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      • 新羅時代 茶人 硏究

        서태선 원광대학교 동양학대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this thesis will be contributed to establishing the correct history of tea culture through carrying out research on tea master during Shilla dynasty. The conclusion will be as follows. The people of Shilla dynasty regarded tea as their favorite and spiritual purification drinks. They also recognized the teas not only cultivation, picking up tea leaves, whole process in making tea, finding the quality water, tea ceremony of the teas but also the effect of both a medicine and spirit after drinking the teas. tea master in the early history of Shilla dynasty, there were Wonkwang and Wonhyo, in the middle history, there were Solchong, Kim Kyo Kak, Choongdam, Jingam, and finally, in the last generation of the history, there was Choi Ji Won. I researched their tea life and the view-point of their tea culture. The tea culture regarding the tea people during Shilla dynasty will be as follows. Wonkwang as tea master in the early history of dynasty strived for studying confucianism but became a believer in Buddhism when he studied in China. Wonkwang led the people of Shilla to conduct their life in Buddhism with showing his spiritual and practical abilities to the people. Wonhyo was a religionist who made a tremendous contributions to the history of Buddhism in Korea and also greatly influenced on the spirit of tea ceremony. Even though he was noble-blooded, he wrote many books based on the thought of equality as a scholar. Ha was a man of thought in Buddhism who made efforts to solve the mental anguish of the people through putting emphasis on practical execution for the purpose of helping the mass of people. Seolchong as a tea master in the middle history of Shilla dynasty was noble-blooded and his excellent learning and statecraft made him a great scholar. He enjoyed the tea life and made King Shinmoon "Hwawangkye" for the purpose of making the King conducting the virtue principles for the people. Judging from that, he, a man of great insight recognized that tea is able to make our spirit clear. Kim Kyo Kak was born as a prince of Shilla dynasty but he abandoned his royal family life while studying in China. Eventually he became a respectable monk copying with a lot of difficulties after entering the Buddhist priesthood. Moreover, he also cultivated and made the Kumji tea he took from Korea while studying in China. The tea was greatly helped him continue to practice asceticism of his religious life. Choongdam hold tea offering in honor of Miruk Buddha of Samhwaryong, Namsan, Kyongju on every Mar 3 and Sep 9. He made tea in honor of King Kyungduk at the 24th year of his tenure and composed "Anminga" at the request of the king. Jingam as one of the ascetic devotees was praised as a Buddhist saint of the orient because he made a lot of efforts to enlighten people in spite of confusion of a political situation in the late history of Shilla dynasty. According to the monumental inscription, he also planted some tea bushes and enjoyed drinking tea at Mt. Jiri as a part of training. Choi, Chi Won was a profound thinker as well as a scholar during the transition time period of turbulent age in Shilla dynasty. While studying in China, he used to send his parents in Korea letters with teas. It surely means that his family enjoyed tea as a family tradition and it was