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      • KCI등재

        국어 성조론의 성과와 쟁점

        이문규(Lee Moonky) 한글학회 2021 한글 Vol.- No.331

        국어 성조론은 그 동안 우수한 성조 자료를 확보하고 국어의 구조적 특징에 맞는 성조 기술론을 구축하여, 중세국어와 방언의 성조 체계를 기술해 냄으로써, 국어 운율론의 해당 부분을 서술할 정도의 성과를 거두었다. 그러나 이 분야에는 아직 의견의 일치를 보지 못한 주제들이 여럿 있는데, 이 중에는 성조 기술 및 설명의 근간이 되는 것도 있다. 이러한 관점의 대립은 그간의 연구 성과를 정리된 모습으로 제시하는 것을 어렵게 하고, 성조의 정체성을 의심받게까지 하는 요인이 되기도 한다. 따라서 앞으로의 연구는 중요도가 높은 주제들을 중심으로, 대립하고 있는 관점들을 비교 ‧ 평가하여 더 나은 것을 선택하는 일에도 관심을 기울일 필요가 있다. 이를 위해서는 더 설명력이 높은 관점을 선택하는 데 필요한 ‘기준’에 대한 논의가 이루어져야 할 것이다. 국어의 운율적 특성에 부합하는가, 방언 간 대응 관계를 설명하고 운율사를 구성하는 데 유리한가 하는 것이 이러한 기준으로 제안될 수 있다. Modern linguistic research on tones in the Korean language began in the middle of the 20th century when several studies revealed that Middle Korean and the Gyeonsang dialect were related tonal languages. Since then, there have been significant advancements in Korean tonology, such as the collection of massive datasets about tones in various dialects, descriptive tonal theories about the structural characteristics of Korean, descriptions of tonal systems and the tonological processes of both Middle Korean and modern dialects. However, there are still fundamental issues in Korean tonology with regard to tonal descriptions, such as what the basic unit of tones are, what the underlying tonal patterns are, and how many stages tonological processes should be divided into. Although the discussions around these topics may contribute to academic developments in this field, they may also inhibit proper manifestation of the phonological nature of the Korean tone. Therefore, Korean tonology research should be conducted from more descriptive perspectives or should focus on comparing the alternative solutions to these questions. However, for these efforts to be successful, in-depth academic discussions must be conducted to develop standardized criteria for deciding whether a given perspective properly accounts for the prosodic characteristics of Korean, whether it appropriately describes the relationships between dialects, and whether it helps clarify the history of Korean prosody.

      • KCI등재

        Tonology of Daegu Korean and an OT solution

        손재현 덕성여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2022 인문과학연구 Vol.- No.34

        Optimality Theory (OT) is a linguistic theory originated mainly from phonological studies in 1990s. (Prince & Smolensky 1993; McCarthy & Prince 1993a, 1993b, 1995; McCarthy 2002) After around 30 years of development, it is still considered the standard theory of phonological studies at the present time. Through OT analysis, people often can get a better understanding of things going on in phonological process, which might not be possible with other theories. I think that will also be true with the compound rule in Daegu dialect.

      • KCI등재

        굴절의 음운 과정과 성조 변동

        박숙희 영남대학교 민족문화연구소 2001 민족문화논총 Vol.24 No.-

        The most strong constraints which dominate various phonological phenomena in vowel sequences in morphological boundaries of Korean is ^*VV constraint. The tone sandhi in combinations of tone is dominated by tone neutralization rules. There are two kinds of tone sandhi. One is the alternation of tonal pattern which is resulted obligatorily from phonological processes of phonemic level. The other is the alternation of tone which is motivated entirely by tonological features of tonal tier. For the description of these phonological phenomena, I employed Gim Cha-gyun's phonology(1981, 1990, 1997) and tonology(1977, 1993, 1999) based on generative phonology. After I compared various phonemic and tonal phenomena in inflectional forms of verbs of ten tone dialects of Korean, I ascertained four regular phonological facts. The first, when one vowel in the given vowel sequence is deleted, the tone of that syllable is deleted also. And that deleted tone is not represented at the surface form. The second, when both vowel in the given vowel sequence are contracted to one with tone contraction, Sangseong(H‥/M) pattern is represented at the surface form. But Gyeongnam Dialect, which does not respect ^*VV constraint, does not have this 'Geoseong(M)+Geoseong(M) →Sangseong(H‥/M)' rule. The third, there are two tone alternation rules. One is 'Pyeongseong(H) →Geoseong(M)'. When {Xa-, X∂-, Xu-} with Pyeongseong pattern followed by {-∂(X)/a(X)} with Geoseong pattern, that Pyeongseong pattern turns to Geoseong pattern. In some dialects, Pyeongseong pattern of {Xu-} is contracted with the following vowel to Sangseong pattern. The other rule is 'Sangseong(H‥/M)→Pyeongseong(H)'. All verbs with Sangseong pattern except about ten verbs which end consonants turn to the verbs with Pyeongseong pattern.

