an ecological wisdom for both man and nature and his practical idealism is a living philosophy both practically and ideally metamorphosed from insights into an ecology of living.

      • 노인복지서비스 전달체계의 만족도에 관한 연구 : 전라북도 군산시를 중심으로

        서동석 한양대학교 2015 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 전라북도 군산시의 노인복지서비스 전달체계 만족도에 관한 수혜자의 실태조사와 이에 영향을 미치는 노인복지서비스 전달체계의 주요 요인들의 상대적 기여도를 밝혀냄으로써 고객 지향적 노인복지서비스의 품질향상과 수혜자의 만족도를 향상시키는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 연구의 범위는 노인복지서비스 전달체계의 수요자 측면에서 만족도 평가를 내용적인 범위로 한정하여 접근성․통합성, 전문성, 충분성․적절성 등으로 독립변수를 설정하였고, 종속변수는 노인복지서비스 전달체계에 대한 만족도로 설정하여 검증하였다. 그리고 전라북도 군산시 지역의 노인복지시설 45개 중 현원 30명이상 수용되어 있는 6개 복지시설을 이용하고 있는 노인들을 대상으로 2013년 8월 26일부터 2013년 9월 14일까지 약 3주간에 걸쳐서 설문조사를 실시하여 2014년을 기준으로 연구하였다. 분석결과는 첫째, 군산시 노인들의 인구 사회학적 속성에 따른 조직의 통합성에 관한 인식의 태도는 성별, 연령, 자녀의 수에 따라서는 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타나 비교적 긍정적인 것으로 조사되었다. 둘째, 인력요인의 전문성에 대한 인식에는 노인들의 성별, 연령, 자녀수에 따라서는 차이가 없었으나, 노인복지서비스 기관 종사자들의 업무처리 능력과 전문지식 및 기술을 갖추어 타 기관들과 연계하여 전문적인 서비스를 제공해야 한다고 생각하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 군산시 노인들의 인구 사회학적 속성에 따른 재정요인의 충분성과 적정성에 대한 인식에 있어서는 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 없었다. 넷째, 노인복지서비스 전달체계의 만족도에 대한 인식의 차이는 성별에 따라서는 통계적으로 차이가 없었지만, 연령, 자녀의 수, 주거의 형태, 세대의 구성에 따라서는 유의미한 인식의 차이를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 다섯째, 군산시의 노인복지서비스 전달체계에 관한 정책활용은 조직의 통합성, 인력의 전문성, 재정의 충분성, 재정의 적절성의 순으로 활용하는 것이 바람직한 것으로 나타났다. 군산시의 노인복지서비스 전달체계의 만족도 측정을 토대로 한 정책적 제언은 첫째, 노인복지서비스 이용결과에 대한 만족도를 제고하기 위해서는 통합성, 전문성, 충분성, 적절성을 중시하여야 한다. 둘째, 효과적인 노인복지서비스 전달체계의 구축을 위해서는 노인복지재원의 확충을 위한 노력이 필요하다. 셋째, 노인의 복지욕구를 충족하기 위해서는 쉽고 편리하게 서비스를 받기 위해서는 접근성이 제고되어야 한다. 넷째, 운영주체들에 대한 전문성을 강화해야 한다. 본 연구는 지역적 범위를 전북 군산시에서 운영되고 있는 노인복지서비스 전달체계와 노인복지시설로 한정시켰기 때문에 연구결과를 사회복지서비스시설 전체로 일반화하는 한계가 있다. 또한 전달체계의 만족도에 영향을 미치는 구성원칙을 5가지만을 활용하였기 때문에 전달체계의 만족도에 관한 전반적인 영향요인의 이해 및 전달체계와 만족도 변수들 간의 인과성관계의 결과에 대한 추론의 정확성에 한계가 존재한다. 따라서 후속연구에서는 연구결과의 일반화를 위하여 노인복지시설 전체 분야를 대상으로 대표성 있는 표본집단을 추출하여 신뢰도와 타당성을 높일 수 있도록 노인복지서비스 전달체계의 만족도에 관한 변수들 간의 관계를 설정하게 되면 보다 훌륭한 연구성과를 낼 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

