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      • 사과白粉病에 對한 Bayleton의 防除效果

        金圭來 慶北大學校 새마을硏究所 1978 農村과 科學 Vol.1 No.-

        사과白粉病(Podosphaera leucotricha)에 對한 Bayleton W.P.의 防除效果를 알기위하여 撒布回數와 撒布濃度를 달리한 處理區를 두고 Topsin-M W.P.를 對照藥劑로 하여 紅玉成木에 處理한 結果, 無處理區의 發病葉率, 發病程度 및 發病新梢率이 各各 30.17%, 1.593, 100%인데 對하여 Bayleton 3∼5回 處理區들은 各各 2.68∼5.76%, 1.027∼1.167, 26.7∼70% 였고, Topsin-M處理區는 各各 19.87% 1.330, 86.7%로서 兩藥劑의 효과가 認定되었다. 藥劑間에는 Bayleton W.P.가 Topsin-M W.P.보다 白粉病防除效果가 높았다. Bayleton and Topsin-M were compared for control of powdry mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha), under field conditions on foliage of bearing Jonathan cultivar. Bayleton were superior to Topsin-M for control of powdery mildew. No statistical differences were observed in control effect between Bayleton treatments, 3 sprays, 4 sprays, and 5 sprays:3 sprays were at full pink stage, petal fall and 10 days after petal fall;4 sprays were 3 sprays plus prepink stage spray;5 sprays were 4 sprays plus 20 days after petall fall spray. No phytotoxic symptoms on leaves and fruits were observed in all treatments.

      • KCI등재

        임신 초기의 완전 포상기태: 51예의 임상 및 병리학적 소견

        김규래,이승구,전선영,박소영 대한병리학회 2002 Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine Vol.36 No.2

        With the widespread use of high resolution ultrasound in early pregnancy periods, poorly formed diagnostic features of complete hydatidiform mole (CHM) (which mimics normal or nonmolar gestation) often lead to a confusion of CHM with partial mole, hydropic abortion or nonmolar chromosomal abnormalities. Methods : We studied the clinicopathologic findings in 51 early CHM, evacuated before 12 weeks of gestation to characterize the early histologic changes. Results : Conventional diagnostic features were not uniformly identified; extensive cavitation was identified in 51.0%, trophoblastic hyperplasia in 49.1%, and avascular villi in 13.7%. The characteristic histologic features of early CHM were cellular and basophilic stroma (82.4%), bulbous projection with linear intervening clefts (76.5%), and apoptotic stromal cells (84.3%). In 86.3%, vascularized chorionic villi showed either primitive vascular network or clearly visible vascular lumen. Nonmetastatic persistent trophoblastic neoplasia developed in 35.3% and all were cured with single-agent or combination chemotherapy. Choriocarcinoma did not develop in any cases. The extent of trophoblastic proliferation at initial curettage had no prognostic value for clinical progression to persistent hydatidiform mole. Conclusions : The fact that the histologic features of CHM in early gestation are often not as distinctive as those in later gestation should always be kept in mind in the diagnosis of conceptual products in early gestation.

      • 矮性사과園의 生産力 調査分析

        金圭來 慶北大學校 1982 論文集 Vol.34 No.-

        Sixteen commercial dwarf apple orchard located in different sites were surveyed to know the tree performance and fruit yields. In the tree performance of Fuji cultivar by the rootstocks, trunk circumference, tree height and tree spread of 7 years old tree on M26 were in a range of 28-29cm, 2.6-3.0m, and 2,7-3.0m, respectively, but in some orchard showed 39cm, 4.3m and 4.3m, respectively. Those of 8 years old tree on M26 were in range of 32-37cm, 3.0-3.8m and 3.0-3.7m, respectively. And those of 7 years old Fuji on M106 were in range of 32-46cm, 2.6-4.7m and 3.2-4.5m, respectively, and those of 8 years old tree were in range of 35-44cm, 3.5-4.6m and 3.8-4.0m, respectively. Optimum planting distance of Fuji cultivar on M26 in favorable soil will be 2.0-2.5m×4.0-4.5m, and that of Fuji cultivar on MM106 in favorable soil will be 4.0-4.5m×5.0-5.5m, and in bad soil condition, 3.0-4.0m×4.5-5.0m. Average fruit yield from 3 years to 7 years old Fuji on M26 were 157, 1,464, 2,336, 3,752, and 3,909kg per 10a, respectively, that of Fuji on MM 106 were 90, 1,536, 1,474, 2,308, and 3,135kg per 10a, respectively, and that of Fuji in M9 were 484, 1,867, 2,031, 2,870, and 1,974kg per 10a respectively. By this survey, it is suggested that fruit yield will amount to 3-4M/T per 10a from 5th years after planting by Fuji cultivar on M26 or M9 and from 6th years after planting by Fuji cultivar on MM106, when optimum planting density in accordance with soil condition and reasonable growing methods were taken.

