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      • 아토피 피부염 환자의 한의학적 유형분류에 대한 임상적 연구

        윤화정,고우신 동의대학교 한의학연구소 2001 동의한의연구 Vol.5 No.-

        목적 : 아토피 피부염의 진단에 있어 가장 중요한 것은 임상적인 증상이며, 상태의 평가와 치료효과에 대한 기준의 연구가 계속 시도되고 있다. 이에 우리는 한의학적인 진단 기준의 확립을 위해 이 연구를 시도하였다. 방법 : 2000년 3월부터 2000년 9월까지 6개월간 동의대학교 부속한방병원 한방 피부과에 내원한 아토피 피부염 환자 50명을 대상으로 하였다. 결론 : 1. 아토피 피부염 환자를 濕熱型과 血虛風燥型으로 한의학적인 임상유형으로 분류하였다. 2. 아토피 피부염 환자를 변증 유형별로 분석해보니 초진시에는 濕熱型이 많았으며 치료를 해나감에 따라 급성기 증상이 작아지고 血虛風燥型이 많아졌다. 3. 환자 50명 중 남녀비율로 볼 때 17명 대 33명으로 여자 환자가 약 2배 가량 많았으며, 시기별로 분류하면 제3기 즉 성인기 환자가 반 이상을 차지하였다. 4. 유아기 환자들은 범위가 넓지 않고 병변 상태는 중등도이며, 사춘기 및 성인기로 갈수록 부위는 미만성으로 몸 전체에 퍼져있으며 상태 또한 중증이 많이 나나타났다. 5. 부위 및 병변별 점수와 호전도를 분석한 결과 부위는 팔, 무릎이 가장 심했으며, 증상은 소양감의 호소가 가장 많았고, 치료함에 따라 미란, 홍반의 증상이 큰 호전도를 보였다. 6. Total IgE치를 측정한 결과 50명중 38명이 정상수치 이상으로 대체로 혈청 IgE와 연관성이 있으나, 아토피 피부염의 심한 정도와 일정하게 비례하는 것은 아니었다. Objectives : Atopic dermatitis(AD) assume an remarkable clinical aspect and it's diagnosis almost depends on clinical symptoms. Therefore, we aimed to study the clinical diagnostic standard of AD for more accurate treatment. We report as follows; Methods : For 6 months from March to August in 2000 we selected fifty outpatients who were prognosis of AD in the department of dermatology, Oriental media hospitol, Dong-eui University. Results and Conclusions : 1. We classified of the grade, the condition of AD patient was slight and severe, by the sum of total by the clinical index of AD (diagnostic features). 2. By consulting previous oriental medical theories, we divided symptom-complex (辨證) of AD into two type ; one was damp-heat type (濕熱型) and the other was deficiency of blood-wind-dryness type(血虛風燥型). 3. Male to female ratio was 17 : 33 and the third time, adolescence patients was nae than half. 4. According to the results of symptom - complex(辨證) of AD patients, on the first examination damp-heat type(濕熱型) was mere than deficiency of blood-wind-dryness type(血虛風燥型) and in progressing treatment, the condition has been change to deficiency of blood-wind-dryness type(血虛風燥型). 5. In the lesions of AD, arm and knee were most serious skin lesions and in symptoms of AD, pruritus was most complained, and in progressing treatment, erosion and erythema were greatly improved. 6. When we measured the levels of serum Total IgE, that of thirty eight patients were higher than that of normal, but elevation of serum IgE levels was not correlated with the severity of AD.

      • 慢性 腎不全에 對한 韓醫學的인 考察 및 臨床適用

        박상욱,김종환,황원덕 동의대학교 한의학연구소 2002 동의ㆍ경산 한의학 학술대회 Vol.6 No.-

        In Oriental Medical theory, origin of kidney's weakness or atrophy is Sin-ki(腎氣) and function of Sam-cho(三焦) deteriorate, it result in a passage of evacuation is blocked. - In Oriental Medicine, Sin(腎) take charge of storing and evacuating function, by taking ki(氣) of O-Jang-Yuk-Bu(the five viscera and the six entrails). - The cause of reducing of Sin-ki and Sam-cho's evacuative function is Hu-han(Emptiness and Coldness) of O-Jang-Yuk-Bu's activity. So we do not treat only kidney, but we also must focus O-jang-Yuk-Bu's organic- function and Young-wi-Sam-cho's function. A Renal Failure is similar in symptom to Kwan-kyuk, oliguria or anuria, edema, Hu-son, Sin-pung and Yuk-kuk in korean medicine. We grasp symptom of 7 cases of chronic renal failure, diagnose its pathology based on Sa-jin(四診), and prescribed herbal medicines. And We control a prescription by changing symptom. We repeat medical examination for confirmation of effective result, report clinical progress and result which based on this examination.

