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        전통시장 및 인접구역의 생계형 노점상 관리방안에 관한 연구

        김영기(Kim Young Ki) 한국유통학회 2010 流通硏究 Vol.15 No.5

        노점상은 도시 저소득층의 주요한 생계수단이며 일종의 자구적 실업대책이기도 하다. 노점상은 전통시장 활성화를 둘러싸고 긍정적인 측면과 부정적인 측면을 동시에 가지고 있고 이러한 노점상의 이중적인 측면으로 노점상에 대한 문제 인식에 각 이해집단 간 혼란이 있는 것이 사실이다. 본 연구에서는 노점상 특징을 분석하여 이에 대한 문제점을 파악하고, 관련 이해집단들의 관계를 분석하여 노점상의 효과적인 관리방안을 제시하였다. 기존의 노점상 관리 방법이 단속과 정비를 중심으로 이루어져왔기 때문에 노점상과 정부당국과 의 관계는 상호 협조적이지 못했으며, 노점상은 정부 정책에 대한 불신으로 인해 조직적으로 대 응하는 현상까지 나타나고 있다. 노점을 하나의 유통형태로 인정한다는 전제 하에 노점상을 관리하는 방법은 양적, 질적, 조직적으로 다양하게 접근할 수 있겠으나, 모든 접근방법이 일시에 단면적으로 시행하는 것은 바람직하지 않다. 아직까지 팽배해 있는 노점상들의 정부 정책에 대한 불신 때문에 성급하고 무리한 제도권 유업을 위한 노력은 심각한 오해와 부작용을 낳을 수 있기 때문이다. 정책적으로 보더라도 정책의 형성단계와 집행단계에 있어 시의성이 요구되기 때문에 무리한 정책의 추진은 성과로 연결되기 힘들며 단계적 접근방법이 요구되듯, 노점상에 대한 정부의 관리 정책 또한 단계별 시행이 요구된다. 노점상 관리방안은 단기, 중기, 장기적으로 마련될 수 있다. 단기방안은 노점상들의 불신을 줄이고 그들에게 정책적ㆍ제도적 부담을 최소화 시키는 방안과 사업들이 마련되어야 하며, 중기방안은 노점상들을 질적으로 성장시켜 많은 노점상들이 본격적으로 제도권 안으로 유입될 수 있는 방안이 마련되어야 한다. 장기방안은 노점상들이 정부의 정책에 성공적으로 안착하고 이를 지속적으로 유지할 수 있도록 관리해 나가는데 도움이 되는 방안들로 구성되어야 한다. 또한 노점상과 관련된 정책은 다양한 이해관계자와 다양한 시각의 사업이 필요하기 때문에 포괄적인 노점상 관리를 위해서는 많은 이해관계자와 사업들이 유기적으로 연계되어 시행되어야 한다. In many cases, street vendors are means of living and/or a solution to unemployment for low income group. Street vendors have both of positive and negative effects on traditional market revitalization. This two-sided perspective of the vendors has produced different views of interests groups. In this study, the features of street vendors are examined to present related issues, and a survey result conducted on interests groups is presented to offer effective management measures. As traditional management about street vendors are focused on crackdown, relationship between street traders and government has been not very much mutually cooperative, and at times some traders organized groups who are against government policies. With the premise admitting street vendors as one element of distribution network, it is possible to access the management measures for street vendors in organizational, quantitative or qualitative perspectives. However, I believe it is not recommendable to enforce multi-perspective approach at a time. It is because street traders still have quite strong animosity against government policies. Therefore, serious misunderstanding and side-effects on our society could be brought if the government makes hasty and forcible attempts to legalize street vendors. In political position, overreaching actions of government could hardly produce positive results because policy making and its enforcement need each of timeliness. In a similar way, government's policies for street vendors need to come into effect gradually. Management measures for street vendors can come in short-, mid- and long-term. In short-term, government should try to reduce animosity of street traders along with minimizing institutional and political pressure on them. As a mid-term solution, plans to bring vendors over to institutional boundaries by improving them are required. Last but not least, in the long term, government should design policies which are to help street vendors settle down and maintain successfully in the boundaries. Besides, policies related to street vendors need to come in effect in a way that closely connected to interests groups and businesses because those policies would get involve many interests groups and businesses in diverse perspectives.

