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        대구시 공원녹지에 대한 시민 만족도의 경시적 변화 분석

        엄붕훈,한성미,Eom, Boong-Hoon,Han, Sung-Mi 한국조경학회 2011 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.39 No.6

        본 연구는 대구광역시의 공원녹지를 대상으로 시민들의 공원녹지에 대한 만족도의 변화를 동일한 측정도구를 활용한 결과인 1986년도와 2001년도 및 2010년도 조사 자료들을 비교 분석함으로써 그 경시적인 변화를 살펴보고자 하였다. 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 가장 최근 조사인 2010년의 만족도 평균치들이 전반적으로 보통(4.0)수준을 상회하며 가장 높았고, 전반적으로 약간 불만족(3.0)에 가까운 수준이었던 1986년도에 비해 현저하고 지속적인 만족도 개선이 나타났으며, 3개 조사 시기 공히 시 전역 공원녹지에 대한 만족도가 거주지 주변 공원녹지에 대한 만족도보다 약간 높게 나타났음을 볼 수 있었다. 둘째, 지표별로는 녹지의 다양성 지표에 대한 만족도 향상이 가장 두드러진 반면 녹지공간의 시설물의 관리 상태에 대한 만족도가 가장 부진하게 나타났다. 셋째, 요인분석 결과, 만족도 평가인자는 기능별 만족도와 물리적 조건이 하나의 인자로 나타났고, 지표별 만족도 변수들이 하나의 인자로 묶여 전체적으로 2개의 인자 집단으로 분류되었으며, 회귀모델에서는 전만적인 만족도를 결정짓는 주요 변수들로 녹지의 다양성, 수림의 관리상태, 녹지공간의 양적 수준, 정적 레크리에이션 기능, 시설물 관리상태, 배치의 체계성, 녹지공간의 질적 수준, 녹지공간의 규모, 크기 등의 순서로 채택되었으며, 이들 8개 변수들의 결정계수($R^2$)는 0.468이었다. 넷째, 녹지 유형별 만족도는 가로변 녹지(가로수)에 대한 만족도가 가장 현저하게 개선되었고, 공업단지 등 공장지역의 녹지에 대한 만족도가 가장 불량하게 평가되었다. 섯째, 녹지유형들에 대한 요인분석 결과, 도시공원계 녹지, 시설계 녹지, 지구(district)계 녹지 등의 3개 인자 집단으로 분류되었다. This study was carried out to investigate the changes in citizen satisfaction with parks and green spaces in Daegu. Three surveys were conducted using the same measurement tools in 1986, 2001, and 2010. Major results are as follows: 1. The overall satisfaction level with parks and green spaces increased remarkably over the last25years. Satisfaction levels with city spaces overall were higher than that of nearby surrounding areas. 2. Diversity of green spaces was the most distinguished indicator in increasing level of satisfaction while the management level of green space facilities showed the lowest improvement. 3. The factor analysis for individual variables for satisfaction resulted in two factors: functions and physical conditions were categorized as one factor, and indicators for the planning of green spaces were the other. Using a regression model, the major variables found for satisfaction were diversity, management level of woods, quantitative level, function of static recreation, and management level of facilities, respectively. 4. Regarding satisfaction level by the type of green spaces, green spaces by streets showed a remarkable increase while green spaces in industrial areas showed the lowest improvement. A factor analysis for each type of green space resulted in 3 factors: green spaces of urban parks, green spaces of urban recreational facilities, and green spaces of each district including residential areas and industrial areas.

