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      • KCI등재

        Diversity in Organizations : Meaning, Implications, Value?

        Kwangseon Hwang 대한지방자치학회 2016 한국지방자치연구 Vol.18 No.2

        공공부문에서의 다양성 관리에 대한 관점은 여러 이론적 틀 안에서 발달되어 왔다. 일부 학계에서는 다양성 관리 접근법을 넘어서는 “비판적 다양성 접근법”을 제시하기도 하고, 어떤 학자들은 포괄적 관점으로서의 “다문화 환경 다양성”을 제시하기도 한 바 있다. 본 논문은 이러한 다양성 관리 부문에서의 다양한 관점을 조직관점에서 보다 나은 이해를시도하고자 한다. 의미, 취지, 다양성의 이슈 등의 관점에서 학문적으로 발달되어 온 다양성 관리에 논의를 살펴보고 논의의 차이 및 특징을 분석한다. 선행연구 및 최신 다양성 관리 문헌 분석에 따르면, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES (동등 기회) 관점과 다양성 관리 관점의 경계는 모호하고 다양성 이해의 변화를 위한 학문적 시도는 제한적인 것으로 평가된다. 실증연구들도 이러한 제한성을 뒷받침하고 있다. 이러한 간극은 ‘평등’과 ‘효율성’의 가치연결의 복잡성에서 기인하는 것으로 보인다. While the diversity management perspective as well as the traditional view of representative bureaucracy have their role and characteristics in understanding of diversity (Groeneveld & Van de Walle, 2010), some urge to overcome a diversity management approach and suggest a critical diversity approach (Kersten, 2000; Lorbiecki & Jack, 2000; Zanoni, Janssens, Benschop, & Nkomo, 2010), and others suggest a comprehensive view of diversity such as a multicultural environment of diversity (Pitts, 2006; Selden & Selden, 2001). This article examines these different perspectives on diversity in organizations and draws implications for diversity studies. I discuss the meaning, origins, and issues of diversity. The differences between EO and diversity perspectives are not clear-cut and the shift of understanding diversity is only partial. Moreover, empirical support for each argument is limited and mixed. These divergences originated from the complexity of link of diversity to the value of equity (or equality) and efficiency. Some see different “motivation” caused different approaches to the diversity. Recently, others found an empirical evidence that both equity and efficiency are accomplished simultaneously.

      • KCI등재후보

        Diversity in Organizations:Meaning, Implications, Value?

        황광선 대한지방자치학회 2016 한국지방자치연구 Vol.18 No.2

        While the diversity management perspective as well as the traditional view of representative bureaucracy have their role and characteristics in understanding of diversity (Groeneveld & Van de Walle, 2010), some urge to overcome a diversity management approach and suggest a critical diversity approach (Kersten, 2000; Lorbiecki & Jack, 2000; Zanoni, Janssens, Benschop, & Nkomo, 2010), and others suggest a comprehensive view of diversity such as a multicultural environment of diversity (Pitts, 2006; Selden & Selden, 2001). This article examines these different perspectives on diversity in organizations and draws implications for diversity studies. I discuss the meaning, origins, and issues of diversity. The differences between EO and diversity perspectives are not clear-cut and the shift of understanding diversity is only partial. Moreover, empirical support for each argument is limited and mixed. These divergences originated from the complexity of link of diversity to the value of equity (or equality) and efficiency. Some see different “motivation” caused different approaches to the diversity. Recently, others found an empirical evidence that both equity and efficiency are accomplished simultaneously.

