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      • 少太山의 歌辭文學 硏究 : 宗敎文學 思想的 觀點을 中心으로

        김정임 圓光大學校 2009 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This thesis is to examine Sotaesan's Gasa from a literary perspective. As is generally known, Sotaesan(Park Joong Bin, 1891-1943), the founder of Won-Buddhism, left a great deal of literature, including zen poetry, Chinese poetry, writings, analects, and Gasa. This thesis, focused on Gasa, researches his literary achievements and ideological aspect. It is attempted to analyze Sotaesan's Gasa from an objective viewpoint, using the general framework and research methods of literary theory. However, his works of Gasa clearly showed the characteristics of both literature in general and religious literature. This thesis proceeded discussion, focusing on examination of from which aspect Sotaesan perceived his Gasa, and how his followers who saw it as a Won-Buddhist doctrine interpreted it. Sotaesan's Gasa could be named a language of 'mystery' that included the essential of 'reason.' The mystery language of the enlightenment said that it did not come from one's experience of seeking after truth and that it included the universal truth that enlightened people commonly recognized. That is, it is said that the truths that Sotaesan put into his Gasa after his enlightenment were not individual but universal. It could be a declaration that this Gasa included the unchangeable universal Truth even if the time and place could be changed. This thesis analyzed the 12 total pieces of Sotaesan's Gasa in detail. In order to do so, I tried to analyze the process of the integration of literary and religion in our literary history. This was done by focusing on Naong's Seowangga, known as the beginning of the Buddhist Gasa. It also analyzed the process of transforming a religious doctrine into a form of literature, or Gasa, which first appeared in Choi Je Woo's Yongdamyusa written in the late Chosun Dynasty. By doing so, the background of Sotaesan's Gasa was investigated. This led to examination of the fact that Gasa included a religious doctrine and that it contributed to people's edification. The contents of the 12 pieces of Sotaesan's Gasa are as follows. <Tansikga> was the wailing song that was about the passion of seeking after truth and the joy of enlightenment. <Gyungchokga> could be the gratitude celebration song about expressing gratitude to the fundamental grace of Heaven and Earth, Parents, Fellow Beings, and Laws in the new world of Ilwondaedo. <Gwondoga> was the song of encouraging DaeDo(the great moral principle) in order to grow Bok(fortune) and Hye(wisdom) with Confucianism and Buddhism instead of feeling resentment. <Hoisunggok>, which means 'getting back the original nature,' consisted of three parts, <Hoisunggok>, <Gyohunpyun>, and <Ahnsimgok>. <Hoisunggok> and <Ahnsimgok> especially took on a unique form that delivered didactic messages using the formats of a fictional tale and an old novel. <Gyohunpyun> was a didactic song which was sent to a beginning student. <Ahnsimgok> was a song which was sent to people in order to encourage them to cultivate by themselves. <Manjang> was to elucidate the principle of Sengsahaetal(Nirvana of Birth and Death), and <Junbansegyega> was the song for making the world equal. <Monggakga> was the song for playing as a great