      • KCI우수등재

        국어학에서의 융합의 개념과 유형

        한재영(Han, Jae young) 국어국문학회 2015 국어국문학 Vol.- No.170

        본고의 목적은 국어학에서의 학문적인 융합이 뜻하는 바를 생각하여 보고, 융합의 유형을 살펴 국어학 연구가 지향하여야 할 방향을 점검하여 보는 데에 있다. 융합을 정당하게 이해하기 위하여, 여기서는 국어학과 관련된 학문 분야와의 관계와 국어학을 구성하고 있는 세부 학문 분야 사이의 관계를 살피고 구체적인 작업내용들에도 관심을 가지기로 한다. 본고에서는 국어학과 국어학 외적인 학문과의 융합이라고 할 수 있는 국어학과 문학의 문체론(文體論, Stylistics), 국어학과 사전학의 국어사전학(國語辭典學, Korean Lexicography), 국어학과 전산학의 국어정보학(國語情報學, Korean Informatics) 그리고 국어학과 교육론의 국어교육론(國語敎育論, Korean Language Education)의 내용을 먼저 살폈다. 다음으로 국어학 내적 학문 영역 사이의 융합이라고 할 수 있는 형태통사, 형태음운, 통사의미 그리고 통사음운을 주제로 삼은 기존의 논의 목록을 살펴 국어학에서 융합을 다룬 양상을 보았다. 국어학에서의 융합의 필요성을 보다 잘 느끼기 위하여 국어의 문법 현상 중의 하나인 ‘피동’의 경우를 중심으로 살펴, 피동이 파생이라고 하는 형태론적인 측면에서 뿐만 아니라 통사론적으로나 의미론적으로도 아울러 살펴야 할 주제임을 확인하고, 나아가 음운론 특히 성조론과 방언학의 문제와도 밀접한 관계를 가지고 있음을 인식할 수 있었다. 그와 같은 과정을 통하여 국어학에서 융합적인 사고와 접근 태도가 가지는 가치를 알 수 있었으며, 융합이 가지는 효과를 증대시키기 위해서는 개별 학문에서의 성과가 전제가 된다는 점도 지적하였다. The objective of this manuscript is to consider the meaning of academic convergence in Korean linguistics and examine the direction to which a study of Korean linguistics should be oriented by exploring the type of convergence. In order to understand convergence legitimately, the manuscript examines the relationship among academic fields related to Korean linguistics, the relationship between sub-academic fields constituting Korean linguistics, and specific contents of work. This manuscript first explores Korean linguistics and stylistics in literature, Korean linguistics and Korean lexicography, Korean linguistics and Korean informatics in computer science, and Korean linguistics and Korean language education in education theory, which can be considered as the convergence of Korean linguistics and the academic study of other linguistics-related fields. Next, it examines previous discussions on morphosyntax, morphophonology, syntactic semantics, and syntax-phonology, which can be described as the convergence of various academic fields of Korean linguistics, and the aspect of convergence in Korean linguistics. In order to better explore the need for convergence in Korean linguistics, it is confirmed that the grammatical phenomenon of passivity is a subject that needs to be considered, not only from a morphological perspective, which claims that passivity is derivation, but also from syntactic and semantic perspectives. Additionally, the manuscript confirms that phonology is closely related to issues of tonology and dialectology. Through this process, the manuscript examines the value of convergent thinking and approach in Korean linguistics and points out that the results of individual studies become the premise for increasing the effectiveness of convergence.

