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      • 국제환경협력 로드맵 수립을 위한 기획연구

        김호석,이현우,박준희,정성운,김이진 한국환경정책평가연구원 2020 기본연구보고서 Vol.2020 No.-

        Ⅰ. 연구의 배경 및 목적 □ 증가하는 국제환경협력 수요에도 불구하고 원 차원에서 국제협력사업의 방향과 우선순위가 부재하여 활동을 체계적으로 수행하지 못하는 실정 ㅇ 이에 주요 국제환경 이슈 및 트렌드 분석을 통해 국제환경협력 수요를 선제적으로 파악하고, 체계적이고 전략적인 국제협력방안을 마련하여 우리나라의 국제협력의 성과를 극대화하는 데 기여할 필요가 있음 □ 우리 원의 국제환경협력 방향 설정, 우선순위 사업분야 및 연구주제 발굴, 단계적 협력방안 제시 등 종합적인 국제환경협력 로드맵을 수립하는 것이 연구 목적 ㅇ 본 연구를 통해 주요 국제환경 이슈 및 트렌드 분석을 통해 국제환경협력 수요를 파악하고, 우리나라의 국제환경협력 현황 전반에 대한 점검을 통해 국내외적 수요와의 격차를 분석하여 성과를 극대화할 수 있도록 체계적이고 전략적인 국제협력방안을 모색 Ⅱ. 기존 연구현황 및 한계 □ 국제협력 부문에서 수행한 연구 또는 사업을 경제·인문사회연구회 소속기관의 실적 및 주요 부처별 국제협력 수요와 함께 살펴본 결과, 몇 가지 한계점이 도출되었음 ㅇ SDGs, 유엔환경총회(UNEA: UN Environment Assembly) 등 지구적 의제 및 협력 프로세스에 대한 지원 및 참여가 부족 ㅇ 국제공동연구 확대를 위한 체계적 노력이 부족 ㅇ 신남방, 신북방 등 정부의 대외정책과 연계가 부족 ㅇ 국제개발협력 부문에 대한 지원과 환경 분야의 신규 ODA 사업 발굴이 부족 □ 시사점 ㅇ 글로벌 의제 및 협의체 참여 지원 ㅇ 국제공동연구 발굴 ㅇ 국가 대외정책과 연계 ㅇ 국제개발협력 제고 지원 Ⅲ. 포럼 주요내용 1. 포럼 개요 □ 국제환경협력에 대한 부처별, 경제인문·사회연구회 소속 연구기관 등의 수요를 파악하고, 국제협력 현황을 점검하기 위해 국제·북한협력연구실장이 주축이 되어 전문가로 구성된 포럼을 총 4회 운영 ㅇ 제1차 포럼에서는 KEI의 경영목표 및 비전에 따른 국제협력업무 목표와 현황, 운영조직, 국제협력업무 유형을 논의 ㅇ 제2차 포럼에서는 경제인문·사회연구회 소속 연구기관 중에서 STEPI, KIEP의 국제협력 담당자를 초청하여 우리나라 개발원조의 현황 및 개선할 점을 함께 논의하였다. 이와 더불어 국제협력업무와 예산이 중복되는 것을 방지하고 시너지 효과를 도모하기 위해, 경사연이 주도로 구성된 글로벌코리아포럼 활용방안에 대해서도 논의 ㅇ 제3차 포럼에서는 원내 국제협력업무 중에서도 ODA를 중심으로 그 현황과 향후 추진방안에 대해 토론 ㅇ 제4차 포럼에서는 환경부가 설립을 준비하고 있는 국제환경협력센터의 목적과 향후 활동을 전망 2. 포럼주제 및 내용 □ 제1차 포럼 ㅇ 일정: 2019.7.10.(수), 13:30~15:30 ㅇ 발표주제: KEI 국제협력업무 현황과 발전방향 ㅇ 발표 및 토론자: (발표자) 김호석 국제·북한협력연구실장, 박준현 전문연구원 (토론자) 임원실, 국제·북한협력연구실, 기타(기후변화적응센터장, 국토정책평가실장, 기획 전략부장, 통합물관리연구실, 환경계획연구실, 성과관리실, 디지털소통협력팀) □ 제2차 포럼 ㅇ 일정: 2020.1.10.(금), 14:00~16:00 ㅇ 발표주제: 경사연 및 소속기관의 국제협력 전략과 방향 ㅇ 발표 및 토론자: (발표자) 송치웅 STEPI 부원장 (토론자) 정지원 KIEP 개발협력팀장, 임원실, 국제·북한협력연구실 미래전략팀장 □ 제3차 포럼 ㅇ 일정: 2020.1.22.(수), 14:00~16:00 ㅇ 발표주제: KEI 국제협력업무 현황과 추진방향 ㅇ 발표 및 토론자: (발표자) 송영일 국가기후변화적응센터 선임연구위원, 이병권 국토정책 평가실장 (토론자) 임원실, 국제·북한협력연구실 □ 제4차 포럼 ㅇ 일정: 2020.3.11.(수), 14:00~16:00 ㅇ 발표주제: 국제환경협력센터 유치 관련 주요 이슈 및 준비사항 ㅇ 발표 및 토론자: (발표자) 김호석 (토론자) 임원실, 송영일, 추장민 Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언 1. 정책연구의 목표 및 추진방향 □ 정책연구의 목표 ㅇ 국제공동연구 확대를 통한 연구역량 제고 ㅇ 유엔환경총회(UNEA) 및 다자간환경협약(MEAs) 국가 이행 지원 ㅇ SDGs 이행 및 국제개발협력 전략에 연계된 환경 ODA 지원 ㅇ 국제적 성과 확산 및 네트워킹 강화 □ 추진방향 ㅇ 글로벌 환경 이슈에 대응하기 위한 국제공동연구 확대 ㅇ 권역·지역별 환경 현안 해결에 기여하고 협력을 촉진하는 연구 강화 ㅇ 다자간환경협약의 적극적 대응을 위한 동향 파악 및 추진방향 모색 ㅇ 개도국의 환경 ODA 사업 발굴 및 SDGs 이행 지원 2. 추진방안 □ 주요 과제 ㅇ 지속가능발전 공동연구 확대 ㅇ 미세먼지, 폐기물, 기후변화 분야 국제공동연구 확대 ㅇ 지역 환경 이슈 대응을 위한 협력 강화 ㅇ 중점협력국 환경 ODA 사업 발굴 ㅇ 개도국 SDGs 이행 지원을 위한 환경 분야 ODA 강화 ㅇ 다자간환경협약 국가 이행 강화 및 세계환경협약 등 다자간환경협약 개편 논의 대응 Ⅰ. Background and Aims □ There is a lack of strategic direction and prioritization of activities in responding to an increasing demand for international environmental cooperation. ㅇ It is needed to support the enhancement of Korea’s development cooperation by addressing an increasing demand for international environmental cooperation and developing systemic international environmental cooperation strategy. □ The aim of this study is to develop a synthetic roadmap for international environmental cooperation, including a strategic direction, prioritized work areas and research topics, and step-by-step cooperation plans. ㅇ This study assesses needs for international environmental cooperation by reviewing international environmental issues and trends, and explores systemic and strategic international cooperation options to improve the KEI’s performance by examining the gap between current and desired practices. Ⅱ. Current State and Limitations □ This study reviewed the KEI’s research works and projects in the area of international cooperation in comparison