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      • KCI등재

        φ-features and Discourse-agreement features

        ( Sungran Koh ) 대한영어영문학회 2013 영어영문학연구 Vol.39 No.2

        Agreement is one of the most familiar and well-studied parts of grammar. Many languages have distinct patterns depending on a range of language families. In general, some languages have been identified as an agreement-based language, whereas others are discourse-configurational languages. Miyagawa (2005) has categorized languages as agreement or focus prominent, depending on the type of grammatical features (discourse or agreement) they allow to inherit from C to T. Some languages have been identified as agreement-based languages, highlighting agreement markings such as in English. On the other hand, other languages are discourse-configurational languages, emphasizing on discourse functions such as in Japanese. Miyagawa (2010) argues that in agreement languages, the φ-probe triggers movement at T, whereas in discourse-configurational languages, topic/focus triggers movement at T. The φ-feature agreement and topic/focus are computationally equivalent in narrow syntax. Miyagawa (2010) claims that Korean is considered as a discourse-configurational language. However, in this paper, I claim that there is a third category which has both agreement and discourse features and that Korean is an example of this type of language. To support this, I analyze Korean as a discourse-prominent language by using Miyagawa's (2010) proposal. The analyses are based on the following: Subject agreement, Inheritance of topic/focus features from C to T, and Pro-drop. At the same time, I suggest that Korean is also an agreement-prominent language through imperatives and promissives, honorification, and the blocking effect. My analyses justify my theory of combination languages which are based on both agreement features and discourse features. (UC Santa Barbara)

      • KCI등재

        φ-features and Discourse-agreement features

        고성란 대한영어영문학회 2013 영어영문학연구 Vol.39 No.2

        Agreement is one of the most familiar and well-studied parts of grammar. Many languages have distinct patterns depending on a range of language families. In general, some languages have been identified as an agreement-based language, whereas others are discourse-configurational languages. Miyagawa (2005) has categorized languages as agreement or focus prominent, depending on the type of grammatical features (discourse or agreement) they allow to inherit from C to T. Some languages have been identified as agreement-based languages, highlighting agreement markings such as in English. On the other hand, other languages are discourse-configurational languages, emphasizing on discourse functions such as in Japanese. Miyagawa (2010) argues that in agreement languages, the φ-probe triggers movement at T, whereas in discourse-configurational languages, topic/focus triggers movement at T. The φ-feature agreement and topic/focus are computationally equivalent in narrow syntax. Miyagawa (2010) claims that Korean is considered as a discourse-configurational language. However, in this paper, I claim that there is a third category which has both agreement and discourse features and that Korean is an example of this type of language. To support this, I analyze Korean as a discourse-prominent language by using Miyagawa's (2010) proposal. The analyses are based on the following: Subject agreement, Inheritance of topic/focus features from C to T, and Pro-drop. At the same time, I suggest that Korean is also an agreement-prominent language through imperatives and promissives, honorification, and the blocking effect. My analyses justify my theory of combination languages which are based on both agreement features and discourse features.