immortal after enlightenment and learning that the illness originated from the Ohyok(five kinds of desires). <Gwonupga> was to elucidate the importance of aspiring practice. Sotaesan's ideological characteristics were analyzed in terms of the following: 1)Huchungaebyuk(a posterior great opening of the world) and Dodukmunmyung(moral civilization); 2)aspiration of practice and enlightenment; 3)Solsung(original nature) and Yongsimbup(a law of using one's mind); 4)the integrity of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism; 5)Yunhoiupbu(karma of reincarnation) and Sangsahaetal(Nirvana of Birth and Death); 6)Sangsang(coexistence) and Boeun(gratitude); and 7)Ahnbinnakdo(being content amid poverty and taking pleasure in acting in an honest way) and structurizing Junbahnsegye(the whole world), etc. Based on Gasa’s literary traditions, the significance of Sotaesan's Gasa lies in its continuum of Buddhist Gasa, keeping the traditional form alive and flowing yet allowing for timely changes. The purpose of this thesis was to analyze the characteristics of Sotaesan's Gasa in literary, ideological, and religious terms. However, it was concerned that, due to the limitation of the research, the analysis might just focus on each individual piece of Sotaesan's Gasa rather than on the overall themes. Another limitation was how the world of religious enlightenment could be substantiated in terms of literary theory, and how the religious and literary characteristics of Gasa were accepted by the people; therefore, a more detailed analysis was left over for a future research project. 이 논문은 소태산이 남긴 가사 작품에 대한 문학적 연구를 목적으로 하였다. 주지하다시피 원불교의 창시자인 소태산은 많은 선시, 한시, 문장, 어록, 가사 등을 남기고 있다. 이 중 본고는 가사를 대상으로 하여, 그 문학적 성취와 사상적 면모를 살펴보았다. 따라서 그가 자신의 가사를 어떤 관점에서 인식하고 있었고, 그 가사가 교리로서 받아들이던 사람들에게 어떠한 존재로 수용되었나를 그 대상으로 논의를 정리하였다. 소태산의 가사는 ‘도리’의 실체를 담은 ‘신비’의 언어라고도 할 수 있고, 깨달음의 신비한 언어가 개인적인 득도체험에서 온 것이 아니라, 대각을 한 사람들이 공통적으로 인식하는 진리를 담고 있다는 것도 말해주고 있다. 즉 소태산이 깨달아 가사에 담은 진리가 개인적 진리가 아니라 보편적인 진리라는 것을 말해주는 것이고, 그의 가사는 시대와 지역을 달리해도 변할 수 없는 우주적 진실을 담고 있다는 선언인 셈이다. 이에 소태산의 가사 총 12편을 세밀하게 분석하였다. 이를 위해 문학과 종교와의 융합성과 그 통합적 측면이 우리 문학사에서 어떻게 진행되어 왔는가를 불교가사의 효시로 알려진 나옹화상의 「서왕가」 등을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 그리고 이러한 종교적 교리의 문학화내지 가사화 작업이 조선후기의 『용담유사』에 나타난 모습을 살펴봄으로써 소태산 가사의 전사적 배경을 고찰하였다. 가사가 종교 교리를 담고 있으면서, 대중교화에 이바지 하고 있는 면모를 살펴볼 수 있었다. 소태산의 가사 12편의 내용은 다음과 같다. 「탄식가」는 구도열정과 대각의 환희를 통곡으로 노래하고 있다. 「경축가」는 일원대도의 새 세상에 천지, 부모, 동포, 법률의 근본은혜를 알아 보은하자는 보은경축가라고 할 수 있다. 「권도가」는 大道를 권면하는 노래로 원망하지 말고 유도와 불법으로 복과 혜를 밝혀가자고 한다. ‘성품자리를 돌이킨다’는 뜻으로 『회성곡』에는 「회성곡」, 「교훈편」, 「안심곡」, 총 3편으로 되어 있는데, 특히 「회성곡」과 「안심곡」은 가공적인 이야기, 고소설의 형태를 빌어 교훈적 내용을 전달하는 독특한 형식을 취하고 있다. 「교훈편」은 초학생에게 보내는 교훈의 노래이다. 「안심곡」은 중생들에게 솔성수도를 권면하는 노래다. 「만장」은 생사해탈의 이치를 설파하고 있으며,「전반세계가」는 평등세계를 이루기 위한 노래다.「몽각가」는 ‛병의 근원이 오욕이다󰡑는 것을 깨닫고 신선되어 노니는 노래며, 「권업가」는 수도 발원의 중요성을 설파하고 있다. 「지로가」는 새 교법으로 큰 집을 지었으니 찾아오라고 하고,「낙도가」는 최령한 사람으로서 책임을 다 하자고 권면하고 있다. 이들 개별 작품론을 바탕으로 소태산의 사상적 특징을 1)후천개벽과 도덕문명, 2)구도발원과 깨달음, 3)솔성과 용심법, 4)유불도 3교의 회통, 5)윤회업보와 생사해탈, 6)상생과 보은, 7)안빈낙도와 전반세계로 구조화, 사상적 틀을 살펴보았다. 가사문학적 전통위에서 소태산 가사가 차지하고 있는 위상은 가사 발생기의 초기 불승들에 의해 창작된 불교가사의 맥을 잇고 있었고, 그것은 전통적 지속이고 새로운 변화라 하겠다. 본 연구는 소태산의 가사가 가진 성격을 문학적 입장에서, 사상과 종교적 성격을 아우르면서 살펴보려고 하였다. 그러나 연구사적 제약으로 말미암아 개별 작품론에 지나치게 치중한 게 아닌가 하는 아쉬움이 있다. 아울러 종교적 깨달음의 세계가 어떻게 문학적으로 형상화하고 그것이 수용자에게 받아들여지는가에 대한 종교문학적 특징을 보다 상세히 살펴보는 작업도 후일로 미룰 수밖에 없다는 한계를 가지고 있다.

