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      • 慶州地域 新羅古墳 出土 像形土器의 檢討

        한도식 경주대학교 대학원 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 248623

        This study focused on making an investigation into the shaped-pottery, which seem that we can infer part of ancient society, excavated from Kyongju area. This paper, by analyzing and examining the excavation sites and the shaped-pottery among the objects, shows that there are the mutual relationships each other and each shaped-pottery has some feature and change aspect according to the age. I presume that the shaped-pottery was used not in daily lives like the stem bowls and long-necked jar but in a funeral ceremony which performed a religious ritual to pray the dead person to go another comfortable world after death. The results of this study may be summarized as follows. The shaped-pottery which was found for the first time in the wood-lined chamber tomb with earthen mounds during the Proto-Three Kingdoms period, after that, were also appeared with the various and different style not only in wooden-chambered tomb with stone mounds, stone-lined pit tomb and jar coffin tomb during the Three Kingdoms period but also in stone-chambered tomb and funeral urn tomb during the Unified Silla period. Though shown in every kind of burial style at that time, they were generally buried with the dead who seemed to have the upper social status, judging from other burial objects. Those days, However, the size of tomb didn't always correspond to the social class. The burial location and excavated condition of them were a little different from each other according to the period and burial type. Generally, the previous studies suggested a prevalent theory that the shaped-pottery originated from Kaya region like Talsung, Hyunpoong, Haman and so on and spread over Kyongju area. On account of the accumulation of the recent excavation sources, though, the assumption needs to be modified. I have already mentioned that the origin of the shaped-pottery occured from the wood-lined chamber tomb with earthen mounds during the Proto-Three Kingdoms period. In the cases of duck-shaped one, the early one had only body without head and feet, then had feet, and about the mid 4th century the most balanced duck-shaped pottery appeared. Duck-shaped ones between the late 4th century and 5th century, however, had had many difference from the former period's. The body became smaller and unbalanced than before and got decoration on the surface. Besides the plume on the head disappeared and the head looking at the front turned toward other direction. It got more and more realistic. From the Three kingdoms period (the early 5th century) their shapes became various. Most of them were very realistic. For example, the house-shaped pottery, one of the outer one of the funeral urn in the Unified Silla period, shows the house structure of those day's precisely. Acknowledging this study is limited on the specific pottery among many objects excavated from the Silla tombs in Kyongju, and deficient to the entire research on the shaped-pottery. I expect that new study will be kept accomplishing on all the shaped-one as well as on the provenance unknown one by accumulating and analyzing more research sources.