      • KCI우수등재

        "캠퍼스" 공간설계 유형에 따른 이용자의 지각반응특성에 관한 연구-안전지각과 시각선호에 대한 비교 분석-

        엄붕훈,한성미 한국조경학회 1997 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.25 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to grasp the characteristics of user's response to perceived safety and visual preferences for outdoor green spaces by the types of campus layouts. This research was investigated by color slide ratings and questionnaire survey to the students who are majoring in Landscape architecture in three universities locating at Taegu area. Two research sites have similarities in many ways but have differences in campus land form and design type such as 'Closed' and 'Open' types. Major results were summarised as follows ; 1. As a result of the slide test, the high degree of visual preference was shown in the campus that is 'Closed' type. However the degree of perceived safety was lower than that of in Youngnam Univ. campus. 2. According to the result of the comparative analysis between user's perceived safety and visual preferences in each campus, the degree of perceived safety at 'Closed' type was lower than that of 'Open' type, but the degree of visual satisfactioni was higher at 'Closed' type. 3. The factors affecting visual preference in campus were shown as density of wood, land form, and diverse type of the spaces. On the other hand, the factors affecting perceived safety were 'enclosed space by wood' at the day time, and 'the condition of lighting' at night. 4. Regarding gender differences in sensation of each space variables, female users showed higher satisfactio on the scenic beauty. 5. Regression analysis showed that general satisfation was determined by the variables such as 'arrangement', familiarity', 'cleanness', and 'closed feeling', in Kyungbook Univ. And in Youngnam Univ. , the variables were 'texture', 'perceived beauty', 'cleanness', and 'complexity' respectively. 6. In conclusion, campus users wanted the outdoor spaces that have various land form and somewhat 'open-closed' mixture type, which has a good 'Edge Effect' to satisfy both aspects in safety and visual preferneces.

      • KCI등재

        대형건축물 공개공지의 조성 및 관리실태 분석 - 대구시를 대상으로 -

        엄붕훈,Eom, Boong-Hoon 한국조경학회 2011 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.39 No.6

        공개공지는 쾌적한 도시환경의 조성을 위해 조성하는 공간으로, 건축주가 관리하는 사유공간이지만 보행환경의 일부 또는 보행환경에 연결되는 오픈스페이스로서 보행의 편리, 휴식, 경관 등 시민생활의 쾌적성을 제공하는 목적으로 설치되고, 항상 시민에게 개방되어야 하는 공공공간이다. 본 연구는 대구광역시의 대형건축물 71개소의 공개공지를 대상으로 현행 법적규정과 조성 및 관리 등의 실태조사를 실시하여, 이에 대한 분석과 개선방안을 제시하였다. 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 대구시의 구별 공개공지는 부도심권인 북구와 달서구가 많이 분포하였으며, 건축물 용도유형별로는 판매시설(36.6%), 업무시설(21.1%), 주상복합(15.5%) 등의 순으로 많았다. 공개공지의 위치는 1개소 전면형(42.9%)이 가장 많았으며, 1개소 측면형(20%) 및 2개소 전면/측면형(20%)의 빈도가 높았다. 공개공지의 분할 여부는 1개 집중형이 45.7%, 2곳 분할형 35.7% 등으로 높았으나, 현행규정에는 맞지 않는 3곳 분리형(10%) 및 4곳 분리형(8.5%) 등이 나타났다. 특히 타 용도로 전용되고 있는 경우도 28.6%로 높게 나타나 문제점으로 부각되었으며, 건축법시행령에 명시된 표지판이 설치된 곳은 5.7%에 지나지 않았다. 전문가 패널 현장평가 결과, 우수 그룹으로는 대구문화방송, 삼성금융플라자, 이마트반야월점, 홈플러스칠성점 등이 접근성과 공공성 및 기능성 등에서 우수한 것으로 나타났고, 불량한 그룹은 영업장소로 혹은 주차장으로 불법 전용되고 있는 더락, 서문시장 롯데마트, 유통단지 전기재료관, 네오시티프라자, 알리앙스예식장, GS프라자호텔 등이었다. 대구시 공개공지의 개선방안은, 1) 공개공지 관련 제도 개선, 2) 공개공지 조성모델 설정과 심의 강화, 3) 행 재정적 지원방안 구축, 4) 주기적 지도 점검 및 계도, 5) 시민 쉼터임을 알리는 표지판 설치, 6) 시민의 공개공지 관리 참여 등으로 제안되었다. Public open space(Gong-Gae-Gong-Ji) is an important part of the open-space system in an urban environment. Though part of the private sector, it has a significant public function as there are as always open to the free use of every citizen for rest and amenities. A field survey of the public open space of 71 major buildings was carried out to investigate the actual state of public open spaces in the city of Daegu. As a result of this investigation, several point of issues were discussed. In distribution by 'Gu', newly-emerging sub-centers of Daegu-City, such as Bug-Gu and Dalseo-Gu as well as downtown area have many public open spaces. By the use type of buildings, retail buildings such as shopping centers and SSM account for36.6%, business buildings21.1%, and residential and commercial complexes 15.5%, respectively. Location wise, the front areas accounted for the greatest amount(42.9%) with 1 in side area(20%), and 2 in the front/side area(20%), respectively. Degree of division was 1 spot type(45.7%), 2 division type(35.7%). The misuse of public open space for private use, such as shopping and parking lots, was26.6%. On the basis and analysis of the actual status, 6 improvement devices for public open spaces were suggested: 1) The improvement of the legal regulative system, 2) the establishment of design guidelines and strengthening of deliberation, 3) administrative and financial support, 4) periodic supervision and guidance, 5) installment of signs that shows the space is open for use to every citizen, and 6) the participation of citizens in management of public open space.

