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        조선총독부 학무국 운영과 식민지교육의 성격

        이명화 서울역사편찬원 2007 서울과 역사 Vol.- No.69

        During the period of Japanese colonial rule of the peninsula Japanese imperialism established various education-related laws and ordinances and put them in force to meet the changes of the times and defeat Korean people's resistance. The Education and Management Bureau was a administrative department of the Japanese government general of Joseon, which was responsible for education. Checking the course of the changes in the management of the Education and Management Bureau by the times during the Japanese colonial period, I examined the changes of the colonial education and its peculiarities. It is general that education for the oppressed people under the colonial rule is used as a means to govern the colony without exception. In spite of that some Japanese militarists still varnish that the educational work for the Korean people during the Japanese colonial period was a favor bestowed by Japan and it contributed to Korea's modernization. Japanese imperialism revised Joseon education-related laws and ordinances at the turning point without exception and built up the deceptive colonial education system, however, the substance of its administrative enforcement showed very violent aspect. At the initial stage of the colonial rule, the Bureau had put the educational administration emphasizing chiefly vocational and industrial education and technical training suitable for the development of capitalism into operation under the pretext that these education was suitable for the trend of the age and the living standards of the people. However, as 3․1 Independence Movement took place and socialist thought expanded among the young people, Japanese imperialism raised the Bureau run by the Department of the Interior to the status of the independent department under direct control of the government-general and desperately tried to build up the colonial system on a razor-edge again. After this, the sphere of education for which the Bureau was responsible was extended to the field of religion, ideology and enlightenment. In this course their educational goals from start to finish were to distort the Korean traditional cultural customs, scheme to japanize Korean culture and foster functional colonists needed for Japanese imperialism. As the Japanese aggressive war expanded after invading Manchuria, the Bureau's role rarified, concretized and extended. By the end of the Pacific War the Bureau lost its educational role and function completely, was mobilized in fostering the young people as food for powder at the front through military instruction and spiritual education and degenerated into an organization supplying the human resources to the front at the time of war. As was mentioned before, the Bureau was more of a spearheading organization of the colony which faithfully had put the administrative policy of the government-general into operation and performed comprehensive works including protection of the colonial system and training the human resources needed for wartime mobilization rather than an organization worrying about and settling the educational problems with educational consideration and consciousness and responsible for educational administration suitable for the actual circumstances. 일제식민지 조선총독부 치하에서 교육을 담당한 기구는 학무국이었다. 학무국은 1910년대에는 ‘시세’와 ‘민도’에 적합하다는 명분을 내세워 식민지 아동․청년들에게 실업교육과 기술교육, 직업교육을 주로 강조한 교육행정을 시행한 바 있다. 그러나 3․1운동이 일어나고 청년층을 중심으로 사회주의사상이 확산되어가자, 조선총독부는 학무국을 내무부 소속에서 총독부 직속의 독립부서로 승격시키고 위기에 처한 식민지체제를 다시 구축하기 위해 혈안이 되었다. 1920년대로 들어가면 학무국이 담당한 교육 업무 범위는 종교․사상․교화 등의 부분으로 넓혀졌다. 그러나 이 과정에서 시종일관했던 식민지 교육의 목표는 한국문화의 일본동화를 획책하며 일제가 필요로 하는 기능적 식민지민을 육성하는 일이었다. 조선총독부 산하 학무국은 교육에 대한 배려와 의식을 갖고 문제를 고민하고 해결하며 실정에 맞는 교육행정을 담당했던 기구라기보다는 총독부 시정방침을 충실히 시행하며 식민통치체제에 맞는 교육, 교화사업을 수행했던 통치기구였다. 식민지체제의 안전판을 구축해주는 대행기구로서 역할을 충실히 수행하였던 것이다. 일제가 대륙을 침략하고 침략전쟁을 확대시켜 가는 와중에서 학무국의 역할과 기능은 더욱 다양해지고 세밀화 되었다. 태평양전쟁 이후 전쟁 막바지로 가면 학무국은 교육적 역할과 기능을 완전 상실하고 일본 천황을 위해 기꺼이 목숨 바쳐 죽을 수 있는 식민지민의 정신세뇌교육과 함께 단기간 내에 군사훈련을 시켜 전선에 배치하는 戰時 인력연성과 송출기관으로 전락하고 말았다. 이로 보면 학무국은 조선총독부기구 중 식민지체제 유지를 위해 포괄적 사업을 수행했던 식민지 첨병의 기구였던 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 전후 北京의 留學環境과 韓人學生 현황