      • 재활용품을 이용한 창의성 계발을 위한 미술 수업 연구

        김정임 영남대학교 교육대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In this study, discipline and creativity functions through training courses, such as intrusive thoughts that can not be achieved, and to promote creativity, creativity education art education theory and understanding about two months through classroom observation and materials to provide the teacher's role changes a couple of classes were conducted. Analyzes were watching it in class impact of environmental factors and observed whether or not the actual drawing creativity. Western region with a small number of classes to explore wider parent survey was conducted for students. In addition, the experimental group of students look carefully examine sensitive to small changes were evaluated. Through this research and creativity, art classes, a little closer understanding of the linkages that stimulate the senses and communicates the importance of art education hope to organize their teaching methods.

      • 설교 현장의 치유에 관한 경험적 사례 연구 : `물댄동산교회를 중심으로`

        김정임 총신대학교 목회신학전문대학원 2019 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        ABSTRACT An Empirical Case Study on the Healing in Preaching ‘Focused on the Well-Watered Garden Church’ Jung Im Kim Graduate School of Pastoral Ministry Chongshin University Th. D. in Preaching Tutored by Woo Hong Chung The discussion of how much healing experience in the preaching of every sermon can be a very important discussion in some ways. This study is an on-site research paper that measures the data at field of a practical sermon among studies related to preaching. Such on-site research was conducted 'Well-Watered Garden Church'. Jesus was teaching, preaching, and healing during in the public ministry. In this study, we will state ‘Teaching', 'Preaching' and 'Healing'. In particular, "Healing" is a highly anticipated part of Jesus' ministry, but it is also a part of his sermon that he did not address much. In the study, which saw the problem of healing being neglected in terms of preaching, we studied to see what kind of experiences we were having at the field and what key means of the experience. Jesus did not ruled out physical healing, especially in healing. Rather, a lot of healing was physical. However, the reality of church today is that healing is marginalized except for certain groups, or certain people, and in the church, only words and education are emphasized. Healing wasn't just happening at a particular time and place. And no special formula had to be set in the preaching platform for