      • KCI등재

        도시공간과 노점상의 권리에 관한 연구

        김준희(Kim, Joon-Hee) 한국공간환경학회 2011 공간과 사회 Vol.21 No.2

        노점상은 도시빈민의 생존 수단의 하나이고 도시지역이라면 어느 곳에서나 나타나는 사회적 현상이기도 하다. 1997년 외환위기 이후 노점상의 꾸준한 증가와 고학력, 저연령화의 현상에도 불구하고 노점상은 그들의 활동이 공공용지의 무단 점유라는 불법성을 내포한 채, 도시외관에 가시적으로 표출되어 통행 장애를 일으키고 도시미관을 해치고 있다는 이유로 정부의 지속적인 단속대상이 되어왔다. 단속과정에서 노점상은 장사할 터전과 집기를 빼앗기며 노동할 권리를 박탈당하고, 단속과정에서의 폭력성으로 인권 침해를 겪으며, 결과적으로 생존권을 보장받지 못하고 있다. 본 연구는 1980년대의 노점상 조직을 기반으로 한 노점상운동의 형성과정을 살펴보고 도시공간에서 노점상의 권리를 인정받기 위한 활동을 구체적으로 밝히며, 동시에 노점상운동의 발전 방안을 제시하고자 한다. Street vending is one of the primary means of living of low-income people in urban areas. Even though the number of street vendors, including young and high-educated people, has increased after the financial crisis in 1997, the government has cracked down street vendors repeatedly because of their illegal occupation of public space. Through this violent process, street vendors have lost their only or main living means with their potential source of income. Their basic human rights to work and living have been violated too. This Study will investigate how the street vendors’ movement or the street vendors’ organization was formed in the 1980s. Also some activities which the street vendors should do to claim their own rights in public space will be suggested. These alternatives might be considered for the development of street vendors’ movement.