      • KCI등재

        1990년대 텔레비전 방송의 다양성 분석 : 지상파방송의 프라임타임대 프로그램 다양성 변동을 중심으로

        이은미 한국언론학회 2002 한국언론학보 Vol.46 No.1

        During the 1990s, the structural context of broadcasting had been rapidly changed in Korea. In 1992, new commercial channel SBS was introduced, in 1995 cable broadcasting began. This study examined the relationship between program diversity, change of market structure, and viewership of television programming. For this purpose, during the 1990s program diversities of 4 network prime¬time television programings which are KBS1, KBS2, MBC, SBS were analysed. Diversity was measured by Relative Entropy. Three important findings were discovered in this study. The first was that diversity decreased as competition increased. This finding implicated that new station entry did not automatically guarantee greater diversity because of the commercial station to maximize audience size by duplicating popular program types rather than experiment with different categories. The second was that public service channel showed higher vertical diversity than did commercial channel. KBS2 topped, SBS showed the lowest diversity value. When it came to contributions to overall diversity of the national TV broadcasting system, public service channels provided substantial contributions to overall diversity, while commercials channels reduced overall diversity. KBS1, KBS2 gave positive contributions to the diversity of the TV system as a whole, SBS seemed to have reduced the overall Relative Entropy of the system during the 1990s. MBC slightly tended to reduce system diversity. The third was that the average audience rating for prime-time was negatively related the vertical diversity. This relation was significant after eliminating variance mediated by channel types. This result explained that commercial channel attempting to maximize audience size tended to stick to several popular program types. for example, drama. variety show, comedy and so on, which resulted in low diversity. 본 연구는 지난 10년 동안의 방송시장의 변화와 지상파방송의 편성다양성 추이와의 관계를 분석하여 90년대 지상방송의 질적 변화를 가늠하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 10년 동안 KBS1, KBS2, MBC, SBS 4개 채널의 프라임타임대 편성다양성 지수를 구하여 비교분석하였다. 분석결과 다양성 지수는 10년 동안 전반적인 하향곡선을 그리고 있으며, 상반기에 비해 하반기의 다양성 지수가 월등히 낮았다. 특히 민방 도입시기인 92년과 케이블 도입시기인 95년을 기점으로 감소를 보여, 방송시장의 경쟁이 심화될수록 다양성이 감소됨을 알 수 있었다. 10년간 채널별 다양성 차이를 분석한 결과 공영과 상업방송의 현격한 차이를 볼 수 있었다. 다양성은 4개 채널 가운데 KBS2가 가장 높았고, SBS가 가장 낮았으며, 전체 다양성에 각 채널의 기여도를 분석한 결과 KBS1과 KBS2는 전체 다양성을 높이는 데 기여를 한 반면, SBS와 MBC는 전체 다양성을 떨어뜨리는 역할을 하였다. 공영방송과 민영방송의 다양성 차이는 다양성과 시청률 간의 관계가 부적 관계를 보인다는 사실에서도 설명되었다.

      • KCI등재

        다양성과 팀 성과

        이종건(Jong-Keon Lee),김명희(Myung-Hui Kim),성상현(Sanghyeon Sung) 한국인사조직학회 2012 인사조직연구 Vol.20 No.2