        이재령 한국중국학회 2017 중국학보 Vol.80 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to comprehend the realities of modern higher education and in Beijing, which was the center of Chinese politics, diplomacy and education around the 1920s, and the conditions of Korean students studying there. From the end of Qing dynasty to the early Republic period, government runing schools such as Peking University and Beijing Normal University and private ones, Yenching University founded by Christians for example, all served as inlets for modern time studies and ideas. Experiencing full scale development during the late 1910s, the universities in Beijing became exhibition centers for new western thoughts subsequently after the New Culture Movement and the May Fourth Movement. The Warlord Wars which persisted until the mid-1920s aggravated political chaos and financial difficulties in education, but the alleviation of institutional strains on establishing universities prompted a deluge of private universities. During this period, Chinese schools provided Korean students with conveniences in admission procedures and university fees, and combined with the cheap living costs, these factors led Korean students to choose to study abroad in Beijing. The hasty construction of private universities during the 1920s and their lax bachelor’s program are also believed to have facilitated the entrance of Korean students. After the quantitative development of private and public universities in Beijing post 1920, rapid improvements in quality ensued, providing favorable conditions for the intellectual growth of Korean students. However, in the 1930s, the China National Party’s “Discipline System” found form, restricting the autonomy of the educational sector, and furthermore the Manchuria incident greatly worsened the educational environment in Beijing, virtually putting a halt to all studies abroad in the region. Until the Sino-Japanese war developed into full-out war in 1937, Korean students studied in schools such as Peking University, Yenching University, Minguo University, Chaoyang University, and Pingmin University, with Advanced Middle School also holding a large bulk of students. Of the following, Peking University possessed the most Korean students. Out of private universities, Minguo University and Pingmin University relatively held a large number, while a considerable amount also attended the remaining universities. The numbers of Korean students studying in Beijing known by their real name during the Japanese occupation era is around 270. The main period for studying abroad was concentrated in the 1920s, with Advanced Chinese Learning and undergraduate programs occupying the majority of their study pursuits. Although the students’ majors varied in nature, they were generally related to the humanities and social sciences. However, of these students, over a hundred are identified only through the Japanese police’s or consulate’s temple documents and newspaper reports related to ideological or independence movements, therefore rendering their exact period of studying abroad, affiliated school, and major unidentifiable. Korean students studying abroad were mainly unable to conclude their studies due to their dedication to independence movements or changes in life course. The path Korean students studying abroad during the Japanese Invasion took one of thorns and thistles, and it is understood that the acquisition of modern knowledge and academic maturity was not as easy as expected. 이 글은 일제강점기 중국의 정치·외교·학술 중심지였던 북경을 중심으로 근대 고등교육의 실태와 한인유학생의 현황을 파악하는데 목적이 있다. 淸末民初 국립 북경대·북경사범대와 기독교계의 燕京大를 비롯한 관립·사립 학교들이 근대 학문·사상의 유입구 역할을 하였다. 1910년대 후반부터 본격적으로 발전한 북경의 대학들은 신문화운동과 5·4운동을 거치면서 서구 신사조의 전시장이 되었다. 1920년대 중반까지 지속된 군벌전쟁은 정치적 혼란과 교육 재정난을 악화시켰지만 제도적으로 대학설립이 수월해지면서 사립대학들이 난립하였다. 이 시기 중국학교들은 한인학생들에게 입학수속과 학비 등 여러 면에서 편의를 제공해 주었고, 저렴한 생활비와 학비도 북경유학을 선택하는 요인이 되었다. 또한 1920년대 졸속으로 설립된 사립대학들의 허술한 학사운영도 한인학생의 입학을 도왔을 것으로 판단된다. 1920년대 이후 북경지역의 국립·사립대학들은 양적 성장에 뒤이어 질적으로도 빠르게 발전하였고 한인유학생들의 지적 성장에 좋은 여건을 제공하였다. 그러나 1930년대 국민당의 훈정체제가 구체화되면서 교육계의 자율성이 제약받고, 만주사변으로 북경의 교육환경이 현저히 악화되면서 한인유학은 사실상 중단되었다중일전쟁이 전면전으로 확대된 1937년까지 北京大, 燕京大, 民國大, 朝陽大, 平民大 등에서 한인학생들이 유학하였고 高級中學에도 다수가 공부하였다. 이 가운데 북경대에 한인유학생이 가장 많았고, 사립대는 민국대와 평민대에 상대적으로 많았으며 나머지 대학에도 적지 않은 한인학생들이 재학하였다. 일제강점기 實名으로 확인된 북경의 한인유학생은 270여 명이고, 유학시기는 1920년대에 집중되었으며, 고급중학이나 大學豫科가 다수를 차지하였다. 이들의 전공은 다양했지만 인문사회계가 보편적으로 많았다. 그러나 이들 가운데 사상운동이나 독립운동과 관련된 일본경찰 및 영사관 등의 사찰문건과 신문·잡지의 보도를 통해 이름만 확인될 뿐 유학시기, 학교, 전공 등을 전혀 파악할 수 없는 인원이 일백여 명에 이른다. 한인유학생들이 학업을 끝마치지 못한 이유는 독립운동에 투신하기 위해 학업을 중단하거나 진로를 바꾸는 사례가 많았기 때문이다. 일제침략기 중국에서 유학생활을 보낸 한인청년들의 삶은 荊棘의 길로 근대지식의 습득과 학문적 성숙은 기대만큼 쉽지 않았을 것으로 이해된다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 대학교 일본어 교육 현황 연구