      • 경주시 도심 쇠퇴현상 진단과 도심재생 방안에 관한 연구 -경주시를 중심으로-

        정재원 경주대학교 일반대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 248623

        Study on Diagnosis on the Urban Declination Figure of Gyeong-Ju City and Urban Readjustment Plan -Focused on Gyeong-Ju City- Jae Won Jung Department of Urban Engineering The Graduate School Gyeong-Ju University (Supervised by Professor Kyung Dae Kim) (Abstract) Urban readjustment is aimed to raise the area’s habitability and competitiveness while keeping unique characteristics of the area, not reproducing and expanding the realignment of urban environment with its size such as reconstruction and redevelopment etc. by spot developments in the meantime. Therefore, the readjustment has an assignment of having to accept various needs such like environmental repair in the physical aspect, economic infrastructures revival in the socioeconomic aspect and inhabit environment improvement for residents etc. In case of the downtown of Gyeong-Ju City, urban problems same as deterioration and vitality decline etc. of urban district center are being occurred along with suburbanization figure, and many obstacles in the urban adjustment and growth are being followed owing to designation of all kinds of protection areas and districts. Specially, the spatial structure problems from new city development at railway station sphere owing to opening of high-speed railroad is connected to the occurrence of hollowing phenomenon of the downtown and further contains probability of more seriousness in the problem of downtown declination. This study will review urban space’s problems and an urban readjustment plan which can solve the hollowing phenomenon through downtown analysis in Gyeong-Ju City where is being declined because of these environmental changes and regulations. The purpose of this thesis: First, this study is aimed to analyze population and socioeconomic factors for grasping downtown characteristics in the area of Gyeong-Ju, urban special characteristic through downtown investigation and the status and causes of downtown declination Second, the study intends to raise competitiveness of the downtown by suggesting improvable methods of downtown declination, and preventing hollowing phenomenon and enabling it do a base of continuous urban development. The study investigated detailed situations and resident opinions which were difficult to ensure by general field investigation through consciousness survey of downtown residents and use citizens. Composition of the questionnaire was tried to extract declination reasons of downtown by diagnosing of downtown declination after evaluating on the present downtown area from its general affairs. As the analytical results of downtown declination reasons in Gyeong-Ju City based on citizen consciousness investigation along with these analyzed statistic data, the reasons were composed of the following 4 kinds: First, insufficiency in infra facility’s expansion and their repairs; Second, repair shortage on resident environment; Third, insufficient leisure facilities and repair shortage; Fourth, various regulations relating to cultural assets and historical culture landscape. Specially, the regulations on the preservation of ancient capital and cultural assets were causing inconveniences in actual lives and adding citizens’damages such as drop in real estate value, loss of developmental opportunity, incarceration of architectures and quality decrease in resident environment etc. So, this study analyzed that systematic arrangement on the regulations from laws and institutions should be preferential along with residents’assistance methods. Accordingly, this study recognizes the comprehensive factors of urban declination as related laws of historical culture landscape (The Law for Ancient Capital Preservation), and suggests urban readjustment plans in physical/environmental aspects, industrial/economic ones and social/cultural aspects. First, as a urban readjustment plan in physical/environmental aspects to solve problems of urban environment declination, the study suggested establishment of circulation systems in outer/inner roads at downtown and stability of life basements through readjustment of incarcerated resident areas as a propelling assignment, and thus intended to create urban spaces which were condensed and high in efficiency. Second, the study tried to establish self-sufficient economic bases by activating large traditional markets which had big ripple effects to regional economy while constructing bases of tourism industry which could be said as a basic industry in the region from industrial/economic aspects so as to solve declination problem in the regional economy. Third, from social/cultural aspects so as to readjust characteristics of the downtown itself, the study intended to establish cultural infrastructure for creating regional culture environment along with forming urban landscapes for securing identity as historical culture Gyeong-Ju City, and thus induce quality improvement of life to be possible while sustaining socio-cultural characteristics of the area itself. The most important tasks for urban adjustment are legal/institutional policies, and the loss of asset value in the preservation districts shall be compensated by introducing transaction system of floor area ratio so as to preserve the ancient capital. Also, recognition on the purchase claim and immigration countermeasures have to be prepared for the residents in the preservation areas, and residents assistance could be made through aggressive tax reduction and exemption.

      • 택시제도의 효율적인 운영 방안에 關한 硏究 : 경주시를 중심으로

        공표덕 慶州大學校 大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 248623

        우리나라 택시의 경우, 이용측면에서나 수송분담률측면에서 볼 때 대중교통에 가까운 역할을 담당하고 있다고 할 수 있으나, 적정 택시대수를 산정하는 모형이 정립되지 않아 택시증차규모 결정시 이해관계자들의 마찰로 사회적 물의를 일으키며 이를 조정하는데 행정력이 낭비되고 있는 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 택시 이용자와 업체 그리고 운전기사의 입장이 반영된 적정 실차율, 교통여건, 이용객수의 변화들을 고려한 택시 증차대수 산정을 위한 합리적 기준을 제시하고자 하다. 따라서 본 연구의 주요 목표는 다음과 같이 요약될 수 있다. 첫째, 택시 본래의 기능 회복을 위한 방안의 제시. 둘째, 우수 적격자 선별을 위한 개인택시면허 신청기준의 재조정. 셋째, 택시사업의 건전한 발전방안 모색. 넷째, 면허신청 준비자들에 대한 집단민원해소방안의 제시. 다섯째, 경주시의 적정한 택시대수를 위한 부제의 조정. 이러한 방안들이 개인택시면허발급 우선순위를 강화하여 면허발급 대기자의 불만을 해소하며, 서비스의 질적 향상 및 안전성을 문제삼아 경주시를 찾는 관광객들 및 개인택시 면허발급을 기다리는 대기자들의 불만을 해소하여 보다 나은 경주시를 만들어 관광 도시로서의 면모를 찾고 불법적으로 거래되는 택시문제를 문제삼아 법적 근거를 확고히 하는 한편 활증제도에 대한 다른 도시와 비교하여 문제시되는 부분을 고칠 수 있는 방안을 제안하고자 한다. The traffic sharing rate of taxies almost plays the same role as the mass transportation but there are public troubles and wasteful expenditure because of the friction between the parties concerned who decide the number of taxies. This study presents a proper standard for the rate of the taxies which have passengers, transportation condition, computing an appropriate raising number of taxies. The purpose of this study is to show a traffic improvement plan - a reasonable standard for the taxi license system and to solve general problems related the system. The details are as follows. First, a plan to recover the taxi original functions Second, the modulation of the application standard to select better drivers Third, searching methods to improve taxi business Fourth, a better civil affairs administration for the applicants Finally, looking for methods for computing a proper number of taxies The methods above strengthen the issuing system of the taxi driver's license to settle the complaints from the applicants who wait for the licence and they improve the safety as well as the quality of the taxi service to make the tourism city of Gyeongju better. Furthermore, the methods have a base role to prevent illegal taxi trade and examine the taxi's extra charge system different from other cities.

