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        교육복지현장 실무자의 직무에 관한 중요도-실행도 분석(IPA)

        조성심,홍순혜,방진희,엄경남,안정선 한국학교사회복지학회 2016 학교사회복지 Vol.0 No.33

        This research aims to study the level of importance that education welfare practitioners perceive in their jobs and the level of their actual performance, and analyze the differences between the two levels by using IPA (Importance-Performance Analysis) to suggest the management strategies for balancing the performance level to the importance level. Thirty-three job tasks of 9 job areas were drawn from the related studies, and based on those job tasks, a survey on the perceived importance and performance levels was conducted among the education welfare workers in Kyoungi province and Pusan city, and the data of 184 were analyzed. The results showed that all the importance levels in 33 job tasks were higher than the performance levels, and the differences between the importance and performance levels were significant in 31 job tasks. IPA showed that the tasks such as ‘Operating education welfare office’, ‘Finding students needing intensive support and analyzing their characteristics’ and ‘Identifying community resources and searching for available resources’ have high level on both importance and performance so that the tasks must continue as before. The job task that showed high importance and low performance, which was ‘Case management’, needs the most intensive investment to improve the performance level. Other job tasks such as ‘Case Management meetings’, ‘Planning and operating joint projects’, ‘Individual counseling’, ‘ Group counseling’, ‘Family counseling’, and ‘Training personnels working in school social work office’ were grouped as the job tasks with low priority because of their low results on both importance and performance levels. The job tasks such as ‘Supporting and managing instructors and service providers’, ‘Managing safety of places and facilities’, ‘Making and processing official documents’ and ‘Writing reports and minutes’, which showed low results in the importance level but high in the performance level, were analyzed to have over-investment at present, and accordingly, their excessive investment needs to be reduced and expand to different jobs. Based on the results, the practical and political ways to balance the level of performance to that of importance in job tasks for education welfare practitioners were suggested. 본 연구는 교육복지현장 실무자가 수행해야 할 직무들에 대해 교육복지현장 실무자들이 그 중요성을 어느 정도로 인식하고 있으며 직무를 실제로 얼마나 실행하고 있는지 현황을 파악하고, 직무에 대한 중요도와 실행도 사이에 차이가 존재하는지를 중요도-실행도 분석(Importance-Performance Analysis: IPA)을 통해 살펴봄으로써 직무 중요도에 따른 수행도 균형 전략을 모색하는데 목적이 있다. 본 연구는 문헌연구를 통해 교육복지현장 실무자가 수행해야 할 9개 직무영역의 33개 세부 직무들을 도출하였으며, 경기 및 부산지역의 교육복지사 184명이 응답한 직무 중요도와 실행도를 분석하였다. 연구결과, 32개 세부직무에서 중요도가 실행도보다 높게 나타났으며, 31개 세부직무에서 중요도와 실행도 사이에 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 있었다. IPA분석을 통해 볼 때, ‘교육복지실 운영’, ‘집중지원학생 발굴 및 특성 분석’, ‘지역자원 현황 파악 및 연계 가능 자원 발굴’ 등은 중요도와 실행도가 평균 점수보다 모두 높아 앞으로 계속 유지해 나가야할 직무들로 분류되었다. 직무의 중요도는 높지만 실행도가 낮아, 우선적으로 실행도를 높일 수 있는 방향으로 개선되어야 할 직무로는 ‘사례관리’가 가장 두드러졌다. ‘사례관리 회의’, ‘공동사업 기획 및 운영’, ‘개인상담’, ‘집단상담’, ‘가족상담’, ‘교육복지실 관련 인력교육’ 등은 중요도와 실행도 모두 낮아, 직무관리에서 우선순위가 낮으며 점진적으로 개선되어야 할 영역으로 분류되었다. 반면, ‘강사 등 서비스 제공자 지원 및 관리’, ‘장소와 시설 및 안전 관리’, ‘공문서 작성 및 처리’, ‘보고서와 회의록 작성’ 등은 중요도는 낮게 인식하는데 반해 실행도가 높게 나타나, 이 직무들에 대한 과도한 투입보다는 여기에 투입된 노력을 다른 직무들로 전환할 필요성이 제기 되었다. 이 결과들에 근거해 직무 수행을 개선시킬 수 있는 실천적, 정책적 방안들을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        개인-직무 적합성과 과업 및 맥락 성과

        김미희(Mihee Kim),신유형(Yuhyung Shin),문철우(Chul Woo Moon) 한국인사조직학회 2012 인사조직연구 Vol.20 No.1

