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        17세기 러시아 구교도 생애전 「보야리냐 모로조바 이야기」의 담화와 서사 -아바쿰의 「세 순교성녀에 대한 애도사」와의 비교 연구-

        송은지 ( Eun Ji Song ) 서울대학교 러시아연구소 2011 러시아연구 Vol.21 No.2

        The study explores discourse and narrative structures and strategies of the Old Believer Life ≪Tale of Bojarynja Morozovoj (hereafter "Life")≫ by an anonymous writer and ≪Lament for Three Martyr Women (hereafter "Lament")≫ by Archpriest Avvakum. Both texts are almost contemporaneous, written about the same protagonist, Old Believer Saint Feodosija Morozova, and share the same socio-cultural, religious contexts. Two comparable texts, however, are strikingly different in narrator perspectives, discourse strategies, agendas and purposes. Thus the same factual events are packaged very different. The author of Life portrays Morozova`s life according to his own subjective time frame: the last 4 years of her passion for the Old Belief are highlighted, while the rest years of her previous life are presented as sketchy and insignificant. The narrative skeleton consists of 10 episodes of Morozova`s verbal confrontations against the Nikonian priests, which develop, culminate, and calm down as time advances: the first and final struggles are less intense, whereas the seventh and eighth are the most intense and climactic, and accompany physical struggles. The overall emotive stance of the narrator gets increasingly sympathetic with the protagonists toward the end of the narrative. The exchange of direct quotations is another locus of authorial narrative strategy showing his subjective stance. Morozova`s utterances are longer, as compared with the antagonists`. The fast shifts of turns between two opposing parties speed up the narrative and increase the tension of conflicts, whereas focusing on Morozova`s long quotations slows down the narrative speed. The narrator of Life appears to be distanced and detached from narrated events and characters, and yet his emotive and evaluative stance can be inferred from the narrative structure and discourse on deep level. Authorial empathy with Morozova is conveyed not through conventional, stylized authorial interventions, but through a seemingly objective biography with authorial predilection for the protagonists deeply embedded in the narrative structure. Avvakum`s Lament, in contrast, is not so much a biographical narrative developing on temporal plane, as an expository discourse and the main protagonist is not only Morozova, the apparent hero, but also Avvakum himself. Thus, his selection, presentation, and foregrounding of Morozova`s life stories reflect his own narrative agendas: Avvakum is more interested in ``here, now, the first person`` than in ``then, there, the third person``. Avvakum`s version of Morozova`s life focuses on the years of her life before becoming a nun, and on his personal relationship with her. Further, unlike Life, polemic and eulogistic (panegyrical) agendas override narrative or documentary agendas. By manipulating the discourse and rhetoric, he downplays Morozova`s independence and emphasizes her auxiliary role. Both texts are far from being canonical lives, and assert the importance of perspective, narrative mode, strategies and goal in discourse production.

      • 음향을 이용한 인공어초 주변의 거리별 어군량 분포조사

        송은지(Eun-ji SONG),이태하(Tae-ha LEE),강태종(Tae-jong KANG),민은비(Eun-bi MIN),황두진(Doo-jin HWANG) 전남대학교 어업기술연구소 2022 어업기술연구소보고지 Vol.15 No.1

        A marine ranch is a sea area that artificially creates habitats where artificial structures or natural stones can be installed to inhabit and grow. The purpose of this study is to investigate the vertical and horizontal distribution of fish schools by distance around artificial reefs in central Taean using acoustic survey. The survey was conducted on April 27(1st), July 28(2nd), September 30(3rd), and November 17(4th). According to the survey, more fish schools appear in April and July than in September and November, and more fish schools appear at night than during the day. When examining the density of fish schools by distance of 2km, 3km, and 4km from artificial reefs, the frequency of appearance decreased as the distance from artificial reefs increased. As a result, changes in the distribution of fishing schools were found depending on the day and night and the presence or absence of artificial reefs. Data should be collected and stored using sound research equipment WBT, GPS, Transducer, and Notebook, and it is judged that follow-up management and continuous observation of fisheries resource creation projects are necessary.