      • 경주남산 佛敎遺蹟의 시대별 형성과정과 特徵

        김구석 경주대학교 대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 248623

        신라 불교유적의 보고인 남산은 7세기 초를 시작으로 신라를 지나 고려가 도래하기 전까지 많은 수의 사찰과 불교미술이 조성되었다. 그동안 남산의 불교유적은 개별 유적에 대한 연구와 접근이 오랫동안 이루어져 왔지만 남산이라는 큰 틀에서 전체 유적을 이해하고자 하는 시도는 미흡하였다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 오랜 시간 동안 경주 남산이라는 특정한 산을 중심으로 많은 수의 불교유적이 집중되고 누적될 수밖에 없는 이유에 대해 거시적인 안목으로 접근해 보고자 하였다. 더 나아가 이러한 접근 방법을 통해 남산을 보다 폭넓게 이해하고 경주, 더 나아가 신라의 불교문화에서 남산이 차지하는 위치에 대해 고찰해 보고자 하였다. 본 논문을 통해 밝혀진 남산 불교유적의 의의와 특징은 두 가지로 설명할 수 있다. 남산의 유적들은 북쪽 기슭에서부터 7세기 전반~중반 경에 주로 조성되기 시작하였으며, 서남산에는 좀 더 연대가 올라가는 경우도 있으나 그 외에는 모두 8~9세기에 조성되었다. 따라서 남산은 왕경과 가까운 북쪽에서 시작하여 점차 남쪽으로 유적이 조성되는 경향을 보인다. 특히, 서남산에는 신라 건국에 관련된 유적들이 남아있어서 신라사 전개와 깊이 연관된다고 생각된다. 결국 7세기 전반 경에 처음 불적이 조성되기 시작하여 통일 이후 세련되고 사실적인 불적들이 크게 융성하다가 9세기에는 새로운 시대양식을 창안하여 10세기 이후에는 유지, 보수되면서 고려를 지나 조선후기까지 면면히 이어오고 있다. 남산 불교유적의 특징은 삼국시대부터 고려, 조선시대까지 다른 지역에 비해 오랜 기간 동안 조상활동이 꾸준히 이루어지고 있다. 다양한 시대동안 축적된 불교유적의 형식과 도상이 다채롭게 나타나고 있다는 점을 들 수 있다. 특히 칠불암, 탑곡 사방불의 경우 통일신라시대 사방불 신앙이 반영된 조영물이며, 용장사지 삼륜대좌불상과 같은 경우 신라 다른 지역에서 나타나지 않은 독특한 불상대좌를 이루고 있다. 마애불 역시 탑곡 사방불에서는 신라의 가장 명확한 마애탑이 2기 조성되었고, 삼릉계 선각 육존불의 경우 회화적인 표현 방법과 함께 한국 불교미술에서 독창적인 도상 형식을 보여주고 있다. 또한 9세기 석탑에서 등장하고 있는 다양한 기단형식의 출현 역시 경주남산 불교미술의 대표적인 특징으로 생각된다. Namsan, a treasure house of the Shilla Buddhist relics, promoted the development of a lot of Buddhist temples and Buddhist art from the early seventh century of the Shilla Kingdom before the emergence of the Goryeo Dynasty. As far as the Buddhist relics of Namsan are concerned, individual remains have long been researched and considered, but the attempt to understand overall relics from the great framework of Namsan has been hardly made. Thus, the purpose of this research study is to investigate about why a number of Buddhist relics could not but be concentrated and gathered in a particular mountain, Namsan of Gyeongju, from macro-perspectives and approaches. And based on such approaches and methods, this study will understand about Namsan in a broader sense, and consider about the status that Namsan has in the Shilla Buddhist Culture. The significance and characteristics of the Buddhist relics of Namsan that this research study reviewed can be explained in the following two contexts. Namsan relics had begun to be introduced from the bottom of the north during the early and mid-the seventh century. In the case of the west of Namsan, the history of the relics was traced back to the earlier times. All remains except for the relies of the west of Namsan became the mainstream in the eighth and ninth centuries. Taking it into allowance, it seems that Namsan relics were developed gradually from the north close around Wanggyeong to the south. It is considered that in particular, Namsan of the west has something close to do with the development of the Shilla history, judging that it possesses a lot of relics related to the national foundation of the Shilla Kingdom. Finally, Namsan Buddhist relics began to be introduced for the first time in the early seventh century, and after the united Shilla, sophisticated and realistic Buddhist relics flourished. In the ninth century, such relics were patterned after new styles of the age, and the tenth century after they were maintained and managed, Buddhist relies were succeeded to the late period of the Joseon Dynasty going from the Goryeo Dynasty. One of the stark characteristics of Namsan Buddhist relies is that sculpture work of Buddhist statue had steadily been performed for a long period of time, there, from the age of the ancient three Kingdoms until the age of the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasty, compared with in any other regions. Another characteristic of such relics is that the images and icons of Buddhist relics accumulated for several periods are exhibited in various ways. Especially, Chilbulam (Seven Buddha Rocks), Sabangbul (Four-Directional Buddha Icons) in Namsan, Tapgok, were featured as the sculpture which reflected the belief of Sabangbul (Four-Directional Buddha Icons) of the era of unified Shilla. Samryundaejwa-bulsang (a Seated Stone Statue of Buddha) in the temple site, Yongjang, is referred as the specific architectural style that cannot be found in any other region of Shilla. In the case of Maaebul (Rock-Caved Buddha), there was developed No. 2 Maaetap (Rock-Caved Pagoda) as one of Sabangbul (Four-Directional Buddha Icons), Tapgok, well-known as the most specific masonry. Samreunggye Seongak Yukjeonbul (Yukjeonbul Carved in Samreung Valley) shows the figurative expression method and unique icon image that cannot be found in any area of the Korean Buddhist Art. Various base forms of stone pagoda in the ninth century are considered the major characteristic of Buddhist Art of Namsan of Gyeongju