        개인-직무 적합성에 대한 연구가 오랫동안 지속되어 왔음에도 불구하고 개인-직무 적합성과 직무 성과간의 관계에서 조절효과를 미치는 변수들에 대한 규명은 최근에 와서야 이루어졌다. 본 연구에서는 팀제와 임파워먼트의 확산 등으로 대표 되는 최근의 경영 흐름에 따라 직무특성이론이 제시하는 5대 직무특성들 중 과업 중요성과 자율성에 초점을 맞추어 개인-직무 적합성과 과업 및 맥락 성과의 관계에 대한 이들 두 가지 직무특성들의 조절효과를 고찰하였다. 보다 구체적으로, 본 연구에서는 과업 중요성과 자율성이 개인-직무 적합성과 과업 및 맥락 성과간의 관계에 각각 정(+)의 조절효과를 미칠 것으로 예측하였다. 이러한 연구 가설을 검증하기 위해 층화 표집을 통해 선정된 263개 기업의 종업원 6,044명을 대상으로 설문 조사가 실시되었다. 설문 데이터에 대한 위계적 회귀분석 결과는 개인-직무 적합성과 과업 성과간의 관계는 과업 중요성과 자율성이 높은 경우에 더 강하게 나타난다는 사실을 보여주었다. 그러나, 개인-직무 적합성과 맥락 성과간의 관계에는 과업 중요성만 정의 조절효과를 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 개인-직무 적합성과 자율성은 맥락 성과와 각각 정의 관계를 보이는 것으로 발견되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 적합성 연구에 대한 이론적 시사점과 직무 배치 및 직무 재설계에 대한 실무적 함의를 갖는다. Person-environment fit theory posits that congruence between individuals’ characteristics and those of their surrounding environments is positively associated with their work outcomes. Among various types of person-environment fit, person-job fit refers to a match between an individual’s characteristics and those of his or her job. While a vast amount of research has investigated the relationships between person-job fit and work outcomes, little attention has been paid to potential moderators between person-job fit and job performance. To fill this gap, we attempted to delineate moderators that can strengthen or weaken the relationship between person-job fit and job performance. Drawing on job characteristics theory, we identified task significance and autonomy as moderators of the linkages between perceived person-job fit and task and contextual performance. Due to the proliferation of a team-based organizational structure and empowerment, the role of task significance and autonomy in work contexts is increasingly important. In the current study, we proposed that the relationships between perceived person-job fit and task and contextual performance would be stronger when task significance and autonomy were high than when they were low. Our hypotheses were tested using large-scale survey data collected from 6,044 employees in 263 Korean companies representing diverse industries, locations, and firm sizes. The results of hierarchical regression analyses supported most of the hypotheses. As predicted, the relationship between perceived person-job fit and task performance was moderated by task significance and autonomy. More specifically, this relationship appeared stronger when task significance and autonomy were higher than when they were low. In addition, the linkage between perceived person-job fit and contextual performance was moderated by task significance. As expected, the association between perceived person-job fit and contextual performance was more pronounced when task significance was high than when it was low. However, we did not detect any moderating effect of autonomy for contextual performance. Instead, we found significant main effects of person-job fit and autonomy on contextual performance. Our findings have several theoretical and practical implications. First of all, the present study contributes to the fit literature by elucidating boundary conditions under which the relationship between person-job fit and task and contextual performance was strengthened. Our results suggest that there are important job characteristics that can intensify the effect of person-job fit, even after controlling individual characteristics such as growth need strength. Based on these findings, managers may need to increase the level of task significance and autonomy to maximize the effect of person-job fit on employee performance. Providing employees with a significant and autonomous job could be an avenue to enhance their task and contextual performance. In conclusion, the current study elaborates on the extant body of knowledge on person-job fit by exploring moderators of the fit-performance relationship using a sample with high external validity.

      • KCI등재

        일-가정 갈등이 정서적 고갈과 과업성과에 미치는 영향

        김석영(Kim, Seckyoung Loretta),이수진(Lee, Soojin),박은경(Park, Eun Kyung),손승연(Son, Seung Yeon),윤석화(Yun, Seokhwa),박희태(Park, Heetae) 한국인사관리학회 2012 조직과 인사관리연구 Vol.36 No.3