        바나 동방문화대학원대학교 문화예술콘텐츠연구소 2023 문화와예술연구 Vol.23 No.-

        중국 대학교의 일본어 교육은 전환기에 있으며 몇 년 동안 지속해서 발전해 왔다. 반면 최근 몇 년 동안 일본어 전공의 학습자 수는 많이 감소 되었다. 학습 동기와 학습 목표에도 큰 변화가 일어나고 있다. 본 연구에서는 중국 일본어 교육의 시대적 변화, 대학교 일본어 교육의 특징, 기존 문제점 및 개선에 관해 연구하였다. 또한, 일본어 학습자와 교육 실천자의 관점에서의 분석을 통해 학습 동기를 강화하고 다양화하였으며 수업 내용과 학습 환경을 풍부하게 하였다. 전환기에 있는 중국 대학교의 일본어 교육은 현대 일본어 학습자의 기대와 요구를 충족시켜야 할 뿐만 아니라 지식 전달과 가치 리더십을 전달하는 중요한 수단이다. 본 연구는 중일 문화의 상호 이해와 교류를 개선하고, 대학과 학생 간의 교류와 공동 연구를 적극적으로 수행하며, 새로운 시대의 요구에 맞는 고품질 교육 방법을 구축하였다. 또한, 다양한 일본어 교육 전공을 구축하고, 일본어 교육의 발전을 위한 과학적인 계획을 수행하여 사회 요구에 맞는 경쟁력 있는 고급 복합 인재를 양성하는 데 있다. The Chinese higher education system is currently undergoing a transition in its approach to Japanese language education. Despite continual updates and developments over the years, there has been a noticeable decline in the number of students pursuing specialized studies in Japanese language in recent years. This shift is accompanied by significant changes in students' learning motivations and objectives.This dissertation delves into the evolution of Japanese language education in China, the distinctive features of Japanese language education in higher education institutions, the existing issues. Analyzing the situation from the perspectives of Japanese language learners and educational practitioners, the dissertation aims to strengthen students' learning motivations and diversify teaching methods, enrich the content of instruction, and enhance the learning environment.China's higher education institutions, currently in a transitional phase regarding Japanese language education, must not only meet the expectations and demands of modern Japanese language learners but also serve as a vital means for knowledge dissemination and value promotion. This necessitates improving mutual cultural understanding and exchange between China and Japan, actively promoting interactions and collaborative research among higher education institutions, constructing high-quality teaching methods that align with the requirements of the new era, establishing a diversified Japanese language education curriculum, and scientifically planning the development of Japanese language education to nurture competitive, high-level, multifaceted individuals who can meet the needs of society.

