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      • 銀行 經費 豫算制度의 運營實態와 效率化 方案

        최원봉 慶北大學校 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        The trend of internationalization, bigger sizing and open in financial business excelerated by opening the money market inevitably entails the hard work of improving the structure of our bank and raising our competetiveness in the world money market. Following the current of the times, the country's (our) banks therefore have been enlarging the range of the self-regulation and firmly trying to forcity a couple of radical reforms from the former management system emphasized on its public character to the market-oriented competition system Here this study analyzes the active conditions on our banks' budget cost system and presides an improving device for management effectiveness, so that it will contribute a role on better bank profits. There are a few prerequisites in order to meet the right charting and control the management in the budget cost system. First, banks should be run on the basis of employee-recognized participative budgeting system through the management system of the organization and expense budget and the and the management by objectives to derive effective motivations. Second, with the introduction of the responsible account system to the expense budget system, we should get the specialization by decenteralizing authority and the effects of feed-back from the results of control should be encouraged to make gradual improvement of it. Finally, the very fair and square methods should be developed and every efforts made by all the members of the organization should be counted as well to magnify the incentives, which the bank give and at times promote, from which they will earn their satisfactions as rewards.

      • 初等學校 低/高學年 兒童의 差異를 考慮한 學校施設計劃에 관한 硏究 : 龍仁市 龍仁邑 5개 初等學校 資料를 中心으로

        崔元峰 명지대학교 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        교육시설은 교육이념에 기초한 교육목적과 목표를 당성을 위한 제반 기능에 필요한 공간의 물리적 환경 내지는 형태이다. 그러므로 교육목적, 교육내용, 교육방법 등의 변화는 교육시설 계획에 많은 변화를 가져오게 한다. 학교시설은 과거의 전통적인 표준화 설계로부터 최근에는 학교의 개별요구를 수용하고 이를 설계에 반영하고 있으며 개별 요구중에는 아동의 요구도 포함되며 아동은 발달단계별로 여러 가지 측면에서 차이가 있다. 그러므로 저/고학년의 차이와 그들의 요구도 학교시설의 계획시 고려되어야 한다. 본 논문은 용인시 용인읍에 소재한 5개 초등학교 전체에 대한 거주평가를 통하여 현재 시설의 문제점과 저학년과 고학년의 차이를 발견하였으며 이를 고려한 시설기획의 방향을 제시하였다. 본 연구의 과정과 방법은 다음과 같다. 1장은 서론으로서 연구의 배경과 목적, 연구방법과 과정에 대하여 소개하였다. 2장에서는 시설기획과 POE, 아동의 발달과 물리적 환경에 대한 개념을 알아보았으며, 제7차 교육과정 운영에 따른 초등 학교계획의 변화를 알고자 조사대상학교 5개와 최근 신축하거나 개/증축하는 초등학교시설 기본계획안 10개를 배치, 평면, 동선의 측면에서 비교하였다. 3장에서는 조사계획의 발전 단계로서 조사대상학교 선정, 설문조사과정과 절차, 행태관찰 방법에 대하여 설명하였다. 4장에서는 설문응답분석을 통하여 설문항목별 저/고학년의 경향과 시설의 문제점을 파악하였으며 저/고학년별 특성을 종합하였다. 5장에서는 행태관찰을 통하여 설문응답분석의 결과를 검증하였다. 6장은 시설기획의 방향을 제시하는 단계로서 제7차 교육과정의 요구와 저/고학년의 차이가 동시에 고려된다. 7장에서는 연구결과를 종합하고 그 의의를 살펴보았다. 저/고학년의 특징을 살펴보면 다음과 같은 두 가지로 종합할 수 있다. 첫째, 저학년은 고학년에 비해 다양한 공간에 취미를 갖고 있으며 고학년은 자신이 좋아하는 공간들의 범위를 좁혀가고 있음을 알 수 있다. 체육수업이나 축구장을 이용하는 활동을 할 때 저학년은 고학년에 비해 운동 범위가 작다고 판단할 수 있다. 둘째, 교실이나 복도를 선호하는 아동이 고학년이 많은 것, 저학년은 나무와 벤치가 있는 쉼 터를 놀이공간으로 이용하고 고학년은 휴게공간으로 이용하는 것을 보아 저학년은 고학년에 비해 동적이라고 추측할 수 있다. 본 연구는 조사대상학교가 용인시 용인읍의 전 지역이지만 한 개의 지역에 국한되고 사례가 현재 신축하는 학교들과 공간구성에서 차이가 있다는 점에서 이를 보편화 하기는 어렵다. 그러나 초등학교 시설에서 필수적인 몇 공간에 대한 분석을 통하여 저/고학년의 경향을 파악하였으며 시설기획의 방향을 제시하였다. 자원의 제한으로 본 연구의 분석에 포함된 내용은 초등학교 시설을 이루는 일부분에 불과하다. 본 연구는 아동이 교육시설에 대한 반응을 알기 위한 거주평가방법을 개발하는데 있어서 중요한 과정이라고 생각되며 앞으로 조사방법을 보강하고 조사대상의 종류와 수량을 늘여 보충해야 한다. 