      • 傳統明紬의 正統性과 繼承方案 : 慶州頭山마을 新羅明紬를 中心으로

        한순희 慶州大學校 一般大學院 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 248607

        Silk is a plain woven fabric created from raw material drawn from cocoons, woven with weft and warp, and is the only textile created from animals. The ancestral tradition of raw silk weaving from our ancestors has been passed on to the present day. However, the reality is that the traditional silk making technology is disappearing due to mechanization and cost-saving reasons brought on by industrialization. Therefore if we don’t preserve and protect our heritage, it will soon be extinct.. I have researched the history of silk, from prehistoric times to the Joseon Dynasty, by examining silk related documents and quoting original texts. In addition, after examining the traditional succession of Dusanri silk, I have observed the manufacturing process, examined genre paintings of Gisan as well as old pictures and have compared the legitimacy of Dusan silk. After researching on original Dusanri traditional hand made silk method, I proposed a basic framework for searching a plan to pass on this tradition and continuously preserve and protect it as an intangible cultural heritage. If silk has the historical properties and legitimacy to be an intangible cultural heritage, I propose this plan to make silk making techniques designated an intangible cultural heritage and continuously preserved and passed on. “Annals of Joseon Dynasty” replica, which was carried out as a national policy project for 2012~2013 cultural restoration. In order to mark the replica of part of the “Annals of Joseon Dynasty“ records, a total of 97 royal palace books (3 books of King Danjong, 32 books of King Sejo, 2 books of King Yejong, and 60 books of King Seongjeong), they used 13 new silks woven with a traditional loom using 10 marks of 2013 and 10 marks of 2013, and these were verified to have been used in the “Annals of Joseon Dyansty”. A standard method of weaving Dusanri traditional silk were recorded in the “Annals of the Joseon Dynasty," and these traditional techniques and methods have been passed on until the present day. And their historic legitimacy has been verified through document researches. A necessity is felt to preserve this tradition as an intangible cultural heritage and we need to look into ways to educate people on traditional cultural heritage, make it into a tourism resource and industrialization. Consequently, my research study was conducted under the following purpose. I have looked into a plan to pass on Doosan Silk tradition as it is a local specialty in the sense that it is connected to cultural industry. I proposed an alternative tourism development plan to create tourism resources of traditional culture, thus creating jobs for local people and increasing income. As the number of artisans producing funeral clothes is decreasing sharply today, and we feel that tradition will not be passed on, we sense a dire need to invest and focus our interests in historical and cultural resources. I hope that the hand woven silk work will help increase the dignity and self-respect of grandmothers who have woven silk for many decades. Hand silk has superior quality and is very scarce, so I believe this is a great opportunity to think about the plans for silk weavers to pass on this tradition. Furthermore, I hope that Dusanri Silk is revisited and contributes to revitalizing local culture. Based on this, I sincerely hope it leads to a path that will eventually attract tourists, contribute in beneficially commercialize culture, create jobs and increase local income in the region.

