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        도시정비법상 조합설립 동의의 유효성 및 매도청구권과의 관계

        노경필 사법발전재단 2010 사법 Vol.1 No.14

        This paper deals with interpretation and application of the decision 2009Da10881 rendered by the Supreme Court on August 4, 2010 on the relationship between the right of claim for sale and the validity of the consent as to the Establishment of the Partnership for the Reconstruction under the Act on the Maintenance and Improvement of Urban areas and Dwelling conditions for Residents (hereinafter referred as "Act on MIUDR"). In the case, the Supreme Court decided that the consent to Establishment of the Partnership for reconstruction under the pre-formulated Form provided by the "Act on MIUDR" is regarded as lawful. Meanwhile, unlawfulness of the consent to Establishment of the Partnership for reconstruction should not be a ground for claims against the validity of the exercise of a right of claim for sale, the party shall insist and prove that the unlawfulness of the consent results in revocation of authorization for the establishment of partnership or the arrangement for approval is null and void from the beginning. Under the old version of Act on MIUDR Supreme Court had said that the reconstruction resolution should contain specific requirements such as the amount of contributions for reconstruction or the standards of calculating the amount during the reconstruction process in order to avoid additional process of resettlement over those requirements. In particular, Supreme Court had said that not just the consent but the exercise of the right of claim for sale based on the consent was not lawful, if these requirements were not satisfied. However, since Act on MIUDR took effect the reconstruction resolution was replaced by the consent to the Establishment of the Partnership. The Act stipulates that pre-formulated Form shall be used to get consent to establishment of partnership. As a result, many claims against the legality of the pre-formulated Form have been filed regarding whether the consent in the pre-formulated Form includes the requirements above mentioned same as the reconstruction did. There have been controversies over the cases as the each lower court interprets the law in a different way and renders different decisions. Considering that, the Supreme Court decision on the case has great significance as it sets the precedent over a case in kind and to define the new concept of legal nature about the consent in terms of the Establishment of the Partnership. Supreme Court had closely examined differences between the Act on the Ownership and Management of Aggregate Buildings and the Act on MIUDR under which business operators could exercise the right of claim for sale. Recently the court makes clear the relationship between the right of claim for sale and the validity of the consent as to Establishment of the Partnership for the Reconstruction on the basis of the approval for the Establishment of the Partnership, which is accorded as the status of the disposition with certain statutory requirements by the decision of 2008Da60568 made by the Supreme Court on September 24, 2009. Finally it provides an overview of the legal disputes in the field of the Reconstruction. I hope that the Supreme Court's decision will lead to reducing the number of unnecessary disputes regarding reconstruction and redevelopment. 이 글은 도시정비법상 조합설립에 관한 동의의 유효성 및 매도청구권과의 관계에 관한 대법원 2010. 4. 8. 선고 2009다10881 판결의 해설이다. 대법원은 위 판결에서 관련 법령에서 정하고 있는 표준동의서에 의한 조합설립 동의는 적법하고, 한편 조합설립 동의가 위법함을 이유로 매도청구권의 적법 여부를 다투기 위해서는 조합설립 동의가 위법하다는 것만으로는 부족하고 나아가 그로 인하여 조합설립인가처분이 취소되었거나 혹은 당연무효임을 주장ㆍ입증하여야 한다고 판시하였다. 구법상의 재건축사업에 관하여 대법원은 재건축결의의 내용이 재건축사업의 실행단계에서 다시 합의를 하지 않아도 될 정도로 그 분담액 또는 기준을 구체적으로 정하여야 하며, 이에 이르지 못한 재건축결의는 위법하고, 이에 근거한 매도청구권 행사도 위법하다는 입장을 취해 왔다. 그런데 도시정비법 시행 이후 재건축결의가 조합설립 동의로 대체되면서 관계 법령에서는 조합설립 동의에 표준동의서를 사용하도록 하였다. 이에 따라 표준동의서의 내용이 종전 재건축결의에서와 마찬가지로, 사업의 실행단계에서 다시 합의를 하지 않아도 될 정도로 그 분담액 또는 기준을 구체적으로 정하고 있는지와 관련하여 그 적법성 여부가 다투어졌고, 하급심에서도 결론이 엇갈리는 등 많은 논란이 있어 왔다. 그런 의미에서 이에 관한 이 사건 대법원 판결은 매우 시의적절하고 의미 있는 판결이라고 생각된다. 나아가 대법원은, 도시정비법에서는 사업시행자가 매도청구권을 행사할 수 있다고 하여 집합건물법과 다르게 규정하고 있는 점에 주목하고, 또 최근 조합설립인가처분을 설권적 처분으로 보는 대법원 2009. 9. 24. 선고 2008다60568 판결 등을 바탕으로 하여, 조합설립 동의와 매도청구권과의 관계에 관하여 앞서와 같이 판시함으로써 그 관계를 명확히 하였다. 이 판결을 계기로 향후 재건축ㆍ재개발 현장에서 불필요한 분쟁이 조금이나마 감소되기를 기대해 본다.

