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      • KCI등재


        문병순 한국중국학회 2006 國際中國學硏究 Vol.0 No.9

        Following previous studies in academia, this study synthesizes and summarizes the characteristics of the seals used in Yan dynasty during the Warring State Period. Seals of Yan Dynasty can be determined by five different criteria including their origins, geographic names, unique characters, physical shapes, and normal form of grammar. 1. Determination by origins Currently, the remains of Yan Dynasty's seals are very rare except those found in Yan Xia Du(燕下都). 2. Determination by geographic names Seals that can be determined by Yan Dynasty's geographic names shown in historical documents include “GuXiHuiBian”(古璽匯編) 0359, 0017, 0119, and 0359. 3. Determination by unique characters Seal characters that appear only in Yan Dynasty are 都, 邑, 寸, 公. 4. Determination by physical shapes of the seals The surfaces of Yan Dynasty's seals have rectangular shapes. This unique feature in shape is limited to Yan Dynasty and the physical characteristic of the seals needs to be analyzed and used as an immediate criterion in determining Yan dynasty's seals. 5. Determination by nomal form of grammar Private seals found in Yan Dynasty have unique biographical expression such as 某生某, which have not been found in any other places. Among some similar examples are “GuXiHuiBian”(古璽匯編) 3945 王生乘, 2713 良生右, 3897公孫生陽. Another characteristic unique to Yan Dynasty is that if geographic names end with~都, the seals' inscription finishes with ~ and ~節.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : ≪淸華大學藏戰國竹書(參),良臣≫篇 譯註

        문병순 중국어문연구회 2013 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.58

        淸華大學藏戰國楚竹書至今已出版共三冊。刊布以來, 引起學界的高度重視, 許多學者已紛紛撰文來發表個人的看法。新出≪淸華大學藏戰國竹書(參)≫共收錄六種八篇文章。其中<良臣>一篇, 形式上與≪漢書ㆍ古今人表≫極爲相似, 係記載古代賢臣的名冊。這套書在以精良圖版公布簡冊圖像的同時, 釋文和注釋質量之優異, 也得到海內外同行的公認。據整理者介紹, <良臣>與下篇<祝辭>, 原由同一書手寫在一編相連的竹簡上, 共16支簡, 簡長32.8㎝, 無篇題。因兩者內容性質截然不同, 整理者分別擬題爲<良臣>, <祝辭>, 作爲兩篇處理。<良臣>共11支簡, 文字沒有缺失。本篇主要內容, 記述黃帝以至春秋著名君主的良臣。簡文通篇連貫書寫, 中間用粗墨橫線分隔成二十小段, 從黃帝到周成王依歷史順序, 春秋晉文公至鄭子産的師, 輔則按國別編排。所記有些人物爲傳世文獻未見, 有些人物的時代與傳統說法不同, 値的注意。整理者已指出: “簡上文字有的屬於三晉一系的寫法, 如‘百’字作‘全’。考慮到篇中特別突出子産, 詳記‘子産之師’, ‘子産之輔’, 作者可能與鄭有密切關係。”楚地出土的竹書具有晉系文字的特徵, 此一點特引人關注。個人在硏讀該篇的過程中, 參照相關學者的硏究成果, 將竹簡全文飜譯成韓文, 其中或有不同於他人之意見, 或有補充他人見解之處, 或有存疑待考之字。希望給在韓國從事相關硏究者提供新的材料。

      • KCI등재

        고문자(古文字)에 보이는 姓氏 "진(陳)"과 "전(田)"

        문병순 한국중국언어학회 2012 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.41

        《史記·田敬仲完世家》雲: "敬仲之如齊, 以陳字爲田氏。"要즘마理解"以陳字爲田氏", 後世諸家對此解釋不一。縱觀古文字材料, 春秋陳氏用陳不用田, 陳字寫作從撲陳聲, 陳不從土;戰國陳氏代齊, 則陳皆從土, 陳字寫作從土陳聲, 惟不見稱田氏者。戰國文字中陳字除田齊之陳從土外, 其餘從土與否沒有區別, 但齊陳之陳此時則幾乎從土, 所以這是別於규陳之陳的標志。然戰國文字中地名字和姓氏字多加邑(阜)旁근土旁繁化爲專字, 尤其是以阜爲意符的形聲字往往可在右下增土旁。這種現象除了秦系文字之外, 普及於六國文字。由此可見, 陳從土與否有明顯的時間界限, 絶非工匠隨意所爲。然可同時說明, 陳從土幷不是田字。本文從古文字學觀點重新探討了戰國時期齊國陳字的所有構型, 然未見陳氏宗族稱田氏。所謂"以陳字爲田氏"可能是秦統一以後的事, 卽由秦人假田爲陳字。因此秦漢以後, 陳、田幷存。