      • KCI등재

        재벌협력사의 이익조정에 관한 연구

        고광진 ( Kwang-jin Ko ),이재경 ( Jaekyung Yi ) 한국회계학회 2017 회계저널 Vol.26 No.6

        최근 대기업으로의 과도한 경제력 집중은 사회적 불평등을 야기하는 요인으로 지적된다. 이러한 경제력 집중의 부정적 단면 중 하나가 우월적인 지위를 가진 대기업의 협력회사에 대한 지나친 납품단가 인하 요구이다. 본 연구는 대기업과 협력사 간의 대등하지 못한 관계 하에서 대기업의 납품단가 관리에 대처하기 위한 협력사의 이익하향조정 행위가 나타나는지를 검증한다. 또한, 협력사 중 대기업 계열사인 계열협력사에 있어서는 지원(propping)이나 다른 전략적 목적으로 인해 비계열협력사와 비교해서 단가인하압력이 존재하지 않거나 약할 것으로 예상된다. 이 경우 계열협력사와 비계열협력사 간 이익하향조정에 차이가 있는지도 검증한다. 실증분석을 위해 우리나라 5대 제조기업의 등록 1차 협력사 737개 회사를 대상으로 2008년부터 2012년까지의 5개년 동안 3,553개 기업연도와 동일산업의 규모가 유사한 비협력사 대응표본 6,731개 기업연도를 사용하였다. 재량적 발생액에 기초한 이익조정 측정치를 측정하여, 납품단가 인하를 회피하고자 하는 유인이 있는 협력사가 이익을 하향조정 하는지를 검증했다. 재량적 발생액에 기초한 이익조정의 측정치는 Dechow et al.(1995)의 수정 Jones 모형과 Kothari et al.(2005)이 제안한 총자산이익률 변수를 추가한 모형으로 측정했다. 분석결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대기업의 협력사는 과도한 영업이익률에 따른 납품단가 하락을 회피하기 위해서 재량적 발생액을 사용하여 영업이익을 하향조정 한다. 대응표본과 비교해서 협력사는 영업이익률이 높은 구간에서 유의적으로 이익을 하향조정하는데 반하여, 영업이익률이 낮거나 음인 경우에는 이익조정행위에 차이를 보이지 않는다. 둘째, 대기업과 특수관계가 있는 계열협력사에 비해서 비계열협력사의 재량적 발생액이 유의적으로 낮아 납품단가 인하 압력이 비계열협력사에 집중되는 것으로 추론된다. In recent years, the polarization of wealth and the resulting economic inequality between big firms and their suppliers (vendors) has come into focus. It is a widespread practice in the subcontracting transactions between big buyers (mostly Chaebols) and their suppliers in Korea that the buyers continuously cut prices on the parts supplied from the vendors, abusing their dominant power in the contract. This study investigates whether the price-cutting pressure from the buyers based on the suppliers’ operating profit ratio provides a motivation to the vendors to manage their earnings downward. Among vendors, there are subsidiaries of buyers, and for these firms we expect less aggressive price-cutting by buyers compared to non-subsidiary vendors. Empirical analysis is performed using 3,553 firm-years of 737 suppliers of the top 5 big manufacturers in Korea and 6,731 firm-years of non-supplier control sample matched by size, industry and year. Earnings management is measured by discretionary accruals using both the modified Jones’ model and Kothari et al(2005)’s ROA adjusted modified Jones’ model. We find that the suppliers of Korean Chaebols manage their earnings to avoid price-cutting pressures from the buyers. Downward earnings management is more apparent when the operating margin is high and not significant when the operating margin is negative or low. However this downward earnings management is not significant in the subsidiary vendors, which means the Chaebols treat subsidiary vendors and non-subsidiary vendors differently when setting prices.

      • KCI등재

        1949년 전후 中國 도시의 노점상 ― 베이징 ‘?販’의 사회경제적 실태 분석

        朴尙洙 ( Park Sang-soo ) 한국중국학회 2021 중국학보 Vol.95 No.-

        본고는 20세기 중반 北京의 사례를 통해 도시 사회의 매우 유동적 사회-경제적 집단인 攤販(노점상)의 실태를 정치-사회적 측면과 경제적 측면으로 구분하여 접근했다. 20세기 중반 베이징 탄판의 급격한 증가세는 1930년대 후반 이래 일본의 점령과 패전, 국민당의 복귀, 공산당의 집권 등 반복되는 정권 교체의 혼란을 배경으로 사회적 빈고층의 증가와 밀접히 관련되어 있었다. 1949년 즈음 베이징 인구의 약 20%로 급증한 탄판호 인구는 실업 노동자, 파산 상인과 점원, 유입 농민, 일본 및 국민당 통치 시기의 공무원과 군경 등 실직자, 가난한 학생들이 탄판의 주된 사회적 성분을 이루고 있었다. 탄판의 영업은 베이징의 상거래가 이루어지는 거의 모든 ‘集市’에서 전개되고 있었다. 상가, 시장, 탄판 시장, 거리와 골목, 묘회 등 탄판은 광범한 분포를 보였다. 탄판이 종사하던 업종도 도시민이 필요로 하는 일용품과 부식물, 음식업, 그리고 각종 서비스업에 이르기까지 거의 모든 분야에 걸쳐 있었다. 탄판들은 좌상에 비해 인건비와 설비비 절약을 통한 지출 경감, 박리다매, 빠른 자본 회전을 통해 왕성한 경쟁력을 유지해 가면서 다양한 전략과 기교를 통해 영업을 성장시켜 갈 수 있었다. 본고가 분석한 베이징 이외에 탄판 실태에 관한 더 많은 사례 연구는 향후 다양한 도시사 관련 주제의 새로운 접근에 유용한 기초를 제공할 수 있을 것이다. This article examines the street vendors, a mobile socioeconomic group, around 1949 Beijing from two different but co-related angles: socio-political and economic contexts. The middle of the twentieth century of China saw a trend of sudden increase of street vendors composed of numerous poor people, which was closely related to the incessant politico-military chaos ranging from Japanese occupation and defeat followed by the Guomindang’s return to the Communist take-over. The total number of the street vendors including their dependents reached nearly 20% of the Beijing’s whole population, with their social component of unemployed workers, broke-down merchants and dismissed salesclerks, peasants from countryside, former regime’s functionaries, police officers and soldiers, and poor students, etc. The Street vendors carried out their business at almost all marketplaces ranging from regular shopping centers and markets to irregular street vendors’ fluid markets, from boulevards to alleys, to temple fairs. They did an extensive business dealing with almost all kinds of basic commodities necessary for urbanites’ daily life through products sell, food sale, and manual services. The street vendors, compared to shopkeepers, could grow operating margin through saving labor costs, selling large quantities for a low margin of profit, and revolving their capital rapidly. Beyond the Beijing case, further case studies of other cities’ street vendors with their own spatiotemporal contexts could contribute to laying a basis for opening new prospect of urban studies.