사물과 사건에 대한 정확한 판단능력이 결핍한 아동의 요구만 수렴한다고 교육목적에 부합되는 학교시설을 될 수는 없으므로 앞으로 교육시설이 아동에 대한 영향과 교육시설에 대한 아동의 반응이 동시에 고려된 연구가 계속 이루어져야 할 것이다. The educational facilities is an physical environment in space or its form to achieve educational goal based on education ideology. Therefore, changes in education purposes, education contents and means of education make an alteration on planning out educational facilities. School facilities in the past were typical standard designs. In the present the facilities meet each school's demands and take those demands in design. Individual demands include children's and children have various differences by child development stages. Therefore, differences between lower graders and upper graders and their demands should be considered in planning out school facilities. In this study POE of the whole five elementary schools at Yong-in county in Yong-in city is used to find problems of present facilities and differences between lower graders and upper graders and show the facilities planning courses considering present situations. the processes and methods of this study are as followed. As an introduction chapterl presents basis, purpose of the study and means of the study and its process. Chapter2 is about concepts of facilities planning,POE, child development and physical environment. this chapter compares 5 survey schools and basic facilities plans of l0elementary schools which is under construction or extension work in terms of placement, plane, traffic line. That helps to know changes in elementary school planning according to the 7th school curriculum of the Republic of Korea. Chapter3 is a development stage of the survey plan. selection of the survey schools, process of survey research, observation methods of children's behaviors include in chapter3. Chapter4 presents, through survey analysis, children's inclination between lower graders and upper graders and problems of facilities and put together overall characteristics between lower graders and upper graders. Chapter5 verifies survey analysis by behavior observation. Chapter6 shows the course of facilities planning. the demands of the 7th school curriculum of the R.O.K and differences between lower graders and upper graders are considered all together. Chapter7 put all the results together and conclude the significance of the study. You see the two characteristics of lower graders and upper graders in their behaviors. 1 lower graders are interested in various spaces whereas high graders narrow down spaces they like. In physical education classes or other activities using football grounds, lower graders use less spaces than higher graders. 2 Among higher graders, they are preferred to use classrooms or corridors. lower graders use trees and benches for playing as higher graders for resting. you can presume that lower graders are more active. This study is hard to generalize to be given the fact that those schools are only at one area even if the survey schools cover the whole area of Yong-in, and the cases are different from the cases of other schools under construction in space formation. But the study shows the course of facilities planning and find out children inclination through space analysis which is crucial for elementary school facilities. The contents of this study are only a part of elementary school facilities because of source limitation. But this study is a key process in developing methods of POE to get responses from the children how they like education facilities. and Further study needs various survey methods and increases kinds and numbers of survey subjects. Only to take Children's demands can't build educational school facilities since children have yet to fully develop judgement in all circumstances. Further researches of Effects of education facilities and children's reactions with those facilities need to be continued.