      • KCI등재

        러시아어 존재문의 어순

        송은지(Song Eun-Ji) 한국노어노문학회 2012 노어노문학 Vol.24 No.3

        본 연구는 러시아어 존재문의 어순 변이, 특히 서술어 동사와 주어 명사로 구성된 존재문의 중립적 어순, 혹은 객관적 어순과 도치 어순, 혹은 주관적 어순이 어떤 의미, 화용론적 변수에 의해 결정되는지를 분석한 것으로 기존 어순 연구가 존재문의 무표적 어순인 V?와 그 도치 어순 ?V를 문체적, 정서적 차원에서만 그 변별성을 찾으려 했던 것에 대한 비판에서 출발하였다. 전통적인 FSP 연구는 어순, 강세, 화제구조, 정보구조, 그리고 통사구조의 대응을 체계화하면서 문법 차원과 의미, 화용 차원의 독립성을 간과하였다. 더욱이 강세와 어순을 상호보완적 혹은 강세를 어순에 대한 종속변수로 취급한 것은 존재문에도 적용되어 V?와 ?V를 본질적으로 자유변이, 동의구조로 파악하는 오류를 보였다. 강세와 어순은 둘 다 독립적인 차원에서 작용하는 화용론적 표현수단으로 존재문의 경우 V?어순과 ?V어순은 이분적 화용구조로는 변별성을 갖기 힘들고 어순은 불연속적 분절 구조가 아니라 비분절적 연속체라는 점에서 기존의 FSP 연구에서 충분히 그 섬세한 변이가 파악되지 못했다. 본 연구에서 필자는 러시아어 존재문에 사용되는 준존재동사들의 어휘의미가 존재 의미 이외의 존재 대상에 대한 특징적 서술 정보가 현저할수록 V?어순이 선호되는 경향이 있음을 주장했다. 이는 V?어순과 동사의 탈어휘화가 상호관련성 있음을 함의하고, 나아가 동사가 문미에 오는 어순(SV)이 동사의 탈어휘화를 저해하는 방향으로 작용할 가능성이 있음을 추론케 한다. 이로써 본 연구는 기존에 변이 어순으로만 알았던 두 어순의 분포에 동사의 어휘의미가 관련됨을 밝혔고 강세와 어순이 같은 정보, 화제구조를 표지한다 하더라도 러시아어의 어순 변이는 임의적인 것이 아니고 특히 어순은 강세와 별도로 존재문 해석 여부에 영향을 끼침을 주장하였다. 아울러 본 연구에서는 기존에 모호하게 동일시되었던 존재문과 제시문에 대해 두 개념의 변별성을 살피면서 후자가 사건의 존재를 제시하는 일종의 존재문이라 볼 수 있고 존재문과 서술문이 문법적으로 서로 다른 범주지만 화용적으로 비분절문의 같은 구조를 가지고 어순, 강세가 동일한 양상으로 실현될 수 있음에 주목하였다. 이로써 원형적인 존재문과 주변적인 사건 제시문이 일종의 연속체로 방사범주를 형성함을 밝혔다. 본 연구는 나아가 서사체 담화에서 두 어순의 차이를 살폈는데 V?어순이 거리를 두고 외부적 관점에서 변화를 관찰하는 역동적 관점이라면 ?V어순은 화자의 관점이 등장인물의 관점과 동일시하거나 내적 관점, 정태적 관점, 주관성의 표현으로 지각, 의식의 주체가 사물에 대한 인지나 논리적 추론의 순서를 도상적으로 나타내고 이로써 두 어순이 상호보완적인 서사전략으로 활용 가능함을 주장했다. Most previous studies on Functional Sentence Perspective do not do justice to word order variation of existential sentences in Russian by treating word order inversions in stylistic or emotive terms. The study argues that mutually exclusive binary terms of thematic and information structures, that is, topic-focus, old information-new information, can not illuminate subtle variations in Russian word order, such as V? and ?V of Russian existential sentences. In traditional word order studies with structuristic orientation, stress or intonation has been treated as a bound variable for allegedly more important and deterministic word order in expressing FSP, and this has been very detrimental to research on “subjective word order”, which has been glossed as a mere stylistic variation of “objective word order”. The study has shown that Russian existential and presentational sentences have vague boundaries due to formal, semantic, and pragmatic similarities, and existential sentence should be understood as a radial category including not only core existential sentences with proper existential verbs, but also predicative presentational sentences with lexical verbs with a range of characteristic meanings on periphery. Thus existential-predicative dichotomy is erroneous and the pseudo-existential verbs also form a continuum with varying degrees of lexical specification. The study argues that word order variation is influenced by the lexical semantics of the pseudo-existential verbs: the more specific information a verb has other than the existential meaning, the more likely the verb is to show V? order. In other word, delexicalization or ‘bleaching’ in verbal semantics is correlated with V? order and this entails that the marked order ?V, due to the sentence-final position of the verb, may feed the literal reading of the verbs. Further, this study tries to show the subjective word order ?V encodes the point of view of characters(participants of the narrated events) in narrative discourse and this is often exploited in free indirect style or represented speech and thought. ?V is an iconic order in that subject of consciousness follows the order of perceived objects or the order of subjective reasoning or perception, which is often expressed in narrative or historic present tense. While V? order evokes distant, outer, dynamic perspective, ?V order close, inner, static perspective. Narrative discourse can take full advantage of these complementary word order strategies in mixing voices and points of view.