      • 外部空問 設計에 있어 環境心理的 接近方法의 應用에 關한 考察

        嚴鵬勳 효성여자대학교 산업미술연구소 1986 산업미술 Vol.1 No.-

        In planning and designing of enterior spaces, the relationships between the space organization and charicteristics of user's sensation and behavior are basic and important aspect. Designing based on human perceptual/cognitive and behavioral attributes can be defined as an essential part of environmental psychological approaches. This article deals with the environmental design approaches which appreciate those relationships between people and spaces. The review of existing theories and paradigms on the exterior spaces was performed. And three types of approaches were categorized by their viewpoints and methodologies 1)Approaches in quantitative analysis, 2) Spatial sensation and behavioral approaches, and 3) Spatial pattern and conceptual approaches are those. All these approaches have the similar goals to accomplish the organic linkage between spatial organization and human attributes. Considering our design processes and approaches, uesr oriented designs as an environmental psychological approaches should be applied. As a result of the review, following spatial theories are suggested as a basic design concepts. 1) Goldfinger's space type based on human sensation, 2) Privacy continuum, 3) Positive/Negative space are those. These spatial concepts are colsely interrelated and with the harmonious combination of these concepts, a space can be tranformed into an organic and systematic behavior setting.

      • 公園잔디空間 利用者의 「레크리에이션」滿足度에 關한 硏究

        嚴鵬勳 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1995 연구논문집 Vol.50 No.1

        This study was carried out to analyze the user's perception of recreation satisfactio n of lawn areas in park. The study is based on the on-site questionnaire survey, which is composed of three parts ; general attributes of respondents, analysis of perceived crowding and analysis of recreation satisfaction. The surey sites were lawn areas in 〈Doturag World〉and 〈Seorabul Plaza〉in Kyung-ju. This article deals with the recreation satisfaction model as a part of the study. The results were as follows: 1. According to mean values in recreation satisfaction by each space and each variables, size of lawn areas(X6) and surrouding landscape(X4) were estimated highly. But, convenience facilities(X7) were estimated as the lowest. Total satifaction(X10)was 4.45, which is ‘slightly satisfied’level. 2. In consideration of the form of lawn areas, no significant difference was found by each space in recreation satisfsction. 3. There were 3 factor groups of variables in receration satisfaction. This result meets the hypothetical type of factors, but in detail, there were no correspondence in group of each factor. 4. By the results of the regression analysis, total satisfaction was affected by the convenience facilities(X7), other user's activity(X3), and the use density(X1) in 〈Doturag World〉. In〈Seorabul Plaza〉, the use density(X1), the size of lawn areas(X6), and the convenience facilities(X7) influenced the total recreation satisfaction. 5. In total site, total recreation satisfaction(X10) was affected by the convenience facilities(X7), other user's activity(X3), use density(X1), and cleanness(X5). And R²of the regression model was 0.3622.

