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      • KCI등재

        A novel approach of kinship determination based on the physical length of genetically shared regions of chromosomes

        Cho Sohee,Shin Eunsoon,Park Yoon Gi,Choi Seung Ho,Choe Eun Kyung,Bae Jung Ho,Lee Jong-Eun,Lee Soong Deok 한국유전학회 2024 Genes & Genomics Vol.46 No.5

        Background Determination of genetic relatedness between individuals plays a crucial role in resolving numerous civil cases involving familial relationships and in forensic investigation concerning missing persons. Short tandem repeats (STRs), known for their high degree of DNA polymorphism, have traditionally been the primary choice of DNA markers in genetic testing, but their application for kinships testing is limited to cases involving close kinship. SNPs have emerged as promising supplementary markers for kinship determination. Nevertheless, the challenging remains in discriminating between third-degree or more distant relatives, such as first cousins, using SNPs. Objective To investigate a kinship analysis method for distant degree of familial relationships using high-density SNP data. Methods A high-density SNP data from 337 individuals of Korean families using Affymetrix Axiom KORV1.0-96 Array was obtained for this study. SNPs were aligned by chromosomal positions, and identity-by-state (IBS) was determined, and then shared regions as consecutive SNPs with IBS of 1 or 2 were investigated. The physical lengths of these IBS segments were measured and summed them to create an Index, as a measure of kinship. Results The kinship was determined by the physical length of shared chromosomal regions that are distinguished by each kinship. Using this method, the relationship was able be distinguished up to the fourth degree of kinship, and non-relatives were clearly distinguished from true relatives. We also found a potential for this approach to be used universally, regardless of microarray platforms for SNP genotyping and populations. Conclusion This method has a potential to determine the different degree of kinship between individuals and to distinguish non-relatives from true relatives, which can be of great help for practical applications in kinship determination. Background Determination of genetic relatedness between individuals plays a crucial role in resolving numerous civil cases involving familial relationships and in forensic investigation concerning missing persons. Short tandem repeats (STRs), known for their high degree of DNA polymorphism, have traditionally been the primary choice of DNA markers in genetic testing, but their application for kinships testing is limited to cases involving close kinship. SNPs have emerged as promising supplementary markers for kinship determination. Nevertheless, the challenging remains in discriminating between third-degree or more distant relatives, such as first cousins, using SNPs. Objective To investigate a kinship analysis method for distant degree of familial relationships using high-density SNP data. Methods A high-density SNP data from 337 individuals of Korean families using Affymetrix Axiom KORV1.0-96 Array was obtained for this study. SNPs were aligned by chromosomal positions, and identity-by-state (IBS) was determined, and then shared regions as consecutive SNPs with IBS of 1 or 2 were investigated. The physical lengths of these IBS segments were measured and summed them to create an Index, as a measure of kinship. Results The kinship was determined by the physical length of shared chromosomal regions that are distinguished by each kinship. Using this method, the relationship was able be distinguished up to the fourth degree of kinship, and non-relatives were clearly distinguished from true relatives. We also found a potential for this approach to be used universally, regardless of microarray platforms for SNP genotyping and populations. Conclusion This method has a potential to determine the different degree of kinship between individuals and to distinguish non-relatives from true relatives, which can be of great help for practical applications in kinship determination.

      • KCI등재

        러시아 친족용어의 사회언어학적 연구: 인척 관계를 중심으로

        손현익 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2021 외국학연구 Vol.- No.55

        Kinship terminology is the system used in languages to refer to the persons to whom an individual is related through kinship. Different societies classify kinship relations differently and therefore use different systems of kinship terminology. Kinship terminologies include the terms of address used in different languages or communities for different relatives and the terms of reference used to identify the relationship of these relatives to ego or to each other. Anthropologist Lewis Henry Morgan performed the first survey of kinship terminologies in use around the world. He found six patterns of kinship terms in the languages of the world. Later, many sociologists and anthropologists opened a new domain of thought in kinship and cultural studies. The goal of this study is to consider Russian kinship terminology. In this study we will focus on the affinity kinship terminology and discuss the characteristics of the Russian kinship terminology. This linguoculturological study would be useful to Russian learners.