      • 중풍환자의 혈압양상에 관한 임상적 고찰

        崔文卿,權貞南,金瑩均 동의대학교 한의학연구소 2001 동의한의연구 Vol.5 No.-

        中風은 암ㆍ심장 질환과 더불어 세계 3대 사망 원인 중 하나이며, 특히 우리나라에서는 최근 전체 사망 원인 중 1위를 차지하고 있어 그 원인질환 치료 및 예방의 중요성이 더욱 부각되고 있다. 한편, 고혈압이 중풍의 가장 주요한 원인 중의 하나로 알려져 있어 필자는 Brain CT 및 Brain MRI 上 뇌졸중으로 진단받고 동의대학교 한의과대학 부속 한방병원에서 입원치료를 받은 환자 467명의 치료기록을 무작위로 추출하여 중풍 환자의 고혈압 분포와 평균 혈압, 혈압강하제 복용 여부, 입원기간 및 혈압강하제 복용에 따른 혈압의 변화 양상 등을 분석하여 유의한 결과를 얻었다. 이에 분석 결과를 다음과 같이 보고하여 중풍환자의 혈압관리 및 치료의 지표가 되고자 한다. 본 연구에서 고혈압 환자의 비중은 수축기 혈압을 기준으로 전체 467명 중 283명(60.6%)이 고혈압이었고 이완기 혈압 기준으로는 257명(55%)이 고혈압이었으며, 고혈압 환자의 연령별 분포에서는 6~70대가 70% 이상의 절대 다수를 차지하였다. 입원할 당시의 혈압강하제 복용 여부별 분포는 입원 전부터 복용하던 군<가군>이 191명(40.9%), 퇴원시까지 전혀 복용하지 않은 군<나군>이 215명(46.04%), 입원 중에 투약 받은 군<다군>이 61명(13.06%)이었다. 전체 환자의 입원 당일 평균혈압은 153.7/94.4이고, 퇴원일 평균 혈압은 134.6/85.3이었다. 입원기간에 관계없이, 혈압강하제 복용 여부에 관계없이 혈압의 변화 양상이 모두 유의성 있게 하락하였으며, 혈압강하제 복용군과 복용하지 않은 군 사이에 혈압의 하락 폭에는 큰 차이가 없었다. Paralysis is a neurological disease which suffers numerous people around the world as well as Korea. It is one of the main three causes of death. The two others are cancer and hearth disease. To made matters worse, particularly, paralysis ranks top in the list of death causes of Korean people. This researcher randomly sampled and analyzed medical records of 467 patients who was hospitalized and treated at Chinese Medicine hospital of Dongeui university after they were diagnosed as having cerebral homorrahage through Brain CT and Brain MRI photography. The researcher checked those paralyzed patients from entering till leaving the hospital in regard to their high blood pressure distribution, average blood pressure, whether they took blood pressure medicines or not, and variations in blood pressure in accordance with the time period of hospitalization and whether or not the patients took medicines treating blood pressure. In terms of high blood pressure, 283(60.6%) patients among the total surveyed in this study were found having high blood pressure provided considered based on the contraction stage of blood pressure, while 257(55%) was under an equivalent status based on the relaxation stage of the same measure. These indicate that an absolute majority of high blood pressure patients was occupied by those at their 60s and 70s. Categorized in accordance to whether they had took any medicines to control blood pressure at the time of entering hospital, the total subject was divided into A, B and C groups. Out of 467 patients, in detail, 191(40.9%) became under <Group A>, 215(46.4%), <Group B> and 61(13.06%), <Group C>. For all the patients selected for the study, mean blood pressure was 153.7/94.4 when they were hospitalized and 134.6/85.3 when they left hospital. In <Group C> whose 61 members began to take blood pressure medicines during hospitalization, average blood pressure significantly decreased to 148.0/93.1 after taking the medicines from 164.3/101.3 before the treatment. Consequently, the level of blood pressure in the part of the whole patients under survey here was significantly changed or decreased after they received proper treatments and according to the time period of their hospitalization.