with the ones conducted by the member institutions of the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences (NRC) and the demands for international cooperation of related ministries to identify the following limitations. ㅇ Limited support and participation in the global agendas and collaboration processes, such as the 2030 Agenda and the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) ㅇ Lack of systemic efforts to extend international research collaboration ㅇ Insufficient linkages with the national foreign policies, such as the New Southern Policy and the New Northern Policy ㅇ Insufficient supports for international development cooperation and new environmental ODA projects □ Implications for international environmental cooperation strategy ㅇ Strengthening support for participation in the global agendas and collaboration processes ㅇ Furthering exploration of international collaboration ㅇ Enhancing linkages to the national foreign policy initiatives ㅇ Supporting the enhancement of Korea’s development cooperation Ⅲ. KEI International Environmental Cooperation Forum □ The three fora were organized as part of the project, which examined the demands of international environmental cooperation. □ The First Forum ㅇ The first forum was held on the 10th of July 2019. ㅇ The theme was ‘The KEI’s International Cooperation: Current State.’ ㅇ The speakers were Hoseok Kim (KEI) and Junhyun Park (KEI). ㅇ Summary and key findings: Current state of international cooperation in line with the KEI’s goals, vision, and governance □ The Second Forum ㅇ The second forum was held on the 10th of January 2020. ㅇ The theme was ‘Strategy and directions for international cooperation of the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences (NRC) and its member institutions.’ ㅇ The speaker was Chi-Ung Song (Vice president, the Science and Technology Policy Institute). ㅇ Summary and key findings: i) The state of Korea’s development aid and future directions and ii) potential roles of the Global Korea Forum established by the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences (NRC) in creating synergies among the international cooperation activities of its member institutions □ The Third Forum ㅇ The third forum was held on the 22nd of January 2020. ㅇ The theme was ‘The KEI’s International Cooperation: Future Directions.’ ㅇ The speakers were Young-il Song (KEI) and Byeong-kwon Lee (KEI). ㅇ Summary and key findings: The KEI’s ODA-related activities and future directions □ The Fourth Forum ㅇ The fourth forum was held on the 11th of March 2020. ㅇ The theme was ‘Hosting the Center for International Environmental Cooperation: Issues and Preparedness.’ ㅇ The speaker was Hoseok Kim (KEI). ㅇ Summary and key findings: The goals and prospects of the Center for International Environmental Cooperation of the Ministry of Environment Ⅳ. Conclusion and Suggestions □ Objectives of policy research ㅇ To enhance research capacity through expanding international research collaboration ㅇ To support the national implementation of the United Nations Environment Assembly and multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) ㅇ To support the national implementation of the SDGs and the environmental ODA related to the national development cooperation strategy ㅇ To strengthen international outreach and global network □ Implementation strategy ㅇ Expand research collaboration for sustainable development ㅇ Expand international research collaboration in the areas of particulate matter, waste and climate change ㅇ Strengthen international cooperation to tackle regional environmental issues ㅇ Explore environmental ODA projects with core partner countries