      • KCI등재

        Exposure to Atmospheric Particulates and Associated Respirable Deposition Dose to Street Vendors at the Residential and Commercial Sites in Dehradun City

        Vignesh Prabhu,Sunil K. Gupta,Sandeep Madhwal,Vijay Shridhar 한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원 2019 Safety and health at work Vol.10 No.2

        Background: Street vendors spend relatively more time near roadways and are vulnerable to air pollution related health disorders. However, there is limited information on the quality of the air they breathe. The objectives of this present study were to calculate the mass concentration of atmospheric particulate matter (PM) in eight size fractions (PM0.4e0.7, PM0.7e1.1, PM1.1e2.1, PM2.1e3.3, PM3.3e4.7, PM4.7e5.8, PM5.8e9.0, and PM9.0-e0mm) at commercial (CML) and residential site (RSL) in Dehradun city from November 2015 to May 2016. To estimate the corresponding respiratory deposition dose (RDDs) in alveolar (AL), tracheobronchial (TB), and head airway (HD) region on street vendors working at CML and RSL. To find the association of atmospheric PM with RDDs and the incidence of respiratory related disorders among street vendors. Methods: Andersen cascade impactor was employed for calculating the PM mass concentration. Questionnaire based health survey among street vendors were carried out through personal interview. Results: A significant difference (p < 0.05; t-test) between the mean PM0.4-10mm mass concentration at CML and RSL was observed with (mean SD) 84.05 14.5 and 77.23 11.7 mgm3, respectively. RDDs in AL, TB and HD region at CML was observed to be 9.9, 7.8, and 7.3% higher than at RSL, respectively. Health survey revealed 1.62, 0.96, 0.04, and 0.57 times higher incidence of cold, cough, breathlessness, and chest pain, respectively with street vendors at CML compared to RSL. Conclusion: The site characteristics plays a major role in the respiratory health status of street vendors at Dehradun.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Exposure to Atmospheric Particulates and Associated Respirable Deposition Dose to Street Vendors at the Residential and Commercial Sites in Dehradun City

        Prabhu, Vignesh,Gupta, Sunil K.,Madhwal, Sandeep,Shridhar, Vijay Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute 2019 Safety and health at work Vol.10 No.2