      • 慶北地方 사과園의 農藥撤布 實態調査

        金圭來 慶北大學校 1986 農業科學技術硏究所報 Vol.3 No.-

        慶北의 21개 地域에서 炳害蟲防除가 잘된 농원과 피해가 많은 농원을 각각 10개원 내외씩 합계 384개 사과원에서 藥劑撒布實態를 조사하였다. 年間藥劑撒布回數는 優良園이 14.11회, 不良園이 12.93회였고 果園別撒布回數範圍는 우량원이 10∼20회, 불량원이 9∼20회였다. 殺菌劑撒布回數는 우량원이 13.93회, 불량원이 12.69회였고 果園別範圍는 우량원이 10∼18회, 불량원이 9∼19회였다. 殺비劑撒布回數는 우량원과 불량원이 7.4회 내외였고 농가에 따라서는 3∼12회였다. 殺비劑撒布回數는 우량원이 4.28회, 불량원이 4.53회였고 살균살비제살포회수는 우량원과 불량원이 0.7회 정도였다. 년간 농약의 延使用回數(품목별합계)는 우량원이 29.17회, 불량원이 27.18회였고 果園別撒布回數範圍는 우량원이 18∼43회, 불량원이 18∼41회였다. Situation of agricultural chemical application in the year 1985 was surveyed in total 384 apple orchards in 21 regions of Kyungpook province, about 10 well controlled and 10 poor controlled orchards in each region. Average number of chemical spray was 14.11 and 12.92 times, and the range was 10 to 20 times and 9 to 20 times in the well controlled and poor controlled orchards, respectively. Average number of fungicide spray was 13.93 and 12.69 times and the range was 10 to 18 times and 9 to 19 times in the well controlled and the poor controlled orchards, respectively. Average number of insecticide spray was about 7.4 times in both well controlled and poor controlled orchards, and the range was 3 to 12 times. Average number of miticide spray was 4.82 and 4.53 times in the well controlled and poor controlled orchards, respectively. Average number of fungi-miticide spray was about 0.7 times in both well controlled and poor controlled orchards. Cumulative total number of chemical applications(sum of the number of chemicals applied in each spray) was 29.17 and 27.18 times, and the range was 18 to 43 and 18 to 41in the well controlled and the poor controlled orchards, respectively.

      • 野山을 利用한 葡萄園 造成 및 栽培에 關한 硏究

        金圭來,鄭三澤,李容夏,鄭基澤 경북대학교 교육대학원 1976 논문집 Vol.6-7 No.-

        The authors studied on the problems concerning to the establishment of vineyard at 25% slopped land with 50㎝ in soil depth. We investigated on the effects of manure, mulching, physiological disorder and personal expenditures for establishment of the vineyard. The results obtained can be summarized as follows; About thirty person per 10a were required for establishment of planting step. Growth of the vine was not different 50-100㎝ of soil depth from over 100㎝ of soil depth. About 30% of selected vine trees showed boron deficiency on the young leaves and flower cluster during early June and that 70% of the vine trees showed blackish berry caused by boron deficiency during early July. The vine mulched with straw, depth of 7㎝ and 15㎝, showed significantly larger shoot growth than that of control. 15kgr. of manure application per tree showed significant difference in growth than 5kgr.of manure, 5kgr. of hen maunre and control polt.