        본 연구는 다양성이 팀 성과에 미치는 영향과 이들 두 변인 간 관계에서 팀 목표 의존이 갖는 조절효과를 분석하였다. 팀 구성의 다양성이 갖는 대표적인 세 가지 측면인 인구통계학적 차이, 정보지식 차이, 가치관 차이가 미치는 영향을 분석하고자 연령, 경력 및 교육배경, 가치관을 사용하였고, 팀 성과는 팀 만족, 팀 몰입, 팀 응집성, 팀의 창의적 행동을 분석하였다. 실증분석은 기업의 실제 팀 58개에 소속된 599명으로부터 수집한 자료를 사용하였다. 분석 결과, 다양성은 팀 성과에 부분적으로 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 연령다양성은 팀의 창의적 행동에 대하여 정(+)의 미치는 반면, 교육배경 다양성은 팀의 창의적 행동 및 팀 응집성에 대하여 부(-)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 가치관 다양성은 팀 만족, 팀 몰입, 팀 응집성에 대하여 부(-)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 팀 목표의 상호의존은 다양성-팀 성과 간 관계를 부분적으로 조절하였다. 팀 목표의 상호의존은 교육배경 다양성- 팀 몰입 관계, 가치 다양성-팀 몰입 관계, 그리고 경력 다양성-팀 응집성 관계를 긍정적으로 조절하는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로, 연구결과에 대한 이론적·실무적 시사점에 대하여 논의하였다. Due to the increase of economic activities by women, employment flexibility, task diversity, and globalization, human resources in current enterprises have become increasingly diverse. Workforce diversity is related to enriched perspectives, skills, and insights, which in turn increase the group’s creativity and problem-solving capabilities. In contrast, the process of categorizing similar in-group members and dissimilar out-group members on the basis of similarity and differences between team members causes conflict within group processes. As a result, effective management of diversity has become an essential part of gaining a sustainable competitive advantage through the diverse workforce. Despite long interests in diversity management, it is not clear yet how various types of diversity influence group processes and what effective management is on diversity. Most research on diversity are overly inconsistent. In particular, most studies on workforce diversity are conducted in Western enterprises where sources of workforce diversity are much more diverse than Asian companies in terms of race, nationality, gender orientation, individuality, etc. Moreover, since culture and structure of Asian and Western companies stand apart, questions are raised whether effects of work team diversity are the same in different organizational contexts. Thus, this study explores the effects of various types of diversity in Korean firms and the moderating role of team goal interdependence. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of diversity on team outcomes and moderating effects of perceived team goal interdependence on the diversity-team performance relationship. Based on the literature review, we propose: Hypothesis 1. Age diversity will be negatively related to (a) team satisfaction, (b) team commitment, (c) team cohesion, and positively related to (d) teams creative behavior. Hypothesis 2. Career diversity will be negatively related to (a) team satisfaction, (b) team commitment, (c) team cohesion, and positively related to (d) team creative behavior. Hypothesis 3. Educational background diversity will be negatively related to (a) team satisfaction, (b) team commitment, (c) team cohesion, and positively related to (d) team creative behavior. Hypothesis 4. Values diversity will be negatively related to (a) team satisfaction, (b) team commitment, (c) team cohesion, and (d) team creative behavior. Hypothesis 5. The interaction of team perceived goal interdependence and (a) age diversity, (b) career diversity, (c) educational background diversity, and (d) values diversity will be positively related to team satisfaction. Hypothesis 6. The interaction of team perceived goal interdependence and (a) age diversity, (b) career diversity, (c) educational background diversity, and (d) values diversity will be positively related to team commitment. Hypothesis 7. The interaction of team perceived goal interdependence and (a) age diversity, (b) career diversity, (c) educational background diversity, and (d) values diversity will be positively related to team cohesion. Hypothesis 8. The interaction of team perceived goal interdependence and (a) age diversity, (b) career diversity, (c) educational background diversity, and (d) values diversity will be positively related to team creative behavior. To test the hypotheses, we collected questionnaires from 559 team members from 58 work teams in a Korean conglomerate. Four variables were used to measure team diversity: age, career, educational background, and values. To measure the context effects, perceived goal interdependence was introduced as the moderating variable. Team outcomes included four variables: team commitment, team satisfaction, team cohesion, and team creative behavior. Also, the study controlled two variables that might affect the hypothesized relationships, team size and the length of service of team members.

      • KCI등재

        Workforce Diversity: A Springboard for Employee Productivity and Customer Experience

        Forbes MAKUDZA,Nevermind MUCHONGWE,Phillip DANGAISO 한국유통과학회 2020 The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business( Vol.11 No.10

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the differential effect of workforce diversity on employee productivity and its subsequent impact on customer experience. Research design, data and methodology: A once-off cross-sectional research design was used in this study where the Zimbabwean civil service was targeted. Randomization was used to collect 324 validated responses. The study focused on both primary (age and gender) and secondary (education and political affiliation) dimensions of workforce diversity. Results: The results were confirmatory that workforce diversity is a significant predictor of employee productivity (β = 0.668, P < 0.05), at the same time employee productivity holds explanation to customer experience by 37%. Results also revealed that gender diversity, educational diversity and political diversity were significant determinants of workforce diversity (P < 0.05). However, the study established that age diversity was not a significant factor in enhancing employee productivity (P > 0.05). Conclusions: The study concluded that workforce diversity is a powerful tool in enhancing both customer experience and employee productivity. As such, the latter can be augmented through shrewd workforce diversity practices as championed by management. To that end, the study recommends the development of a workforce diversity framework which promotes inclusivity.

