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      • 중국어권 한국어 학습자를 위한 관용표현 교육 방안 연구

        오성아 충북대학교 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 1871

        The importance and understanding of foreign languages are escalating in this age of globalization. Particularly in China, after the establishment of diplomatic ties with Korea, an interest in the Korean language is gradually increasing. Accordingly, more Chinese people have been learning the Korean language, making them the largest group of Korean language learners amongst all foreign nationalities. The main reason why so many Chinese people learn Korean is that they might think Korean is easy to learn because of its Chinese origins. Due to the high proportion of Chinese characters in the Korean lexicon (hereby known as hanja), Chinese native speakers can learn Korean with more ease than speakers of other languages. Even though it is not an absolute guarantee to mastering the Korean language for many reasons, it is true that Korean is much easier to learn for Chinese native speakers than speakers of other languages. However, there are still stark differences between hanja and the modern Chinese language. Even though the characters look the same, some hanja and Chinese characters have slightly different meanings and others have completely different meanings. Thus, Korean language learners may be confused. One of the confusing factors is “idiomatic expressions”. Idiomatic expressions are often prahses or sayings habitually used by native speakers that convey the values, ways of thinking, feelings, and history of the nation. Without fully understanding these factors, foreigners could understand idiomatic expressions only by its surface meaning. The idiomatic expressions are not only used frequently in daily life but also appear on the TOPIK. Unsurprisingly, idiomatic expressions account for a great part in learning Korean. But, at the beginner’s level, the need for idiomatic expressions in communication is not as necessary for beginners than it is to higher Korean level learners. Korean idiomatic expressions are one of the difficult parts in learning Korean because they are infused with Korean cultural, historical and social meanings. If learners can properly use and express these expressions, it shows their strong competency in the Korean language. But learners cannot and do not have to learn all idiomatic expressions as beginners. So, as learners progress in their Korean level, they shift from learning everyday expressions to expressions embedded with deeper cultural and historical meanings. The word list in this thesis is organized by the idiomatic expressions’ frequency of usage and level of difficulty. This thesis aims to find teaching methods that teachers who teach Korean specifically to foreigners can use to let Chinese learners understand a large number of Korean idiomatic expressions in systematic, concrete, and effective ways. In doing so, this paper focuses on constructing a proper syllabus and methods according to the learners’ respective levels. This thesis analyzes the idiomatic expressions in Korean texts used not only in Korea but also in China, and the learners in both countries are surveyed. Based on the results, this thesis proposes an effective teaching syllabus for Chinese learners of Korean. In addition, the paper recommends practical teaching methods and plans so learners can learn idiomatic expressions in different ways. In further study, when making the syllabus, the research considers the learners’ awareness of idiomatic expressions. Also, Korean idiomatic expressions are analyzed alongside with their Chinese counterparts in order to understand their similarities and differences.

      • 초등학교 교육기관의 총체적 재난 안전성 정립에 관한 연구

        오성아 가천대학교 산업환경대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        1999년 씨랜드 화재 사고 이후 20여 년이 흐른 지금까지도 교육현장에서는 학생들의 목숨을 위협하는 안전 관련 사고가 끊이지 않고 있다. 학생 스스로의 안전 의식이 부족하여 일어나는 사고도 있지만, 안전을 관리하는 현장 전문가나 안전 책임자의 역할 부족, 교육시설에 적절하지 못한 건물 구조와 안전시설의 미흡, 사고 시 인솔 교사의 부적절한 대응 등, 학생 인명사고의 원인은 다양하다. 이에 본 연구는 교육시설 중 초등학교에 중점을 두고 교육현장의 다양한 사고 사례, 학교의 시설 및 관리현황, 안전을 위한 시설과 각 시설의 위험요소를 조사ㆍ 분석하였으며 이에 대한 해결책과 안전교육 방향을 다음과 같이 제시하였다. 첫째, 초등학교의 시설 중 경년변화에 의해 내구도가 저하되는 시설, 화재에 취약하거나 적합하지 않은 구조, 내진 보강 등, 안전에 취약한 부분을 개선해야 한다. 둘째, 초등학교에 근무하고 있는 각 분야의 안전 책임자, 예를 들어 각 학급 담임교사, 보건교사, 과학실무사, 영양교사, 학교보안관 등은 학교에서 생활하는 학생들의 안전을 책임지기 위해 각자 자신의 역할을 완수해야 한다. 셋째, 초등학교 1,2학년 대상의 '안전한 생활', 3, 4학년 대상의 ‘생존수영교육’, 초등학교 3학년부터 고등학교까지 ‘안전’ 단원 신설 등, 안전에 대한 이론과 실천․체험을 체계적으로 교육하여야 하며, 앞으로 확대될 6학년까지의 생존수영교육을 제대로 이행할 수 있도록 시설과 전문인력 면에서 대비하여야 한다. 넷째, 국가에서는 안전체험관을 신설하고, 빈 교실을 활용한 소규모 안전체험실을 늘려나가며, AI 기술을 이용한 증강현실 프로그램으로 가상 체험 등을 통해 초등학생들이 다양한 안전사고에 대한 대처요령 등을 반복적으로 익혀 습관화할 수 있도록 해야 한다. 다섯째, 학교 안전업무 담당자들인 교사와 학교 교직원 모두가 학교 안전시설에 대한 기초적인 내용을 알고, 위험한 상황에서 침착하게 대피할 수 있는 실제 훈련을 경험할 수 있도록 체험 위주의 안전연수를 확대해야 한다. 여섯째, 학교의 소방시설의 유지 및 관리에 효율성을 높이기 위해서는 관련 업무의 전문성을 갖춘 사람이 소방안전관리자를 담당해야 한다.

