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        「베오울프 Beowulf」에 등장한 괴물 그렌델 Grendel의 정체성 연구

        이동일(Lee Dong ill) 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 2017 외국문학연구 Vol.- No.65

        「베오울프 Beowulf」에서 다루어지는 그렌델은 그를 지칭하는 ‘지옥의 악마’ feond on helle나 ‘악마의 무리 deofla gedræg에서 알 수 있듯이 ’신의 섭리에 대항하는 존재 Godes andsacan로서 강한 악 혹은 악마의 이미지를 지니고 있다. 하지만 이러한 악의 이미지 외에도 그는 ‘무시무시한 괴물 혹은 악령’ grimma gæst, 괴물 혹은 악마 þyrs로 묘사되기도 하기 때문에 악과 괴물 사이를 오가는 혼재된 정체성을 드러내기도 한다. 그렌델의 정체성을 둘러싼 이러한 불분명한 경계는 그의 인간성을 엿 보게 하는 사람의 형상 on weres wæstmum과 같은 표현이나 그가 보여주는 인간과 유사한 정서나 인지능력에서도 발견된다. 이와 같이 그렌델은 악, 괴물, 인간이라는 세 가지 양상을 드러내는데 그는 기독교 시인에 의해 온전한 악의 화신도 아니고 더욱이 인간도 아닌 그 중간 단계에 속하는 괴물의 이미지를 투영한다. 그렌델의 속성을 말해주는 일련의 지칭어들은 그가 악에 속하고 있음을 보여주지만 그렇다고 그가 종교적 차원의 영혼을 탐하는 악마가 아님을 명확히 보여주고 있다. 기독교 교리에 입각한 악 혹은 악마의 진정한 의미인 ‘영혼의 파괴자’ gast bona 는 흐로드가르 Hropthgar 왕의 설교에 등장하는 추상적 개념인 ‘교만’ oferhygd에서 발견되기 때문이다. 인간의 적대자 이미지는 그가 영웅주의 사회의 주요한 관습인 몸값을 통한 평화 협정을 거절한다거나 영웅주의 사회에서 중요시 되는 금과 보물을 무시하는 태도에서도 잘 드러나고 있다. 복합적 요소가 혼재된 그렌델의 정체성은 영웅주의라는 이교도 가치관에 기독교 정신을 덧입히고자 하는 시인의 예술적 장치로 간주된다. Opinion regarding Grendel s identity varies, depending on one s view of the patterns of significance in the whole poem, but it is indisputable that the poet applies words more lavishly to Grendel than to the other monsters. A series of kennings, variations and epithets show that Grendel in 「Beowulf」 represents evil incarnate, a symbol of the unforeseeable. Moreover, he is called guma man or hall thane and he is described as in the shape of a human , which reveals that he is meant to contain some degree of human nature. It seems fair to say that he is devilish, and about the devil s business, though this may not necessarily entail his standing only for the evil one. He is also a monster, a solitary goer , and an outlaw at feud with man. Unlike true devils he has corporeality and can be caught and killed. Although Grendel is called God s adversary or a devil in hell, which reveals the evil nature in him, he stands outside of the role of the soul-destroyer, which is the typical image of evil in Christian doctrine. Instead he is portrayed as body-destroyer and is depicted as being diametrically opposed to humane and ordered society. These kinds of multiple identities in Grendel appear to be intricately designed by the poet, who intends to infuse Christian spirit into the poem, though he is deeply touched by the heroic value.