      • KCI등재

        Late Subaxial Lesion after Overcorrected Occipitocervical Reconstruction in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

        Akira Iwata,Kuniyoshi Abumi,Masahiko Takahata,Hideki Sudo,Katsuhisa Yamada,Tsutomu Endo,Norimasa Iwasaki 대한척추외과학회 2019 Asian Spine Journal Vol.13 No.2

        Study Design: Retrospective case-control study, level 4. Purpose: To clarify the risk factors for late subaxial lesion after occipitocervical (O-C) reconstruction. We examined cases requiring fusion-segment-extended (FE) reconstruction in addition to/after O-C reconstruction. Overview of Literature: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) frequently require O-C reconstruction surgery for cranio-cervical lesions. Acceptable outcomes are achieved via indirect decompression using cervical pedicle screws and occipital plate–rod systems. However, late subaxial lesions may develop occasionally following O-C reconstruction. Methods: O-C reconstruction using cervical pedicle screws and occipital plate–rod systems was performed between 1994 and 2007 in 113 patients with RA. Occipito-atlanto-axial (O-C2) reconstruction was performed for 89 patients, and occipito-subaxial cervical (O-under C2) reconstruction was performed for 24 patients. We reviewed the cases of patients requiring FE reconstruction (fusion extended group, FEG) and 26 consecutive patients who did not require FE reconstruction after a follow-up of >5 years (non-fusion extended group, NEG) as controls. Results: FE reconstructions were performed for nine patients at an average of 45 months (range, 24–180 months) after O-C reconstruction. Of the 89 patients, three (3%) underwent FE reconstruction in cases of O-C2 reconstruction. Of the 24 patients, five (21%) underwent FE reconstruction in cases of O-under C2 reconstruction (p =0.003, Fisher exact test). Age, sex, RA type, and neurological impairment stage were not significantly different between FEG and NEG. O-under C2 reconstruction, larger correction angle (4° per number of unfixed segment), and O-C7 angle change after O-C reconstruction were the risk factors for late subaxial lesions on radiographic assessment. Conclusions: Overcorrection of angle at fusion segments requiring O-C7 angle change was a risk factor for late subaxial lesion in patients with RA with fragile bones and joints. Correction should be limited, considering the residual mobility of the cervical unfixed segments.