      • KCI등재

        조선족의 친족관계와 친족이념

        리화(Li, Hua) 건국대학교 인문학연구원 2015 통일인문학 Vol.64 No.-

        주지하다시피 조선족은 그 자신들의 특수한 역사적・사회적 배경의 영향으로 말미암아 종래의 한국 친족연구에서 일반적으로 강조되어 왔던 ‘문중’, ‘당내’와 같은 부계친족집단과 친족관계를 결여한다. 그러하다면 조선족들은 과연 어떠한 친족관계를 어떤 방식으로 유지하고 있며 그들의 친족이념 또한 어떠한 특징을 보여주고 있을까. 본 논문에서는 이와 같은 문제의식으로부터 구체적인 사례연구를 통하여 조선족의 친족관계와 친족이념에 대한 재검토를 진행했다. 결과적으로 조선족들은 현실 속에서 맺어지는 다양한 관계를 활용하는 한편 명절이나 의례와 같은 특별한 장을 통하여 자신들의 부계적 친족이념을 표면화하고 강화시키며 때로는 또 그러한 친족이념의 특징을 자신들의 민족정체성의 하나의 중요한 표현으로 이용하면서 역동적인 가족생활을 영위해 나가고 있다는 점이 밝혀졌다. 더불어 조선족 친족연구 역시 일방적인 변화에만 초점을 맞출 것이 아니라 변용과 지속의 쌍방향적인 시각에서의 분석이 필요함을 확인했다. Because of the influence of the special historical and social background, Korean-Chinese people lack the patrilineal community and kinship like “munzong” and “dangne”, which is maximized in the study of South Korean kinship monograph. Then what kind of kinship do the Korean-Chinese people choose to maintain, in what ways do they keep the kinship, and what are the features of their perception of kinship? Based on the questions, this paper examined the Korean-Chinese kinship and their perception of kinship through case study. It was found out that Korean-Chinese tend to express and strengthen the patrilineal kinship through occasions such as traditional festivals and family sacrificial rites. In some cases, they regard the features of kinship perception as one of the important forms of ethnic identity to manage the vibrant family life. Besides, it is suggested that the research on Korean-Chinese kinship should be done from the bilateral perspectives of change and continuity, rather than focusing on the Unilateral change.

      • KCI등재

        조선 초기 법적 친족의 기능과 그 범위

        최이돈 진단학회 2014 진단학보 Vol.- No.121

        조선 초기의 신분제 연구는 양천제론의 제기로 그 연구가 심화되었다. 그러나 아직 논란이 되는 쟁점들이 충분히 정리되지 못하여 좀 더 구명해야 할 문제들이 남아있다. 그 중에 한 문제는 신분의 특권을 부여하는 방식의 문제이다. 문음제는 신분적 특권을 부여하는 제도로 주목되었으나, 그 한대적인 성격으로 인해서 여전히 쟁점으로 남아있다. 그러므로 문음제가 왜 그러한 방식으로 정비되었을까는 좀 더 검토가 필요한 과제이다. 문음제를 검토할 때, 주목되는 것은 신분적 특권이 직계에 한정되지 않고, 방계에까지 부여되는 것이다. 문음은 특권을 직계는 물론 동생과 조카에게까지 부여하고 있었다. 이와 같은 특권의 부여방식을 이해하고자, 조선 초기 친족제, 특히 법적 친족에 대하여 검토해 보았다. 조선 초기 법적 친족은 경제, 신분, 사법의 여러 면에서 법적 권리와 의무를 같이하는 공동체였다. 친족이 여러 면에서 법적인 기능을 할 때, 국가가 법적으로 인정하는 친족은 4촌이 한계였다. 국가는 4촌에 한하여 법적 친족으로서 권리와 책임을 가지는 것을 인정하였다. 국가에서는 특정한 신분을 대상으로 하여 혈통적 특혜를 부여하였다. 문음제, 추증제, 대가제 등이 그것이다. 이 경우에도 특혜의 대상은 법적 친족의 범주인 4촌의 범위를 넘지 않았다. 이와 같이 신분적 특혜의 부여가 4촌 이내에서 부여되고 있었다는 것은 결국 조선 초기의 신분제가 법적 친족제를 바탕으로 운영되었음을 보여준다. This thesis about the leagal kinship in the early Joseon Dynasty. Understanding of legal kinship is very important for the study of the status system in the early Joseon Dynasty. This thesis does research about function and range of the leagal kinship in the early Joseon Dynasty. The conclusion of this thesis is as in the following;The leagal kinship in the early Joseon Dynasty had various functions on the economical, social, judical areas. Economical functions of legal kinship was various. Legal kinship had the economical right of succession to property, the economical obligation of economic support. Legal kinship had social function too. The status of kinship depended on the status of kinship. Legal kinship had judical function. The kinship was involved in criminal of other kinship. So legal kinship was economical, social, judical community that had legal right and obligation. When the legal kinship performed economical, social, judical functions, The range of kinship was the Sachon(cousin, 4촌). The government recognized Sachon as legal kinship. For example, the Ochon(5촌) had not right of succession to property of kinship. So any property without the Sachon was vested in the government. The government managed status system on the legal kinship. So, social position privilege was given to the only person within the Sachon.