      • KCI등재

        「제2차 조선교육령」기 조선총독부의 관립전문학교의 조일공학정책과 척식학교화

        김자중 한국교육사학회 2018 한국교육사학 Vol.40 No.1

        This study aims to analyze the co-education policy between Korean and Japanese in the Governmental Specialized Schools of the Governor-General of Korea and the ‘Colonization School’ after the Second Chosen Education Ordinance. The results were as follows. Firstly, ‘Quota Restrictions on Japanese’ in the Governmental Specialized School were regulated by school law in the period of the First Chosen Education Ordinance, but the Governor-General of Korea abolished it and co-educated between Korean and Japanese in the period of the Second Chosen Education Ordinance. As a result, the number of Japanese students exceeded the number of korean students in the Governmental Specialized School after the Second Chosen Education Ordinance. Secondly, the idea of the co-education policy between Korean and Japanese in the Governmental Specialized Schools was Universal Benevolence(一視同仁), that is to abolish discrimination between Korean and Japanese. In particular, it was interpreted as ‘Merit System’ in the selection process of Governmental Specialized Schools, so functioned to exclude un-academic ability factor such as ‘Quota Restrictions on Japanese’. Thirdly, the reason that the Governor-General of Korea co-educated between Korean and Japanese in the period of the Second Chosen Education Ordinance was lack of Japanese professional manpower in korea. Therefore, the Governor-General of Korea began to consider the Specialized Schools as means for getting Japanese professional manpower gradually. In conclusion, the Governor-General of Korea administered the Governmental Specialized Schools as the ‘Colonization School’ after the Second Chosen Education Ordinance. It reveals coloniality of the Governmental Specialized Schools policy in Korea under Japanese rule. 본 논문은「제2차 조선교육령」기에 조선총독부가 실시한 ‘관립전문학교의 조일공학정책’에 대해 그 과정․결과와 논리, 추진 배경을 규명함으로써 동 시기 조선총독부의 전문학교정책이 갖는 성격을 이해하는 것을 목적으로 했다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째「제1차 조선교육령기」에 조선총독부는 각 관립전문학교의「학칙」에 ‘일본인 정원제한’을 규정했으나「제2차 조선교육령」기에는 이를 폐지하고 관립전문학교의 조일공학정책을 실시했다. 그 결과 1922년 이후 관립전문학교에서는 전체 입학자 중 조선인/일본인 비율의 ‘역전현상’이 초래됐다. 즉 관립전문학교의 조일공학정책은 조선인이 관립전문학교를 통해 고등교육기회를 획득하는 데에 현저한 장애요인으로서 작용했다. 둘째「제2차 조선교육령」기에 조선총독부가 관립전문학교의 조일공학정책을 실시했을 때 표방했던 논리는 ‘일시동인’이었다. 특히 이는 입학자 선발과정에서 근대적인 ‘실력주의’로 해석되어 ‘일본인 정원제한’과 같은 비학력적 요인을 배제하는 역할을 했다. 이에 대해 조선인은 ‘일시동인’의 논리가 임의적이며 관립전문학교가 ‘실력주의’를 표방하나 실제로는 암묵적인 ‘민족별 정원제도’를 운영하고 있다는 점, ‘실력주의’ 자체의 문제 등을 거론하며 그 허구성을 비판했다. 셋째「제2차 조선교육령」기에 조선총독부가 관립전문학교의 조일공학정책을 실시한 주요한 이유는 식민지 조선 내 일본인 전문인력의 부족현상 때문이었다.「제1차 조선교육령기」에 조선총독부는 다수의 전문인력을 주로 일본으로부터 공급받으려 했으나 이는 여러 사정으로 인해 원활하게 실행되지 못했다. 이에 조선총독부는 점차 전문학교를 일본인 전문인력을 양성하는 창구로서 간주하기 시작했다. 그리하여 조선총독부는 관립전문학교에 ‘내지’ 일본인을 다수 유치하기 위해 일련의 조치를 취했으며 또한 그 결과로서 관립전문학교는 다수의 일본인 전문인력을 양성했다. 결론적으로「제2차 조선교육령」기에 조선총독부가 관립전문학교의 조일공학정책을 실시한 주요한 이유는 관립전문학교를 일종의 ‘척식학교’로서 운영하기 위한 것이었다고 할 수 있다. 이는 조선총독부의 전문학교정책이 갖는 식민지적 성격을 보여주는 것이었다.