      • 중간관리자의 경력이동에 관한 연구

        최원봉 충남대학교 1986 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        I. INTRODUCTION John O. Crites asserted that there were two aspects of work Originally human being has not only a feeling of satisfaction all the time but also dissatisfaction, frustration and anxiety on the contrary. But the systematic phenomenon of modern society-mammoth organizations, speedy economic activities, specializations, automations and oppressive feelings for the achievement show the possibility of the appearence of the dark side about work and become the problems of the drop of productivity of modern companies. Forthermore modern employee are increasing their interest in highly leveled desires by the improvement in their education and their economical suplus. For this the problem "the faithfulness of workers" through the systematic career management became influential. And especially the problem of career crisis and career mobility of middle managers who play the roles of backbones in the maintenance of a company existence was neglected until presently, so the thesis about this hardly exists. The reason is why they put special stress on the improvement on productivity of a company for high leveled economic growth, and neglect the problem of the satisfaction about their duties and career mobility within a company. But mammoth organizations and the development of industrial economy can not help paying attention to the so-called the problem of middle managers who are called’ the backbones of a company." In this study I attemted to find out the internal and external factors of middle managers in organizations, and to find out what the causes of the mobilities and the elements related to these mobilities were. And I thought the middle career crisis influences on the career mobility of middle managers to some extent and treated of the career crisis a little. And I tried to study the career mobility phenomena in the dynamic aspect of career phenomena which has been deep interests of researchers and systematic behaviorists who have studied human behaviors and to study these with the following purposes. First, what are the factors that have an influence upon career mobility and the main variations which reflect the situations of companies which hire more than 200 employees in Tae-jon. Second, what are the various types of career movility according to the career steps and any existence of the difference between independent variables. Researchers in various academic fields who have studied human behaviors have a deep interest in career phenomena. Hall (1976) defined career as "the individually perceived sequence of attitudes and behaviors associated with work-related experiences and activities over the span of the person’s life." Career concept like this reflects the tendency of recent studies to view the career phenomena more broadly. Sociologists, political scientists, psychologists and economists who have approached career phenomena with their own perspectives become more and more to recognize the narrowness of their perspective and the necessity of integrating their independent viewpoints. In recent days many scholars point out the dynamic aspect of career phenomena and especially call it "career mobility”. Moreover in Organizational Behavior Field, the terminology of "career" or "career mobility" is often used as an important variable to explain behaviors in organizations, and the definition and the measurement of career mobility is actively discussed among Organizational Behaviors Students. In this study I attempted to find out various types of career mobility and the factors that have an influence upon career mobility in the integrative viewpoint based on recent academic research findings. II. MODEL OF CAREER MOBILITY 1. Definitions of Career Mobility Concepts of career mobility are definded differently according to the viewpoint of researchers' academic standing. According to Veiga (1983), there are two aspects of career mobility, one of which is external career mobility, namely rate of movement, and the other of which is internal career mobility, namely propensity to move. Rate of movement is also defined variously. For instance, Jennings (1967) defined rata of movement as a executives' location in the hierarchy of organization. Gursky (1966) defined it as a number of levels in an organization and individual has risen. Veiga (1981) defined it as the average time per position. Propensity to move, a more subjective measure of a manager's mobility disposition has been within the field of organizational commitment. Grusky (1966) has stressed the perceived utility of continued participation in the employing organization. ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) In this study I took four indices as the external career mobility and one internal career mobility index. As the external career mobility I chose rate of movement, upward career mobility, lateral career mobility, geographic career mobility. Rate of movement is the concept Veiga (1981b, 1983) used in his study and the other three indices is my own idea. And as the internal career mobility propensity to move was chosen. Model of career mobility of this study is shown in the following Figure I. 2. Career Mobility Influences variables 1) Organization Dimension (1) Department/Area.......Career mobility can be influenced by the part a manager is placed in. So I divided into four functional departments. (production/technology, financial/accounting, marketing/sales, personnel/planning, etc. (2) Nepotism....... There are traditional cultural factors that seem to have an influence upon career mobility. 