      • KCI등재

        제주방언 담화표지 ‘양’의 담화 기능과 운율적 특성

        신우봉 한국방언학회 2019 방언학 Vol.0 No.29

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the discourse marker ‘yang’ for its prosodic features according to their functions, as well as to examine the patterns of prosodic features related to discourse functions. For this purpose, I analyzed the speech of 30 speakers of Jeju Korean and I also analyzed the marker’s prosodic features by using phonetic equipment and acoustic materials. As a result, I have categorized five discourse functions of ‘yang’: check, demand for agreement, emphasis, hesitation, euphemism. The discourse function of emphasis had the shortest average length. When ‘yang’ occurs through the function of delay, it has the longest average length of utterance and at the same time has a pause that follows. The discourse function of check which appears at the end of utterance is realized mainly in the question, showing high pitch. The discourse function of demand for agreement and euphemism had low pitch. The discourse function of euphemism realizes with relatively long average length than demand for agreement. Therefore prosodic features are reliable in the analyzation of categorical characteristics and important in the establishment of the functions of the discourse marker ‘yang’. 이 논문은 제주방언 담화표지 ‘양’의 담화 기능과 운율적 특성을 파악하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해, 제주방언 화자 30명의 대화 자료를 바탕으로 담화표지 ‘양’의 ‘확인, 동의 요구, 강조, 시간 벌기, 완곡’과 같은 5가지 담화 기능에 따른 운율적 특성(발화 위치, 평균 길이, 음높이 유형, 휴지)을 분석하였다. 그 결과 제주방언 ‘양’은 발화 위치에 따라 발화 중간에서는 주로 ‘강조, 시간 벌기’의 담화 기능으로 나타났으며, 발화 말에서는 ‘확인, 동의 요구, 완곡’의 담화 기능으로 나타났다. 발화 중간에서 ‘강조’의 담화 기능으로 나타나는 ‘양’은 가장 짧은 평균 길이를 지니고 있었으며, ‘시간벌기’의 담화 기능으로 나타나는 ‘양’은 상대적으로 다른 기능들에 비해 긴 평균 길이를 지님과 동시에 후행하는 환경에서 휴지 구간을 동반한다는 운율적 특성을 확인할 수 있었다. 이 두 가지 담화 기능은 평균 길이 외에도 음높이 유형에 의해서 구별되었는데, ‘강조’는 모두 고조의 음높이 유형으로 나타났으며, ‘시간 벌기’는 대부분 저조의 음높이 유형으로 나타났다. 발화 말에서 ‘확인’의 담화 기능으로 나타나는 ‘양’은 주로 의문문에서 나타나서 고조의 음높이 유형을 보이며, ‘동의 요구, 완곡’은 저조의 음높이 유형으로 나타났다. 그리고 ‘완곡’은 ‘동의 요구’에 비해서 상대적으로 긴 평균 길이를 가지고 실현되었다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Incorporating Discourse Features into a Syntactic Derivation

        Sang Doh Park 언어과학회 2020 언어과학연구 Vol.0 No.94

        This paper investigates the anaphoric relations between pronouns and their antecedents with a focus on first-person and second-person pronouns. The apparent absence of antecedents for these pronouns makes it necessary to postulate a phrase that hosts the speaker and the hearer in the syntax so that these discourse elements can function as the antecedents for the relevant pronouns. Critically reviewing the proposal made in some previous studies for Speech Act Phrase above CP, the paper relabels this discourse-driven phrase as Discourse Phrase (DiscP) and presents pieces of empirical evidence from Japanese data in order to justify that DiscP in fact occupies a position below CP. It is subsequently argued that DiscP not only encodes the speaker and the hearer in a syntactic derivation but also plays a role in triggering pronoun alternations in English imperative sentences.

      • Main Concept Analysis for Acquired Deficits of Spoken Narratives: Preliminary Data on Inter-rater Agreement and Potential Application to the Korean-Speaking Population

        Anthony Pak-Hin Kong 한국언어재활사협회 2018 Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders Vol.3 No.1

        This study aims to investigate the inter-rater agreement of the Main Concept Analysis (MCA), a proposition-based system for analyzing the presence, accuracy, completeness, and efficiency of content in spoken narratives of speakers with aphasia. Twenty-one MCA assessments were administered to thirteen participants recruited from an intensive aphasia treatment program. Six MCA indices were applied to the language samples, which were cross-checked to determine discrepancies of results across raters. The present results were consistent with similar studies in the literature, thus indicating that the Main Concept Analysis is a reliable assessment battery. Given the simple, quick, but objective procedures for language quantification, it is argued that the Main Concept Analysis can easily be adopted to the Korean-speaking population for clinical analysis of discourse.