      • Isaria tenuipes로 배양된 새로운 동충하초의 항당뇨 효능 및 독성 평가

        서동석 충북대학교 대학원 2013 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        A dongchunghacho is a medical herb that has been used as a traditional folk medicine for hundreds of years in Asia countries. These studies conducted to determine the anti-diabetic effects and toxicity of dongchunghacho cultivated with Isaria tenuipes in silkworm. For the experiments, the diabetic animal model OLETF rats were divided to 4 groups: Dongchunghacho was administered mixed with the high fat diet at concentrations of 0, 0.1, 1.0, and 5.0% for 28 days. Also, the SD rats were divided to 4 groups: Dongchunghacho was administered mixed with the laboratory rodent diet at concentrations of 0, 0.5, 1.0, and 5.0% for 90 days. All animals have free access to water and diet. The diabetic clinical markers, including clinical signs, body weight and food intake, organ weights, blood glucose level, insulin level and HOMA-IR index, oral glucose tolerance test, expression of GLUT4 mRNA and protein were measured at a time. Also, hematology, blood biochemistry and histopathology were examined to assess toxicity in type 2 diabetic OLETF rats. For repeated dose 28 days toxicity study, we evaluated parameters such as clinical signs, body weights, hematological and serum biochemical analysis, and histopathological findings. The blood glucose levels, insulin levels and HOMA-IR index of test groups were decreased compared with control group in dose-dependent manner after administration. The body weights and diet consumptions were reduced in control group in 4 weeks. The treatments of dongchunghacho also showed high expression of GLUT4 mRNA and protein in the muscle of OLETF rats. There is no significant toxic effect on OLETF rats treated for 28 days. These results suggest that dongchunghacho has anti-hyperglycemic effect attenuating blood glucose and dose not induce any significant toxic effect on the animal model of type 2 diabetes and then it might be useful as a functional diet for human diabetic diseases. To evaluate the toxicological safety of dongchunghacho, repeated doses (0.5, 1.0, and 5.0%) were administered to male and female SD rats for 90 days. No mortality or abnormality in the general status or appearance was observed in rats administered dongchunghacho. Body weights and feed consumptions decreased in the first week after starting adminstraion, particularly in the case of male rats. This is considered to be adapive change on the initial dose. Examination of hematology, serum biochemistry, absolute and relative organ weights, autopsy and histopathology revealed only a few statistically significant differences between the treatment and control groups; these differences suggested no clinically significant changes related to toxicity. Therefore, the no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) of dongchunghacho was considered to be more than 3,465 mg/kg/day under the conditions of the present study. Consequently, this study is considered to provide a theoretical basis that a novel Dongchunghacho cultivated with Isaria tenuipes in silkworm as a medical herb can be used in the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

      • 광과 반침수처리가 표고의 균사체 갈변과 원기형성에 미치는 영향

        서동석 충북대학교 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The effects of light on of the browning of mycelium and fruiting bodies formation of Lentiula edodes and the effect of water supply on the top surface of the medium on the fruiting were investigated. For this purpose, the light wavelength was controlled using a color filter, and the top surface of the medium was placed upside down in a semi-submerged basket. These light and water treatment effects were investigated by the browning rate of mycelia, the number of fruiting bodies, the contents of ergosterol, nitrogen and carbon in the medium. The browning rate of the culture medium exposed to light was an average of 64% and the part that has not been exposed to light was around 5%. Also, the number of primordia formed on the culture medium exposed to light was respectively 1.3 unit per a medium under the condition of 25 degree and 2.0 unit per a medium under the condition of 11-25 degree. The light effect was observed in growth and differentiation of fruiting body. Under the condition of respectively different wavelength, the browning rate of the mycelial on the culture medium was 0.02% in far-red, 1.5% in red, 53.8% in green, 57.3% in blue and 64.0% in fluorescent light. The biggest change was under a fluorescent light. The number of primordia formed on the culture medium was unfound in red, 0.3 unit per a medium in green and 2.6 unit per a medium in blue individually. The incidence rate of fruiting body of mycelial was 98.3% under SST and 81.6% conventional under watering treatment(CWT). Depending on respective sections of medium, the mycelial layer of SST was higher than that of CWT by octuple in the concentration of ergosterol in medium and by 70% in under mycelial layer while the medium of CWT was higher than that of SST by about 50% in the concentration of nitrogen. Furthermore, Both of them showed commonly that mycelial layer was higher than under mycelial layer by about 2 times in the concentration of nitrogen. These results show that light, especially short wavelengths of blue to green, is very important for mycelial browning and primordia formation of Lentinula edodes, and that the upper surface watering of the upside-down medium in a semi-submerging basket is highly effective for mushroom development.

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