      • 대학생 일본어학습자의 니즈 분석 - 초급일본어학습자를 대상으로 -

        조대하(Dai ha Cho) 서울여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2013 인문논총 Vol.27 No.-

        1965년 한일국교정상화를 전후해 대학에서 일본어과가 신설되어 일본전문가를 양성하기기 시작한 이래, 대학의 일본어교육은 일본의 경제성장과 국제화의 분위기 속에서 학습자수가 증가해갔으며 2001년의 일본문화 전면개방으로 전성기를 맞이했다. 그러나 일본의 장기적인 경제 불황과 2011년 동일본지진 이후 방사능 오염사태를 비롯해 외교관계 악화 등의 영향으로 최근 일본어학습자수가 급격히 감소하는 현상을 보이고 있으며, 이러한 여파는 대학에도 영향을 미치고 있는 실정이다. 일본국제교류기금이 2012년 조사한 ‘세계의 일본실어교육실태조사’ 결과를 보면 2009년도에 비해 한국 내 일본어학습자수는 12.8% 감소했다. 본고는 최근에 나타나고 있는 일본어교육 환경변화가 대학의 일본어교육에 어떻게 영향을 미치고 있는가를 살펴보기 위한 연구이며, 이러한 변화가 학습자의 학습요구에 어떻게 영향을 주고 있는가를 중심으로 고찰했다. 고찰 대상으로써는 우리 대학의 초급일본어학습자를 대상으로 요구(needs) 조사를 실시하여 어떠한 변화가 있는지를 설문을 통해 조사·분석하고 앞으로 대학의 일본어교육의 방향을 모색해 보았다. 고찰 결과를 정리하면, 먼저 일어일문학과 교과과정의 경우, 심화과정이나 복수전공 과정 모두 일본어교육을 위한 주당 단위수가 매우 부족해 전공교육이 부실화되고 있으므로 전공과목 단위수를 높일 필요가 있다. 그리고 요구(need)조사 결과 학생들의 일본어교육 목적은 실리지향성이 높으므로 도구적 동기(instrumental motivation)가 강화되도록 취직이나 앞으로 학생들이 담당하게 될 업무와 관련된 교과목을 개발해야 하며, 이를 위해서는 산·학·연을 아우르는 연구가 필요할 것이다. The university of Japanese education is a process to train in Japanese experts. Therefore, university of works to grasp a current status of Japanese education correctly, is that will be had an important meaning in Japanology. The rapid development of the ICT (information and communication technology) and the spread of smart machinery and tools bring a big change for education including economy and a social change recently. The wave of such as a change begins Japanese education. On the other hand, while overlapping negative events such as Korea-Japan relations and radioactive contamination, Japan’s image is falling to the ground. Needs of the Japanese learner is being changed and diversified by these changes in flow. In this paper, as research of Japanese education current status grasp examine the author’s affiliated university of Japanese literature curriculum. Furthermore, check the current learning situation and think about future countermeasures though the survey of majored students needs. To summarize the study result, due to lack of Japanese education units in intensive and double major curriculum, the units should be increased. In addition, result of needs survey is that students of Japanese education purpose aim for tangible advantage, so we need to increase a class related to employment and responsibilities to enhance an instrumental motivation