      • KCI등재

        고대영어 Laf에 내재된 시인의 의도 : 영웅주의와 이름의 형태소 조합을 중심으로

        이동일 ( Dong Ill Lee ) 韓國世界文學比較學會 2012 世界文學比較硏究 Vol.41 No.-

        The poet of 『Beowulf』, who is keenly aware of the superficial and symbolic meanings of heroic ideals in heroic society, seems to endeavor to convey its significance through subtle combinations of words. His intention is well proven from the very beginning of the poem. Those who led the prosperity of Danish kingdom, the Spear-Danes, Scyld Scefing and Hrothgar have proper names which are constructed from or incorporate the names of different weapon types. This subtle combination shows that the poet intends to make the best use of weapons firstly in the formation of dictions and secondly delivering subject matter such as heroic ideals. The most important concept in heroic society, the binding force of society, was the comitatus, the mutual loyalty between lord and thane or warrior. The leader gave legal and economic protection in return for military service. In this society the highest moral principle is to achieve glory, which is considered as immortality passing this earthly life, works as a substitute for soul after death in Christianity. This is the highest sentiment and aim for the warrior and it is something that must continually be striven for. The poet``s intention to emphasize the heroic code is in particular demonstrated in the use of -laf compounds forming the names of warriors in 『Beowulf』. This is well proven in the name of Wiglaf (battle+remnant) who inherited Beowulf``s exemplary heroic virtues. When the first element ``wig`` meaning ``battle`` is combined with the second element laf meaning ``remnant`` then the whole meaning of Wiglaf will become ``the survivor(keeper) inheriting battle spirit(heroic spirit)`` or ``the last holder of martial spirit.`` This combination of ``battle`` and ``remnant`` in the name of Wiglaf is not coincidental instead it is regarded as the poet``s intention to enhance the importance of heroic ideals such as glory and revenge ethos. The meaning of ``inheritor of heroic spirit``, which is derived from the symbolic interpretation of ``battle+remnant`` fits well for Wiglaf``s code of heroic idealism especially focusing on glory. As Wiglaf reminds Beowulf in many ways, he has done all things well and gained eternal glory, the aim of every warrior, and the necessary afterlife of fame.

      • KCI등재

        고대 영웅시에 내재된 황금(보물)의 의의

        이동일(Dong-Ill Lee) 한국외국어대학교 영미연구소 2011 영미연구 Vol.25 No.-

        Throughout time, the possession of riches has been intrinsic to the stability and security of nations. This was true to the heroic society. Separate to the material values in heroic society were the moral values such as heroic idealism in which mutual obligation between the lord and his followers played a key role in maintaining national unity and power. Hence two major elements in heroic society - wealth(treasure, gold) and mutual obligation - became key elements to maintaining tribal security. These two elements seem incongruous mainly because one is of material value and the other has a spiritual dimension. However, they become inseparable in heroic society due to their close interrelation. In heroic society heroes or warriors desire for fame or reputation which will last after their death. Such purpose that is, in a sense, regarded as a pure spiritual aspiration which has nothing to do with materialism. However such an noble idealism can not stand alone without help of subordinating elements making such idealism possible, those are those concepts of gift-giving or reward for warrior's achievement, warrior's promotion of social ranks, revenge etc. It is quite natural to assume that gold in heroic society is used to guarantee a thanes' persistent loyalty and to recruit new members or mercenaries for as we see the comitatus is composed of various tribes. A very practical use of gold in heroic poetry can be found in its use of paying ransom - ransom as a good example of the practical use of gold is exemplified by the thief of the Dragon cave and Ecgtheow. I strongly believe that Beowulf's final speech encompasses overall heroic ideas exceeding beyond the seemingly material point of view. Beowulf is keenly aware of the significance of gold(treasure), that is, its practical and symbolic effect in relation to heroic idealism.

      • KCI등재

        『베오울프』에 투영된 여인상

        이동일(Dong-Ill Lee) 신영어영문학회 2010 신영어영문학 Vol.45 No.-

        The Women we meet in Beowulf-Wealhtheow, Hygd and Freawaru and Hildeburh, seem to be passive and keen to create peace amongst the warriors, while some suffer incredibly. The tragic and helpless situation of women is brought out in the Finn episode which concentrates on the plight of Hildeburh. The fragility of contracts aimed at achieving peace is emphasized by the concentration on Hideburh and, by placing the episode directly after Wealhtheow's speech in which she attempts to weave peace, the poet stresses the hopelessness of Wealhtheow's mission and the vulnerability of women, and creates a mood of impending doom. Their role is one of passively waiting and attempting to wear peace in a hostile world. Wealhtheow is presented as the perfect queen, in particular in the traditional role of 'peace-weaver'. She is a model of diplomacy and tact as she subtly tries to ensure that her young sons succeed her husband and reminds Hrothulf, who presents a threat to the boys, of his obligations.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        제프리 초서의 비유적 표현을 둘러싼 번역 고찰