        Work and family issue becomes more salient issue in a competitive working environment that many organizations face in recent years. Organizations have been pushed for rapid changes in a competitive environment, and this trend is likely to increase employees’work family conflict and their stress such as emotional exhaustion. Knowing the negative impact of emotional exhaustion on individual as well as their job related performances, more research is needed to find the moderator that can reduce the negative effect of emotional exhaustion on task performance. In this study, we suggest stress coping strategies classified as control and escape strategy could be an effective moderator between emotional exhaustion and task performance relationship. This study has two major research purposes, drawing on insights from conservation of resource (COR) theory. First, we examine the mechanism between WFC and task performance via emotional exhaustion. Second, we investigate the important role of stress coping strategies by testing their moderating effects on the relationships between emotional exhaustion and task performance. We propose that different stress coping strategies (control and escape strategies) may moderate the relationship between emotional exhaustion and task performance in an opposite way, depending on its strategies. Therefore we hypothesize: Hypothesis 1: Work family conflict (WFC) will be positively related to emotional exhaustion. Hypothesis 2: Emotional exhaustion will be negatively related to task performance. Hypothesis 3: Emotional exhaustion will mediate the relationship between work family conflict and task performance. Hypothesis 4a: Control strategy will moderate the relationship between emotional exhaustion and task performance such that the negative relationship between emotional exhaustion and task performance will be reduced when control strategy is high than when it is low. Hypothesis 4b: Escape strategy will moderate the relationship between emotional exhaustion and task performance such that the negative relationship between emotional exhaustion and task performance will be strengthened when escape strategy is high than when it is low. Analyzing from 159 data using questionnaires distributed to employees and their direct supervisors from thirteen companies located in South Korea, the results indicated that WFC was negatively related to task performance fully mediated by emotional exhaustion. Contrary to hypothesis, the negative relationship between emotional exhaustion and task performance was strengthened when control strategy is high than when it is low. In sum, Hypotheses 1, 2, and 3 were supported. Despite of its limitations such as cross-sectional design, potential common method bias and limited variables, this study enriches our understanding of the mechanism of WFC on task performance through emotional exhaustion based on COR theory. Furthermore, the important role of stress coping strategies is investigated by testing its moderating effect between emotional exhaustion and task performance. Our results demonstrated that employees with the high level of WFC feel emotional exhaustion and these emotionally exhausted employees tend to show low task performance which is harmful for organization's effectiveness. Moreover control strategy could be an effective tool to reduce the negative effect of emotional exhaustion on task performance when the level of emotional exhaustion is low. Therefore, manager should provide training to use control strategy rather than escape strategy when employees face emotional exhaustion. 급격한 경영환경의 변화와 글로벌화로 인하여 조직은 구성원들에게 더 높은 성과를 요구하고 있으며 이는 구성원들에게 스트레스와 더불어 일-가정 갈등이 증가하는 원인이 되고 있다. 특히, 일-가정 갈등(work family conflict)은 최근 치열해진 기업의 경쟁구도, 회사보다 개인 생활을 중요시 하는 가치관의 변화와 맞벌이 가정 증가로 인해 더욱 악화될 전망이며 선행연구 결과 이는 구성원 개인 뿐 만 아니라 기업 전체에도 부정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 알려져 있다. 또한 많은 구성원들이 이러한 기업환경에서 정서적 고갈을 경험하고 있으나 이를 줄이거나 그 영향을 약화시킬 수 있는 방법을 찾는 연구는 한정적이었다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 자원보존이론을 바탕으로 일-가정 갈등과 정서적 고갈, 정서적 고갈과 과업 성과와의 관계 그리고 일-가정 갈등과 과업성과와의 사이에서 정서적 고갈의 매개역할을 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 또한 정서적 고갈과 과업성과의 관계에서 스트레스 대처전략(통제전략과 회피전략)의 조절효과를 검증하고자 한다. 연구결과, 일-가정 갈등은 정서적 고갈과 정의 관계를 가지고 정서적 고갈은 과업성과와 부의 관계를 가지는 것으로 그리고 이 관계에서 정서적 고갈의 매개효과가 검증되었다. 스트레스 대처전략의 조절효과를 검증한 결과, 정서적 고갈과 과업성과와의 관계에서 통제전략이 높은 경우, 정서적 고갈과 과업성과의 부정적인 관계가 강화되어 스트레스 대처전략의 조절효과에 대한 가설은 지지되지 않았다. 하지만 정서적 고갈이 낮은 상태에서는 통제전략을 활용하는 경우 과업성과를 높이는 기능을 한다는 것을 밝혔다. 본 연구는 자원보존이론을 통해 일-가정 갈등이 정서적 고갈을 통해 과업성과에 미치는 메커니즘을 분석하여 일-가정 갈등 연구에 전반적인 이해를 높였다. 또한 정서적 고갈이 낮은 수준에서 통제전략의 효과적인 기능을 밝혀 정서적 고갈 연구에도 의의가 있다. 본 논문결과, 기업은 일-가정 갈등이 깊어져 정서적 고갈이 발생하지 않도록 사전에 예방하는 것이 필요하며 이미 정서적 고갈이 발생한 경우 그 수준이 높지 않다면 과업성과를 방어할 수 있는 방법으로 통제 전략을 활용할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        자기지향적 완벽주의, 조직지원인식, 상사의 모욕적 행동이 과업성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        손승연,이수진,박희태,윤석화 한국인사조직학회 2010 인사조직연구 Vol.18 No.2