      • KCI등재

        사상체질별 긍정적, 부정적 성격특성과 삶의 질의 연관성 연구

        김호석,김상혁,이시우,백영화,유종향,Kim, Ho-Seok,Kim, Sang-Hyuk,Lee, Si-Woo,Back, Young-Hwa,Yoo, Jong-Hyang 사상체질의학회 2014 사상체질의학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        Objectives The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of positive and negative emotion on the quality of life(QoL) in each Sasang contitution, using Positive Affect and Negative Affect Schedule(PANAS) and Short Form-12 Health Survey Questionnaire(SF-12) questionnaire. Methods A total of 1,123 participants completed the Korean version of the PANAS and SF-12 questionnaire. The participants were classified into one Sasang constitution by QSCC II. The effects of emotion on the QoL were compared between the each Sasang contitution using analysis of variance(ANOVA). Results We found significant differences between constitutions in Positive Affect(PA), PA-Joy, PA-Interest and PA-Activation of PANAS. And we found significant differences between constitutions in Mental Component Summary(MCS) of SF-12. Negative correlation of less -0.4 was shown in Negative Affect(NA), NA-Afraid, NA-Upset of PANAS and MCS of SF-12. Conclusions The Soyangin has significantly higher score than Soeumin in PA, PA-Joy, PA-Interest and PA-Activation of PANAS as previous studies. This study also shows the correlation between negative emotion and decline in the quality of mental status.