        이동일(Lee Dong-ill) 한국외국어대학교 영미연구소 2017 영미연구 Vol.39 No.-

        중세 후반기에 활약한 제프리 초서는 영문학과 영어 발달에 지대한 공헌을 하게 된다. 당대 식자층의 대부분이 라틴어를 사용했는데 초서는 대작『캔터베리 이야기』집필에 있어 모국어인 중세영어를 고집한다. 시인이었던 그는 자신만의 독특한 어휘선택과 조합을 통하여 절묘하고 정교한 표현력을 구사한다. 이과정에서 초서는 비유를 자주 사용하게 되는데 여기에는 자신이 의도하는 바를 효율적으로 또한 강도 높게 드러내고자 하는 작가적 야심이 내포되어 있다. 초서가 언급한 figure 는 상징, 중의적 표현, 함의, 은유, 환유, 비유, 내연 등의 의미로 간주할 수 있을 것이다. 하지만 초서의 비유는 중의적 표현을 통한 의미의 단순한 확장에 있지 않고 작품에서 일관성 있게 다뤄지는 인간 탐구라는 주제와 맞물려 있음을 알 수 있다. 또한 초서는 비유의 한 부류인 반어적 기법을 사용하는데 이 역시 인간의 속성을 드러내는데 자주 사용되는 표현법이다. 초서는 표면적으로는 긍정적인 표현 ‘점잖은’, ‘훌륭한’, ‘좋은’(hende, worthy, gentil, good) 등을 구사하지만, 실제 현장에서 적용될 때는 야비하고 부정직하고 저급한 군상들을 풍자하고 웃음거리로 만들기 위한 반어적 함의를 지닌다. 많은 현대어 번역에서는 이러한 어휘에 깃들어 있는 절묘한 가치를 충분히 반영하지 못하고 있다. 본 연구는 초서가 사용한 비유와 반어적 기법을 분석하며 동시에 다양한 현대어 번역에서 발견되는 차이점을 비교하며 미비한 부분을 보완하는 작업이 된다. Chaucer, the father of English poetry, is well known for his idiosyncratic employments of words, that is, for his figure of speech and the ironic use of words. A figure of speech is a means of expression, through which metaphorical meaning rather than literal one is revealed. It is quite sure that Chaucer was very conscious of this figure of speech, as is shown in lines 499-500: “And this figure he added eek therto/ That if gold ruste, what shall iren do.” The use of figure of speech is particularly conspicuous in “The Prologue,” “The Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Tale” and in fabliaux such as “Miller’s Tale” and “Reeve’s Tale.” Besides, Chaucer very often relies on the use of irony, which tells something plainly but contains deeper meaning. In particular Chaucer’s ironic use of words is used to reveal the inner disposition of characters, which often become objects for ridicule such as the wife of Bath, the pardoner and the summoner in the “The General Prologue.” In this course words like hende, worthy, genril, good are used to criticize the corrupt nature of human beings. Most of Korean translations, however, are not successful in rendering those words into Korean, because they focus too much on the literal translation. Hence fitting alternative wordings reflecting Chaucer’s intention are needed.

      • KCI등재

        영웅시에 투영된 왕의 이상적 이미지

        이동일(Lee, Dong-Ill) 신영어영문학회 2015 신영어영문학 Vol.60 No.-

        Heroic poems such as 『Beowulf』 deal with a very strict moral behaviour common to all Germanic races in the early Middle Ages. The leader(king) gave legal and economic protection in return for military service. The king’s function is made clear in his title of hring-fengel, ‘ring-prince’(Beo 2345). This unique combination of words indicating the importance of gold is closely associated with the role of king in heroic society. Some critics have suggested that King Beowulf should not have endangered his life and thereby his country’s prosperity by taking on the challenge single-handed. However, such a modern interpretation of military tactics is inappropriate for the heroic society, where kings and warriors are requested to act immediately and to pursue his reputation. The major difference between Beowulf and other kings is that he is consistently presented from his first appearance as a man of action and a man charged with the lofty heroic idealism ‘to achieve glory’.

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