      • KCI등재

        『대학언해』 · 『중용언해』에 나타난 한자형태소의 권발-방점 대응 관계

        김세진(Gim Se-jin) 한글학회 2017 한글 Vol.- No.318

        『사서언해』에 속하는 『대학언해』와 『중용언해』는 방점상의 차이가 극히 적어 하나의 성조체계를 나타내는 문헌으로 볼 수 있다. 이 두 문헌을 공동 저본으로 하여 한자형태소 자료를 만들고, 그 항목들의 방점을 중고한음 권발과 비교하여, 중고한음 4성이 16세기 말 국어의 한자음 방점에 반영되는 데서 나타나는 대응 양상을 계량적인 방법으로 분석 · 고찰했다. 저본들은 중세국어 문헌들의 권발-방점 대응 양상에서 나타나는 보편적 경향을 드러냄과 동시에, 방점 표시에 있어서 저본들만이 가진 특수한 성향을 보여주었다. 저본들이 보여주는 특이점은 다음의 두 가지이다. 첫째, 저본들에서 어두 음절의 방점과 둘째 음절 이하의 방점이 중고한음 4성과 서로 다른 대응 관계를 가지는 경우는 거의 없었다. 다시 말해서 방점 변동이 거의 일어나지 않는 것이다. 둘째, 저본들에서는 권발-방점 대응의 보편적 경향, 예컨대 중고한음 평성이 중세국어에서 주로 평성으로 대응된다든지, 입성이 주로 거성으로 대응된다든지, 입성 아닌 측성의 다수가 상성으로 대응된다든지 하는 경향들을 보다 증폭된 비율을 통해 보다 편향적으로 보여주었다. 이 두 가지 특이점을 종합하여 이래저래 추론해보면, 저본들의 방점표시가 규범적 성향을 지니고 있다는 결론에 이르게 된다. Both Daehak-eonhae and Jungyong-eonhae belong to four annotations of Chinese Classics by the same translators in AD. 1588. We can consider the two literatures display the same dialectal tone system through side-dot marks for Middle Korean tones. Medieval Chinese had four tone system, ping tone (◱), shang tone (◰), qu tone (◳) and ru tone (◲) and Middle Korean tones had three tone system, even tone (□), rising tone (:□), and high-level tone (·□), in these two literatures. We call the four marks (◱, ◰, ◳, ◲) as gwonbal ‘corner circle marks’, and three marks (□, :□, ·□) as bangjeom ‘side-dots’ respectively. In other literatures, for example, Sohak-eonhae, Yeossihyangyak-eonhae, etc, we could find out that underlying bangjeoms of Chinese characters do not change almost into other ones in word initial places, but do frequently in other circumstances. In our two literatures, we can scarcely, however, find out that underlying bangjeoms change in word initial as well as in other circumstances, We can conclude that the attitude of the translators of Daehak and Jungyong was prescriptive in marking bangjeoms of Medieval Chinese characters while that of translators of Sohak, Yeossihyangyak, etc. were descriptive.

      • KCI등재

        성조론적 과정의 성격과 기술 방법

        이문규(Lee, Moon-kyu) 한국어문학회 2014 語文學 Vol.0 No.123

        This study seeks a methodology in which the tonological process of Korean tone dialects can be described. A ‘tonological process’ refers to the procedure through which tonal patterns (TP) of a dialect are realized. For this purpose, firstly, various tonoloigical phenomena of tone dialects are analyzed and classified. Secondly, the nature of the constituent stages of tonological process are investigated and clarified. Then some issues concerned with the basic unit and transcription system of tonological process in Korean tonology are discussed. Finally, a schema of the tonological process is proposed: {TP of morphemes}→/TP of phrases/→[TP of surface] ↑ ↑ combination of TP actualization of TP In the stage of ‘combination’, there are neutralization and alternation rules that are common in all dialects. The rules in the stage of ‘actualization’, however, differ from one dialect to another. In case of ‘transcription’, it is proposed that phonetic symbols, such as ‘H’, ‘L’, or ‘R’ should be used along with the names of such words class as ‘mal (馬)’-pattern, ‘mal(斗)’-pattern, or ‘mal(語)’-pattern. In using this system, homogeneity and heterogeneity of the tonological process among tonological dialects can be revealed.

      • KCI등재

        정선방언의 비음절화와 성조의 변동

        최영미 ( Young Mi Choi ) 한말연구학회 2013 한말연구 Vol.- No.33

        This research has two aims. The one is to describe tonal change which appears when phonological operations, such as vowel deletion, vowel assimilation and semi-vocalization, occur. Another aim is to elucidate the change of tonological systems. The tonal change can`t be viewed as compensatory lengthening caused by non-syllabification. The change implies an instability of the tonological system and change of tone arrangement. Above all, there are several evidence which shows that the tone change can`t be viwed as compensatory lengthening: i) the tone can function as distinctive feature when the verb conjugates, ii) the juxtaposition of tones can be seen as a fluid rising tone. and iii) when tones are juxtaposed in a syllable, the syllable is lengthened after the second syllable. The evidence which shows that the tone change was caused by instability of tonological system and the change of tone arrangement are as follows. First, a polysyllabic verb stem with a departing tonal pattern becomes the one with a fluid rising tone due to non-syllabification. Secondly, in the Middle Korean, riging tone didn`t appear although semi-vocalization applied in front of the ending ‘-a/eX’, although riging tone is shown in the same position in Jeongseon dialect.

