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      • 마을문고의 효과에 관한 연구

        김경일,Kim, Gyeong-Il 한국도서관협회 1968 圖協月報 Vol.9 No.8

        이 조사연구는 문교부, 마을문고본부, 아시아재단한국지부의 후수을 받어 1967년 11월~1968년 4월에 걸쳐 중앙교육연구소가 위촉한 연구기획자문위원으로서 홍승직(고대교수), 김선호(경희대교수), 엄대섭(마을문고본부), 박천보(문교부사회교육과), 조동재, David Steinberg(아시아재단), 백현기(중교연구소장), 이용걸(중교연구조사연구부장) 등 제위원 지도하에 연구자 김진은, 김경일, 노공근, 차온순에 의하여 수행된 조사연구의 보고서를 요약한 것이다.

      • KCI등재


        김경일 영남중국어문학회 1987 중국어문학 Vol.13 No.1

        李唐五代俗字之習, 酷異於南北朝字體, 與宋後字體亦回別, 蓋因手寫本殊蓄之做, 今人寵易審別矣. 俗字不齊, 猶如字形相亂, 偏旁不分, 誠不循中國文字演變一脈之迹所致, 龍龕手鑑, 遼僧行均所作, 내錄厥時寫本文字而簒, 參據內外典之字書以明訓, 故夫欲硏求唐五代寫本, 舍斯莫由也. 今擧凡韓·中·日典籍竝呈現此俗字之風, 其文字之障, 非解不可. 本篇略探寫本俗字之風, 貌與龍龕手鑑纂輯情形, 以明俗字訛變及習用之迹, 吾人將解讀古寫本, 期能有所裨益也.

      • KCI등재

        商代 갑골문에 보이는 ‘東+某’ 어휘 연구 - 東夷 관련 고문자 텍스트 DB 구축 과정의 일환 -

        김경일 한국중국언어문화연구회 2012 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.28

        The aim of this article is to explore the cultural meaning in the vocabularies that consists of ‘the morpheme 東+another morpheme 某’. I have been researching the trace related to the ‘Dongyi(東夷)’, and in a previous article “A Study on the Word ‘Dongshi(東尸)’, the Origin of the Name ‘Dongyi(東夷)’ in the Oracle Bone Inscriptions of the Yin Dynasty”, I proved that the name ‘Dongshi(東尸)’ in Yin Oracle Bone Inscriptions was the origin of ‘Dongyi(東夷)’. During the research, I found that ‘the morpheme 東+another morpheme’ vocabularies are intimately linked with the record of ‘Dongyi(東夷)’, and is crucial to dig into the real history of ‘Dongyi(東夷)’. In this context, I collected ten ‘the morpheme 東+another morpheme 某’ vocabularies like ‘Dongtu(東土)’, ‘Dongfang(東方)’, ‘Dongbang(東邦)’, ‘Dongmu(東母)’, ‘Dongqin(東寢)’, ‘Dongshi(東室)’, ‘Dongbi(東鄙)’, ‘Dongdan(東單)’, ‘Dong*bei(東)’, ‘Dongwu(東巫)’ and analyzed them. ‘Dongtu(東土)’ means the east territory of Shang. In terms of usage, ‘Dongfang(東方)’ seems to be compared with ‘Dongtu(東土)’, but unlike ‘Dongtu(東土)’, it is used in the divine field. ‘Dongbang(東邦)’ is a name of a tribe located in ‘Dongtu(東土)’ area. ‘Dongmu(東母)’ is the maternal divinity. ‘Dongqin(東寢)’ is the place located in ‘Dongtu(東土)’ where the king of Shang performs sacrifices to the ancestors. ‘Dongshi(東室)’ is the royal place where the instruments are played, and the king of Shang performs sacrifices to the gods. ‘Dongbi(東鄙)’ is a group of village. ‘Dongdan(東單)’ seems to be a place related with the agriculture. ‘Dong*bei(東)’, the pronunciation of can not be sure, is the small effluent from Yellow river which is located in the east of Yellow river. ‘Dongwu(東巫)’ is the divine power which controls specially the East. These ten ‘the morpheme 東+another morpheme’ vocabularies will be valuable for exploring the ancient culture of ‘Dongyi(東夷)’ further.