        Background: Street vendors spend relatively more time near roadways and are vulnerable to air pollution related health disorders. However, there is limited information on the quality of the air they breathe. The objectives of this present study were to calculate the mass concentration of atmospheric particulate matter (PM) in eight size fractions ($PM_{0.4-0.7}$, $PM_{0.7-1.1}$, $PM_{1.1-2.1}$, $PM_{2.1-3.3}$, $PM_{3.3-4.7}$, $PM_{4.7-5.8}$, $PM_{5.8-9.0}$, and $PM_{9.0--0{\mu}m}$) at commercial (CML) and residential site (RSL) in Dehradun city from November 2015 to May 2016. To estimate the corresponding respiratory deposition dose (RDDs) in alveolar (AL), tracheobronchial (TB), and head airway (HD) region on street vendors working at CML and RSL. To find the association of atmospheric PM with RDDs and the incidence of respiratory related disorders among street vendors. Methods: Andersen cascade impactor was employed for calculating the PM mass concentration. Questionnaire based health survey among street vendors were carried out through personal interview. Results: A significant difference (p < 0.05; t-test) between the mean $PM_{0.4-10{\mu}m}$ mass concentration at CML and RSL was observed with ($mean{\pm}SD$) $84.05{\pm}14.5$ and $77.23{\pm}11.7{\mu}g\;m^{-3}$, respectively. RDDs in AL, TB and HD region at CML was observed to be 9.9, 7.8, and 7.3% higher than at RSL, respectively. Health survey revealed 1.62, 0.96, 0.04, and 0.57 times higher incidence of cold, cough, breathlessness, and chest pain, respectively with street vendors at CML compared to RSL. Conclusion: The site characteristics plays a major role in the respiratory health status of street vendors at Dehradun.

      • KCI등재

        의류수출업체의 업무과정 분석에 관한 연구

        문지연 ( Ji Yeon Moon ),김소라 ( So Ra Kim ) 한국패션비즈니스학회 2015 패션 비즈니스 Vol.19 No.4

        This study aimed to systematize the apparel vendor work processes and provide useful information to future employees of clothing export units by analyzing the processes of vendors’ manufacturing tasks. A survey of 20 apparel vendors servicing mainly U.S. buyers was conducted on employees of overseas business departments working for more than five years. buyers. Based on the results, vendors mainly manufactured cut-and-sew knit products. Regarding the production method, OEM was used more frequently than ODM. Fourteen (70%) companies used the ODM method. This suggests that vendors are expanding their production method from OEM to ODM. In order to summarize the work of each business based on the clothing production process research results, buyers were in charge of planning products and the vendors were in charge of sampling. Production of materials and the approval of material tests were out sourced. Overseas factories of vendors were in charge of bulk (mass) production and garment finishing, as well as packaging and shipping the completed products. Even though the vendors`` head offices do not directly produce clothes, they play a pivotal role in ensuring planning and management progress in clothing production. As buyers prefer direct contracts for cost reduction, the vendor additionally performs the role of an agent. Also, with the increase in ODM production ratio, the work area of the vendor is expanding. If Korean clothing exporters improve their global competitiveness by investing in the R&D of materials and design to enhance the ODM method, the development of Korea’s clothing and export industry will benefit significantly.

      • A study on the status and support policies of the small wholesale vendor in Korea

        이상윤 동아시아경상학회 2016 The East Asian Journal of Business Economics Vol.4 No.4

        There hardly have been support policies for small wholesale vendors or any materials such as proper statistical standards and figures compared to diversity of support policies and size of budget for small and medium manufacturing business. The biggest concern coming from it is that there have never been any policies for small and medium wholesale vendors. This study proposes some ways to improve support policies through investigating the current status of those vendors as their true values haven’t been properly recognized, while diverse support systems have been devised for manufacturing business thanks to the traditional industrial development process. According to the study on support policies for domestic and international small and medium wholesale vendors, I realized that those vendors need a policy to ensure them to be promptly adjusted to the rapidly changing distribution environment and to be competitive to access to the global distribution market to finally become hidden champions through systematical operations of small and medium wholesale vendors and implementing educational business through sales management. Therefore, I propose five ways to improve support policies for small and medium wholesale vendors by considering social and economic value, systematizing small wholesalers and scaling small and medium wholesale vendors, reinforcing support for wholesalers, support policies for new online market opening and offline market opening.