      • 고도근시에 대한 증례1례

        서창훈,권정남,김영균 동의대학교 한의학연구소 2000 동의ㆍ경산 한의학 학술대회 Vol.4 No.-

        1. 목적 : 고도근시에 대해 한의학적 치료(탕약, 침치료)를 통하여 호전을 보기위함 2. 방법 : 淸心蓮子湯加味와 董氏 鍼治療(上三黃, 下三皇, 上白, 立白)를 2개월간 시술하여고 도근시와 임상증상의 변화를 보고자함 3. 결과 : 상기의 치료법을 이용하여 頭重, 頭痛, 眩暈, 盜汗, 上熟感 등의 來院 時 臨床 症狀은 다 소실되었고 재발하지 않았으며 치료 도중 호소한 小便頻數, 飛蚊症도 消失되었고 고도근시는 右眼 視力이 안경(-13D)착용한 상태에서 0.2에서 2개월 치료 후 안경(-10D) 착용한 상태에서 右眼이 0.7로 호전됨 4. 결론 : 淸心蓮子湯加味와 董氏 鍼治療(上三養, 下三皇, 上白, 立白)는 頭重, 頭痛, 眩暈, 盜汗, 上熱感, 小便頻數, 飛蚊症등의 臨床 症狀 및 고도근시에 유효한 효과를 가진다.

      • 骨多孔症의 韓醫學的 治療에 대한 文獻的 考察

        이채훈,이인선 동의대학교 한의학연구소 2000 동의한의연구 Vol.4 No.-

        西洋醫學的으로 骨多孔症을 治療, 豫防하기 위하여 많은 硏究와 努力이 있었음에도 불구하고 현시점에서 骨多孔症을 완벽하게 豫防하거나 減少된 骨量을 완전히 回復시킬 수 있는 方法은 밝혀지지 않았으며 現在까지 開發된 治療方法 또한 效果가 만족스럽지 못한 水準이고 治療劑에 의한 不作用도 報告되고 있는 실정이다. 이에 한의학계에서는 傳統的인 韓醫壑的 觀點에 바탕을 두고 西洋醫學的 治療法의 限界를 補完하거나 西洋醫學的 治療法과는 전혀 다른 시도를 하기 위한 硏究가 活潑해지고 있다. 이에 著者는 骨多孔症의 韓醫學的 治療와 관련된 國內外 醫學書籍? 그리고 中國의 臨床 및 實驗論文들과 國內에서 발표된 實驗論文, 學術誌, 黃帝內經이래 近世朝鮮까지의 주요 學文獻을 代償으로 考察한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 骨多孔症은 '腎臟精 主骨生髓의 生理 機轉과 깊은 聯關이 있다. 2. 骨多孔症의 辨證 類型은 脾氣虛型의 頻度가 가장 높으며 腎腸許形이 그 다음이다. 3. 骨多治療에 사용된 經絡은 足太陰肺經, 足少陰脾經, 足少陰腎經의 穴位가 가장 많이 言及 되었다. 4. 治療의 治穴位중에서 腎兪, 懸鍾, 商丘, 東骨이 骨의 弱化를 主症狀으로 하는 골위, 骨痺, 骨極의 治療穴로 記錄되었다. 5. 骨多孔症의 治療 刺戟方法으로는 瀉法보다는 補法이 適合하며 灸法도 應用될 수 있을 것으로 보인다. This is a study for osteoporosis through oricntal mcdicine treatment that is collected many medical imformations. 1. Osteoporosis is connected with physiological system that mention 'the kidney store vital exxence, the kidney is in charge of the born and forms marrow'. 2. Differentiation of symptoms and signs of osteoporosis are insufficience of the spleen-qi, insufficience of the kidney-yin, insufficience of the kidney-yang, insufficience of both kidney yin and yang, insufficience of both qi and blood and so on. Differentiation of symptoms and signs of insufficience of kidney-yin is highest. Next is insufficience of kidney-yang. 3. Meridian using in Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy is The Arm Greater Um Lung Meridian, The Arm Yang-Myung Large Intestin Meridian, The Leg Greater Um Spleen Meridian, The Arm Lesser Um Heart Meridian, The Leg Greater Yang Bladder Meridian, The Leg Lesser Um Kidney Meridian, The Arm Absolute Um Pericardium Meridian, The Leg Lesser Yang Gallbladder Meridian and Conception Vessel Meridian. In these, especially The Leg Greater Yang Bladder Meridian, The Leg Lesser Um Kidney Meridian, The Leg Lesser Galbladder Meridian's meridian point is spoken much. 4, In therapy meridian point of bone disease, Shinsu, Kollyun, Yongchon, Chagung, Oktang, Puryu, Sanggwan, T'aebaek, Taejo, Hyonjong, Sangnyom, Sanggu, Kyoksu, Pisu, Chungbu, Honmum, Kokt'aek, Yangbo, Kyoung-gol, Chokt'a다, Yongdo, Kyunu are written. In these Shinsu, Hyonjong, Sanggu, Kyoung-gol is spoken as therapy menridian point in main syndrom of bone'weakness's atrophic, rheumatism involving the bome. 5. In therapy method to stimulus of Osteporsis reinforcement is more suitable than purgation, moxibustion is also usable.