      • 사과 幼木의 硼素過剩障害에 關한 硏究

        金圭來 慶北大學校 1977 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        Since 1973, there have been spread over the country such a disorder as backward bending of shoot leaves, chlorosis of midrib, large lateral veins and their neighboring tissue, and breaking of middle part of the petiole in young apple trees. It was confirmed that the disorder was caused by a exess boron absorption in this study. Togeter with, it was estimated that the threshold level of leaf boron occurring exess symptoms was between 231ppm to 342ppm.

      • 巨峰葡萄에 對한 4CPA 와 GA_3處理가 果房의 着粒 無核化 및 品質에 미치는 影響

        金圭來,邊宇澤 慶北大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.36 No.-

        This study was experimented on the effects of time and concentration of the first and second applieation of 4CPA and GA3 on the berry set, seedlessness and quality of cluster in Kyoho grape. The results were as follows; In ratio of normal berry, seedlessness, weight of cluster, ratio of berry cracking and berry abscission after harvest in 25 treatments of the first and second different treatment stages with 4CPA (15ppm) and GA3(25ppm) alone and in combination, two treatments of mixed plot with 4CPA and GA3 in combination at fullbloom and 5 days before fullbloom at first and with GA3(25ppm) alone at 10 and 20 days after fullbloom at second were the most effective. and two treatments of GA3 plot applied with GA3(50ppm) alone 5 days before fullbloom at first and with GA3(25.50ppm) alone 10 days after fullbloom at second were effective in decreasing order. And then two treatments of 4CPA plot with 4CPA(15ppm) alone at fullbloom at first and with GA(25ppm) alone at 10 and 20 days after were also effective. In ratio of normal berry and quality in 29 treatments of different concentrations with 4CPA and GA3 alone and in combination, the plot treated with GA3 100ppm at fullbloom was the most effective, mixed (first; 4CPA(25ppm)+GA3(15ppm), second; Ga3(25ppm) and GA3 plot (first; GA3(25ppm), second; GA3(50ppm) and first; GA3(15ppm) second; fullbloom at second GA3(25ppm)) were shown as decreasing order. From above results, in high ratio of normal berry, increased weight of cluster and berry, seedless ratio, of berry cracking and mechanical berry absission after harvest, the plot treated with GA3 100ppm at fullbloom was the effective, and then the plot treated with 4CPA(15ppm) and GA3(25ppm), 4CPA(25ppm) and GA3(15ppm) in combination at fullboom or 5 days before fullbloom at first, and with GA3(25ppm) alone at 10 or 20 days after fullbloom at second were effective on seedless ratio, weight of cluster and normal too, but it is believed that this study must be continued because of shot berry formation and high mechanical berry abscission by berry cracking after harvest.

      • 所得增大를 위한 포도 巨峰品種 栽培法의 實態調査 硏究 : 大邱市 近郊를 中心으로 at the commercial vineyards in the suburbs of Taegu city

        金圭來 경북대학교 1989 새마을 硏究論叢 Vol.10 No.-

        The auther investigated on the present status of cultural practices and faced problems of Kyoho grape cultivar at 10 vineyards near by Taegu city for reasonable cultural practices. The results were as follows. Tree age was 4-9 years and planting density was 42-240 vines per 10a. by vineyards. Dense planting problems didn't appear till now on, but thinning out will be needed in 1-2 years at the many vineyards. Generally, tree form was not planned before planting, present tree form is suitable in relation to planting distance therefore. At the 9 vineyards, tree form was terracing system with long shoot pruning while at the one vineyard with 4 years of tree age was Wakeman system with short shoot pruning, and the berry-set was good at all vineyards. Many of the vineyards were shown that number of berry per cluster and cropping load per vine was too much that maturation of berry was abnormal and berry cracking was serious. From this inverstigation, it is believed that terracing system with long shoot pruning is ideal for Kyoho cultivar and less than 50 vines per 10a are recommended for the permanent planting vines in case of self-rooted vines. And also it is considered that less than 40 berries per cluster and less than 2000kg of cropping load per 10 a is suitable for higher berry quality and earlier harvest before the early Septmber for the prevention of berry cracking.

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