      • KCI등재후보

        필리핀 친족의 양변성과 '집단' 만들기

        김민정 서울대학교 비교문화연구소 2002 비교문화연구 Vol.8 No.2

        The aim of this paper is to introduce the major arguments on the bilateral kinship and to analyze the character of bilaterality through kinship terminology and the context of making kinship 'group' in a Philippine rural village. I start the paper with a review of several exemplary terms for describing non-lineal or non-descent society such as "bilineal""gnatic"and "lateral"in the leading works of anthropoalogical kinship studies. And I argue that "lateral kinship"s a suitable term for kinship in Southeast Asia including the Philippines. Bilaterality is ego-centered and treats paternal and maternal sides equally. That is the reason why it cannot be the norm of consisting kinship group like descent. Tagalog kinship terminology shows that bilaterality includes other features, such as indifferent tendency to sex distinction, shared status between spouses, emphasis on affines especially connected through siblings. These extended features from bilateral logic are precisely applied to the context of making kinship 'group' in Philippine rural society. This paper presents two examples of kinship groups based on locality and beyond locality. Others recognize the former as a group in a village, through members' cooperative interactions in various fields and everyday life. There is also an unintentional and indirect strategy, like in-marriage, to solidify the group. The latter is a voluntary group built up through regular occasions such an annual "mily reunion"In this case, the continuity of the group deeply relies on core members' donating activities. In both, however, the progenitors are both-sex-sibling groups and spouses share the other’s membership. Bilaterality cannot be the norm of forming corporate group but extends the boundary and the number of people who can be considered relatives. It is a paradoxical way in which kinship become an important symbol and mechanism in Philippine society.

      • KCI등재

        포괄적합도이론과 유교의 혈연윤리

        채석용 사단법인 인문사회과학기술융합학회 2017 예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지 Vol.7 No.12

        According to Confucianism, the motivation of human moral behavior is influenced by the intimacy between blood relatives. The closer the blood relationship is, the stronger altruistic motivation is. This is different from Mohism which insisted on universal love(兼愛) and Taoism which insisted on ethical relativism. Hamilton's inclusive fitness theory argues that the closer to blood relations are, the stronger the motivation of altruistic behavior is, as in the Confucian ethics of kinship. According to Hamilton's rule, a person takes an altruistic action when the value of beneficiary’s benefit multiplied by genetic relatedness is greater than the cost paid by the person. Genetic relatedness is defined as the probability of sharing a particular focal gene with another individual over and above the average population frequency of the gene. Hamilton's rules apply not only to humans but also to animals. Confucianism also argues that animals, like humans, do altruistic acts in partly blood relations. Degree of kinship(寸數) formed on Confucian culture has the same context as the genetic relatedness. The degree of kinship refers to the number of births associated between two individuals. The smaller the number of degree of kinship, that is, the fewer the number of births connected between the two individuals, the stronger the altruistic motivation is. The relationship between genetic relatedness and degree of kinship is summarized by a simple formula. The concept of degree of kinship is not just an analogy that emphasizes the importance of blood relations. The degree of kinship is unconsciously expressed the intention of Confucian ethics to quantify the importance of blood relations. Hamilton's inclusive fitness theory supports Confucian ethics, which regards blood relations as a powerful motive for altruistic behavior. Accordingly, the Confucian ethics of kinship should be reevaluated. 유교에 의하면 인간의 도덕적 행동의 동기는 혈연 사이의 친밀도에 따라 따라진다. 혈연관계가 더욱 밀접할수록 더욱 강한 이타적 동기를 가진다. 이는 보편적 사랑으로서의 겸애를 주장한 묵가 및 윤리적 상대주의를 주장한 도가와 다르다. 해밀턴의 포괄적합도이론은 유교의 혈연윤리와 마찬가지로 혈연관계가 밀접할수록 이타적 행동의 동기가 더욱 강하게 작용한다고 주장한다. 해밀턴의 규칙에 의하면 사람은 자신이 지불한 대가보다 유전적 근연도와 수혜자의 이익을 곱한 값이 클 경우 이타적 행동을 하게 된다. 유전적 근연도란 특정 초점 유전자를 개체군 내에서 그 유전자가 나타나는 빈도를 넘어서서 다른 사람과 공유할 확률로 정의된다. 해밀턴의 규칙은 인간뿐만 아니라 동물들에게도 광범위하게 적용된다. 유교 역시 동물들이 인간과 마찬가지로 부분적으로 혈연관계에 의한 이타적 행위를 한다고 주장한다. 유교문화를 토대로 형성된 촌수는 유전적 근연도와 동일한 맥락을 지닌다. 촌수란 두 개체 사이에 연관된 출산의 횟수를 말한다. 촌수가 작을수록, 즉 두 개체 사이에 연결된 출산의 횟수가 적을수록 더욱 강한 이타적 동기가 유발된다. 유전적 근연도와 촌수의 관계는 간단한 수식으로 정리된다. 촌수개념은 단지 혈연관계의 중요성을 강조하는 유비에 그치지 않는다. 촌수는 혈연관계의 중요성을 계량화하고자 하는 유교윤리의 의도가 무의식적으로 표현된 것이다. 해밀턴의 포괄적합도이론은 혈연관계를 이타적 행위의 강력한 동기로 간주하는 유교윤리를 뒷받침한다. 이에 따라 유교의 혈연윤리는 재평가되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        헬레니즘 시대 유대와 스파르타의 조우 ― 유대적 상황을 중심으로