      • 코마 은하단의 구상성단계에 대한 광역 탐사 연구

        오성아 서울대학교 대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        구상성단은 나이가 많은(> 100억년) 성단으로, 여러 환경에서 관측된다. 은하 또는 은하단 내의 구상성단들을 연구함으로써 속해있는 환경이 어떠한 역사를 겪었는지 유추할 수 있다. 은하단에 있는 구상성단들은 개개의 은하에 속해있기도, 그렇지 않기도 하다. 은하에 속해있지 않고 은하단 전체 중력 포텐셜에 묶여있는 구상성단들을 은하간 구상성단(ICGC)이라고 부른다. ICGC들을 통해 은하단의 질량 분포를 추적할 수 있다. 지금까지 여러 가깝고 먼 은하단들에서 ICGC가 관측되어왔으며 우주론적 시뮬레이션에서도 ICGC의 물리적 특성이 연구되었다. 코마 은하단(Abell 1656)은 가까이 있는(적색이동 < 0.1) 은하단들 가운데 가장 무거운 질량을 가지고 있으며, 여러 하부구조들의 활발한 병합이 일어나고 있는 은하단으로 알려져 있다. 가장 잘 알려진 하부구조는 중심부의 가장 밝은 두 은하 NGC 4874와 NGC 4889를 포함하는 중심부 은하군과 코마 은하단 중심부를 향해 병합하고 있는 남서쪽 방향의 NGC 4839 은하군이다. NGC 4839 은하군이 코마 은하단 중심부를 향해서 첫번째 병합을 겪고 있는 것인지 혹은 이미 한번 은하단 중심부를 지나쳤다가 두번째로 병합을 하는 것인지에 대해서는 의견이 분분하다. 코마 은하단의 ICGC를 연구한 선행 사례에서는 허블 우주 망원경 자료를 활용해 코마 은하단의 중심부에 대한 구상성단계의 공간적인 분포 형태 및 특성과 색지수 분포를 분석하였다. 그러나, 연구된 영역이 은하단 비리얼 반경(~2.8 Mpc, 1.61도) 내 넓이의 약 1.7%로 매우 제한적이고 코마 가장 중심부 은하들의 구상성단들에 대해서만 조사된 결과를 다루고 있기 때문에 코마 은하단 ICGC의 전체를 분석할 수 없었다. NGC 4839 은하의 구상성단계에 대한 선행연구들에서는 구상성단들의 색지수 분포와 구상성단 총 개수를 구하였지만 공간적으로 어떤 분포를 보이고 있는지 그리고 그것이 코마 은하단과의 병합과정과 어떠한 연관성을 보여주는지에 대해서는 전혀 논의하고 있지 않다. 본 연구에서는 광시야용 탐사 망원경 Subaru의 Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) gr 아카이브 자료를 활용해서 코마 은하단의 ICGC 분포에 대한 연구와 함께 NGC 4839 은하의 구상성단계에 대한 연구를 진행하였다. 이것은 코마 은하단의 구상성단 연구 중에서도 가장 넓고 깊은 연구이다. 첫번째 연구에서는 Subaru/HSC의 넓은 시야와 여러 필드 관측 자료를 활용해서 코마 은하단의 비리얼 반경 너머까지(~1.3 R_vir) 구상성단을 탐사하였다. 코마 은하단의 ICGC가 전체 비리얼 반경의 약 50%까지 분포해 있는 것을 최초로 발견하였으며, 왜소 은하들의 분포에 비해 상대적으로 은하단 중심부 방향으로의 분포 집중도가 높다는 사실을 확인하였다. ICGC는 동-서와 남서쪽 방향으로 넓게 퍼져 있으며 이것은 코마와 Abell 1367 은하단을 잇는 필라멘트 구조와 나란한 방향이다. 전체 ICGC 공간 분포 구조는 은하간 빛(ICL) 분포의 형태와 상당히 닮아있다. 대부분의 ICGC들은 푸른(중원소함량이 작은) 구상성단들로 구성되어 있으며(> 70%) 한편 붉은(중원소함량이 큰) 구상성단들도 적지 않은 비율이 은하단 외곽지역에 분포해 있다. 이러한 결과는 ICGC들 대부분이 왜소 은하로부터 기원하지만 일정 부분은 좀더 밝은 은하로부터도 떨어져 나온다는 선행 연구 결과를 잘 뒷받침한다. 두번째 연구에서는 NGC 4839 은하에 속한 구상성단계의 색지수와 공간분포 등을 조사하였다. NGC 4839 은하는 NGC 4874 그리고 다른 밝은 코마 은하단 은하들과 마찬가지로 붉은 구상성단의 비율이 낮았다. NGC 4839에 속한 전체 구상성단의 공간 분포는 NGC 4839 은하 표면밝기 분포의 약 2배까지 퍼져있다. 구상성단들의 2차원 공간 분포 형태는 타원형으로 늘어나고 비대칭적인 모양을 보이는데, 특히 동쪽 방향으로 인상적인 꼬리 모양 구조를 보이고 있다. 이러한 구조는 NGC 4839가 이미 코마 은하단 중심부를 한번 통과했다는 시나리오를 뒷받침한다. Globular clusters(GCs) are old (> 10 Gyr) star clusters observed in various environments. By studying GCs within galaxies or galaxy clusters, we can infer the evolutionary history of the environment in which the GCs are located. GCs in galaxy clusters are found not only around galaxies but also between galaxies. GCs that do not belong to galaxies, but are governed by the entire gravitational potential of the galaxy cluster are called intracluster GCs (ICGCs), and they track the mass distribution of the galaxy cluster. ICGCs have been observed in several nearby and distant galaxy clusters, and their physical nature was largely studied in cosmological simulations. Coma cluster (Abell 1656) is the most massive galaxy cluster in the local universe (z < 0.1) and is known to have several actively merging substructures. The two best-known subclusters are the Coma main cluster, which contains the two brightest galaxies NGC 4874 and NGC 4889, and the NGC 4839 group, infalling towards the center of Coma in a southwestern direction. It is still controversial whether the NGC 4839 group is undergoing the first infall towards the Coma core, or it has already passed the center of Coma and is in the second phase of infall. Previous Coma ICGC studies utilized Hubble Space Telescope (HST) data and analyzed the color and spatial distribution of GC systems within Coma cluster core. However, they only cover about 1.7% of the area within the virial radius (~2.8 Mpc, 1.61 deg), thus they analyzed a limited population of Coma ICGCs, not the entire distribution in the cluster. Previous studies of NGC 4839 GC systems obtained color distribution of GCs and GC total number. However, they did not discuss the spatial distribution of GCs and whether it shows a correlation with the process of merging with the Coma. In this study, we present a wide field survey of Coma GCs using Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) gr archival data, supplemented with the archival HST images. We studied the ICGC distribution of Coma cluster and GC systems in NGC 4839, and this is the widest and deepest Coma GC study. In the first part, we successfully surveyed the GCs of Coma cluster over its virial radius (~1.3 R_vir). ICGC spatial distribution is largely extended to almost 50% of the cluster virial radius but relatively concentrated toward the Coma center compared to the red sequence galaxies. The Coma ICGCs are extended in E-W and SW direction, along the general direction of Coma–Abell 1367 filament. This global structure of the GC systems is consistent with the spatial distribution of the intracluster light (ICL). Most of the ICGCs are dominated by the blue (metal-poor) GCs(> 70%) but a small proportion of red (metal-rich) GCs exists in the cluster outskirts. These results support the scenario that ICGCs are mainly originated from dwarf galaxies and some proportion from brighter galaxies. In the second part, we present the color and spatial distribution of GC systems in NGC 4839. NGC 4839 has a low red GC fraction comparable to that of NGC 4874 and other bright cluster member galaxies. The radial density distribution of the entire GCs in NGC 4839 is extended more than twice that of the NGC 4839 galaxy's surface brightness distribution. The GC spatial density distribution shows elongated and asymmetric morphology including a tail structure in the east. This supports the scenario that NGC 4839 has already crossed the Coma main cluster.