      • KCI등재

        성조형 실현 규칙의 임의화와 16세기 말엽의 성조 체계

        이문규(Lee, Moon-Kyu) 한국어문학회 2017 語文學 Vol.0 No.137

        The Incapacitation of the actualization rules of the tonal pattern (TP) reveals the remarkable changes since the “side-dot” began to be used in the documents in the history of Korean tonal system. It is noted that no other significant changes occurred in the level of morphemic TP or combination of TP in the same period. The actualization rules of TP consists of the “pitch-assignment rules” and the “pitch-adjustment rules.” These actualization rules in Korean were gradually incapacitated toward the end of the sixteenth century. During the mid-fifteenth century, the surface TP of a phonological word was aligned with the actualization rules of TP. However, it brought the changes at the end of sixteenth century, affected by the incapacitation of the pitch-assignment rules and the pitch-adjustment rules. The incapacitation of the actualization rules of TP has blurred the distinction between tonal patterns and pitches. Additionally, this phenomenon is interpreted to cause the dephonologizing of Korean tones. In conclusion, the incapacitation of the actualization rules of TP shows that the second stage of tonological changes of Korean language had already appeared in the end of the sixteenth century. It seems reasonable to argue that the tonal system in the sixteenth century should be distinct from that of the mid-fifteenth century. Until the sixteenth century the incapacitation of the actualization has been complete, as the source materials maintain the morphemic TP system and the first stage of tonological pattern in the fifteenth century.

      • KCI등재

        중세 국어와 창원 방언 성조의 비교 ―<훈민정음>(해례)과 <소학언해>(범례)의 방점 자료에 바탕을 두고―

        김차균 한글학회 2010 한글 Vol.- No.290

        이 연구에서는 방점을 사용해서 성조를 표시한 최초의 문헌들 가운데 하나인 <훈민정음>(해례)과 최후의 문헌들 가운데 하나인 <소학언해>(범례)의 방점 표기 자료를 현대 성조 방언들 가운데 하나인 창원 방언의 방점 자료와 비교하여 어느 정도의 대응 관계가 성립하는지 계량적으로 정리했다. 결과는 다음 표와 같다. 방점 표기 문헌 대응표에 맞음 대응표에 어긋남 합계<훈민정음>(해례) 94개 (89.5%) 11개 (10.5%) 105개(100.0%)<소학언해>(범례) 100개 (86.2%) 16개 (13.8%) 116개(100.0%) 이 표 안에서 대응표라는 것은 ‘양방향 단일성 조건 충족’을 고려하여 만든 표이다. 이 대응 관계 표는 16세기 말까지는 중세 국어의 성조 체계의 붕괴나 소멸의 징조가 전혀 나타나지 않았음을 나타내는 증거로 볼 수 있다. <훈민정음>(해례)의 한자음은 한자어 6개(거성 1개, 평성 5개)를 창원 방언과 비교한 결과 100% 대응 관계가 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. ‘양방향 단일성 조건 충족’은 방점법 이론 안에서 성조의 통시적인 연구나 같은 시대의 방언들의 비교를 위해 이 연구에서 확립한 중요한 원칙들 중의 하나이다. In this treatise I have studied correspondence relation between bangjeomhyeongs, side-dot patterns of current Changwon dialect, Gyeongnam Province, tonological representations of prosodic words marked with side-dots in the two Middle Korean bibliographies, Hun-min-jeong-eum-hai-rye ‘Annotation of the Korean script’ and Sohak-eon-hai-beom-rye ‘introductory remarks of the Classical Canon for children. Hun-min-jeong-eum-hai-rye which is one of the earliest publications with side-dot indication vocabulary was published in 1446. It has 115 native Korean words and 11 words written in Chinese characters. I take 105 Korean words and 6 Chinese words out of them for analyses respectively. On the contrary, Sohak-eon-hai, published in 1586, is one of the last publications. Its beom-rye ‘introductory remarks’ has 116 Korean words. The result of the comparative study based on the satisfactory of bi-uniqueness condition between Middle Korean and Changwon dialect gives statistical figures as the following table: Name of literature correspondence OK correspondence No the total Hun-min-jeong-eum-hai-rye 94 (89.5%)11 (10.5%)105 (100.0%)So-hak-eon-hai beom-rye 100 (86.2%)16 (13.8%)116 (100.0%)

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