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 전후 북경(北京)의 유학환경과 한인학생(韓人學生) 현황

        이재령 ( Lee Jaeryoung ) 한국중국학회 2017 중국학보 Vol.80 No.-

        이 글은 일제강점기 중국의 정치·외교·학술 중심지였던 북경을 중심으로 근대 고등교육의 실태와 한인유학생의 현황을 파악하는데 목적이 있다. 淸末民初 국립 북경대·북경사범대와 기독교계의 燕京大를 비롯한 관립·사립 학교들이 근대 학문·사상의 유입구 역할을 하였다. 1910년대 후반부터 본격적으로 발전한 북경의 대학들은 신문화운동과 5·4운동을 거치면서 서구신사조의 전시장이 되었다. 1920년대 중반까지 지속된 군벌전쟁은 정치적 혼란과 교육 재정난을 악화시켰지만 제도적으로 대학설립이 수월해지면서 사립대학들이 난립하였다. 이 시기 중국학교들은 한인학생들에게 입학수속과 학비 등 여러 면에서 편의를 제공해 주었고, 저렴한 생활비와 학비도 북경유학을 선택하는 요인이 되었다. 또한 1920년대 졸속으로 설립된 사립대학들의 허술한 학사운영도 한인학생의 입학을 도왔을 것으로 판단된다. 1920년대 이후 북경지역의 국립·사립대학들은 양적 성장에 뒤이어 질적으로도 빠르게 발전하였고 한인유학생들의 지적 성장에 좋은 여건을 제공하였다. 그러나 1930년대 국민당의 훈정체제가 구체화되면서 교육계의 자율성이 제약받고, 만주사변으로 북경의 교육환경이 현저히 악화되면서 한인유학은 사실상 중단되었다. 중일전쟁이 전면전으로 확대된 1937년까지 北京大, 燕京大, 民國大, 朝陽大, 平民大 등에서 한인학생들이 유학하였고 高級中學에도 다수가 공부하였다. 이 가운데 북경대에 한인유학생이 가장 많았고, 사립대는 민국대와 평민대에 상대적으로 많았으며 나머지 대학에도 적지 않은 한인학생들이 재학하였다. 일제강점기 實名으로 확인된 북경의 한인유학생은 270여 명이고, 유학시기는 1920년대에 집중되었으며, 고급중학이나 大學豫科가 다수를 차지하였다. 이들의 전공은 다양했지만 인문사회계가 보편적으로 많았다. 그러나 이들 가운데 사상운동이나 독립운동과 관련된 일본경찰 및 영사관 등의 사찰문건과 신문·잡지의 보도를 통해 이름만 확인될 뿐 유학시기, 학교, 전공 등을 전혀 파악할 수 없는 인원이 일백여 명에 이른다. 한인유학생들이 학업을 끝마치지 못한 이유는 독립운동에 투신하기 위해 학업을 중단하거나 진로를 바꾸는 사례가 많았기 때문이다. 일제침략기 중국에서 유학생활을 보낸 한인청년들의 삶은 荊棘의 길로 근대지식의 습득과 학문적 성숙은 기대만큼 쉽지 않았을 것으로 이해된다. The purpose of this study is to comprehend the realities of modern higher education and in Beijing, which was the center of Chinese politics, diplomacy and education around the 1920s, and the conditions of Korean students studying there. From the end of Qing dynasty to the early Republic period, government running schools such as Peking University and Beijing Normal University and private ones, Yenching University founded by Christians for example, all served as inlets for modern time studies and ideas. Experiencing full scale development during the late 1910s, the universities in Beijing became exhibition centers for new western thoughts subsequently after the New Culture Movement and the May Fourth Movement. The Warlord Wars which persisted until the mid-1920s aggravated political chaos and financial difficulties in education, but the alleviation of institutional strains on establishing universities prompted a deluge of private universities. During this period, Chinese schools provided Korean students with conveniences in admission procedures and university fees, and combined with the cheap living costs, these factors led Korean students to choose to study abroad in Beijing. The hasty construction of private universities during the 1920s and their lax bachelor`s program are also believed to have facilitated the entrance of Korean students. After the quantitative development of private and public universities in Beijing post 1920, rapid improvements in quality ensued, providing favorable conditions for the intellectual growth of Korean students. However, in the 1930s, the China National Party`s “Discipline System” found form, restricting the autonomy of the educational sector, and furthermore the Manchuria incident greatly worsened the educational environment in Beijing, virtually putting a halt to all studies abroad in the region. Until the Sino-Japanese war developed into full-out war in 1937, Korean students studied in schools such as Peking University, Yenching University, Minguo University, Chaoyang University, and Pingmin University, with Advanced Middle School also holding a large bulk of students. Of the following, Peking University possessed the most Korean students. Out of private universities, Minguo University and Pingmin University relatively held a large number, while a considerable amount also attended the remaining universities. The numbers of Korean students studying in Beijing known by their real name during the Japanese occupation era is around 270. The main period for studying abroad was concentrated in the 1920s, with Advanced Chinese Learning and undergraduate programs occupying the majority of their study pursuits. Although the students` majors varied in nature, they were generally related to the humanities and social sciences. However, of these students, over a hundred are identified only through the Japanese police`s or consulate`s temple documents and newspaper reports related to ideological or independence movements, therefore rendering their exact period of studying abroad, affiliated school, and major unidentifiable. Korean students studying abroad were mainly unable to conclude their studies due to their dedication to independence movements or changes in life course. The path Korean students studying abroad during the Japanese Invasion took one of thorns and thistles, and it is understood that the acquisition of modern knowledge and academic maturity was not as easy as expected.