      • KCI등재

        박영호의 역사극 연구 -<원앙>과 <목화>를 중심으로-

        이경숙 한국극예술학회 2008 한국극예술연구 Vol.0 No.27

        이 논문은 박영호의 역사극 <원앙>과 <목화>를 중심으로 박영호의 ‘역사적 지향’(내적 논리)이 제국이 기획한 ‘식민 지배 담론’에 대응하는 단속(斷續)적 양상, 즉 ‘동의’와 ‘균열’의 지점을 밝히는 것을 그 목적으로 한다. 이는 일제 식민지의 희곡을 ‘친일문학론’과 ‘민족문학론’의 시각으로 혹은 ‘협력’과 ‘저항’의 이분법으로 재단하는 방식에서 벗어나 식민지 연극인의 ‘역사적 합목적’의 구성 방식을 살피는 것이기도 하다. 2장에서는 1930년대 박영호의 희곡사적 위치가 지닌 욕망의 이중성에 주목한다. 박영호는 중앙의 카프 소속 극단에 편입되지 못한 지방의 프로연극인이었기 때문에 프로연극계의 주체로 등극하고자 하는 중앙 진출의 욕망을 지니고 있다. 동시에 ‘조선적인 것’을 발견함으로써 조선 연극계의 발전을 욕망하기도 한다. 이때 호출된 ‘역사극’은 대중적인 호응을 얻을 수 있다는 측면에서 중앙 진출의 방편이 되어주고, ‘조선적인 것’을 발현할 수 있게 한다는 점에서 ‘세계 보편의 주체’로 나아갈 수 있게 하는 이중의 유효성을 가진 것이 된다. 3장과 4장에서는 백제사를 배경으로 하고 있는 <원앙>과 <목화>를 대상으로 이러한 욕망의 구체적인 양상을 분석하고 있다. <원앙>은 ‘일본서기’에 드러나는 제국적 역사관을 바탕으로 하여 계급의 차이를 지운 ‘국민’의 탄생과 중앙이 아닌 지방의 인물에 의해 새로운 세계가 창출될 수 있다는 희망을 그려내고 있다. <목화>는 여성으로 젠더화된 민족의 희생을 통해 파시즘의 논리와 그것의 미학화 과정을 드러내고 있다.이는 박영호의 ‘역사적 지향’(내적 논리)이 제국의 담론과 어떠한 방식으로 ‘동의’하고 있는가를 보여주는 것인 동시에 그것에 내재되어 있는 ‘균열’의 지점들을 설명할 수 있게 하는 것이기도 하다. ‘지방/조선’이 ‘중앙/제국’으로 다가가려 할수록 ‘동화’와 ‘차별화’를 병행하는 ‘정치적 양가성’의 강도는 심화될 수밖에 없기 때문이다. 이에 박영호 역사극의 ‘조선적인 것’을 통한 제국 담론에의 ‘동의’는 ‘분열’을 수반한 ‘매끄럽지 않은 일치’에 머물며 국민연극시대의 작품들로 그 욕망의 결핍을 이월한다. This treatise intends to clarify intermittent phase of ‘historical intention’ of Young Ho, Park who faced ‘colonial discourse’ planned by Japanese Empire, in other words, logic of ‘response’ and position of ‘crack’, focusing on Young Ho, Park’s historical plays, “Wonang” and “Mokwha”. This is to free from a way of judging plays of the Japanese colonial era with views of ‘pro-Japanese literary theory’, and ‘national literary theory’ or dichotomies of ‘the others’ and ‘identical person’ or ‘cooperation’ and ‘resistance’ and inquired into ‘historical purposeful’ structural methods of theatrical people in Japanese colonial era. Chapter 2, focuses a duality of desire Young Ho Park’s position has in play history of 1930s. Since Young Ho Park was a local PRO play writer who was not included in troupes belonged to the central KAPF, his plays contains desire of advancing into the central to be enthroned as the subject of PRO theatrical world. At the same time, his plays desire development of Joseon’s theatrical world by discovering ‘Joseon-like things’. ‘Historical plays’ written at the time became a means of advancing into the central as they gained public responses, and they possess dual effectiveness that could find their ways into ‘the world’s universal subject’ as they allowed manifestation of ‘Joseon-like things’. Chapter 3 and 4 analyze concrete aspect of this desire with “Wonang” and “Mokwha”, which are written based on Baekje’s history, as subjects. “Wonang”, based on imperial historical view revealed in ‘nihonshoki(日本書記)’, portrays the birth of ‘nation’ removed of class differences, and the hope that a new world can be made by local figure instead of central figure. “Mokwha” expresses the logic of fascism and the process of its aesthetication through the sacrifice of the nation gendered to female. These show how ‘historical intention’ of Young Ho Park ‘respond’ to the discourse of Japanese Empire, and at the same time, explain the positions of ‘crack’ immanent in them. It is because as ‘local/Joseon’ try to approach to ‘central/Empire,’ the intensity of ‘political ambivalence’ which carries out ‘assimilation’ and ‘differentiation’ side by side must be deepened. Thus, historical plays of Young Ho Park stay at ‘unsmooth agreement’ which accompanies ‘resonance’ and ‘crack’ through ‘Joseon-like things’ and bring forwards deficiency of the desire to the works of the national play era.