      • KCI등재

        청소년 인터넷규제 개선방향에 대한 제언

        송은지(Eun-Ji Song) 한국콘텐츠학회 2013 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.13 No.11

        발전된 디지털 환경은 생활 편의성 향상 측면에서 상당한 이점을 가져다주고 있지만, 무분별한 정보의 접근은 오히려 새로운 사회 문제를 발생시키고 있다. 특히 청소년이나 어린이 인터넷 이용 인구의 증가로 인터넷 상의 유해 정보로부터 야기되는 부정적인 영향에 대한 우려가 높아짐에 따라, 국제 사회에서는 인터넷 상의 청소년 및 어린이 보호를 위한 정책 마련과 각종 활동의 중요성이 강조되고 있다. 본고에서는 이와 같은 추세를 반영해 해외 주요 국가의 청소년 보호를 위한 인터넷 규제 및 운영 현황을 살펴보고 향후 국내에서 청소년 보호를 위한 인터넷 환경 강화에 필요한 요건을 도출해본다. 주요 국가들은 민간단체들과 긴밀한 협력 구조 구축과 캠페인, 지속적인 교육 등을 통해 자율적인 규제를 유도하며 직접적인 규제를 최소화하고 있음에도 불구하고, 한국은 인터넷 게임 셧다운제와 같은 직접적이고 강압적인 규제를 시행하고 있으며 사회 인프라 조성 활동도 미흡한 것으로 분석되었다. 따라서, 바람직한 인터넷 환경을 조성하기 위해서는 민간 전문가 및 민간단체 등의 협력 증진과 간접적 규제 기반 조성으로 자율적인 규제를 지향하는 것이 필요하다. Advanced digital environment, ease of life would bring significant benefits, but rather indiscriminate access to information have occurred new social problems. Especially the youth and children using the Internet to increase in population resulting from harmful information on the Internet, concerns about the negative impact increases establish policies for the protection of youth and children emphasizes the importance of various activities international community. Despite major countries aim to self-regulation minimize the direct regulation through collaboration with the private sector cultivation and campaign, continuing education, Korea was analyzed that implement direct and coercive enforcement regulations such as ‘internet game shut down’ and insufficient social infrastructure to create activities. Therefore, in order to create a positive internet environment, self-regulation is essential with private experts and organizations based on cooperation and indirect regulation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        17세기 러시아 구교도 여성과 언어적 주체성

        송은지(Song Eun-Ji) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2011 슬라브학보 Vol.26 No.4

        This study explores a novel type of Russian women in the 17th century, drawing on the Old Believer Saint’s Life 〈The Tale of Bojarinja Morozova (Повесть о боярыне Морозовой〉 by an anonymous Old Believer writer. The Life is a realistic, documentary, and biographical narrative of three noble Old Believer women, namely., Feodosija Morozova as main heroine and the other two co-sufferers, her sister princess Evdokija Urusova and Marija Danilova. For a thorough textual investigation, correspondences between Morozova and Avvakum as well as the latter’s Lament for the three women martyrs are compared. Subscribing to Boris Uspensky, I interpret that Schism between Old Belief and Nikon’s liturgical, ritual reforms and revisions of church books has semiotic, cultural foundations. Further, I argue, that Old Believer culture rediscovered women’s voices and self-identity, since the fundamentals of the culture are oriented toward deep-rooted orality in Russian tradition, in which women could participate with equal rights, unlike in the literacy-oriented, male-dominated culture. Morozova’s Life presents new portraits of the 17th-century Russian women through Morozova’s directly-quoted utterances in terms of articulation, argumentativity, and rhetoric, as well as her charisma in the public sphere. Unlike previous Lives and women saints therein, Morozova’s martyrdom is substantiated by her verbal display of spiritual commitment to Old Belief as well as her devotion to ascetic life through female domestic duties, as prescribed by Domostroi. Not only Morozova and her Old Believer co-martyrs, but all the female characters and onlookers in Life are portrayed as morally supporting and emotionally sympathetic, whereas most male characters including the tsar and Nikonian high priests and officials as tormentors and tempters, which implies invisible spiritual sisterhood among all the underprivileged women in the 17th century patriarchal Muscovite Russia. In this transitional period, under the sociocultural upheaval triggered by the western influences and religious dissent in the Orthodox church, Morozova, as a symbolic female figure of that period, shows a possibility to recover women’s long-lost verbal subjectivity and sense of self or identity as an independent, autonomous individual. Avvakum, however, shows an ambivalent attitude toward Morozova and women in general, and his evaluations are strikingly variable depending on literary genres and contexts. While in his Lament, Avvakum praises and commemorates her verbal revelations testifying to Old belief, in his private letters he demonstrates a very condescending and patriarchal attitude toward Morozova and women in general.