        개인의 성격 특성은 일상생활뿐 아니라 조직에서 개인의 다양한 행동과 성과를 설명하고 예측하는 데에도 유용하다. 그 중에서도 완벽주의는 심리학 분야에서 오랫동안 지속적으로 연구관심이 제기되어 온 성격 특성 중 하나이다. 그럼에도 아직까지 경영학 분야에서 완벽주의에 대한 연구가 부족하였다. 더욱이 완벽주의가 순기능 및 역기능을 모두 포함한 개념임에도 불구하고 선행연구들은 대부분 인간의 심리 및 행동에 미치는 완벽주의의 부정적 측면에 초점을 맞춤으로써 완벽주의에 대한 포괄적 이해가 제한된 실정이다. 본 연구는 다양한 완벽주의 구성개념 중 철저한 업무 수행에 대한 열의, 완벽한 일 처리 등 본질적 특성상 조직 내에서의 개인의 과업성과와 관련성이 높을 것으로 예상되는 자기지향적 완벽주의를 선택하여 과업성과에 미치는 긍정적인 효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 또한 특성활성화 이론에 따라 성격 특성인 자기지향적 완벽주의가 과업성과에 미치는 효과를 상황적 요인인 조직지원인식 및 상사의 모욕적 행동이 어떻게 조절하는지를 확인하고자 하였다. 연구 결과, 성실성을 통제한 상태에서 자기지향적 완벽주의는 과업성과와 유의한 정적 관계를 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 이 관계는 높은 조직지원인식, 낮은 상사의 모욕적 행동 하에서만 유의하게 나타나는 반면, 낮은 조직지원인식, 높은 상사의 모욕적 행동 하에서는 자기지향적 완벽주의와 과업성과는 유의한 관계를 보이지 않았다. 본 연구는 네 가지 시사점을 가지고 있다. 첫째, 심리학에 국한된 완벽주의 연구 영역을 경영학 분야로 확장시키면서 조직 내에서 개인의 과업성과에 대한 이해의 폭을 넓혔다는 것이다. 둘째, 과업성과에 미치는 자기지향적 완벽주의의 정적 효과를 실증함으로써 완벽주의의 부정적인 측면에 치중된 선행연구들의 한계점을 보완하려 했다는 것이다. 셋째, 자기지향적 완벽주의와 조직지원인식의 상호작용효과를 검증함으로써 자기지향적 완벽주의가 낮은 사람들이 높은 성과를 낼 수 있도록 조직이 해야 할 역할은 무엇인가라는 질문에 일부의 해답을 제시하였다는 것이다. 넷째, 자기지향적 완벽주의와 상사의 모욕적 행동의 상호작용효과를 검증함으로써 긍정적 리더십에 편중된 선행연구들의 미비점을 보완하는 한편, 자기지향적 완벽주의가 낮은 사람들로 하여금 높은 성과를 낼 수 있도록 하는데 상사 행동의 중요성을 부각시켰다는 것이다. Research has demonstrated that personality characteristics can be useful for predicting individual behavior and performance at work as in ordinary life. Among these, the concept of perfectionism has been a topic of widespread interest in the psychological literature. Nevertheless, very little research has examined the role of perfectionism in predicting individual’s performance in management. Although there is considerable agreement that perfectionism has positive aspect as well as negative one, many researchers have focused on dysfunctional and neurotic aspects of perfectionism. This trend limits our comprehensive understanding of perfectionism. The purpose of this article is to examine positive aspects of perfectionism in organizational settings. Specifically, we first investigate the relationship between self-oriented perfectionism and task performance. Self-oriented perfectionism reflects a strong motivation for the self to be perfect, setting exacting standards for oneself, and evaluating one’s own behavior stringently. Therefore, we expect that self-oriented perfectionism may have potential relation with task performance at work because it includes motivational components of striving to attain perfection in one’s own performance as well as behavior. Following trait activation theory, we then examine the extent to which perceived organizational support and abusive supervision affect the self-oriented perfectionism-task performance relationship. Out of the process, we developed and empirically tested the following hypotheses:H1: Employee’s self-oriented perfectionism is positively related to task performance. H2: Perceived organizational support moderates the positive relationship between self-oriented perfectionism and task performance such that the relationship is stronger when perceived organizational support is low than when perceived organizational support is high. H3: Abusive supervision moderates the positive relationship between self-oriented perfectionism and task performance such that the relationship is stronger when abusive supervision is high than when abusive supervision is low. Surveys were distributed to 160 employee-supervisor dyads from 9 organizations in Seoul. The organizations represented 3 service and 6 manufacturing organizations. Participants were assured of the confidential of their responses. The employee survey contained demographic questions and questions assessing self-oriented perfectionism, perceived organizational support, and abusive supervision. While employees were completing their surveys, supervisors completed questionnaires on employee task performance in a separate room. All of the items except demography were measured on a seven-point Likert scale(ranging from 1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree). A total 121 matched dyadic data were used for analysis. In the employee sample, 58% were men and the average age was 30.6 years(S.D.= 4.8). Around 59% of the respondents had at least bachelor’s degree and their average tenure was 5.3 years(S.D. = 4.9). In the supervisor sample, 68% were men and the average age was38.2 years(S.D.= 5.9). Approximately 60% of the respondents had at least bachelor’s degree and their average tenure was 10.8 years(S.D. = 5.9). Hierarchical regression analysis was used for testing hypotheses. As predicted, results confirmed that employee’s self-oriented perfectionism was positively related to task performance after conscientiousness was controlled. Although not hypothesized, perceived organization support and abusive supervision had positive and negative relationship with task performance, respectively, like previous researches. In addition, we found that perceived organizational support and abusive supervision moderated the effect of self-oriented perfectionism on task performance, respectively. Specifically, the relationship between self-oriented perfectionism and task performance was stronger when perceived organizational support was l...