      • KCI등재

        일본 자국어 교육의 변화와 동향 분석

        최미숙 ( Choi Meesook ) 한국어교육학회(구 한국국어교육연구학회) 2018 국어교육 Vol.0 No.163

        The purpose of this study is to analyze changes and trends in Japanese native language education. For this discussion, we analyzed the new curriculum guidelines that were introduced in 2017. In the 2000s, Japan began to emphasize the importance of solid academic ability in students after receiving criticism for the perceived “lower education” in Japan. PISA-type education were especially emphasized and were set as an important direction in Japanese native language education. In addition, IB education was introduced to change public education. The new curriculum guidelines emphasize “subjective and interactive deepening learning” as well as “active learning” based on “knowledge and skills,” “thinking, judgment, and expressive power.” The direction of Japanese native language education provides a meaningful example of native language education in the era of globalization. However, the fact that the direction of native language education is closely linked with PISA-type education and IB education is a concern because it can lead to international competition.

      • KCI등재

        온라인대학 일본어 기초과정의 한자 콘텐츠

        황영희(?永熙),김유영(金?泳) 한국일본어학회 2014 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.40

        In this paper, we studied on the selection of the proper Chinese character of Japanese text for the Japanese education by comparing the usage of Chinese character level in the Japanese text. For example, we compared the Japanese text of H-Cyber University and the JLPT. Through this, we discovered as in the following. (1) The Chinese Character’s level and component ratio of the H-Cyber University class-‘Basic Japanese’ was not satisfactory. And the average match rate was higher regular-use Chinese characters than JLPT. So, to compensate for the average match rate of JLPT, we should inaugurate Chinese characters of JLPT, more. (2) We could find it that ‘Japanese pronounce exercise’ records the highest average match rate, on the other hand, ‘Japanese composition’ is low. And all the text books seem to follow a similar pattern. Moreover, we found that more Chinese Characters of N1 JLPT level could be found than N2 in the text book of ‘Chinese characters of Japanese I·II’. And it makes that Japanese learners feel more difficulty in the class. (3) Actually, lecture evaluation of ‘Chinese characters of Japanese I·II’ did not give us good results. It shows that we should control the Chinese character level of the textbook for Japanese Classes.