      • 내용중심 언어교수 접근에 근거한 영어와 수학 통합프로그램 개발 및 효과 검증 : 초등학교 4학년을 중심으로

        오성아 이화여자대학교 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        본 연구는 영어와 수학을 통합하는 프로그램을 개발하여 현장에 적용하고 그 효과를 검증하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 Tyler의 교육과정 개발 모형에 기초하여 프로그램을 개발하였다. 이 모형을 근거로 학습자, 사회, 교과 전문가에 대한 연구의 결과에 따라 목표를 설정하였다. 설정된 프로그램의 목표는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 수학 교과 내용을 외국어인 영어로 학습할 수 있다. 둘째 학습자는 외국어로 수업을 했을 때에도 모국어로 수업했을 때와 마찬가지로 수학과 능력을 향상시킬 수 있다. 또한 프로그램의 내용은 국가기준의 교육과정에 따라 사칙 연산의 혼합셈, 큰 수에서의 나눗셈, 다양한 각, 삼각형 그리고 사각형의 성질을 내용 요소로 선정하였다. 방법으로는 언어와 교과목간의 통합을 시도하는 내용중심 언어 교수 접근을 채택하여 프로그램을 적용하였다. 학습 시간은 50분으로 운영하였으며, 학습 활동으로는 교사는 교수 담화 전략을 선정하였으며, 학습자는 기억전략, 인지전략, 보상전략, 상위인지 전략, 사회적 전략의 6개 범주의 학습전략을 선정하였다. 프로그램의 효과를 검증하기 위한 프로그램 평가는 서울시 E 초등학교 4학년 70명을 대상으로 통제 집단과 실험 집단을 선정하여 그 효과를 비교하였다. 영어 말하기·듣기와 수학 능력의 사전·사후 검사가 이루어졌으며 t-검증을 실시하였다. 영어의 말하기 능력은 통계적으로 유의미한 차이(p<.05)를 보였으나 듣기 능력에서는 유의미한 차이를 보이지 않았다(p>.05). 수학능력에 있어서는 연산과 도형 영역 모두 유의미한 차이(p<.05)를 보였다. 검증 결과 본 프로그램은 영어에서 말하기, 수학에서 연산과 도형 능력을 향상시키는데 효과적임을 보여주었다. This study has a purpose to develop and apply a unified program of English and mathematics to the field. For this purpose, teaching goals are established following the results of study on learners, society and curriculum experts based on Tyler's curriculum development model. The following are the goals of program based on it. First, learning in English can improve learners' English speaking and listening skills. Second, operation and diagram area can improve learners' mathematics ability. The contents of a program are mixed counting of the four operations. The application of a program is as follows. Learning time in a unified program of English and mathematics is 50 minutes, and learning activity includes reading and solving questions in English, exercise, manipulation, and problem-solving. Teaching strategy includes starting on the basis of preliminary learning, introducing words, repeating explaining for the better understanding of English, describing words by taking examples or gestures, showing a model by teacher, and manipulative activity. The evaluation of a unified program of English and mathematics takes 35 students in their fourth grade in Seoul E elementary school as the subject. To inspect the effect of this program, evaluation of English speaking and listening, and mathematics as before and after test. Evaluation questions are selected by the standards of the present curriculum. Also, t-inspection is conducted for checking the effect of this program. The improvement of English speaking and listening shows statistically meaningful differences (p<.05) but there are no meaningful differences in listening ability. (p<.005) The improvement of learning ability shows meaningful differences in case of diagram, but no differences in operation (p>.05). This program is proven that it is effective only in improving English speaking and diagram in mathematics.

      • 都市交通問題 改善方案에 關한 硏究 : 全州市 交通問題를 中心으로

        吳星 全州大學校 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        The problem of urban traffic is aggravating in keeping pace with a rapid urbanization. The problems which faces in field of urban traffic include air pollution, traffic accidents and traffic complexity. The purpose of this thesis are to seek the causes of urban traffic problems and to search for the alternative plans and thus eventually to improve the quality of life and healthy environment from the bad condition of traffic problems in Jeon Ju.(the urban traffic problems consist of 99.6 percentage in the whole traffic affairs) Chapter II. A Theoretical Approach of the Traffic Problems The chapter is to build up the theoretical basis of urban traffic problems (a). The concept and characteristics of the urban traffic problems. (b). The background of the urban traffic proglems related to urbanization, the lock of traffic facilities and increase of vehicles. (c). The type of urban traffic problems traffic condition, traffic accidents, traffic safety guards, traffic complexity, air pollution and traffic execution. Chapter III. The Analysis of Traffic Problems in Jeon Ju To make the alternative effectively, the substantial case study and formal statics is employed for the analysis and research of the cause of traffic problems. (a). The analysis of four division by traffic data A traffic condition, A traffic accidents, A traffic safety guard, A traffic administration. (b). The substantial analysis of traffic problems is adopted by the survey technique. Especially this study include concerned public servants as well as driver and citizens and then these respectively divide into analysis. Chapter IV. The Results of Analysis and Direction of the Urban Traffic Problems. Ultimately the problem of the urban traffic is the interactional cooperation between the rational and very long policy by government and the positive endeavour by citizens. Since these reason I assume that the desirable direction of the urban traffic problems is fixed for the present. (a). The improvement of traffic facilities and condition. (b). The endeavour of prescription of traffic accidents through a voluntary and positive participation. (c). The concrete support policy of traffic safety guard. (d). The enhancement of a traffic administration. Chapter V. conclusion First of all, this study emphasis that the alternative to solving problem is needed a financial support, the powerful policy endeavour of improvement and the positive activity of concerned servants.