      • 경주시 역사문화도시의 주거환경개선방안에 관한 연구 : 경주시를 중심으로

        김용준 경주대학교 대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 248607

        우리나라의 도시들은 개발위주의 정책으로 각종 환경문제와 도시문제를 띄고 있다. 특히 도시고유의 역사와 문화에 대한 특성을 고려하지 않은 도시개발로 인한 Identity를 상실한 도시로 보여지고 있다. 이와 같은 도시 주거환경을 보존하기 위해서는 역사적 환경의 보존에 대한 연구를 바탕으로, 이를 도시계획에 활용할 수 있는 방안이 요구되고 있다. 도시를 구성하는 많은 환경 요소들 중에서 주거환경에 다양성을 부여하고, 주거환경의 정체성을 형성하는 작업은 도시를 보다 의미 있고 쾌적한 공간으로 만들기 위한 노력의 일환이라 할 수 있다. 현재 경주시의 가장 큰 문제는 개발이냐 보존이냐 하는 것이다. 이에 따라 파생되는 문제점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 지역 특수성 고려하지 않은 지구의 지정과 역사적 환경의 저해 둘째, 차량의 증가와 거주 밀도의 증가에 따른 보행 통로의 침해 셋째, 도로 확장에 따른 가로변의 무질서한 건축행위 넷째, 가구의 성격을 고려하지 않은 도시계획도로의 확장으로 인한 기존 도시구조 파괴 다섯째, 거주 밀도의 증가로 인한 주차장과 기반시설의 부족 위와 같은 문제점 해결을 해결하기 위한 개발 방향은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 보존 가치가 있는 건물과 한옥의 공용화 및 형태 보존 원칙화 둘째, 용적률 통제 방식에서 층수제한 등 물리적 통제방식으로 전환 셋째, 공동 개발을 원칙으로 개발단위 전환 넷째, 소블록에 의한 지구 상세계획으로 개발계회 수립 다섯째, 주민 스스로의 역사 환경 보존에 적극 동참 유도 여섯째, 전통적 주거환경 유지를 위한 설계요소 도입 With policy of development putting first various environmental matter and city problem ttuy there are our country cities. Specially, it is coming to seem in the city which loses the identity which is caused by with the urban development which does not consider the quality against a city specific history and a culture. With this the hazard which preserves a same urban habitat the research against the preservation of the history environment which stands the plan it will be able to apply in the city planning which will reach with a character is demanded. It composes the city from many environment element wild middle in house environment to give a variety, the work which forms the true identity characteristic of house environment there is meaning which sees the city and it makes in the space where it is comfortable and the link of the effort for is a possibility of doing. Currently Gyeongju right time is the most big problem development, is preservation. The problem point which it follows hereupon with afterwords is same. - Area peculiarity hindrance of the globe designation which it does not consider and history environment - Infringement of the walking passage which it follows in increase of the vehicle and increase of dwelling density - The construction act which the roadside where it follows back in expansion is disordered - The existing city structure destruction which is caused by extension furnace with the town plan map which does not consider the character of the furniture - The parking lot which is caused by with increase of dwelling density and base facility insufficiency With above the development direction for a same problem point solution with afterwords is same - Crew-serve anger and form preservation principle anger of the building which is preservation value and the Korean-style house - From capacity rate control method in number of layers restricted back physical control method conversion - Codevelopment with principle development unit conversion - In the endurance detailed plan due to the smallness block development total sliced raw fish establishment - Establishment of joint underground garage - It will slice development - In resident oneself history environment preservation positive participation induction - The plan element introduction for a traditional house environment maintenance