      • 大邱市民의 綠地意識 및 公園綠地 政策方向에 關한 硏究

        嚴鵬勳 효성여자대학교 새마을연구소 1988 새마을硏究論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        This study was carried out to investigate the citizen's attitudes and planning policies of park and open space system in Taegu City. And the findings of this study can be practical and useful guidance for park and open space planning. A questionnarie survey was performed and total no. of 489 answered questionnaires were analyzed. The major findings are as fellows ; 1. The user's feeling on the amount of park and open spaces were appeared to be deficient in general. As it goes to young age and high educated classes, the feeling of deficiency became more strong. This means the demand of park and open space will be sharply increased in soon. 2. The attitudes towards the major functions of parks and open spaces were changing from conventional static recreation use to psychological effects

      • 大邱市 公園綠地의 灣足度評價 및 綠地意識에 關한 硏究

        嚴鵬勳 효성여자대학교 새마을연구소 1986 새마을硏究論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        This stuudy was carried out to evaluate the citizen, s (user's) satisfaction and attitude toward park and open space system in Taegu-City.For more harmonius and user oriented park and open space planniing,this study can proride a basic information. The major findings are asfollows. 1. The satisfaction level of overall park and open space system wascomparatively low. Especially, waterside recreation ground and diversity were eraluated as low. And by the result of factor andlysis andmultiple regression analysis, the variables such as amount of forestand natural parks etc. are most important variables in evaluation ofoverall satisfaction. 2. According to the free response, the satisfaction level was highin grand natural parks such as Apsan Park, Dooryu Park. But it wasvery low in waterside recreation grourds and central city parks suchas Dongchon recreation ground, Shincheon riverside area, CentralPark and Hwawon recreation ground etc. respectively. 3. The satisfaction level of park and open space system in near byresidential areas was resonably low. Especially, children's playground,diversity and amount of forest were evaluated as low. And thevariables such as diversity, children's playground, accessibility etc.are the most important variables in evaluation of overall satisfaction. 4. As the result of citizen's attitude toward parks and open spaces,passive recreation use and psychological effect were regarded as themost important functions of parks and open spaces. Aud lawn areas(wiese), gloves (wald) and water (wasser) are regarded as the mostimportant elements in parks and open spaces respectively.

      • 都市 住居環境의 外部空間 改善을 爲한 硏究 (Ⅰ) : 住宅庭園의 改善方向 設定에 關하여 Establishment of Reform Measures in Home Landscaping

        嚴鵬勳,沈相烈 효성여자대학교 새마을연구소 1984 새마을硏究論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        In Korea, we are entering new age of garden suburb habitation. At this point of time, reformation of gardens in ressidential areas is an urgent problem. This article is to establish some basic reform measures in home landscaping as a part of environmental improvement for urban residential areas. To construct basic reform measures, basic problems in our garden are reviewed and some of significant organization concepts in our traditional garden, japanese garden and euro-american garden are contemplated. As a conclusion, basic reform measures are established as follows. A) Spatial organization ·Articulation of garden spacepfunction and character of each space should be defined. ·Introduction of space subdivision elements(trellis, fence etc.) ·Spatial sequence should be established. ·Closer linkage between indoor and outdoor spaces ·Introduction of <Exterior order> concept partially(entry garden etc.) B) Visual organization ·Visual characteristics for each space should be defined. ·Diverse position of visual points ·Increase the spatial depth and mystic atmosphere. ·Introduction of <Vista> and <Fenestration> concepts C) Planting and detail ·Formation of identity and character as <Korean garden> ·Landscaping each area based on its spatial and visual characters ·Diversification of landscaping material ·Introduction of canopy trees and shade tolerant plants ·Introduction of lawns and ground covers

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