      • KCI등재

        중국 근로자의 시간적 압박감이 직무성과에 미치는 영향

        전지영(Zhirong Tian),곽원준(Won Jun Kwak) 대한경영학회 2016 大韓經營學會誌 Vol.29 No.1

        급격한 경제성장으로 중국 기업의 근로자는 과거에 경험하지 못한 높은 업무량과 성과에 대한 기대로 인하여 근로시간이 증가하고 연장근무도 잦아지면서 시간적 압박감을 경험하고 있다. 중국 기업에서 근로자가 시간적 압박감을 느끼는 현상이 점차 보편화되고 일반적이 되어 가고 있지만 이에 대한 연구는 부족한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 중국 현지 근로자들을 대상으로 시간적 압박감이 직무성과에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 이와 더불어 이러한 시간적 압박감의 영향을 미치는 두 가지 조직 맥락적 요소인 근로자가 자신의 직속상사와 가지는 꽌시의 정도와 근무 형태(정상근무, 연장근무)의 효과를 분석하였다. 우선, 정상근무자와 연장근무자 모두 시간적 압박감이 증가할수록 더 높은 직무성과로 이어질 것으로 예측하였다. 이러한 예측은 자원보존이론에 근거한 것으로써, 개인은 시간과 같은 자신의 자원을 투입한 후에 이로 인한 효용을 얻고자하는 동기가 유발되는데 이러한 동기를 시간적 압박감이 촉발할 것이라는 논리에 근거하였다. 시간이 많지 않다는 느낌을 받는 개인은 투자하는 시간에 대한 성과를 얻지 못할지도 모른다는 긴박감으로 더 노력하고 이러한 노력은 직무성과를 향상시킬 것이기 때문이다. 다음으로, 시간적 압박감과 직무성과의 관계가 상사-부하 꽌시가 높아지면서 약해질 것이고, 이러한 상사-부하 꽌시의 효과는 연장근무자보다 정상근무자에게 더 두드러질 것으로 예측하였다. 이러한 예측은 근로자가 상사와 꽌시를 가지면서 여러 가지 업무적 및 비업무적 도움(예. 데드라인 연장, 마감을 지키지 않는데 대한 페널티의 제거)을 받게 되면서 시간적 압박감이 굳이 없더라도 높은 직무성과를 내게되면서, 시간적 압박감으로 인해 직무성과가 상승하는 정도가 감소하기 때문이다. 이러한 꽌시의 효과는 정상근무자에게 특히 두드러지고 연장근무자에게는 크게 나타나지 않을 것인데, 그 이유는 연장근무자는 상사의 꽌시로 인해 주어질 수 있는 혜택인 데드라인의 연장이나 늦은 마감의 허용 등을 연장근무로 인하여 꽌시없이도 얻을 수 있을 것이기 때문이다. 즉, 연장근무자보다 정상근무자에게 상사-부하 꽌시가 시간적 압박감과 직무성과의 관계에서 더 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 예상하는 것이다. 이상의 연구 가설을 실증하기 위하여 중국에서 근무하고 있는 정상근무자와 연장근무자 총 170명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 요인분석과 상관분석을 통하여 설문으로 얻은 자료의 가용성을 확인한 후에 수행한 다중회귀분석 결과는 다음과 같았다. 시간적 압박감이 높을 때 직무성과가 높을 것이라는 가설은 정상근무자와 연장근무자에게 모두 지지되었다. 또한, 정상근무자의 경우, 시간적 압박감과 직무성과의 관계는 상사-부하 꽌시가 높아질수록 약화된 것으로 나타났다. 반면, 연장근무자의 경우, 시간적 압박감과 직무성과의 관계는 상사-부하 꽌시의 유의미한 영향을 받지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 연구결과를 종합하면, 시간적 압박감을 느끼는 중국 근로자들은 더 높은 성과를 올리는데, 이러한 시간적 압박감의 긍정적 효과는 근로자가 정상 근무를 하면서 상사-부하 꽌시가 높은 경우에 다소 약화된다는 것이다. 본 연구의 결과는 시간적 압박감이 직무성과를 향상시키는 경향을 보이는 직장에서 고려해야 할 사항들에 대하여 함의를 제공하고 있다. 사회주의와 이로 인한 국가 및 조직문화에 익숙한 중국근로자들에게도 시간적 압박감을 경험하게 하는 것은 직무성과 향상에 긍정적인 영향을 주지만, 이러한 긍정적인 영향은 꽌시에 의해 약해지고 이러한 꽌시의 부정적인 영향은 근무시간을 준수하는 경우에 더욱 심해질 수 있다는 점을 중국 기업과 중국에서 운영 중인 외국기업들의 인사관리와 조직운영에 참고해야 할 것이다. Given the fast economic growth in China, Chinese employees have experienced increased workload and have suffered from high time pressure. Although this time pressure has become common in Chinese workplaces, little is known on how it would influence Chinese employees. Acknowledging this, the present study investigated the effects of time pressure on the task performance among Chinese employees in a large IT company located in the mainland China. It was also examined how these effects would be moderated by supervisor-subordinate Guanxi and how this moderation would be varied between “normal employees” (employees who work for normal business hour) and “overtime employees” (employees who work overtime). 