      • KCI등재

        러시아어 지소형의 메타언어기능

        송은지 ( Eun Ji Song ) 한국외국어대학교 러시아연구소 2014 슬라브연구 Vol.30 No.4

        본 연구는 지소형의 의미, 화용론에서의 다의성, 다기능성을 해석하는 데 있어 인지의미론적 접근에서 중요하게 다뤄진 은유에 의한 의미확대 원리를 환유라는 인지 기제에 의해 보완할 필요성을 주장하면서, 지소형이 다른 지시의미 위주의 상징기호와 달리 아동(상대)어에서부터 그태생적인 맥락적 지표성을 가짐에 근거하여 도상성에 근거한 은유 뿐 아니라 인접성에 근거한 환유도 중요하게 다뤄져야 할 다의성의 원리임을 제시한다. 또한 본 연구에서 필자는 지소형이 최근 슬라브어권 중심으로 이뤄진 언어습득과 지소형의 동반상승적 효과에 대한 연구 및 사회인지적, 언어적 진화론 연구에서의 지표적 몸동작인 손가락으로 가리키는 행위의 언어전단계로서의 함의에 주목한 연구를 조명함으로써 지소형이 근원적인 상호주관적 인지적 조율 혹은 의사소통 의도성의 공유 기능이라는 메타언어, 메타화용적 기능을 가짐을 주장하였다. 메타발화적, 메타화용적 기능이 해석자, 분석자 중심의 분석에서는 은유적 의미확대 과정에서 가장 나중에 파생되는 것과 대조적으로, 본 연구는 언어습득자 혹은 수용자 측면에서 지소형의 메타언어기능, 상호주관성 조율 기능이 존재론적으로 일차적인 기능으로서 지소형의 본질적 가치는 소통의 토대를 마련하는 맥락적 지표성에 있음을 주장하였다. The study focuses on metalinguistic functions of Russian diminutives and attempts to show their crucial role in building joint attention and shared intentionality in cildren’s language acquisition process. Tomasello(1999, 2008) argues that infant’s pointing gesture stimulates joint-attentional and intentional interactions in infant cognitive and language development. Previous studies on diminutives from morphological, semantic, or semiotic approaches end up with a detailed description of a range of context-independent meanings and functions of diminutives without exploring analytical methodology, or abstract generalizations, or semantic invariants overarching meaning variations. Recent cognitive semantic studies on diminutives in world languages argue for a radial category consisting of divergent meanings and functions in semantics and pragmatics, presenting ‘child-orientation’ and ‘small’ as the most prototypical meanings and explicate polysemy of diminutives based on metaphoric domain mapping: from external(sociophysical) to internal(subjective), from textual to metalinguistic, from subjective to intersubjective. In this study it is argued that metonymy based on contiguity relationship within a semantic domain as well as metaphor based on similarity or iconicity is a fundamental cognitive mechanism for meaning extensions in Russian diminutives. Further, in view of the children’s access to diminutives in CDS, I argue that Russian diminutives facilitate grammatical pattern-finding skills (inflexional morphology, such as case, gender), but also intention-reading social cognition or shared intentionality presupposing communicative infrastructure for language acquisition. Thus intersubjective and metalinguistic functions of diminutives are ontogenetically and phylogenetically primordial, and therefrom all other meanings are derived. While recent studies focus on the positive heuristic effects of phonological patterns of diminutive suffixes from mnemonic perspective, this study stresses upon intersubjective, metalinguistic functions of diminutives in interactional speech acts.

      • KCI등재

      연관 검색어 추천

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      활용도 높은 자료
