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      • KCI등재

        전자증권제도에 의한 주식제도의 변화와 주주명부의 기능 강화

        박철영 한국기업법학회 2019 企業法硏究 Vol.33 No.2

        The electronic securities system is to realize the complete dematerialization or electronicization of securities based on the developed deposit settlement system. In order to distribute stocks and other rights, the issue of physical form is no longer necessary, and a company to which the electronic securities system is applied can no longer issue traditional certificated securities. It is a major innovation of securities regime in commercial law. It will bring about a big change in the operation of the corporation and stock system under the commercial law. Various matters related to stock, such as issuance of certificates, transfer of title, closing of shareholders' list, will be omitted, even including beneficial owner system and beneficial owner list under Capital Markets Law. The investors can exercise its shareholder rights directly to the company by restoring its shareholder status under commercial law. The shareholders' list shall be made regularly (quarterly) in addition to the record date, and in case of necessity for the identification of the shareholder (stipulated in the articles of incorporation). Above all, it is anticipated that the relationship between the company and its shareholders, which have been severely cut off, will be greatly improved as the shareholders' list which has been divided by the deposit system, will be united and regained its original legal status. To this end, it is necessary to expand the reason for notifying the owner's details for the shareholder list, and also it is necessary to add the shareholder's contact information (e-mail address and telephone number) on the shareholder list. In addition, it is also needed for the company to grant the right to request shareholder information from the electronic registrar and the account manager. 전자증권제도는 그동안 발달된 예탁결제제도를 기반으로 유가증권의 완전한 무권화 내지 전자화를 실현하는 것이다. 주식 등의 권리가 유통되는데 있어 더 이상 주권 등의 권면은 불필요하고, 전자증권제도가 적용되는 회사는 더 이상 주권 등 전통적인 유가증권을 발행할 수도 없게 된다. 상법상 유가증권제도의 일대 혁신이다. 이에 따라 상법상 주식제도 및 주식회사 운영에 큰 변화가 생긴다. 주권의 발행과 명의개서, 주주명부폐쇄, 공시최고 등 다양한 주권 관련사무가 생략된다. 자본시장법상 실질주주제도와 이에 따른 실질주주명부도 폐지된다. 투자자는 상법상 주주의 지위를 회복하여 회사에 대하여 실질주주제도에 의하지 않고도 직접 주주권을 행사할 수 있다. 주주명부는 권리행사 기준일 외에도 정기적(분기)으로, 또한 정관의 규정에 따라 주주확정을 위해 필요한 경우 작성할 수 있게 된다. 무엇보다, 예탁결제제도에 의해 이원화되고 형해화되었던 주주명부가 일원화되고 본래의 모습을 되찾을 수 있게 됨으로써 그동안 단절이 심했던 회사와 주주와의 관계를 크게 개선할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 이를 위해서는 몇 가지 추가적인 과제가 있다. 우선, 주주명부 작성을 위한 소유자명세 통지사유를 확대할 필요가 있다. 상장회사 표준정관 등에 의해 실무적으로 해결할 수 있는데, 장기적으로는 작성주기 단축도 고려할 수 있다. 그리고 주주명부 기재사항에 주주의 연락처(전자우편 및 전화번호)를 추가할 필요가 있다. 상법 대신 전자증권법의 개정에 의해서도 할 수 있는데, 정보제공에 동의한 주주를 대상으로 하면 크게 무리가 없을 것이다. 이에 더하여, 일본의 예를 참고하여 회사가 주주 확인을 위해 필요한 경우 전자등록기관과 계좌관리기관에 대하여 주주 정보를 요청할 수 있는 권리(정보제공청구권)도 부여하는 것도 필요하다고 본다.

      • KCI등재

        의결권 행사의 전자화와 Shadow Voting

        박철영 한국상사법학회 2011 商事法硏究 Vol.29 No.4

        Since the corporations have been on large-scale and stocks have been diversified, shareholders have lost their positions as a corporate supervisor and have fallen into nominal owners only. Furthermore the shareholders’meeting became a purely formal matter because most of shareholders have not been interested in the meeting. This is the common situation in the world nowadays. But the important and unique problem in Korea is the shadow voting rule. Due to the shadow voting, stockholders’ positions are more worsening in corporate governance. The shadow voting was introduced in 1991 as a temporary measure to solve the failure of shareholders’ meeting. But the reason of the shadow voting rule was faded by the environmental changing of meeting such as abolition of quorum, exercising institutional investors’vote and adopting written ballot system. On the other hand, this rule has a problem which is infringing on holders’ rights and intensifying formalization of holders’ meeting by carrying a resolution in the meeting irrespective of beneficial owners' intentions. Moreover, many companies abuses this rule to maintain dominion in some cases. The problem like as difficulties of resolution in the shareholders'meeting is not a localized to Korea. Also holders does not need any special method to exercise their rights in the case of shares held with depository,because there is no hindrance. The shareholders’ meeting should be resolved with the true shareholders’ intentions. Lately shareholders can easily have opportunities to attend holders’ meeting due to electronic voting system. Therefore companies can hold their holders' meeting by themselves, without resort to shadow voting. Finally, the shadow voting have many legal problems and already have done with its role, so it should be abolished. If it will be abolished,companies will actively adopt the electronic voting system and the holders’meeting will be vitalized.

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