〈Figure 1〉 shows the research conceptual model. [그림본문참조] We expected that the more time pressure was to both normal and overtime Chinese employees, the higher their task performance would be. This prediction was made based on conservation of resources theory. Conservation of resources theory posits that individuals would highly motivated to acquire any positive outcomes from their input. Accordingly, Chinese employees who feel little time left for completing their work might be concern about failure in obtaining outcomes within deadline, and this time pressure might improve those employees’ task performance by motivating them to work more and longer. We also expected that the stronger supervisor-subordinate Guanxi was, the weaker the relationship between time pressure and task performance would be, especially for normal employees compared to overtime employees. As Chinese employees develops good Guanxi relationships with their supervisors, the supervisors might provide several tangible and intangible benefits to the employees, which would help them perform their task better on the job. With the improved task performance level, Chinese employees might have the reduced room in task performance that time pressure could positively influence and enhance, which suggests that the effects of Chinese employees’ time pressure on their task performance would decrease. Importantly, this decrease in time pressure impact might be more salient for normal employees compared to overtime ones. Chinese employees who worked overtime might need less some tangible and intangible benefits (an extended deadline and no penaltity for late submission) provided from good Guanxi relationships, because those benefits were not so meaningful to them. Therefore, a supervisor-subordinate Guanxi relationship might have less influence on overtime employees, compared to normal ones who could feel more necessity and appreciation for their “Guanxi” benefits, which suggests a weaker moderating effects of Guanxi on the time pressure-performance relationship for overtime, rather than normal, employees. Hypothesis 1: There would be a positive relationship between (a) normal and (b) overtime Chinese employees’ felt time pressure and task performance. Hypothesis 2: For normal, rather than overtime, Chinese employees, the positive relationship between felt time pressure and task performance would be weaker when their supervisor-subordinate Guanxi relationships are better. To empirically test our hypotheses, an online survey was conducted through the participating company’s intranet for 170 normal and overtime employees who were randomly selected from the whole white-collar employees in the IT company. The empirical results showed that, when both the normal and overtime employees had more time pressure, their task performance was higher. In addition, when their supervisor-subordinate Guanxi was higher, the positive effects of time pressure on task performance was reduced only for normal employees, not for overtime employees. Our study results suggested that, although time pressure was beneficial to improve Chinese employees’ task performance, it might not be so effective when those employees had good Guanxi relationships with their supervisors. Th