      • KCI등재

        ≪古璽彙編≫2202 印章에 대한 몇 가지 견해

        문병순 중국어문연구회 2019 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.96

        In recent years, the researches of Comprehensive Index of Character in the Warring States period are getting prosperous, and many achievements reached. Hence, it is necessary for us to categorize and summarize these achievements comprehensively. Some researchers have already done a good job in categorizing and summarizing. However, it is still a little bit weak in the comprehensive collation of the seal character research of the Warring States period. The purpose of this essay is to regionalize ‘TaiShiZi’ Seal collected by “GuXiHuiBian(古璽彙編)”2202. In general, this is a Qi seal in the Warring States period. But some scholars have different opinions on the Textual Research. Therefore, this paper puts forward some new views and supplementary opinions on interpretation. The family name ‘Tai(邰)’ in this seal is hard to find in Qin and Han documents. But ‘Tai(邰)’ and ‘Tai(斄)’ can be mixed in Han Dynasty. There are two ways to write the word in Qin and Han Dynasty. Two family names are the same. Therefore, The family name in this seal can be interpreted as ‘Tai(邰)’ and ‘Tai(斄)’. And the Double name is ‘ShiZi(石子)’.

      • KCI등재

        기회이용 허용 정관 규정의 입법 필요성과 델라웨어주의 입법 동향

        문병순 한국상사법학회 2018 商事法硏究 Vol.37 No.3

        상법의 회사기회 이용 금지 규정은 지배주주의 기회 이용을 막기 위해 도입되었지만, 적용 범위가 광범위하여 회사의 경영을 방해할 수 있다는 비판이 제기되어 왔다. 특히 겸임이사가 있는 기업들에게 같은 사업기회가 제의될 경우 현행법상 이를 승인하기가 어렵다. 또한 기회이용을 허용하는 계약을 승인할 때, 당해 계약으로 인해 회사에 손해가 발생할 경우 제3자의 이익을 회사의 손해로 추정하고 있기 때문에 이사들은 기회이용의 승인에 소극적일 수 있다. 미국에서도 이 법리의 적용 범위가 광범위하여 법적 불확실성이 발생한다는 비판이 있어서, 델라웨어주는 정관으로 특정한 범위에서 이사가 회사의 기회를 이용할 수 있도록 회사법을 개정하였다. 기회이용의 허용 정관이 기업가치에 미치는 영향은 두 가지이다. 이해상충이 있는 기회이용이 늘어난다면 기업가치가 하락할 수 있으며, 기회이용의 허용을 통해 회사에 도움이 되는 거래가 증가한다면 기업가치가 상승할 것이다. 최근 연구에 따르면 회사기회 이용을 허용하면 기업활동의 자유가 확대되고 자본유치가 쉬워져서 기업 가치가 상승한다고 한다. 기업가치를 높이기 위해, 델라웨어주처럼 정관으로 정한 범위에서 회사기회를 이용할 수 있도록 허용할 필요가 있을 것이다. 특히 우리나라는 미국과 달리 제3자를 위한 회사기회의 이용도 금지되므로 정관을 통한 회사기회의 이용을 허용할 필요가 더 클 것이다. 다만 대표소송이 활성화되지 않은 현실을 감안하면, 사외이사에 한하여 정관으로 이사의 회사기회 이용을 허용할 필요가 있을 것이다. In 2011, Korea introduced corporate opportunities doctrine in order to prevent the use of corporate opportunities by controlling shareholders. However criticism has been raised that the scope of the doctrine is so wide that it can interfere with the management of the company. In particular, if companies with interlocking directors are offered the same business opportunity, it is difficult for interlocking director to get the approval from both company. In the United States, the similar criticism has been raised that the doctrine is too so wide. Therefore, Delaware Corporation Law allow directors and officers to use specific corporate opportunities which is specified in certificate of incorporation in 2000. The effect of corporate opportunities waiver on the firm value is uncertain. If the corporate opportunity waiver increases the conflict of interest, the firm value may fall. By contrast if corporate opportunity waiver increases the number of transactions that help the company, firm value will rise. According to a recent empirical research, corporate opportunity waiver increases corporate value. In order to increase the efficiency of the company’s operations, it would be necessary for Korea to introduce corporate opportunity waiver, like Delaware. However, given that the derivative litigations are rare in Korea, it would be adequate to allow only the outside director to permit the use of corporate opportunity.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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