      • KCI등재

        商代 제2기 卜辭 ‘王+賓+’ 결합 텍스트의 구조와 내면 - 商代 문화연구를 위한 갑골문 텍스트 활용의 선행과정 -

        김경일 한국중국언어문화연구회 2020 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.56

        The purpose of following research examines the structural characteristic and cultural aspect implied in the combined texts of ‘王 + 賓' + ’, a unique finding, from the second period of the Shang Dynasty. The analysis first examines the background of the emergence of texts ‘王 + 賓’, which frequently appear in the second period of the Shang Dynasty in the cultural context of ancestral rites. The paper analyzes the elements of character 賓. 賓 consists of three elements: ‘宀’, ‘人’, ‘止’. ‘宀’ represents a house where the ancestral rite takes place, ‘人’ represents the ghost of the ancestor, ‘止’ represents the King guiding the ghost for entrance. Also, the research examines the role of ‘賓’ as a V1 verb by analyzing the order of the words. Lastly, the research emphasizes the characteristic of the object in the ‘王 + 賓' + ’ structure and examination of another verb V2. Based on these findings, the research confirms that the text “王 + 賓 V1 + O + V2” discovered in the second period of the Shang Dynasty is composed of unique objects particularly defined as the ghost of the ancestors. Furthermore, the research confirms there are five distinct ancestral rites used as rotating V2 verbs.

      • KCI등재
      • ‘심리치료사가 경험한 젠 테라피’ 에 대한 논평문

        김경일 한국불교상담학회 2013 한국불교상담학회 학술대회지 Vol.6 No.-

        불교는 광활한 지혜의 바다이다. 그 바다 속에서 심리학자들은 심리치료의 이론과 방법을 찾아내고 수학자와 물리학자들은 그들 나름의 학문적 길을 찾기도 한다. ‘불교는 심리학이다’ 라는 브레이저 박사의 통찰도 그런 점에서 의미가 있다. 불교교학 가운데는 인간의 마음에 대해 현대심리학에서 밝힌 것들 보다 더욱 심오하고 정 치(精緻)한 설명들이 많다. 불교에서 제시하는 다양한 방법의 수행 역시 심리치료의 과정이며 또한 심리치료자의 자기 성숙, 자기 성장의 과정에 해당되는 것이므로 ‘불교는 심리학이다.’라 는 지적은 일리가 있다. 그러나 심리학의 울타리에 불교를 가둘 수 있는 것은 아니다. 불교는 심리학이면서 과학이고 철학이고 종교이다.

      • KCI등재

        고령자용 실내계단 디자인에 관한 인간공학적 실험연구

        김경일,최창렬,안옥희 한국주거학회 1998 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.9 No.3

        In order to provide the basic data for planning of stairways design in elderly housing, the study of Ergonomics were exmined. 3 old women and 3 female subjects were tested: 1) The relations between blood pressure and pulse: In case of the old, blood pressure was the highest at 13 cm and pulse was the highest at 23 cm. But in case of the young, the former was the highest at 23 cm and the latter was at 13 cm. 2) EMG: According to the height of stairs, the significant differences on the statistics were not seen. 3) Riviewing that biological characters according to the finishing materials, in case of the old groups, they feel most stable, as they up the wooden stairs. While they feel very dangerous, as they up the stairs where carpet is on. In the biological characters according to the stairs heights and the finishing materials, the most stable conditions for the old are 15 cm-high-stairs, wooden. And even if the stairs used inside the house, the installment of the handrails at both side must be considered.

      • KCI등재

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