      • KCI등재
      • Integrated task performance score for the building occupants based on the CO<sub>2</sub> concentration and indoor climate factors changes

        Hong, Taehoon,Kim, Jimin,Lee, Myeonghwi Elsevier 2018 APPLIED ENERGY Vol.228 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>The task performance can be analyzed though various indices related to cognitive tasks, but few studies have been conducted to analyze various indices of task performance considering both the indoor air pollutants and the climate factors. Therefore, this study aimed to develop an integrated task performance score for 22 building occupants based on the IEQ condition changes. The experiment was designed with three scenarios simulating the IEQ condition changes during an 8-hour work period. In each scenario, six cognitive tasks were performed before and after the occurrence of IEQ condition changes. The relationship between cognitive task and IEQ condition was analyzed using a paired <I>t</I>-test. In addition, an integrated task performance score of the building occupants was developed with the use of a weighted Euclidean distance to utilize the results of this study in building design and operation. As a result, when the operative temperature is changed from 18.70 °C (cold) to 25 °C (neutral), the best task performance score was calculated as 0.187. The noticeable fact is that although scenario 1-1 was worse than scenario 2-1 based on the predicted percentage of dissatisfaction, a better occupants’ task performance score was obtained from scenario 1-1 (0.271) than from scenario 2-1 (0.346). Through the results of this study, the building occupants’ task performance according to the IEQ condition considering both the CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration and the indoor climate can be expressed as a single index. Thus, it is expected that using this single index, decision makers, including facility managers, building occupants, and mechanical system designers, will be able to manage the IEQ conditions of buildings based on the quantitative indicators of the building occupants’ task performance.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> An integrated task performance score of the building occupants was developed. </LI> <LI> The score was improved when the operative temperature was changed to neutral. </LI> <LI> Occupants in high CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration cannot well conduct task. </LI> <LI> Best score (0.187) was found when operative temperature was changed from cold to neutral. </LI> <LI> The score was improved when operative temperature is cold (0.271) rather than slightly warm (0.346). </LI> </UL> </P>

      • 정신과 간호사의 업무스트레스와 근무의욕 및 업무수행과의 관계연구

        이강오,김유미 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 1992 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.17 No.1

        This study was attempted to analyze the relationship between task stress, morale and task performance perceived by psychiatric nurses. The subjects were 91 psychiatric nurses selected from psychiatric wards at 2 University Hospitals and 1 Psychiatric Clinic in Kwangju, 1 National Psychiatric Hospital in Naju Gun, and 3 General Hospitals in Chollabuk-do. The data were collected from September 2 to 13, 1991, by the questionaire method. The insturments used the Task Stress Scale developed by Bai, Morale Scale by Oh and Task Performance Scale by the researcher based on Lee's Task Performance Scale. Data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA and Pearson's Correlation Coefficient. The results of the study were as follows; 1. Average task stress score of subjects were 3.47. Task stress factors were classified into 14 and their order of getting score was: inadequate staff ing (4.05), scheduling problem(3.86), administration problem (3.78), conflict in nurse-client relationship (3.55), inappropriate environment(3.49), low reward (3.45), lack of professional knowledge and skill (3.44), role conflict as a profession (3.43), inadequate equipment (3.43), conflict with other health team (3.39), conflict with supervisor (3.37), work overload (3.32), conflict with nurses(3.31) and conflict with subordinate (3.11). 2. There was significant relationship between the degree of task stress and working duration.(F=3.57, p=.03) 3. Average total morale score of subjects was 3.03. There was significant relationship between the degree of morale and marital status (t=2.71, p=.01), clinical career(F=3.54, p=.03), job satisfaction(F=3.62, p=.02) and opportunity of practional education. (F=2.85, p=.03) 4. Average total task performance score of subjects was 3.59. There was significant relationship between the degree of task performance and age(F=3.63, p=.02), marital status(t=2.91, p=.01) and clinical career.(F=3.39, p=.04) 5. The first hypothesis, "there will be relationship between task stress and morale", was not supported. (r=. 1324, p=.11) The second hypothesis, "there will be relationship between task stress and task performance", was not supported. (r=.1632, p=.06) The third hypothesis, "there will be relationship between morale and task performance", was supported. (r=.7260, p=.00)