      • KCI등재후보

        Clients’ Strategic Choices to Mitigate Their Dependence on Vendors in IT Outsourcing - Resource Dependence and Opportunism Prospects

        이재남(Jae-Nam Lee) 한국IT서비스학회 2008 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.7 No.1

          Clients" outsourcing strategies noted in the IT outsourcing literature generate varying levels of client dependence on vendors. This study investigates clients" efforts to mitigate such dependence by utilizing multiple vendors. We use the theoretical lenses of resource dependency and opportunism to study this phenomenon. Specifically, we consider degree of outsourcing, duration of contract, and externalization of control as strategic choices that engender vulnerabilities that clients seek to offset by using multiple vendors. This study then considers the basis of the outsourcing relationships, clients" satisfaction with the relationships, and clients" IT workforce size as conditions that induce clients" concerns about vendor opportunism. This study argues that these conditions can exacerbate clients" experience of vulnerability, further encouraging clients" use of multiple vendors. The research model developed is tested in a survey of firms in South Korea. Results suggest a strong impact of outsourcing strategic choices on the number of vendors used by clients. The anticipated moderating effects of opportunism were only weakly supported by the data though. Theoretical and practical implications of the results are considered and suggestions for future research are offered.

      • KCI우수등재

        中華人民共和國 初期 黨-國家와 都市 攤販 ― 1950年代 前半 北京의 基層社會 管理 方式 ―

        박상수 동양사학회 2022 東洋史學硏究 Vol.158 No.-

        Arranging and managing the street vendors (Tanfan 攤販), which were the main means of livelihood for the urban poor in the early years of the People's Republic of China, was a challenging task that required a very broad socio-economic approach beyond the issues such as urban appearance, traffic, and security. The complexity of the Tanpan issue was closely related to the various factors: The large proportion of Tanpan in the city’s population, the diversity of its way of existence, the important role and weight of the Tanpan in the structure of the commercial economy, the dual perception of the authorities toward the Tanfan, etc. To that extent, the Tanpan policy was a complicated task that could not be achieved without close cooperation between various city government apparatus, such as bureaus of industry and commerce, civil affairs, tax, and public security, etc. All the measures taken by the Beijing Municipal authorities, such as the detailed investigation, the establishment of meticulous planning and managerial organizations, the massive mobilization of administrative personnel, and a flexible response to the street vendors' business practices, show the efforts and achievements of the authorities to manage the extraordinarily fluid, dispersed and intermittently existing socio-economic group at the urban grassroots within an institutional framework. What is noteworthy in the process of implementing various Tanfan policies is that the Beijing Municipal authorities considered that “establishing a Tanfan organization and thereby using the power of the Tanfan masses 群衆力量” rather than “managing them through administrative capacities 行政力量 merely relying on a small number of executive cadres” is a “strong guarantee 有力的保證” for achieving the goal. The Tanpan organizations established for the use of the masses' capabilities were the Tanpan's small and large groups and the various specialized sub-groups and committees organized under the leadership of the Tanfan Federal Association 攤販聯合會. This Tanfan Association was designed to operate for the self-management of the Tanfan society, rather than for their passive submission to the control of the authorities. Although the leading role of the grassroots state apparatus called “the Tanpan Market Management Office” was indispensable to the operation of the Tanpan organization, the latter provided a structure of discussion and mobilization for the purpose of educating Tanpan members, seeking improvement in sales methods and solving various routine problems. In this grassroots governance structure, the main actors 領導骨幹 were the Tanfan activists 積極分子. They did not remain in unilateral direction of carrying out the government's intentions but played a role in conveying the various opinions and complains of the Tanpan masses to the managing authorities. Tanpan activists had a status of mediator between the state power and the Tanban society, carrying out a two-way act of implementing the government's Tanfan management policy and enhancing the Tanfan masses’ own interests. This governance system was the secret to the ‘success’ of the new regime in its early years, and was the source of the ‘golden age’ enjoyed by many members of society until the mid-1950s. The Party-state was able to establish the legitimacy of the government and consolidate the regime through a state-society cooperative structure that led to the societal participation in implementing government policy in the grassroots rather than coercive control over society.

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