      • 海岡 金圭鎭의 扁額書에 대한 考察

        진복규 경주대학교대학원 문화재학과 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 248607

        Kim Kyujin (金圭鎭 1868-1933), Hae-gang(海岡 his pen name), a calligrapher, led most productive period of his life and was the most productive calligrapher of his country in the early 20th century, when Japanese imperialists took national prestige away from Chosun Dynasty and depressed its people. His enthusiasm for calligraphy can be estimated by appreciating his Pyun-Aeks(扁額 Great Tableau Writings), Sa-Gun-Jas(四君子 The Four Gracious Plants) and Mun-In-Whas(文人畵 Literati Painting). Above all things, I have been interested in his Pyun-Aek works, because his Pyun-Aek works are so widely scattered about that they are found in palaces, Buddhist temples, pavilions, scenic spots and even places of historic interest all over the country. In the course of studying his Pyun-Aek works, I came across Seo-Wha-Dam(書畵談 The Theory of Calligraphy and Painting). Luckly, I had an golden opportunity to study his theory of calligraphy and Pyun -Aek. It was a remarkable scholarly achievement in studying his theories for me to discover Seo-Wha-Dam. Ⅰ His time and life Ⅱ I divided his life into 4 periods at my option, ie, 1.Family History and Birth 2.Studying Period 3.Studying-In-China Period 4.Working Period. Ⅲ I made a general classification of the history of Korean Pyn-Aek-Seo. It is apparent that Kim Kyu-jin's works reach big figure and that had unexampled various calligraphy styles. Ⅳ Kim Kyujin's theories of Pyn-Aek can be appreciated by reading his books such as Seo-Wha-Dam and Seo-Bup-Jin-Gyeol(書法眞訣). He claimed that calligraphy should harmonize with natural surroundings and that calligraphy should vigorous and natural. Ⅴ The characteristics of Kim Kyujin's Pyun-Aek. This chapter deals with his various calligraphy techniques. Generally, his stroke of touch is thick and soft but sometimes sharp and vigorous. In my opinion, his best works are Song-Kwang-Sa(松廣寺)Pyun-Aek. Ko-Un-Sa(孤雲寺)Pyun-Aek, Sang-wang-San-Gae-Sim-Sa(象王山開心寺)Pyun-Aek, Kyung-Kug-Sa-Yung-San-Jeon(慶國寺靈山殿) Pyun-Aek. To put it briefly, Appreciating Kim Kyujin's Pyun-Aek writing, we can see that he use splendid and various calligraphy styles freely.

      • 都市 街路施設物의 現況과 改善方案에 關한 硏究 : 慶州市 主要 都心街路를 中心으로

        추명수 慶州大學校 大學院 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 248607

        A Study on the Situation and Improvement Directions of Urban Street Furniture - The Case of the Gyeongju main street - Choo, Myung Soo Department of Urban Engineering The Graduate School Gyeongju University (Supervised by Professor Jung, Hyun) Abstract Design and management furnishings for a pedestrian area should be approached in the context of both the comprehensive urban context of the pedestrian and specific streets where the furnishings are to be used. The review of general studies and methodology of design and management was carried out to obtain this purpose. For the better street environment by furnishing the pedestrian area, following alternative measures are proposed. 1. The related laws and regulations should be reinforced to offer a footing for reorganization of management system. 2. To formulate a well organized management system, reconciliation between public administration and private hands is required. 3. Establishing a standardized program for street furniture planning is the most important matter requiring immediate attention. The program will be better if has well organized hierarchial structure.