      • KCI등재

        중등교육에서 학습전략과 과제수행동기의 산문파지 효과

        홍주영,서일보 한국교육방법학회 2023 교육방법연구 Vol.35 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of learning strategies on task performance motivation on retention in a passage comprehension task. The study employed two learning strategies, retrieval practice and repeated reading, and measured task performance motivation regarding task importance and task effort. The participants consisted of 42 first-year female high school students, who were divided into two experimental groups, one using free recall and the other using repeated reading. The experimental treatment included two relearning sessions after the initial learning and the SOS measurement, and the final free recall test was conducted two days later. Task performance motivation was measured using the Student Opinion Scale (SOS), which comprised eight questions using a Likert 6-point scale. The results indicated no significant difference in retention between retrieval practice and repeated reading. There were differences in task performance motivation including task importance and task effort between the two learning strategies. The task performance motivation of students exhibited higher task performance motivation during repeated reading than during retrieval practice. The covariate analysis controlling for task performance motivation demonstrated that retention was higher for retrieval practice than for repeated reading. The subfactor that influenced retention between 2 strategies was task effort. These results confirm that retrieval practice is a more effective learning strategy than repeated reading, while the desirable difficulty of task effort is a crucial factor in predicting learning outcomes. This demonstrates that how learners exert effort during task performance is more important in academic achievement than simply valuing the task. This finding provides educational implications by highlighting the importance of task effort in learning outcomes.

      • KCI우수등재

        과업갈등이 프로젝트 팀 성과에 미치는 영향

        최지호(Ji Ho Choi),문연희(Youn Hee Moon),심덕섭(Duk Sup Shim),양동민(Dong Min Yang),허영호(Young Ho Heo) 한국경영학회 2009 經營學硏究 Vol.38 No.6

        Team work to accomplish work-related activities in organizations is gaining the increasing popularity. However, for teams to realize their potential benefits, the challenges of working effectively as a team are considerable. One challenge is a conflict among team members due to the actual or perceived differences (Jehn, 1995). Even though a stream of research has been grown recently for an intragroup conflict and its potential effects on team performance and member satisfaction, the effect of intragroup conflict on team performance has been remained as a controversial topic. The search for the potential effects of conflict has been facilitated by distinguishing different types of conflict, task and relationship (Jehn, 1995, 1997; Pelled, 1996). A task conflict, sometimes referred as substantive or cognitive conflict, exists when team members differ in views and opinions about how particular aspects of tasks are accomplished, especially in procedural, policy, resource distribution issues (Amason, 1996; Simon and Peterson, 2000). In contrast, an affective or relationship conflict has an affective element at its core and involves perceived tension and frustration about personal differences such as interpersonal style, attitude and preference and personality. A long-held notion in the conflict literature is that a task conflict may actually be beneficial to team effectiveness, as opposed to a relationship conflict that has been theorized as an exclusively negative factor for teams (Jehn, 1995, 1997; Pelled, 1996). Given the opposite effects of different types of conflict, it would seem easy to resolve this dilemma by simply minimizing a relationship conflict and maximizing a task conflict. However, while a certain amount of agreement exists on the negative effect of relational conflict, the findings concerning a task conflict are not consistent. While task conflicts is generally associated with positive outcomes for teams (Simon and Peterson, 2000), recent a research has indicated that a task conflict may be most beneficial at moderate levels but may have a detrimental impact at higher level (Jehn and Mannix, 2001). Alternatively, a recent meta-analysis examining task conflict impacts suggests that a task conflict may be negatively associated with both group performance and satisfaction outcomes (De Dreu and Weingart, 2002). To analyze the controversial role of a task conflict, some researchers such as Jehn (1997) propose a contingency perspective in the study of team conflict. One promising potential moderator is team efficacy, or the belief by a team that it can be effective (Campion, Medsker and Higgs, 1993; Guzzo and Shea, 1992). A number of studies argues that teams with a high sense of team efficacy are more committed and willing to work hard for the team(Zaccaro, Rittman, and Marks, 2001), and are more effective at managing uncertainty due to the differences or conflicts among team members (Levin and Cross, 2004; Olson, Parayitam, and Bao, 2007). However, to the best of our knowledge, few studies have investigated moderating impact of team efficacy on the relationship between a task conflict and team performance. Following this line of research, this study investigates the moderating effects of team efficacy on the relationship between a task conflict and team performance with a sample of 78 university student teams, comprising 341 respondents (on average 4.37 per team). A series of multiple regression analyses are used to test the hypothesized relationships. Hypothesis 1 predicts that a task conflict is positively related with team performance. Hypothesis 1a, as a contrasting hypothesis, predicts that a task conflict is negatively related to team performance. Hypothesis 2 predicts that the association between a task conflict and team performance will be moderated by team efficacy.The reliability coefficients for the variables are assessed by calculating Cronbach alpha coefficients. The reliability coefficients for all vari

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