        최혜영 한국서양고대역사문화학회 2023 서양고대사연구 Vol.66 No.-

        The First Book of Maccabees contains diplomatic documents that were exchanged between Sparta and Judea. Regardless of the authenticity of the documents, two background elements of that time stand. One is the understanding of ancient kinship diplomacy, and the other is the ‘mentality of the time’ regarding clingto the traditions of ancestors. First, the foundation of the most important diplomatic techniques in ancient times was the use of kinship relationships. Kinship-diplomacy, which was an important strategy for negotiating and forming alliances, could create kinship ties that did not exist or ignore relationships that existed, if necessary. The Spartan king, who was struggling to form alliances at the time, might have found or created mythological relationships which the sons of Abraham, the Jewish ancestor, were allied with Hercules, the ancestor of Sparta. This kinship alliance could have been an attractive proposal to the Jews as well, who were undergoing considerable Hellenization at the time. Next, we should consider the mentality of ancient people about ‘tradition’: In the Hellenistic era, the older the history and tradition of a country, the more likely it was to be regarded as a great nation. The formation of kinship for Jews with Sparta, a country with a recognized history and tradition, would have been of great help to strengthen their status. In conclusion, the men tality of time towards valuing tradition, along with kinship diplomatic practices, may have been the backdrop for the creation of the “mythological” brotherhood between Sparta and Jews in the Book of Maccabees.