healing. Today's audience also wanted to experience healing in real life. And they were actually experiencing healing. This study seeks to identify the fundamental issue of "Preaching the Word of God". It is the fundamental cause and means of healing that the key is God’s Word. In other words, the key to healing is in words. Therefore, the study was intended to show that words are more than anything else. As a method of research for this study, we are going to adopt a case study method and an integrated research method of narratives and storytelling exploration analysis. So, I wanted to do a quantitative statistical analysis as well as a narrative exploratory analysis. This is because the respondents' feelings about specific experiences that are difficult to identify in quantitative research data are more in depth. In addition, narratives are qualitative research methods, which are a link to quantitative research. The case study prepared the data by compiling 157 cases over the years 'focused on the 'Well-Watered Garden Church'. In addition, for the theoretical background, data from the healing history of Jesus' ministry have been arranged separately to suit the purpose of this study. We then examined the biblical background of "Extension," "Expansion," and "Direction," which are continuing as the disciples' ministry. An 'Experienced Case Interview CHART' was prepared for the survey questionnaire. This led to a statistical analysis of empirical cases, where "word-listening" was at the heart of the treatment experienced. In the basic statistical analysis of empirical cases, 39.4% (N=62/157, %=39.4) of cases of experience in curing physical diseases. 9.55% (N=15/157, %=9.55), and 50.9% (N=80/157, %=50.9) of cases in which physical diseases were cured. The combination of complex cases shows that physical and non-physical healing was almost fifty-fifty. Nearly 100 percent of those who experienced healing were pre-recognized, and 100 percent of those who said they were cured by Word of God. That's how much words were at the heart of healing. In the search for narratives, narratives were used as a significant mechanism for experience. The narratives of the respondents in this study were narratives as a life event. Narrative was a new cognitive process and a new communication process. It confirmed that the preacher's preaching narratives, delivered to the audience from the reformist side, were clearly from the word of God. In the end, the narratives of the preacher are to convey and proclaim the narratives of the Bible from the spoken data. The audience experienced