      • KCI등재

        소설 재구성 교육의 전개 양상과 창작교육적 전망 - 제7차~2015 교육과정 중⋅고등학교 국어 교과서를 중심으로 -

        김근호 한국문학교육학회 2024 문학교육학 Vol.- No.82

        소설 재구성 교육은 본격적인 소설 창작을 위한 과도기적 성격을 지님과 동시에 재구성 그 자체로도 유의미한 창작교육적 가치를 지닌다. 창작교육이 교육과정에 반영된 제7차 교육과정 이후 지금까지 시간이 꽤 흘렀는바, 그에 따라 창작교육의 한 축인 소설 재구성 교육이 어떻게 진행되어왔는지를 검토할 필요가 있다. 우선 소설 재구성의 개념을 검토하여 정돈할 필요가 있는데, 장르 내적 재구성으로 기성 소설 읽고 ‘채우기’, ‘덧붙이기’, ‘바꾸기’, ‘새로쓰기’ 등을 들 수 있고, 장르 외적 재구성으로 ‘장르 변용’과 ‘매체 변용’을 들 수 있다. 제7차 교육과정 이후의 중․고등학교 국어 교과서를 검토한 결과, 우선 제7차 교육과정은 공감 중심 재구성 활동의 편향성을 보였다. 다음으로 2007 교육과정에서는 재구성 유형 다양화가 시작되는 맹아적 수준을 보임으로써 그 다음 교육과정의 발전적 모습을 가능하게 했다. 그 다음 2009 교육과정에서는 소설 재구성 활동이 양적으로 증대됨과 동시에 각 세부 유형이 고루 분포하는 균형성을 보여주었다. 마지막으로 2015 교육과정에서는 장르 및 매체 변용 활동이 그 이전보다 부쩍 늘어났고 소설 재구성 활동의 전체 횟수도 고루 증대되었다. 이처럼 소설 재구성 교육은 점차 그 외형을 균형 있게 갖추어가며 시대 변화의 흐름도 능동적으로 수용해왔다. 그런데 7차 이후 교육과정의 전개 과정에서는 중․고등학교 국어 과목의 소설 재구성 교육이 다소 약화되거나 은폐되는 방식을 보였다. 하지만 그와는 달리, 교과서에서는 소설 재구성 교육이 점차 다채로워지고 언어 및 소통 환경의 변화를 적극적으로 담아내는 아이러니를 보여준다. 소설 재구성 교육이 조금씩 진전되어온 점을 감안하면서도, 앞으로 소설 재구성 교육의 발전을 위해 향후 소통 차원에서의 다중적인 맥락 관여성을 충실히 고려하고, 비평적 읽기와 창조적 생산의 균형이 갖추어지도록 보완하며, 재구성 활동의 절차와 과정을 상세화하려는 노력을 기울여야 하겠다. Novel reconstruction education has a significant creative educational value in itself as well as a transitional meaning for full-fledged writing novel. Since the 7th curriculum, when creative writing education was reflected in the curriculum, it is necessary to examine how novel reconstruction education, which is one of the pillars of creative writing education, has progressed accordingly. First of all, it is necessary to review and organize the concept of novel reconstruction. There are “fill”, “add”, “change”, and “rewrite” as internal reconstructions of the genre, and “genre transformation” and “media transformation” as external reconstructions. As a result of reviewing the Korean language textbooks of middle and high schools after the 7th curriculum, first of all, the 7th curriculum showed a bias in empathy-centered reconstruction activities. Next, in the 2007 curriculum, the developmental aspects of the next curriculum was possible by showing the beginning level that diversifies the reconstruction type. Then, in the 2009 curriculum, novel reconstruction activities increased quantitatively and at the same time showed a balance in which each detailed type was evenly distributed. Finally, in the 2015 curriculum, genre and media transformation activities increased significantly compared to before, and the total number of novel reconstruction activities increased evenly. As such, novel reconstruction education has gradually balanced its appearance and actively accepted the flow of changes in contemporary social environments. However, in the course of the development of the curriculum after the 7th, novel reconstruction education in the Korean language subjects of middle and high schools was somewhat weakened or concealed. However, on the contrary, textbooks show the irony that novel reconstruction education becomes increasingly diverse and actively contains changes in language and communication environment. While considering that novel reconstruction education has progressed little by little, our efforts should be made to faithfully consider multiple contextual involvements in the communication level, to complement critical reading and creative production, and to make detail of the procedure and process of reconstruction activities.

      • KCI등재

        유방확장기만을 사용한 유방재건술 후 C-V피판을 이용한 유두재건술

        송재웅,한병기,김정헌 대한성형외과학회 2009 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.36 No.4