      • KCI등재

        순수 점액성 유방암의 임상 및 단순유방촬영 소견

        김호석 대한영상의학회 1998 대한영상의학회지 Vol.38 No.2

        Purpose : The purpose of this study was to review the clinical and mammographic findings of pure mucinousbreast carcinoma. Materials and Methods : In ten patients diagnosed as suffering from pure mucinous breastcarcinoma, we reviewed the clinical and mammographic findings. They were aged between 36 and 72(mean 46.3)years;nine were female and one was male. To describe breast mass, we used the terminology of the BreastImaging-Reporting and Data System developed by the American College of Radiology. Results : All patients hadpalpable masses. The long-axis diameter of the tumors was between 1.0 and 7.0(mean, 2.81)cm, and in two patients,tumors were multiple. No cases involved metastatic axillary lymph nodes. During the follow-up period of 2 to78(mean, 36.3) months, no patient died. Mammographic findings included lobular circumscribed masses in fourpatients, round or oval circumscribed masses in three a lobular microlobulated mass in one, a round microlobulatedmass in one and a round spiculated mass in one. Microcalcifications were noted in two cases. Architecturaldistortion and nipple retraction were each found in one patient. Conclusion : On mammography, pure mucinous breastcarcinoma was most commonly seen as a lobular or round circumscribed mass; these masses were palpable and clinicalprognosis was relatively good.

      • 난류 제트확산화염의 연소소음 특성에 관한 실험연구

        김호석,오상헌 대한기계학회 1994 대한기계학회논문집 Vol.18 No.5

        The experimental study is carried out to identify the combustion generated noise mechanism in free turbulent jet diffusion flames. Axial mean fluctuating velocities in cold and reacting flow fields were measured using hot-wire anemometer and LDv.The overall sound pressure level and their spectral distribution in far field with and without combustion were also measured in an anechoic chamber. The axial mean velocity is 10-25% faster and turbulent intensities are about 10 to 15% smaller near active reacting zone than those in nonreacting flow fields. And sound pressure level is about 10-20% higher in reacting flow fields. It is also shown that the spectra of the combustion noise has lower frequency characteristics over a broadband spectrum. These results indicate that the combustion noise characteristics in jet diffusion flames are dominated by energy containing large scale eddies and the combusting flow field itself. Scaling laws correlating the gas velocity and heat of combustion show that the acoustic power of the combustion noise is linearly proportional to the 3.8th power of the mean axial velocity rather than 8th power in nonreacting flow fields, and the SPL increases linearly with logarithmic 1/2th power of the heat of combustion.

      • KCI등재

        하악 협측골 시상분절술 및 장골 이식술을 이용한 거대치아종의 치험례

        김호석,송재철,김진수,Kim, Ho-Seok,Song, Jae-Chul,Kim, Chin-Soo 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 1993 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.15 No.4

        This is the case report of huge complex odontoma treated with sagittal splitting of buccal bone plate and iliac bone graft in left mandible angle. The 22 years old patient was admitted to the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of Kyungpook National University Hospital with the chief complaint of swelling on the left mandible angle area. We used extra oral Risdon incision and splitted the buccal cortical bone after making the horizontal bone cut buccally. The tumor mass was removed with cutting into the pieces with surgical bur to prevent mandibular fracture. The dead space was grafted with autogenous iliac bone graft and the splitted buccal cortical bone was fixed with two L-type miniplate. After 12months follow up check, we noticed good process of bone healing and satisfactory aesthetic result. In this case, my operative approach provided the excellent surgical access to the hard tissue mass and minimized post operative complication comparing with the conventional surgical approaches.

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