      • 메타포(은유)를 통해 본육군 부사관 조직의 특성 연구

        오성 청주대학교 대학원 2022 국내박사

        RANK : 1839

        The Army faces challenges and opportunities to cope with future battlefield environment in a changing national defense circumstance. The decrease in military service resources and the reduction of military service period due to the demographic cliff are approaching as the biggest challenge to national defense. On this account, the Ministry of National Defense is carrying out 『National Defense Reform 2.0』, and the role of non-commissioned officers (NCO) is at the core of this renovation of military manpower structure. In this vein, the objective of this study was to empirically examine metaphors presented in NCO-related records and speeches, thus finding out Army NCO's characteristics and presenting plans to strengthen the status and role of Army NCO organizations for the development of the military in the future. For this, study questions were established as follows: 1. 'What periodical metaphors appear in non-commissioned officer organization-related records?' 2. 'What are the metaphor characteristics of non-commissioned officer organizations by periods?' 3. 'What characteristics are required for future non-commissioned officer organizations? As analytic tools, this study used 6 metaphors presented by Morgan (2006), 1 metaphor suggested by Goffman (1959, 1961) and Lakoff & Johnson (1980), and resource metaphors proposed by Choe Yeong (2011). These study tools were analyzed using a qualitative analysis program of N-Vivo R1. The scope of study was divided into 5 stages from the beginning period of Army non-commissioned officers to its development period, and this study mainly examined NCO organization's systems and reformations, together with the formation and change of main systems. For this, this study selected such literary materials as 『The Korea Defense Daily』, 『Non-Commissioned Officer (Petty Officer)』, 『Non-Commissioned Officers Who Left Forgotten War Hero Myth』, 『Patriotic Warrior's Battlefield Memoirs in Korean War, vol. 1~4』, 『Army Vision 2030』, 『Non-Commissioned Officer Comprehensive Development Plan』 and 『Non-Commissioned Officer Strategy 2030』. Study findings are as follows: First, in the beginning period, NCO organizations were vulnerable and there wasn't much use of metaphors. In this period, metaphors of machinery, culture, roles and political systems were used. Second, in the period of foundation, most frequently used organizational metaphor was machinery, and it was followed by such metaphors as culture, roles, human resources, structures, competence development, change/growth, organism and political systems, in order. In the 'family metaphor' of role metaphor, various sub-metaphors were presented. In organism metaphor, 'declination' metaphor was particularly used. In addition, the relative weight of resource metaphor was great. Third, in the period of integration and growth, most frequently used organizational metaphor was machinery, and it was followed by such metaphors as culture, roles, change/growth, political systems, competence development, organism, structure and human resources, in order. In this period, numerous sub-metaphors were newly used. For example: 'military base management' was used as the sub-metaphor of machinery; 'loyalty/filial piety/manners' were used as the sub-metaphors of culture; 'owner' and 'successor' were used as the sub-metaphors of roles; and 'trust in the military' and 'cooperation' were used as the sub-metaphors of political systems. Fourth, in the period of jumping, most frequently used organizational metaphor was change/growth, and it was followed by such metaphors as roles, machinery, organism, culture, competence development, structures, political systems and human resources, in order. Therefore, most frequently used metaphor was the metaphor of change/growth. As the metaphor