        Purpose: Breast cancer is second most common cancer in women. Most of the patients with breast cancer treated with mastectomy take breast reconstruction. Nipple reconstruction is an important step in breast reconstruction. Many surgeons have investigated of nipple reconstruction using the flap technique after breast reconstruction with the autologous tissue. The objective of this study is to evaluate the results of nipple reconstruction using the C-V flap technique after breast reconstruction only with the breast expander. Methods: From April 2006 to May 2008, the authors treated 17 patients of nipple reconstruction using C-V flap technique, who received breast reconstruction only with the breast expander. As we have predicted decrease in the size of reconstructed nipple, we designed flap a little larger than wanted nipple size. Nipple splint was applied for 4-6 months for minimizing decrease of the size of reconstructed nipple. The diameter and height of the reconstructed nipple were measured and patient's satisfaction score was assessed. Results: Mean follow-up duration was 12.5 months. Among the 17 patients, the average absorption rate by height of nipple was 47.0%. Partial necrosis was noted in 1 case, and treated well with conservative management. There were no other significant complications noted. Patient's satisfactory score was assessed by the height, design and location of the nipple. The average of satisfaction score was 85%, 68%, 62% and total average was 83%. Conclusion: The authors experienced 17 patients of nipple reconstruction using the C-V flap technique after breast reconstruction only with the breast expander. The absorption rate of the size of the nipple, complications and patient's satisfactory score of this study were similar to those of nipple reconstruction after breast reconstruction with the autologous tissue. It is expected that nipple reconstruction after breast reconstruction only with the breast expander is safe and reliable. It is considered that a long-term study is necessary.

      • KCI등재

        유방재건 후 Skate 피판을 이용한 유두재건술의 장기추적결과

        김덕열,동은상,윤을식,손길수 대한성형외과학회 2011 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.38 No.4

        Purpose: A number of flap for nipple reconstruction have been well described in the literature. However, most of these techniques do not permit the reconstruction of a projecting nipple and all are hampered to some extent by long-term loss of nipple projection. The objective of this study is to evaluate the long-term result and clinical efficacy of nipple reconstruction using skate flap technique after breast reconstruction. Methods: A retrospective chart review was carried out on 23 patients who underwent 25 nipple reconstructions. In those patients with greater than 10 mm nipple projection, reconstruction with skate flap and full-thickness skin graft and/or tattooing was performed. Maintenance of nipple projection was then carefully assessed over one-year follow-up. The following factors were analyzed: type of breast reconstruction, type of areola reconstruction, followup period, decrease in nipple projection, complication, and whether secondary nipple reconstruction was necessary and/or performed. Results: Breast reconstructions were performed in 17 patients with free transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap, 3 patients with extended latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap, and 3 patients with expander and implant. The mean follow-up after nipple reconstruction was 17 months. Mean loss of projection were 17.0 ± 13.99%, 25.0 ± 12.70%, 30.0 ± 12.57% and 30.8 ± 12.49% at 3, 6, 9 months and over one year, respectively. The greatest decrease in projection was noted in the first 3 months following surgery. Conclusion: These results indicated that nipple reconstruction with skate flap showed about 70 percent of the projection achieved over one year postoperation. Therefore, the skate flap may be a reliable method of nipple reconstruction in those patients with greater than 10 mm nipple projection.

      • KCI등재

        재건축 규제완화에 대한 토지공법적 검토

        정선균 한국토지공법학회 2023 土地公法硏究 Vol.101 No.-

        In the metropolitan area, where housing sites are absolutely scarce, reconstruction is practically the only means of supplying housing. However, those who understand reconstruction simply as a means of increasing property and think negatively or who think that they must catch up with soaring real estate prices strengthen safety inspections to prevent the reconstruction project from proceeding in the first place, try to reduce the supply of housing through reconstruction by the sale price ceiling system and reconstruction charge. Therefore, in order to promote reconstruction, it is reasonable to remove the so-called three major nails (safety diagnosis, sale price ceiling system, and reconstruction charge) that hinder reconstruction. First, there are ways to lower structural safety standards and exempt safety diagnosis for buildings built before 1988, but now it is time to consider abolishing safety diagnosis boldly to revitalize the reconstruction project. Next, the sale price ceiling system for private housing sites should be abolished as soon as possible, as there is no longer any reason to exist, such as instability in real estate prices and reverse discrimination. Lastly, although some of the problems with the reconstruction charge have been removed through 2022. 9. 29. countermeasure, unconstitutional elements still remain. Therefore, it is worth considering removing the unconstitutionality through law revision or abolishing it at this chance.