      • 頭鍼이 中風患者의 단기간 NIHSS와 MBI에 미치는 영향

        류재춘,박인범,김상우,김철홍,서정철,윤현민,장경전,송춘호,안창범 동의대학교 한의학연구소 2002 동의한의연구 Vol.6 No.-

        Objective ; The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Scalp acupuncture on recovery of motor disorders in stroke patients. Methods ; Twenty two patients with poststroke-hemiplegia were randomized into two groups. Ten patients(test group) treated by 2 methods-Scalp acupuncture and body acupuncture. The other twelve patients(control group) treated only by body acupuncture. The activity of daily living was measured with a National Institutes of Health stroke scale(NIHSS) and Modified Barthel Index(MBI). The therapy was performed one a day for 2 weeks. Results ; In terms of score of NIHSS, the test group showed statistically meaningful decrease after 2 week treatment, but the control group showed statistically meaningful decrease after 1 week(p<0.05). And in terms of score of MBI, the test group did not show statistically meaningful increase but the control group showed statistically meaningful increase after 1 week(p<O.05). There was no statistically meaningful difference after 1 and 2 week treatment between the groups. Conclusions ; These results support that test group has almost same effectness compared with control group in improvement of the activity of daily living of poststroke-hemiplegic patients.

      • 군신좌사론에 의한 계지탕의 계지 생약명

        이익재,김인락 동의대학교 한의학연구소 2000 동의한의연구 Vol.4 No.-

        계지탕의 去皮柱枝가 오늘날의 桂枝인지 桂心인지를 君臣佐使論에 근거하여 판별하였다. 상한론과 금궤요락에서 탐제이면서 구성약재는 3종이상이고 구성약재중 하나가 처방명인 처방들은 모두 24종이고, 이들에서 공통점은 처방명을 이루는 약재가 君藥이고 分量도 가많다. 계지탕에서 去皮계지가 작약, 생강과 동량으로 3兩이다. 거피계지가 君藥의 조건에 합당하려면 柱心이어야지 去皮전의 육계는 3냥이상이 된다. 뇌공포자론에 의하면 계심 3냥은 肉桂로서는 9.6냥이며 최대량이 된다. 계지는 發散하고 계심은 溫??한다는 학설은 재고의 여지가 있다. The purpose of this study is to discriminate whether barked gyeji in Gyejitang is Cassiae cortex interior or Ranmulus cinnamoni. The types of herb prescription in Sanghanron and Gumgueyoryak, which is boiled in water and is composed of more than three herbs and of which the name is compsed with one of composing hertbal name, were analyzed by the theory of principal, adjuvant, auxillary and conducant ingrediants in a prescription.

      • 평간개울지혈탕이(平肝開鬱止血湯) 사염화탄소에(四鹽化炭素) 의한 간기능장애에 대한 영향

        吳世光,金宇煥 동의대학교 한의학연구소 1998 동의한의연구 Vol.2 No.-

        This study was undertaken to determine if Pyungangaeuljyhyul-tang (PG) has a protective effect against CCL-induced liver cell injury in rabbits. Rabbits were treated intraperitoneally with 0.5㎖/㎏ of CCL₄. In experiments for PG effect, rabbits were pretreated with 2.5 ㎖ of PG for 24 hr before and 24 hr after injection of CCL₄. When rabbits were treated with CCL₄, serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activities were increased compared with the control. Such an increase in enzyme activity was significantly inhibited by pretreatment of PG. CCL₄ treatment incrased lipid peroxidation, and its effect was prevented by PG. CCL₄ treatment resulted in a reduction of reduced glutathione (GSH) and an increase of oxidized glutathione (GSSG), which were attenuated by pretreatment of PG. These results suggest that PG could be used in prevention and treatment of drug-induced liver cell injury. However, the precise mechanisms of PG protection remain to be determined.

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