2) Career Path Dimension (1) Elasticity.......Elasticity of career path is measured as the actual mobility of the proof occupant of the position. (2) Career opportunity......Career opportunity is measured by asking respondents to indicate the number of positions they can be asked to fill. (3) Exposure/Visibility.....,.Career mobility can be affected by how much a manager is exposed and visible to the superiors especially to the top management. 3) Individual Dimension (1) Career Mobility Perceptions...,.... There seem to be the two important mobility perceptions, Marketability is defined as the chances of obtaining a position in another company as good as their present one, Importance of job security means “career anchor”, the value managers place on job security and stability. (2) Career Mobility Attitudes,......, Fear of stagnation, career impatience, and career aspiration are the central mobility attitudes. (3) Alienation........I attempted to know how strongly mobiles or immobiles feel powerlessness, normlessness, social isolation. (4) Education......,..Education is supposed to be the important factor that dominate career mobility in Korean Firms. (5) Tenure.........Tenure; length of service time in an organization is likely to affect mobility especially in eastern society where seniority is taken importantly as a basis of mobility policy. (6) Existence of previous turnover.........Whether a manager has an experience of turnover preciously or not relates to career mobility. (7) Salary......,..Salary is supposed to be most influential among these in firms of Taejon Area. (8) Age ........Age is supposed to be the important factor that dominate career mobility in Korean Firms. 4) Career stage Career stage as a moderating variable is often discussed to have a relation with career mobility. III. EMPIRICAL FINDINGS Career related imformations were collected from the personnel movement record files and questionnaires responded by a total of 120 middle managers in firms which have above 200 workers of Taejon City. Multiple regression analysis method is used to estimate the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variables. Out of four external career mobility indices, upward career mobility was best estimated by the independent variables. This means rate of movement as the indicator of success in America doesn’t match the reality in Korean firms. Department, elasticity, exposure/visibility, career opportunity, education, existence of precious turnover were found to be related significantly to upward career mobility. And as a result of multiple regression analysis exposes were selected as the influential variables on the average rates of movement. The higher exposes become, the less the average rates of movement, so that the results are found to be opposite to the empirical research of Veiga. Therefore the average rates of movement as the career mobility indices are inappropriate for Korean firms. Because the relationship between the average rates of movement and the independent variables is hard to maintain validity, it is suitable to Korean situation to select the rates of upward mobility as the mobility indices. The hypothesis of "the career mobility of middle managers has the meaningful differences according to the inner background-age, position, or academic background." appeared almost proper. In the age and career mobility, all factors of the rate of upward mobility, of average mobility, between the places and propensity to move has the meaningful differences. In the position and career mobility, the rate of upward mobility appeared the meaningful difference. In the academic background, the rate of upward mobility, average mobility, and propensity to move has the meaningful difference. And the hypothesis of "the crisis of middle managers has the meaningful differences according to the inner background-age, position, or academic background." appeared mostly improper in the result of the actual proof analysis. In the age and career crisis, the age has the meaningful differences to the condition of career crisis. The position has the influence on the career crisis, but the academic back-ground does not have and meaningful differences to the career crisis. IV. CONCLUSION The career mobility has the meaningful differences between age, position, the academic background. The executive knows the managers of this age, who are becoming old, are not suitable to the creative and challenging duties. Therefore middle managers should recognize the limit of promotion and be concerned with the duty satisfaction. At the same time the executive should help middle managers concentrate on further education and self development. And the career crisis has the meaningful differences in part to the age, position, and academic background. Inspite of the small sample size, I can get some meaningful implications in this study. First, not as in America where mobility ethos is prevalent, upward mobility is the best indicator to explain occupational success in firms of Taejon City. This result demands a reconsideration to the recent tendency of Organizational Behavior research in Korea. Second, introduction of CDP (Career Development Planning) can be suggested to improve organizational effectiveness as a tool of rational personnel policy. Too many unplanned job relations are practiced in Korean firms, but they do no good not only for an individual but also for the organization. The objective of the organization and the need of an individual can be matched in career development and planning.