      • KCI등재

        횡복직근 유리피판을 이용한 유방재건술에서의 즉시 유두재건

        김정태,김창연,차지훈,황원중,Kim, Jeong Tae,Kim, Chang Yeon,Cha, Ji Hun,Hwang, Weon Jung 대한성형외과학회 2005 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.32 No.1

        Immediate breast reconstruction in breast cancer patients is universalized and now with a wide variety of methods to choose from, we can select a breast reconstruction method according to the patient's condition. Among these methods, immediate breast reconstruction with TRAM free flap is the most commonly used. Nipple reconstruction is usually performed as a secondary procedure, reconstructed. Nipple is reconstructed with contralateral nipple composite graft or with local flap. Areola is reconstructed with skin graft and tattooing. Therefore, to reconstruct complete breast, two or more staged operations are needed and are troublesome to both the surgeon and the patient. If we could reconstruct breast mound and nipple at same time, we would reduce the operative stages and heighten the patient's satisfaction. The author performed delayed or immediate breast reconstruction with TRAM free flap and nipple reconstruction at the same time. If the TRAM flap was to situate in the whole of the breast or at the center of the breast mound, nipple was reconstructed with a local flap from the TRAM flap. If the TRAM flap was not situated in center of breast mound, nipple was reconstructed with a local flap from remnant breast skin. Immediate nipple reconstructions in breast reconstruction consisted total of 22 cases. Among these, delayed breast reconstruction were 5 cases and immediate breast reconstruction were 17 cases. According to patient's condition and mastectomy method, nipple reconstruction method was selected; nipple reconstruction with contralateral nipple composite graft(3 cases); nipple reconstruction with remnant breast skin(6 cases); nipple reconstruction from flap margin(10 cases); nipple reconstruction with prefabricated nipple on flap(3 cases). Malposition of the reconstructed nipple was the most common and serious complication(6 cases). The other complications were atrophy of the nipple(1 case), and necrosis(1 case). Reconstruction of the breast and nipple at the same time can reduce the need of a secondary operation and use remnant skin or redundant flap tissue maximally. On the other hand, it must be considered that position and shape of nipple could be deformed, because the nipple reconstruction is performed before the shape of reconstructed breast settles completely. Prudent attention is needed, because the danger of complication is higher than delayed nipple reconstruction.