      • KCI등재

        On the Syntax of Agreement in the Left Periphery with special reference to Honorific Agreement

        ( Jong Un Park ) 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2021 언어와 언어학 Vol.- No.93

        The first goal of this paper is to provide a predication analysis of addressee honorific endings in the form of speech style particles, such as -yo or -supnita, which are often considered the result of agreement with an addressee. Specifically, building on a recent view that there are independent functional projections for discourse arguments in the left periphery, I suggest that this type of agreement is a predication relation between the speech style particle under SA<sup>0</sup> and an addressee in Spec-SAP. The second goal is to offer an Agree-based analysis of two types of non-subject-controlled honorific -si: topic-controlled -si and addressee-controlled -si. Given that honorific -si in both cases is available even in the absence of an honorifiable subject, I maintain that both types are the result of Agree between a topical element in Spec-TopP and a verbal complex raised to Top<sup>0</sup>. I argue, however, that these two types of -si should be distinguished in the availability of a honorifiable topic.

      • KCI등재

        영업비밀보호를 위한 전직의 자유 제한과 법익의 충돌 : 이분화된 미디어 담론의 역사적 변천과 법정책적 함의

        최동준 법과사회이론학회 2023 법과 사회 Vol.- No.72

        This study examines the media discourses on ‘litigation related to the mobility of technical employees to competitors’, the most typical form of trade secret misappropriation and investigates the process of how the media discourses of corporate rights of the intangible property(trade secrets) and employees’ freedom of mobility have been formed and changed. The media often represents events, phenomena, laws, and policies that deliver the interests of a specific group, and plays a significant role in driving public perception or legislation in a specific way. Drawing on this approach to the media, this paper examined how the constitutional values of “corporate rights of the intangible property(trade secrets)” and “employees’ freedom of career mobility” have been discussed and what evidence has been used to support the the discourse in relation to the operation of the trade secret protection system from the 1990s to 2020. To this end, a series of news media articles, namely 1401 news articles published in major Korean daily newspapers, the Chosun Ilbo, the JoongAng Ilbo, and the Dong-A Ilbo, and a major economic journal, the Maeil Business, were analyzed to distinguish the first period (1990s: the germination of corporate property rights discourse on trade secrets), the second period (2000s: the maturity of corporate property rights discourse on trade secrets), and the third period (2010s: the competition between the discourse on corporate property rights over trade secrets and the discourse on employees’ freedom of mobility) and further discover which discursive themes and rhetoric have been employed in each period. Ultimately, this study aims to examine the historical trajectories of the transformation of dichotomized media discourses that protect largely divided constitutional values, and to seek policy implications of law for ways to harmonize the interests of both companies and employees. In addition, the results of this study can be used to determine the increasing number of domestic and foreign lawsuits for trade secret misappropriation and to find the legal basis necessary to promote relevant legislation. 본 연구에서는 영업비밀 유출의 가장 전형적인 형태인 ‘경쟁사로의 기술직 근로자의 이직 관련 소송’에 관한 미디어 담론(media discourse)을 살펴보고 이를 바탕으로 기업 공동체의 재산권 보호와 노동자 개인의 이직의 자유라는 담론이 어떻게 형성・변화되어 왔는지 그 과정을 추적하고자 한다. 미디어는 한 사회의 사건, 현상, 법과 정책을 가치중립적 시각이 아닌 특정 집단의 이익을 대변하는 방식으로 다루며, 특정한 방식으로 대중적 인식(public perception)이나 입법을 견인하는 역할을 한다. 미디어가 가지는 이러한 영향력을 전제로 하여 본 논문은 1990년대부터 2020년까지 30년간 영업비밀 보호제도의 실질적 운용과 관련하여 ‘기업의 재산권 보호’와‘개인의 직업선택의 자유’라는 헌법적 가치가 어떻게 논의되어 왔으며, 그 담론적 근거가 무엇인지를 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 국내 주요 일간지인 조선일보, 중앙일보, 동아일보, 및 주요 경제지인 매일경제에 게시된 1401개의 뉴스기사를 분석하여, 제1시기 (1990년대: 영업비밀에 대한 기업의 재산권 강조 담론의 발아기), 제2시기 (2000년대: 영업비밀에 대한 기업의 재산권 강조 담론의 성숙기), 제3시기 (2010년대: 영업비밀에 대한 기업의 재산권 강조 담론과 근로자의 직업선택의 자유 강조 담론의 경합기)에 각각 어떠한 가치가 더욱 강조되었으며 그 담론적 근거 및 수사(rhetoric)가 무엇이었는지를 분석하였다. 궁극적으로 본 연구는 대별되는 헌법적 가치를 보호하는 이분화된 미디어 담론의 역사적 변천과정을 살펴보고, 이를 통해 양자 -기업과 근로자– 의 이익을 조화시킬 수 있는 방안에 대한 법정책적 함의를 모색하는 것을 그 의의로 갖는다. 또한 본 연구의 결과는 증가하는 국내외 영업비밀 침해소송을 판단하고 관련 입법을 추진하는 데 필요한 법적 근거를 찾는 데 활용될 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        『민족의 존엄 』에 나타난 민족 주체성 담론과 정치 비판의 논리