of change/growth increased, so did the metaphor of organism in the period of integration and growth. Fifth, in the period of development, most frequently used organizational metaphor was organism, and it was followed by such metaphors as roles, machinery, culture, competence development, change/growth, structures, political systems and human resources, in order. In this period, the metaphor of change/growth decreased, and conversely, the metaphor of organism increased. Sixth, as necessary characteristics of Army NCO organizations in the future, role metaphor, machinery metaphor and change/growth metaphor were most frequently presented, and in relation to the 4th industrial revolution, competence development metaphor and culture metaphor stood out. This study seems to be significant in that it empirically examined, via organizational metaphors, the periodical change of characteristics of Army NCO organizations for the first time in the absence of research on the organizational characteristics of NCO in Korea. However, this study lacked data from the early stage of non-commissioned officer organizations, and the author's subjective interpretation seemingly intervened in the analysis of the collected organizational metaphors with regard to taking into account the flow of the background and context of the times. Therefore, it is necessary for follow-up studies to take various research methods, such as FGI (focus group interview), questionnaire survey, observation and so on, into account. The author hopes follow-up studies will expand study scopes to Navy, Air Force and the Marine Corps from the aspect of strengthening collaboration, thus characteristically examining the identity of NCO organizations in the future. 육군은 변화하는 국방환경 속에서 미래 전장환경에 대응하기 위한 도전과 기회에 직면해 있다. 인구절벽에 따른 병역자원의 감소와 병 복무기간 단축은 가장 큰 도전요인으로 다가오고 있다. 이에 국방부는 『국방개혁 2.0』을 추진하고 있으며, 군 인력구조의 정예화 핵심으로 부사관의 역할이 증대되고 있다. 이러한 맥락에서 본 연구의 목적은 부사관의 관련 기록물 및 언어사례에서 나타난 메타포(은유)를 실증분석하여 육군 부사관의 특성을 도출하고, 미래의 군 발전을 위하여 육군 부사관 조직의 위상과 역할 강화에 대한 방안을 제시하는 것이다. 이러한 연구목적을 달성하기 위한 연구문제는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 부사관 조직 관련 기록물에 나타난 시대별 메타포는 무엇인가? 둘째, 부사관 조직의 시대별로 나타난 메타포 특성은 무엇인가? 셋째, 미래 부사관 조직에 필요한 특성은 무엇인가? 이다. 분석도구는 Morgan(2006)이 제시한 6개의 메타포와 Goffman(1959, 1961), Lakoff와 Johnson(1980)이 제시한 1개, 최영(2011)의 연구에서 제시한 자원 메타포를 적용하였다. 이를 질적분석 프로그램인 N-Vivo R1을 활용하여 분석하였다. 연구의 범위는 육군 부사관의 태동기부터 발전기까지 5단계로 구분하여 부사관 조직의 체제 및 구조개편과 주요제도의 생성 및 변천 과정 등이다. 이를 위한 문헌연구의 대상은 『국방일보』, 『하사관(부사관)』, 『잊혀진 전쟁영웅 신화를 남긴 부사관들』, 『호국용사 6·25참전 전투수기 제1~4집』, 『육군비전 2030』, 『부사관 종합발전 계획』, 『부사관 전략 2030』 등을 선정하였다. 본 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 태동기에는 부사관 조직이 미약하여 메타포의 사용이 많지 않았으며, 기계, 문화, 배역, 정치체제 메타포가 나타났다. 둘째, 창설기에는 기계, 문화, 배역, 인적자원, 구조물, 역량개발, 변화·성장, 유기체, 정치체계 순으로 조직 메타포의 사용빈도가 분석되었다. 배역 메타포의 ‘가족’ 메타포에서는 여러 가지 형태의 하위 메타포들이 나타났다. 특히, 유기체 메타포에서는 ‘쇠퇴’ 메타포가 나타났다. 또한, 자원 메타포가 높은 비중을 차지했다. 셋째, 통합성장기의 조직 메타포는 기계, 문화, 배역, 변화·성장, 정치체제, 역량개발, 유기체, 구조물, 인적자원 순으로 사용빈도가 분석되었다. 이 시기에 각 메타포의 하위 범주의 메타포가 새롭게 많이 등장했다. 기계 메타포에서는‘부대관리’, 문화 메타포에서는‘충·효·예’, 배역 메타포에서는 ‘주인’, ‘계승자’, 정치체제 메타포에서는‘대군신뢰’, ‘협력’의 메타포가 등장하였다. 넷째, 도약기의 조직 메타포는 변화·성장, 배역, 기계, 유기체, 문화, 역량개발, 구조물, 정치체제, 인적자원 순으로 분석되었다. 가장 많은 빈도를 나타낸 것은 변화·성장 메타포이다. 변화·성장 메타포의 증가에 따라 통합성장기에 유기체 메타포가 증가하였다. 다섯째, 발전기의 조직 메타포는 유기체, 배역, 기계, 문화, 역량개발, 변화·성장, 구조물, 정치체제, 인적자원 순으로 분석되었다. 이 시기에는 변화·성장 메타포의 빈도가 감소했으며, 반대로 유기체 메타포가 증가했음을 확인할 수 있다. 여섯째, 육군 부사관 조직의 미래에 필요한 조직의 특성은 배역 메타포, 기계, 변화·성장 메타포가 가장 많이 등장하였으며, 제4차 산업혁명으로 인해 역량개발, 문화 메타포가 두각을 나타냈다. 본 연구는 국내의 부사관 조직특성 연구가 미비한 상황에서 조직 메타포를 통하여 최초로 육군 부사관 조직의 시대별 특성변화를 실증적으로 분석하여 규명하였다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 그러나 부사관 조직이 미약한 시기인 태동기의 자료가 부족했던 점과 수집된 조직 메타포를 해석하면서 시대적 배경과 문맥의 흐름을 고려하였지만, 연구자의 주관적 판단으로 해석한 부분이 없지 않다. 따라서 차후 연구에서는 FGI(Focus Group Interview), 설문, 관찰 등의 여러 가지 연구방법을 혼합 적용할 필요가 있다. 향후 연구 방향으로는 합동성 강화의 측면에서 해·공군, 해병대 등 대상의 범위를 확대하여 미래 부사관 조직의 정체성을 제시하는 특성 연구가 요구된다.