      • 문화다양성 프로그램 개발 및 효과 검증

        박기향 청주교육대학교 교육연구원 2018 학교와 수업 연구 Vol.3 No.2

        As Korea becomes a multicultural society with the change in the members of the society, the demand for substantial multicultural education is increasing at schools. The contents related to multicultural education have been increased and more emphasized in the 2009 Reformed Curriculum in comparison with the 2007 Reformed Curriculum. However, most of the educational activities related to multicultural education are focused on teaching of Korean language and culture, and adaptation to Korean society for the children in multicultural families in Korea. Current used textbooks for the third graders of elementary schools include only fragmental contents, such as learning a foreign musical piece and introducing excellent Korean culture to friends in foreign lands. The need for accessing multicultural education from the viewpoint of cultural diversity is increasing to improve the current multicultural education. Recognizing the problems of the current multicultural education from a critical point of view, the present study aimed at the development of an education program reflecting the perspective of cultural diversity as well as the application and verification of the program. For this purpose, the multicultural education contents found in different subjects for the second semester of the third graders of elementary schools were analyzed and reconstructed for individual cultural diversity areas to develop a teaching and learning program. The developed program was applied to the students to investigate the changes in their recognition of cultural diversity and their attitude of accepting diverse cultures. The research questions of the present study are as follows: 1) Is the recognition of cultural diversity changed by the application of the cultural diversity teaching and learning program?; 2) Does the application of the cultural diversity teaching and learning program contribute to the cultivation of the attitude of accepting diverse cultures by the students?; and 3) What are the advantages of the cultural diversity teaching and learning program in comparison with the previous multicultural education? The study conducted to find the answers to these questions showed the following results. First, the multicultural contents found in the society subject as well as other subjects for the third graders of elementary schools were comprehensively reviewed to develop a cultural diversity program through the reconstruction of the contents with reference to the areas and core values of the cultural diversity education. The application of the developed cultural diversity program showed that the students’ recognition of cultural diversity was positively changed. The students’ recognition was increased in all the four areas of cultural diversity, including the meaning and features of culture, the elements of cultural diversity, the diffusion of cultural diversity, and the recognition and respect of cultural diversity. The improvement of the recognition was particularly significant in the three areas of the meaning and features of culture, the elements of cultural diversity, and the diffusion of cultural diversity. Second, the multicultural acceptance test performed after the application of the cultural diversity education program showed that a positive change was found only in the area of relationship out of the three areas of universality, relationship, and diversity. No positive change was found in the other two areas probably because the baseline values of the students were already high in the multicultural acceptance test, and the period of three months was too short to draw a change in the attitude only by the application of the developed program. In addition, although revised to the level of understanding of the students, the acceptance test items might have been slightly difficult to the students, and thus the attitude might have not been measured accurately by the test. Third, the multicultural education contents dispersed in vario...

      • KCI등재

        Institutional Proposals for Enhancing Board Diversity in Chinese Companies

        쉬창,정대 중국지역학회 2024 중국지역연구 Vol.11 No.1

        Recently, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) has become a new paradigm for corporate management and investment as a global trend. In particular, the board diversity is being emphasized as a standard related to the corporate governance of ESG. In a broader sense, the board diversity includes race, gender, nationality, and sexual orientation, and in a narrow sense, the board diversity focuses on gender diversity, among which female directors are a key issue. In this regard, while some countries implement a female director quota system that forces the appointment of female directors, others implement a system that entrusts the appointment of female directors to the autonomy of companies. In general, the board of directors is a main body in a company's business decision-making, and the responsibilities of directors who are members of the board of directors are gradually expanding. Since there is an important relationship between corporate governance and sustainable growth, the issue of the board diversity has become an important concern for long-term investors. There are a number of empirical studies that say that expanding the number of female directors can improve the monitoring and supervision functions and decision-making functions of the board of directors and can improve corporate management performance through changes in corporate culture. In other words, it can be evaluated that there is a correlation between securing gender diversity and improving corporate management performance or corporate governance in the board diversity. From this point of view, in order for listed companies in China to further grow into a global company, it is necessary to pay more attention to securing the board diversity, such as expanding the number of female directors, and the Chinese government needs to strengthen policy support on the board diversity. In conclusion, the following institutional improvement measures should be taken to improve the board diversity of Chinese companies. First, it is necessary to promote policies that provide internal motivation for the board diversity for Chinese companies. For example, in most companies, it is necessary to implement policies to promote the appointment of female directors because the board diversity is insufficient. Second, it is necessary to promote policies to improve the quality of information disclosure by Chinese companies regarding the diversity of the board of directors. In addition to promoting the introduction of a mandatory disclosure system, it is necessary to develop qualitative and quantitative disclosure indicators. Third, there is a need to improve the evaluation model for the diversity of the board of directors and ESG of Chinese companies. The ESG evaluation model needs to be improved by incorporating long-term practical experience. In order not to neglect the diversity of the board of directors, it is necessary to delegate the evaluation to a more specialized institution such as the Women's Federation to summarize the experience and use it to improve the overall evaluation model. Fourth, it is necessary to establish a regular exchange platform between mainland China and Hong Kong so that companies can share and learn experiences and examples of ESG practice between companies in various aspects