        손남훈 한민족문화학회 2022 한민족문화연구 Vol.80 No.-

        『Minjog-ui Joneom 』(Dignity of the Nation, 1972) is a book edited by Kim In-jae. This book is a collection of 1960’s 『Hanyang 』 editorials, and it is a text that allows you to see what the editorial direction of 『Hanyang 』 was. The book argued that South Korea is dependent on foreign powers and tried to suggest an alternative way out of this. Also the arguers in this book showed a critical attitude toward the Korean military regime. While presenting the necessary kind of leader for Korea, the arguers claimed that the leader should create a ‘Modern Nation- State’ together with the people. This argument implies a critique of Korea's elite power, which views the public negatively. On the other hand, in the 1960s 『Hanyang 』 and 『Minjog-ui Joneom 』, the most emphasized argument was that Korea should have National Subjectivity. All the arguers stressed that the Korean people must create the unification of North and South Korea and the establishment of a ‘Modern Nation-State’ by themselves. South Korea's military government advocated anti- communism and defeat communism and restricted media freedom. Discourse on National Subjectivity shows that the arguers objected to the South Korean government's arguments. Discourse on national Subjectivity was the basis for criticizing cosmopolitanism and defending traditional culture in Korea. It was also the reason for criticizing the Korean regime, which was dependent on the United States and Japan, and rejecting foreign powers. However, this criticism and rejection were somewhat passive compared to the 『Sasangge 』 in Korea. But ‘Anti-Park Jung-heeism’ and anti-foreign attitudes are strongly revealed after the ‘Literature spy group case’(1974). This is the characteristic of the 1960’s 『Hanyang 』 editorials. 『한양 』 편집인 김인재가 편저한 『민족의 존엄 』(1972)은 1960년대 『한양 』의 논설을 모은 책이다. 그러므로 이 책은 『한양 』의 편집방향을 확인할 수 있는 텍스트로서 가치를 지닌다. 이 책은 한국의 외세 의존 상황을 진단하고 대안을 제시하는 데 초점을 두고 있으며 이를 통해 한국에 개입하고자 하는 태도와 당대 한국 정권에 대한 비판 의식을 보여준다. 이 책은 가장 먼저 한국에 필요한 지도자상을 제시한다. 논자들은 지도자가 민중과 함께 근대국민국가를 만들어가야 한다는 당위적 주장을 펼친다. 이는 대중을 부정적으로 바라보는 한국의 엘리트 권력에 대한 비판을 내포하고 있다. 한편, 1960년대 『한양 』과 『민족의 존엄 』에서 가장 강조했던 것은 민족의 자주성․주체성이다. 한국의 지난한 과제인 남북통일과 근대국민국가는 민족이 자주적으로 이룩해야 한다고 논자들은 한결같이 강조한다. 이는 한국의 군부정권이 내건 반공․승공 논리에 대한 반박과 함께 언론의 자유 보장을 요구하는 근거가 되기도 한다. 민족 주체성 담론은 한국에 만연된 코스모폴리타니즘을 비판하는 한편, 『한양 』과 『민족의 존엄 』이 긴 분량을 할애하여 전통과 전통문화를 세밀하게 소개한 이유였다. 또한 주체성 없이 미국과 일본에 의존하는 당대 정권을 비판하고 미국과 일본에 대해 거리를 두려 한 이유가 되기도 했다. 그러나 이러한 비판과 거리두기는 한국의 『사상계 』와 비교할 때 다소 소극적이었다. ‘반박주의’와 반외세적 태도는 1974년 ‘문인간첩단 사건’ 이후 노골화되는 것이 1960년대 『한양 』 담론이 보인 특색이다.

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