      • KCI등재

        공공재건축사업에 대한 법적 검토

        배명호(Bae, Myung-Ho) 한국토지공법학회 2021 土地公法硏究 Vol.93 No.-

        본 연구는 정부가 2020년 8 4대책에서 관계부처 합동으로 주택공급대책의 일환으로 재건축사업에서 공공의 참여를 높여 주택공급을 늘리겠다는 취지의 공공재건축사업(공공참 여형 고밀재건축)을 발표함에 따라 이와 관련하여 공공재건축사업에 대하여 법적 검토를 하기 위함이다. 입법자는 법적 근거를 뒷받침하기 위하여 최근 국회에서 입법안을 발의한 상태이다. 도시정비법 상 기존재개발 재건축사업의 제정 취지는 노후 불량건축물을 효율 적으로 개량하여 도시환경을 개선하고 주거생활의 질 향상을 목적으로 하며 이를 통해 부수적으로 주택을 건설 공급하는 것이라 할 수 있다. 즉 주택공급은 주된 목적이 아니라 부수적이라는 것이다. 공공재건축사업은 기존재건축사업이 지향하는 부수적인 취지에 더 주목하여 주택공급에 목적을 둔 새로운 정비사업의 유형이다. 연혁적으로 기존재건축과 재개 발사업은 제정 취지를 달리한다. 따라서 공공재개발사업이라는 용어는 친숙해 보이나 공공 재건축이라는 용어는 기존재건축사업의 입법 배경에 비추어 보아 어울리는 개념이 아니다. 본 연구에서는 이를 논증하기 위하여 첫 번째 기존재개발사업 재건축사업의 연혁법적 비교법적 검토를 하였고, 두 번째 공공재건축사업과 공공재개발사업 및 기존재건축사업을 비교 검토를 거쳤다. 결국 재건축사업은 공법적 통제가 강한 처분중심형(處分中心型)의 재개 발사업과 달리 사적자치를 존중하는 정관중심형(定款中心型)의 사업이 된다. 공공재건축사업도 사적자치가 존중되며, 이 점에서 기존재건축사업과 동일하다. 입법안은 기존재개발 재건 축사업에 대한 연혁법적 비교법적 검토를 소홀히 한 것으로 이해된다. 공공재개발사업은 공익성이 강해 주택공급이라는 또 다른 공익과 관련된 이익의 형량에 문제가 없을 것이나, 공공재건축사업은 공익과 사익의 형량에 더 많은 법리적 고민이 필요해 보인다. 결과적으로 공공재건축사업은 사적자치를 토대로 제도화 된 것이라는 점에서 도시환경의 개선이라는 본래의 법 취지에 충실하여야 하고 부수적인 목적에 주안점을 둘 경우 법제도로 정착하기 어렵다. This study is to conduct legal review of a public reconstruction project (public-participated high-density reconstruction) according as the government announced a public reconstruction project as a part of the housing supply plan with related ministries to the effect that it will increase housing supply by increasing public participation in reconstruction projects under the measures against housing shortage on August 4th 2020. The legislature has recently presented a legislation bill in the National Assembly to support its legal grounds. Under Urban Regeneration Act , the purposes of enacting the existing reconstruction and redevelopment projects are to improve the urban environment by efficiently ameliorating old and poor buildings and to enhance the quality of residential life, constructing and supplying houses incidental to the project. In other words, housing supply is not the primary but an subsidiary purpose. The public reconstruction project is a new type of maintenance projects aiming at housing supply, paying more attention to the subsidiary purpose which is usually sought by the existing reconstruction projects. Historically, the present reconstruction and redevelopment projects differ in the purpose of enactment. Accordingly, the term, ‘Public Redevelopment Project’ seems familiar, but the term ‘Public Reconstruction’ is not a proper concept in light of the legislative background of the existing reconstruction projects. To prove this, first, the existing redevelopment and reconstruction projects are reviewed, chronologically and comparatively, and second, the public reconstruction project and public redevelopment & the existing reconstruction projects are compared. After all, unlike the disposal-centric redevelopment project which is under strong control of public law control, the reconstruction project is an article-centric project which respects private autonomy. The public reconstruction project also respects private autonomy, and in this respect, the public reconstruction is the same as the existing reconstruction project. The legislation bill is understood to have neglected the chronological and comparative review of the existing redevelopment and reconstruction projects. While the public redevelopment project has so great public interest that the weight of interest is not needed to be measured in relation to other interest of housing supply, the public reconstruction should confer much more legal consideration on the weight of the public and private interests In Conclusion, the public reconstruction project shall be faithful to the original purpose of the law on the improvement of the urban environment in that it is institutionalized based on private autonomy, and it is difficult to settle down as a legal system if focused on the subsidiary purpose.

      • Computational volumetric reconstruction of integral imaging with improved depth resolution considering continuously non-uniform shifting pixels

        Cho, Byungwoo,Kopycki, Przemyslaw,Martinez-Corral, Manuel,Cho, Myungjin Elsevier 2018 Optics and lasers in engineering Vol.111 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>In this paper, we propose a new computational volumetric reconstruction technique of three-dimensional (3D) integral imaging for depth resolution enhancement by using non-uniform and integer-valued shifting pixels. In a typical integral imaging system, 3D images can be recorded and visualized using a lenslet array. In previous studies, many computational reconstruction techniques such as computational volumetric reconstruction and pixel of elemental images rearrangement technique (PERT) have been reported. However, a computational volumetric reconstruction technique has low visual quality and depth resolution because low-resolution elemental images and uniformly distributed shifting pixels are used for reconstruction. Although PERT can enhanced the visual quality of the 3D images, the size of the reconstructed 3D images is different from the original scene. On the other hand, our proposed method uses non-uniformly distributed shifting pixels for reconstruction instead of uniformly distributed shifting pixels. Therefore, the visual quality and depth resolution may be enhanced. Finally, our experimental results show the improvement of depth resolution and visual quality of the reconstructed 3D images.</P> <P><B>Highlights </B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> We present a new reconstruction of integral imaging with integer-valued and non-uniform shifting pixels as shown in Fig. 1. </LI> <LI> However, a conventional computational volumetric reconstruction has high reconstruction error and low depth resolution. </LI> <LI> Furthermore, if the resolution of the elemental images is low, these problems become even bigger. </LI> <LI> We proposed a reconstruction technique to improve depth resolution by using continuously non-uniform shifting pixels. </LI> <LI> Finally, our experimental results as shown in Fig. 2 show the improved depth resolution and reduced reconstruction errors. </LI> </UL> </P>

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