      • KCI등재

        문화다양성법에 대한 입법평가 – 헌법상 문화국가원리 실현과 문화다양성 보호 –

        최경호 한국헌법학회 2023 憲法學硏究 Vol.29 No.3

        문화다양성은 우리의 삶에 어떠한 기여를 할 것인가? 문화다양성이 보호되고 증진되는 사회와 그렇지 못한 사회는 어떠한 차이가 있는 것인가? 「문화다양성의 보호와 증진에 관한 법률」은 입법이후 문화다양성의 보호와 증진에 어떠한 역할을 하고 있고 이를 어떻게 평가할 수 있는가가 본 논문의 연구대상이다. 본 논문에서는 문화다양성법에 관한 사후적 입법평가를 통하여, 우리사회의 문화다양성의 현재를 확인해보고 문화다양성 보호와 증진을 위한 방향성을 제시하였다. 문화다양성법에 대한 본격적인 논의에 앞서 문화다양성의 개념과 헌법상 문화국가의 원리와 문화다양성과의 관계에 대해 검토해보았다. 문화다양성보호법 제정과 시행은 우리나라에서 실질적인 문화다양성보호와 증진에 중요한 기초가 되어야 한다. 문화다양성법은 문화다양성보호와 증진을 통하여 사회 및 집단 간 및 구성원 간에 발생할 수 있는 문화적 충돌을 줄이며 문화적 가치들을 조율할 수 있고, 나아가 개인의 창의성과 자율성 보장을 기반으로 창의적 문화발전에 이바지할 수 있는 법제도적 장치여야 한다. 문화다양성법은 사회구성원들의 가치를 한 가지 방향으로 가게 하는 용광로와 같은 획일적 사회통합이 아니라, 개인이 가지는 다양성이 보호되고 증진될 수 있도록 우리사회를 유도하는데 사용될 수 있는 중요한 도구 중에 하나여야 한다. 아울러, 문화다양성법에 의해 추진될 수 있는 문화다양성은 문화자체가 오랜 기간을 통해 쌓여가는 것처럼 짧은 기간의 성과도 중요하지만 중・장기적 관점에서 보호와 증진의 방향성에 대해 검토할 필요가 있다. 문화다양성 사업의 방향성은 상향식 접근과 하향식 접근 모두 가치가 있고, 적절한 균형이 필요한데, 문화다양성 사업의 경우 상향식 접근이 부족하다는 평가가 있다. 이주민모임, 지방자치단체, 풀뿌리단체, 문화예술단체 간의 문화예술 네트워크를 구축 및 활성화로 문화다양성 확산시키는 모델 등 아래로부터의 문화다양성 확산에 대한 다양한 시도를 늘려가고 국가의 문화다양성 정책은 이러한 방향성을 지원해줄 수 있어야 한다. How does cultural diversity contribute to our lives? What is the difference between a society where cultural diversity is protected and promoted and a society that is not? The subject of this paper is how the Act on the Protection and Promotion of Cultural Diversity plays a role in the protection and promotion of cultural diversity after legislation and how it can be evaluated. The enactment and enforcement of the Cultural Diversity Protection Act should be an important basis for practical cultural diversity protection and promotion in Korea. The Cultural Diversity Act is evaluated as an important law that can operate as a stabilizer in our society. The Cultural Diversity Act should be a legal and institutional device that can reduce cultural conflicts between members of society and groups, coordinate cultural values, and contribute to creative cultural development based on individual creativity and autonomy. Various national policies that can be implemented under the Cultural Diversity Act should help protect and promote practical aspects of cultural diversity. The direction of the cultural diversity project is also important. Both bottom-up and top-down approaches are valuable and need an appropriate balance. Various attempts should be made to spread cultural diversity from below, such as a model to spread cultural diversity by establishing and revitalizing cultural and artistic networks among migrant groups, local governments, grassroots organizations, and culture and arts organizations.