healing through words at the field of the preaching, which turned out to be a field text for narrative case study through the narratives of the audience. This researcher has compiled the field text of such a healing experience into research text through narrative analysis. After all, narratives case studies are not limited to the narratives of the experienced. The word of the living God is to study what is revealed in the history of the Creator God. That is the researcher's narratives and at the same time remained narrative data (see Table 4-1, diagram of the narrative exploratory analysis). The practical discussion is that there is a need for a practical and active alternative discussion of empirical cases first. It also said that for advanced discussions of preaching, research is needed to provide hands-on field data. And we need to go a step further and make the data as a result of the study a reality. Because it is an alternative material for effective preaching. In order to overcome the "obstacle" elements shown in the research text, we looked at three aspects: "recovery," "words," and "growth." But that alone is not enough. For the audience at the aspect of the preaching to grow, specific real growth programs are needed, such as "post-sermon counseling." In conclusion, there is a need for more homiletical attention on "Healing" in the midst of the extension and extension of Christ's ministry. The key to healing experience at the aspect of the preaching is in "word(sermon)," and the preachers have come to conclude that focusing only on words is much more effective than anything else. The experience of healing given at the field of preaching brings important meaning to life for the saints in the audience. Because the important meaning is the experience of the living God. It would be the mission of the preacher to use those meanings again as the driving force of growth to encourage development. 국문 초록 설교 현장의 치유에 관한 경험적 사례연구 ‘물댄동산교회를 중심으로’ An Empirical Case Study on the Healing in Preaching ‘Focused on the Well-Watered Garden Church’ 모든 설교의 현장에서 치유에 관한 경험들이 얼마나 있는가 하는 논의는 어떤 면에서는 매우 중요한 논의가 될 수 있다. 본 연구는 설교학 관련 연구 가운데 그러한 논의를 실제적인 설교 현장의 데이터를 측치(measurement value)해서 논의하는 현장 리서치 논문인 것이다. 그러한 실제적인 현장 데이터의 조사 연구는 ‘물댄동산교회를 중심으로’이루어졌다. 예수님께서는 공생애 사역 기간 동안 가르치시고(Teaching), 말씀하시고(Preaching), 그리고 치유하셨다(Healing). 이것을 본 연구에서는 ‘가르치심Teaching)’, ‘(전파하심(Preaching)’, ‘치유하심(Healing)’의 내용으로 진술하고자 한다. 예수님의 사역 가운데 특히 ‘치유하심(Healing)’은 많은 논의의 기대를 모으고 있는 내용이긴 하지만 설교학 측면에서 많이 다루지 못한 부분이기도 하다. 설교학 측면에서 치유가 소외되고 있는 문제를 본 연구에서는 그 현장에서 어떤 체험들을 하고 있는지 또 그 체험은 무엇이 핵심적인 수단이 되는지 등을 살피려고 연구하게 되었다. 