      • 테마파크 대기시간 및 혼잡지각이 방문객 만족에 미치는 영향 : 경주월드를 대상으로

        이규복 경주대학교 대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 248607

        Today’s theme park or other tourism sites are measured by the satisfaction rate of visitors. According to existing research and visitors satisfaction survey, among lots of service categories waiting time and perceived crowing are the most important factors. Therefore, in this research since waiting time and perceived crowing is the most critical factors in visitors satisfaction rate, it is necessary to ask following questions about relationship between waiting time and perceived crowing and visitors satisfaction rate. First, what are the effects of waiting time and perceived crowing to satisfaction of visitors in a theme park? Second, two major factors of visitor satisfaction rate are waiting time and perceived crowing, is there any mutual relationship between those two? Third, if waiting time and perceived crowing effect visitors satisfaction rate, which one of them has the most effect? In addition, based on this question, we created a hypothesis about the relationship between waiting time and perceived crowing and visitors satisfaction rate, and based on this we will analyze the relationship. In the actual experiment, based on the theory-research we gave out 400 surveys to visitors who visited Gyeong Ju World, and through a factor analysis we assessed reliability and validity of the surveys, and through extensive analysis we proofed our hypothesis. At last, in order to analyze the direct and indirect effects of waiting time and perceived crowing on visitors satisfaction rate, multiple regression analysis was used to find out the standard regression coefficient which is used to do a path analysis and we achieved following results. First, to proof the first hypothesis that waiting time and perceived crowing will affect the visitors satisfaction rate, we ran a multiple regression analysis on the relationship between waiting time and perceived crowing. And we found out waiting time had the most effect on the perceived crowing, concluding both having a mutual relationship. This tells that visitors feel more of perceived crowing after coming to the amusement park than when they felt it before coming to the park. We believe this is due to expectation psychological effect. In conclusion, in real life waiting time does not effect the perceived crowding but due to human’s negative psychological effect visitors feel perceived crowding due to waiting time. Second, to proof the second hypothesis that longer waiting time will decrease the visitors satisfaction rate, we ran a multiple regression analysis on the relationship between waiting time and visitors satisfaction rate. As the result there was positive relationships between waiting utilize factor and waiting time meaningful factor, and there was negative relationship between emotion reaction factor and waiting time meaningful factor. The reason for the positive relationship between waiting utilize factor and waiting time meaningful factor is that "unoccopied time feels longer than occupied time"(Maister, 1985). In conclusion, by soothing the boring and negative waiting time it is possible to increase the satisfaction rate. Third, to proof the third hypothesis that perceived crowding will decrease the visitors satisfaction rate, we ran a multiple regression analysis on the relationship between perceived crowding and visitors satisfaction rate. As the result there was positive effect by amusement machine factor and there was negative effect by perceived crowding factor. This means that visitors satisfaction rate does not go down due to perceived crowding factor due to their expectation psychology effect. In conclusion perceived crowding could be factor in a normal park or a plaza, but in a place like an theme park with certain expectations visitors will transform their un-satisfaction feeling of perceived crowding to satisfaction feeling due to the expectation psychology effect.