      • KCI등재후보

        모녀 간 친밀성 서사의 젠더 정치 - 오정희와 백수린의 사례를 중심으로

        정미선(Jeong, Mi-seon) 전남대학교 한국어문학연구소 2019 전남대학교 한국어문학연구소 학술지 어문논총 Vol.- No.35

        여성 간 친밀성의 서사화 유형과 그 담론적 양상에 대해 물을 때, 모녀 관계는 친족의 경계 내부에서 가장 빈번하게 호출되는 문제적 유형이다. 본고는 모녀 관계의 특수성에 대한 젠더 심리학과 페미니스트 사회학의 젠더화된 삶과 동일시 역학에 대한 성찰을 경유하여, 모녀 간 친밀성을 모의하는 오정희와 백수린의 서사적 사례들이 보여주는 젠더 정치적 면모와 차이 지점들을 분석했다. 여기에서 모녀 간 친밀성의 양식은 어머니와 딸 사이의 상상적 동일시의 구도로 표출되며, 주로 오정희의 사례에서 전경화되는 이러한 병리적 동일시는 ‘여성’과 ‘모성’에 대한 문화적 기대에 깃든 젠더화된 담론적 저변을 드러내는 마스터플롯으로서 형상화된다. 또한 백수린의 사례는 이러한 기존의 플롯들에 기반한 모녀 간 친밀성의 전략이 끝내 실패하게 되는 서사적 귀결을 보여줌과 동시에, 동일시의 역학으로 수렴되지 않는 친애의 친밀성 양식을 새롭게 제시함으로써 모녀 간 친밀성의 플롯들을 정치적 계쟁에 부친다. 이는 젠더 정치의 오랜 화두이자 동시대적인 의제로 자리하는 모녀 관계에 있어서, 여성 간 친밀성이 어떻게 새롭게 상상될 수 있는가에 대한 질문과 함께 대안적 친밀성의 가능성 지대에 대한 탐색을 요청한다. This paper focuses on the very problematic type of ‘mother-daughter relationship’ in terms of ‘female-female kinship’s narrative‘. Psychological and psychological perspectives on gender provide insights into the mother-daughter relationship through studies of gendered lives and identification dynamics―and mechanisms and differentiation patterns such as incorporation, projection, introjection, sympathy, empathy, etc―. This paper analyzes two narrative cases of Oh Jeong-hee and Baek Su-rin through the perspective of ‘kinship"s narrative’ considering the specificity of mother-daughter relationship. The key point of this paper is to discuss the differences in gender and narrative aspects that can be observed in these two cases. According to the results, the pattern of mother-daughter kinship is expressed in the ‘imaginary identification’ composition between mother and daughter. This pathological identification, foregrounded in first novels, is described as a master-plot of the discourse underlying the cultural expectations of the gendered female subject. On the other hand, second novel shows the ending that the strategy of making the kinship of mother-daughter relations based on these plots will eventually fail, and also presents a new form of kinship that does not converge or reduce with the dynamics of identification. Through this the plots of kinship between mothers and daughters are in political litige. This paper reemphasizes gender politics and contemporary aspects of the mother-daughter relationship, and asks how ‘female-female kinship’ can be reimagined. And a search for the spatial possibilities of alternative intimacy is called for.

      • KCI등재

        우정과 교육: 「뤼시스」를 중심으로

        진현경 한국도덕교육학회 2024 道德敎育硏究 Vol.36 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to reveal the concept of philia and relation between philia and education. In ancient times, the concept of philia is meant to a unique communion between ancient wise man who is pursuing virtue. And that communion is based on the ‘natural kinship’ as a kinship of soul. According to Lysis, this natural kinship is closely related to the process of the pursuing virtue. After modern times, the concept of philia has changed because it has lost its base of kinship. Regardless of the pursuing virtue, the more emphasis is placed on kinship, the more difficult it becomes for humans to have intimate relationships. The educational community confirms that philia(friendship) as a natural kinship can be properly implemented in the process of pursuing virtue.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 '문중화' 경향과 친족조직의 변질

        이해준 한국역사연구회 2003 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.48

        The so-called 'Munjung' system, which has been one of the traditional forms of the Korean family system for quite some time, is actually not a very popular one in the eyes of the people today. The 'Munjung' system had gone through some changes since the early days of the Chosun dynasty(when it was still showing equal attachments to one's paternal and maternal relatives), and became a very patrilineal and also patricentric one during the latter half of the Chosun dynasty period. The competitive rivalry among the 'Munjung' forced by the economical changes that the society was facing, also accelerated the process. But if we examine the formation of such Kinship, the changes they went through, and also the inner mechanisms of those Kinship, we can see that inside those mechanisms there are many conflicting facets colliding with each other. Facets such as the habit of discriminating someone versus pursuing wide-range of solidarity, the practice of excluding someone vs. bonding with someone, a feature as a community vs. the factor called blood relationship, and the quality of tradition and conservativeness, are all evident aspects that can be easily spotted to be in conflicting situations stemming from the inner workings of a family or a Kinship. These colliding facets suggest that the family system of Korea, and its blood relationship-based qualities have served the Korean people over the years in both positive and negative terms. Of course there are many negative aspects that can be easily pointed out of the changes which the Kinship had gone through during the latter half of the Chosun dynasty period. Yet that does not justify any shallow judgements of the system itself based or contemporary point of views. Those judgements often tries to unfairly link ① the extremely negative aspects of the 19th century Houses, or ② the much more distorted states of those negativities which became apparent during the Japanese Occupation period and the chaotic period that followed the Liberation, and ③ the selfishness and self-serving attitudes of today's so-called Munjung, to the Munjung of the latter half of Chosun dynasty's period, without any proper bases. The Munjung of that period were products of the members' efforts to preserve and defend themselves against other rival entities of the local regions. It was all about who was going to gain a superior authority in ruling such local matters, or how to maintain that authority. So there were indeed aspects that had nothing to do with blood-related factors. We can say that the changes of the Munjung System's nature were the results of the Munjung's self-defensive efforts, which at the same time assumed the form of a kinship-based respones.

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