예수님께서는 특히 치유하심에 있어 육체적 치유를 배제하지 않으셨다. 오히려 많은 치유가 육체적 치유이셨다. 그러나 교회 강단의 현실은 특정 단체나 집단, 또는 특정인들 외에는 치유가 소외되고 있고, 교회의 현장에서는 단순히 말씀과 교육만 강조되고 있는 것이 현실이다. 치유는 특별한 특정의 집회에서만 일어나는 것이 아니었다. 그리고 치유를 위한 설교 강단에는 어떤 특별한 공식이 정해져야 하는 것도 아니었다. 오늘날 청중도 현실적으로는 치유의 체험을 원하고 있었다. 그리고 그들은 실제적으로 치유를 체험하고 있었다. 본 연구는 “설교는 말씀(word of bible)”이라는 근본적인 문제를 확인하고자 한다. 그것은 치유하심(Healing)의 근본적인 원인과 수단은 그 열쇠가 말씀에 있다는 것을 나타내고자 하는 것이다. 즉 치유의 핵심적인 열쇠는 말씀에 있는 것이다. 따라서 어떤 다른 것보다 말씀만으로 충분하다는 것을 본 연구를 통해 나타내고자 하였다. 본 연구를 위한 연구의 방법으로는 사례적 연구방법을 채택하고, 내러티브 및 스토리텔링 탐구 분석의 통합적 연구 방법을 채택하고자 한다. 그래서 양적인 통계적 분석과 함께 내러티브 탐구 분석도 함께 하고자 하였다. 그러한 이유는 양적인 연구 데이터에서 확인하기 어려운 구체적인 경험에 관한 응답자의 심정을 좀 더 깊이 있게 확인하고자 함이다. 또 내러티브 탐구는 질적 연구방법으로서 양적 연구와의 연결고리가 되기 때문이다. 사례연구는 ‘물댄동산교회를 중심으로’ 수년간에 걸쳐 157건의 사례를 정리하면서 그 데이터를 준비하였다. 또한 이론적 배경을 위해 예수님의 공생애 기간의 치유사역의 데이터를 본 연구의 취지에 맞도록 따로 정리하였다. 이어서 예수님의 사역이 제자들의 사역으로 계속되고 있는 계속성(Extension)과 확장성(Expansion), 그리고 방향성(Direction)에 대해 성경적 배경을 살폈다. 조사 설문을 위해서 ‘경험적 사례 면접 CHART’를 준비하였다. 이를 통한 경험적 사례에 관한 통계적 분석을 살펴보면 경험되어진 치유의 핵심의 자리에 “말씀-청취”가 있었다. 경험적 사례의 기본적 통계 분석을 보면, 육체적 질병을 치유한 경험 사례가 39.4%(N=62/157, %=39.4)였었고, 육체를 포함한 복합적 질병이 치유된 사례가 9.55%(N=15/157, %=9.55), 그리고 비육체적 질병을 치유한 사례가 50.9%(N=80/157, %=50.9)였었다. 복합적 사례를 합하면, 육체적 치유와 비육체적 치유가 거의 반반이었던 것을 알 수 있다. 치유를 경험한 청중은 거의 100%가 사전 인지를 하고 있었고, 말씀으로 치유가 되었다고 확인하고 응답한 청중 역시 100%이었다. 그만큼 말씀이 치유에 있어 중요한 핵심이었던 것이다. 내러티브 탐구에 있어서는 내러티브는 경험의 유의미한 기제로서 사용되었다. 본 연구에서 응답자의 내러티브는 하나의 삶의 사건으로서의 내러티브인 것이었다. 내러티브는 새로운 인식 과정이었고 새로운 커뮤니케이션 과정이었다. 그것은 개혁주의적 측면에서 청중에게 전달된 설교자의 설교 내러티브는 분명히 하나님의 말씀에서 시작된 것임을 확인시켜 주었다. 결국 설교자의 내러티브는 말씀 데이터에서 비롯된 성경의 내러티브를 전달하고 선포하는 것이다. 청중은 설교 현장에서 말씀을 통해 치유를 경험하였는데, 그 치유의 경험이 청중의 내러티브를 통해 내러티브 사례연구를 위한 현장 텍스트로 드러났다. 본 연구자는 그러한 치유 경험의 현장 텍스트를 내러티브 분석을 통해 연구 텍스트로 정리하였다. 결국 내러티브 사례연구는 단순히 경험자의 내러티브에만 국한되지 않는다. 살아계신 하나님의 말씀하심이 창조주 하나님의 역사하심의 드러난 것을 연구하는 것이다. 그것이 연구자의 내러티브이고 동시에 내러티브 데이터로 남았다(표 4-1, 내러티브 탐구 분석의 다이어그램을 참고하라.). 실제적인 논의로는, 먼저 경험적 사례에 대하여 실제적이고 적극적인 대안적 논의가 필요하다는 것이다. 또한 설교학의 발전적인 논의를 위해서 체험적인 현장의 데이터를 제공하는 연구가 필요하다는 것이다. 그리고 한 걸음 더 나아가 연구의 결과로 나타난 데이터들을 현실화할 필요가 있다. 왜냐하면 그것은 효과적인 설교를 위한 대안적 자료가 되기 때문이다. 연구 텍스트에서 나타난 ‘장애물’ 요소들을 극복하기 위해서 ‘회복’, ‘말씀’, ‘성장’이라는 세 가지 측면을 살폈다. 그러나 그것만으로는 충분하지 않다. 설교 현장의 청중인 성도들이 성장하기 위해서는 ‘설교와 관련된 설교 후 상담’처럼 구체적인 실제 성장 프로그램들이 필요한 것이다. 결론적으로 예수님의 사역의 계속성(Extension)과 확장성(Expansion) 가운데 있는 ‘치유하심(Healing)’ 관한 설교학적 관심이 좀 더 필요하다. 설교 현장에 있어 치유의 경험에 관한 핵심적인 열쇠는 ‘말씀(설교)’에 있으며, 설교자들은 오직 말씀에 집중하는 것이 그 어떤 것보다 훨씬 효과적이라는 것을 결론적으로 논의하게 되었다. 설교의 현장에서 주어진 치유의 경험은 청중인 성도들에게 있어 인생의 중요한 의미를 가지게 한다. 그 중요한 의미는 바로 살아계신 하나님에 대한 체험이기 때문이다. 그러한 의미들을 다시 성장의 원동력으로 삼아 발전하도록 격려하는 것은 설교자의 임무일 것이다.

