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      • KCI등재

        수양론을 통해 본 봉우(鳳宇) 권태훈(權泰勳)의 유학사상 연구

        김창경 (사)율곡학회 2022 율곡학연구 Vol.50 No.-

        Bongwoo, Kwon Taehoon is a modern Korean Confucian scholar who claimed that there would be no Taoists without a nation, no scholar without a nation, neither, and had participated in the anti-Japanese independence movement based on nationalism as a practice of loyalty of a Confucian scholar in Japanese colonial era and continued educational activities after settlement of administration. This study puts an in-depth study on Bongwoo, who had lived in the period of suffering of modern times, focusing on self-cultivation theory. This would lead to academic research as a method of establishing, which is still insufficient studying in modern and contemporary Korean Confucian scholars. His theory provides ground for the theory of honesty through the theory of the human mind and the moral mind, which follows the doctrine of the mean for knowing own place and Gubong, Song Ikpil`s self-sufficiency theory. Still, it emphasizes how crucial implementing his theory was. It also discusses self-cultivation theory regarding admitting one’s fault and greed, what people are reluctant to do in huddle situations, and constantly working hard. He emphasizes that everything in learning and life should be taken from oneself. In addition, Bongwoo’s self-cultivation embraces the theory of extended organic relation of Confucian tradition and has characteristics of the humanitarian ideal, an idea for world peace, and Confucius’ Daitong, a great peace ideology. This theory of self-cultivation has a thread of connection to the fundamental practical principle of Confucianism in terms of advocating the possibility of human change in the Confucian tradition and inheriting Confucius’ Daitong, a great peace ideology. In addition, he put great significance on the more specific and realistic practical training in line with situations in modern times rather than simply staying in traditional Confucianism. In this respect, Bongwoo’s cultivation theory holds educational value and significance as a modern and contemporary Korean Confucian thought. 봉우(鳳宇) 권태훈(權泰勳)은 구한말 일제에 항거하여 나라 없는 도인(道人)없고, 나라 없는 학인(學人)없다 고 주장하면서 유학자의 시대적 의리실천으로써 민족주의를 바탕으로 항일독립운동에 참여하였고, 정국 안정 후 교육활동을 이어나간 근현대의 한국유학자이다. 본 연구는 풍풍우우(風風雨雨)한 근현대의 지난한 시대를 살아간 봉우 권태훈의 유학사상을 수양론을 중심으로 밝히고자 한다. 이는 아직은 미흡한 근현대 한국유학자에 대한 연구의 한 방법으로써 학술적 필요성이 요청된다고 할 수 있다. 봉우의 수양론을 살펴보면, 인심도심론을 통한 직(直)의 수양론을 논하고, 안분지족의 수양론에서 중용 과 구봉 송익필의 자족(自足)함의 수양론을 본받고 있으면서도, 명실상부한 실천을 강조하고 있다. 또 반구저기와 과욕(寡欲), 궁시기소불위(窮時其所不爲), 작지불이(作之不已)의 수양론을 논하고 있으며, 학문과 삶에서 모든 일은 자기 자신에게서 구하라고 강조하고 있다. 또한 봉우의 수양론은 유가전통 유기적 관계의 수양론 체계를 지니고 있으며, 그 수양론 실천이념의 궁극은 세계평화사상인 홍익인간사상과, 공자의 대동사상으로 귀결 짓고 있는 점이 특징으로 나타나고 있다. 이와 같은 봉우의 실천수양론은 유가 전통의 인간변화가능성을 긍정하며, 그 귀결점이 공자의 대평화 사상인 대동사상이념을 본받고자 하는 점에서, 유가사상의 현실 실천적 본래 종지(宗旨)와 다르지 않다고 할 수 있다. 더불어 전통유가사상을 본받고 있는 것에서 머물지 않고, 근현대 당면한 현실상황의 시중(時中)에 맞게, 보다 구체적이면서 현실적인 실천수양을 강조하고 있는 점에서, 그의 수양론적 특징이 나타난다. 이러한 점에서 봉우의 수양론이 근현대 한국유학사상으로서의 학술적 가치와 의의를 지닌다고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재


        김창경 동북아시아문화학회 2017 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.51

        A Study on the Acceptance of Wang Wei 's Poetic Style by Chen He Kim, Chang-Gyeong As the representative of the nobility literati in Koryo(高麗) dynasty, Chen He(陳澕)'s literary works showed a remarkable picture of the change of the old literati, and his poems showed the overall image of the “clear(淸)” character, emphasized the “Painting-in-Poetry(诗 中有画)” of the shape and mind mood, and particularly valued the use of “Rectitude(逸气)” at the time of creation. These are the characteristics of Wang Wei’s poetic style. Chen Yu on the acceptance of Wang Wei’s poetic style, on the one hand was the development of poetry in the self-understanding and integration of the move, on the other hand also wanted to take Wang Wei’s “elegant landscape poetry” to express their own chest, to pursue the desire for the ideal social innovation. His poems, are some lyrical, are some freehand, are some seeking the artistic beauty, are some looking for rational thinking. Moreover he melted these things in his poetry. This is both the development of literary works and the need for integration, but also the background of the times and the humanistic mapping of the historical process.

      • KCI등재

        秦ㆍ楚지역문화정신과 史詩 비교연구 - 『詩經』과 『楚辭』를 중심으로 -

        김창경 동북아시아문화학회 2012 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.31

        A Comparative Study on the Cultural Sprit and Historic Poetry in Qin(秦)․Chu(楚) Area - Focused on 『Book of Odes(詩經)』and 『Elegies of the South(楚辭)』- Kim, Chang-Gyeong In China, Qin·Chu area formed a unified rule system, but also formed a new political order so-called the reign of the emperor. These two regions with the Yangtze River - Yellow River Basin culture, the pre-Qin era thoughts, customs, and culture play a very important role on understanding of the North and South cultural differences. With a long historical Qin․Chu area also plays the base role of forming 『Book of Odes』and 『Elegies of the South』. Firstly, this paper through discussing the Qin․Chu national characters’ roots and cultural spirit to study the integrity of the Qin․Chu national characters. Then discussed the 『Book of Odes』’s Sacred Poetry(祭祀詩) and 『Elegies of the South』’s Historical Poetry(詠史詩) to analyze the cultural spirit which has such regional features. At last, this paper compared the identity of the national epic of 『Book of Odes』and the particularity of ‘TianWen(天問)’ Epic of 『Elegies of the South』.

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