      • Phylogenetic analysis of begomovirus and associated betasatellite occurred in Korea and characterization of their interactions and pathogenicity : 국내에 발생하는 베고모바이러스와 베타 DNA의 계통적 분석 및 감염성 클론을 이용한 상호작용과 병원성 규명

        오성 배재대학교 대학원 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 1839

        Previously, Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV)-IL[KR:Bus] (accession number GQ141873), -IL[KR:Bos] (accession number GU325634), -IL[KR:Hwas] (accession number GU126513), and Honeysuckle yellow vein virus (HYVV)-[KR:DJ] were isolated, respectively, from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants in Korea. To construct TYLCV infectious clones, full-length of respective TYLCV genomes were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and cloned into binary vector pRI101-AN, respectively. Using the 1mer clone, 2mer genomes of each isolate were constructed by restriction enzyme digestion and ligation. The resulting constructs were designated pRI-TYLCV-Bus, pRI-TYLCV-Bos and pRI-TYLCV-Hwas. In the case of HYVV, PCR amplified unit-lengths of DNA-A genome of HYVV-[KR:DJ] were cloned into binary vector pRI101-AN. Using the 1mer clone, 1.3mer and 2mer genomes were constructed by restriction enzyme digestion and ligation. The resulting constructs were designated pRI-HYVV-DJ. To prove the infectivity of each clone, respective constructs were transformed into Agrobacterium tumefaciens cells and the selected transformants were agro-inoculated into young leaves of clonescontaining dimer construct of respective isolates caused pronounced disease symptoms such as plant stunting, downward leaf curling and crinklingn.InHYVV,1clones caused pronounced disease symptoms in To discriminate the clone’s pathogenicity quantitatively, SYBR Green-based real-time PCR was performed for viral quantification using V1 gene DNA content in agro-inoculated leaves that were collected at weekly intervals for 4 weeks. Regression analysis obtained the standard curves by plotting Ct values over the logarithm of the amount of V1 DNAs present in a dilution series of plasmid containing the full-length HYVV-[DJ] genome. Equation of the HYVV-V1 DNA standard curve was used to quantify V1 gene DNA concentration in agro-inoculated plants with each clone. A real-time PCR assay showed that the accumulation of V1 DNAs in HYVV-[DJ]-1.3mer inoculated plants reached the peak level at 4 weeks post-inoculation. The amount of V1 DNA was significantly more than that in HYVV-[DJ]-2mer inoculated plants. Nevertheless, the accumulation of V1 DNAs reached the peak level at 3 weeks post-inoculation and then decreased slowly from 4 weeks post-inoculation. Considering the real-time PCR results, a significant difference was found in the accumulation virus and its DNA components between the analyzed plants inoculated with each clone, indicating that the difference in clones’ pathogenicity correlates with their virulence. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using two sets of primers designed from published Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) genomes was developed to distinguish from the TYLCV-IL groups. The specificity of the two sets of primers was proven by testing against control TYLCV genomes and the symptomatic leaves of 34 different tomato cultivars naturally infected with TYLCV in greenhouses. One set for amplified full-length genome fragments from all the 34 tomato cultivars. Another set for TYLCV-ILgroup-II strain specific primers amplified target DNA fragments from only 9 tomato cultivars. Digestion by BglII and EcoRV of the PCR amplicons produced restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) pattern the TYLCV-IL group-I with two fragments from the TYLCV-IL group-II with no digested fragment. PCR coupled with BglII and EcoRV digestion confirmed that the 9 tomato cultivars were infected with the TYLCV-IL group-II and the remained 25 tomato cultivars were infected with the TYLCV-IL group-I. Since the begomovirus C4 protein is known to associate with symptom severity (SS) and effective systemic infection, it is interesting to measure C4 protein level in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) cultivars infected with Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV). In this study, the full-length of the C4 protein gene of the TYLCV and the Honeysuckle yellow vein virus (HYVV), respectively, were expressed in Escherichia coli. To determine the antigenic characteristics of recombinant C4 (rC4) protein, polyclonal rat antibody was produced against the purified rC4 protein with His tag as an immunogen. In terms of the specificity, TYLCV-rC4 antiserum reacted well not only with TYLCV-rC4 but also with HYVV-rC4 antigens in Western blot, and vice versa. To determine the infection rate qualitatively and quantitatively, PCR and real-time qPCR assays were performed with eight tomato cultivars agro-inoculated with a TYLCV infectious clone and a naturally infected tomato cultivar with TYLCV. The real-time qPCR results revealed that the accumulation level of viral DNA was much higher in plants of susceptible cultivars than in plants of tolerant cultivars. It indicated that there is