      • KCI등재

        Verification of hotspots of genetic diversity in Korean population of Grateloupia asiatica and G. jejuensis (Rhodophyta) show low genetic diversity and similar geographic distribution

        Yang Mi Yeon,Kim Su Yeon,김명숙 한국유전학회 2021 Genes & Genomics Vol.43 No.12

        Background Understanding the genetic diversity and distribution patterns of seaweeds species is crucial for evaluating key regions of high genetic diversity. Identifying hotspots of high intraspecifc diversity is an important step for developing conservation strategies. Grateloupia is a diverse genus of Rhodophyta, many of which are resource of numerous useful bioactive compounds; therefore, the genus is valuable target for conservation. Objective The aim of this study is to examine the genetic diversity and population structure of two Grateloupia species, Grateloupia asiatica and Grateloupia jejuensis, with the understanding of the phylogeography of the Korean genetic diversity hotspot for two species. Methods Plastid rbcL gene sequences of 134 specimens of G. asiatica and 112 specimens of G. jejuensis collected from the Korean coast were analyzed. We evaluated the number of haplotypes, genetic diversity (haplotype and nucleotide diversity), and haplotype networks of two species. Historical demographic was inferred by calculating neutrality tests and genetic differentiation was estimated using the fxation index, FST. Results Our results show that both species are generally similar in geographical distribution patterns, that is, relatively homogeneous with few haplotypes derived from the most frequent haplotype. The east coast of Korea is identifed as a ‘hotspot’ with the highest genetic diversity for both species, whereas Jeju Island is identifed as a ‘cold spot’ with the lowest genetic diversity for G. jejuensis. Analyses across most distribution ranges of the two species in Korea reveal low genetic and haplotype diversities, which could indicate that these two Grateloupia species have either experienced a historical lack of diversity or a recent reduction in diversity due to high gene fow. Conclusions The low genetic diversity values found in the present study raise considerable concern about the conservation status of these two Grateloupia species and highlight the need to locate further hotspots of genetic diversity to strengthen their resilience against further decline.

      • KCI등재

        Group-level Diversity and Performance: An Exploration of Mediators

        성지영 아시아.유럽미래학회 2018 유라시아연구 Vol.15 No.1

        This study examines the inter-relationship between diversity (demographic and information), cohesion (social and task) and performance at the group level. Data were collected from 99 work teams in an electronic equipment manufacturing firm in Korea. Based on social categorization and information/decision-making perspectives, this study proposes that group cohesion mediates the relationship between work group diversity and group performance. Given various dimensions of diversity, this paper focuses on age composition for demographic diversity and organizational tenure as a criterion for information diversity. It is hypothesized that social (interpersonal) cohesion mediates the relationship between demographic (i.e., age) diversity and group performance, and that task cohesion functions as a mediator between information (i.e., organizational tenure) diversity and group performance. In the first stage of analysis of the relationship between group diversity and cohesion, it was found that age diversity is negatively associated with social cohesion, but organizational tenure diversity is positively related to task cohesion. Diverse age composition in the workgroup weakens social cohesion. On the other hand, organizational tenure diversity enhances task-related group cohesion. Greater information diversity with respect to diverse organizational tenure produces more elaboration and expansion of task-relevant information because members are more likely to possess multiple concerns and agendas and to hold more comprehensive knowledge that will enable them to locate the best solutions for the team task. This result has interesting implications for research into the effects of demographic and information diversity on performance at the group level. In the second stage relating to mediation, the results show that task cohesion positively transmits the effect of information diversity to group performance. However, social cohesion no longer functions as a mediator between demographic diversity and group performance. The present study contributes to the literature on both diversity and group cohesion. On the issue of diversity, both demographic and information diversity constitute a valuable source of variability in organizations. Social and task group cohesion increase the benefits of team diversity by fostering enlarged pools of ideas and perspectives. Task group cohesion also ensures that information disparities among team members do not to lead to harmful effects of diversity as long as optimal team composition is properly managed. This study extends and enhances explanations of how diversity and group cohesion matter in teams. Social and task group cohesion are necessary components of a more complete picture of how diversity influences group performance. The results reflect the fact that the substantive effect of diversity is transmitted through group cohesion. Based on the findings and discussion presented in the present study, practical implications are provided to the organizations seeking to cope with an increasingly diverse workforce at the same time attaining high performance. In this study, an integrative model is tested incorporating the influences of work team diversity and cohesion to reveal and examine inconsistencies found in the extant literature on diversity. Hopefully, the results of this study may constitute the basis for expanding the body of knowledge concerning multifaceted relationships between diversity, cohesion and performance.

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