      • KCI등재

        「敎養日本語」の履修理由についての一考察 -韓國の4年制大學の非專攻學習者を中心に-

        김현주 ( Kim Hyon-ju ),工藤惠利子 ( Kudo Eriko ) 한국일어교육학회 2017 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.40

        本硏究では日本語學習者に對するニ一ズ硏究の第一段階として「敎養日本語」の履修理由について調べることにする。「敎養日本語」履修の理由を明らかにするために40項目からなる質問紙調査を學部生228名を對象に行い、デ一タをX<sup>2</sup>檢定を使用して分析した。その結果5%水準で「あてはまる」が多かった項目が10項目、「あてはまらない」が多かった項目が21項目であった。また、因子分析を行い、「敎養日本語」を履修する理由を構成する因子として3因子が抽 出された。結果を以下のようにまとめることができる (1)「敎養日本語」を履修する學習者は具體的に「日本語で本を讀みたい」や「映畵を見たい」という履修理由ではなく、インタ一ネットで得られる豊富な情報から日本語や日本文化に興味關心を持ち始めた學習者であること (2)日本語を外國語の1つとして捉え、グロ一バル感覺を身に付けた人材になるという實現の手段として「敎養日本語」を受講している學習者が存在すること (3)過去の學習經驗により日本語の學びやすさや日本語の樂しさを期待し、履修していること。本硏究の結果は旣存の「敎養日本語」敎育の見直し、プログラムの再構築の一助となり、新たな文化を取り入れたプログラムの檢討、「敎養日本語」で敎える日本語は何かといった問いの檢討の基礎資料となると考える。 This study takes the first step in primary research on Japanese language learner needs by investigating the reasons for enrolling in General Education Japanese classes. Two hundred and twenty-eight university students were given a 40 question survey to understand their reasons for enrolling in a general education Japanese class. The results, analyzed using a chi-squared test, showed 10 questions with more「あてはまる」 responses and 21 questions with more 「あてはまらない」responses, at a significance level of 5%. (1)The most popular reasons for taking the class were not the commonly expected answers such as `to be able to read books in Japanese` or `to be able to watch Japanese movies without subtitles`, but rather interest in the Japanese language and culture inspired by a large body of information on Japan already obtained through the internet. (2)Another important reason was to gain skills necessary on a global stage. (3)Other reasons included the ease of becoming more proficient in Japanese, cited by students with previous learning experience, and the pleasure of learning a new language. It is hoped that the results of this study would contribute to a reassessment of the existing `General Education Japanese` program, and its subsequent revision. It is also expected to be used as source data for looking into a new program with cultural elements as well as answering the question, “What should the content of linguistic study in `General Education Japanese` be?”

      • KCI등재

        JFL환경에서의 일본어 몰입교육에 대한 현황

        조영남(Cho, Young Nam) 동아시아일본학회 2014 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.52

        This study examined the status of Japanese immersion education in a JFL environment, focusing on the Department of Japanese Language and Literature at Korea University. The university has been practicing immersion education for more than ten years, and its results are as follows. First, after reviewing the names and descriptions of all the courses provided, it was found that there were no subjects that focus on listening skills. Thus the Japanese immersion education program which has been implemented since the second semester in 2003 at Korea University could be said, as a result, helped students to improve their listening skills. Second, as all the courses fall into the categories of either theoretical or practical ones, the relative importance of theory oriented courses was found to be higher than that of language skill oriented courses in the immersion education program. Although the number of language skill oriented courses are much smaller than that of theory oriented courses, the immersion education program was introduced to all of these rather “minor” courses given among the university’s whole curriculum, and even some supplemental courses were opened additionally to further improve students’ language skills. Finally, even since the university’s administration has changed its policy toward immersion education programs in 2014 that each departments have a right to decide whether or not to introduce immersion programs to their courses, far so many teachers and lecturers gave the GO signs to immersion programs, believing that it’s essential for students’ language skill improvement.

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