      • 觀光호텔 利用顧客의 메뉴選擇行動에 관한 硏究 : 慶州地域 特級호텔 洋食堂 利用客을 中心으로

        이원갑 경주대학교 대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 248607

        The purpose of this study was to identify the selecting behaviors of the customers regarding the menu, which is one of the most important sales tools, and play a part in increasing the sales of food and beverage of a hotel enterprise as well as in satisfying the customers values. Menu has been regarded as one of the ultimate methods to seek logical management of a tourist hotel enterprise and to achieve the enterprise goal by pursuing an appropriate marketing strategy for each target market through segmenting the market in terms of the influential factors on menu selection and the importance of menu features in order to establish a logical market segmentation strategy for the customers to western restaurants in deluxe hotels in Kyongju area. The survey method was utilized regarding five western restaurants in deluxe hotels in Kyongju area together with the literature study and the empirical study to achieve the above-mentioned purpose. The empirical study was done with SPSS/WIN 7.5 using various analytic methods such as the frequency analysis, technical analysis, one-way ANOVA, T-test, analysis of confidence, factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The survey was done from April 15th, 2000 till May 15th, 2000 by handing out the questionnaires to the customers to western restaurants of deluxe hotels in Kyongju area; 253 copies of valid questionnaires have been collected. Findings from the literature study and the empirical study are as follows. First of all, in terms of the demographic characteristics of the respondents, there were more of men than women, more people in twenties, thirties, and forties and others, and more married people than singles. It is also found that most of the customers are professionals, businessmen, self-employed, or people in sales or hospitality industry. Their educational backgrounds are found to be more than college education and their income levels are found to appear high. Second, regarding the source of information, which is a characteristic related with the use of the respondents, 'introduction by a family member / friend / relative', 'hotel/travel magazines', 'previous experience,' and/or 'PC communication / internet' are found to occupy the most. The most common purpose of use was identified as dining out. Most of the respondents appear to use western restaurants with 'a spouse/boy/girl friend(s),' 'friend(s) and associate(s)' and 'family and relatives.' Most frequently, 2~3 people in each party use the restaurants in the evening of Saturdays 2~3 times a month. Third, six factors have been deduced as the influential factors on the menu selection by doing the factor analysis from the influential factors on the menu selection and the importance characteristics of the menu features based upon the prior studies. The first menu-selecting influential factor is identified as 'the internal features of the hotel" which is the highest in the variance explanation, which suggests that the internal features of the hotel, comprising the atmosphere, image, and service of the hotel and the restaurant(s), have the strongest influence on the menu-selecting behaviors. And the other factors include 'the external features of the hotel,' 'the advertisement factor,' 'the environmental factor,' 'the circumstantial factor,' and 'the system/religious factor.' Four factors have been deduced as the importance factors of the menu features. 'The external factor', highest in the variance explanation, is found to be the first importance factor of the menu features, which suggests that the external factor of the menu, comprising the appearance of food, the order of the names of foods on the menu, the denomination of the menu, the decoration or design of the menu, the length of a meal time, the smell of foods, the nutrition or diet of foods, and so on, is what customers think most highly of in the menu features. The other factors include 'the features of the menu itself,' 'value-orientation,' and 'time and seasonal factor.' Fourth, the analysis of the differences between the menu-selecting influential factors of the customers to the western restaurants, and major demographic and ordinary features shows statistically significant differences depending on the frequented restaurants, the day of the week to dine out, the gender, the educational backgrounds, the income level, and the marital status. Fifth, the internal features of the hotel and the system/religious factors in terms of the willingness to visit again, and the internal features of the hotel and the circumstantial factor are found to be statistically significant at the level of α=5% in the results of the analysis on what influence the menu-selecting influential factor has on the willingness to visit again and the degree of general satisfaction. The coefficient values of these variables are found to show positive signs, which suggests that all these menu-selecting influential factors have the positive influence on the customers to the western restaurants of the deluxe hotels in Kyongju area. Sixth, the time and seasonal factor is found to be statistically significant at the level of α=5% regarding the willingness to visit again in the results of the analysis on what influence the importance factor of the menu-selecting features has on the willingness to visit again and the degree of general satisfaction. The coefficient values of these variables are found to show positive signs, which suggests that all these menu-selecting influential factors have the positive influence on the customers to the western restaurants of the deluxe hotels in Kyongju area. Therefore, it is required to devise some methods of enhancing the above-mentioned points in the future in order to enhance the willingness to visit again and the degree of general satisfaction on the customers to the western restaurants of the deluxe hotels in Kyongju area. This study has its own limits as follows even though it has obtained significant results after the analysis on the customers to the western restaurants of the deluxe hotels in Kyongju area. First of all, the comparison and investigation with the existing studies on the menu-selecting behavior item appropriate for the actual condition of the hotel customers owing to the lack of the prior studies on the menu-selecting behaviors at the western restaurants of the deluxe hotels. Second, in the aspects of the sampling and methods, this study was not for the entire customers to the deluxe hotels in Kyongju area. It is also worth mentioning that it was not easy to identify the differences between seasons because the survey was done only during a short term. Third, the number of valid questionnaires was not enough to perform the full analysis since there was a limit on the increase of the number of the samples in the aspects of time and expenses. Fourth. this study was only for the customers to the western restaurants of the deluxe hotels in Kyongju area. It can be recommendable to identify how different the menu-selecting behaviors of the customers in terms of the region or the class of a hotel by surveying on other areas, or other hotels, other restaurants, and so on. Therefore, I would like to suggest that the relevant studies in the future should be done in the consideration of the more thorough study methods by supplementing the above-mentioned facts, and then be allowed to get other significant study results through better comparison and investigation.

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