      • 도시연담화 방지 논리의 도시계획적 의미와 그린벨트 정책의 시사점 : 영국의 런던지역과 한국의 수도권을 중심으로

        최원봉 漢陽大學校 大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        지금까지 도시연담화에 대한 개념은 경계구분에만 초점이 맞추어져 있었다. 경계구분을 위해 사용된 수단은 완충녹지와 그린벨트 같은 오픈스페이스였다. 특히, 한국의 그린벨트 정책은 지금까지 도시간의 경계구분에 초점이 맞추어져 있었다. 이러한 사항은 1999년 그린벨트 조정과정에서 더욱 분명하게 드러났다. 조정과정에 반영된 ‘연담화 방지를 위해 일정 폭의 그린벨트는 해제하지 않는다.’는 방침은 도시연담화 방지 논리에 대한 의문점을 가중시켰다. 이에 본 논문의 목적은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 도시연담화가 도시문제로 인식되게 된 원인과 그 의미는 무엇인지를 파악한다. 둘째, 그 속에 숨어있는 방지 논리가 경계구분에만 국한되어 있는 것인지에 대한 의문점을 해석해 보는 것이다. 셋째, 이를 통해 한국의 그린벨트 정책에 대한 시사점을 제시해보는 것이다. 이러한 목적을 밝혀내기 위해 본 논문에서는 도시연담화 개념과 그린벨트의 시초국가인 영국을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 특히, 도시연담화 개념과 관계된 영국의 도시계획가 4인의 저서를 통해 그 논리를 파악하고자 하였다. 4인의 계획가는 그린벨트 개념을 도입한 하워드, 연담화라는 단어를 창안한 게데스, 그린거들의 창시자 언윈, 그린벨트를 실현시킨 아버크롬비이다. 이들의 저서는 연담화의 개념과 방지 논리를 밝혀낼 수 있는 핵심이다. 이와 더불어, 현재 영국의 그린벨트와 한국의 개발제한구역의 비교를 통해 도시연담화 논리를 현대적 의미에서 해석하려 하였다. 이를 통해 한국의 그린벨트 정책에 대한 올바른 방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 이상에 대한 결과와 올바른 정책적 대안은 다음과 같다. 먼저, 도시연담화의 개념은 중심도시의 확산에 따라 인접 중소도시가 병합되어 하나의 거대도시가 형성되는 것으로 정의되었다. 단순히 도시와 도시가 확산에 따라 연접하는 현상과는 그 의미에서 차이가 있었다. 이에 따라, 도시와 도시간에 존재하던 녹지는 잠식되고, 기반시설은 확충되지 못하게 되는 것이다. 이러한 측면에서 도시연담화 방지논리를 설명할 수 있다. 도시연담화는 당시, 하나의 도시문제로 인식되었다. 연담화가 도시문제로 인식되게 된 것은 도시는 확산하는데 반해 기반시설은 확충되지 못했기 때문이다. 또한, 도시 사이에 존재하던 녹지가 잠식되어 도시민이 생활할 수 있는 환경은 점점 열악해지게 되는 것이다. 따라서, 도시연담화 방지 논리를 도시계획적 측면에서 해석해보면, 도시연담화 현상은 도시민의 ‘삶의 질’에 대한 저하로 규명될 수 있는 것이다. 그 가장 큰 원인은 녹지 및 오픈스페이스의 유실이다. 도시연담화 방지에는 유실된 녹지의 회복이라는 논리가 삽입되어야 하는 것이다. 연담화의 의미와 방지 논리를 통한 한국의 그린벨트 정책에 대한 시사점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 21세기의 도시정책에 맞는 환경성의 강조 측면에서 정책이 수립되어야 한다. 둘째, 오픈스페이스의 기능을 최대화하기 위해 접근성을 확보할 수 있는 방안이 수립되어야 한다. 셋째, 자족적 신도시와 같은 계획적 개발 수단이 필요하다. 넷째, 연담화 방지 논리를 적용한 시민 우선의 정책이 수립되어야 한다. 이를 정리해보면, 그린벨트를 경계구분용 녹지로 이용할 것이 아니라, 도시민에게 유용한 녹지로 공급할 수 있는 정책을 수립해야 한다는 것이다. 지금까지 도시연담화를 대상으로 한 연구는 전혀 존재하지 않았다. 또한, 원론적 접근을 통해 그린벨트를 파악하려는 시도도 거의 존재하지 않았다. 단지, 그린벨트의 현 상황과 관련된 연구만 이루어졌을 뿐이다. 원론적 접근을 통해 도시연담화의 올바른 의미를 찾아내어 올바른 정책적 시사점을 제시한 것이 본 연구의 의의라 하겠다.

      • 매개변수에 따른 해저관로 주변의 국부세굴

        崔源奉 충북대학교 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        Submarine pipelines are used in coastal structures. The pipelines are installed in marine environments for transportation of gas and crude oil from offshore platforms, and for the disposal of industrial and municipal waste water into the sea. In order to ensure these pipelines are stable and functional during their project life, attention must be paid to their design and coastal processes. In the design phase, the possibility of local scouring under submarine pipelines must be taken into consideration. --------------------------------------------------------------- * A thesis for the degree of engineering in August 2007. When a structure such as a pipeline is placed in a marine environment, the very presence of the structure will change the flow and wave field in its immediate neighborhood, resulting in one or more of the following phenomena: The contraction of flow; the formation of a horseshoe vortex in front of the structure; the formation of lee-wave vortices(with or without vortex shedding) behind the structure; the generation of turbulence; the occurrence of reflection and diffraction of waves; and the occurrence of wave breaking. These changes usually cause an increase in the local sediment transport capacity, and thus lead to scour. Scour is a threat to the stability of the structure. In this study, the characteristics of local scour on submarine pipelines were investigated by hydraulic model tests. To do this, wave generator was used in waves condition. In the case of wave, the experiments were done in a horizontal and a slope bed. The wave height(H), the wave period(T) and the embedment depth were varied. Scour depth and development of scour near the pipeline are observed due to variation of pipe diameter, wave height and wave period. The experiments showed that the maximum equilibrium local scour depth increases with the pipe diameter, the wave height and the wave period. The correlations of scour depth and parameters such as a Reynolds number(Re), Shields number(), Keulegan -Carpenter number(KC), Ursell number() and modified Ursell number() were analyzed. In the case of wave condition, KC number and modified Ursell number are main parameters to cause the local scour around the submarine pipelines.

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