handed down continuously. Hwarang, representative tea master during Shilla dynasty developed the tea culture as well as devoting to strengthen their body and mind through memorial ceremony while travelling all over the country. Moreover, they could attain their moral sense in harmony of nature during their training. The well of Hansongjung and Sokjijo are still remained as the representative cultural relics of tea by Hwarang. Another tea place is Banwolsung which Choongdam made tea in honor of King Kyungduk. There is Jingamsonsa monumental inscription as the cultural relics of tea by monk and historic monument of Choi, Chi Won is still remained as the cultural relics of tea by confucian scholars. Hereby the cultural relics of tea were developed not only tea affairs and boiling and drinking tea but also unique culture of Shilla dynasty. Considering all the information as I mentioned above, I believe that the tea culture of Shilla dynasty was maintained by nobles, Hwarang, monks, and confucian scholars and moreover, it was developed by the ascetics with Seon spirit and the profound thinkers of Taoism. It is known that the tea master during Shilla dynasty spiritually sublimated themselves through tea while they devoted themselves to learning based on equality. Most of confucian scholars were noble-blooded and focused on a government service and successful career but they became the great men as scholars of the dynasty who were devoted to confucianism and Buddhism regardless of their social position. Moreover, considering that they wrote many books, I believe it was motivated to develop the tea culture and tea was also a means of ascetic practices to them for sure. 본 논문은 신라시대 차인을 조명하여 올바른 차문화역사 정립에 기여하고자 하는 목적에 의거하여 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 신라인들은 차를 기호음료와 정신정화 음료로 여겼으며 차의 재배, 채다, 제다, 擇水, 다례 그리고 음다 후의 약효와 정신적인 효과까지 인식하였다. 신라시대 上代의 茶人으로 원광과 원효, 中代의 茶人인 설총, 김교각, 충담, 진감, 후대의 茶人으로 최지원이 있으며 이들의 차생활과 차문화관을 조명하였다. 신라시대 茶人의 차문화에 관한 내용은 다음과 같다. 上代 茶人인 원광은 유교 공부에 매진하였으나 중국으로 유학을 가서 불교로 귀의하게 되었다. 원광은 정신적? 실천적 능력으로 신라인들이 불교적 삶을 영위할 수 있도록 이끌었다. 원효는 한국불교 사상사에 업적을 남긴 종교가이며 다도 정신에도 커다란 영향을 끼쳤다. 육두품 출신이지만 평등사상으로 학문정진하여 많은 저서를 남겼다. 실천수행을 강조하며 대중을 위한 구원으로 민중의 고통을 해결하고자 노력한 불교사상가였다. 中代의 茶人으로 설총은 육두품 출신의 귀족으로서 그의 학문과 경륜은 석학의 경지에 이르렀다. 차생활을 하였고 신문왕에게 덕치주의를 위한 <화왕계>를 지었는데 차가 정신을 맑게 하는 음료임을 인식하였으며 차에 대한 고도의 식견을 가지고 있었을 것이다. 김교각은 신라왕자로 태어났지만 당에 유학함으로 왕족생활을 포기하고 구도자의 길로 출가하여 많은 어려움을 극복하고 공경 받는 승려가 되었다. 또한 중국에 갈 때 가지고 간 금지차를 재배하고 제다하면서 차가 종교생활의 수도정진에 많은 역할을 하였을 것이다. 충담은 매년 3월 3일과 9월 9일에 경주 남산 삼화령의 미륵세존에게 茶공양을 올렸으며 경덕왕 24년에는 왕에게 茶를 달여 올리고 王의 요청으로 <안민가>를 지었다. 진감은 신라 하대의 혼란한 정국 속에서도 수행자로서 만민을 위해 교화를 펼침으로서 동방의 보살로서 칭송을 받았다. 또한 수행의 방편으로 지리산에 차를 가꾸고 즐겨 마셨던 차인이었음을 비문을 통해서 알 수 있었다. 下代의 茶人인 최치원은 전환기적 亂世를 살다간 학자이며 사상가였다. 당나라 유학 중 부모님에게 차와 함께 보낸 편지를 통해 그의 一家는 차생활의 가풍을 이어왔음을 알 수 있었다. 신라시대 대표적 차인이었던 화랑들은 전국 각 지역을 다니며 제사의식을 통해 몸과 마음을 경건히 하고 차 문화를 발전시켰으며 자연과 어울려 道의 경지에 오를 수 있었다. 유학자의 경우는 주로 육두품으로 관직과 출세에 한계가 있었으나 자신의 사회적 신분에 얽매이지 않고 내면에 충실하여 유학이나 불교에 심취하여 학자로 신라시대를 빛낸 위인이었다. 또한 학문적으로 많은 저서를 남김으로 차문화를 발전시키는 계기가 되고 차가 수행의 방편이었을 것이라 생각된다. 화랑의 대표적 차문화유적으로 한송정의 우물, 석지조가 있으며 충담이 경덕왕에게 차를 올렸던 반월성이 있다. 승려의 차문화유적으로는 진감선사비문이 있고 유학자의 차문화유적으로 최치원의 유적비가 남아있다. 이로써 차문화유적은 다사와 차생활의 양상을 볼 수 있는 신라의 독창적문화로 발전하였음을 알 수 있었다. 위의 내용을 종합하면 신라시대 차문화는 귀족, 화랑, 승려, 유학자들에 의해 차생활이 유지되었으며 선사상을 가진 선인들, 도교의 사상가들에 의해 발전되었을 것으로 생각된다. 신라시대 차인은 평등사상을 중심으로 학문에 정진하면서 차로 인해 정신적으로 승화시켰음을 알 수 있었다.

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