a negative correlation between the virus DNA accumulation and the presence of Ty resistance genes in the tolerant cultivars. Nevertheless, higher virus DNA accumulation was not necessarily matched with more severe symptoms observed in the susceptible tomato cultivars. To quantify the sensitivity of the TYLCV-rC4 antibody, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was performed with four selected plants of each cultivar showing TYLCV positive by PCR. ELISA results revealed that the C4 protein accumulation level was much higher in plants of the susceptible cultivars than in plants of the tolerant cultivars. In general, more C4 protein accumulated in susceptible cultivars showing higher SS rating, suggesting that the amount of C4 protein in plants positively related with symptom severity of the cultivar. The complete nucleotide sequences of Honeysuckle yellow vein virus (HYVV-HB) genome DNA and a betasatellite DNA (HYVB-HB) were determined from honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) leaves showing characteristic yellow vein mosaic symptoms in the Hanbat Arboretum, Daejeon, Korea. HYVB-HB had high nucleotide sequence identity with Honeysuckle yellow vein mosaic virus (HYVMV)-associated DNA β found in UK (accession number AJ543430: 98.4%), New Zealand (accession number GQ131809: 98.2), Korea (accession number JQ728545: 98.2) and Japan (accession number AB236427: 97.3). Previously, we identified Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV)-[Bus] and Honeysuckle yellow vein virus (HYVV)-[DJ] from tomato plants, each found not to be associated with a satellite DNA. To prove pathogenicity and interactions between a begomovirus and noncognate DNA β, we demonstrate co-agroinoculation into Nicotiana benthamiana, using a mixture of infectious clones of TYLCV + DNA β-HB and a mixture of HYVV + DNA β-HB. Genetic recombination is an important event during the evolution of begomovirus species. To determine the possibility of recombinant viruses, we investigated patterns of recombination that occur in 5 weeks long experimental infections of Nicotiana benthamiana plants using two infectious clones containing hybrid constructs (T+H hybrid and H+T hybrid) between TYLCV and HYVV genomes. Like original dimer clones of TYLCV and HYVV genomes, the infectious clones containing T+H hybrid and H+T hybrid constructs developed plant stunting and leaf curling with crinkling when agro-inoculated into N. benthamiana in the infectivity assay. PCR amplification and real-time qPCR analysis supported the infectivity of clones containing T+H hybrid and H+T hybrid constructs. The PCR amplified DNA products from plants agro-inoculated with T+H hybrid construct and H+T hybrid construct (Fig. 6D), respectively, cloned into pRI101-AN vector and determined their nt sequences. We found two recombinants named TH virus from the T+H hybrid construct agro-inoculated plants and HT virus from the H+T hybrid construct agro-inocualted plants. The full-length genome (2774 bases) of HT virus showed 74.1% and 97.3% nt identities, while its IR (300 bases) revealed 79.2% and 75.0% nt identities with those of HYVV-[KR:DJ] and and TYLCV-[KR:Bus], respectively. The full-length genome (2764 bases) of TH virus showed 97.0% and 73.9% nt identities, while its IR (296 bases) revealed 75.5% and 78.5% nt identities with those of HYVV-[KR:DJ] and TYLCV-[KR:Bus], respectively. In between TH and HT viruses their nt sequence identities was 71.4% in the full-length genome and 54.9% in the IR, which are same nt identities of the full-length genome and IR between HYVV-[KR:DJ] and TYLCV-[KR:Bus]. Based on nt sequence analysis, we found that recombination events mainly occurred in IR but not in ORF-coding regions, Based on nt sequence analysis, we found that recombination events mainly occurred in IR but not in ORF-coding. Although 54.9-79.2% nt identities were found in the IR, a stem-loop structure containing nonanucleotide region shows highly conserved nt sequences in recombinat viruses. All the results together indicated that the recombinant TH virus is closely related to HYVV and the recombinant HT virus is closely related to TYLCV. Severe tomato yellow leaf curl disease occurred in a TYLCV-tolerant cultivar (Dafnis) containing Ty- 1 and Ty-3 genes. Infected plants were collected from Buyeo city in Chungnam province, Korea. The complete nucleotide (nt) sequences were determined as 2774 bases, indicative of a monopartite begomoviral genome. A comparison of the ful-length genome with known TYLCV isolates reported in Korea, showed that the virus shared the highest nt sequence identity (98.5%) with TYLCV-IL[KR:Bus] considered as TYLCV-IL group-II. Based on the guidelines of the ICTV the virus has been designated TYLCV-IL[KR:Buyeo]. In addition, a betasatellite DNA was amplified by PCR and cloned, and the nt sequences were determined. Analysis of the complete nt sequences of 1347 bases indicated that the betasatellite (HYVB-tomato) shared 99.9% identity with its closest relative honeysuckle yellow vein betasatellite (HYVB-HB; accession number KC788280) which was identified from honeysuckle plants infected with Honeysuckle yellow vein virus (HYVV).