      • 집단미술치료가 이혼가정아동의 자기표현과 사회성향상에 미치는 효과 : 지역아동센터 아동을 중심으로

        김정임 원광대학교 동서보완의학대학원 2010 국내석사

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        본 연구는 J시 B지역아동센터의 초등학교 저학년 이혼가정 아동을 대상으로 집단미술치료 프로그램이 자기표현과 사회성 향상에 미치는 효과를 알아보고자 하는데 목적이 있다. 연구의 진행은 2009년 9월부터 2010년 2월에 걸쳐 대상자 구상, 대상자 선정, 자기표현과 사회성향상을 위한 집단 미술치료 프로그램연구, 사전검사, 프로그램 실시 및 적용, 사후검사, 자료처리 순으로 이루어졌다. 연구대상은 초등학교 저학년 지역아동센터 이혼가정아동 15명을 대상으로 실험집단 9명, 통제집단 6명으로 무작위 구성하였다. 실험집단은 주 1회 60분씩 총 15회기의 자기표현과 사회성향상 집단미술치료를 실시하였고, 통제집단은 아무런 처치 없이 방과 후 활동만 하였다. 연구의 도구로는 Rakos와 Schroeder(1980)가 제작한 자기표현 행동척도를 김성희(1982)가 우리나라 문화적 배경에 맞게 개발한 것을 사용하였고, 사회성 검사도구는 정범모(1971)가 제작한 초등학교 인성검사지를 서풍연(1991)이 초등학교 저학년 수준에 맞게 재구성한 검사지를 사용하였으며, K-HTP 그림검사는 Burns가 역동성을 부여하도록 만든 동적 집-나무-사람(Kinetic House-Tree-Person)기법을 사용하여 질적 분석 하였다. 수집된 연구 자료는 SPSS 17.0 통계 프로그램을 이용하여 평균 및 표준편차를 산출하고 독립 표본 T-검증하였다. 이에 본 연구에서 밝혀진 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 이혼가정 아동의 자기표현이 통제집단에 비해 실험집단의 점수가 유의미하게 향상된 것으로 보아 집단미술치료가 이혼가정 아동의 자기표현 향상에 영향을 주었다. 둘째, 이혼가정 아동의 사회성 행동이 통제집단에 비해 실험집단 점수가 유의미하게 향상된 것으로 보아 집단미술치료가 이혼가정 아동의 사회성 향상에 영향을 주었다. 셋째, 이혼가정 아동의 K-HTP 사전・사후 그림 분석결과 사전에 비하여 사후그림에 변화가 있었다. 15회기의 단기프로그램 적용으로 아동들이 오랫동안 내재되어 있던 위축과 불안정감을 완전히 소멸시키기는 어려웠으나 K-HTP 사전・사후 그림 분석결과 자기표현과 사회성이 향상되고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 연구결과는 집단미술치료가 지역아동센터 이혼가정 아동들에게 자기표현과 사회성 향상에 긍정적인 영향을 주었음을 알 수 있었다. A purpose of this study is to identify the effects of group art therapy program on self-expression and sociality improvement that was applied to the children in an divorced family who are in the low grade of elementary school at B local child care center in J city. For a progress of this study, selecting and designing the subjects, a study on group art therapy program for self-expression and sociality, pre-test, practice and application of program, post-test and data processing were carried out from October, 2009 to February, 2010. The subjects for this study consisted of 15 elementary students in the divorced family at local child care center and 9 students were randomly allocated to a experiment group and 6 students were randomly allocated to a control group. The experiment group had group art therapy for self-expression and sociality improvement for 60 minutes a week, 15 sessions in total and the control group had after school-activity without any treatment. For a tool of the study, "Self-Expression Behavior Scale" developed by Rakos and Schroeder in 1980 that Kim, Seong Hui newly re-designed to fit it into Korean cultural background in 1982 was used. For th tool of examining sociality, the questionnaire that Seo, Pung Yeon re-designed elementary personality questionnaire developed by Seo, Pung Yeon in 1991 to fit the level of elementary school students by in 1997 was used. For K-HTP picture test, Kinetic House-Tree-Person that Burns made for providing Dynamics was used and qualitative analysis was carried out. The collected data for this study was used to compute average and standard deviation and to carry out independent sample t-test using SPSS 17.0 program. The results of this study are as follows. First, in terms of children's self-expression in the divorced family, as a score of experiment group was meaningfully more improved than the control group's, the group art therapy had an effect on children's self-expression improvement in the divorced family. Second, in terms of children's sociality behavior in the divorced family, as the experiment group was meaningful more improved thant the control group, the group are therapy had an effect on children's sociality improvement in the divorced family. Third, according to the result of analyzing Children's K-HTP pre-picture post-picture in the divorced family, most of change happened to post-picture. By applying shot-term program in 15 sessions, it was difficult to completely get ride of anxiety and aggression that is immanent in children's mind, however, it was found that self-expression and sociality were improved. Such the results of this study imply that the group art therapy positively had an effect on children's self-expression and sociality improvement who are in the divorced family at the local child care center

      • 아버지 役割과 靑少年 問題行動에 關한 硏究 : 京畿道 水原市 所在 實業界 高等學校 1, 2學年을 對象으로