      • 동영상에서 교통 신호등 검출 및 신호인식 기법

        오성 한밭대학교 정보통신전문대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        Unmanned vehicles are actively researched and developed in Korea and other countries at present. Location recognition is one of the key technologies in this field, and the location recognition system helps distinguish the location and signals of traffic lights by recognizing the surrounding situations. However, there are more researches conducted to provide various services for drivers to drive more safely by supplementing the existing systems like 2-D navigation. This study proposes a new method that enables real-time image processing more effectively by detecting the location of traffic lights from videos and implementing a signal recognition technique. Since the existing traffic light recognition programs have limits to measuring the depth in front of vehicles and recognizing signal lights for the implementation of unmanned vehicles and have difficulty analyzing signals since they are too sensitive to changes in brightness, this study tried to implement a new program that can calculate the traffic light-vehicle distance and figure out the color of traffic lights by acquiring information about the depth in front of vehicles and detecting and analyzing signal lights. Implemented through simulations, this new method was found to recognize images more effectively by detecting more candidate frames than the existing methods. 국내외적으로 무인자동차에 대한 연구와 개발이 활발히 진행되고 있다. 그중의 가장 핵심기술인 위치인식시스템은 주변 상황을 인식하여 교통신호등의 위치 및 신호를 판별하는 데 도움을 주기 때문에 기존의 2D 기반 내비게이션과 같은 시스템의 단점을 보완하여 더 안전한 주행을 할 수 있도록 다양한 서비스를 제공하기 위해 연구되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 동영상에서 교통신호등의 검출 및 신호인식 기법을 구현하여 더욱 효과적으로 실시간 영상처리가 가능하도록 그 방법을 제안한다. 차량 전방의 깊이정보를 측정하는 방법의 한계와 무인자동차 구현을 위한 신호등 인식기능의 한계, 그리고 기존 신호등 인식프로그램은 밝기변화에 민감하여 신호분석에 어려움이 있다는 점을 고려하여 차량 전방의 깊이정보를 파악하고, 신호등을 검출하여 분석 후 전방에 검출된 신호등의 색 성분과 신호등-차량 간의 거리를 구하는 프로그램을 구현한다. 모의실험을 통하여 제안된 방식은 기존의 방법 대비 더욱 많은 후보 프레임을 검출함으로써 보다 더 효과적인 화면인식이 되었음을 확인하였다.

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