        김정임 明知大學校 社會敎育大學院 1995 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is as follows ; ① To understand importance of father's role of the deviant behavior of the youth. ② Whet is the deviant behavior of the youth. ③ To examine relationship between father's role end the deviant behavior of the youth. ④ To grope for influence of father's role on a deviant behavior ofthe youth and the solution of deviant behavior of the youth. A method of study was data research mainly on deviant behavior of the youth about a concept and importance of father's role. I made up the questionnaire for the sake of evaluation of father's role and deviant behavior of the youth, experience index of deviant behavior of the youth, accepted responses and the solution of deviant behavior of the youth. For this research, questionnaires were given to 615 students, 1,2 grade of 6 vocational high school in Suwon, KyungKee Do Province. Among them, total copies of 539 were used for the research. The Collected data are analyzed using Frequencies, Mean, Chi-square analysis etc.. with SUSS programs. The results obtained were summarized as follows ; 1. The evaluation of father's role by all students was higher than others, especially the first of father's role was an economic support. 2. On evaluation father's role by factors, the lower of father's age, the higher father's scholarship and father's having religions were high in the father's role. 3. About father's role of ranking test by all students, a leader of home was very high evaluation. 4. A replied students on "very often smoking" of deviant behavior of the youth were 6.1%, the highest of response of the male students was to see lustful book and that of female of student was to drink. 5. Psychological motive on the most answer of the source of deviant behavior of the youth was "impulse of the moment or curiosity"(54.3%) and environment of that was "influence by a friend or senior" (34.0%). 6. Response by the all students according to the social change on both the boy and girl students were well connecting with the other sex. 7. The first order as the counteiuieasure keep off deviant behavior of the youth was "making sweet home mood and reinforcement of home education" (59.0%). 8. About correlation between performance of father's role and a deviant behavior of the youth, the male students of 76% and the female students of 76.5% replied to 'yes'. Deviant behavior of adolescent had so connection with performance of father's role. Therefore, the father has to be a counterparts of communication on equal temps so as to prevent misconduct and deviation of the youth and be needed amplification of amusement space for the youth, making of sweet home mood and guidance in the school-life. Going one step forward, if he gap between father's consciousness and perfoiniance is decreased by a comparative research on the father himself, the correct guidance of prefix lance of father's role will be able to be present.

      • 간편 제작 수학교구 활용 학습이 큰 수 개념 형성에 미치는 효과

        김정임 부경대학교 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Most of all, the purpose of this study is to analyze the effects the simply produced mathematics materials has on fourth graders' comprehending the concept of high numbers, through inventing and applying the teaching-learning program to utilize them. The studies for me to work out are as follows : First, I plan out the teaching-learning program to make use of the simply produced mathematics materials to help my learners' apprehend the concept of the high number. Second, I analyze what effect it had on the learners' ability to comprehend the concept of high numbers. I at first examined and analyzed the previous studies of mathematics materials so as to attain my purpose and I selected and experimented two classes (one is an experimental group and the other is a control group) at random among the fourth graders of D elementary school, Nam-gu, Busan city. Next, I created and applied the teaching -learning program to them. I watched their learning processes in class in detail, and I analyzed their responses by making them write about their opinions and take tests after class. Therefore I conclude that the number cards were beneficial to increase the learning effects, by stimulating learners who are familiar with number cards to be curious and reducing the burden of high numbers which they usually think difficult. Second, the chart of place values helped learners increase their learning effects, by making them take lessons with confidence without the burden of making mistakes. Besides, place values modular flip charts were helpful for understanding the place values and the principle of positional notation easily by making use of visual effects. Namely, the learning by the simply produced mathematics materials was effective for the learners' grasping their place values as well as the concept of high numbers.

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